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The Absolutist | John Boyne
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#bookedintime @Cuilin

I think this would have had more of an impact on me if I had not read In Memoriam by Alice Winn this year. Compatibly this is a bit light on detail, characterization and feeling. Though I did have to look at how much Winn acknowledged how this influenced her, there are many similarities most striking the idea of the sister of one of the boys being pushed towards the other.

ChaoticMissAdventures *Winn gives 2 pages of items that she pulled stories and primary account of and multiple pages of acknowledgement and she doesn't mention Boyne 2d
Cuilin ✅🎉 I also loved In Memoriam. Have you read 2d
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Keene Public Library | Keene, NH (Library)
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Love that my library does this, these stickers are so helpful!!! #BookedInTime

I‘m hoping to find some thing at my library for August‘s #IndiaIndependence

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The Children's Book | A. S. Byatt
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This is an extraordinary novel that depicts the entangled lives of the Wellwood, Fluud, and Cain families at the end of the 19th and into the 20th century. Byatt is remarkable in her descriptions of the Kentish countryside during the halcyon days of childhood.
I was reading this for the WWI prompt for #BookedinTime I'm not sure it counts as the war only appears in the last few chapters. However, by giving us such a detailed, prolonged


AllDebooks Glimpse into the characters' lives makes it all the more emotional knowing what is on the horizon. This is the 1st time I have cried over a book for a very long time. Byatt also catalogues the rapid changes in idealisms, technologies, and social advances that occurred on the Edwardian period by placing her characters in the midst of it all. 1w
AllDebooks I was enthralled with the Arts and Crafts movement, literary salons and creativity surging through the text. I'm utterly obsessed with Lalique's dragonfly brooch. 1w
AllDebooks @thegirlwhotriestowriteaboutart/dragonfly-woman-by-rene-lalique-10cba3ffe410" rel="nofollow" target="_top">https://medium.com/@thegirlwhotriestowriteaboutart/dragonfly-woman-by-rene-laliq... 1w
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Texreader Lovely review 1w
AllDebooks @Texreader thank you 😊 1w
dabbe On the spreadsheet! 🤩 1w
Cuilin I just found this book secondhand and after your beautiful review, it‘s moving to the top of the TBR. ✅🎉🩷 1w
AllDebooks @Cuilin I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 💚📖💚 1w
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A Very Long Engagement | S'Bastien Japrisot
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In this historical novel set in World War I France, a young woman suspects her fiancé did not die at the front, even though all the official evidence says he did. Heartsick, she becomes obsessed with finding out the truth. The plot is complicated, and the ending was not what I was expecting. ⬇️

julieclair Although I listened on audio, I think reading the book would have been better. There were so many names of French people and places, that I had difficulty keeping track of them all, particularly since the narrator used French pronunciation. #BookedInTime @Cuilin 1w
Cuilin ✅🎉🫶 nice review 1w
dabbe On the spreadsheet! 🤩 1w
julieclair @dabbe Yay! Thanks. I really enjoy that spreadsheet- so helpful. 1w
julieclair @Cuilin Thanks! 💙 1w
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The War Nurse: A Novel | Tracey Enerson Wood
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@Cuilin @dabbe #BookedInTime July 2024
WWI France
Based on true events in the life of Julia Stimson. I enjoyed learning about this pioneering woman in the medical field. It was also interesting reading about the medical practices at the time.

Cuilin ✅🎉 nice review 1w
dabbe On the spreadsheet! 🤩 1w
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Stopped by the library while I was waiting for one of our kiddos. A nice variety of books so I'm excited to start reading. I'll be starting with Canary Girls for #bookedintime .


The Winter Soldier | Daniel Mason
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This is my second book by Mason and I preferred this one. Beautifully written story set during World War One, on the Eastern front. Though it is a war story there is also a mystery and a little romance. As someone much smarter than me said “this novel convinces you with every sentence” 5 ⭐️

Checking in, how are your reads?

Deblovestoread Love the quote and stacking the title. Sounds great! 2w
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dabbe On the spreadsheet! RE: WWI ... I am so behind I can't even see my ass! 😂 2w
Cuilin @dabbe no worries, it‘s a dip in / dip out kind of buddy read. Thanks for organizing the spreadsheet.💗 (edited) 2w
Cuilin @Deblovestoread I‘ve read so many good novels set during this time period that I didn‘t think I would find one that I enjoyed. There are some gory medical procedures that I sped read through but the writing is incredible. 2w
ChaoticMissAdventures This sounds lovely!! Did you learn anything new about WWI? I haven't started yet but I downloaded the audio for 2w
Jess861 I just checked out Canary Girls from the library. Excited to learn a bit about the women of WWI! 2w
sblbooks I'm almost finished with my selection 2w
Cuilin @ChaoticMissAdventures most of my reading about World War I focused on the western front so this was a little different. However it was just as brutal on that side. Some of the places mentioned in Eastern Poland I had visited, so that was kind of cool. 2w
Cuilin @Jess861 oh that sounds so good!! Looking forward to your review. 2w
Cuilin @sblbooks my read was focused on a newly trained doctor. Hope yours is not as gory, but it looks really good.👍 Looking forward to your review. 2w
sblbooks @Cuilin No, it wasn't gory at all. 2w
julieclair Just finished mine today. 1w
Cuilin @julieclair looks great. I believe it was made into a movie too. 1w
julieclair @Cuilin Evidently it was, although I have never seen it. 1w
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The Four Winds: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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American Dust Bowl. @dabbe

Oh the unrelenting misery! Hannah lays it on thick again. It‘s good, I cared about the MC but would have loved the story of how Rosa and Tony survived the dust bowl. The story of California unions/communism was interesting but could‘ve been another book.

Cuilin If you like a little Book drama head over to Goodreads and read how people think Hannah is trying to convert readers to communism. It‘s hilarious. 2w
TheBookHippie Now, I do not like this author AT ALL… but that‘s a bit 😳🤯😱😵‍💫WOWIE. 2w
Cuilin @TheBookHippie right? Apparently depicting historically accurate information is akin to conversion. 2w
TheBookHippie @Cuilin WHEW, the people collectively have lost their minds. 😬 2w
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I really look forward to our #SaturdayChatterday catchups, don't you? ☕️ Play ☕️ Tag ☕️ Share☕️

☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

@Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @Cuilin @dabbe @julieclair @IndoorDame @Librarybelle @DebinHawaii @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm

IndoorDame I‘ve really overdone it this week, so I‘m trying to decide if I should go to a good friend‘s Bastille Day party today or not… otherwise I‘ll be having a series of recovery days/ household catchup days, while getting back into some books I left off in the middle of starting with Jane Eyre this morning. 2w
Librarybelle Today is a cleaning day and tackling a couple of organizing projects…we‘ll see if I accomplish the latter! This weekend, I need to read the next Nancy Drew and begin my IRL book club title to prepare for next week‘s discussion. 2w
Read4life My mom had a stroke a few days ago. She‘s 90. She‘ll need to go to inpatient rehab once she‘s released from the hospital. I‘ve been helping my dad navigate through it all and just being there with the two of them. 2w
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IndoorDame @Read4life I‘m sorry, that‘s a lot to deal with. Sending some extra fortitude your way ❤️ 2w
IndoorDame @Librarybelle Nancy Drew is always so fun! Enjoy! 2w
Librarybelle @IndoorDame She is! Thanks! 2w
Librarybelle So sorry to hear, @Read4life . Sending positive thoughts. ❤️ 2w
ShelleyBooksie @Read4life - sorry to hear about your Mom. That's a lot for both you and your Dad. ♡♡ 2w
kspenmoll Today I am taking cartons of books to donate to the library sale, then some cleaning. Too hot to be outside much, unfortunately. But that means I cannot avoid house work! Grilling tonight for dinner. In between, reading of course! 2w
AllDebooks @IndoorDame whatever you decide to do, I hope it's a good day x 2w
AllDebooks @Librarybelle Good luck with the organizing. I have to confess I have never read any Nancy Drew, maybe I should 🫣 2w
AllDebooks @Read4life I'm so sorry, this must be a very stressful time for you and your Dad. Sending love and hugs x 2w
AllDebooks @kspenmoll I need to do a book cull but can't face it. Enjoy your day x 2w
AllDebooks My house is in complete chaos! My teens are swapping rooms, and I'm leaving them to it. I'm trying to have a quiet day, just reading. I've started my WW1 book for #BookedinTime 2w
IndoorDame @AllDebooks yikes! Here‘s to hoping the kids put every back to rights by the time you‘re done hiding with your book 2w
Chrissyreadit @Readforlife I hope your able to support your dad and also yourself ❤️ That is a lot both observable physical work and emotional work. 2w
Chrissyreadit @Librarybelle I‘m trying to clean and organize today too! And maybe weed tonight. 2w
Chrissyreadit @AllDebooks the good thing is the teens should be able to manage their chaos? (hopefully) and you can enjoy your book! 2w
Chrissyreadit I‘m just trying to do too many things with cleaning, organizing, and starting a business. I do not have the bandwidth i had 20 years ago. 🤣 2w
Chrissyreadit @IndoorDame The party sounds like fun- but so does resting and relaxing tbh. 2w
IndoorDame @Chrissyreadit starting a business sounds exciting! Good luck prioritizing though, too many things not enough bandwidth sounds familiar 2w
julieclair @Read4life Sending you hugs and strength. Such a difficult time, on so many levels. 💙 2w
julieclair @Chrissyreadit Starting a business! Woo hoo! Good for you! 😀 2w
AllDebooks @Chrissyreadit how exciting! Good luck with your business x 2w
Read4life Thank you, @julieclair 💙💙 2w
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