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Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas | John Scalzi
Ensign Andrew Dahl has just been assigned to the Universal Union Capital Ship Intrepid, flagship of the Universal Union since the year 2456. It's a prestige posting, and Andrew is even more delighted when he's assigned to the ship's Xenobiology laboratory. Life couldn't be better . . . although there are a few strange things going on . . . :(1) every Away Mission involves a lethal confrontation with alien forces(2) the ship's captain, the chief science officer, and the handsome Lieutenant Kerensky always survive these encounters(3) at least one low-ranked crew member is, sadly, always killed. Suddenly it's less surprising how much energy is expended below decks on avoiding, at all costs, being assigned an Away Mission. Andrew's fate may have been sealed . . . until he stumbles on a piece of information that changes everything . . . and offers him and his fellow redshirts a crazy, high-risk chance to save their own lives . . .
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It took me a couple of chapters to get into this one. I watched Star Trek when I was younger, and I've read a decent amount of sci-fi (Heinlein, Asimov, Bradbury, Tchaikovsky, PK Dick, Adams, Eggers, Chiang---TheStorygraph says I've read 101 sci-fi books), but I'm not really a sci-fi fan, per se. I do not cosplay, for example. However, I'm glad I persevered because this novel is funny, smart, and emotionally truthful.

AmyG I loved Starter Villain so much. Stacked as I need to read more of his books. 4mo
ImperfectCJ @AmyG It seems to me that Starter Villain would have been good to have on hand for my current situation (done with Redshirts but still covered in cats). 4mo
rretzler I‘m a huge sci-fi fan (don‘t cosplay either, I feel like that‘s an entirely different thing) and Scalzi is one of my favorite authors. I bought Red Shirts many years ago for my husband, who likes sci-fi, but he never read it. Finally, I did and I was hooked. I‘ve read all of Scalzi‘s books now. And if you like audiobooks, the combination of a Scalzi book with Wil Wheaton narrating is hard to beat. I recommend Starter Villain and Lock In! 4mo
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ImperfectCJ @rretzler It's interesting that you see cosplay as totally different from being a sci-fi fan. I feel like everyone I know who's into sci-fi is into cosplay, too. I thought maybe it's bc I live in San Diego where we have the big Comic-Con, but even friends in New England and Utah are into both. The only exception I know of is my dad...and now you! :-) Maybe the sci-fi fans not into cosplay are just not as visible because they're not in costume. 4mo
rretzler @imperfectCJ I distinguish sci-fi fandom from sci-fi literature. I think of cosplay as being part of the fandom, which I would say is Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr Who, the MCU, etc (all of which I am a fan of, as well). I don't think of books related to fandoms as being part of sci-fi literature, which I equate with books like 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451; or authors like Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein; or the Hugo and Nebula awards. 4mo
rretzler @imperfectCJ I am older though, and did some cosplay at sci-fi cons back in the day, too. And there are some books that I think cross-over, like Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogies, but basically, I just think of the fandoms/cons, etc as being separate from the great sci-fi novels, even though I am a fan of both. 4mo
ImperfectCJ @rretzler That makes total sense. Now that I think of it, I know a lot of sci-fi TV and movie fans who are not familiar with Heinlein, Asimov, Huxley, etc. I hadn't thought about being a fan of one but not the other, but it makes sense. And since I actually like both, I wonder if I might be a sci-fi fan after all. Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote that midlife can be a time of self-discovery much like adolescence...maybe this is one of my discoveries 🙂 4mo
CatLass007 Being covered in cats sounds like a great time. I was raised on Star Trek and science fiction. I never went to a con or did cos-play. 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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Camille and Silo say that my top priority this afternoon is sitting still and finishing my book. If I don't fall asleep under the warmth and purring of two cats.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww 😽🫶🏻 4mo
Ruthiella They‘re making a cat Yin Yang symbol ☯️ 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 4mo
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I finally got into the tagged book and all I want to do is read it, but instead I have to read and give feedback on informational articles written by 5th graders. I mean, they're awesome 5th graders, but it's not really the same. Photo of yesterday's sunset and waxing moon to illustrate my wistfulness.

kspenmoll The life of a teacher!😉😟 4mo
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Rainy lunch between classes. (I'm under a ramada, so as long as the wind doesn't blow too hard, it's not actively raining on me...or my book.)

Clare-Dragonfly Wow, thank you for introducing me to a new word! I‘d never heard “ramada” other than as the name of a hotel chain, which I assumed was named after a person. I looked it up and now I know that it‘s a roofed, open-sided structure. 6mo
ImperfectCJ @Clare-Dragonfly I actually learned it from my friend in Tucson. It seems like there are a lot of different names for similar structures depending on where you are... pavilion, gazebo, ramada, covered patio. When I was a kid, we called them arbors, but I think arbors, like the pergola we have in our backyard, technically don't have solid roofs so would not have kept me dry during the rain. 6mo
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Holiday/birthday library book gift stack! My spouse picks them from my TBR, which is so extensive, it's always a surprise, but a pleasant one because they're all books that I want to read.

Clare-Dragonfly Such a fun tradition! 7mo
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Starting to be a real Scalzi fan.

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Received Redshirts in yesterdays mail - thanks! Can‘t wait to browse everyone‘s notes. I realized after I mailed it out that I totally forgot to write intro/wrap up comments 🤦🏻‍♀️

Thanks for being a great #LMPBC group! I enjoyed all the books we chose ☺️

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Hilarious!! My little Trekie heart just loved this story and the characters.

CSeydel This was so clever I thought 12mo
Decalino Such a great book! 12mo
Ruthiella Totally a must for ST fans! 👍 12mo
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I finished this a few days ago and just realized I never posted a review. It was so silly and fun, and went in a couple directions I wasn't expecting. I suspect there were references and jokes that went over my head as I'm not a major Star Trek fan, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I'll get it in the mail in the next couple days! #lmpbc @cseydel @bethM @peanutnine

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I foresee a good portion of my summer spent in this chair, reading good books and watching the chickens wander the yard... such a peaceful way to spend the day!

Johanna414 Not having the litsy app on my phone is killing me... I hate how it flips the picture every time! 13mo
RaeLovesToRead Awww! Sideways chickens!! 🥰🥰 13mo
Clare-Dragonfly That sounds so relaxing! 13mo
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Finished my grades, so I‘m rewarding myself with a little reading time at my desk… this has had me chuckling already in the first few pages! #lmpbc @CSeydel @BethM @peanutnine

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Current read. I‘m enjoying it so far.

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My first John Scalzi and I appreciated his sense of humor, very tongue-in-cheek. This was such a fun parody of Star Trek and sci-fi television. It gave me big Galaxy Quest vibes ✨
#LMPBC - April #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks - #Pantone2023 fiery red #2023ReadySetRead cover one of the fire colors @Clwojick

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
CSeydel Yes! And Galaxy Quest is one of my favorite movies 🍿 🌠 12mo
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I'm not in space, but I am 30,000+ feet up in the air. I'm also wearing a red shirt. This could be bad...

Ruthiella I think as long as you don‘t beam down on an away mission, you‘re safe! 😂 1y
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Finished this today - I thought it was great! I won‘t give too detailed a review so you can read it without bias, but I found it funny, intelligent, and highly readable. I love Scalzi‘s wry sense of humor and his sharp observation of human nature.

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Look what arrived today, just in time for March 1 😃
#LMPBC #GroupC

CSeydel Hey so a quick housekeeping question - the previous times I‘ve done LMPBC, we have used post-its rather than writing in the book itself. I don‘t mind either way; I like post-its bc they give me room to write lengthier comments 😆 but they also get in the way of reading sometimes. What do you guys prefer? 1y
peanutnine I usually write in the margins but I don't mind either way ☺️ 1y
Johanna414 @CSeydel I‘ve always written in the margins of my books and plan on doing that for mine again. But I have no problem using sticky notes in yours if you‘d prefer - I‘ve got tons! 1y
BethM I‘ve done both based on the preference of the sender :) 1y
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4.75⭐ Any book that can grab my attention and keep me reading or thinking about it all day is a winner in my book, and this story did just that. It has a levity and hilarity that was much needed but a thought-provoking absurdity that kept me thinking and philosophizing. This book has made me a Scalzi fan and now I want to see out more.

Ruthiella This was the first book I read from him too. I‘ve only read three books from him so far, but all were excellent! 1y
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I did it. I read it. It's only taken me ages to actually get to it. Don't know why.

This had redshirts and the poor people fell like flies. Until they decide that they don't want to die anymore.

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Brilliant, well done 👏👏👏 1y
DieAReader Great job!🥳🥳 1y
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Okay, John Scalzi is CHARMING! He made a point of really talking with everyone who came to his table and signed my partner's entire giant bag of books.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That‘s awesome, and rare that he was willing & able to sign them all. So good to hear. 2y
GondorGirl @Riveted_Reader_Melissa He was absolutely lovely! 2y
AmyG How nice of him to sign all those books! 2y
TheSpineView I'm jealous! I would love to meet him and get my books signed. One of my favorite authors! 2y
Weisubei Oh wow!! He's amazing author, I absolutely love KPS 🥰 2y
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Humorous all the way through, this is another enjoyable book from Scalzi. It helps if you are a super-nerd as well and love Star Trek.

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My little Star Trek heart really enjoyed this one. It's funny, dramatic and in the end quite introspective and philosophical. I will definitely be reading more by this author.

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Day 301.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Just not for me.


Currently reading Red Shirts, love how spoofy Star Treky it is.

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I reread this book for my book club and I'm glad I did because I had forgotten a lot from years ago. The best part is the humor. It is a really funny, feel-good type book. Anyone who grew up watching Star Trek or other sci fi television programs will particularly appreciate it.

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A couple of scores from the Friends of the Library book sale ❤️

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#readharder2021 #fanfiction
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
This was ok, to long before thing really were clicking along well. Many of the characters didn't have redeeming qualities about them.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Over the pandemic my friend and I started a podcast where we watch Star Trek: The Original Series so other people don't have to, and this book is speaking to my soul right now.

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Redshirts starts off like a bad SciFi novel. And that's the point. Why does the bridge crew always lead the away teams personally, and why does some low-ranking ensign always end up dead? Why do officers' decisions make no sense, other than being dramatically appropriate? And why are the laws of physics suspended just in time to save the ship?
Redshirts is a wickedly funny satirical sendup of popular but flawed SciFi shows of today and yesteryear.

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Ok I'll play. From my #tbr pile.

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So. Much. Fun! I've owned the audio for who-knows-how long, but only was inspired to read it now because it was picked for a group read in one of my virtual book groups. Thanks—I needed that! If you need a fun, silly, undemanding pick-me-up, too, give it a try!

P.S. Wil Wheaton is a wonderful narrator.

Crazeedi Sent you a little letter! Will write again as soon as I can, happy Thanksgiving Debby!! 4y
JoyBlue @Crazeedi I got and enjoyed reading it—thank you! Happy Thanksgiving! 💙 4y
Crazeedi @JoyBlue I'll try to stay in touch, have a blessed thanksgiving 4y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 📚❤️ 4y
OriginalCyn620 So pretty! 4y
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So as much as I enjoyed this I feel that Scalzi wasn‘t completely sure what he wanted this book to be. It‘s better than a 3, but not a 4. I guess that makes it 3.5/5!

CarolynM 👋 Nice to see you posting again, I've seen you pop in with a like every now and then so I knew you were still around🙂 Hope things are good with you, or at least as good as they can be in our current world. 4y
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After what seems like forever I am back and planning on actually posting! This is my current read... I needed some humour!

britt_brooke Welcome back! 4y
Traci1 Loved this book. 4y
LeahBergen Hello! 👋🏻 4y
CoffeeK8 Welcome back! That‘s been on my tbr for a while! 4y
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1. She recommended it because she thought I‘d enjoy it. And I did! It was my first Scalzi novel and now I‘ve read almost all of his work.
2. This week, caring friends.

Cosmos_Moon I love that! Finding a new author to devour is good! 4y
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That was more meta than expected, but that made it fun. On the whole it's a bit too long and fragmented (three coda parts!), but still a pick.

Bette Good review...not quite there, but I liked what he was trying to do. 4y
Darthdad Really enjoyed this book 4y
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I love this book. I love thinking about Star Trek while reading something that isn't quite like it. I love how meta this book gets. I love the character development and awareness. And I love how (most of) the character arcs end.

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Oh no! I realized I‘m reviewing while wearing a red shirt! I better be careful this episode! 🖖

This book was so much fun! If you enjoy any of the “weekly sci-fi television shows”, and also satire, this was great. I can‘t say how many times I laughed. Why haven‘t I read John Scalzi before? I‘d definitely read another of his.

@TheAromaofBooks this was my #bookspin.

TheAromaofBooks Um this book sounds AMAZING! 4y
Marmie7 I listened to this book on Audible and it was awesome! 4y
SW-T This was a fun read! 4y
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I heart this dedication from John Scalzi to Wil Wheaten.
It made me both “aaawwwww” and snort laugh. 💕

vivastory I loved this one! 🖖 4y
Soubhiville @vivastory it‘s had me laughing many times. ❤️🖖 4y
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If you're all a star track fan you will love this book. It's from the side of the red shirts who always die in star trek. Not a book for everyone but fun none the less.

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Fun meta sci-fi - especially if you are a fan of TV science fiction shows like Star Trek. Enjoyed throughly!

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1️⃣ Well, fanfic, of course. But also mainstream SF, basic action adventures in space or space opera. Or SF humour, like tagged.
2️⃣ Labyrinth, the one with David Bowie's cod piece.
3️⃣ Podcast: Do by Friday, made by very funny potty mouths. TV show: TOS, but these days, I'm rather obsessed by The Untamed (i.e. 陈情令, i.e. Chén Qíng Lìng, i.e CQL).
4️⃣ Watercolour painting.
#fridayfun #1daylate @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Labyrinth ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for playing 😀 4y
tournevis @wanderinglynn Thanks to you! 😘 4y
BlameJennyJane I love your book tattoo!! So colorful! 4y
tournevis @BlameJennyJane Thank you! It's called “My next book“. 😉 4y
BlameJennyJane @tournevis ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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The fabulous John Scalzi‘s Redshirts is the March book for the Tor ebook of the Month Club. It‘s available for free download (ePub and mobi) until 11:59 PM ET, March 20th.

Only available in the US and Canada.



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PurpleTulipGirl Redshirts is fabulous. The absurdity of the story surrounding essentially disposable characters would be a good break from the anxiety of today. 4y
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1. Depends on the book! I tend to keep a lot but if I don‘t, it‘s always a donate.

2. Depends on the book and my time. Longest was a couple weeks.

3. I don‘t seem to have one. I‘ve powered through the last few ones that I couldn‘t stand.


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Been sick a few days and just finished a good but difficult read; this is just the pick-me-up I needed! Only a few chapters in, but I adore this concept and its beginning.

Pairs well with a Hot Toddy and my love of Star Trek.
I love it when friends gift me books!

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Happy National Science Fiction Day! My Dad was the one who helped to spark my love in all things science fiction. He and I used to discuss the different books and short stories we‘d read and recommend ones to one another. These books represent only a few of the many I own and hope to read. The tagged book is one I have a feeling he‘d enjoy as a Star Trek fan. #bookstack #NationalScienceFictionDay

wanderinglynn Love Scalzi! ❤️ And several others of these are on my TBR! 5y
Skygoddess1 @wanderinglynn I actually got to meet him last summer at Denver Pop Culture Con. He was so nice and I am determined to finally read is book after getting it signed and then putting it back on my TBR cart 😂 5y
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Ensign Dahl is excited to land his dream job aboard Intrepid, the flagship of the Universal Union. He soon notices something is not right when crew members lower down on the totem pole are the ones not returning from the dramatic away missions. Scalzi is entertaining as hell, with witty banter & absurd situations. The last quarter of the book provides more emotional heft & somber musings that surprise & broaden the experience.

Faibka Great to know, I have this book! Loved the Spock meme 😆🖖 5y
vivastory @Faibka So many great Star Trek memes 😂🖖 5y
Faibka @vivastory true! and I love them all, live long and prosper! 5y
tournevis It's a good one! 5y
tournevis Also 🖖 5y
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rachelm I really enjoyed this book 5y
vivastory @rachelm it's fantastic! 5y
Reggie Lolol 5y
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readordierachel 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
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