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The Dry
The Dry | Jane Harper
Who really killed the Hadler family? Amid the worst drought to ravage Australia in a century, it hasn't rained in small country town Kiewarra for two years. Tensions in the community become unbearable when three members of the Hadler family are brutally murdered. Everyone thinks Luke Hadler, who committed suicide after slaughtering his wife and six-year-old son, is guilty. Policeman Aaron Falk returns to the town of his youth for the funeral of his childhood best friend, and is unwillingly drawn into the investigation. As questions mount and suspicion spreads through the town, Falk is forced to confront the community that rejected him twenty years earlier. Because Falk and Luke Hadler shared a secret, one which Luke's death threatens to unearth. And as Falk probes deeper into the killings, secrets from his past and why he left home bubble to the surface as he questions the truth of his friend's crime.
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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I got this in a charity for £1 awhile ago. I bought it because my mum raved about it, but I don't get the fuss... It was just ok! A good wee murder mystery, but nothing special 🤷

Ruthiella I also thought this first one was fine…but having since read her later books, I do think she really excels at creating a sense of place. 9h
RobES @Ruthiella oooh, I'll be give another one a go! 👍 8h
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Not sure how I ended up with this on my kindle as I rarely choose a murder mystery but I‘m very glad it did . Good plot , likeable and unlikeable characters ! Some very descriptive passages that made the environment come alive . There is no void in my life since finishing it but I really enjoyed it .

The Dry | Jane Harper
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It‘s here! Thank you soo much for this generous #clearmyshelvesgiveaway @ImperfectCJ !! I love getting book mail! This made my day! Thank you! 🥰🙌❤️

ImperfectCJ I'm so glad it arrived...and quicker than I expected! 1mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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I enjoyed it. It‘s a little too long, but worth the read.

The Dry | Jane Harper
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This was pretty good! A teeny bit too long, but a good, easy read. And I even guessed the “bad guy” too, which I never do 😝 (23)
⭐️: 3.75/5

The Dry | Jane Harper
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A fun Litsy challenge from @WildAlaskaBibliophile

1. Tag a favorite mystery you‘ve read. ✅
2. What is your favorite way to prepare eggs? I have my husband scramble them 😎


Kerrbearlib Oh, I want to do this challenge! What a cool idea! 3mo
WildAlaskaBibliophile ❤🍳 thank you for playing! 2mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Det. Aaron Falk returns to his small hometown in Australia to attend the funerals of his childhood friend, Luke, and Luke‘s wife and young son. It‘s thought that Luke killed his family and then himself. The town is experiencing a 2-year drought, putting everyone on edge. Falk teams up with the local detective to find out what really happened, and in the process, dregs up another murder case from 20 years ago - one that drove Falk out of town. 👇🏻

OriginalCyn620 There was so much tension in this book! And it got really twisty towards the end. I‘d like to see the film adaptation! (edited) 3mo
OriginalCyn620 @TheAromaofBooks this was my bookspin for this month @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #readaway2024 #pop24 - book recommended by a bookseller (edited) 3mo
LeeRHarry The film is good with the fabulous Eric Bana. 😊 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! I really enjoyed this one when I read it several years ago. I love the way Harper makes the weather/nature feel like its own character. 3mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Here are my picks for this month…very excited to get to them both! 😃
#bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 3mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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This was highly recommended by a friend.

I immediately downloaded the second book, so it's safe to say I enjoyed it 😄

A family is murdered in his hometown, and detective Falk weeds through old memories and new clues in order to solve the mystery.

The drought plagued setting is just as much a character as any of the people.

The Dry | Jane Harper
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Yay! I finally had the time to finish this one. It was a good mystery. I do admit that I was often confused distinguishing the present with the flashback scenes. However, it had me guessing who the murderer was.
3.5 @TheAromaofBooks

#authoramonth @Soubhiville #bookspinbingo #4 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
Melismatic Co-sign the timelines were a little jarring but I‘m guessing it was bc it was the audiobook? 🤷🏻‍♀️ That‘s how I listened anyway. (edited) 4mo
vonnie862 @Melismatic that's what I'm thinking too. It probably reads better on paper. 4mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Halfway through and really enjoying the world building in this who-dunnit thriller set in rural Australia during a severe drought - adding an environmental element to the “why” in addition to cinematic setting. Apparently there‘s a film version starring Eric Bana 😍 - may need to find when I‘m done.

I don‘t think I‘ll get to another Harper book this month but I‘d def continue this series. 🇦🇺 #AuthorAMonth

The Dry | Jane Harper
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Finished my #aam today. What an incredibly compelling mystery. The descriptions of Australia in the midst of an intense drought was.... Damn, so horrifying. The mystery was depressing AF and the characters were complicated. I highly enjoyed this and might actually continue the series 🤣🤣

@Soubhiville #janeharper #thedry #authoramonth

The Dry | Jane Harper
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After being driven away from Kiewerra, Australia 20 years earlier under suspicious circumstances, Det. Aaron Falk arrives back in his hometown during the worst drought in the century to attend the funeral of his boyhood friend Luke, his wife, and his son. Many in this scorching town believe Luke murdered his wife and son and then himself; it's up to Falk and local Sgt. Raco to find out what truly happened while Falk faces his past.

MrsMalaprop I remember reading this, Jane Harper‘s first book, when it came out. Captured rural Australia very well. The movie adaptation was excellent. 4mo
dabbe @MrsMalaprop I'm way behind the 8-ball on this series--and many others, for that matter. 😂 I thoroughly enjoyed it, though, and will have to read the others. I can also definitely related to the heat and drought, living in Phoenix, AZ. 🤩 4mo
Gissy I loved that series. I‘m currently reading my last book by this author😩She needs to write something else. I really enjoy her writing style. 4mo
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MrsMalaprop Just looked up your climate. Similar to ours here in Perth, Western Australia, the most isolated capital city in the world. 4mo
dabbe @Gissy Oh, I hate when that happens! I'll have to savor these slowly then! 🫨 4mo
dabbe @MrsMalaprop Yeah, we experienced the most consecutive days above 110 degrees (43.3C) last summer (31 days in a row ... I was just a WEE bit grumpy!) We also beat the world record for consecutive number of 115+ degrees in a row (46.11 C over 6 days). Our temps do look similar, don't they? Your city is gorgeous! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
MrsMalaprop Oh wow 🥵. Your summer temps beat ours. We had a week of over 40C days last month & that‘s as hot as it gets. Gets much hotter further north in Western Australia though. 4mo
dabbe @MrsMalaprop I would love to visit someday! Even though you have lots of poisonous things there! 🤩😍😃 4mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Next up on #kindle

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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Aaron Falk‘s childhood best friend Luke apparently killed his family and himself. Falk, the smalltown outcast for years, is now a Melbourne white collar crime investigator and wrangled into helping the town cop to investigate whether Luke really was the culprit. The ending isn‘t at all what you‘d expect—but entirely logical once you know everyone in town a bit better. This one was hard to put down. #authoramonth #Australia #readingOceania

BarbaraBB She‘s an excellent writer! 4mo
CatLass007 She‘s tops in her field. 4mo
Librarybelle It is so good! I enjoyed the series with Falk‘s character. 4mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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I‘m grateful to #AAM and #bookspin for pushing me to finally read Jane Harper. She‘s been on my radar for years, but something in her book blurbs always left me wondering if she would actually be my style. It turns out I really enjoyed her dry humor, and thought Falk and the cast of surrounding characters were compelling. I did work out the major plot points ahead of the book, which never happens for me! But I‘m interested to read book 2.

AmyG I liked Book 2. 5mo
IndoorDame @AmyG awesome! Thanks 😊 5mo
vonnie862 I just started this! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Found another great author through #AuthorAMonth

Suzze I read The Dry when it first came out and loved it. I have all her other books on my TBR, but haven‘t got to a single one! 🥺 5mo
dabbe I just started this one yesterday! 🤩😍😃 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Book one in the series. Very enjoyable. Well written characters and an interesting mystery.

#AuthorAMonth #BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2024
@Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
TheSpineView Awesome! 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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March #AuthorAMonth #ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 This is the second Jane Harper book I‘ve read this week. It is the first book in the Aaron Falk series. The relationships are well written and the solutions to both mysteries come as a revelation. Two Jane Harper mysteries down, with three, hopefully more, to go.

DieAReader 🥳Fantastic! 5mo
TheSpineView Well done! 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Not at all the ending I was predicting! This was a great thriller. The audiobook made it hard to know which moments were recounting of the past versus current day, but you usually could figure it out after a few sentences.

#authoramonth @Soubhiville

KadaGul @Zuhkeeyah first time around , I had a hard time w/ audiobook. I think 🤔 this time around ill read 📖 it #bookvsaudiobook (edited) 5mo
Zuhkeeyah @KadaGul Good idea. The story is really well built, but sudden flashbacks on the audiobook sometimes threw me out of it for a few minutes. 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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It wasn't as though the farm hadn't seen death before, and the blowflies didn't discriminate. #firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

vivastory 💙 Jane Harper 5mo
IndoorDame @vivastory this is my first by her, but I‘m definitely enjoying it so far! 5mo
CatLass007 I‘m listening to this right now for the #AuthorAMonth challenge. I‘ve already listened to The Lost Man for the same challenge. I really enjoy her work. 5mo
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IndoorDame @CatLass007 I‘ve been meaning to read her work for years and now I am for #aam, I love how this challenge pushes me to read new authors! 5mo
CatLass007 I completely agree about reading new authors. I feel the same way about #LiteraryCrew and #SundayBuddyRead. I think my enjoyment of new authors is part of the reason I‘m now overcommitted to buddy reads. But the only one pressuring me is me. 5mo
IndoorDame @CatLass007 😆 I get that! I‘m trying to cut back this year but it‘s tough cause I love them 5mo
CatLass007 I‘m doing my best to check more books out of the library via Libby or to read what I already have in my Audible library or physical library. If I must buy a book, I try to at least get it from the local used book store. 5mo
IndoorDame @CatLass007 that‘s awesome! 5mo
CatLass007 It doesn‘t always work but new things take their own sweet time to become habits. 5mo
CatLass007 I have a bad habit to add every book I see to my Audible wish list. I need to start adding books to my library holds, even if I‘m only allowed 20 holds at a time. I have created a tag to remind me to check out books that interest me. 5mo
IndoorDame @CatLass007 just started using those tags too. Super helpful! 5mo
CatLass007 😁 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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I tried reading the tagged book while also reading Harper‘s The Lost Man but it was too confusing. Both have main characters who are snubbed in town for something they allegedly did years ago, & there now was murder, deep in the heart of #Australia. To top it off, they are slightly linked. I‘ve decided to finish this one first. I just learned the “who done it,” and dang was I ever surprised! Did anyone else figure it out before the big reveal? ⬇️

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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Another new to me author thanks to #authoramonth and one I will definitely read more from. I flew through this book. It was the perfect plane read for the journey home. I was fully transported away from my cramped seat to drought ridden Australia as I worried more about Aaron Falk than I did about the mystery he was roped into trying to solve.

vonnie862 I just got this one so I'm glad to hear that it's good! 5mo
MaggieCarr Jane Harper is an auto read for me. Enjoy! 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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I‘ve discovered the reason not to read two books by the same author at the same time. One is slow and drags, but still interesting. The other, however, is my pick when deciding which one to read. So it‘s hard to be motivated to read the other one. I won‘t tell which is which, but I‘d be interested to learn if anyone else has a favorite between these two.

mcctrish I have read The Dry and it made me want to read more by Harper 5mo
AvidReader25 I‘ve read and love both, but they are definitely different stories with very different pacing. 5mo
Ruthiella I read The Dry first. In fact I read all her books in publication order. The Dry is my least favorite. Force of Nature is probably my favorite because I really enjoyed the plot. But The Last Man was very good too. 5mo
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DHill @mcctrish same. But I loved The Lost Man just slightly more. 😊 5mo
mcctrish Looks like it can only better for me and JH ❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
Susanita There‘s a little reference to The Dry in The Lost Man that amused me once I realized it. 5mo
CoverToCoverGirl I actually loved them both, so I‘m no help. 🤭 5mo
Texreader @Susanita I‘m so glad you dropped that hint. I was so darned confused when I read the reference, because like an idiot I was reading the books at the same time and got the storylines all messed up in my head. Then I read your comment and it all clicked. Now I‘m going to finish The Dry before I finish The Lost Man to try to eliminate the confusion. 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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I‘ve picked my next ebook, and I hope it‘s different enough from Harper‘s The Lost Man, which I‘m also reading right now, so I don‘t confuse the two.

#authoramonth #Australia #readingOceania
@Soubhiville @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle

Librarybelle I‘ve not read the Lost Man yet but really liked The Dry! 5mo
Texreader @Librarybelle The Dry has started out a lot faster than The Last Man. So my first reaction is to read this one! 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Yay for another month--though this year is flying by! 💚☘️💚

CBee It‘s going too fast, and I don‘t like it 😅 The Dry was good! 5mo
dabbe @CBee Cool! 🤩😍😘 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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This is just a straightforward mystery. It's good but 🤷. People kept recommending this to me when it came out and I now have no idea why. But good mystery.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

KadaGul @vlwelser Im reading this for#AuthorAMonth.I picked up this copy from a library sale because in 2021 there was a Film Adaptation starring Eric Bana. I like Eric Bana so tempted to read the book before watching the movie. It produced in Australia since Jane Harper is British-Australian🤗 5mo
TheAromaofBooks It's been a while since I read this, but I remember liking it. 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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#LitsyCrafters @Catsandbooks Better to show you, right?

A coworker asked if I knew how to sew. I showed him this.

emz711 Beautiful! 5mo
Larkken Wow amazing! 5mo
Catsandbooks You've made such great progress! 💖 5mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Thank you so much for sending me this book, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ! What a great story! It's twisty and thrilling and mysterious but also has complex, well-drawn characters. I just downloaded the second book in the series from Libby!

Photo is of California rather than Australia, but I think it represents the title well.

dabbe I thought it was Tucson, AZ! 🤩 6mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Started off a bit slow, but really picked it up at the end.

The Dry | Jane Harper
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I haven't had any time to read today, but I did have time to open a package from @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks (many thanks!) and I ate a lot, went on two walks, and played games with my family.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay! So happy it arrived!! 🎉🎊🎈 8mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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The Dry is remarkably well written. The prose is taut and evocative, a step above Liane Moriarty in my view (though it would certainly appeal to readers who like her books). I will concede, though, that most of the plot twists were very predictable. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-dry-jane-harper/

thegreensofa Lol I spotted the rotary hoist bit too. Great review! 🤠 8mo
CatMS I am a huge fan of Jane Harper and really liked "The Dry" as I do all her books. Aaron Falk is a favorite character too. 8mo
Ruthiella I think her later books are better than her debut. 8mo
MrsMalaprop I read this when it first came out. I recall it was a ‘like‘ but not ‘love‘. Agree the writing was good, and for me one of the rare times the movie was better than the book. 8mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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#AutumnPlease #PhotoChallenge. Day 1 and here is my orange stack. I had more than I thought. @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs #Scarathlon #TeamCryptKeepers. 6pts @LiseWorks

Gissy Lovely photo🧡💛🤎📚🌻 (edited) 10mo
LiseWorks How cool 10mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 🧡🧡 10mo
Eggs Gorgeous 🧡🌻🧡 10mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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My #bookspin list for September! Looking forward to seeing the numbers tomorrow. 😀

The Dry | Jane Harper
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Had this on my kindle for ages and finally read it. Or should I say devoured it. What a great storyteller Jane Harper is. I lived in Kiewarra felt the heat and could hear the flies buzzing. Im so happy there are two more in this series. Highly recommend.

The Dry | Jane Harper
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I don't read a lot of this genre, but when I go camping it is nice to have books that I can get swept up in and just fly through. Jane Harper is one of my favourite authors for this and I wasn't disappointed. Some pretty heavy subject matter though. See comments for content warnings.

CuriousG Content warnings for child death (murder to be specific), domestic violence/child abuse, alcoholism, suicide, general violence, and probably more I should list but have missed. 12mo
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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A great start to the Sydney Writer‘s Festival yesterday. They are some of my favourite days of the year. I think it‘s great that Jane has got much better at public speaking and is now interviewing people herself. She was talking to Ben Stevenson, the writer of Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone. This book goes against all the writing rules as he thought he was going to die of covid which was in full swing as he was writing it.

currentlyreadinginCO So cool, I love her! And I didn't know that was the backstory of everyone in my family has killed someone -- will be checking out! 1y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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This reread was as good as I remembered! I loved the slowburn mystery set in Australia. A man's past comes back to haunt him when he returns to his hometown after an old friend's death. Harper‘s a master @ description & making the reader feel completely submerged in the story as she pulls back the curtain. You discover you had the answer all along, but never realized it. She's become an auto-buy author for me & fans of Tana French should love her.

currentlyreadinginCO Love this book! 1y
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The Dry | Jane Harper

Aaron returned to his hometown after his childhood friend and family are brutally murdered. A very good thriller, I really wasn't sure until the end who did it. The narrator for this audiobook was really good.

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The Dry | Jane Harper
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I couldn‘t find a suitable Kindle Scribe case, so I went with stickers and a clear case. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Texreader Awesome!! 1y
BooksCoffeeNurse @Texreader Thanks! ❤️ 1y
peanutnine Rainbow fish!! 💖 1y
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BooksCoffeeNurse @peanutnine I know. I love Rainbow Fish. Nostalgia. Lol 1y
dabbe Adorable! ❣️ 1y
BooksCoffeeNurse @dabbe Thank you! ❤️ 1y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Really enjoying this book so far. The Dry by Jane Harper. #kindlescribe #sundaynightreads 📚💜💕

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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Really enjoyed this mystery. A family, including a 6-year-old boy, are found dead. Was it a murder-suicide or did someone have it out for them? Federal agent Falk returns to town to look into his former best friend‘s death, but rumors abound about Falk‘s involvement in another death 20 years ago. I felt the current storyline was handled better than the past one. I liked how the drought was used to bring out the darkness in this farming town.

CoverToCoverGirl Love her writing! It was a fantastic debut! 1y
Susanita It felt like the drought was another character in the book. 1y
Cinfhen This is definitely one of her better books!! She really uses the setting as a character 1y
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Megabooks @CoverToCoverGirl yes! It didn‘t feel like a debut at all! 1y
Megabooks @Susanita @Cinfhen the drought, the setting, the heat, I could feel it all as I read! 1y
Megabooks Also this was my #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks 👍🏻 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I really enjoyed this one when I read it. 1y
Lizpixie I can attest that she really gets the feeling of an Aussie small town in drought perfectly. Except there‘s more flies.*gives the great Aussie wave* 1y
CarolynM What @Lizpixie said. She does the outback thing even better in 1y
Megabooks @Lizpixie @CarolynM I‘m always happy to hear from the Australian contingent on here!! 👋🏻 She‘s definitely an author I plan to read more of. I first read her Tasmania-set novel. It wasn‘t my favorite, but it stuck with me. I enjoyed this much more. I‘m also excited to get to this gift from @Soubhiville in the Spring…or your Autumn. 😊 1y
Soubhiville 🤗 1y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #thedry #janeharper #bookbeast #bookjoy #bookbuds #bookchat
What are you reading? 🙌

BoleyBooks @eri.reads I haven‘t read the first one yet. I didn‘t even realize a sequel was coming out. I hope it‘s very entertaining…happy reading! 😊 1y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Really, really enjoyed this one! I don‘t read a whole lot of thrillers, but saw this one suggested in a #52bookclub23 group for #setinaustralia and it was a page-turner! Well, whatever an audiobook page-turner is. The characters are so interesting & the pacing is great. Quick without being confusing, even when the flashbacks are mixed it. And the author does a great job of making pretty much everyone seem like a suspect. I loved it!

LeeRHarry Glad you enjoyed it - Jane Harper always does an excellent job of creating a real sense of place too I feel 😊 2y
Librarybelle Love this series! 2y
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Cinfhen Yeah, it‘s a great series!! I just read the newest and I think it was my favorite 2y
squirrelbrain I love Harper‘s books too. 2y
KarenUK Only read this one… but really enjoyed it… great choice for the prompt! 2y
LaraReads @LeeRHarry yes! That‘s a really great description! 2y
LaraReads @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain this was my first Jane Harper, but I started the 2nd book this morning! 2y
LaraReads @Cinfhen I remember that book being your #lastfirst I think! Glad to hear you liked it even better! Excited to continue the series. 2y
LaraReads @KarenUK thanks! But now I‘m realizing maybe I should have used it for the #includesafuneral because I just started the 2nd book and could have used it for the Australia prompt 😂 (edited) 2y
squirrelbrain Oh, I shuffle prompts about quite often, so don‘t worry about that! 2y
Cinfhen Same @squirrelbrain !!! Go ahead and mix it around @LaraReads 🎉🎉🎉and good memory… Exiles was my #lastfirst 2y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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🥶 just thinking about this one makes me cold!! Loved it though! No Exit!

The Dry…

Thunderstorms and rain 🌧️


Want to play? @Read4life @mom_of_4 @BooksNBowls

Read4life Thanks for the tag 🤓 2y
BookmarkTavern Thunderstorms are perfect reading weather! Thanks for sharing! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @ozma.of.oz 💙💙💙 2y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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The opposite of dry 😂😂😂 (couldn't capture the fact that it is snowing)

But a good plane book that I picked up thanks to Litsy reviews over the years.

Soubhiville Great photo! The icicles convey the cold wintery feeling just fine! 2y
Anna40 The heat and dry play such an important role in the book. It must be weird to read it surrounded by snow 😁 2y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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17-8 Nov 22 (audiobook)
Not sure what you call an audio pageturner?

The above image made me picture Eric Bana as Falk, although my sister pointed out that he was probably miscast as Falk was supposed to be visibly at odds with his drought-stricken hometown in the Australian outback, having been a red-head who had never played football or cricket. Nevertheless, looking forward to the film.

A good example of outback noir. Apparently it‘s a thing.

CarolynM I thought Bana was horribly miscast and the film didn‘t do the book justice. Oh well😒 Outback noir is definitely a thing. There are some good ones out there. 2y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Love it when you trust an author enough to just take the ride without much thought. Jane Harper and Tana French are my number one mystery writers. I will read anything and everything they write. Just one more Jane Harper to go until I‘ve actually done that too.