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Joined January 2023

adventurer, attorney, creative ... always reading and listening to all of the books ✨ 🧿 💜 Goodreads.com/xtinalea 2024 Challenge: 49/100 books
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Is This Anything? by Jerry Seinfeld
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Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill
The Night Guest | Hildur Knutsdottir
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This novella has been out for a few years, but I just got an ARC of the audio and WOW that was a weird flight with this as the audio 😂😂

The End of Love | Tamara Tenenbaum
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Another day, another work flight, another book titled The End of Love pubbed in 2024. This one was by far my preference ✌🏼

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I was with the author on many of her observations about gender, and I'm not Black and don't feel that it's up to me to decide if those observations are correct. I was going to give this 3-4 stars for being kind of interesting but limited in scope and unfounded in conclusion, but hooooly Masterbation Generation/s chapter. The fetishization of trans people. The weird thing about her friend's son. The ... correlation between those concepts? I can't.

willaful 😳 1mo
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Don't read this on an airplane when you're getting married in 2 wks I CRIED five stars no notes

Jjaxn95 How did you get an advanced copy? 1mo
currentlyreadinginCO NetGalley! @Jjaxn95 ☺️ 1mo
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Our Princess Floralinda is locked in a tower waiting for a prince to save her -- but what if princes are, in fact, useless??

I went so long w/o a 5 star and now I'm overwhelmed with them - I guess that reading new-to-me books by my favorite authors was the solution 😂. I wondered where this was going for a minute, but I was not salty about it bc of how much I love Tamsyn Muir's writing; however, the ending of this story is perfect. Just perfect.

BookBelle84 I absolutely loved this and wish Muir would write more like this! 1mo
currentlyreadinginCO I think I'm in love w Tamsyn? It's complicated 😂 @BookBelle84 1mo
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The mc is great, and the relationship between her, her mother, and Falada is ... unique, interesting, extremely well-done. Slowly discovering that your mother is a sorceress and that's why you're so afraid of her is quite the premise. YET. Most of this book is supporting characters chitchatting and I never had a good handle on the setting because the haunting tableaus of T Kingfisher's other books weren't present here. So idk. Kind of recommend.

Kitta Which T. Kingfisher would you recommend I start with? I‘m interested in reading their work! 1mo
currentlyreadinginCO Nettle & Bone is my fav - fairytale retelling based off of Princess & the Pea in which the author reimagines what type of prince would prefer a wife so frail 🧐 @Kitta ... but I also really enjoyed What Moves the Dead & its sequel! 1mo
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Haunting and beautiful historical fiction about Thomas Gainsborough's daughters 🔥🔥. The author writes young girls well and ages them naturally, giving their development a role in revealing this story's secrets. Gainsborough's paintings are referenced through the girls' memories of sitting for them and seeing them in their homes. I loved the writing, and gasped at the twists - also worth reading the bit about the art inspiring the plot at the end

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Starling House | Alix Harrow
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I cried my eyes out tbh, but in that happy "why is a book even this good" kind of way

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Starling House | Alix Harrow
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this book is sooo beautiful 😍😍

Susanita I just checked this out from the library today. 2mo
currentlyreadinginCO I am really enjoying it! @Susanita 1mo
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Starling House | Alix Harrow
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I love when I am sitting down to read a book and I've read everything on the "Also by ... " list ? (and loved every word)

lil1inblue So satisfying! 🙂 2mo
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The Vaster Wilds | Lauren Groff
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I'm not sure what to say about this, except - LG is one of the greatest living writers. I was having a great morning but now I'm just standing here in my kitchen watering my plants and contemplating my own mortality idk

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Quick and practical, this was a great listen for early morning walks. I would compare this favorably to Hidden Potential by Adam Grant, which I got bored with when I realized how targeted towards the majority it is. I'd rather think remarkable ;)

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I have the unfortunate job of relaying the news that this short story collection is extraordinary and Em may be at the vertices of "beautiful" and "brilliant" on a graph of those categories. This is highly unfair, but also means that I can love her unconditionally because why would I even bother being toxically envious? We are different species.

And yet. What struck me about all of these stories was just the relatability of her experience.

TieDyeDude Interesting! For #tuesdaytunes, we did the worst songs in the world, and “Blurred Lines“ was mentioned. I think I saw the video once and she hasn't been on my radar at all since. It sounds like she is doing a lot, though, to combat sexism and promote female empowerment. 2mo
currentlyreadinginCO I like that take because I didn't realize that she was in the Blurred Lines video until I read this 😂 @TieDyeDude . Apparently that was kind of a big deal, haha. I follow her on Instagram and I've watched her build her businesses and talk about things that I care about for a bit now, but I read it bc Jen Silverman loved it & I'm glad that I did. 2mo
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Absolutely loved this, as I loved There's Going to be Trouble. Jen Silverman gets me.

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A great book and absolutely delightful reading experience - Katy Hessel starts from the top and tells the stories of the women who did and did not make the survey texts. It brought me back and inspired me to keep learning.

Wide Sargasso Sea | Jean Rhys
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Finished this #pemberlittens read a bit late 😌😌. The concept of this book is extremely compelling but I found it confusing and slow 😴

dabbe Perhaps too much internal dialogue and not enough action. 💚 2mo
currentlyreadinginCO ehhh I think that I was in the wrong mood for it, as well.. not the most focus lately 😵‍💫 @dabbe 2mo
dabbe @currentlyreadinginCO I hear ya. I think the heat's getting to me. I just haven't felt like reading that much lately. 😞 2mo
currentlyreadinginCO Isn't it the worst @dabbe ... maybe a light romance will get me back into the swing of things 2mo
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I enjoyed this better than the first, and I'm looking forward to the third 😌

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About to read both The End of Loves for a bookclub this June and I'm pretty stoked 😌

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You definitely get five stars for changing and enlarging my perspective so much that I am no longer the same person.

I L O V E D this.

Once upon a time, I low-key also got a political science degree (even though I'm always shouting about art history) and so actually I've learned a bit about cognitive biases in an academic setting -- and yet, Amanda Montell should have been the one to teach me everything, because now I actually understand ??

SaraBeagle Have you read her other book? Also very good. 3mo
currentlyreadinginCO I am a huge fan! I also just put wordslut on hold, I need all 3 @SaraBeagle 3mo
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House of Leaves | Mark Z Danielewski
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I loved the concept but did not enjoy this and dreaded reading it 😂. Would've dnfed but it was for book club 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

SamAnne This has been on my TBR for awhile but am hesitant! 3mo
currentlyreadinginCO ya know some people love it but I just can't even bring myself to tell you that it's worth a shot @SamAnne 😂 3mo
TieDyeDude This took me the better part of a year to finish, but I enjoyed the journey. I can't believe you read it so quickly! 😅 Since it took so long, at some point, I stopped worrying about the details of the story and just soaked in the atmosphere and style and narrative broad strokes. I'm glad I read it, but I definitely use lots of disclaimers when I recommend it. (edited) 3mo
currentlyreadinginCO Hmmm actually that comment gave me a different perspective - I pounded this for my monthly book club and that is perhaps not the most effective way to enjoy it 😂 @TieDyeDude 3mo
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In the end I enjoyed the premise and loved the trial scenes, but this book just meanders and so much of it contemplates religion and I just 🥱... but, overall, glad I read it & can cross this off my list of classics tbr 🎉

Ruthiella At the end of the day, it was a lot of work, but I also enjoyed it. And I also enjoyed making fun of it with the #HashtagBrigade . 😜 3mo
perfectsinner On my tbr 3mo
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Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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PERHAPS NOT everyone's cup of tea but I really did enjoy this immensely. Bride got me out of a reading slump. Now that I am finished, I am experiencing a severe book hangover and miss this story 😔. My 30th book of the year and second five-star.

House of Leaves | Mark Z Danielewski
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New favorite book dedication just dropped

RaeLovesToRead I should have listened 😅😅 4mo
currentlyreadinginCO Oh no 😂😂 @RaeLovesToRead ... I am book clubbing this with my girlfriends, we will see how this goes ... 4mo
RaeLovesToRead I bet half of you will LOVE it, and half of you will HATE it! 🙃😁 4mo
currentlyreadinginCO Update : you were right & I'm on your side 😂😂 @RaeLovesToRead 3mo
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Bride | Ali Hazelwood

"This ain't The Brothers Karamazov, we don't need the family tree!" funny shout-out to the other book that I am reading (and reading and reading) in this hilarious paranormal romance that I am enjoying immensely


Ruthiella 😂😂😂 4mo
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Quick read ... and there's a lot going on here. I liked a lot about this book but didn't connect w the writing. My standards for feminist ya may be a bit high bc I read Anatomy & Immortality recently, perhaps why this is a "good, not great" for me.

Ruthless Vows | Rebecca Ross
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I did love the typewriter thing w this duology (me trying not to spoil anything), and I liked how that dynamic changed in the second book. But I just otherwise found this book terribly boring and listened to the last 20% on 1.75x speed... not my fav, but I know that some of y'all loved this story, and I could see why that is as well. It just wasn't a fav for me. Full disclosure, I've been in a bit of a reading slump..

Divine Rivals | Rebecca Ross
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I didn't love this at first, but it grew on me. The last hour or so of audio was extremely engaging and I can't wait to see where the duology goes. Fortunately I have Ruthless Vows up next 🤓

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Read this if you know these 9 seasons by heart and want to learn the behind-the-scenes of one of the greatest comedic shows. It's a fun read and focuses on the interesting episodes and off-screen information. I enjoyed the heck out of it. ❤️

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I read this quickly and mostly enjoyed it. But I'll defend my rating by saying that it's not the use of various mental health issues to propel a thriller that bothers me – that can be incredible. It's the reliance on dumb tropes to do so that really grinded my gears. Not for me y'all. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC, though.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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I am reading it with my girlfriend ... I'm excited to hear someone else's take on this because I found it fascinating and philosophical - but so, so dark.

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This is my first experience with studying my own generation retrospectively, so please congratulate me on officially being Old 😌. I loved every minute of this book, it brought me back to mid-2000s Tampa Bay & some of the most fun times of my life. 🤘

TheBookgeekFrau Welcome to the club! It's really not so bad 😁👵🏼😂 5mo
yourfavouritemixtape My Chemical Romance ❤️ 5mo
currentlyreadinginCO I book clubbed this with my girlfriends and we all wore our band shirts 😩 @yourfavouritemixtape this book made me love Gerard Way even more ❤️‍🩹 5mo
Pruzy I refuse to believe we are old! 2mo
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Wool (Wool, #1) | Hugh Howey
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A great place-setter for the series & I can't wait to watch the show. If this book kept up the fast-paced sci fi writing in Part 1 it would have been a five-star read for me, but it lost that energy and I gave it 3.75. I am undecided whether I will continue w/the silo saga.

Meshell1313 I thought the rest of the series was pretty good. The show though- soo different. I treated them as 2 completely different entities. 5mo
currentlyreadinginCO @Meshell1313 I will keep that in mind! 5mo
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Remedial Magic | Melissa Marr
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I loved this cliffhanger ending so much that I will definitely continue with this series. I was immersed in this fun "romance" about a magical community college that deals with some heavier topics below the surface. And the cover is just perfect.

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The Curse of Penryth Hall | Jess Armstrong
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I wanted more from this gothic murder mystery! There are several very dark scenes here, but I never felt particularly connected to the narrative and thought the story was shallow. This will be a DNF series for me.

Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes I wasn‘t a fan, either. 5mo
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What the River Knows | Isabel Ibaez
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Loved this Egyptian historical fantasy with dark magic undertones. I will definitely continue this series. Would recommend when you are in the mood for something dense & immersive.

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What the River Knows | Isabel Ibaez

"He was a study of secrets and academic pursuit, the mark of an explorer."

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I adore this gothic feminist historical fiction duology with an alchemical bent. Anatomy is a beautiful book & this follow-up was done extremely well. They incorporate science and horror delightfully, and I would definitely want any YA readers in my life to have them - and would also recommend to adults who can see some of a strong feminist dark and twisty science girly in themselves.

LiteraryinLawrence That cover is really striking! 5mo
currentlyreadinginCO The first book in the duology has a dress laid out as a heart and then this one has the brain, really a fascinating couple of books @LiteraryinLawrence 5mo
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Age of Vice: A Novel | Deepti Kapoor
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It took me awhile to gather the threads of this story together, yet I couldn't look away. I'm a sucker for retellings of the same events from different perspectives. I pictured Neda so differently from Ajay's descriptions that I didn't recognize her character in Part 2. By the time that there was a Sunny chapter, I had been thinking to myself - "we better hear from Sunny next." I got this so well & found it excellent.

What Moves the Dead | T. Kingfisher
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This sequel of What Moves the Dead, T. Kingfisher's novella retelling of The Fall of the House of Usher, goes in a slightly different direction, but brings back a great cast of characters and maintains the same mystical gothic overtones. I really enjoy this creepy little series & this author's books overall. I listened to the audio and what a treat this was during all of my little tasks. Y'all are going to love this one.

BookmarkTavern I‘m so excited for this one! 6mo
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Jumping in on this because I can't resist sharing my bookish bicep! 🥰🥰 @BookmarkTavern #sundayfunday

BethM I want one, idk when/if I will get it. 6mo
BookmarkTavern Oh that looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing! 6mo
currentlyreadinginCO Thank you, I am heavily marked up but this one is maybe my favorite 😌 @BookmarkTavern 6mo
currentlyreadinginCO I may be a bad influence, but I would highly recommend 😏😉 @BethM 6mo
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THE FOXGLOVE KING | Hannah Whitten
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My initial reaction was "wait, is this a fantasy novel about drug dealers," but by 80% I was actually really enjoying myself. This is a fun world to spend 500 or so pages in and I will def return for the sequel.

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Rouge | Mona Awad
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Finished this last night & it was a trip. This is a red and black dreamscape, maybe the nightmare version, and evokes a mid-eighties vibe. Like I feel like this is best enjoyed in a black bathtub overflowing with bubbles while cackling into a glass of champagne. Which is to say, I loved it.

Ruthiella Great review! 👍 6mo
sarahbarnes I loved it too! 6mo
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By the epilogue, I was fully nodding along. I like reading about sociology because I walk away with the feeling that things that I thought were outside of the norms are pretty standard -- like seeking fulfillment from more than just a romantic source, and not placing the full burden of your emotions on any one individual. There's a lot of good stuff here about the legal barriers in non-marital relationships, too. Overall, a good read.

Texreader Excellent review 6mo
DocBrown Yay sociology! 6mo
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As a day one Instagram caption Caroline Calloway fan, I had to read this. It was unhinged and delightful; I loved it.

janeycanuck SHE WROTE A BOOK?!?! 7mo
currentlyreadinginCO And! It is truly so entertaining 🤣 -- if you are also steeped in 🤌 the lore 🤌, then I highly recommend @janeycanuck 7mo
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The Power | Naomi Alderman
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Finished this & sending it out tomorrow! @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @BarkingMadRead


"And, above all, do not be so ashamed of yourself, for that is at the root of it all."

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The title is a little incongruous with the project (not really about cults) and the organization has room for improvement, but I can look past those things. Because I laughed. A lot. Out loud. And thought, "yeah it's cool that she wrote this so that some people who read it learn about this stuff." Would highly recommend for those that like a good life-with-the-mentals memoir!

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Sometimes you need fantasy to help understand reality, because we cannot imagine such a fantastic time. I learned about WW1 because Katherine Arden taught me about the Fiddler, and the warm hands of ghosts.

And yeah, I'll remember this story for the rest of my life. So, five stars.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm This sounds right up my alley. Stacked! 7mo
currentlyreadinginCO It's so special 😌😌 and comes out Feb 13, I hope that you love it! @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm 7mo
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"I'm not suicidal, but I'm also not particularly psyched" ??

WorldsOkayestStepMom Currently reading this book too!! 7mo
currentlyreadinginCO I'm about a third in and really enjoying it! She's so funny 😂 @WorldsOkayestStepMom 7mo
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Once There Were Wolves | Charlotte McConaghy
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4.5 ⭐ from me - a nearly perfect environmental novel/mystery that is just beautiful. Charlotte McConaghy novels are an auto-read for me at this point.

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