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Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle, Book 1)
Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle, Book 1) | Jay Kristoff
From New York Times bestselling author, Jay Kristoff, comes a dangerous new fantasy world and a heroine edged in darkness.
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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This was a re-read as I just bought the second and third books, but it's been so long since I read the first.
It was as good as I remembered!
You have to love a book with an assassin who has a shadow cat living in her shadow. I love that she named him as a child, so his name is Mr. Kindly.
This is a fantastic book about a girl training to be an assassin to get revenge for her family.
I can't wait to finish this trilogy!

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Changed a few things love my Nevernight and Six of Crows collection thanks to Litjoy I have a great shelf 🙌🏽😊

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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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#ScarathlonPhotoChallenge #Day6 #Shadow This book not only has shadows on the cover, the MC is able to use shadows & has a shadow cat called Mr Kindly. I love this author, he‘s a 6‘7 aussie with some awesome tattoos & he can write a great story. #Scarathlon #SpookyGhostClub 6pts

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I was hooked from chapter one, though I struggled with the notes and pacing for the first half of the book. The main character Mia was so awesome, I loved her way of thinking and her cleverness, + I also liked Mr Kindly the non cat. The world building was extraordinary but I did get confused. Tric + the kinda romance was a nice break from the darkness of the book. The twists and plot was unexpected + so good, especially the ending + cliffhanger.

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Love this part, the library in the book seems so cool but deadly!

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Characters were brilliant, I especially loved Mia, Naev and Aelius. There were still many characters that you knew almost nothing about. But overall the cast was awesome, so was the atmosphere too. This was really mysterious, dark and unique world.

I have mixed feelings about the writing. Sometimes I loved it and it was fun & clever but sometimes I got tired it being so flowery.

This book had many good twists and I loved how they surprised me.

TheSpineView This is on my TBR list. Maybe I should move it up. Great job 1y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1y
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Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 I‘m currently reading his Aurora Cycle Series. 1y
PageShifter @Andrew65 I have that series still unread! 1y
Lizpixie 🙌🎉 one of my favourite books! 1y
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“Beauty you're born with, but brains you earn.”


“Your mind will serve you better than any trinket under the suns”

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I HATE bailing on books, but I have way too many books begging to be read to keep trying to plow through something so boring. I absolutely hate that half of this story is told in footnotes. I find it incredibly disruptive to the flow. I had high hopes for this one, but alas, it‘s not for me.

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Ready for a change of pace…I think this book will do just the trick!

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Had to use my light when attending a webinar for my course 🤪… since I was up at 4am 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I like to take these out and look at the this is one of the illustrations… beautiful 🤗

Graywacke That is so cool 2y
Ddzmini I haven‘t looked at the others I‘m trying to do this in stages so I can enjoy them more 🤗 @Graywacke 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Sorry #LMPBC group! I have to bail on this book. The writing is so small, that I‘m dreading picking it up. It makes me feel like I need to go to the eye doctor for glasses.

Also, every time I get into the flow of the story, there is a footnote and I have to stop and get back into the flow. It‘s annoying. 🤣

This is also the 2nd time I‘ve tried to read this book and I‘m just not feeling it. I don‘t think this author is for me.

Chrissyreadit Oh no!!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks I struggled in Part 1. The footnotes decreased in Part 2 so things got better, but all that tiny print in Part 1 was really hard to get through!! 2y
TheRiehlDeal Maybe give it another shot on audio? 🤷‍♂️ At least you won‘t have to struggle with the small text. 2y
BookwormAHN The tiny print is ridiculous. 2y
BookwormAHN The book arrived back yesterday. With the exception of the tiny print of Nevernight, this was a fun round 😺 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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I‘m so excited to add these beautiful books to my shelf. 😍😍😍

Full unboxing: https://wildwoodreads.com/2022/08/15/the-nevernight-chronicle-litjoy-edition-unb...

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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I‘m so excited I finally received this purchase from #Litjoy. They are so beautiful I can‘t wait to explore them more super excited 😊🤗📚

Caroline2 😍 2y
Gissy 😍❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Meshell1313 😍😍 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Finally have my #Nevernight collection on the same shelf 🥰

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Thank you so much for my #SpookySummerSwap gift! Love the book sleeve; it‘s perfect. Everything is just what I‘d want and I can‘t wait to start reading. Sorry for being a day late in opening. Thanks, again, @Nessavamusic

Nessavamusic Yay I‘m glad you liked everything! 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Got this in the mail today! I‘ll try to get to it in the next couple of weeks, so I can get it back to you Ashley!


BookwormAHN No worries 😺 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay! Sorry I flaked out about mailing it on time! 😂 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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More books from my personal library ☺️
I really love both series in this photograph: the Nevernight trilogy by Jay Kristoff and the Hunt trilogy by Andrew Fukuda
Habe you read them?

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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This was my May #LMPBC read. It took me a little while to get into - the book starts slow and Kristoff uses copious footnotes in Part 1 so a LOT of tiny print!! But after that the pace began to pick up and I found myself really invested in these characters and what was happening. The world-building was vivid and engaging and I found the concept of sand krakens to be delightfully terrifying. This is a little darker than my usual fare and I'm not ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) sure I'll finish the trilogy, but it was still a solid pick. Keep in mind this is definitely adult fantasy rather than YA.

@Laughterhp I'll let you know when this one is headed your way!!

@Chrissyreadit @BookwormAHN

#Booked2022 - Dark Academia @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @Barbarathebibliophage
#NoShameReadathon22 - Sword & Sorcery @Nessavamusic
Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉 🤓 2y
thereadingpal OH I LOVED this series so much! 2y
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Nessavamusic Nice! I think I read that one a while ago, but I‘m not sure, may call for a reread. 2y
Chrissyreadit I agree- I doubt I will finish the trilogy but glad I read it. The footnotes irritated me a little bit. 2y
BookwormAHN I was torn between thinking they were entertaining and ridiculous. 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Okay, @Clwojick 's #BigJuneReadathon has challenged me already to assess where I am with various challenges/goals for the year. I'm doing pretty well at some of them - I'm steadily working my way through classics via #BookSpin and have checked quite a few 600pg+ books off as well. I've been pretty committed to #Roll100 and my #TBRDeckofCards but realized that where I am getting bogged down is SERIES! Somehow I'm already in the middle of five, and⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) my “on deck“ books include the first books in eight more!! So the windowsill pile is reduced both because I did finish seven books on vacation, but also because I removed those eight “first“ books because I won't start them until I finish another series. My #WeeklyForecast involves finishing the tagged book for #LMPBC, and also prioritizing Book Lovers and Book of Night as those are both due back at the library. My #BigJuneReadathon 2y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) goals are to finish two series and to complete my reading goals from past months, excluding all the first books. This week I'm also hoping to get back on track with my chapter-a-day reads - I abandoned them all when I was out of town (especially you, Scarlet!) but am ready to get back on the bandwagon and see what happens!! More books coming to the windowsill for next week - I can't believe June is Wednesday!!
Cinfhen Woohoo!!! #Goals 🍾🙌🏻🥳 and I CAN see out the window!!! 2y
Clwojick Great goals! Series are such a tough one for me. I‘m so bad at starting new series on the daily, and never going back to finish old ones. 🤭 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick - I get a little obsessive about reading the series in order, so I get frustrated when I have too many on the go at once! 😂 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Found a spot on my desk to make a home for@my new light lovin it 🥰

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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I haven‘t found the home for this on my shelf‘s yet but 🤨… so excited to set it up

KristiAhlers This is amazing 2y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Look at the detail 😍 beautiful! 2y
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julesG It's beautiful. So detailed. 2y
AmyG That is amazing...and beautiful. 2y
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So I did a thing 👀📖🤗 love them

Gissy Nice!😍 2y
Ddzmini @Gissy the blanket is so soft 🥰 2y
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@Chrissyreadit - this one arrived safe and sound! And your Happy LMPBC Better Late Than Never Book Arrival Card made me snort with laughter! 😂 No worries, friend, life happens!! I have definitely been there with LMPBC books before!!

Looking forward to this one!! @Laughterhp @BookwormAHN

BennettBookworm Story of my lmpbc life! 😄 2y
Chrissyreadit 😘🎉 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Finished - and sending TODAY - I think this was a different spin on some horror, bad ass teen, girls kick ass , fantasy tropes. It reminded me faintly of Red Rising. I liked the world and character building- I thought at times it had the potential for depth of a more “adult” complex book and felt like a YA/Adult hybrid. #lmpbc

BookwormAHN I agree I think it fits into the "new adult" category. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I'm looking forward to this one!! 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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1)The tagged book series, Malazan series, any Nora Robert or Johanna Lindsey books, the legend of Drizzt, Witcher Series, Six of Crows Series, Name of the Wind series, … I could keep going
2) my ability to shear and learn about different kinds of books
3) open to suggestions
If you have played do if your tagged enjoy
Thank you @Eggs I enjoyed this 🤗

Eggs Yayyy thanks for joining in 🥰 2y
DaveGreen7777 Thank you for the tag! 😊 2y
Ddzmini 😊 @Eggs enjoyed it, @DaveGreen7777 no problem I like seeing everyone‘s response 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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… so I did this thing… 😖 and now I spent my book money for the next two months 🤦🏼‍♀️… but I‘ll have these beauties to comfort me 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

TrishB Lovely ❤️ 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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@BookwormAHN your #lmpbc book arrived- thank you so much for the crystals! FYI group friends- mine will be mailed by Friday- I am loving it but still reading.

BookwormAHN Your welcome, glad it made it 😺 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! No rush, I'm completely engrossed with the Arc of a Scythe trilogy right now 😂

@Laughterhp I forgot to post and say that I received my book back from the last round!! And if you all enjoyed Navigating the Stars, the rest of the trilogy is definitely worth reading as I really liked how everything came together.
Chrissyreadit @TheAromaofBooks I definitely plan to read the rest of the Navigating The Stars. I really enjoyed it. 2y
TheAromaofBooks My only real problem is that I read that trilogy and the Aurora Cycle at almost the same time and even though they have completely different plots, they both involved space and time jumping and a group of snarky friends so they have somehow mushed together in my brain into one giant story 😂 2y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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I loved this book. Mia's family is murdered and she sets out to join a group of elite assassins so she can avenge them 🖤
#LMPBC @Chrissyreadit @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp
#TheSupernaturalYear #monsters @AkashaVampie
#Pantone2022 #LavaFalls @Clwojick

Pogue I read this and the next day went out and got the rest of the series. I loved this book. 2y
Clwojick Great match! 2y
Chrissyreadit Well I‘m excited! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! This sounds fantastic!! 2y
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I struggled with this at first (I really disliked the footnotes and the sarky teen tone), but I was into it by the end, and I will read the rest of the trilogy so I will rate it a pick. It was a slow burn though!

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Loved this book. The world building was awesome and so were the characters. Very dark, violent, and brutal, but what would you expect from a book about a school of assassins?

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I loved the world building and all the characters. Mia is a well fleshed out awesome female lead. We have Hogwarts style school only for assassins not wizards lol! It‘s dark, it‘s brutal, it‘s bloody, it‘s vengeful and it‘s lusty!!! Huzzah! The magic systems however are bit wonky to understand just yet, but hoping that will become more defined as I go.

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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I really enjoyed this world and the way the author builds it. The only complaint that I have is that everything the characters say is in sarcasm and it really makes then sound like immature children. Other than that I really enjoyed the story and plan to finish the trilogy.

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Another long-standing one off my TBR. This was a lot of fun! The audio was a bit difficult to get into, as the author uses a lot of repetition. I had to rewind a few times just to make sure I wasn‘t hallucinating and the app wasn‘t glitching. I‘ll probably try to read the next one though.

Thanks to all of you raving about Empire of the Vampire for making this happen finally lol
#TeamHendrix 1+15 points
#scarathlon #screamathon2021

Read-y_Picker #littenlisten #spookoweenreadathon #seriesread2021 (Lost track of how many series I've STARTED this year) @TheSpineView @aperfectmjk 3y
StayCurious Yay great start to the event! 3y
TheSpineView Great start!👍📖 3y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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#LittensDressedInBlood #Day15 #PetSematery I‘ve chosen this book for today‘s prompt because of Mr Kindly, the murderous shadow cat pet of our MC Mia Corvere. After barely surviving the murder of her family, Mia is taken in by an ex assassin & puts herself on the path of The Red Church(assassin school!)& vengeance with Mr Kindly giving advice along the way. It may have a young MC but this is no YA, lots of blood, curses & smut. I loved it❤️

MidnightBookGirl I really enjoyed this book, I need to read the rest of the series. I always feel like Mia and Arya Stark would make a great team. 3y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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This was ok the first time I read it and it's still just ok. The world is great, the story is very interesting but I really don't get the hype. I found myself bored for a large portion of it and the footnotes being forcefully inserted into the audiobook made me lose interest pretty quick. I understand why it was done (how else do you listen to footnotes?) but I lost a lot of the story

#bookspinbingo #awesomeaugust #seriesread2021

Andrew65 Another one finished 👏👏👏 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
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Adulting sucks sometimes but here's something NO ONE tells you...you can buy cake whenever you want! Had a shitty week and dreading the week coming? You can take your adult money, buy something ridiculously rich in chocolate, sit on the couch, watch trash TV, listen to an #audiobook and just blissfully ignore everything for a while. There's no one to tell you no! Buy the damn cake and enjoy a bit of happy 😊

#selfcaresunday #LetThemEatCake

Christine That cake... 😍 3y
julesG Hope the next week is going better. 3y
Aims42 I love this!! I‘m sorry for the 💩💩💩 week (hope this next week if it has to be 💩💩💩it at least flies by). Enjoy the cake, enjoy your self-care!! 3y
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Kimberlone I love this, and so true! One of the best parts of adulting! Wishing you a better next week (I also have a stressful week ahead of me), hugs! 🤗 3y
Soubhiville That looks amazing! 3y
ShelleyBooksie Hope this new week.is better for ya 3y
Deblovestoread Enjoy your cake and take good care. Hope you have a better week! 3y
TheLudicReader Here‘s hoping things improve. 3y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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This book was so good. At one point in time I yelled out loud. @JaneyWaneyB I loved this one.

iread2much Nice! We just bought the 2nd and 3rd books in the series 😊 3y
JaneyWaneyB So good wasn't it? I've just started the second book...all I can say is hmm what is Mia up to? 🤔 3y
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A brutal, dark fantasy with echoes of Game of Thrones, The Witcher and Shadow & Bone. Mia is a lead heroine you root for and with her daemon side-kick Mister Kindly at her side you see her start to take shape as a deadly assassin. With a full range of characters of all shapes & sizes Kristoff is carving out a brilliant world so I look forward to the rest of the series. The only quibble, the needless, distracting footnotes, stick with the story.

Pogue I am reading this right now! 3y
JaneyWaneyB @Pogue ooh let me know what you think? Have you given up on the footnotes yet? Haha 3y
Pogue @JaneyWaneyB OMG I love the footnotes. They are so snarky. 3y
JaneyWaneyB @Pogue haha they were snarky I think I got absorbed in the story and skipped quite a few...a lot...of them 😅 3y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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Reading on the way to Sacramento.

Tattooedteacher Wow. Luck for you. I can‘t read in the car. Sooo wish I could. Round trips demand audiobooks and earbuds. 3y
Pogue @Tattooedteacher I started reading in cars when I was 6. It is a blessing to be able to do that. 3y
iread2much Lucky you! I used to be able fo read in the car; but not anymore. I hope you had fun in Sac 3y
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Hope everyone is having a chilled weekend with lots of good books. I'm enjoying this dark fantasy, mix of GOT with Shadow & Bone.

Wishing all Littens a very Happy Weekend 😊

#BookWitch #BookNerd #ReadersLiveAThousandLives #WeekendAllBooked #BookWorm #BookLover #InkDrinker #LibraryMouse #Fantasy #EpicReads #Readers #LitsyLove #Tea&Books

Cupcake12 Love your cup x 3y
JaneyWaneyB @Cupcake12 It's one of my favourite mugs, so chunky. Think it was an Etsy find 3y
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Nevernight | Jay Kristoff
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 129

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It took me a few chapters to get used to the writing style, but once I did, I went on quite a ride. I loved all the annotations at the bottom of the pages and I loved Mia and Mister Kindley. The entire story was dark and thrilling, and I'm reaching for the second book.

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What an amazing read this was. Not only did I love the storyline, but the language was absolutely superb. Thank you to everyone who suggested this dark and gritty book about a girl and her shadows.

Tera66 That cover is gorgeous! 3y
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"If you let yourself fret on me, you'll miss the knife aimed at you" Mia Corvere Pg.147

I've never felt these words ring truer, as someone who has always done whatever possible to help my friends, I always miss the subtle attacks from behind, and the blatant ones from the front.

Never, ever let anyone walk all over you.