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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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Here are more bingo cards from #wintergames. I didn't succeed in clearing any of them, but I did manage at least one bingo from each!

Many thanks to the hosts who gave us these great challenges to motivate my December reading!
#AtoZBingo @Texreader
#AVMB23 @Jadams1776
#ISpyBingo @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks
#littenlisten @aperfectmjk

Texreader Wow! You got the last row on mine! That‘s the hardest! Nice!! 7mo
kwmg40 @Texreader OMG, I realized just now that I interpreted the instructions incorrectly. Instead of a title starting with a particular letter, I was using a word in the title that started with the letter. So sorry -- that board should look a lot emptier! 😅 7mo
Texreader @kwmg40 😂😂😂 Never a worry! But it does make it harder doesn‘t it for a title to start with the letter? It‘s why I love doing it. It‘s such a stretch! 7mo
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kwmg40 @Texreader Yes, much harder indeed! 😂 7mo
Texreader @kwmg40 I was surprised how hard it was to get bingos across all the bingo cards I had! I thought I‘d nail it. Nope. 7mo
kwmg40 @Texreader Agree! It was lots of fun trying, though. 7mo
Texreader @kwmg40 I agree! Always fun! Litsy‘s the best 7mo
Clwojick Great job! Thank you for participating! It's been a blast! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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I‘m slowly tabulating my points for #Snowangels #WinterGames and I listened to 67.5 hours for #littenlisten. Thanks @aperfectmjk for hosting!


aperfectmjk Great job! 👏 7mo
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Starter Villain | John Scalzi
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I loved this book. The sarcasm was fantastic. Imagine your Uncle dying and leaving you his evil empire; complete with spy cats and cussing dolphins plus real archenemies 🖤
#LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView
#GhostsOfXmas #WinterGames
#OutWithTheOldInWithTheNew @Andrew65 #Rushathon @GHABI4ROSES @DieAReader #AToZ @Texreader #ScaryChristmas @Patchshank #LittenListen @aperfectmjk

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
Cheshirecat913 Sold on that description! 😄 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 7mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I really don't know why I waited so long to read this. I loved it, even though I could feel Pip going in all the wrong directions. It almost has a modern-day mystery feel to it. Admittedly, Joe reminded me a lot of Samwise Gamgee 🤍
#GhostsOfXmas #WinterGames #RereadTheClassics @AllDebooks #Rushathon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #AToZ @Texreader #LittenListen @aperfectmjk

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
AllDebooks I love this book so much, so glad you enjoyed it x 7mo
Andrew65 A true classic, well done 👏👏👏 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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I loved these tales from the 10th Doctor. My favorite was The Christmas Blessing about a group or blessing of space narwhals that help clean space junk out of our atmosphere 💙
#GhostsOfXmas #WinterGames
#DashingDecember @Andrew65 #Rushathon @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #AToZ @Texreader #LittenListen @aperfectmjk

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
BethM Whaaattttt 7mo
Andrew65 Can‘t beat the 10th Doctor and good to see him back on tv for three helpings recently. 7mo
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A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens
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As we come to the close of another year, never forget the true meaning of the holiday season: the uber wealthy getting scared into becoming compassionate & empathetic human beings.

Listening to 5 productions of this was an absolute delight. Curry brings the spookiness, Stewart a gravitas, Grant reminds me of listening to my grandfather read me stories, Dale is always a joy to listen to, & Burton is everything my reading 🌈heart needs. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

Andrew65 Absolutely brilliant 👏👏👏🙌 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
KathyWheeler I didn‘t know Levar Burton did a version of A Christmas Carol! 7mo
willaful It occurred to me for the first time this year that ACC has likely been very counterproductive! Heartless tycoons didn't get a ghostly visitation, so they figure everything's fine. *lolsob* 7mo
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Day 30 results for the #WinterGames @Roary47

I finished Claimed by the Cyborgs and Elite Starfighter yesterday. I want to finish one more book before the year ends.

#RushAThon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #LittenListen @aperfectmjk #HolidayRomance @peanutnine #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper

peanutnine Amazing! 💖🎄☺️ 7mo
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 7mo
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A small community on a First Nations reservation, and their trials when all power and communications go out.

A very quiet, slow story. But Rice is really quite skilled at setting the scene, making me feel the cold. And there‘s an insidious horror that creeps in as outsiders begin to show up and things break down and continue to get worse. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern General warning for racism; the last third deals with suicides, gun violence, and brief mentions of cannibalism 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
Singout I liked the opening sequence, but as I remember it, it just seemed too unrealistic, and I think maybe with white saviors at the end for me to really enjoy it. 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 7mo
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Day 29 results for the #WinterGames @Roary47

Started three books yesterday. I couldn't decide what I was in the mood for. 🙄🤪😊

#RushAThon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #LittenListen @aperfectmjk #HolidayRomance @peanutnine #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
peanutnine Hopefully you found something that peaked your interest! ☺️ 7mo
Andrew65 A great daily total once again. 😁 7mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 7mo
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A Week in Winter | Maeve Binchy
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4 🌟
There were a lot of characters to keep up with. I still really enjoyed it. I love the Irish setting.
WinterGames #SnowAngels @Emilymdxn
#WGWordSearch total 2050
#HolidayRomanceReadathon @Peanutnine
#LittenListen @Aperfectmjk
#Adventathon @BookmarkTavern
#snowedIn @puddlejumper

CoffeeNBooks Great book! 7mo
BookmarkTavern Lovely! 💕 7mo
peanutnine Love books set in Ireland ☺️💖 7mo
Emilymdxn I‘ve been meaning to read this one forever ❄️ 7mo
PuddleJumper 💜💜 7mo
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