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The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
An all-new series from the masterful, #1 New York Times bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater! "There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark's Eve," Neeve said. "Either you're his true love . . . or you killed him." It is freezing in the churchyard, even before the dead arrive. Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them-not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her. His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble. But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can't entirely explain. He has it all-family money, good looks, devoted friends-but he's looking for much more than that. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys:
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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I got my Owlcrate box with the special edition of The Raven Boys! I LOVE it! ❤️📚❤️📚

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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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This is a qualified "pick" since it's not a standalone and so one has to read the rest of the cycle to get the whole story. My daughter has been asking me to read this for 5 years or so, and I finally picked it up. It's different than I expected, and while I am highly skeptical about rich prep school boys being so invested in a quest like this, I still found myself drawn in. I'm not sure if I'll bother reading the other books, though.

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@Readergrrl it arrived today thank you I am going to try and read it after I get the boys down for bed. I really hope I like it seeing I have not been able to get into any of the other books she has written. #LMPBC #Round15 #GroupX @KateReadsYA @persephone1408 @suvata

persephone1408 @Endowarrior21 take as long as you need. 2y
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I enjoyed this YA novel that follows a group of teens on their quest for answers about ley lines, Glendower, and even themselves. I liked Stiefvater‘s writing, but I can see that her writing has matured over the years: some confusing subplots and I really wanted to hear more about the villain, Barrington Whelk. Potentially such a great creepy character. Maybe next book in the series? Overall, I can see why this has been such a popular read!3.5/5⭐️

Readergrrl I will have this out in the mail today! 2y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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@persephone1408 @Readergrrl @Endowarrior21

This book is a treasure! I absolutely loved every single thing about it. I honestly did not expect to love this one as much as I did and I am so glad I finally read it.

persephone1408 @KateReadsYA I'm so happy you liked it 2y
KateReadsYA @persephone1408 so glad you chose this one. Thank you!!!!! 2y
Readergrrl Ooh! Look at all those stickies! You must have had much to say. Intriguing! 2y
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KateReadsYA @Readergrrl hahaha yes I did. This book was just not what I suspected it was gonna be. It was just so much more!!! 2y
Readergrrl @KateReadsYA @Endowarrior21 @persephone1408 Just letting you all know that I received The Raven Boys and will start reading it tonight. My goal is to have it in the mail BEFORE the end of the month!!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 2y
KateReadsYA @Readergrrl glad you received it! I sent it on the 31st hahaha sorry it took a while to reach you. I usually don't wait that long to send but I've been busy busy 🤗 I hope you love it as much as I did 2y
Readergrrl Oh @KateReadsYA I didn‘t mean that as a slight towards you!!! I meant me being late with The Girl Who Fell by not mailing it until today!! I‘m so so sorry. Not what I intended at all! I had just posted about mailing that book out today a few minutes before commenting here and still had that convo in my head. Please don‘t think I was intending that to you. The 31st is the day we‘re meant to mail out our selections, I‘m just always late myself. 2y
Readergrrl I suffer from chronic Foot-In-Mouth disease!! 2y
KateReadsYA @Readergrrl oh no you didn't say anything wrong. I didn't take it in a negative way at all :) You are golden haha 🥰 I feel like the world has definitely been in a funk which causes us all to feel like we are at fault for the silliest things! I don't want you feeling like you said something rude 💖 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 Can't wait to read it 2y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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4.4⭐️ it kept me entertained, engaged and questioning. It was not left on a cliff hanger, but with so many questions unanswered. Looking forward to reading the second book next month.

The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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6 a.m. reading 🌥

The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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I don‘t know if I‘ve tried to read this before or just looked it up, but the beginning was familiar to me.

I really liked this one and plan to continue the series. I really liked Blue and all the “raven boys”.

I picked this up because it came up on a list for #foundfamily and I needed it for #pop22

Leniverse I love that series! I'm reading it for the second time now, this time a buddy read with my teen. The second book is my favourite, but they're all great. Looking forward to the spin-off about the Lynch brothers too. Just waiting for the third and final book to come out. 2y
Cortg Oooh, I‘ve had this on my bookshelf for years but just never seem to pick it up. I‘ve heard great things! 2y
Megabooks I have read many great reviews of this series! I remember it being a huge litsy hit a few years ago. 2y
Cinfhen I read this a few years back…it wasn‘t really my jam but I did enjoy it. Great choice for #FoundFamily 2y
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@persephone1408 I just got this delivered to my door and woohoo I cannot wait to dive in 🤩
I read your about me and I love that you shared a little part of yourself, that was amazing and it's taking everything in me not to look through each page to see what you jotted down hahahah! So happy you are apart of our group. 💜

persephone1408 @KateReadsYA I'm so happy to be in the group! Wow! You got it fast! 2y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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This book is super good. I've got it ready to go @KateReadsYA and I'm gonna send it as soon as I have a day off. I have to for fear of forgetting lol. Super stoked to get you guy's opinion on it.
@KateReadsYA @Readergrrl @Endowarrior21

KateReadsYA I'm so excited to get it!!! No rush as I'll be in California all next week. I am so glad you liked it and I cannot wait to read it. 2y
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The Raven Boys | Stiefvater, Maggie
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Blue comes from a psych family but she is not a seeker until one day she saw someone during a ritual. Behind her story there is a curse? There are family secrets she wants to know related with this unexpected visitor and the elite school near to her home. I enjoyed this YA story with all the fantasy and paranormal elements. Sometimes it was slow but once the mystery intertwine various elements and characters, the story became so interesting.

Gissy Love the cover 3.8 ⭐️

Book read during June 2022 #20in4 Readathon @Andrew65

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaOfBooks


#2022ReadingGoals read books from old tbr

#HelloSummer/Winter Readathon Liv‘s Library YouTuber prompt-read a book recommended by a friend
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I wasn't expecting to like this series, but I really did 2y
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Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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2 of 2

😍❤️🔥 Here are some of the Amazing authors and creators who will be at the LA Times Festival of Books this year!


#festivalofbooks #latimesfestivalofbooks #authors #signingbooks

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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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The TBR pile on my nightstand right now. ❤️📚

Clare-Dragonfly That is an excellent-looking stack. 2y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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Book 46

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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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The first time I read this book, it was 2016 and I‘d just finished my freshman year of college. Now it‘s 2021 and I‘m in the middle of my second year of graduate school—and I still really enjoyed this book! I completely forgot how it ended, but I did remember the mid-book twist, which made several things before it make much more sense! Glad I gave this one a reread! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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1. Tagged!
2. I love a notion setup a found last year—a really nice way to track books on my phone AND computer!
3. I actually have no idea, lol. I usually don‘t google books!


Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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Omg I really loved this. I need the next one in the series now! #booknerdproblems #scarathlon2021 #teamhendrix #themeread and it‘s #supernatural so it covers today‘s #scarathlonphotochallenge I‘m one book away from a #bookspinbingo @Clwojick @Linsy @StayCurious

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Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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In the Nashville area for the weekend, and I brought some books for my down time. I wanted to have a big selection 🤣 I‘m almost done with the tagged book! #scarathlon2021 #teamhendrix @StayCurious @Clwojick

ravenlee I‘m going on a trip next weekend, flying for the first time since last January, and I‘m trying to decide what to take. I need enough to read on the plane/in airports, but I‘m visiting family I haven‘t seen since that last trip so I won‘t really be reading there…it‘s a tough balance! 😆 Enjoy your trip! (edited) 3y
BarkingMadRead @ravenlee thanks! Safe travels to you for next week! Pack extra, better safe than sorry! 3y
tpixie Ooh I‘ve always wanted to check out Parnassus- Anne Patchett‘s bookstore! (edited) 3y
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BarkingMadRead @tpixie omg I‘ll try and check it out tomorrow. How cool! 3y
ravenlee Thank you! As long as I can carry the bag it‘s fine, right? Maybe I can pack the books for the return flight in my checked bag and switch them out… 3y
Graywacke @BarkingMadRun seconding @tpixie Parnassus is worth a trip. 3y
tpixie @BarkingMadRun ♥️📚🍀 3y
tpixie @ravenlee yes! Good idea! 3y
tpixie @Graywacke 👏🏻 3y
BarkingMadRead @tpixie and @Graywacke Parnassus was amazing! 3y
Graywacke @BarkingMadRun so glad you went! 👍 3y
tpixie @BarkingMadRun oh, so good to know! Someday…. 3y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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Today‘s stack for #scarathlon2021 I‘m reading the top two a chapter a day, and I‘ll be starting Raven Boys today! Once I finish the bottom two, I‘ll have a #bookspin BINGO! #teamhendrix @StayCurious @Clwojick

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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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Recovering from the disappointment of my previous read by rereading The Raven Boys. Red leaves 🍁 were brought in by my daughter to use as bookmarks

The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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Putting together my #ScarathlonTBR and I‘m sure I‘ll add a few more but here are the books about witches and creatures and supernatural that I have on hand already. #teamhendrix #scarathlon2021 @Clwojick @StayCurious

StayCurious Love this stack! +50 early bird points! (edited) 3y
Read-y_Picker I have very strong stack envy right now 3y
BarkingMadRead @Read-y_Picker 🧙🏼‍♀️🧙🏼‍♀️🧙🏼‍♀️ 3y
Clwojick Practical Magic ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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Got this collection for just £6 including P+P. Anyone read them? How are they? They've been unsure on them for a while but couldn't turn this bargain down. Happy reading and weekend everyone 📚❤📖 @CymbaX13

hannah-leeloo Anyone else's litsy playing up? Took me 3 times to post this so I'm sorry if it repeats 😅 3y
PathfinderNicole My sister and I both really liked this series!! 3y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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TheKidUpstairs I've heard such good things about this series! 3y
tracey38 Good series! 3y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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#oppositeday #girl

Day 29: Girl

TheKidUpstairs I've heard good things! 3y
DarkMina @TheKidUpstairs This one was good. I haven‘t read the whole series yet. (edited) 3y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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Finished this right before Station 19 & Grey‘s Anatomy today! I have been wanting to read this for a long time. It‘s about a girl whose mother and “aunts” are psychics and a boy who is looking for a long-lost Welsh King. It‘s full of interesting facts and relationships among friends. I am anxious to read the next one! #100YEARS100BOOKS #58 #BookSpinBingo #BS #13 #BFC21 #SERIES2021 #YApril #ThankfulAthon

TheSpineView Way to go! 3y
TheAromaofBooks I just finished this series & am on to Call Down the Hawk. I quite liked them, although I wasn't 100% satisfied with some of the ways Stiefvater chose to answer story questions in the conclusion... but that's down to personal preference haha 3y
Allylu @TheAromaofBooks My daughter is a fan of Maggie Stiefvater, has met her briefly 2 or 3 times and heard her speak. I like the way she crafts her story, but I did have unanswered questions at the end - but there are 3 more books, so... Glad to hear your view. 3y
TheAromaofBooks I definitely feel like this book felt more like it was setting up a story than it was its own story, if that makes sense. The conclusion of the books was satisfactory - it's not like she left a bunch of loose ends - there were just a couple of things I wish had gone a different direction than they did lol I also heard her speak when she was on tour for All the Crooked Saints & so enjoyed her presentation. 3y
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My ever-increasing ill health has me going through a lot more audiobooks (vs print) compared to what I used to. What can people tell me about audible vs scribd vs chirp or wherever you get your audiobooks from? The six a month I can get from hoopla is just not cutting it! Thanks all!

Bookwormjillk Does your library have Libby? I get a ton of audiobooks from there. 3y
melissajayne I get mine through Libby 3y
TrishB @Cinfhen and @Megabooks are queens of audio! I‘m sure they have some thought. 3y
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Megabooks Definitely agree with @Bookwormjillk about Libby! I do not like scribd, but it has worked really well for @Cinfhen . Audible is really affordable if you‘re looking to buy at least a couple of books a month and want access to more sale titles than Chirp has. Audible also has the Plus Catalog that has included books and podcasts to borrow. Chirp works if you don‘t want to be tied to a membership and get a similar discount audible on regular titles. (edited) 3y
Ruthiella Libro.fm is also a good source and supports local bookstores, if you want to avoid Amazon and the price is the same I think. 3y
Megabooks @Ruthiella makes a good point. I do have a Libro.fm subscription in addition to my audible one. It is $4 more per credit than audible, but I‘m glad to support independent bookstores with some of my money. (I don‘t have a local one.) A note: Libro.fm and audible with membership and chirp for everyone offer “30% off list price,” so you think it would be the same wherever you buy. It‘s not. Since I read so much audio, I always check all three if... 3y
Megabooks I‘m going to buy a title at their list price because even with 30% off it can vary by up to $3 between services, and there is no consistency as to who is cheaper. I know this is a lot to take in. I‘ve read 122 audiobooks so far this year. 52 through Libby, 51 through audible, 8 through Libro.fm (which I just joined in December), and the rest through chirp and hoopla. Please feel free to ask any questions you have! 3y
sblbooks I use OverDrive through my library. It's great because it's free, and there are lots of books to choose from. 3y
Twainy Hoopla, OverDrive, Libby, NetGalley - FREE. I supplement with Audible. I pay Audible $149 a year for 12 credits. That gets me 12 books, any book, anytime. They also have the Audible + Catalog which is free audiobooks if you are a member, I‘ve listened to 3 so far they are good books. They have a daily deal email (book for ~ $0.99 - $5). Lots of sales! $30 gift cards for 3 credits & discounts on 3 credits if you run out. Purchased books are yours! (edited) 3y
Twainy I just bought 4 books on the Audible $6 sale. I do this about 4X a year. I buy books that are over 20 hours & favorite authors/series. I recently bought Dolly Parton Storyteller as a daily deal for $3.I have 2 “Plus” books downloaded. Also when I changed from monthly $14.99 to yearly my first year was $99. Look for a deal or call them. I also buy most of the actual books that I love on Amazon, at B&N & BookOutlet. 3y
RenePenn I also use overdrive app for free library books. They usually have pretty good availability and I put the more popular ones on the hold list to be notified when they become available. Works out pretty good. 3y
Cinfhen You‘ve gotten loads of good advice! I can add that my #Scribd subscription has worked well for me as I‘m able to borrow 2 new releases a month (sometimes more as it depends on publisher‘s licensing rights and also where you live) and then they offer “unlimited” borrows on older audios which I sometimes borrow another 3 or 4 depending on what‘s available. The service is $6.99 a month. Originally I found an offer for first 3 months free 👇🏽 3y
Cinfhen I may have a code if you‘re interested in trying scribd for free. Libro.FM also has a free trial offer. I found they were consistently more expensive on their deals than Audible, which I LOVE and I think their deals and overall service is the best. They have excellent customer service. @britt_brooke listens to lots of audios too! I think she uses Audible & her local library. If you ever want recommendations @Megabooks is the prime source 💗 3y
Molly_the_mezzo @Bookwormjillk @melissajayne @Megabooks @sblbooks @RenePenn Yes, sorry, I do use libby as well as hoopla but they do not seem to have many books I am interested in on audio. I mostly prefer sci-fi/fantasy and they don't have much in that genre 3y
Molly_the_mezzo @Megabooks Wow, that seems like more hours than there have been! I think you're magic! 3y
Megabooks @Molly_the_mezzo thank you! My recommendation for sci fi/fantasy would be a one or two audible credit subscription. Search their plus catalog for included books and you‘ll also be in on their sales and daily deals, which usually include multiple genres. Also sign up for the chirp emails through bookbub. They usually have about 20 or so books on sale from 1.99 to 4.99 that are rotated in and out every couple of weeks. I usually go through the ⬇️ 3y
Megabooks List once a week to make sure I‘m not missing anything good. I don‘t read much genre fiction, so I can‘t help with individual titles, but I think that may be the best plan for you if you think you‘ll listen to 2-3 or more books a month than your library provides. Good luck! 3y
Tera66 Audible has a bunch of "included" books. So along with your one credit a month, they have tons of freebies for about $16 a month. And that stinks you only get 6 a month from Hoopla, in Colorado we get 10, but we get no audio books from Libby, do you get libby? Maybe another source? 3y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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I've been meaning to read this series for actual years & can't believe I am finally doing it!! I really enjoyed this one even though in many ways it feels more like a set-up for a series than its own story. The characters are engaging & I really love Stiefvater's writing.

Someone gave me this in a Litsy swap back in 2019 & I can't remember who (before I started writing these things down haha) so thank you, benefactor whose name has faded into⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) into the mists of time!!

#SeriesRead2021 @TheSpineView
#StackingtheSeries (Level 1) @audraelizabeth
#AwesomeApril - Stayed up past my bedtime to finish this one, which pushed me to 1422/2500pgs!! @Andrew65
rachelm Oh I love this series 3y
TheSpineView Great job! 👍📖 3y
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TheAromaofBooks @rachelm - Stiefvater is one of the few authors that I actually follow on social media - I just really enjoy her as a person. I can't believe it's taken me this long to get to her best-known writing! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @TheSpineView - Thank you!!! 3y
mrp27 This one is still on my tbr! 3y
Andrew65 I enjoyed this and need to continue with the series. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @mrp27 - I'm into book 2 now & quite enjoying them!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - I don't know how you read one book in a series & stop!! I have to read them all straight through 😂 3y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Usuallu do too but wasn‘t able to get hold of book 2. Of course now I will need to read this one again. 3y
tracey38 I really enjoyed this series! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @tracey38 - I'm almost done with the second book and am totally in love with the whole story and everyone in it! 3y
tracey38 @TheAromaofBooks the characters are amazing. 3y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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I loved this months #20in4 🌼 I managed 12 hours and finished 1 audiobook, plus made progress on a handful of other current reads.

Thanks @Andrew65 😊

Andrew65 Fantastic 👏👏👏🙌🙌🍾🥂🍾🥂🥳🎉😊 3y
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The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater

"There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Marks Eve. Either you're his true love . . . or you killed him." I especially love this quote from the raven boys because it easily gets the reader hooked. Mentioning true loves or spirits lets us know that there is a bit of romance and fantasy in the book. @MrsBabki

The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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My reading wrap up for February. So far 2021 has been a great year in terms of books!

This month‘s average rating:
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2

The Raven Boys | Stiefvater, Maggie
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I just started The Raven Boys and I am currently on page 32. The book starts off pretty slow but it looks like it's going to be a good read. The Raven Boys is a fantasy fiction novel with a bit of romance and mystery. I really like Maggie Stiefvater's writing style and have enjoyed some of her other books so I am sure this one will also be quite good. @MrsBabki

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I don‘t know what‘s gotten into me lately but I‘ve become a serious book crier. I won‘t spoil it for anyone who hasn‘t read it yet but I just finished this book and the ending had me bawling. This book is super weird and the beginning is slow, but it‘s worth it I swear. Side note: I will personally fight anyone who tries to hurt Noah.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

#ya #theravenboys

The Raven Boys | Maggie Stiefvater
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Read some amazing middle grade and fantasy this year, all of these books were ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! So happy to discover #TheRavenCycle this summer and finally read my first #RuthWare. #Sadie was one of the first audiobooks I listened to this year and it set the standard reaaaal high. 🏅

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Stiefvater's writing throughout this book is wonderfully atmospheric. Despite the story taking place in the spring, the mysterious coincidences & creepy psychic vibes were perfectly suited for a fall read. They also build in layers that really made me more curious about the characters & their quest. It made the book a little slower-paced in the beginning than I would have liked, but given the mood it set, I preferred that to the speedy ending.

jmtrivera (I'm so terribly behind on reviews since the baby was born that I'm going to try to post several each day to catch up. Wish me luck!) 4y
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