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The Rescuers
The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
Miss Bianca is a white mouse of great beauty and supreme self-confidence, who, courtesy of her excellent young friend, the ambassadors son, resides luxuriously in a porcelain pagoda painted with violets, primroses, and lilies of the valley. Miss Bianca would seem to be a pampered creature, and not, you would suppose, the mouse to dispatch on an especially challenging and extraordinarily perilous mission. However, it is precisely Miss Bianca that the Prisoners Aid Society picks for the job of rescuing a Norwegian poet imprisoned in the legendarily dreadful Black Castle (we all know, dont we, that mice are the friends of prisoners, tending to their needs in dungeons and oubliettes everywhere). Miss Bianca, after all, is a poet too, and in any case she is due to travel any day now by diplomatic pouch to Norway. There Miss Bianca will be able to enlist one Nils, known to be the bravest mouse in the land, in a desperate and daring endeavor that will take them, along with their trusty companion Bernard, across turbulent seas and over the paws and under the maws of cats into one of the darkest places known to man or mouse. It will take everything theyve got and a good deal more to escape with their own lives, not to mention the poet. Margery Sharps classic tale of pluck, luck, and derring-do is amply and beautifully illustrated by the great Garth Williams.
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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That little mouse right there is wearing boots!
#CoverLove #boots #myneverendingtbr

Eggs Love the little rescuers 🐭 💗 🐁 2w
TheBookHippie I love this book! 2w
PurpleyPumpkin @Eggs @TheBookHippie I had planned to read this earlier this year but life took over. One day I‘ll get to it!🙌🏽 2w
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Been after this classic for a while now.

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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Here‘s a link to author @AmyStewart ‘s Substack about Margery Sharp‘s adult books. These may be fun compagion reads!
#ChildrensClassicRead2024 🐭

TheBookHippie Oh my word!!!! What a find!!! 3mo
tpixie @TheBookHippie yes! Serendipity! 3mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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I‘m always behind bookclub reads; be patient with me!

I‘d assumed “The Rescuers” would follow the same plot & structure of the Disney movie. It does not!

There are some genuinely scary parts in the book. I much prefer the book & these characters.

I‘d adored the movie when I was younger! I rewatched it recently & got bored! If you‘ve watch this with your brood what did they think?

(The seagull & Evinrude are highlights imo!)

Megabooks I remember being scared by this movie as a kid. I was probably a wimpy 7 year old. 😂 😂 5mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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I loved the vocabulary used. I read it for the litsy children‘s classic read of the month. I love mice stories and horse stories.

TheBookHippie Yay!!! 💕💕💕 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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This fun tale follows three courageous mice on a mission to rescue a prisoner (though I never understood why that particular prisoner poet needed to be rescued). I liked all three of them especially Miss Bianca. The illustrations are great and I enjoyed the sly sense of humour. Never read the book, never watched the Disney adaptation, I‘m glad I‘ve read it for #ChildrensClassicRead2024

TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 6mo
tpixie 😂 I wondered about the prisoner as well! Had to just shake that off and enjoy the ride! What fun characters those mice were! 🐭 🐭🐭 5mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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I enjoyed the characters of Miss Bianca, Bernard and Nils very much but my adult mind didn‘t care much for the plot. I wanted to know more about the prisoner and why he was imprisoned. Still glad I read it and after I rewatched the Disney movie, hadn‘t seeing it in ages.

CatLass007 Wow. You have a beautiful home. 6mo
mrp27 @CatLass007 I‘m at my aunts house this weekend, this is her lovely home but thank you all the same! 6mo
CatLass007 @mrp27 Then please tell your aunt that she has a lovely home. And it looks like nothing is out of place, which I respect the heck out of. 6mo
mrp27 @CatLass007 lol will do! 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Fun internet pic I found ! #ChildrensClassicRead2024

rubyslippersreads I can‘t believe I‘ve never seen the movie, but it looks as though it might be based more on the second book, which I just started. 6mo
Drnkpnkprincess I can‘t believe I never knew the movies are based on books!!! Looks like I‘ll be adding these to my TBR 6mo
Prairiegirl_reading I just rewatched this movie the other day! I loved it as a kid. Did not know it was based on a book! 6mo
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mrp27 Eva Gabor is the perfect Miss Bianca and it‘s her voice in my head as I read the book. 6mo
TheBookHippie @mrp27 SAME!! 💕💕💕💕 6mo
TheBookHippie @Prairiegirl_reading the books are so far amazing!!! Loving them! 6mo
TheBookHippie @Drnkpnkprincess so good! I love them. 6mo
TheBookHippie @rubyslippersreads I think you‘re right. 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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What a delightful read! Love Margery‘s wit(and her curls!)Thanks @TheBookHippie for this great choice to kick off #ChildrensClassicRead2024
My favorite part: When a bored Miss Bianca was in search of something to read: “The Head Jailer was practically illiterate, there was nothing to be borrowed from his shelves save one dog-eared pamphlet entitled Cut Your Own Corns, which Miss Bianca would have sooner died — O ominous phrase! — than look at.”😆

batsy I highlighted that bit, too! 😆 6mo
TheBookHippie 😂😂😂😂😅😅♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 6mo
TheBookHippie I loved it. 6mo
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UwannaPublishme @batsy @TheBookHippie Gotta admire Margery‘s wicked sense of humor here! 🤣😬🤭🙌🏻❤️ 6mo
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme it made me smile every page. 6mo
PurpleyPumpkin Looking forward to reading this one still!😅 I ordered it but it hasn‘t arrived yet. Seems like it won‘t arrive until early Feb, but I haven‘t given up hope that it gets here earlier!🤞🏽 So glad that you enjoyed. 💜 6mo
TheBookHippie @PurpleyPumpkin it‘s just so cute!!! 6mo
UwannaPublishme @PurpleyPumpkin Hope it arrives soon. These lovable characters will win your heart!❤️ 6mo
tpixie @UwannaPublishme of all things- corns! So funny! 5mo
UwannaPublishme @tpixie Can you even imagine that topic being the only one around to read? 😬🤣🙃 5mo
tpixie @UwannaPublishme 😂 no!! 5mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Read/ finished 6 books on left. The 3 on the right is amazing still reading. #joyousjanuary

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 👏🏻 6mo
Crazeedi You did amazing! Congrats! 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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This was such an adorable story! #ChildrensClassicRead2024 I can't believe I haven't read this before or watched the Disney animation. I found it very witty and charming, and just an all-round delight. It's always a good time when animals get existential 😆 Loved the illustrations by Garth Williams. I should check out more of her adult novels, as well—I enjoyed Four Gardens, which we read for #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub @TheBookHippie

DinoMom This is a great one! 6mo
TheBookHippie I loved it so much. 6mo
BarbaraBB Tempting review. I havens read it either not watched the movie. 6mo
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willaful Some of my favs of adult books: Cluny Brown, The Nutmeg Tree, Something Light. 6mo
UwannaPublishme Agreed on all counts! 🙌🏻 6mo
batsy @BarbaraBB It's just so darn cute 🐭 6mo
batsy @willaful Thanks! I remember others here also mentioning Cluny Brown. 6mo
batsy @UwannaPublishme 👍🏽🙂 6mo
Rissreads I‘m about to start this! 6mo
batsy @Rissreads Enjoy! 6mo
kspenmoll I had no idea she wrote for adults. This is such a charming story. 6mo
batsy @kspenmoll It is! So witty, as well. 6mo
tpixie @batsy it was so witty!! I do love animals as starring characters! I may have to check out her books for adults!! 5mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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My Miss Bianca library (thanks to @BookieMary who collects this series, and is kind enough to pass on her copies when she upgrades). Now that I‘ve reread the first book, I want to read all of them. 🐭 #childrensclassicread2024

TheBookHippie So do I !!! 6mo
CatLass007 The cat and mouse are gorgeous. 6mo
merelybookish Beautiful stack! 6mo
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willaful Darling! 6mo
batsy Love this photo! 6mo
MaureenMc 🥰 6mo
LeahBergen So cute! 6mo
UwannaPublishme I didn‘t realize there were so many! 6mo
rubyslippersreads There are three more in the series—the tagged book, which I have as an ebook, and two more I don‘t own. 6mo
tpixie @rubyslippersreads what a great photo and incredible book collection! I love that Bernard has his own book! 📕 🐭 🧀 5mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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I finished this adorable story of Miss Bianca, Bernard, and Nils.
Last night, I went to an event at an art gallery and saw these two cute little mice which reminded me of the book!
#ChildrensClassicRead2024 #sharreadathon #readathon

TheBookHippie Awe!!!! I enjoyed this read very much! 6mo
AnnR 🐭🙂🐭 6mo
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batsy Cute! I just finished, too. Such an adorable story 🐁 6mo
tpixie @batsy yes! 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Mine is an unpopular opinion, I know, but The Rescuers was one of the first Disney films I remember, and it will always be my favorite. The film and this book couldn‘t be more different. I didn‘t care for the writing style and, ugh, the misogyny. I know it‘s in line with the time it was written, but it was more than I can tolerate in my present mental state. That said, I‘m glad I read it. #childrensclassicread2024

TheBookHippie 😅🙃 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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First, I want to begin by apologizing to my daughters, for never having read this to them when they were little, they would have loved it!! The concept of the Prison Aid Society of mice is heartwarming. “There is no more wonderful moment in life than when a prison door opens.” My favorite is when Bianca is running for her life and ask Nils “are we passing anything of historic interest?”

The mice props are from my daughter‘s collection.

AnnR Oh so cute! 🙂🐭 6mo
TheBookHippie So so cute!!! Also I love this book! 6mo
Laughterhp Is this book what the Disney movies are based off of? Because those are my favorite movies. 6mo
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Cuilin @Laughterhp yes, and I can say the book is wonderful 6mo
Ruthiella You can make it up with grandchildren. 😄 6mo
batsy Love the photo! I've not read this before and I'm looking forward to getting to it before the month is out. 6mo
Cuilin @AnnR thanks 🐭 6mo
Cuilin @TheBookHippie me too. I sent an apology to Bekah since she‘s the one that collects mice ornaments. I may send her a copy of the book too. Thanks for hosting and choosing this book. 🩷 6mo
Cuilin @Ruthiella 🤞🤞🤞 6mo
Cuilin @batsy thanks, looking forward to your review. 6mo
TheBookHippie @Cuilin I am reading it with my grandson daily he loves it! He will be 10 next month. My son 17 has been listening and enjoying it too. I‘m definitely keeping it in mind for gifts and teachers it‘s such a lovely read. 6mo
kspenmoll Love the mice!!! 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Nils equates himself:
A story about King Richard involves the quest of his loyal minstrel Blondel to find King Richard who disappeared on his way back from the Holy Land.
Blondel traveled from castle to castle throughout Europe, singing the 1st verse of Richard‘s favorite song until he heard the king answer with the 2nd verse.
Blondel‘s discovery of the king‘s location led to Richard‘s return to England to assume his rightful place as king.👑

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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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#JumpStart2024 #ReadAway2024 #JoyousJanuary

Read for #ChildrensClassicRead2024 I‘d only seen the Disney movie ages ago so it was a delight to read the book even if the story/rescuee differ. Miss Bianca, Bernard & Nils are an excellent team & I enjoyed the humor & the drama as they accomplished their mission. My library Libby only has the 1st e-book in the series but the State Library branch has the print versions & I may be tempted to read on ⬇️

DebinHawaii … and add it to my #SeriesLove2024 list. 💛 6mo
TheBookHippie I love it so much!!! I‘m going to keep reading as well! 6mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 6mo
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 6mo
tpixie The story is so fun & the illustrations are adorable 🥰. I may read the series as well! 6mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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What a name for a big scary cat 🐈‍⬛ in a prison!!
We can only hope this cat happens to LIKE mice (as friends! Not food!) or our Miss Bianca is in real trouble!!!
The suspense! 😬 😱 😥
I can‘t read it until tonight! Hold on Miss Bianca!!!
🐈‍⬛ 🐭 🐈‍⬛
#ChildrensClassicRead #ChildrensClassicRead2024

TheBookHippie 😬😬😬 6mo
tpixie @TheBookHippie where there‘s mice 🐭 there‘s cats 🐈‍⬛ !! 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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This was a lovely read today, and the illustrations by Garth Williams were perfect. Although I‘m familiar with the movies, I don‘t think I‘ve ever read the book. Bianca, Bernard, and Nils were a wonderful trio of characters, and the cat made the story especially entertaining.


TheBookHippie I loved it so much!! 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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TheBookHippie 💙 6mo
Cuilin Great week 🎉 6mo
TheSpineView Great job! 6mo
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Librarybelle Great reading week! 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6mo
dabbe #yahooyou! 💜🤍💜 6mo
DieAReader 🥳Brilliant! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
KadaGul @Read4life Did you finish Bromance Book Club? What did you think 🤔? 6mo
Read4life @KadaGul I loved it! I‘m definitely reading book 2! 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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This is an adorable palate cleanser after reading the complex Cloud Atlas. It is written so cleverly 🐭🐭🐭#ChildrensClassicRead2024

TheBookHippie I just love it!!! 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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#CHILDRENSCLASSICREAD2024 I am loving our January read. I‘m slowly savoring it at a chapter a day. 🐭🩶🐭

2024 list https://bookhippie.com/index.php/2023/10/01/childrens-classic-read-2024/

AnnR Yay! I'm slowly making my way through it, too. My current reading tastes are more in tune with feel-good stories in January. Struggling with some other books. 7mo
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TheBookHippie @AnnR I feel the exact same way. 7mo
rubyslippersreads @AnnR @TheBookHippie I‘m going to start it soon. I agree I‘m much more in the mood for feel-good stories right now. (Plus I ❤️ Margery Sharp.) 7mo
tpixie Starting it soon! What a cute little mouse!! 7mo
TheBookHippie @tpixie it‘s a puppet, I use it with my litter readers at school. 7mo
julieclair Looking forward to starting it this weekend! 7mo
GingerAntics I haven‘t started it yet, but I am quite excited for it. 7mo
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I think it‘s quite smart! 7mo
UwannaPublishme I‘ve got a few more chapters to go and I‘m loving it! 7mo
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I‘m hoping to read it this weekend. 6mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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~Nancy Drew- due the 15th,easy fun reading #NancyDrewBR
~Alchemist-reading daily at work
~Ultra Processed- #naturalitsybuddyread #January- slow going for me
Pgs. 19/304
~Last Garden-pgs. 19/308 #Is #Auldlangspine
~The Rescuers- starting tomorrow morning.#childrenclasdicread2024
~Rivalry- read when I can or wait- 131/355
~ Picasso- read next section #sundaybuddyread
~St.Anne‘s- listen when I can. Slow.

We‘ll see what I can do…

Librarybelle Lots of good reading! 7mo
AllDebooks You've got some great books on the go 😊 7mo
Suet624 Ooo, you‘re in the middle of so many books! 7mo
tpixie I really liked The Alchemist. 7mo
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Rescuers | Margery Sharp

“There is no more wonderful moment in life than when a prison door opens.“

Oh, it was so fun to revisit this. I can't remember when I last read it, but I suspect I appreciate more nuances now. And there's some jokes I never really got, like the “Tybalt Star“ medal for Gallantry in Face of Cats.“

batsy I can't believe I've never read this! I'm looking forward to it 🐭 7mo
TheBookHippie I‘m enjoying it so much! 7mo
AnnR @Batsy - Actually, I've never read it either. Enjoy! 7mo
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AnnR @willaful Glad you enjoyed your reread. I'll revisit your review, after I've read the book. 🙂 7mo
tpixie @willaful I‘m glad you are enjoying it! I‘ll be able to start soon!! 🔜📗 🐭 7mo
batsy @AnnR I hope you enjoy it, too! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
LaraReads How exciting! Can‘t wait to start! 7mo
Faranae Tybalt Star instead of the Victoria Cross? Though odd to name it that when the “enemy“ is cats. Tybalt is the Prince of Cats in the Reynard the Fox cycle and that's riffed on in Romeo and Juliet. 7mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m going to have to check with my cats. This book may not be on their approved reading list. 😾 7mo
Rissreads This was one of my favourite books as a child. I still remember my teacher in Hong Kong reading it to the class. I think I might re read it too! 7mo
KristiAhlers Loved this one 7mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Free option https://archive.org/details/rescuers0000shar_q8b6

Everyone Welcome 🐭🐭

I‘m enjoying it! ♥️

ravenlee We just watched the movie this evening! 7mo
TheBookHippie @ravenlee oh how fun!! I‘m saving it for the end of the month! 7mo
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erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for the link! 7mo
batsy Thanks! I might try to join in this month 🐭 7mo
rubyslippersreads I‘ll be joining in. 🐭 7mo
UwannaPublishme I‘m enjoying it too! And I already ordered the animated movie, which I‘ve never seen. 😊 7mo
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme oh you‘ll love it!!! Bianca is the best!!! 7mo
GingerAntics This looks adorable! It makes me think of the rescuers down under. My grandmother used to have this big stuffed Fievel until she went to the nursing home, that sat in my little rocking chair with my name on it that I fit in when I was a toddler. 7mo
Cuilin I‘d love to join in. 7mo
TheBookHippie @Cuilin YAY! We read post when done our review and anything fun we find, articles, movies and use the hashtag #ChildrensClassicRead2024 . It‘s very low key zen buddy reading. 7mo
Rissreads I‘m going to join in and read it this month. How exciting! 🐭 7mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Librarybelle A great stack of buddy reads!! 7mo
julieclair Great stack! I‘m reading a few of those as well. 😀 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m already love Marcellus 🐙 7mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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DGRachel I didn‘t realize my favorite Disney movie was based on a book. I should have and I must read this! 7mo
TheBookHippie @DGRachel YAY join us!!! ♥️♥️♥️ I didn‘t either BTW 🤷🏻‍♀️🤯 7mo
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julieclair Yay! Looking forward to another year of total enjoyment! 7mo
DebinHawaii I may have to join in this one as I didn‘t realize it was a book too! Also you are reading Pippi Longstocking which I used to read with my dad as a child! 🤗 7mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair me too 👏🏼♥️📘 7mo
DGRachel Would you mind tagging me? I saw the list and while I probably won‘t get to them all, I‘d love to join you for several. 🤩 7mo
TheBookHippie @DGRachel I will add you! 7mo
mrp27 Looking forward to this one. Now to find a copy… 7mo
TheBookHippie @mrp27 my town library had nada, my school library has copies but I found one on WOB https://www.wob.com/en-us/books/margery-sharp/rescuers/9781590174609 7mo
mrp27 Oh thanks! 7mo
Read4life Looking forward to it! 💙 7mo
kspenmoll Please add me- I would like to try something new 7mo
willaful @DGRachel @DebinHawaii There's a whole series of them! I loved them as a kid and Margery Sharp became one of the first adult authors I read as a teen. 7mo
sblbooks Please add me. I've never read this one. 7mo
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll oh fun!!! Yay! 7mo
TheBookHippie @willaful I saw that! It‘s so fun! 7mo
Bklover I still haven‘t gotten a copy but will join when I can! I loved this as a kid! (Along with the Littles and The Borrowers and all the “little” books 7mo
LaraReads I‘ve got my copy from the library! Can‘t wait! 7mo
kspenmoll Christine is there a schedule for the books or do we just at our own pace? My first time joining in & the 2024 choices look wonderful- nostalgic! 7mo
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll we read at our own pace post thoughts and review with hashtag when we‘re finished and any other interesting finds while reading or if you watch a movie associated with it etc. it‘s low key fun♥️♥️♥️♥️ 7mo
Bklover Thanks Christine! 7mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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#ChildrensClassicRead2024 schedule

Everyone Welcome!! Let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged!

tpixie So many great reads!! 10mo
tpixie I did not realize the rescuers was a Book also. I‘m going to have to look, but I think Garth Williams maybe was EB White‘s or Charlotte webs illustrator. Misty of Chincoteague and Stormy, Misty‘s Foal, are 2 of my all-time Children‘s Favorites. I‘ve always wanted to go see the pony round up although now I feel a little bit about the ponies! A little trivia Misty was actually inside the White House! (edited) 10mo
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TheBookHippie @tpixie I‘m so excited!!! How fun about Misty ! I think Garth did those books and the little house on the prairie books as well. As for rescuers - No clue it was a classic read! 10mo
rubyslippersreads @tpixie I was lucky enough to visit Chincoteague and Assateague as a kid. I missed Pony Penning Day, though (my parents probably wanted to avoid the issue of bringing home a pony. 😂) 10mo
rubyslippersreads @TheBookHippie @tpixie I think Wesley Dennis illustrated the Misty books. 10mo
TheBookHippie @rubyslippersreads what, no pony ?? Rude parents 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. 10mo
PurpleyPumpkin The 2024 list looks awesome! Yes please re tagging!🎉 10mo
tpixie @TheBookHippie maybe it‘s the Little House books that I remember the illustrator. But his name sounds familiar.! 10mo
tpixie @rubyslippersreads thanks! I need to look at Garth Williams to see what he actually illustrated! (edited) 10mo
TheBookHippie @PurpleyPumpkin 🎉🎉🎉 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh wow some fabulous picks for next year!! Misty is a life-long favorite, and I also grew up reading Thornton W. Burgess and loving all of his forest adventures. Rebecca and Heidi are also favorites! The rest look quite interesting so I will have to see which ones I can find!! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @tpixie - Yes, Garth Williams illustrated the Little House books as well as Charlotte's Web, plus many other children's classics like The Cricket of Times Square and The Little Fur Family. His illustrations are so cozy!!! However, Wesley Dennis illustrated the Misty books, as well as most of Marguerite Henry's other books. 😊 10mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks YAY!!!! ♥️♥️♥️ 10mo
mrp27 Great picks! 10mo
TheBookHippie @mrp27 I think we‘re going to have some fun! 10mo
Bklover Great list! Heidi always makes me hungry for grilled cheese sandwiches! I probably can‘t read them all but will join in when I can. I loved Misty of Chincoteague! 10mo
TheBookHippie @Bklover Sounds good!!! I love a good grilled cheese! 10mo
Bklover Just curious- have you ever read The Borrowers books or The Littles books? 10mo
TheBookHippie @Bklover Personally I have read all The Littles books. I loved them. I have not read The Borrowers but my daughter did. I should add some next year! 10mo
willaful I have actually never watched the movie because I was so offended by them calling her Bianca without the Miss. 😂 10mo
TheBookHippie @willaful Oh my word!! HAHAHA. How funny. 10mo
Bklover Well I love the list for 2024! 10mo
TheBookHippie @Bklover I think we are going to enjoy them immensely!! 10mo
mcctrish Please count me in 10mo
tpixie @rubyslippersreads that‘s so great you went to those places! Lol One reason I never went as an adult with my kids, because I could not think of how I say no to a pony! 10mo
tpixie @Bklover I LOVED The Littles & The Borrowers! 10mo
TheBookHippie @tpixie oooooooooo 😍 10mo
mcctrish @tpixie oh my 🥰 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @tpixie - Ooooo this looks so interesting!!! 10mo
julieclair This list makes my heart go pitter-pat! Wonderful picks! 👍 10mo
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ • Darling

Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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A rough start smoothed out into an enjoyable tale that has almost nothing to do with the movie. Incredibly spoiled Miss Bianca gets swept up in a daring prison rescue, along with Norwegian Nils and Pantry resident Bernard. The first of nine in the series! No idea if I‘ll look for the other seven, but I have the next one. Didn‘t care for the sexist garbage, though. #MGMarch

Bradleygirl oh gosh I remember reading this when I was a kid and somehow I just loved this so much, probably the illustrations helped, but also the Norwegian prisoner that you never find out what he was even accused of and the epic adventure of getting to the castle and then having to make it past all those defenses. brave mice 💜⚔️ 3y
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Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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“No one more than I,” said the Secretary, “admires Madam Chairwoman‘s spirit. But has she, in her feminine enthusiasm, considered the difficulties?”

I have never wanted to punch a mouse in the face before, but now I have. 😡

LeahBergen 😆😆 3y
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Remember Miss Bianca and Bernard? ❤

#20Series20Days @Andrew65

Andrew65 Lovely. 4y
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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A surprisingly delightful, joyfully illustrated little children‘s classic.

The book is nothing like the Disney film, which I loved as a young child. We had a record that narrated the book, and we‘d listen to it over and over, trying to do all the voices.

DGRachel One of my favorite classic Disney films! 5y
Libby1 @DGRachel - me too! Although a number of years ago I was in a work situation and was in a meeting with someone who looked to me like Medusa; huge green eyes, angry expression, and a hair colour so bright red it could only be from a bottle. I had to try to bottle up my laughter then! 5y
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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“‘If he‘s a poet, why‘s he in jail?‘ demanded a suspicious voice.

Madam Chairwoman [a mouse] shrugged her velvet shoulders.

‘Perhaps he writes free verse,‘ she suggested cunningly.”

The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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1. Brother Bear movie
2. Lilo from Stitch
3. Cruella Deville
4. The firefly from The Princess and the Frog
5. ?? Did you know The Rescuers movies were from a book? I loved them.
This was fun 😀 @NataliePatalie

#frideas @SailorMoon

SailorMoon Thanks for playing!!! 💕🌙 5y
Bookzombie I did not know that! Stacked! 5y
tournevis I love the Rescuers! Watched the movie again on my way back from France. They had it on. 5y
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Blueberry @tournevis I would love to see it again. I wonder if Netflix has it.... or maybe my wonderful public library. 😀 5y
tournevis @Blueberry It's slower than I remembered, but it was so good! 5y
tournevis @Blueberry Also, more than a bit xenophobic against the Cadjiens. 5y
KatieDid927 Omg I forgot about Ray!!!! (the firefly) 5y
Blueberry @KatieDid927 he made me cry 💚 5y
NataliePatalie Ooooh haven't watched any of these in awhile! Love the firefly. 5y
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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Figured I would pick a quick read to change things up a little bit.

absolutebookish Oh my goodness, I didn't even know this was a book! I love this movie! As a kid and now. ^_^ 6y
QuothTheRavenclawNevermore @absolutebookish I wish I could say the movie followed the book! 6y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings Eeek! It looks beautiful 😍 4y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings You got that on our outing? Or somewhere else? 4y
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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rubyslippersreads ❤️❤️❤️ this book! 🐭 7y
RowReads1 @rubyslippersreads Me too🐭🐭 7y
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The Rescuers | Margery Sharp
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#BookMail! I forgot the Disney movies are based on books-they are separate series, but I decided heck #TreatYoself & got them for a good price via Amazon Prime. Currently preparing with Antibiotics & pain meds for a Root Canal 😭😱 due to a Luna Bar that caught my molar unawares & thus broke part of it-Can't drive while on the pain med, so looking forward to a day of audiobooks & maybe some LOTR movies🎧Prayers appreciated for the impending RC🙏🏻

LeahBergen Oooo! Good luck and enjoy the recuperation. ❤️ 8y
Emily92Bibliophile Clarification: So excited!! Emoji is for the book mail and day of audiobooks- not for the flip side of preparation for a Root Canal 😁 8y
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