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Joined December 2022

LibraryThing member Faranae

I blog about books and games, and run a reading challenge! https://harpgriffinbooks.wordpress.com/ https://www.twitch.tv/harpgriffin/
Xingu | Edith Wharton
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1) It was the name of a character that's spoken only once across 9? novels in a web-published series from the early 2000s. I'd been using it for a while as my preferred name as well, but I've got a new one of those that fits better.

2) Puzzles, laundry, minor repair work (eg fixing christmas light strings), rote data entry (like finding word counts for books on my for-stream list)

3) Tagged! Thanks Librivox!

@Eggs #WondrousWednesday

Eggs It‘s lovely 🥰 2d
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1) No. I'm very unlucky so I think placing bets would be cursing whoever I wanted to win. I don't gamble in any way.

2) This book is so good. I hate baseball and NYC and I don't usually like historicals set this recently, but Sebastian is just that good.

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! ❤️📖 2d
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The Mermaid | Anonymous
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Yes, I have absolutely been perusing old Regency pamphlets and laughing at credulous bloggers and historians alike. A number of them seem to think this, like the “Description of the Mermaid“ of the same year, was an advertisement. They clearly haven't read it, because it's a classic very dry Regency satire of the former. Both Cruikshank brothers illustrated the mermaid, adding to the confusion.
I'm currently transcribing this for e-pub. 🤘

Tramps and Vagabonds | Aster Glenn Gray
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Didn't read much in June because I've been bouncing between actual migraines and just bad headaches, and reading is one of the things I have a hard time doing with migraines. I hated Abandoned, Killer Fashion, and Ships. The two comic memoirs were not great but I didn't hate them. The Girl from the Sea was fine. But I absolutely LOVED Tramps & Vagabonds. I'll be looking to see if I can get more Gray not on Amazon, because it was so good.

Faranae @willaful But not the m/m historicals! Curses! Maybe I'll e-mail and be like “can you put these on kobo pleeeeeeeeease?“

It was so well-researched, and my partner was homeless and rode the rails and it resonated a lot with things they've told me, even 100 years later, mostly in the fondness for trains and the psychological side of homelessness.
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May Reads!

I tagged the Queer History book because I rarely see Canadian queer history featured. It was a great book. Most of these books deserve an entire review of their own. I technically haven't finished A Sense of Shifting as of this post, but it balanced out the image. I hate baseball and Cat Sebastian still delivered.

The Monk and the Mermaid was okay, Star Trek Cats was for Trekkies only, and Ancient Egypt was a surprise disappointment.

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49/100 although some I might have forgotten? So many of them I absolutely hate on here. So many. The horror and action films used to be on cable a lot, so I saw them thanks to life on the road staying in hotels.

I guess my top three would be
The Muppet Movie
Fiddler on the Roof
Blazing Saddles

#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

dabbe The movie genres were all over the place. And some were like 🙄 😮 😳. Thanks for sharing. 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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1. I got to visit the British Library in 2019, which was basically everything I hoped for. But I ALSO visited the Chester Beatty in Dublin 3 times in that same year, and got to view texts I never dreamed of getting to be in the same room with, some of them thousands of years old.
2. Library! I currently have 4 physical library cards I use digitally, as well as 2 virtual libraries.
3. 😅 I have 10 books in progress.

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs #1 how exciting!! Thanks for playing!! 2mo
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@dabbe's #TLT this week is 80s movies. I only marked films I was absolutely certain I had actually seen and hadn't just absorbed by osmosis, for 104 of 187, or 56%. Since outside the Ghibli films I honestly don't like most of these, I blame cable t.v. in hotel rooms for the vast majority of my score. I tagged something Castle in the Sky related just because I have a fond memory of the singer from the film visiting my college class.

dabbe Thanks for playing! Do you have a favorite era of movies? 🤩🤗😀 3mo
Faranae @dabbe Hm, I don't think I do? I've developed a new appreciation for pre-Code films, especially silent film, but that's more in the form of learning about all the “lost films“ made by marginalized people when film was young and everything an experiment almost anyone could participate in. 3mo
dabbe @Faranae Interesting! I've only seen a few silent films (THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI is a favorite). I need to revisit more! 3mo
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I did much more reading in April than this looks like, but it's all either re-reads or unfinished yet. May will probably be hard to fit everything into! At least that's the hope. The Phantom Coach was my favorite Twitch read this past month and I think I'm going to go look for more of her fiction. Both the modern books were mildly disappointing. Also, I've developed a taste for Regency pamphlets, satirical and serious both. I need more!

The Sign of the Four | Arthur Conan Doyle
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I re-read this to decide if I could read it on stream. I cannot. It's not just that this book is BAD. That's fine; my chat would have a great time with a bad book. No, it's that it's incredibly, irretrievably RACIST. Some books I quietly remove the slurs so we can read them but in this, the plot is fundamentally racist. There's no way to “fix“ it to not be so deeply harmful. So I'm not going to read it for an audience.

Striped Coat, The Skunk (Illustrated) | Joseph Wharton Lippincott
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This was a cute children's book about skunks, written back when skunks were still farmed for their fur and killed as a nuisance animal. There's some casual racism in it (all the animals are simply named their species except... Crow. Just guess). I read it because my Twitch chat requested it, but I only realized after that it's not public domain in Canada thanks to the new NAFTA agreement (yes I will die made about it).

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Read this for my Twitch, and I'm really happy to have re-read it as an adult. Not only did I get to make it scary for someone who didn't know the story, but I know far more about Victorian repression, anti-gay laws, and queer subtext than I did as a small child. It's one of the only books Stevenson intended to be read as an allegory, and while he wasn't gay himself, there's definitely a queer interpretation available here.

Faranae You can read Jekyll and Hyde as a toxic gay relationship that could have been avoided if queerness and sex didn't have to be secret in Victorian society. There are constant references to Jekyll leading a double life even before Hyde, about unnameable acts, and “it's not what you're thinking“ clearly meaning “I'm not being blackmailed by a spurned working class lover.“ 4mo
Faranae Further, you can read Utterson as Stevenson - indulgent of the “sins“ of his friends, even though he doesn't share in them himself. Stevenson was chronically ill, frequently bedridden, and decidedly straight and monogamous. But some of his friends were not any of those things. Utterson's failure in this book is not being a confidante and champion for Jekyll before it ever came to creating Hyde. 4mo
bookwyrm7 I love this book! I had never thought of it that way though and it will be interesting to read it again with this thought in mind. 4mo
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Faranae @bookwyrm7 The coding is hard to unsee once you know the Victorian gay scene. For example, it was considered ideal among middle and upper class gay men that they would have a working class, younger lover - they would attempt to educate him, and financially and socially elevate him, and considered themselves to be radically eliminating class barriers. So Jekyll has “an interest“ in Hyde's welfare, a man described as younger and more vulgar, etc... 4mo
bookwyrm7 I have to do some reading on that subject! Hmm not sure if it was in Victorian times, but that theme does remind me of "The Picture of Dorian Gray" which, as we all know, was very gay. 4mo
rwmg I think I'm going to have to re-read it with that in mind 4mo
Faranae @bookwyrm7 Both are not only Victorian, but very close together! Dorian Gray is from 1891, and Jekyll and Hyde is from 1886. 4mo
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I almost forgot to post my monthly round up! Lots of short reads. I tagged Styles because I didn't want to tag something I already had and none of the other books really stood out. Or well, if they did, it was for the wrong reasons. The Pride activity book was actually terrible! The meditation book was ableist, classist, and uninformative! The rest were basically fine, though Sam is My Sister was definitely inferior as a trans narrative.

Faranae Necklothitania is hilarious and I'll tag it in a review post another time, but I have to add it to Litsy. 4mo
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Oh, this one is too easy for me. I read almost every book for my Twitch streams three times: once before going live with it, once on stream, and once when I listen back to it to create the highlights!

📘 I've tagged Shadow-shapes because I'm still working on those annotations (aiming to publish by Armistice Day 2024).
📘 Lord of the Rings ofc!
📘 Cat Sebastian's The Soldier's Scoundrel is my most recent fun reread.

#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

dabbe #'s 1 and 3 look intriguing! #2: YES! 🤩 Thanks for sharing. 💚🩷💚 4mo
Faranae @dabbe Shadow-shapes has been out of print (except cheap facsimiles) for a century and it's a shame. There's no e-pub, but there will be when I'm done this annotated edition. 😤
The Soldier's Scoundrel is delightful, and Sebastian revisited some of the concepts as a more mature writer in The Queer Principles of Kit Webb.
dabbe @Faranae Yay to you for annotating and hopefully soon publishing. You'll let us know, right? 🤩😃🤗 4mo
Faranae @dabbe Absolutely! It will be self-published, but hopefully by then I'll have learned how to navigate Ingram so it will actually be in e-shops and not just on my Ko-fi shop. With an ISBN! 4mo
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I always see #wondrouswednesday by @Eggs and then fail to do it because I can't think of an answer to one of the questions. Not this time!

🐣 KJ Charles, Cat Sebastian, Nghi Vo, and Jordan L Hawk!
🐣 I'm really bad at favorites, but I've always loved poetry and John Keats (tagged) is an easy one to claim. Most of the Romantics, really.
🐣 You see answer one? Ditto! Cat Sebastian and Nghi Vo most of all, with fewer misses in mid-series for me.

Eggs Thanks for participating 👏🏻👏🏻 4mo
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Yes, I'm reading random Georgian satirical pamphlets. I'm actually trying to trace a long chain of anonymous plagiarism, after a snide remark in Derenzy's Enchiridion about a cravat pamphlet. This one came much later, and is stolen from a French satirist. But that's okay, because I think he stole it from an Englishman before him. Anyway, it's all very silly and yet still has real and interesting insight into 1820s men's fashion.

Carmilla | Joseph Sheridan LeFanu
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Just started reading this on my Twitch channel. Glad I read it before starting, I needed to remove some blink-and-you'll-miss-it racism that could be excised without harm to the book. I think it would be creepier reading it in the Victorian era, but on the other hand, there is absolutely no subtlety about the lesbian relationship. It's not coded at all, it's just right there on the page. As I told my chat, “yes, this is a kissing book!“ 😆

willaful Do you know the operetta? It's available on Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/lp_carmilla-a-vampire-tale-original-cast_la-mama-exp... 5mo
Faranae @willaful I'd seen it existed on the Wiki page, but I didn't know I could listen to it myself! Neat! 5mo
willaful My mom loved the album so we actually saw it when I was 12. Too young to grasp everything, but it's gorgeous singing and very emotional.

My birthday gift to her some years ago was getting the ancient album digitized, to remove all the weird ancient album noises. He even was able to fix a skip.
Faranae @willaful That's amazing! 5mo
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Movements & Moments | Sonja Eismann, Maya, and Ingo Schningh
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I've been a little absent from here, just didn't have time to post! I've been working on my back log of kids' lit, as well as my usual assortment of review blog reading, random very old books, and queer romance. I've tagged an interesting collection, but tbh, the real highlight this month was Sailor's Delight. Don't let the ridiculous cover fool you - it's 0 spice, 99% pining, and EXTREMELY Jewish. Takes place between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur!

willaful That one's on my list... 5mo
TheBookHippie I love these. Calvin is a favorite of mine! ♥️ 5mo
Faranae @willaful It's really good, and Jewish identity, culture, and life ways are central to the story and character arcs. It's accessible to Gentiles like me, but it didn't feel diluted or designed to cater to that bigger market. But also, be prepared for the pining. They've been pining for a *decade*, they are really, really good at pining. It made me wish Lerner had written more m/m or m/nb romances, but the rest of her books are f/f or m/f. 5mo
Faranae @TheBookHippie Calvin was wonderful! Definitely my favorite of the three “gender“ picture books this month, though the other two are pretty good as well! 5mo
willaful Unfortunately we're no longer on the same social media or I would tell her that. :-) 5mo
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The Corsican Brothers | Alexandre Dumas
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Yeah, I'm a bit meh on this Dumas book. I'm reading it for Twitch for Black History Month (Canada) because it's one of his shortest works. The trouble with this book is that it's a slow burn, with 13 long chapters of build up to all the action in the last 7 chapters. It's hard to get invested in the tragedy of Lucien and Louis. My viewers are enjoying it, surprisingly enough. It's the forgotten basis for a pile of SFF stories, too.

Faranae Also, I'm deeply regretting the accent I gave Lucien for reading aloud. I was tired and what I pulled out for his apparently strong Corsican accent (not given an eye dialect, but mentioned), was some sort of unholy merging of my Francophone aunt's manner and accent, and a vaguely Italian accent. It's become extremely hard to maintain over multiple streams and I kind of hate it. Fortunately, there's a couple Librivox recordings to choose from. 😅 5mo
willaful I would never be able to get through this without incessant quoting from “Start the Revolution Without Me.“ 😂 5mo
Faranae @willaful Better than the Cheech and Chong film. 😂 5mo
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My January (tracked) reading. I'm chipping away at my backlog of modern children's books (I try to know what's out there to gift to friends' kids and also for fast URC solutions haha). The only book here I DO NOT recommend is “A River's Gifts“. It plays fast and loose with facts and assumes children are too stupid for nuance. It's also not written by Klallam people and it shows. The two queer romances are both @willaful's fault, thank you. ❤

willaful Any time. 😊 6mo
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I first read the 14th edition (1879) years ago, and own the Dover edition. I'm now reading the 1st UK edition (1841) on my Twitch because one of my friends is developing an age of sail themed game and wanted to research but felt overwhelmed. Dana's text is dense but concise and precise. His legal citations are thorough. The structure is a little odd - landlubbers may need to skip to the glossary in the middle before reading the initial chapters. ⚓

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This is a roller coaster of a read - put on your seat belt (which didn't exist yet), you're in for some whiplash. Bryan, later an important film documentarian of Nazi crimes and the Siege of Warsaw, is only 17 when he packs off to the French front of WW1. His diary bounces between the hijinks and energy of an invincible teenage boy and the horrifying realities he witnesses. Gallows humour and bad decisions abound, and everybody's a bit drunk.

Faranae Reminder that all belligerents of WW1 except the Americans had a daily alcohol ration, and Bryan served with the French - he got the same bottle of pinard and 5 sous a day the poilus did. The Brits got rum, and the Germans had beer. 6mo
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Flatland | Edwin Abbott
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Another one I'm reading for Twitch. Abbott is really committed to the world-building of his intellectual exercises here. I think the social satire aspects are under-valued in most analysis of it, which tend to focus on the math. I had fun showing chat a lobster bustle, as the size of the Victorian lady's bustle was at its peak when this was written and there's a whole bit about swaying ladies' backsides for visibility.

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Reread this for my Twitch stream, including having the illustrated plates on the video for viewers. It's always such a wild ride, but this is my first time introducing it to others and seeing what they had to say. We also had fun trying to find all the little figures inside the textual portions of each plate. Lots of mermaids and birds, in addition to the dynamic little people. The Swedenborg burn worked even for non-Blakeans. 💀 🔥

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My first completed read of the new year is a classic of disability literature. As you might guess from the image, I read it aloud for my Twitch stream, and my viewers asked a lot of good questions about late Georgian life in general, and distinctions from the following Victorian era. Derenzy had a great sense of humor, and he's the rare Regency gent I think I'd actually like to hang out with. Open Library's copy has marginalia from him!

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I thought this would be nice for individual updates, although obviously you can do whatever you want really, but this is for the less image editing savvy/enthused. 😁

#URC2024 @Faranae

BookmarkTavern How clever! 7mo
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As an improvement over last year, I'm going to post a few templates for keeping track and sharing your URC reads this year! They'll also be available on my blog and my Ko-Fi. If anyone has a clever way of making bingo cards for 52 books, let me know! 😅

#URC2024 @Faranae

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Happy New Year! Welcome to the What We've Been Reading Ultimate Reading Challenge of 2024! This year's prompts are a bit lighter than previous years. 52 books did not fit legibly on a bingo card, so have a tidy little list. Use the tag or just tag me directly! You can also check out the other challenges and other ways to join the fun at my blog https://harpgriffinbooks.wordpress.com/2024/01/01/happy-new-year-its-2024/

#URC2024 @Faranae

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I'm a day late and always a dollar short, but I didn't want to miss a chance to talk about the Romantic poets, especially eternal outsider William Blake. It was this or Keats. I really enjoyed KJ Charles' quoting of him in A Seditious Affair, though most of those are from A Marriage of Heaven and Hell, which is a much wilder ride.

#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace #Fridaynightshare
@Chrissyreadit @thebookhippie @jenniferw88 @alldebooks

TheBookHippie Oh yes!!! Love!!! 7mo
AllDebooks I've held a long-held regard for Blake. 7mo
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📕 The easiest of my goals is to finish and self-publish my annotated edition of Shadow-shapes by ESS. My hardest publishing goal is to finish writing a novel!

🎬 I want to turn my blog, Twitch, etc, into something that provides me an income. I have concrete steps I can take to help with that, but a lot will still be down to luck!

🏥 There's some medical things I hope I can finally tackle in 2024.

#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

Itchyfeetreader Love how you have steps for your goals. Wishing you the best 7mo
Faranae @Itchyfeetreader I'm very logistically minded, so as long as I can figure out all the steps to do something, I can complete it, even if it is slowly. 7mo
dabbe Wishing and hoping all comes to your door in '24! 💙❄️💙 7mo
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This was fantastic. It was really fun to learn about the wild times in Regency and late Georgian Christmas parties. These rantipole doings are not to be found in Austen, who tries a little too hard to be respectable. Miss Revel disapproves of all this kissing and lap-sitting with a sly wink. CW for 2 problematic 12th Night characters.

Image from my Twitch streams, if you want an audiobook version! https://www.twitch.tv/collections/DZBEA7Fbnhe2UQ

Winter | Dallas Lore Sharp
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This was a surprisingly decent read. I picked it entirely because it had a possum chapter and that's a thing on my Twitch channel. I'm happy I read it, though I don't think I'll read more Sharp.

This is partly a shameless plug for my Twitch stream. There's no audiobook on Librivox for this 1912 (1st edition 1905) children's nature book, so you can consider my stream collection a low-rent option https://www.twitch.tv/collections/vAlu9pQSohd7AA

Faranae Fun fact: unless it's a “cold reading“ (reading without pre-reading), I read every book I read on stream at least 3 times: once before I stream, once out loud on stream, and again when I listen back to make the Twitch highlights. No wonder my reading numbers are down, since I don't count re-reads! Maybe I should just for these, I'd certainly feel better... 7mo
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1) I inhaled the backlists of KJC, Cat Sebastian, and Jordan L Hawk so it's really hard to pick a favorite between them.
2) Of books I finished, Under the Black Ensign, which was atrocious. Just offensively bad. I read a lot of bad books this year though, and I don't track my DNFs...
3) No. Well, maybe? Dunno.
4) No and ye gods no
5) The snow didn't completely melt in our warm spell, so sort of both?

#snowflakesquad #wintergames @puddlejumper

PuddleJumper With you on 4! 7mo
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A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens
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🍿 What are your favourites? My top two are Muppet Christmas Carol (hence the tag), and Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas.

🍿 Do you have any seasonal traditions? For movies not really.

🍿 What films bring you comfort and joy? I have a huge soft spot for the incredibly twee Depression era films meant to cheer people up during bitter winters.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88 @AllDeBooks

TheBookHippie I love muppets I always forget at Christmas! I need to watch the Christmas carol! 7mo
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237 words, then I got bored of making all the variations of words I already had thought of. Any mistakes are entirely only due to moving things around in canva - I double checked it in a spreadsheet to make sure there were no repeats. Not the best count, but not bad!

#wintergames #snowflakesquad @puddlejumper

PuddleJumper 🤣🤣 I get that. You did really well though! 8mo
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Masters in This Hall | K.J. Charles
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I don't usually do candles, but I found this candle holder amongst the Christmas decorations and thought, why not use it for #Hyggehour ? I had set out to have the cozy time make my current Terrible Book more tolerable, but it just made it worse, so I switched to the tagged book because who doesn't want to see Jerry again (everyone who's pissed him off that's who)

#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace
jenniferw88 Chrissyreadit AllDebooks thebookhippie

TheBookHippie I love your blanket! 8mo
Faranae @TheBookHippie Thank you! (edited) 8mo
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An Unnatural Vice | KJ Charles
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Some by theme, some purely by color. I confess to first using books already uploaded to my canva account, because I'm lazy. 😂

#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace #Hyggephotochallenge
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88 @Alldebooks

TheBookHippie Ooooooo 🤍❄️🤍 8mo
AllDebooks Looks great 👍 8mo
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Hogfather | Terry Pratchett
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Sir Pterry is almost always a winner, and this one was basically an instant classic for me. I think I'd make it my annual Christmas read if I owned a physical copy - Discworld's footnotes always work better for me in paper form. The movie isn't a bad adaptation either, and it's obviously a labor of love, which is the best kind of film.

#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace #Fridaynightshare
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88 @Alldebooks

TheBookHippie Oh I‘ve never read anything by this author this may be the one to try! 8mo
Faranae @TheBookHippie He was a real gift to the world. The Discworld is massive, but Hogfather is a great one to start with! Most of the books are written so you don't really need to know any of the other books, and there are little sub-series within it (like Watch or Witches). 8mo
TheBookHippie @Faranae sounds good! 8mo
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AllDebooks ❄️🩵❄️ 8mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie I came to him late and only because of Neil Gaiman. They wrote Good Omens together. A recently discovered collection of short stories has just been released and they are hilarious. I'm enjoying them immensely 8mo
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A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens
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#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace #WinterGames

📖 What books do you enjoy this time of year? December is when I read piles of picture books to catch up on the ##URC.
📖 Do you have a preferred genre? Fantasy, queer romance, non-fiction...
📖 Do you have a traditional read? I used to, but then found the author is a bigot.
📖 What would you recommend? The tagged book is never a bad choice.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88 @Alldebooks

AllDebooks Now I'm curious on your traditional read 8mo
TheBookHippie Ughh I hate that when you lose an author 😝🤦🏻‍♀️ I‘ve lost a few too. So unreal. 8mo
TheBookHippie I should take tagged book out- it‘s been a few years! 8mo
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Faranae @TheBookHippie I've been actively avoiding reading it on my stream because it seems like all the read-aloud streamers are doing it, too. Watching the Muppet version is a tradition though. 😁

At least with this author, it was only the one book I ever read and had never sought out his other books. It was a book gifted to me, so I'll keep the book for the note on the flyleaf and the memories of the giver.
Faranae @AllDebooks The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans. He's also been accused of sexual harrassment. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Faranae I don‘t read him on principal and this doesn‘t shock me. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Faranae oh yes the muppets are life giving! 8mo
Faranae @TheBookHippie In fairness, I was given the book in 1995. 😅😆 Muppets are a much better tradition. 😁 8mo
TheBookHippie @Faranae 🤣🤣🤣🤣 8mo
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Lady Susan | Jane Austen
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Playing catch-up on my posts for the past few days. I only got 8 hours of reading done, but Lady Susan alone cleared my 20 chapters easily. I didn't keep close track, though. I definitely read more than 20 pages! Not all of these were on my December TBR, I hope that's fine (I'm having trouble keeping all these readathons straight!).

#MidWinterSolace #Naturalitsy #WinterGames #20in4 @Andrew65

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📖 What are you reading today? The tagged book!
📖 How far into it are you? About 25%
📖 Was it recommended? Cited on a Jane Austen blog
📖 Would you recommend it? I think every Regency-ish historical romance author should give it a look, there are SO MANY flirtations in here.
📖 Have you read the author's work before? Uncertain - real name unknown.

#MidWinterSolace #Naturalisty @Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @jenniferw88 @Alldebooks

TheBookHippie Oh how interesting!!! 8mo
AllDebooks Looks fascinating 8mo
Chrissyreadit ❄️❄️❄️❄️ 8mo
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Masters in This Hall | K.J. Charles
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I don't have a physical copy of a single romance novel, so for today's #dailyphotochallenge theme of “Love“, I tried to gather up all the romance stories that at least have a Christmas scene or theme that I'm going to re-read this month. These aren't on my TBR - I'm just giving myself permission to re-read them for points (obviously my sole reason 😉).

#WinterGames #SnowflakeSquad @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper I haven't read many of the Hexworld series, can A Christmas Hex be read as a stand alone? 8mo
Faranae @PuddleJumper I'm pretty sure it can, if you don't mind doing a little work to understand the magic system. None of the other Hex world characters make an appearance in it and it doesn't really refer to the continuity of those. 8mo
PuddleJumper @Faranae Ok great, thanks. I might give that one a go 8mo
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Outside Over There | Maurice Sendak
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#dailyphotochallenge 1. Red Cover

None of these are on my TBR for December as I've read almost all of them before, although A History of Burning is badly overdue (I'm very behind on my ARCs). The worm-eaten “The Crisis“ (by the American Churchill) is the oldest physical book I own. The tagged book is the first book I ever owned! I'm sure which ones I got in university are fairly obvious. 😆

#wintergames #snowflakesquad @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 🌲❄️🌲 8mo
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Lady Susan | Jane Austen
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First read: Lady Susan, as I'm reading that for my Twitch Stream tonight. And I completely forgot that most of the book takes place in December!

Tomorrow I will make my Twitch highlight from the stream, write some reviews for my blog, and probably do some reading.

My first properly festive activity is probably going to be playing Christmas themed video games. 😆

#wintergames #snowflakesquad @puddlejumper

PuddleJumper Sounds busy! Hope you get it all done 8mo
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Stoker's last, worst book is based on the legend of the Lambton Worm (in coal country rather than clay). It is awful, especially in the form I, and everyone else, read it: the 1925 edition. This edition claims to be the 1911 text, but not only cuts over 100 pages (and 12 entire chapters), but rewrites entire sections. The 1925 edition makes no sense and is way, way more racist. So now I need to read the real book. 😭

Faranae If like me you hate happiness and are seeking the 1911 text: Project Gutenberg and Open Archive both have the 1925 Foulsham which claims to be the 1911 text. You will have to dig around to find the original, which is 40 chapters, not 28, and contains 6 illustrations rather than 2. In print, it should be 324 pages, a proper novel length, and not a novella. 8mo
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Pretty Paper | David Ritz, Willie Nelson
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1) I always decorate, even the years I lived in a tenement with neither room nor money for a tree. I made a flat tree out of cardboard scraps, cheap paint, & takeout containers.

2) Although I'm not Christian now, I still have a love for nativity scenes. We somehow have 7 of them!

3) Oldies are the best, traditional carols and classical. But I do have a soft spot for Willie's song “Pretty Paper“ about a street person.

#wondrouswednesday @eggs

Eggs Great post! Thanks for playing 🥰 8mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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#wintergames #snowflakesquad

1) I like to go outside on a snowy night and listen to the silence.

2) Mug of coffee or cocoa, snuggled under the throw a friend knit for me with my chubby kitty snoozing on my legs. 13 pounds of fluff is better than any heating pad!

3) Games! I'm really looking forward to being more active on Litsy and meeting new people!

4) Révellion! Tourtière, cipâte, bûche de Noël, and homemade candies.

PuddleJumper Cats are little radiators 🤣 8mo
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Kicking off my participation in #wintergames as part of the #snowflakesquad is my December TBR. Strictly speaking, this isn't my entire TBR. I don't plan specific books ahead really so much as pick from the towering heap that is my StoryGraph TBR. These are just the ones that for whatever reason I definitely intend to read in full next month. The tagged book might end up being read live on my Twitch channel.

PuddleJumper I'm up to Draakenwood as well. Keep forgetting I've got that series to finish 😅 8mo
Faranae @PuddleJumper Maelstrom dragged for me because I hated one of the plot elements and saw it coming early on. Fallow went by in no time (Griffin books always do!). It would be nice to finish the series this year, but we'll see! 8mo
Ash.on.the.line A good variety here. 😄 I try to plan out a list then don‘t ever follow it. 8mo
Faranae @Ash.on.the.line Yeah, I learned I'm too much of a mood reader for planning! But I have a review blog, so there's certain ones I need to read for that, and then prep for Twitch streams (I prefer not to do cold readings - that way lies unpleasant surprises). 8mo
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Alright, it's November, so it looks like only half my #URC2023 is going to be queer romance. Meanwhile, I went back to my past unassigned reads and found 4 books that fit prompts - the one not included here is The Story of My Life by Helen Keller for a blind author.

I'll actually be reading Lady Susan a second time later this month for my read-along Twitch stream.

willaful I've never actually read Lady Susan, IIRC.

I'm annoyed at myself because I had a queer romance for the rescue prompt, with a paramedic, but the second LI is a cop. D'oh.
Faranae @willaful Oh the “no cops“ rule is just that cops don't count as rescue personnel for the prompt, not that they can't appear at all.

And most people skip Lady Susan. It's one of her juvenilia that she never reworked and wasn't published until decades after she died. It's delightful but it's not something you can mine for social commentary and older Austen was a tad more conservative in her morals than this book.
willaful Yeah, I never got much into her juvenalia.

Thanks for the allow! One less prompt to worry about. But you will absolutely *hate* the book.
Faranae @willaful 😂 glad to know I will have good fodder for the blog next year then! 9mo
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These are the prompts I have remaining for my own #URC2023 and I'm slightly annoyed that this late in the year, I still have too many to make a little bingo card out of them.

I do have a few dozen books that I haven't applied to prompts yet - children's books and the like, which I'm saving for the December panic. The tagged book is one I can't find a prompt for. I read a lot of those, too, this year.

Now if all of these could be queer romance...