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Joined October 2016

Narnian, not gonna identify myself with Hogwarts houses anymore so let‘s just go with Bookish and Friendly, I believe in story
The Last Unicorn | Peter S. Beagle
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“Real magic can never be made by offering up someone else‘s liver. You must tear out your own, and not expect to get it back.”

Hey, Litsy! I know it‘s been literal years, but I just wanted to say that revisiting this book is an absolute joy!

TieDyeDude Welcome back! 1y
Librarybelle Welcome back! 1y
Saknicole 👋 👋 We have a sign outside our classrooms to tell students what we are reading! Also, this one is on my TBR for sure. 1y
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Soubhiville One of my favorites! Enjoy, and good to see you back. 1y
rabbitprincess Welcome back! 😄 1y
BarbaraJean Good to see you back! 1y
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Elder Race | Adrian Tchaikovsky
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The colony world that has forgotten its origins has been done before, & even done before by Tchaikovsky, but the maestro is just so clever at crafting his world & characters that I had a great time with this novella.

We alternate between the perspectives of a warrior princess & the wizard she turns to for help, who is really an anthropologist from old Earth studying her people.

A good read, and the 15th book I‘ve read by Tchaikovsky.

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Devil House tells many stories, none of which you might expect when you see the cover.

Tales of childhood friendship, parental fears, medieval quests, domestic abuse, tales of the homes we make for ourselves & how we choose to defend them, are all nested within this narrative of a true crime writer haunted by the stories he has told & the one he is telling.

As beautiful, sad, & strange as Mountain Goats frontman Darnielle‘s previous 2 novels.

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#Dedications Timely.

Patchshank My book club is reading this for February. Pretty excited about it. 3y
GondorGirl I adored this book! I'm so excited for the sequel! 3y
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Far Sector | N K Jemisin
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LibrarianRyan Love that cover. 3y
Lindy Oooo! Stacked. 3y
Kenyazero I love this idea! What a fun way to spark interest in a book. 3y
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“23 May 1981
On closer inspection it became clear to me that no one is on my side anymore, not a single person, none, no one, not a single one…. But I saw something the others did not see.”

For 3 years, Werner Herzog toiled in the Peruvian jungle to make a movie about a madman hauling a river boat over a mountain by actually hauling a riverboat over a mountain.

His diary/documented descent into madness was a truly amazing read.

Michael_Gee Wow! 3y
leah152 Holy molybdenum! 3y
leah152 Moly lol 🤣😊 3y
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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood | Quentin Tarantino
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It‘s release day for Quentin Tarantino‘s first novel, based on his film, and I am just super interested in what this is even going to be like.

Especially since Tarantino‘s is talking up the possibility of becoming a full-time author after he makes his 10th film and then retires from directing.

Dig that vintage cover!

@vivastory this seems like it might need to be on your radar if it‘s not already.

Kimberlone I can‘t wait to get my hands on this! One of my favorite movie podcasts had a FANTASTIC interview with QT about the movie and novelization. Most recent episode of The Big Picture podcast (released today I think). 3y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Kimberlone Noted! I will definitely listen. Blank Check is my movie podcast of choice. You should check it out, if you haven‘t! 3y
vivastory I heard about this. I'm curious to see what you think about it. I have the feeling that his books will be pretty similar to Elmore Leonard's 3y
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Kimberlone @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I only recently learned about Blank Check but have been slowly working my way through the episodes! I just tend to skip around to the directors I‘m most interested in, though. 3y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Kimberlone That‘s exactly what I did what I did when I started too! Love those guys, I just NEED them to do a Wes Anderson series. 3y
Leftcoastzen Love the cover , some old similar Bantam / Pocket Books covers are swirling in my brain. 3y
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I glanced at my shelves for a #yellow cover for #CuriousCovers and this one definitely qualifies.

Good book, too. Maybe the best of the Books of the Long Sun? It‘s either Lake or Nightside.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Beautiful 💛📒💛 3y
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Perdido Street Station | China Miville
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Truly one of my favorite covers of all time.

#bird #CuriousCovers @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Brilliant 💙🐦💙 3y
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I would call Batman “sir” too.

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This was actually way better than it had any right to be.

I am almost done with James Tynion IV‘s astoundingly good run on Justice League and he manages to make this adventure with Batman and the Turtles clever and fun.

My one complaint is that it was a bit short. The last, I kid you not, 45 PAGES are all variant cover art.

TieDyeDude Agreed! 3y
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Two great tastes that taste great together!

DinoMom This is an interesting combo. May have to look into this one. 3y
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A Swiftly Tilting Planet | Madeleine L'Engle
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Eggs Gorgeous 🧡🐎❤️ 3y
Amabear Oooo is this one good? 3y
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leah152 Always wanted to try Madeleine l'Engle 3y
Chittavrtti Proginoskes!! 3y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Chittavrtti When I was in elementary school, on Dress Up as Your Favorite Character day, I went as Proginoskes as he appears on the cover of A Wind in the Door. I wore poster board on my front and back held with string over my shoulders and both were just covered with eyes and wings. I am sure not a single person had any idea who I was. 3y
Chittavrtti What a great costume. Even if no one knew I‘m sure it inspired curiosity:) 3y
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#Starting this Christmas gift from my brother about my favorite living filmmaker.

This is going to strictly be a night read because my 6 year old can totally read now.

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The cafeteria was off-limits this year and students had to eat lunch in our classrooms, so my 2nd period worked their way through the entirety of Avatar: The Last Airbender during our lunches*.

I finally picked up the comics that begin right after the last scene of the show, and I‘m so glad I did! For fans of the show, volume 2 “The Search” is all about Team Avatar tracking down Zuko‘s mom and it is such an emotional ride!

TobeyTheScavengerMonk *It was quite gratifying to watch kids who started out the year complaining about it ask me “When they gonna find Appa?” by the spring. 3y
WzrdKelly Wow! This is one of my favourite series of all time and I had no idea that the comics picked up where the series ended. 3y
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The Sea Watch | Adrian Tchaikovsky
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Hey, Litsy! I‘ve missed you!

Our school system had kids back in the classroom starting last September, so the mix of planning, teaching, and grading for both In Person and Remote kids coupled with the constant low-grade anxiety of having to be in a room full of people everyday in the midst of the pandemic caused my reading to falter significantly (we‘re talkin‘ like 5 novels since January)...

but now IT‘S SUMMER! Time to read!

monalyisha The pandemic affected my reading in unexpected ways, too. Welcome back! 🎉 We‘ve missed you! 3y
BarbaraJean Good to see you back! Happy summer!! ☀️📚 3y
xicanti Welcome back! 3y
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Lcsmcat Welcome back! And thanks for taking care of the kiddos. 3y
LazyOwl Welcome back 💕 3y
LeahBergen Hello, hello! Good to see you back! 3y
batsy Hello! It's good to see you back. 3y
Lauram Welcome back! I hope you have a wonderful summer. 3y
vivastory Glad to see you again! 3y
TK-421 Welcome back! 3y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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“I‘ve never understood all this fuss people make about the dawn. I‘ve seen a few and they‘re never as good as the photographs, which have the additional advantage of being things you can look at when you‘re in the right frame of mind, which is usually around lunchtime.”

Dogearedcopy I remember once skiing a Midnight-toDawn event and being so disappointed at the end when the sky just lightened (no spectacular color like with a sunset)! So yeah, completely relate to this quote! 3y
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Dune | Frank Herbert
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WonderlandMind Just picked up the book! Can‘t wait to read it! 4y
Liatrek Oh man just watched😍 I‘m so excited! 4y
Bookishlie Oh my. Tried the book a few times now I need this movie in my life..... 4y
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Heideschrampf ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️💧☀️ 4y
BookwormAHN I can't waite 💛 4y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego This is getting bumped up the tbr, I love that cast 4y
JazzFeathers Cool. 4y
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The Magicians: The New Class | Lev Grossman, Lilah Sturges
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This is highly recommended for

A.) fans of Lev Grossman‘s The Magicians trilogy
B.) fans of Syfy‘s The Magicians show
C.) anyone who is not familiar with A and B, but thinks “college kids at Murder Hogwarts” sounds intriguing.

Vol. 1 of this comic book continuation of the novel trilogy‘s universe is GREAT. When elite magic school Brakebills starts admitting hedge witches just as a magic war begins, shit gets real.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk I kind of loved the way that, even when talking about how awful the murderous villain is, no one wanted to misgender them. 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @xicanti Put this on your radar! 4y
xicanti Consider it radared! 4y
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Now this... this is some Grade A comic bookery right here.

Bryan Hitch‘s run started with a bang but he hit the exact same notes in his next 5 volumes & I was ready for a change.

Christopher Priest wrote this astoundingly good volume, which kicks off with Batman making a mistake. He was tired. Someone died. & the rest of this book deals thoughtfully with the ramifications while also providing alien cockroaches.

What more could you want?

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Blade Runner 2019 | Michael Green, Mike Johnson
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I was hoping this would be a big win, but it ended up just being the perfect example of pretty good, a solid 3.5 stars.

Blade Runner Ash is a pretty good character with a pretty good mystery to solve and a pretty good supporting cast. I would even use that qualifier on the artwork.

I will probably tell myself that I will check out vol. 2 at some point and then forget to do it.

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The Shadow of the Wind | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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#Starting this Litsy favorite, a gift from a friend.

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Orbital Resonance | John Barnes
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More than anything this felt like a lower-stakes gender-swapped Ender‘s Game, but I mean that as a compliment.

Melpomene Murray is coming of age on one of the first asteroid colonies, a necessity for the human race as Earth‘s systems crumble. Teen drama blends with some great sci-fi as Melpomene uncovers the complex layers of social engineering & manipulation that have gone into raising her generation, the 1st born in space.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk This is the 11th & final novel of my #SummerOfShort3 Y‘know, exactly one year ago I would have enjoyed the sci-fi aspects but thought “There‘s no way teens actually talk and act like this.” After a year of teaching 8th grade I‘m astounded at how right John Barnes got it. 4y
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Films of Jacques Tati | Michel Chion
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Hey! It‘s my yearly post about watching Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot on the last night of summer vacation!

I discovered a trio of M. Hulot books online which I got to share with my kiddos so this is actually a bookish post this year

Back to work on the morrow, thankfully with no students due in the classroom for a few months at least. It‘s going to be a weird school year, but tonight it‘s just me and M. Hulot on the beach at Saint-Marc-sur-Mer

vivastory Glad to hear that your district is doing long distance learning for a bit! 4y
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Orbital Resonance | John Barnes
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Reading on the back deck on the last night of summer vacation.


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Vol. 4 of this incarnation of the League is notable for:

1.) continuing to feature interesting & involving conversations between our heroes

2.) overloading me with nostalgia for the late ‘90s by featuring two characters from that era.

Prometheus made his villainous debut in the very first issue of JLA I bought back in 1998 & Aztek was a member of the team during that same era. Both characters were Grant Morrison creations.


CatLass007 Grant Morrison. Great writer. 4y
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The Scar | China Miville
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#ManicMonday #LetterS @JoScho

Favorites starting with S:

- Book: The Scar by China Miéville

- Author: Dan Simmons

- Movie: Say Anything

- Band: Secret Lives! of the Freemasons (a North Carolina band that was a favorite during my hardcore college days)

- Song: “The Suffering” by Coheed & Cambria (Despite the title this is actually an upbeat bop! The video is a love story between a mermaid & a centaur!)

cathysaid ❤️❤️❤️ Say Anything 4y
MoonWitch94 Say Anything 😍😍 4y
heikemarie Me remembering Coheed and Cambria for the first time in years 👵🏻 4y
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Orbital Resonance | John Barnes
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One more week of Summer Break to go, so I‘m closing it out with this science fiction novel set on a hollowed-out asteroid space colony in the far distant future of 2025.

Looking back through Litsy, I noticed my last 2 summers have ended on clunkers so I hope this rocks.

If nothing else this book smells of musty used book stores and joy.

#Starting #SummerOfShort3

Centique I love that description of musty bookshop smells = joy. I am with you on that! 4y
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Maskerade | Terry Pratchett
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Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax, Mother and Crone, are in need of a Maiden to round out their archetype but their best option, Agnes Nitt, is busy getting involved in a murder mystery at the Ankh-Morpork opera house.

What follows is Sir Terry‘s remix of The Phantom of the Opera (more Lloyd Webber than Leroux) & it is a whole lot of fun - although Agnes & her story were quite complicated & I‘m still processing my feelings there.

Discworld book 18

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This perfect book covers the life of David Bowie from the fight over a girl in 1962 that permanently dilated his left pupil to the last concert of Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars in 1973*, accompanied by truly astounding imagery by Mike Allred and colored by Laura Allred.

Hyperbole is the only logical reaction to this phantasmagoric biography. If you have ANY interest in Bowie, get your hands on this thing.

All the love. All the stars.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk *An astounding “Extended Epilogue” covers the entire rest of Bowie‘s life in 7 almost-wordless pages of mind-blowing art. #SummerOfShort3 4y
vivastory Picked this one up from the library today. Really stoked for it! 4y
betsyhaddox Wow, looks incredible! Thanks for the review and the pic, makes me want to have that book in my hands right now! :) 4y
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Maskerade | Terry Pratchett
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“...when you have ruled out the impossible, what is left, however improbable, ain‘t worth hanging around on a cold night wonderin‘ about when you could be getting on the outside of a big drink.” - Corporal “Nobby” Nobbs (pictured) on the Art of Deduction

#SummerOfShort3 #DiscRead

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And just dig who wrote the introduction! #GaimanGang #SummerOfShort3

GingerAntics I love when he writes the intro to books. It‘s like a little surprise of happiness to start the book off right. 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @GingerAntics Agreed! Like a surprise meeting with a friend. 4y
GingerAntics Yes!!! 4y
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#Starting this gift my brother gave me a few months ago for my birthday. The card said “Ground Control to Major Tobey” which was a nice touch.

Just... just look at it!

@Bookwomble is this a part of your collection?


xicanti DUDE. Michael Allred + Bowie = need. 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @xicanti I was just going to read a little tonight but I can‘t stop turning pages. IT. IS. GLORIOUS. 4y
vivastory My favorite beer is Boulevard, a local brewery, & one of my favorites is Space Camper. I sing those words when I open a can, without fail. 😂 4y
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Bookwomble No, but clearly it should be! 🤩 4y
Bookwomble And now it is 😁 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Bookwomble I feel no need to tell you to enjoy because I am so certain that you will! 4y
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Hey! The final volume actually used text & images in a complimentary fashion to tell an adequate story! Alas, the same can not be said of the prior 2 volumes.

Even for a hardcore Sanderson fan or Cosmere completist, this trilogy just feels sooo skippable.

Also Dynamite, the publisher, refused to release a statement of support for Black Lives Matter & commissions work from a group of artists that is anti-diversity in comics. Screw those ass hats.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk #SummerOfShort3 To be clear, my So-So is for the actual content of the book, not the rotten publisher. Lots of good creators are bailing from Dynamite, and Sanderson‘s next comic is coming from Vault Comics which has spoken out against the despicable group that Dynamite supports. 4y
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American Gods | Neil Gaiman
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My new Science Fiction mask is Out for Delivery from Litographs.com!

A little more color than my solid black ones.

vivastory I'll have to look into these! I just received my new masks from Out of Print. They're really comfortable. 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I was eyeballing a Hitchhiker‘s Guide one from Out of Print @vivastory 4y
vivastory That's one of the ones I got 4y
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards I also got the Hitchhiker's Guide mask! I figure everyone could use the reminder "Don't panic". 4y
NikkiM5 These are awesome 4y
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Maskerade | Terry Pratchett
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Me, texting my dad who just had knee replacement surgery a quote from my #CurrentRead

#SummerOfShort3 #DiscRead

vivastory 😂At least he has a sense of humor about it 4y
marleed Ohh sweet. 4y
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#ManicMonday #LetterR @JoScho

Favorites starting with R:

- Book: Railsea by China Miéville

- Author: James Robinson (turns out there are a bunch of James Robinson authors, but I mean the one who wrote the Starman comic, so I put a picture of Starman)

- Movie: The Royal Tenenbaums

- Band: The Ramones

- Song: “Run, Gunner Recall, Run! The Town Wants You Dead!” by The Prize Fighter Inferno

vivastory Can't believe I forgot Royal Tenenbaum! 4y
Centique I LOVE the Royal Tenenbaums. Must see if I can download that somewhere. 4y
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Beatlebone | Kevin Barry
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John Lennon journeys to his island off the coast of Ireland in 1978 + magic.

How to read it:

- In big gulps. You can‘t dip in & out whenever (my usual reading style).

- It will take a while to hit the rhythm, but once you‘ve got it DON‘T SLOW DOWN. Keep your eyes moving. Slow down & all is lost.

- Keep a pen handy to mark the lines that sear into your soul.

- When you get to Part 6, pause to be in awe of what the author does.

- Enjoy.

betsyhaddox I don‘t know much at all about Lennon. Would it still be a good read for me? 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @betsyhaddox I don‘t think you need to know a lot about Lennon, a trip to Wikipedia might help with the stuff about his poor mom. The style of this book might not be for everybody, though. It is written very disconnected and stream-of-consciousness, almost a novel in verse. 4y
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The Authorized Ender Companion | Orson Scott Card, Jake Black
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11. I have always enjoyed memorizing. I can do several poems and a bunch of Shakespeare.
12. I could eat chips and salsa all the time without ever stopping.
13. I own so many movies that I keep the discs in 9 huge CD folders, organized by genre of course.
14. My outsized love of books & movies is rooted in a fundamental love of story.
15. Oh my gosh you guys this one time I met Neil Gaiman.

Thanks for the #15FactsAboutMe tag @vivastory

Bklover 15!!!!!! How wonderful! 4y
vivastory These are awesome! I keep meaning to read Ender's Game. I've heard that Card is quite the toolbag. I 💯 agree with you about chips and salsa. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ll be star struck to meet Gaiman! 4y
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julesG Such cool facts! Thanks for sharing them with us. 4y
Centique Neil Gaiman! 🙌🙌🙌 4y
RohitSawant Love these! And Neil Gaiman! 🖤 4y
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Brandon Sanderson's White Sand Vol. 2 | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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This was less not good than the previous not good volume.

There‘s a bit more character work. The overly complex plot is now simplified to the point of being boring - basically Kenton has to go around town asking politicians to not vote to disband the Sand Masters. He fights some assassins and a monster. That‘s it.

Also while reading this I read an article about the publisher‘s sleazy business practices* which did not help matters.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk *I already had the trilogy purchased so I‘m reading them, but I don‘t plan on spending money on Dynamite comics in the future. #SummerOfShort3 4y
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Beatlebone | Kevin Barry
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Beatlebone | Kevin Barry
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“... it occurred to me that the 1970s is by now essentially an historical fiction. True memory of the era - as in sense memory, as in the precise tang on the air of a new morning back then, or the throb and rumble of a great city rising from its fumes in the early morning back then, or the way a lover‘s dark hair might splay just so on the sheets, and she stretches - has by now succumbed to time and distance...”


Vision | Tom King
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Tom King pitched this book to Marvel as “Breaking Bad meets the Incredibles” and, well, yes.

Synthezoid superhero the Vision wants to live like a normal human, so he builds his own family and moves to the suburbs.

And it all ends in fire and death.

After all, what could be more human than burning the world down to protect your family?

A masterwork of graphic storytelling, which King just seems to keep cranking out. Read it.


vivastory Sold! 4y
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“Okay, well, this character is male in the original, is there any particular reason why this character has to be male? Oh, there was no point at which this character desperately needs to use their penis to stir tea or something. Let‘s change that and see.”

- Neil Gaiman, on switching character genders for the Netflix adaptation, from an interview on Collider.com

I laughed out loud.

KendallHershey Omfg dead 🤣 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @KendallHershey It‘s obviously the metric by which all gender-swap decisions should be judged. 4y
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Q: A Novel | Evan Mandery
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#ManicMonday #LetterQ @JoScho

Favorites starting with Q:

- Book: Q by Evan Mandery (and I skipped last week‘s but just to be totally clear, my favorite P book is Perdido Street Station by China Miéville)

- Author: Ian Jones-Quartey

- Movie: Quantum of Solace

- Band: Queen

- Song: Queen of the Dark by Coheed & Cambria

JoScho Thanks for playing 💕 4y
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Beatlebone | Kevin Barry
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#Starting this novel of magical realism about John Lennon on an adventure in Ireland where he, if I‘m understanding the synopsis correctly, meets a shape-shifter? Or something?


UPDATE: 43 pages in now and I am in LOVE with this freaking book.

vivastory I really loved this one & have never been able to listen to Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights the same since reading it 😂 4y
vivastory The first Barry I read, which is even better IMO is 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @vivastory Noted! I was not prepared for the style, but it is truly fantastic. 4y
merelybookish I read this and liked it but now don't remember much except feeling confused. 4y
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Herzog by Ebert | Roger Ebert
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I have only seen 15 of Werner Herzog‘s 51 films, so I am only scratching the surface of the mad man‘s work, but I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of reviews by Roger Ebert & his interviews with Herzog.

Ebert is always thoughtful & incisive, if a little repetitive*, & I learned more about Herzog‘s unstoppable drive as well as the fact the he freely invents some of the scenes in his documentaries!

#SummerOfShort3 book 8

TobeyTheScavengerMonk *In literally every review and interview, Ebert mentions something Herzog said to him once about the magic of filming on location, and finally even Herzog is like, Yes, I said that a long time ago, let‘s give it a rest. 4y
vivastory I've only watched 10, I thought it was more. Definitely one of the most interesting directors working. 4y
vivastory I'd have to say: Even Dwarfs Started Small, Stroszek, Wild Blue Yonder & Grizzly Man. What are your faves? 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @vivastory White Diamond and Little Dieter Needs to Fly are at the top. Fitzcarraldo and Burden of Dreams make for a heck of a double feature too. 4y
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Brandon Sanderson's White Sand Vol. 1 | Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
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Maybe my hopes were too high for Sanderson‘s first graphic contribution to his Cosmere mythos, but something about this just didn‘t work.

In comic form, Sanderson‘s usually masterful worldbuilding ended up as endless pages of characters just standing & expositioning (see above), with lots of opaque politics & very little character work. The first couple chapters were action packed, but the hyper detailed art made fight scenes look like mush.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk The panel structure tries to be artsy but was often confusing (also see above) and some editorial snafu lead to 2 characters having their names switched back and forth. This just felt messy, but I‘ll finish the trilogy for Cosmere completion‘s sake. 4y
xicanti I‘ve shied away from this one because I suspect I‘ll feel the same as you about it. The sample included in ARCANUM UNBOUND didn‘t wow me. 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @xicanti Yeah, I think the change in formats required jettisoning a lot of what makes Sanderson‘s prose special. 4y
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Bonus Litsy Movie Review: I read this book a few years ago & I got what it was trying to do & I appreciate anything that name-checks classic foreign films, but, like many on Litsy, it didn‘t rock me.

I just finished watching the movie which is several orders of magnitude better than the book. The author wrote the screenplay, so good for him for finding the format that maybe this story was supposed to be in the first place.

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Far Sector #1 | N.K. Jemisin
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I ventured out into the wild world today, driving the hour to the comic book store for the first time since February & then deciding to run (sprint?) into Barnes & Noble. My #bookhaul consisted of:

This Book is Anti-Racist, Stamped, Primer, & Miles Morales vol. 3 for my classroom.

Once Upon a Space-Time & Bone Adventures for my kiddos.

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard vol. 3, The Angel of the Crows, The City We Became & Far Sector for me.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Not Pictured ‘Cause I Couldn‘t Make It Fit: Doomsday Clock vol. 2 which came in a genius box with a space to hold vol. 1 as well. Thanks to @xicanti for the Angel of the Crows rec, and to most of Litsy and literally the whole of the internet for the City We Became rec. 4y
IhoardBOOKS @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I thought Primer was cute. I just recently heard of Far Sector and am loving the cover artwork and will probably just buy it when it‘s tpb. Looks like a great haul. 4y
xicanti 👍👍👍 4y
Texreader Sometimes you just have to risk it! Nice haul! 4y
Katerina Mouse Guard ❤❤! I love that series. I've met David Petersen and he is such an approachable and nice guy. Try his Twitch channel, if you like his stuff. 4y
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