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Joined May 2018

Bird Box: A Novel | Josh Malerman
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#creepy #booktoscreen

This was interesting, but I wouldn't say I loved it. The writing was nothing special, the characters were not easy to connect with, yet the premise is super intriguing. I had to find out what was behind all this, and I had to find out the ending to the protagonist's story even though I didn't find it very enjoyable. I am looking forward to the movie adaptation though.

AlaSkaat I still want to know what they were hiding from. I couldn't stop laughing at them for being silly the whole way through the book. I wouldn't have survived a minute cause I'd feel stupid walking around blindfolded when it all could have been a joke lol 6y
Trashcanman Where ya been? 5y
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I‘ve been reading a lot of #nonfiction recently. This is one of the better of the many crystal books I‘ve checked out lately. The Chevron Amethyst at the top of the page was one of my lovely gifts from the #witchpleaseswap

 @sprainedbrain By the way, I love the #crystals you chose for me, and I‘ve been using the pendulum daily. It‘s perfect!

sprainedbrain I‘m so glad to hear that! I‘m loving the pendulum that you gifted me as well, and getting daily use out of all of these wonderful essential oils. ❤️ 6y
KristinaRay @sprainedbrain Yay! I‘m so glad to hear that 💜 (edited) 6y
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The Immortalists | Chloe Benjamin
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I love this book. I‘m only on chapter six, and I already want to savor every page.

Reviewsbylola I love when that happens! 6y
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The Hate U Give | Angie Thomas
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Life has been super busy so I haven‘t been around as much 😕 but I am reading the tagged book right now and loving it! Very good so far.

NeedsMoreBooks It is one of my favorites and super timely. 6y
Cheshirecat913 Read this one recently too and loved it. The book has been passed around at work, it is on person 3 with more waiting. 6y
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#TheCupIsFantastic #witchpleaseswap

Thank you so much @sprainedbrain 😘 I love everything so much! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning! I love the herbs, and the crystals and the tarot deck. I connected with the amethyst pendulum immediately. And the books 😍😍😍 I cant wait to dive in, especially tagged book. The datebook is super cool! It‘s right up my alley. I love it all. 🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤 Thank you!

sprainedbrain Yay!!! I‘m glad you like it... too funny that we got each other the tagged book. It‘s gorgeous! I think I‘m going to order myself a datebook-it looked very neat. Happy Halloween! ❤️ 6y
Kayla.Adriena "Hex the patriarchy" mug that's awesome! 6y
BethM That mug is priceless! 6y
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KristinaRay @Kayla.Adriena @BethM I know. I love it! 6y
monalyisha Alice Hoffman, coffee, peanut butter cups, & herbs?! This package is speaking to my soul! Hope you had such a happy #WitchPleaseSwap experience, @KristinaRay 🖤! 6y
KristinaRay Thanks again for orchestrating this swap! @monalyisha My experience was amazing! 6y
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I‘m so excited my #witchpleaseswap package arrived yesterday! @sprainedbrain I can‘t wait till opening day! 🧡 🖤🧡🖤

sprainedbrain Woohoo!! Is it Wednesday yet?! 6y
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#philosophy #enlightenment

This is the most accurate description of enlightenment I've read so far. I really love the way he articulates the awakening process. Anyone who has tried to express in words what the awakening process is like, knows how difficult this can be. This is, by far the most accessible book I've read regarding this topic. I recommend reading this in tandem with periods of reflection and meditation instead of all in one shot.

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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I just finished this and I am so in love with this world right now. ♥️🖤♥️🖤♥️ I wanted this book to last forever. I loved everything about it, beautifully written.

DGRachel I was pleasantly surprised by this one. 6y
Dragon Love 🖤 this book! 🎩🎪 6y
Cheshirecat913 I was so enamored by this book and world too! I wanted to a have a party with this book as the theme because it would be so awesome. 6y
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ladym30 Absolutely love this book! 6y
KristinaRay @Cheshirecat913 That would be an amazing theme for a party. 6y
Crewgurl My thoughts exactly ❤️ 6y
Reggie I have friends who I think of differently now because they said they hated this book. I loved loved loved this book. 6y
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HEX | Thomas Olde Heuvelt
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#halloweenreads #witchyreads

I wasn't sure how I felt about it at first. It's a bit confusing in the beginning, but the premise is incredibly intriguing. At a certain point I couldn't put it down though, because I wanted answers.

I didn't find it crazy scary or anything, but I did find it thought-provoking and entertaining along with a creepy atmosphere. I liked the ending a lot, especially knowing the original was different.

Linsy On my TBR! 6y
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The Haunting of Hill House | Shirley Jackson
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#horror #Halloween

Anyone watching this? It‘s totally not like the book, but I love it! We‘ve been binge watching with two more episodes to go. The bent-neck lady is creepy! Perfect for the season.

AmyG I really enjoyed this series. 6y
Angitron I just started it last night and I‘ve only watched one episode, but I like it so far! 6y
MotionChickness I‘m too scared 😂🙈 6y
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Jenny Super creepy. Still have a few episodes left. 6y
Rissa1 My husband and I have only the last episode left. I have loved it!! 6y
Elma After tonight, we have 2 episodes left and I'm loving it. I just checked the book out from the library today. 6y
LauraJ Yep! I‘m enjoying this adaptation. 6y
MotionChickness Since everyone seems to really love it (here and Facebook,) I‘m giving it a go! (from behind my hands because this bent neck lady sounds terrifying 😂) 6y
sprainedbrain I‘m definitely going to watch this. And I mean that this time, unlike the other 238191 shows I keep saying I will watch. 😂 6y
Book_Fairy_Mary I'm 4 episodes in and really dig it! 6y
DeeLew I‘m down to the final episode which I will watch tonight. I LOVE it!! Have you see the Easter eggs( hidden ghosts)? I have seen a lot of them and, oh man! 😱 When I‘m finished I‘m going to start all over so I can catch the ones I missed. Bent Neck Lady is about to give me nightmares. 😂 I think it is very well done! 6y
KristinaRay @sprainedbrain Ha! I know I intend to watch a lot of stuff too. You need to watch this one! 6y
KristinaRay @DeeLew I didn‘t know there were hidden ghosts, but I think we found a few. I‘ll be going back through it now that I just finished the last episode. 6y
MotionChickness @DeeLew I just came to ask about the hidden ghosts! Super cool and super creepy! 6y
Dragon Watched first 4 episodes Friday, loved it but it is not at all like the book. 👻 6y
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The Lottery | Shirley Jackson
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Just finished this short story. I see why it has left such an impact.

KristinaRay I definitely wonder if this inspired The Hunger Games. 6y
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I got it all packed up! I‘ll be mailing it out tomorrow.

monalyisha So cute! Look at that li‘l cat! 😻 6y
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Of Bees and Mist: A Novel | Erick Setiawan
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#tarottakeover #WheelOfFortune

My pick is one of my favorite books. Many tarot elements to be found in this book, the wheel of fortune being one of them. This book explores how much of our destiny is decided by the patterns and cycles passed down to us by our family, and is it possible to break destructive cycles or are we bound to repeat them?

HEX | Thomas Olde Heuvelt
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I just started this one today. I think I like it so far. I‘m not totally sure. 🤔

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Sheets | Brenna Thummler
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#unpopularopinion #graphicnovel

Meh, just ok. I feel like I should like it, but I didn‘t. I never cared about the protagonist, even though I should sympathize with her. The dynamics between characters were shallow and hard for me to believe. I might have liked it when I was younger though.

Untitled | Unknown
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Mass market Romance

sebrittainclark 🧡📚🧡📚🧡 6y
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I liked this more than I expected. When I was younger I was an extreme introvert, so it was very relatable. Funny and quirky. I‘ll be reading more of this author.

j9brown I love Sarah Anderson, she posts a lot of comics on instagram and they're great! 6y
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Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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#TarotTakeover #TheEmpress

When I saw today‘s card I immediately thought of tagged book. At first glance this seems like the antithesis to The Empress card, and it is. This gives an example of a society who has gone to extremes to repress and oppress the essence of The Empress. This is what a society might look like if The Empress was completely absent.

This card is from one of my favorite decks - The Paulina Tarot.

Meaw_catlady Haha I didn‘t see your post!! We chose the same! ❤️ 6y
Erinsuereads Oh that‘s a heavy hitter! Also that card is so pretty! 6y
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Eleanor and Park | Rainbow Rowell
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#ya #favorite

I loved it. Rainbow Rowell is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine. The interactions between Eleanor and Park seem completely genuine. I love all the feels I get from reading their story.

The other part of the book was hard to read. Eleanor's home life is rough, and reading about it was painful at times, but good nonetheless.

I can see how the ending would seem unsatisfying to some. I personally liked it as it was written.

readordierachel Great book ❤ 6y
Mamashep This is one of my all-time fave books! 6y
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This is yesterday‘s challenge for #tarottakeover -The Sun card. Vitality, Enlightenment, Invigoration. This book represents The #suncard to me very well. When I think of awakening, I think of the sun waking up. Plus, the cover is orange and yellow!

WhiskeyMistress I have that deck! It‘s lovely!! ❤️❤️ 6y
KristinaRay @WhiskeyMistress It‘s my newest deck. I just started playing with it and I already love it. 6y
Nevermore88 I sleep with my deck. Lol. It hangs on my headboard 6y
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KristinaRay @Nevermore88 The first few years of practicing tarot I slept with my cards too. I pretty much kept them with me at all times. 6y
Nevermore88 @KristinaRay how long have you been reading tarot ? 6y
KristinaRay @Nevermore88 🤔I started giving readings in 2010. My tarot “goals” have changed over the last couple years, so I mainly read for myself now. (edited) 6y
Erinsuereads Ohhhhh wild unknown! It‘s the best!!!! 6y
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On Truth | Jiddu Krishnamurti
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#philosophy #truth

This is a collection of truth related talks he gave over the years. He asks us to question for ourselves the ideas he brings forth. Ideas relating to truth, what it is, and how do we see it? Is truth static or changing? Can we observe it without judging, acting or reacting?

I also appreciate his take on gurus,teachers and religion much more than Osho or Ram Dass. I'll be checking out some of his other books in the future.

Judas | Jeff Loveness
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#comics #hoopla

Interesting spin on the Jesus/Judas story. I enjoyed it!
3.5 ✨

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A wrapped a few things for the #witchpleaseswap this morning. I‘m waiting on some more things to arrive in the mail, but other than that, I think I‘m almost done. This has been so much fun! @monalyisha

sprainedbrain Pretty! 6y
monalyisha Cuuute! 👻 6y
JoScho Looks great! 6y
Nevermore88 Pretty! 6y
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#science #faith

I know the placebo effect is legit, but wow!

The Little Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupry
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#philosophy #classics

I see why it‘s a classic. A simple, yet thought-provoking and emotional read. So much meaning packed in a small book. I thoroughly enjoyed this. 💜

Thank you again @wanderinglynn for send me this lovely book!

wanderinglynn My pleasure! ☺️ 6y
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This was a cute, engaging, super-fast read. It takes me back to my naively innocent youth. Lara Jean has no idea what she really wants, is afraid of commitment, and she definitely sends a clear goody-two-shoes vibe. Some readers may find this annoying, but I found it relatable because even though I am no longer that girl, I used to be that girl.

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Eleanor and Park | Rainbow Rowell
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#ya #currentlyreading

So sweet. Brings back memories.

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Only one away from blackout!

I‘m almost done shopping because if I don‘t stop soon I won‘t be able to fit everything! I‘m waiting on a few things I ordered, and unless I see anything else I can‘t pass up ( which is entirely possible) I am done. I‘m just having so much fun shopping for this swap. I still might make something too, but I‘m not sure what yet.

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This book was an enchanting portal to another world. I really loved this one. A lot.

A fairy tale with a remarkably magical atmosphere, one I want to revist. It had a fantastic storyline with the perfect amount of creepiness woven in. The heroine of the story was amazing; I really loved her.

This has been one of my favorite reads this year and I can't wait to read the next one

InBooksILive This books been on my TBR for awhile! I really need to get it so I can read it soon! All I see/hear is such amazing things about it 6y
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#ya #blameitonlitsy

I just started this one this morning. 💜

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sprainedbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Charysselya One of my absolute favorite literary quotes from one of my favorite books. Also I am dying to read the third book! 6y
KristinaRay @Indiefishsteak One of my favorite quotes ever. I‘m thinking of making an art piece for my wall with this quote. 6y
Charysselya @KristinaRay I was thinking the same thing ^_^ (edited) 6y
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Great Books of the Western World: Plato | Robert Maynard Hutchins
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#philosophy #classics

My first time reading Plato. I really like it so far. At over 800 pages, I won‘t be finishing anytime soon.

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I took a break from shopping for the #witchpleaseswap to read some more of this magical book. 😁

I really love everything about it 😍 The atmosphere is magical and creepy. The storyline is intriguing, and I love the main character. I‘m not yet finished and I‘m already excited to read the next two.

LadyCait84 Love love love!!! This and The Girl in the Tower have been some of my favorite reads so far this year, and I‘m anxious to get my hands on the last book. I‘m so glad to hear others are enjoying this series too! 6y
sprainedbrain I loved that book so much! I need to get to the next one very soon. ❤️ 6y
KristinaRay @sprainedbrain Your review is the one that made me first take notice of this book. 👌 6y
KristinaRay @LadyCait84 Definitely one of my favorite reads this year! 6y
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Stargirl | Jerry Spinelli
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I just finished a #reread of this wonderful book! It wasn‘t as life altering the second time around, obviously, but still such a great read. I relate to Stargirl on so many levels. I 💙 her!

RadicalReader @KristinaRay I read this book in high school and ABSOLUTELY Adored it!! Love doing rereads of favorite novels going to be taking a stroll down memory lane with: Joey Pigza Swallowed The Key, Joey Pigza Loses Control, I‘m not Joey and The Key That Swallowed Joey Pigza all by the terrifically talented Jack Gantos 6y
KristinaRay @RadicalReader I have not read those, but by the titles they sound fun. (edited) 6y
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Station Eleven | Emily St John Mandel
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Thank you so much @wanderinglynn 😘😘😘

I came home from work and found this package waiting for me. This totally made my day! You are so thoughtful! I am excited to read all three of these books. I love the bookmarks. I love the card. I feel special. 😊 Thank you! 💜

wanderinglynn So happy it arrived! I was worried when it wasn‘t delivered on Friday like it was supposed to. Enjoy! 6y
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I‘m pretty sure I chose “I‘ll go a little overboard” when I filled out my #witchplease swap form... I think I might be crossing over into “100 percent overboard” territory at this point. I haven‘t had this much fun shopping for someone else in a long time.

sprainedbrain Same here! 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Eyelit Same! 😁 6y
TheBookKeepers Haha well I said I‘d stick to the 2/2 budget.... I lied lol! I too have went overboard! This is such a fun themed swap!! 6y
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Nevermore88 Same here. It‘s my first swap so I thought nah I‘m not going to over do it” lol I lied 🤥 6y
KristinaRay @Nevermore88 This is my first Litsy swap and I thought the same thing, but I was wrong. It‘s like Christmas shopping. 6y
KristinaRay @TheBookKeepers I used to do scrapbooking swaps years ago, but It was never this much fun shopping for them. This is the best theme ever! 6y
Nevermore88 @KristinaRay it sure is! So much fun I love this theme! My fav holiday is Halloween. 6y
monalyisha @sprainedbrain @Eyelit @TheBookKeepers @Nevermore88 @KristinaRay Thanks for saying nice things! I‘ve shopped WAY too much, too! I finally just bought the books today so I can put everything together in the next few days & actually, physically see how much I have. I think it‘s verging on indecent. 🙈😅 One of things I bought today is *so* good, though! (I might honestly have to send it out early to prevent myself from adding more ad infinitum.) 6y
monalyisha P.S. @KristinaRay I like your image choice! 😍 6y
Nevermore88 @monalyisha you‘re welcome! But it‘s the truth. This is my first swap but best one so far. You‘re doing a great job. 6y
Nevermore88 @KristinaRay I have to agree with @monalyisha love the image. 6y
KristinaRay @monalyisha @Nevermore88 I love it too. I found it on Istockphoto.com 6y
monalyisha Thanks @Nevermore88 😊; blushing over here. 6y
Chrissyreadit Me too! I have gone completely overboard. Too many things I love! 6y
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#currentlyreading #blameitonlitsy

I‘m halfway through and completely entranced. 💜

SkeletonKey I LOVED this book. The sequel is excellent too. 6y
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I didn‘t love this one like I loved Everything I Never Told You, but I still liked it a lot.

The two mother‘s are presented as being on each end of the spectrum. Interestingly enough I identified with both. Early in my motherhood I was much like Elena, then my life came to a crossroads and I became much like Mia. (Continues in comments)

KristinaRay I‘ve achieved a more balanced approach in recent years, but I can‘t help but seeing from both perspectives. (Even if I was angry with Elena for most of the book) 6y
sprainedbrain I really need to get to this one! 6y
fleeting Same comment! 6y
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On Truth | Jiddu Krishnamurti
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#philosophy #truth

I‘ve been interested in Krishnamurti for a while now, ever since I read about his history with The Theosophical Society. I finally started reading one of his books this summer and I‘m finding myself resonating with huge portions of it. I‘m also seeing why he and Osho didn‘t see eye to eye.

wanderinglynn Did you get something from me in the mail yesterday? It should‘ve been in an USPS priority mail bubble envelope. 6y
KristinaRay @wanderinglynn It wasn‘t in there when I checked yesterday. I‘ll be checking today‘s mail soon, and I‘ll let you know. 🙂 (edited) 6y
KristinaRay @wanderinglynn It wasn‘t in today‘s mail. I‘ll post when it arrives. 6y
wanderinglynn @KristinaRay I just checked tracking. For some reason it was delayed, but says it‘s still on it‘s way. 🙁 Please let me know if you get it. 6y
KristinaRay @wanderinglynn I‘ll let you know as soon as it gets here. 6y
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On Truth | Jiddu Krishnamurti
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American Born Chinese | Gene Luen Yang
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I loved it! It was really funny, and had some great themes, like acceptance of oneself. I will definitely be reading the author‘s other books.

Kalidayly22 Heck yes loved that book (edited) 6y
Kalidayly22 Have you read boxers and saints? 6y
KristinaRay @Kalidayly22 I haven‘t read them yet, but now I have to find and read them soon. 6y
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No to black licorice
No to candy corn.
YES to all things gummi, especially sour gummies.

Elma I LOVE sour gummies!! 6y
monalyisha Same to all! 💖 6y
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My Struggle: Book One | Karl Knausgaard
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I started this one yesterday. This is the first book I‘ve read by this author. I wasn‘t sure at first, but now I‘m really starting to like it.

Circe | Madeline Miller
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#blameitonlitsy #favorite #witchybooks

Circe is my new favorite literary witch. I adore this book. It was such a pleasure to read; I would read anything by this author now. It also piqued my interest in Greek mythology again. I would have never chosen this book if it wasn‘t for all the rave reviews here on Litsy. Thank you! 💜💜💜💜💜

sprainedbrain Love that book so hard. 6y
KristinaRay @sprainedbrain How can you not have a major crush on this book? 😍 6y
readordierachel Have you read her other one yet? One of my favorites. 6y
KristinaRay @readordierachel No, but now I can‘t wait to read it! 6y
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#graphicnovel #memoir

It was okay. I'm not sure if it was a case of high expectations, or what. I liked the ideas it was bringing out, but I found it slow and not very engaging. I almost bailed a couple times. The beginning and the end were good, the middle just dragged for me.

Fangirl: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I had an excellent reading month: I finished quite a few books and a lot of them were excellent. Only 2 DNFs, which is low for me. My favorites this month were tagged book, Circe and The Hazel Wood.
#monthlystats #august2018 #augustwrapup

sprainedbrain Great month! 6y
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