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Tre giorni per morire
Tre giorni per morire | Karin Slaughter
62 posts | 86 read | 37 to read
Una finestra in frantumi. Unimpronta di sangue. Ed solo linizio...Un atroce crimine ha colpito al cuore la periferia pi ricca di Atlanta. Rientrando nella sua villetta nel verde di Ansley Park, Abigail Campano trova ad accoglierla vetri rotti, tracce di sangue e il corpo martoriato di una ragazza. Inizialmente, pensa che quelle membra straziate siano della figlia Emma: disperata, la donna si avventa su quello che ritiene essere laggressore. Poi, lentamente, la verit comincia a farsi strada: non di Emma quel corpo riverso sul pavimento; non il suo assassino quel ragazzo che Abigail ha appena ucciso, a mani nude. Le indagini vengono affidate alla polizia di Atlanta, ma torbidi giochi di potere e un errore di valutazione da parte delle autorit, rendono inevitabile lintervento di Will Trent, agente speciale del Georgia Bureauof Investigation. Perch c qualcosa in quei vetri rotti, in quelle tracce di sangue, nello sguardo spento di Abigail che solo Will Trent sapr leggere: ma dovr fare in fretta, costretto a una corsa contro il tempo per evitare che altre vite vengano spezzate in nome di un segreto che nessuno sembra voler svelare. Tre giorni per morire segna il grande ritorno di Karin Slaughter, la regina del thriller americano, e della serie best seller inaugurata con Lombra della verit.
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Great on audible

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Next audible

AllDebooks Beautiful photo 😍 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
kspenmoll Lovely! 5mo
Shemac77 Thank you! @kspenmoll 5mo
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Up next… 📚🩷💜🩵

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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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#14booksin14weeks definitely behind on this challenge, not much reading time. Will Trent is definitely one of the best characters Slaughter has created & this mystery kept me guessing.This is Trent #2 , wanted to read this one before I check out the TV show.The authors books are definitely page turners but the crime descriptions can be very violent & vivid, not everyone‘s cup of tea.I can‘t wait to get to the next one.

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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#caturday Mom errands, now kicking back with my next #14Books14Weeks2023 I got about a week behind, what can I do, it‘s life stuff.🤷‍♀️

TiredLibrarian Good reading assistants! 😻 12mo
Leftcoastzen @TiredLibrarian yes, they keep me on track!😻untill mealtime anyway. 12mo
dabbe Look at dose cute kittens! 🤩🐾🐾🤩 12mo
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter

Somehow, someway I'm really enjoying this series. Both the books and television versions.

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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#13 of 2023. Will Trent No. 2!
Started: 4/21/23
Finished: 5/1/23
11 Days

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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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The more of Karin Slaughter‘s books I read, the more I want to read. To say I enjoyed this second Will Trent book sounds wrong considering the subject matter, but as a procedural/thriller it was excellent. The villain was truly horrid and the psychological destruction left in his wake was breathtakingly painful. But I love Will Trent and his ability to see things others miss. I also love watching his partnership with Faith evolve.

TrishB Love this series too ♥️ 1y
CoverToCoverGirl Brilliantly chilling stuff but I love everything she‘s has written, except for Pieces Of Her, couldn‘t finish it. 1y
deeannloso @DGRachel I‘m absolutely loving this series! 📚😊 1y
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swishandflick I love watching new people discover Karin Slaughter! My favorite!! 1y
DGRachel @swishandflick I read Pretty Girls a year or two ago and really enjoyed it. Then Will Trent aired on ABC/Hulu and I‘m addicted, so I had to start the series (the first one had been on my bookshelf for years). The show and books are different but I love them both! 1y
swishandflick Heads up that there's a fair amount of crossover from her earlier Grant County series and Will Trent. I usually recommend Grant County first so important character back stories make more sense! (edited) 1y
swishandflick Side note: I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the Will Trent TV show yet, the trailer just gives SUCH a different vibe and I don't want to mess with the vision in my head of one of my all-time favorite crime fiction characters 😆 1y
DGRachel @swishandflick I totally get that. The two are different and they‘re different enough that I can separate them in my head and enjoy them each for themselves. The only problem I have is Ormewood and I‘ll put my why in a spoiler, if you‘re curious. I also caught a little spoiler between Grant County and Trent, but I heard the first Grant Co was super brutal. My friend wouldn‘t read any more of them. So, maybe I‘ll read them later, but I‘m not sure. 1y
DGRachel So…my issue is that in the 1st book, Ormewood turns out to be the serial rapist and murderer. In the TV series, he‘s just an asshole detective AND Angie‘s partner. That threw me off when I read Triptych and it still makes my brain itch. 1y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Another fantastic book in the series. I just love Will, with his intelligence and vulnerability. He has his own way of working cases and gets things done. Looking forward to the next book in the series. #SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

suvata Love Karen Slaughter‘s books. Have you watched the Will Trent TV series yet? 1y
deeannloso @suvata Not yet. I might wait until I‘m a little further in the series. 😊 1y
suvata @deeannloso It‘s really good. 1y
TheSpineView Fantastic! 1y
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 1y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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“Ansley Park is one of Atlanta‘s most upscale neighborhoods. A teenage girl has been savagely murdered. In the hallway, her mother stands amid shattered glass, having killed her daughter‘s attacker. Agent Will Trent of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is one of the first on the scene. He sees something that the Atlanta cops are missing, something in the trail of blood, in a matrix of forensic evidence, and in the eyes of the stunned mother.”

Dragon The tv show Trent used this story in I think the pilot 💚🙏 1y
deeannloso @Dragon Is the TV show still on? This book was published about 2007. 1y
Dragon @deeannloso a new show not sure what channel 👍💚🐉 1y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Bk5 of #JumpStart2023 & Bk1 of #JoyousJanuary #readathon is done! The 2nd in the Will Trent series, this is the book the new tv series is based on. I enjoyed this much more than Triptych, there‘s more Will & Faith joins the cast. I just wanna give Will a big hug! GBI is called to a scene as a favor to the governor. But Will sees what the cops don‘t, the wrong girl is dead & there‘s another missing. #BookspinBingo #SeriesLove2023 #NoBuy2023Bingo

TheSpineView Great job!💙📖📚📚📚 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
PuddleJumper Brilliant! 1y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 I agree, I think this series only really got going from book 2. 1y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Excuse the awful photo, it‘s past 4am and I‘m still up reading this, the 2nd Trent novel. This is the one the current TV series is based on, rich white girl is found dead at home, mother kills “attacker” except dead girl is not the supposed girl & the “attacker”was really a victim too. Cops realize first girl has been abducted, chaos ensues with lots of finger pointing & blame. Media,predictably, go wild. Loving it at halfway point. #JumpStart2023

Clwojick I don‘t think I‘ve read this one. I might have to give the Will Trent series another try, cause this one sounds entertaining. 1y
MoonWitch94 I‘m the US the drama “Will Trent” just started. 2 episodes in and I am HOOKED! I love him. I haven‘t read the series but think I will now. 1y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Karin Slaughter is a solid writer of mystery and suspense. I read her Grant County series, a couple of her stand alone novels, and am working my way through her Will Trent series. I have loved every book so far and know that I can rely on her intelligent story telling for an excellent read.

Full review https://abookandadog.com

CoverToCoverGirl 💯agree! 2y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
Thanks for the tag @EadieB
1: not sure I've read a five star book this year so far which is a shame but the tagged above was close. The current Elly Griffiths I'm reading might be a 5*
2: a picture of the yellow rose just flowering in my garden. My mums favourite.
Tagging anyone who never gets tagged.

Eggs Beautiful yellow 🌹 2y
EadieB You‘re welcome! Thanks for playing! 2y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Another great read in the series. I've read the later ones so wanted to go back and read from the start. This is dark as her books often are but once again I fell in love with Will and his quiet ways. He's a unique lead but I love it. 4*

5feet.of.fury That was a good one! I started at Undone and went back to these after so I just read it last year. 2y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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1: I haven't really done much of that. I find it a little too pressured but might consider it.
2: simple and fun ones.
3: tagged above and nearly finished.
I tag anyone who wants to play.

Eggs Thanks for joining in! 2y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Been in a bit of a reading slump so far this year so hoping this will help me kick it. Keeping my goals simple so as to not stress myself out. Aiming to finish two books and read a couple of hours each day. #JoyousJanuary

Andrew65 Hope the readathon helps 😊 2y
kezzlou85 @Andrew65 thank you. 2y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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This was so GOOD. Man I love me some Will Trent. This is book 2 and I had read from book 3 on (iykyk) and i feel like some major plot points and character development from later happened off off camera.

Very gripping, gritty as ever and there‘s a lot of emotional moments.
Special Agent Will Trent teams up with Detective Faith Mitchell race to solve a murder and kidnapping before time runs out.


Clwojick I love the decor pieces! Especially the ghost 👻 3y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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#Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter
Points post week 2: 1261

Didn‘t finish a lot this week - But really liked both I did finish.

Watched some Halloween specials, What We Do in the Shadows, and a lot a lot of Salem.

Clwojick Awesome! You're killing it! ☠ 3y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Points Post!
#spookoween @TheSpineView
#screamathon @4thhouseontheleft
#AnyWayYouReadathon @kimmypete1

#scarathlon2021 #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick

Points for week 1- 4,045

Fave 📚- I‘ll Be Gone in the Dark- the sheer amount of crimes attributed to GSK and how long he was unidentified is inconceivable and scarier than fiction.

Fave 📺 - Light as a Feather - The Craft meets Final Destination vibes in 22 minute episodes.

TheSpineView 👍📖 3y
Clwojick I loved I‘ll Be Gone in the Dark. The book and the documentary were both fantastic! 3y
5feet.of.fury @Clwojick I might have to watch 📺 3y
bookworm92 I am a mystery book/tv show person myself!!! I just watched the show on Roku tv "When The Streetlights Go On" it was an excellent show 3y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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An unconventional #audiowalk today cause the Midwest is just too freaking hot!!

Tamra I cannot manage to read a print book and walk on the treadmill! I‘m impressed. 3y
BethM This heat can go anytime. I can‘t remember a summer this consistently hot in a long time. 3y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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After finishing Book 2 in this series I'm starting to really like Will Trent's character. I was still on the fence after the first book, but this one won me over.

This book had a bit of a My Dark Vanessa feel to it with the plot, but then there's a twist, which I saw coming, but it was delivered well.

Slaughter has become my go-to for fast paced thrillers that let me escape from the drama in real life lately. 💚

#SeriesRead2021 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Great job! 👍📖🤩 3y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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I'm currently reading the second Will Trent book and so far it's definitely living up to expectations! I'm going to read the Grant County books first though after finishing this one, as I've told there will be spoilers in Will Trent book three.

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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Day 14 - #Fractured #FallFinds
#Fractured #KarinSlaughter

This is the 2nd book in one of my favorite series, Will Trent. I read this in 2016.

Eggs I‘m definitely up for more Slaughter since I just read The Good Daughter (I made a rhyme🤓) 😍 4y
EadieB @Eggs Yes! It does rhyme! 4y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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The chairwoman of my firm made the decision a few weeks ago for us to close at 1:00 every Friday in August to give us a head start on our weekend. Dove straight into book 2 of Will Trent.

Sharpeipup What a wonderful gift to give you extra time for yourself! 4y
TrishB What an excellent idea and book 😘 4y
LeahBergen Perfect! 👏🏻 4y
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MicheleinPhilly @Sharpeipup @TrishB @LeahBergen 10 minutes after I posted that: “Love, since you‘re off work here‘s the weekly grocery shop list.” 4y
TheLibrarian I love when employers do this sort of thing. My work lets us go at 2pm on Fridays during the summer semester. 4y
TrishB Figures. 4y
BarbaraBB Looking good. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed it! (edited) 4y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB It was a pain but I‘m glad I got it done. The market on the weekend is a circus full of knobheads. Back on the sofa with my book and a beer. 4y
TrishB I went this afternoon too to avoid said knobheads! Just finished a book and a few beers too 😁 Twinnies 4y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Will Trent is such an amazing character! I love how Karin Slaughter weaves together a story. Every character introduced has some important connection to the overall story. I can‘t wait to read the next book in the series.

Zoes_Human What a handsome kitty! 4y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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He really loves the smell of books ❤️

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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Will Trent series book 2 done and not the next one for now, don't want to read of more violence, gory stories. That being said this is an equally interesting book with new characters. It keeps you engaged throughout, keeps the tensions high, and the essence of time running out. It's a good read if you are in the mood for a gritty, fast paced mystery, although the violence could get to you.

vivastory I need to start this series. I blew through her Grant County series last summer and think I have sufficiently recovered to dive into the Will Trent series 4y
larah17 I read the first in this series last year and really enjoyed it - need to pick this one up soon! 4y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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I stayed up late last night and got up early to finish this one!! It‘s so good!

Will Trent is a great investigator and the unconventional ways he collects evidence and solves crimes is methodical and fascinating. This case involved the murder of a wealthy teenage girl, and there were a ton of twists and surprises. This is one of my favorites out of all of the Karin Slaughter books I‘ve read. I‘m energized to keep going with the series ASAP!!

Liatrek I can‘t wait to start book two in this series. I enjoyed the first one so much😊 5y
intothehallofbooks @Liatrek It was great!! 🙌🏻😊 5y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Listening to this one while I‘ve been prepping and making dinner. I am HOOKED.

Also, the beginning of the audio has an introduction by Karin Slaughter herself that is super-spoilery for the second half of the Grant County series, but is fascinating!! She talks about Jeffrey from Grant County and Will Trent from this series, and some of the ways they‘re alike and different.

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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I seem to be in the minority on this one, but I was just ready for it to end. The story was okay but really longer than it needed to be. It was the writing that drove me bonkers. Too many overdone and cliched phrases. The reader was just okay too....sometimes overly dramatic. Not sure if I‘ll read any more Karin Slaughter or not....?

LittlePixels Same. I keep feeling like I *should* like Karin Slaughter, then end up feeling "meh". I guess I just don't get it. ??‍♀️ 5y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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It‘s so interesting going back to some of the early Will Trent books to see how all the characters meet. Really enjoyed the early angry partnership between him and Faith. #scarathlon #teamStoker 6 points.

BeansPage Thank you for the retag Hun 😘😘 🧟‍♀️ 5y
Godpants @TheReadingMermaid I know I haven‘t racked up as many points as a lot of people but I figure every point matters in the last stretch. 😘 5y
BeansPage Yes!!! 5y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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I still haven‘t gone all the way back through the Will Trent series, and needed to read something I know I‘ll like. #scarathlon #teamStoker 1 point

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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I am already getting nervous about the day I run out of Karin Slaughter books because they're SO GOOD and she is absolutely at the top of her game within this genre.
This book explores hard hitting topics such as various traumas and the long term affects they can have on a person. It also develops great characters, and while the main character in this book is male, he s surrounded by many fully fleshed out female characters.

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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Couldn‘t sleep tonight so I finished up Fractured. I enjoy anything that Karin Slaughter writes so this one was just like the others! Twists and turns and never guessing correctly!

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Will Trent #2 features a kidnapping. I guess at some point I'll have to take a break fron Will to read the Grant County series since the two merge at some point (I originally started the series after that had happened).

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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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So exciting right from the beginning. I love Karin slaughter and the will Trent series are my favorite. The only thing I can fault is I didn‘t absolutely love the ending, I didn‘t hate it but it wasn‘t enough for me. Still 100% worth the read, I just hold her to a higher standard, haha.

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Finally finished this Will Trent book. He is an interesting character and I look forward to reading more in the series! 😊

Cathythoughts Nice one 👍🏻♥️ & 👋🏻 over there 5y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Finally feeling like I might be working my way out of my slump. It‘s been pretty bad. Nothing like Libby notifying you that your book is due in few days! 😱

MidnightBookGirl I love Karin Slaughter! 5y
Reviewsbylola Ugh reading slumps suck!! 5y
robinb 👏👏👏🎉 5y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Some reading time at the gym today!

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Got my 6 mile run in this morning so now it‘s time to spend my Saturday digging into the next in the Will Trent series and cuddling with my Theo! 🏃‍♀️🤗💕

Cathythoughts 6 miles!!!! You can really sit back & enjoy now ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts With Theo ofcorse 💕💕💕 5y
tracey38 Wow! You definitely deserve to enjoy a good book now! 5y
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DocBrown Great job! What‘s the weather like out there? And are you training for anything? (edited) 5y
eanderson @Cathythoughts @tracey38 thanks! right? I managed to really only read a couple pages and instead binge watched Modern Family. 😋 @mdhughes72 thanks! It was cold but worth it. I‘m training for my 9th half marathon! 5y
DocBrown Good luck! I just ran 14 miles today in training for my next race. 5y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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At this point I'd be much more surprised if I *didn't* love one of Slaughter's books!

Book 2 in the Will Trent series and I love his character - perfect for easing the sting of having finished Grant County.

Andrew65 I loved this one, and three is even better! I agree about having to get over the end of the Grant County Series. (edited) 6y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Another good holiday reading week.

Week 31/52 2018 - #BookStats
8 Books Finished, 3107 Pages Read
5 Books Currently Reading

#LitsyAtoZ 0 (24/26) - U, X left
#MountTBRChallenge 3 (28/52)
#YearoftheChunkster 0 (16//26)
#SeriesUptoDate 1 (15/20)
#SeriesFinished 0 (3/20)
#ListyPassport 0 (2/12)
#MakeMeReadIt 2 (2/12)

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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What a cracking book. Will Trent is a wonderful character, so different to your average Detective, and I think this was further added to by the character of Faith. I think they will make a great duo going forward. The plot was also very good on this one and cannot wait until I read onto book 3. I enjoyed the Grant County series a lot, and was sorry when it ended but these are strong replacements for that series. #3 #MakeMeReadIt Book 3 Finished.

EadieB @andrew65 Glad you enjoyed! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Very much so, even mor3 than the first one. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 6y
Booknerd2 Love all her books!!! 6y
Andrew65 @Booknerd2 Agree, yet to read one I‘m disappointed with. (edited) 6y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Although I am currently reading the second book on the #Make!eReadIt Challenge (Sarum) I am going to start book 3 at the same time as I am finding with Sarum I am needing to occasionally take some breaks to process the story, so will punctuate it with this book - the second in the Will Trent series. #3

EadieB @Andrew65 Great series! Loved it! 6y
Andrew65 Will is a great character! 6y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Jennick2004 What was the first one called? 6y
Sha0102 @Jennick2004 The first one of Will Trent series is Triptych. But if you've never read Karin slaughter, please start by reading Grant County series (Blindsighted is the first) and then go to Will Trent. 😚 6y
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Fractured | Karin Slaughter

Love a Will Trent mystery!

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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I love the Will Trent series. ❤️

Fractured | Karin Slaughter
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Slaughter always sucks me in with demented situations in first few pages, slowly revealing clues to make me think I‘m being lead to the criminal— and its never quite the case. It‘s always a wild procedural.

This time Trent investigates a missing rich girl whose mother strangles to death a boy assumed to be the cops‘ only suspect— he was found in their house, bloodied, descending from a room containing the cold body of the girl‘s best friend.

guinsgirlreads Slaughter is good stuff!! 6y
mrozzz Yes!! @guinsgirlreads she won me over when I was bowled over by Pretty Girls last summer and I‘m slowly making my way through the Will Trent series after I accidentally bought the most recent book (the 8th I think) 6y
Drnkpnkprincess She is my absolute most favorite author. hands down. round of applause. 5 Star golden ticket. Also- check out stand alone (edited) 6y
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ReviewsbytheMrs Love Karin Slaughter! The Will Trent series is my favorite but her latest The Good Daughter was so great that I hope it becomes a series! 6y
guinsgirlreads @mrozzz I have yet to read Pretty Girls but I keep hearing how good it is! 6y
mrozzz She‘s SO GOOD. Yes. I definitely need to check out Cop Town too! Thanks 😄 @Drnkpnkprincess 6y
mrozzz @ReviewsbytheMrs That one also blew me away... and I hope it is going to become a series! Check out the book profile on Goodreads ☺️ It could just be labeled as #1 based on the novella prequel but 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 6y
mrozzz @guinsgirlreads it‘s so gruesome and wonderful. Reading Pretty Girls gave me wildly high expectations for all other crime writers. (edited) 6y
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