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Tie-dye: Dye It, Wear It, Share it | Shabd Simon-Alexander
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#wondrouswednesday @eggs
1. My original Litsy handle was some kind of library pun, but I felt like a fraud after I left my library job, but I couldn't think of a good alternative, so I just went with TieDyeDude 😄
2. Well I don't LIKE doing chores (dishes, mowing, laundry, etc), but that's normally when I have time. Sometimes I'll find time in the morning or during my lunch break to sneak in a half hour.
3. Last audio book is Mrs. Calliban

Eggs Thanks for joining in🙏🏻🩵 13h
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Thanks for the tag @Cuilin 😺
1- Bookworm + my initials
2- Getting dressed, driving, cleaning, walking
3- Murder Road by Simone St James
#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thanks for joining in Ashley🧡🧡 13h
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Thanks for the tag @Eggs

1. A combination of my first and last name and birth year.

2. I don‘t listen to a lot of audiobooks, but when I do I‘m usually doing a diamond painting.

3. Last book I finished was Ainsley‘s Complete Guide to Thoroughbred Racing. Last audiobook was an Edgar Allan Poe collection.


Eggs Thanks for your loyal participation 🩷🩷 1d
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Apple Die | Chelsea Thomas
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A day late, but since @Kimzey tagged me, I‘ll do it.
1: imagination is not my strong suit, so it‘s just my name.
2: Walk, drive, wind down at night. That‘s pretty much when I listen. I get distracted if I try to listen while doing other things.
3: Apple Die was my nighttime book, and I just finished it.
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thanks for playing 🥳🥰 2d
Kimzey @KathyWheeler Yay! Thanks for playing! And I was a day late in tagging you. 2d
BethM I think a lot of us early days folks went with our names 😂 2d
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1) I‘ve always loved books 😉
2) yard work, cleaning, and especially driving 🚘
3) Mary Jane 🎧


Have you played @Sace @TieDyeDude @curiouserandcurioser

Eggs Thanks Lovely 🥰 2d
TheSpineView @Eggs 🌞😊😍 2d
wordslinger42 I like to color or cook while I listen to something, but I don‘t listen to audiobooks too often! 2d
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @wordslinger42 congratulations my dear! So happy for you 💍 💙 1d
wordslinger42 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you so much!! 😊 happy to be back on Litsy, too! 16h
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1. When I found this app I immediately didn‘t want to be private, I wanted to interact with like minded readers and at the time 6 years or so people didn‘t really use their real names on social media,so since I am part of this reading community “I am a reader too” so became Areader2 😂my real name is Marlene
2.the Car mostly
3. Last book was God of the Woods

Areader2 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it was good, it‘s hard to review I liked it but didn‘t love 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2d
Eggs Thanks for joining in Marlene💙🩷💜 2d
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

📖 Branwen is the name of a character from a WeIsh myth I love! The Mabinogi!

📖 I'll admit audiobooks are not the type of book I generally gravitate towards. But I do like to listen to them while I'm cleaning!

📖 I just finished Silver Nitrate by Silvia Morena Garcia and it was awesome! 😎

Eggs Beautiful name💜 Thanks for playing🥳 2d
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#wondrouswednesday on Thursday

1. It‘s my blog‘s name (wanderinglynn.com)
2. Work jigsaw puzzles, walk, clean, commute, procrastinate, or just to ignore the world
3. I *just* finished Small Magics by Ilona Andrews

Eggs Sometimes the world needs to be ignored… 2d
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#WondrousWednesday Thanks for the tag, @Eggs !

1. My first and middle name.
2. Puzzle, crafts, drive, household chores.
3. The last audiobook I finished was Little Women.

Anyone else want to play?

Eggs I love your name, it‘s like a song 🎶 2d
julieclair @Eggs What a sweet thing to say! Thank you! 💙 2d
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Questions, Questions | Marcus Pfister
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1. well it reflects what kind of reader i am lol 2. i usually cross stitch, walk my dogs, do laundry, wash dishes or do my cleaning and do my mani and pedi 3. my sister the serial killer @Eggs #wondrouswednesday

Eggs Thanks for playing 🥳 I listened to Sister/Serial a year ago…can‘t remember much 2d
IMASLOWREADER @Eggs im the same way lately lol 24h
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