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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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You remember Hannibal Lecter: gentleman, genius, cannibal. Seven years have passed since Dr. Lecter escaped from custody. And for seven years he's been at large, free to savor the scents, the essences, of an unguarded world. But intruders have entered Dr. Lecter's world, piercing his new identity, sensing the evil that surrounds him. For the multimillionaire Hannibal left maimed, for a corrupt Italian policeman, and for FBI agent Clarice Starling, who once stood before Lecter and who has never been the same, the final hunt for Hannibal Lecter has begun. All of them, in their separate ways, want to find Dr. Lecter. And all three will get their wish. But only one will live long enough to savor the reward.... From the Paperback edition.
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⭐️⭐️ This is no where near the level of Red Dragon nor Silence of the Lambs. Shockingly boring and waaay too long. Felt very forced, and a blatant attempt to capitalize on the success of the Lambs film.

BarbaraBB Exactly! Both others were so good yet this one… 👎🏽 2mo
vivastory Are you a fan of the show w/ Mads Mikkelsen? 2mo
britt_brooke @vivastory I haven‘t watched. Not sure I can. Weirdly, I can read creepy things, but a chicken when it comes to watching them on screen. 2mo
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britt_brooke @BarbaraBB This and the 4th were very disappointing. 2mo
BarbaraBB I haven‘t read the fourth because of the third 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2mo
britt_brooke @BarbaraBB Good decision! 2mo
vivastory I love the show but I completely understand! I like the control & distancing that written narratives offers vs tv series & movies. 2mo
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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@RaeLovesToRead coming at us with the tough questions today! 🤔

1. Tagged! This book committed one of the worst sins for me… it was boring! Loooooong stretches of nothing interesting happening. Add to that shock value just for the sake of shock value, and a terrible ending.
2. As beloved as it is, I can‘t bring myself to read “A Storm of Swords” by GRRM. I don‘t want to continue a series that I suspect will never be completed! 😔

RaeLovesToRead I feel your pain on 2!!!! One of my favourite series' of all time and so much emotional investment ??? I can't blame GRRM though. He'll post something like "Happy Birthday to my lovely wife" on social media and all he'll get back is WRITE THE NEXT BOOK YOU #@$ &%^€¥!!!" ? 1y
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead Hee hee, I never thought of it like that… maybe Martin was all set to finish Winds of Winter, but when everyone kept demanding he get back to it, he folded his arms and said, “Well, now I don‘t WANT to write it anymore!!!” 🤣🤣🤣 (edited) 1y
RaeLovesToRead He's probably finished it all and is sat back on a deckchair sipping a cocktail and smiling to himself 😄 1y
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BiblioLitten Omg the visual imagery is too much 🤣🤣 1y
Branwen @RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 Georgie needs to get his butt in gear and finish that series! 😭 You are smart Dave, to have stopped reading when you did! I'm in the same boat as Rae... it's one of my favorite fantasy series and it's absolute torture to have to keep waiting! 😵‍💫🫠 1y
DaveGreen7777 @Branwen I still wonder if GRRM was originally going to end the books the same way as the Game of Thrones show did, and after he saw how dissatisfied everyone was with the show ending, he burned the original draft of Winds of Winter and started all over?!? 🤔 1y
Branwen @DaveGreen7777 I will cry so many tears of that's the case! 😭 I mean, the ending to the TV show was atrocious! But if he has to start all over we're probably looking at another decade before we see the next book! 😂🫠 1y
DaveGreen7777 @Branwen We may still get to see the next book… if George RR Martin lives to be 135 years old! 😳 1y
DogMomIrene I‘m with you too Dave. I read the first 2, maybe 3 books years ago. Can‘t even remember, but I stopped for the same reason. I‘m also waiting for Patrick Rothfuss to finish his Kvothe trilogy. I‘ll never be the person who‘s abusive to an author, but I‘m also like, pleeeeeeaaase finish! 1y
DaveGreen7777 @DogMomIrene These authors don‘t realize what they‘re doing to us by not continuing these series! Or maybe they do but they just don‘t care! 😩 1y
DogMomIrene @DaveGreen7777 🤣Perhaps a new field of study? Storytelling psychopaths?😂 1y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris

Decided to read this after I enjoyed silence of the lambs so much, but really didn‘t do it for me. The depth of characterisation I loved about silence of the lambs was missing, replaced with ready-for-film gory descriptions and vile characters that felt gratuitously hideous. Will be sending this to the second hand store in my next clear out.

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🎃 I feel like I should start my Halloween reads early due to how many I would like to read 🤣 What should I start with? Suggestions on where to begin? #Help #LetsGetSpooky

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Um...what the everloving $u@k did I just read? I went into this one blind since I‘ve never seen the movie and I had a really hard time putting it down. This takes the disturbing aspects of the other books to a completely different level of crazy/gory. Hannibal is such an interesting character. And that ending...I did NOT see that coming. But it makes a weird kind of sense to me. You will either love or hate this book, there is no in between. 5⭐️

Samary Hannibal in all his iterations is fascinating! I love this series. Happy you enjoyed it! 3y
Erinsuereads Now I want to read it allllll 3y
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JenlovesJT47 @Samary it‘s so good!! I‘m going to take a break for a few weeks before I read the last one to give my brain time to recover 😬😱😳😳🤯🤯🤯 3y
JenlovesJT47 @ErinSueMreads you should! All 3 I‘ve read so far are 5 stars reads for me. Can‘t wait to watch the movie tonight. 🤗 3y
Clare-Dragonfly Right?! I did not expect that ending. 😱 3y
JenlovesJT47 @Clare-Dragonfly right?! 🤯🤯🤯 Still trying to wrap my brain around it but it makes sense in a very weird way 🤔 3y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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BookishMarginalia Oof! So true. Especially in contentious times. 3y
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Harris have a talent for creating villains; making each more wicked that the previous one, and somehow always more atrocious that Dr. Lecter. I can‘t help but like him when in contrast with the other bad guys.

My entire experience with this book was a high, but the twist at the end really blew me through the roof! That totally deserves a 5 star in my books.

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〽️ I'm hoping for a book or bookish gift 🤞
〽️I'm planning on reading Hannibal, does that count 😜

Thanks for the tag @Mavey
What to play @MeganAnn @BeaG @ShelleyBooksie

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

mavey Thanks for playing! 3y
Enchanted_Bibliophile @Mavey I'm not the romancy type 😉 3y
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S3V3N I wish I had known about the cupid swap. I would have participated. ☹️ 3y
Enchanted_Bibliophile @BeaG That sure is one way of ensuring you get a book for Valentines. Do you follow @LitsyHappenings ? Everything worth knowing gets republished on there. 3y
TheSpineView 🤞Hope you get a book too! Thanks for playing! 3y
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Starting the new year with some familiar characters... #helloclarice #theyllsaywereinlove #book3of4

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Continuing on my journey through this series. This book showed a side of Hannibal that we never saw in the films. We got to experience so much culture and learn about livestock 😅

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My attitude toward my coworkers from day shift allllll night at work! Idiot-kabobs!!!!!

#sickofpeople #Hannibalhadtherightidea #stewingcoworkers


Clwojick Hahahahhaah! Oh the dramas of overnight shifts at a hospital. How I FEEL this! #relatable 4y
jinxmoon sometimes I wish I could do that 🙈😅 4y
Clwojick 1pt
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris

I LOVED all the insights into Lecter. What I had a major issue with was how in the 2nd half of the book, it just seemed to drag and huge sections just felt to me to be entirely inconsequential. Thomas did a fantastic job creating Mason, however. dude is grotesque, & I'm not referring to him physically. Far more of a boogeyman than Lecter could ever be. The end was ridiculous.. Thomas turned a rock into rubber (Clarice) . NO. Not believable.

Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Still reading this but I love this book so far, all the details it is much more in-depth than the film (which books normally are). Fantastic read 📚

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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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#ThoughtYouWouldLikeButDidnt - How did the quality of Harris‘s writing plummet so far between books? I got this on release day, but with Clarice practically unrecognizable from the likable character she was before, the entire second act of the book taking almost 100 pages to get remotely interesting, and the worst, most ludicrous cliffhanger ending I‘ve ever read (which still hasn‘t been resolved), this was a total disappointment!

overtheedge 🤣🤣🤣 5y
OriginalCyn620 I love your facial expressions! 😂 5y
Settings 🤣 5y
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MoonWitch94 This is my favorite review 😂😂 5y
MicheleinPhilly HA! I bought this on release day too and read it while staying in some Motel 6 in San Diego. By myself. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Gosh 21 year old me was DUMB. 5y
ljuliel 😂 5y
DaveGreen7777 @overtheedge @OriginalCyn620 @Settings @MoonWitch94 @MicheleinPhilly @ljuliel HA HA, thank you, everybody! I appreciate the kind words and support! 😁😂 (edited) 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤣🤣🤣you make me laugh!!! 5y
DaveGreen7777 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you, Misty! I try! 😁 5y
EadieB @DaveGreen7777 Very funny! 5y
Librarybelle Great review! 😂 5y
DaveGreen7777 @Eadie Thank you! 😊 5y
DaveGreen7777 @Librarybelle Why, thank you! 😁 5y
LibrarianRyan I have heard so many people say that. And that the movie changed so much stuff because they had to. I remember reading the Jodi foster didn't come back as Clarice because she hated book 2 and where her character was going. 5y
DaveGreen7777 @LibrarianRyan Yeah, that spoke volumes when Jodie Foster turned down the sequel! The movie adaptation wasn‘t great, but they did at least tone down some of the negative elements from the book and they also changed the horrible ending. A two star movie for me, but that was still a better rating than I gave the book! 😂 5y
ValerieAndBooks I love your selfies 😄 5y
Branwen And the worst part is...his writing STILL hasn't gotten better! He came out with a new book a few months ago and I got it from the library, only to return it almost immediately because I only made it to like page 30 and it was so bad it made me cringe! 😝 5y
DaveGreen7777 @ValerieAndBooks Thank you! 😁 5y
DaveGreen7777 @Branwen Right?! After “Hannibal”, I couldn‘t even bring myself to pick up “Hannibal Rising” but I know more than one person who DNFed it and said it was even worse than “Hannibal”! And what I‘ve heard about “Cari Mora” is that it‘s so bad, it almost works as an unintentional comedy! Such a sad loss of talent by a once promising writer! 😞 5y
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When someone starts eating people... I consider that a #Horror 🤪😂🖤 #ChillingPhotoChallenge #TeamSlaughter

BeansPage One of my absolute faves ❤️❤️❤️ I have to say that I really love the way the book ended and I'm very curious to know why they didn't end it that way in the film 🤔 Sadness. 5y
Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid I still have to read it. :) 5y
BeansPage I know girl. No spoilers, no spoilers. 😁 5y
Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid I want to rewatch the movies soon too. Especially SOTL. 5y
BeansPage You know what's funny? Is that Hannibal is also my favorite film out of all of them. IDK maybe I have it out for Ridley Scott. Maybe I likes the recasting from Jodie Foster to Julianne Moore IDK. I just thought it was a far superior film. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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YAY for #FriYayIntro 😀
Thank you, @howjessreads 😊


2 - Currently - “Modern Family” 😁
Of all time - “Newsradio” 😁
(Newsradio was such a clever and funny show, I wish more people had seen it! 😕)

3 - Granola cereal with raisins and almonds! 😋

4 - Eastern Daylight Time 🕰

5 - The Plaid Oathbringers! Catchy! 😂

RvnclawWhovian Your band name sounds like a Scottish kilt-wearing warriors name lol 5y
DaveGreen7777 @RvnclawWhovian BWAH-HA-HA!!! 😂 I‘m sure there‘s a Scottish kilt heavy metal subgenre out there somewhere! 🤘🎶 🤣 5y
JenlovesJT47 Newsradio is a great show! 5y
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DaveGreen7777 @JenlovesJT47 I totally agree, I loved Newsradio! Especially Jimmy James and Beth! 😁 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Love the band! 5y
squirrelbrain Love that band name! ❤️ 5y
DaveGreen7777 @squirrelbrain HA HA, thank you! 😊 5y
melissajayne Newsradio was never the same after Phil Hartman‘s death. 5y
DaveGreen7777 @melissajayne Yeah, I agree! The cast and writers did an admirable job trying to keep the show going, but there was always that dark cloud after Hartman‘s death! 😢 5y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Stack #2 of my Fall/Halloween/Cozy/Mystery themed books that I hope to make my way through this autumn.

The_Shelf.ish_Life Love the Sookie Stackhouse series! 5y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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I‘ve seen the movie a few times, years ago and glad I finally read the book. I just love the creepy, gory, and intellectual antics of Hannibal. 🖤

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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Talk about good timing! Thank you! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks #LiteraryLuck I almost died, I've watched all the movies but I gave yet to read one Hannibal book yet! And the postcard is beautiful! My favorite artist 😊

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re very welcome!!! We hope you enjoy it!! @vkois88 🍀💚 5y
vkois88 Awww yay!!! Enjoy! Congrats again on winning 💚☘💚 5y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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1. Read minds 😈
2. The first Book I read this year was Hannibal
3. To stay focused. I'm almost done with my degree and don't want to loss focus this close to the finish line
4. Friends. It's my go to.
5. 😊👍

Texreader Good luck with your degree!! 6y
InkedBookworm13 @Texreader thank you 😊 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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I'm finally getting through this series that I started in October. I finished book 1 & 2 in December, and I will hopefully finish 3 & 4 shortly. I find the Hannibal books both disturbing and intriguing. Book 1 of 2019

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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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My mother-in-law got me this amazing personalized #4thingstote for Christmas. My dogs seem to like it too. It's the perfect size for library hauls.
What are your 4 things? 📚☕💄🐶

LibrarianJen Puppies! 😍😍😍 6y
RaimeyGallant Love it. And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
InkedBookworm13 @RaimeyGallant thank you. I'm slowly figuring the site out. 😊 6y
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RaimeyGallant It won't take long to get the hang. :) 6y
BookmarkTavern Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Not as good as Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs but still enjoyably gross

Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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1. 31
2. 52, which I might actually make after all the books I read in August
3. Educated, The Hate U Give, and The Death of Mrs Westaway
4. I'm planning to read the Hannibal Lecter series for Halloween next month and I'm really excited about it


Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Cathythoughts What an actor ❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
TheBookKeepers Coincidentally my sons name is Thomas Harris and he always gets tickled when he finds one of these books on my bookshelves 😂 6y
GripLitGrl @Cathythoughts yes he's one of my fave actors👍 6y
GripLitGrl @TheBookKeepers that's very cool👍😎 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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📑Hannibal 📝Charlaine Harris
🎥 Heathers 🍯Honey
#ManicMonday #LetterH @JoScho

JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Been dying to read this for some time. That time has come. Hurrah. #HannibalLecter #EatTheRude

Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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#PrinceOfJuly #1999
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88
Went with one of my fave books published in 1999 for today's prompt.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have this one, but haven‘t read it!! 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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As much as I love Hannibal Lector, I struggled to get through this book. I did get an odd sense of pleasure and relief (?) with the ending but I did find "Hannibal" to be my least favorite of the three (Red Dragon, The Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal).

Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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One of my all time favorite #creepycharacters of literature and the #silverscreen has got to be Hannibal Lector. #readingresolutions @Jess7

TheBookgeekFrau I almost picked him 😁 6y
somebooksaround The best!!!! 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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1) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
2) Pizza & beer. Or red wine.
3) Hannibal, Community, American Horror Story, Sherlock, Stranger Things, Black Mirror.
4) @rohit-sawant @ReadOrDieRachel @GarthRanzz @TobeyTheScavengerMonk
Thanks for the tag @GrilledCheeseSamurai !

saresmoore Community + red wine, now THAT would be comforting! I can‘t remember if I‘ve asked before, but have you watched Flight of the Conchords? 6y
vivastory @saresmoore It's one of my favorites. I had the privilege of seeing them perform a couple of years ago. A total blast! 6y
saresmoore Gah! That is so cool! I‘ve been rerewatching lately and I‘m impressed all over again by their absurd brilliance. 6y
readordierachel Black Mirror is so good, but it always bums me out, haha. 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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@FantasyChick spawn number one says thank you! PS I'm obsessed with this Dracula edition!! 😍🖤

#mybloodyvalentinesdayswap @TricksyTails @JenlovesJT47

JenlovesJT47 🖤❤️🖤 6y
FantasyChick Adorable!!!! Glad she liked her treats ❤ And yes that Dracula edition is awesome! I wasn't impressed with it when I ordered, but then it came in and... 😍😍😍 I was pretty sure I saw somewhere that you needed it for your collection 😊 6y
TricksyTails How freaking adorable is she?? 😊♥️ 6y
laundry_piles @FantasyChick yes I totally needed it for my collection! I love the artwork of these editions! Thanks again! ❤️ 6y
laundry_piles @TricksyTails thank you! She's pretty awesome ❤️😊 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Oh. My. Liver! Thank you @FantasyChick for the best #mybloodyvalentinesdatswap package! I suck at taking pictures so I couldn't fit it all in! Not pictured are the goodies you sent for each of my spawns which they promptly ran off with and tore into! And of course my chocolate sweets (I won't be sharing) and my can of cashews! YUM! I am floored with all of this - the mug, the books, and THAT PRINT! So awesome! 🖤😍 @TricksyTails @JenlovesJT47

JenlovesJT47 Yay, so awesome!! 🖤🤗❤️ 6y
laundry_piles Thank you @JenlovesJT47 and @TricksyTails for putting together this super fun swap! I hope there will be more horror-ible fun in the future! 🖤💀 6y
JenlovesJT47 Definitely!! It was our pleasure ☺️ 6y
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FantasyChick I'm so happy you liked everything and it all came in one piece!! I swear....I did NOT go into this with the Hannibal theme in mind....I just kept seeing stuff and buying it. 😂 6y
laundry_piles @FantasyChick haha well I love it, and it was packaged perfectly! I feel like a kid on Christmas 😂 I actually just ordered the other two Hannibal books in the editions because they're AWESOME! 😂 And now I know where to stalk you for our #litsypenpals 6y
FantasyChick Oh I absolutely Love those editions! I actually ordered myself a set because I've never seen those ones before 😂 6y
laundry_piles @FantasyChick 😂😂 that's awesome! I hadn't either, good find! ✋ 6y
[DELETED] 3803335244 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
TricksyTails What an awesome haul! That print!! I love it! 😍😍😍 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Wow thank you so much for an amazing package @quietjenn ! The mug couldn't be more perfect! 🖤 These swaps have been a lot of fun and I'm learning that the Litsy fam are quite good at gift giving!

Thank you @TheKidUpstairs for organizing #muglove

TheKidUpstairs Mmm...stroopwafel 😍😍😍 6y
laundry_piles @TheKidUpstairs I've never had one before! 6y
FantasyChick That mug! 😍😍😍 6y
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Bklover Those shortbread cookies are amazing!!! 6y
quietjenn Hooray! I'm so pleased that you like it. 6y
laundry_piles @quietjenn love it! Thank you so much! Super fun to open and kiddos have staked claim on most of the treats 😂 6y
quietjenn Aw, that makes me happy. Save something for yourself (probably the whiskey 😉). 6y
laundry_piles @quietjenn whiskey is definitely all mine! 😉 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Stroopwafel!!!💕 6y
Zelma Omg, Stroopwafels! I have some in my cabinet right now. 😋 6y
laundry_piles @Zelma I feel like I've hit gold with the stroopwafels! I'd never heard of them until today. 6y
Zelma @laundry_piles the ones we have look thinner and without the vanilla. But they‘re soooo good. Mr. Z said it‘s like eating a cookie that tastes like a maple-syrup soaked waffle. 6y
laundry_piles @Zelma sounds amazing! 6y
Chelleo Ohhh, Jameson (also my youngest son‘s name)! 6y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris

Whoa. I was not expecting that ending. 😱 Now I have to read the fourth book… after a good long break, because Harris' writing brings me right into the heads of all his horrible characters, and I need to be in other heads for a while.

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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Yeah_I_Read Does this look like Vladimir Putin to anyone else 😬. It‘s probably appropriate lol 7y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Plowing right on through the #Hannibal series for #screamfest and my cozy mystery for my #coffeebeanbookclub read. 😁📚💖

Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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Speaking of Ginger Snaps, I've always loved Katharine Isabelle. The best thing I've seen her in recently is the TV series Hannibal as Margot Verger.

Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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1. Journey. Demi Lovato. JT.
2. Autumn
3. This year, fantasy, but typically literary fiction ranks at the top.
4. Liver, with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. 😂
5. 👍🏾


xicanti Love your dinner + tagged book. 7y
haanim I love liver 🤤😅 7y
tournevis Mmmmmmmm 7y
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alisiakae @haanim 😃 @xicanti @tournevis I actually hate liver, lol! My real dinner is going to be salmon with broccolini and 🥔. But for some reason, Hannibal popped into my mind this morning. (edited) 7y
TheKidUpstairs 4 🤣🤣😂😂😂👍👍👍 7y
Mamashep #4 - 😂😂❤️ 7y
Pamwurtzler Love JT! 7y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris

A friend has convinced me to watch the show. Behind the times, as usual. I'm six episodes in and loving it. Is that bad?

moranadatter A friend just leant me her copy of season one of this series. I haven't started yet, but I'm glad to hear it is good. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @moranadatter I'm enjoying it, although I'm not sure if I should say that about a show with a serial killer who eats the organs of people he kills?? If you have Amazon Prime the first three seasons were available as part of the membership. I think that's still the case. 7y
night_shift I loved it. Brutal, not to mention Will Graham is very easy on the eyes (and Hannibal isn't bad himself). 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @UnidragonFrag Will is definitely easy on the eyes. I'm worried about his psychological well-being. I get really invested in the lives of fictional characters. Hannibal is growing on me and my friend and her friends are HUGE Mads Mikkelsen fans so they're a little disappointed that I didn't immediately love him. 7y
night_shift I tend to do that too! Especially with TV shows! Mads Mikkelsen is the bomb. I've seen him in a few other things, great actor. 7y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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TrishB What is the Avalon one? 7y
The_Literary_Jedi Follows a young man who is searching for magic; sort of a Merlin/Arthurian story. (edited) 7y
TheBookDream OMG other people read Robert Charles Wilson? I was starting to lose hope! 7y
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The_Literary_Jedi @TheBookDream - 🙌🏽 I got halfway through and realized it was the sequel to Spin, so I had to stop and read that one first then go back...great read! 7y
TheBookDream I LOVED Spin. I don't think I fully made it through the trilogy, but Spin was awesome. 7y
LazyOwl I would also love the two iron elves books 7y
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Hannibal | Thomas Harris
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I read this when it first came out. I'd loved Red Dragon and Silence, so I was really looking forward to this. I hated it. I found it pretentious and hard going. Then I re read it a couple of years later and couldn't for the life of me remember why I didn't like it. Everything I didn't like about it the first time made it a great book that time. I've read it a couple of times since, and I always enjoy it. Weird huh?
#hannibal #bookstagram