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Death of a Maid | M C Beaton
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#WonderousWednesday 1. My name 2. Audiobooks while walking, cooking, driving, dog walking, cleaning, jigsaw puzzling 3. Tagged book. Tagging another Alabama audio walker. @KathyWheeler

Eggs Perfection 💜🤍💜 2d
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Eggs Beautiful 🤎👒🩶 5d
Kimzey @Eggs Thank you! 😊 4d
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Man and His Symbols | Carl Gustav Jung
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 🛞 👏🏻 6d
Kimzey Thanks, @Eggs ! 6d
Ddzmini Love the cover 👀🥰 6d
Kimzey @Ddzmini Thanks, me too! ❤️ 6d
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The Curse of Penryth Hall | Jess Armstrong
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My pre-ordered audiobook is now available! Looking forward to getting started on it tonight! 🍎

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1. Hard to choose, but I‘ll mention the tagged book, the 15th and final installment in Elly Griffiths‘ Ruth Galloway series. 2. I‘ve preordered The Curse of Penryth Hall, plus I‘m planning to read some holiday-themed cozies in December (by Donna Andrews, Anne Perry, M.C. Beaton) 3. Trope? Hmmm, one would be when the detective gets too close to the solution and becomes a target of the killer - adds a thriller element. @RaeLovesToRead

RaeLovesToRead Ooh, I'll have to check out Penryth Hall... 🤔 I like when the detective is involved and it becomes a thriller, but I HATE when the detective falls in love with a suspect 😅 8mo
Kimzey @RaeLovesToRead Oh, I agree! Puleeze, they should know better! I want them to show some sense and avoid getting romantically involved with a suspect! 8mo
Lynnsoprano Thanks for the tag ❤️ 8mo
Librarybelle Thanks for the tag! 8mo
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Anna and Her Daughters | D.E. Stevenson
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For our March 2024 #Furrowedmiddlebrowclub selection, we had an even split of eight votes apiece, so I spun the wheel. Anna and Her Daughters came up the winner! However, I‘m sure I‘ll be adding Charlotte Fairlie to my library also. It was a tough choice!

Kimzey By the way, both are available on Audible. 8mo
Tamra I just downloaded it on Kindle. 😃 8mo
Kimzey @Tamra Yay! I‘m going to buy the paperback. I‘m developing a nice collection of the DSP books. Nine so far. 8mo
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Tamra @Kimzey I love the cover art on them all, but my bank account balks at the paper price when there is such a difference. 😩 8mo
Ruthiella @Tamra @Kimzey I usually opt for the $2.99 kindle edition too for reasons of economy. But I do own a handful paperback editions and really appreciate the beautiful covers. 😍 (edited) 8mo
jlhammar Wonderful! 8mo
rubyslippersreads In the US, libraries carry some of the FM ebooks (on Libby and.or Hoopla). 8mo
Jess_Read_This Oh nice! This is the one I would vote for. I haven‘t read it yet! 8mo
LeahBergen @Kimzey Thanks! I‘ll make up a handy graphic for our whole year of reading once we‘ve decided on all six. It‘s nice to have it all planned out ahead of time. 😆 8mo
CarolynM It was a toss-of-the-coin choice for me, so I appreciate a spin-the-wheel final decision 🙂 8mo
elkeOriginal Yay! I own it. Whew. 😅 8mo
julieclair Both looked SO good! Choosing was tough. I‘m not surprised there was a tie. 8mo
elkeOriginal I had to go look for this spin-the-wheel app - FUN! 8mo
Kimzey @elkeOriginal I love the app. I use it to decide on everything from which cleaning chore to do next to which author to read. Helps with decision fatigue when the stakes aren‘t high and adds a little fun. 8mo
Kimzey @Tamra @Ruthiella Wise decision! If I could train myself to read more on my Kindle, I‘m sure I‘d save $$. I tend to not finish books on Kindle, though. Prefer audio and hard copies. Maybe I just haven‘t adapted. 8mo
Tamra @Kimzey I prefer paper too. 8mo
Ruthiella @Tamra @Kimzey ebooks do take some getting used to, for sure. 8mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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For March 2024 #Furrowedmiddlebrowclub will spend a little time in Scotland as imagined by D. E. Stevenson. Vote in the comments if you‘d rather spend time in Ryddelton with widow Anna Harcourt and her three daughters, or travel to the western Isle of Targ with Charlotte Fairlie, headmistress of St. Elizabeth‘s school.

Ruthiella I would happily read either, but I‘m going to pick the one that‘s available from DSP on kindle: (edited) 8mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m picking Charlotte Fairlie, because I love school stories. 8mo
willaful Already read them both and rated CF higher. 8mo
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quietjenn I'm keen to read both of them, so it's a bit of a toss-up, but will vote for Anna. 8mo
julieclair These both look really good, but my vote goes to Charlotte. 8mo
Teresereading I vote for CF 8mo
Lizpixie I‘d read Charlotte! 8mo
Tamra Anna 😊 8mo
jlhammar Happy with either one, but I'll throw my vote in for 8mo
LeahBergen I own and want to read both! 😆 Let‘s see … I‘ll vote for 8mo
Aimeesue Since our new pup‘s name is Charlotte, I don‘t think I have a choice! 😂 8mo
CarolynM I‘m very happy to read anything by DE Stevenson 🙂 Since I have to vote I‘ll go for 8mo
elkeOriginal Yay! DES! I will vote Anna. 8mo
batsy My vote is for Anna but both sound lovely! 8mo
catebutler My vote is for (edited) 8mo
Kimzey I also voted for Anna, but will likely read both. It‘s an 8 - 8 tie, so I‘ll let my wheel spinning app make the choice. 8mo
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Well, it took a lot of walking and the aid of a store map, but I found my selection. Powell‘s is an amazing bookstore! If I weren‘t flying home with limited space in my luggage, I would‘ve left with many more books! 📚📚📚

Hooked_on_books My first trip to Powell‘s, I was living in Rhode Island. I only had carryons on the way out. As part of my Powell‘s purchase, I got a tote bag. That part was planned. What wasn‘t planned was that I bought so many books that even with reconfiguring my packing, I had to check my wheeled bag and use the tote, stuffed with books, as a carryon. You clearly have far more self control than I do (which I admire greatly)! 😂 9mo
Kimzey @Hooked_on_books I can definitely relate! I guess self-preservation won out this time. I had already overpacked on the way out and felt the effects. Didn‘t want to add too much more coming home. 8mo
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Slipped out of a conference to explore Powell‘s bookstore in Portland, Oregon.

Deblovestoread I knew I recognized those shelves! 💜 9mo
Hooked_on_books @Deblovestoread That‘s what I said! 9mo
Onioons Favourite reason for going to in-person conferences these days! 9mo
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What Lies in the Woods | Kate Alice Marshall
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Look what arrived in the mail! Thank you, Misty @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for the spooky October surprises! I‘m feeling the #Litsylove 🎃❤️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!! I‘m happy it arrived! Great photo 🖤🧡 9mo
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Thought I‘d join the Halloween joke fun!

Ruthiella 😹😹😹 10mo
JessClark78 😂😂 10mo
Texreader Love it! Glad you joined in the fun!!! 10mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
Tamra 🤣 10mo
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Happy New Year! | Greg Roza
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Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a 2023 full of good books! I enjoyed seeing my year in review from Goodreads and look forward to many happy hours of reading in the new year! 🎉📚🥳

fredamans 👏 👏 👏 2y
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 2y
Gissy Yes! 📚📚📚📚📚👏👏👏👏 2y
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Kimzey @fredamans @Ruthiella @Gissy Thanks! Bookish resolutions are my favorite resolutions - ones I am more likely to keep! 2y
bthegood congratulations
Kimzey @bthegood Thanks! 2y
BookNAround Good to see you back in my notifications. 😁 14mo
bthegood good to “see“you again - hope you are doing well. 10mo
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Just downloaded this on audio for holiday listening and jigsaw puzzling. Does anyone have other suggestions for holiday-themed mysteries, cozy or otherwise? Thanks!

Beatlefan129 I listened to this one recently, it was short and cute 2y
KathyWheeler Donna Andrews‘ Meg Langslow series has a Christmas themed book every year. I fact, I got into this series through How the Finch Stole Christmas, which is actually #22 in the series. 2y
Kimzey @Beatlefan129 Thanks for the recommendation! I‘ve added it to my list! 2y
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Kimzey @KathyWheeler I love a good mystery series! This sounds right up my alley. I looked it up and found some of her other Christmas books too. Thanks for the suggestion! (edited) 2y
KathyWheeler @Kimzey I love this series because it‘s light and has likable characters. I hope you like it. 2y
Jemgirl2014 Peter Swanson has a gothic Christmas mystery coming up in October. “The Christmas Guest”. It sounds really good! I already recommended it to my library. 😊 12mo
Kimzey @Jemgirl2014 Oooh, sounds perfect for this Christmas! Thanks for the recommendation! 12mo
Jemgirl2014 @Kimzey You‘re welcome! 😃 12mo
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1. My Dad 2. Ann Cleeves 3. Yes, we‘re reading the tagged book. @Eggs

Eggs Love Towles❣️ 2y
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Waiting to Be Read | Jonika Antoinette Haynes
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I grabbed a few books off my TBR shelves, so here are eight choices. I have many more if the genres don‘t work or if my #LMPBC group has already read these. Like @Readergrrl , I‘ll add bookmarks in comments. I‘m not sure how the selecting works. Do we comment on each other‘s posts? Communicate via email? #GroupT #Round15 @suvata @BookishBelle @vonnie862

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vonnie862 The Mystery of Mrs Christie is actually on my TBR so this one is high up on my list. The next two that catch my attention are The Love Songs & Cutting for Stone. 2y
BookishBelle Yes, we comment on each other‘s posts with what we‘ve read and/or are interested in and then the poster decides which of their books to read and send out. 2y
BookishBelle I would happily read all of these. I am most interested in The Mystery of Mrs. Christie. After that, Nine Tailors, Commonwealth, and Seven Gothic Tales. 2y
Kimzey @Readergrrl Would you like to weigh in on my TBR pile? 😏 2y
Readergrrl I‘m so sorry, I don‘t know how I missed your post! These all sound interesting. I‘ve read Mudbound (it was amazing) but I‘m most interested in Cutting for Stone (I‘ve heard such wonderful things about it). But, I will be happy to read any!! 2y
Kimzey @vonnie862 @BookishBelle @readergrrl Well, we had two votes for Mrs. Christie and two for Cutting for Stone. In thinking of how to break the tie, I realized my copy of Cutting for Stone is 667 pages long and The Mystery if Mrs. Christie is only 272. So, I will go with the shorter book, The Mystery of Mrs. Christie! 2y
vonnie862 @Kimzey I'm looking forward to reading it. 2y
Readergrrl I‘m excited to read it! 2y
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Book Clubbed | Lorna Barrett
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I decided to sign up for the #LMPBC for the first time. Interested to see how it works out! Come join us as we read, mark, inwardly digest and swap books! To sign up go to @suvata ‘s original post.

suvata Welcome aboard 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Yay! My summer reading for #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub arrived!

Cathythoughts Yay 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
LeahBergen Wonderful!! 👏👏 2y
Ruthiella Excellent! 😃 2y
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The Lark | E. Nesbit
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An incantation in the woods on St. John‘s Eve sets the stage for a series of adventures and happy coincidences as cousins Jane and Lucilla make their way in the world after being left in reduced financial circumstances by an unscrupulous guardian. The optimism, humorous mishaps and memorable characters made this an enjoyable tale. I‘m looking forward to reading more selections with the #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub .

Ruthiella Great review and glad to have you on board! 😃 Also very appropriate to have the book surrounded by flowers in your photo. 🌺 (edited) 2y
Kimzey @Ruthiella Thanks! I can tell I‘m going to enjoy the ride. 😊 2y
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CarolynM Lovely photo and review. Glad to have you on board🙂 2y
Kimzey @CarolynM Thank you! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Great photo and lovely review. I‘m just halfway through, enjoying it very much! 👍 2y
LeahBergen Ahhh, lovely review! It‘s so great to have you reading with us. ❤️ 2y
batsy That was a lovely scene, wasn't it? Beautiful photo 🌸🌷 2y
Centique I love that photo! You summed the book up perfectly too. It was so enjoyable ☺️ 2y
quietjenn Nice review. Happy to have you along! 🙂 2y
Tamra I hadn‘t expected all the humor. You summed it up perfectly! 🌺🌼🌸🌹 2y
Cathythoughts Great review!♥️ 2y
rubyslippersreads Lovely photo! So glad you‘re joining us. 😊 2y
elkeOriginal ‘Happy coincidences‘ is the perfect phrase for this book! 2y
Kimzey @elkeOriginal Thanks! Glad we agree! 2y
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Four gardens | Margery Sharp
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I decided to give up screen time in the evenings during Lent. I‘m looking forward to more reading, starting with this group selection for March. #furrowedmiddlebrowclub

Cathythoughts Oh great , I started it yesterday and it‘s lovely so far , I‘m just on Chapter V 👍😁 2y
Kimzey @Cathythoughts Good to hear! I haven‘t started yet, but am looking forward to reading and discussing. 2y
BookBabe Good thing to give up! 👍🏻 2y
Kimzey @BookBabe I haven‘t been as disciplined as I‘d hoped, but it has made a difference. I think I‘ll continue the practice into the Easter season too. 🤔📚 2y
LeahBergen I could have sworn I was following you before?? So strange. Well, I am now! 😆 2y
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McFarlane‘s book about walking ancient pathways really resonated. My photo is from a walk across the mud flats at low tide to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne a few years ago. The author does not include this path in the book, but devotes a chapter to another tidal route, The Broomway off the Essex coast.

Suet624 Love this! 2y
Kimzey @Suet624 Thanks! 2y
DivineDiana This must have been so exciting! 2y
Kimzey @DivineDiana It was! Quite memorable. 2y
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City of Thieves: A Novel | David Benioff
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1. City of Thieves was an enjoyable book club read, set in the snow during the siege of Leningrad. ❄️
2. Since I listen to so many audiobooks, but my TBR shelves are overflowing, I plan to read at least one “book on paper” each month. 📖
3. Grateful for Litsy and for my book club! 📚🍷

@Eggs #wondrouswednesday

Eggs Great goal❣️ 3y
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A Gentleman's Murder | Christopher Huang
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Read two books this weekend. Although very different (a murder mystery and a reflection on art and spirituality), both referenced the trauma of World War I. Huang‘s characters coped with shell shock and the effects of mustard gas and Madeleine L‘Engle‘s father was a WWI vet disabled from lung damage due to mustard gas. #NewYearSpecial @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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Fun with Dick and Jane | Scott Foresman & Company, Scott Foresman and Company
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My first grade teacher would be pleased at my reading goal achievements this year. 😂🥳🎉📚

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Woo Hoo! My pre-order is now available. Can‘t wait!

Tamra 😍 3y
kspenmoll I got the book but now I am thinking listening might be the way to go. 3y
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My book club loved The Dictionary of Lost Words!

BookishMarginalia It‘s great, isn‘t it? 3y
Kimzey @BookishMarginalia Yes, an excellent choice for our return to meeting in person! 3y
DivineDiana I think there would be so much to discuss. Thinking of recommending to my Book Club. 🤔 3y
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Kimzey @DivineDiana Yes, we had a wide-ranging discussion - a terrific book club book! 3y
DivineDiana Thank you! 📚 3y
BookBabe What an inviting spread! 😍 2y
Kimzey @BookBabe Thanks, it was! I‘ll pass along your compliments to the host! 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Here we go on my TBR list for October! #Bookspin #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Kangaj1 Beartown and Cutting for Stone were both amazing! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Love your pumpkins!! 4y
Kimzey @Kangaj1 Thanks for the encouragement. I started Beartown but quit reading after the distressing pivotal event. My book club has tried to convince me to read on. So I thought I‘d give it a go again. 4y
Kimzey @TheAromaofBooks Thanks! You‘ve prompted some creative activity! 😊 4y
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Here is my summer reading stack for #15books15weeks . I had trouble editing down to 15, so included a few extra options. 😊 @TheHeartlandBookFairy This will also be my June #bookspin stack, starting with the Roz Chast memoir on the bottom as No. 1. @TheAromaofBooks

TheHeartlandBookFairy Awesome, thanks for joining us! 4y
Kimzey @TheHeartlandBookFairy Thanks for hosting the challenge! 😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! You have some fun ones there!! 4y
Kimzey @TheAromaofBooks Looking forward to June spin! I‘ve listened to two audiobooks for the bonanza in May so far. Haven‘t posted yet. Audiobooks are more challenging for photos! 4y
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Long Bright River | Liz Moore
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All set for #bookspinbonanza . Time to clear out my backlog of audiobooks!

TheAromaofBooks Audiobook edition!! I love it!! 4y
Kimzey Can‘t wait! Thanks for organizing, @TheAromaofBooks ! 4y
MrMaverick How would you explain the difference in experience of reading a book and listening to an audiobook? 4y
Kimzey @MrMaverick For me, it means I can enjoy a book while doing something else, like driving, cooking, walking, etc. 4y
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The Ruin | Dervla McTiernan
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1. Photo of something that made me laugh - Maybelle hoarding toilet paper!
2.Current read - The Ruin
3.Self-Care? - Walking in the neighborhood, audiobooks and Litsy!
4.Fave chocolate? - Dark Chocolate
@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads

Jaimelire SHe owns it! 😂 “yes, I ate your toilet paper? What u going to do about it?” (edited) 4y
Kimzey @Jaimelire Ha! And I realized she had to make two trips to the bathroom to get her two-roll stash. She was a determined and busy girl! 😊 4y
alisiakae 🤣🤣 4y
Kimzey @4thhouseontheleft Thanks for the #friyayintro challenge. Lots of good laughs! 4y
Gissy She looks like our Chanel who also has a passion for toilet paper☺️ 2y
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Man and His Symbols | Carl Gustav Jung
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#7books7days Seven books that left an impression and changed me. Day Seven. #7days7books

MrMaverick This seems to be an interesting topic.. 4y
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Gilead (Revised) | Marilynne Robinson
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#7days7books Seven books that left an impression and changed me. Day Six. #7books7days

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One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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#7days7books. Seven books that left a deep impression and changed me. Day Five. #7books7days. (Not my photo)

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#7days7books Seven books that left a deep impression and changed me. Day Four #7books7days

The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats | William Butler Yeats
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#7days7books Seven books that left a deep impression and changed me. Day Three. #7books7days

Ruthiella Interesting! I don‘t see a lot of poetry on Litsy. 4y
Kimzey @Ruthiella Yes, I agree, not much poetry! But if you go to the #poetry hashtag, you‘ll find some Littens who are poetry fans. 4y
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Kimzey @BookishMe Thanks for that hashtag! 4y
BookishMe 😊👌🏾😊 4y
Kimzey @BookishMe Thanks! 4y
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#7days7books Seven books that left a deep impression and changed me. Day Two. #7books7days

Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know | Hamilton Wright Mabie
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#7days7books Seven Books that left a deep impression and changed me. Day One. #7books7days

Never Have I Ever | Joshilyn Jackson
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Okay, I‘m going to try something new! Jumping into the April #bookspin. Here are my selections.

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Not Forgetting the Whale | J W Ironmonger
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This was the first book I read early in the new year and it was strangely predictive of current events. In spite of themes of pandemic, tightening oil supplies and the threat of economic collapse, the book was an enjoyable and uplifting read.

CoffeeAndABook Such a good book, I read it a few years back and still remember it clearly! And yes, it comes to mind quite a bit recently. 🐳 4y
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Our book club host served homemade bloody-axe-murder red velvet cupcakes for our discussion of The Trial of Lizzie Borden! ❤️ Thanks, @kimgnix The group enjoyed the book. I haven‘t finished, so won‘t post my review yet.

Cinfhen So cute!!!! And they look delicious 😋 5y
Kimzey @Cinfhen They were yummy! I brought one home, so...breakfast! 5y
Cinfhen Win win!!! 5y
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Velvetfur I love the little axe detail, they're so cute! 5y
Hooked_on_books Those are perfect! 5y
readordierachel Love it! 5y
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Mardi Gras in Mobile | L. Craig Roberts
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Happy Mardi Gras!

KathyWheeler Nobody ever believes Mobilians when we say something about Mardi Gras in the US starting here.😊 5y
Kimzey Yes! Oldest and best Mardi Gras! 💛💜 Cowbellion de Rakin Society! 5y
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Book - Til We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis. Movie- Angel Heart. Song - Have A Heart by Bonnie Raitt. #manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho 💘💙💘 5y
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Once Upon a River | Diane Setterfield
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Although the Thames is the river in the novel, the Alabama River will have to stand in for this photo. 😊 I‘ve read 10 hours of this book so far and three hours in another book this weekend, so I will fall well short of #24in48 . But it was fun to devote a large chunk of my weekend to reading. Thanks for the inspiration! @24in48

KathyWheeler Pretty! 5y
RebL I felt short too, but it was nice to prioritize reading. 5y
Kimzey @RebL I agree! I put it on my calendar, so kept other plans to a minimum. I need to do that more often! 5y
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Happy Birthday to @gradcat and congratulations on your 10k milestone! Thanks for creating a #Birthdaygiveaway ! 1. I‘ve tagged The 11th book in Louise Penny‘s Inspector Gamache series, which is set in Quebec. 2. To make Kir, you pour a little creme de cassis in a wine glass and top with white wine. For New Year‘s Eve you might want to try a Kir Royale, which is the same except with champagne 🍾 instead of regular white wine.

gradcat Thanks so very much for entering!! 6y
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A Velocity of Being: Letter to a Young Reader | Maria Popova, Claudia Bedrick
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Just received my copy! It‘s so new I can smell the ink :sniff: Ahhhh! I saw this on the Brain Pickings blog and had to order this collection of illustrated letters to young readers. Can‘t wait to dig in!

Reviewsbylola This sounds so cool! 6y
Kimzey @Reviewsbylola It really is! 6y
Tanisha_A This is so much on my TBR! Enjoy 😃 4y
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The Patience Stone | Atiq Rahimi
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The title refers to a Persian tale of a mythical stone that absorbs the pain of others. In this case, the “stone” is a comatose Afghan man whose wife confesses her secret thoughts to her unresponsive husband as war rages around them. Although I disliked the ending, I gave the book a good rating because the story has really stayed with me. #WorldTour @JulietteGF

Adventures-of-a-French-Reader Yes, the end is very violent!!! But not every story has a happy end, and I feel like it is sooo close to the reality... 6y
Kimzey @JulietteGF I agree! It did give me a window into that reality, which I, otherwise, would never have known. 6y
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Cleaned the gutters and pruned the crape myrtle in preparation for Tropical Storm Alberto. Now for an uplifting read! 😉

Susannah I hope you don‘t get hammered too hard by the storm. Be safe! (edited) 6y
Kimzey @Susannah Thanks! 6y
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The Marriage Pact: A Novel | Michelle Richmond
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Michelle Richmond gave an engaging presentation on her novel The Marriage Pact at the Alabama Book Festival. She drew on research about cults, marriage, and privacy issues in an era of electronic monitoring.

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1. Figure Skating ⛸
2. Edwidge Danticat 🇭🇹
3. August 🦁
4. And Breathe Normally (Icelandic Film)🇮🇸 5. Happy Birthday, Februarians! 🍰 🎁
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

SaturnDoo August here too ☺ 6y
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Enjoying three hours of Colson Whitehead on C-Span‘s Book TV.

saresmoore Whoa. I did not know about BookTV. That would actually tempt me to watch C-Span! 6y
Kimzey @saresmoore It airs on the weekends on C-Span 2. All programs are also archived online. It‘s mostly non-fiction authors talking about their work, but lately they‘ve been featuring fiction writers. 6y
saresmoore That‘s really neat! Thanks for sharing! 6y
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Harriet the Spy | Louise Fitzhugh
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Fun giveaway! I chose a favorite loner from childhood: Harriet the Spy. #OneIsTheLoneliest# @Elle_Skeldon

Kimzey @Elle_Skeldon Congrats on your 1,111 milestone! 🎉 6y
ElleSkel Thanks! Excellent choice. Thanks a bunch for entering!! 📖🤓📖 6y
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