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The English Air
The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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"We must be very nice to him," said Mrs. Braithwaite, looking up at her daughter with large blue eyes. "Nice to him!" echoed Miss Braithwaite in some surprise. "Well, of course we'll be nice to him. I mean, why shouldn't we?" It's the spring of 1938, the threat of war looms across England, and widowed, slightly dizzy Sophie Braithwaite and her daughter Wynne await the arrival of a distant cousin, Franz von Heiden-from Nazi Germany no less. Franz turns out to be a stiff, formal young man whose father (unbeknownst to the Braithwaites) is a personal advisor to Hitler and has sent Franz to observe English attitudes, but they do indeed welcome him nicely. Soon nicknamed Frank, his defenses are broken down by the kindness, informality, and humour of his cousins-particularly the charming Wynne. But when the dreaded war breaks out and Franz returns to Germany, Wynne must wait in suspense to learn his fate. First published in 1940, in the early days of World War II, The English Air is one of D.E. Stevenson's best works-by turns atmospheric and entertaining, poignant and funny, tense and romantic. This new edition includes letters-never previously published-between D.E. Stevenson and her publishers, which provide a striking glimpse of the historic moment at which the novel was first written and published. Also included here is an autobiographical sketch by the author. "Miss Stevenson has her own individual and charming way of seeing things." Western Mail
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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It edged into “pick” territory for me because I couldn‘t put it down as I had to know what happens with the Braithwaites and Franz‘s story. But (as others pointed out in the #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub) the propaganda and slight preachy tones diminished my enjoyment of it. But there was a country house, lovely summer days, and nature scenic writing. I wish she‘d written a prequel on Dane and Hartley‘s time together in the service!

batsy Nicely put! The summer atmosphere, the country house ... Those bits were so nice. 2y
Kimzey Glad to see you enjoyed it. I may finish it yet! My summer got very complicated due to an ongoing family medical crisis, so I‘d put it aside, since the other reviews were lukewarm. 2y
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Kimzey Also, love the woven mat. What is the cool glass object to the left of the book? 2y
Jess_Read_This @Kimzey I hope things settle down for you and your family. If you are able to get back to it, looking forward to your thoughts on it! Thanks for liking my placemat! The glass object is a vintage glass buoy. I started collecting various ones after I found a few on a trip to Maine. This one is from Oregon- I guess they wash up on shore from Japanese fishing boats pre 1960/70s. I love the various colors and shapes! Some have stamps too. (edited) 2y
Tamra Yes, I loved the same things about it! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Agree! If only it‘s not so ‘preachy‘ I would have enjoyed it more. Nice review! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm @Kimzey I hope things get better for you and your family soon. 💗 2y
Ruthiella Great review! 😀 Dane certainly would have been an interesting character to explore more from! He and Hartley must have had some interesting adventures for sure! 2y
Kimzey @Jess_Read_This Thanks for letting me know about the fishing buoys. I live inland, so have not come across those. It‘s always so interesting to learn what people collect. Love that your interest started with found objects and developed from there. 2y
Kimzey @Jess_Read_This @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for the good wishes. Too much to go into here, but my Mom is doing better and we‘re all adjusting to the changes needed to care for her. ❤️ 2y
LeahBergen Yes, I felt much the same. But give me a country house setting and I‘m easy to please. 😆😆 2y
CarolynM Great review. I was hoping for a bit more about Dane too. I love those terribly British spy capers. 2y
CarolynM @Kimzey Hope things continue to improve for you all💕 2y
Cathythoughts @Kimzey I hope all is getting better for you ♥️ 2y
Cathythoughts Great review! I enjoyed the romances ♥️ 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Like @batsy I didn‘t fall in love with this novel. I enjoyed the English countryside and house, and even the characters, but it felt too transparent (dare I say preachy?) in its anti-war & hate message. I give it a pass for being a novel of its time.


@LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @rubyslippersreads @CarolynM @elkeOriginal @catebutler @Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella @Kimzey @quietjenn @erzascarletbookgasm

batsy Nice review! Yes, the atmosphere was a treat; those bits felt like good holiday escapism 🙂 2y
Tamra @batsy perfect way to describe it! 😁 2y
Cathythoughts Great review ♥️👏🏻 2y
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Ruthiella I‘m glad I‘m not alone in not loving this one! 2y
LeahBergen I was a tad disappointed in it, as well. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
quietjenn Definitely not the winner I have come to expect from Stevenson, but glad most seen willing to give her another go. 2y
Tamra @Cathythoughts thank you! 😊 2y
Tamra @Ruthiella we‘re in good company. 😉 2y
Tamra @LeahBergen I was really engaged until about 2/3 in and then I began drifting away. (edited) 2y
Tamra @quietjenn I actually really enjoyed all other aspects of the writing so I am totally game for another! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Well said 👍 2y
Jess_Read_This Well put review. I felt similarly that it was treading towards a bit of preachiness. I thought her Young Mrs Savage also was a bit preachy at times too. But Mrs Tim Christie is a favorite of mine and doesn‘t read that way. And Miss Buncle‘s Book is a hoot! (edited) 2y
Tamra @Jess_Read_This thank you - stacked! 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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This is the first #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub book that didn't win me over. As mentioned elsewhere, I found the English propaganda grating & it interfered with my ability to fully immerse myself in the story. Also, I understand that this is meant to be a feel-good tale, but some of the explaining away of the political ends of the war left me going hmmm. But I liked certain aspects of Stevenson's writing & look forward to her Mrs Tim & Buncle novels!

Cathythoughts Great review! I‘m looking forward to Tim and Bunkle too 👍🏻❤️ 2y
batsy @Cathythoughts Thanks, Cathy! 😘 The Tim and Buncle ones sound like lovely comfort reads. 2y
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Ruthiella I too am looking forward to the Mrs Tim books! 2y
batsy @Ruthiella 🙌🏾 2y
LeahBergen Yes, I felt much the same way about this one, too (but I‘m quite sure you‘ll enjoy several of her other books)! 2y
batsy @LeahBergen Glad to hear it, Leah! The others sound quite cosy and comforting. 2y
erzascarletbookgasm I look forward to her other more comforting and feel-good books as well. 🙌 2y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm 👍🏾🙂 2y
Jess_Read_This Great review. I felt similarly on this one. Which was disappointing because this was one of hers I had been looking forward to reading for some time. Chiming in with the others, she‘s got some lovely other books that are definitely better. I enjoyed her Mrs Tim Christie books. 2y
Kimzey Thanks for the review! This one may be a DNF for me. I had put it aside due to a family health crisis and the group‘s reviews haven‘t made me want to pick it back up. 2y
batsy @Jess_Read_This Thank you! I am definitely keen to try the Mrs. Tim books! 2y
batsy @Kimzey You're welcome! I'm so sorry to hear of the family medical crisis. I hope things improve and you get some peace of mind 💕 2y
Kimzey Thanks, @batsy! 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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I think this is a good story, an interesting one, different from what the #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub has read so far. It‘s insightful to read of the political opinions of the people during the early days of WW2, especially the English middle class. I did enjoy it, although I felt the ending was too rush and easy. Glad to have read my first D.E. Stevenson. 👍

Cathythoughts Nice review Jessie. It was my first by this author too 👍🏻♥️ 2y
CarolynM Lovely review. I've already gone on to Mrs Tim and I'm looking forward to more 🙂 2y
batsy Nice review 💜 I wasn't too sold on it at the beginning but I'm slowly warming to it. 2y
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quietjenn Nice review! I love that so many are being introduced to Stevenson, even if this isn't her best work. 2y
Ruthiella Great review! It‘s always interesting to read books written during a world event, like WWII. It certainly gives a different perspective. 2y
LeahBergen Great review! It‘s not one of her best but I enjoyed it, as well. 2y
Jess_Read_This Nice review! I agree with you entirely on how rushed the ending felt. 2y
Kimzey Thanks for the review! I‘ve not been able to finish this one due to a complicated summer. 2y
erzascarletbookgasm @kimzey hope you‘ll get to finish it whenever you‘re ready. Or not, since it has not gotten a very enthusiastic response from the rest of us. 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Published in the very early days of WW2, this novel isn‘t as light and jocular as the previous Stevenson books I‘ve read. I also found the section set in Germany a bit jarring in relation to the rest of the story but, all in all, it was easy to read and kept me turning the pages. I‘ll give it a pick but it‘s not going to stand out as one of my favourites by this author.


Ruthiella I think I liked it less than anyone in our group, but I‘ll still try some of her other titles like the Mrs Tim books! 😀 2y
batsy Nice review! I'm so behind on this. Hopefully by next week. 2y
batsy @Ruthiella I really want to read those, too! 2y
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erzascarletbookgasm I‘m in part three 👌. 2y
Cathythoughts Great review! I really enjoyed,but I‘m looking forward to your recommendations by this author too. That will be interesting 👍🏻❤️ 2y
CarolynM Great review. Taken in context I thought there were some interesting insights as well as an entertaining story. I‘ve just started Mrs Tim @Ruthiella - it‘s amusing me greatly. 2y
Jess_Read_This Nice review! I felt similarly even though it hooked me in right away. But I ended it feeling a bit let down. I‘m so glad we read it together as a group. It‘s been one of hers I had been wanting to read for some time. 2y
Kimzey Thanks for the review. I haven‘t made it through yet, but may move on to our next furrowed middlebrow selection! 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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This was my first Stevenson, and I‘m not sure it was the best one to start with, though I did enjoy it. Another Litten likened it to propaganda, and I realized it reminded me of old WWII movies (although I enjoy some of those too).

@quietienn @CarolynM @Ruthiella @Cathythoughts @LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This @Tamra @batsy @Kimzey @erzascarletbookgasm @catebutler @elkeOriginal


Ruthiella I‘ve only otherwise read the first two Miss Buncle books from Stevenson and they are much lighter in tone. (edited) 2y
LeahBergen I think you‘ll like others way more. I really liked Miss Buncle‘s Book and Mrs Tim. 👍 2y
erzascarletbookgasm My first as well, and I have another stand alone on my tbr 2y
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Cathythoughts Interesting review 👍🏻❤️ 2y
Jess_Read_This Great review! It did seem like a book that could inspire an old movie! 2y
rubyslippersreads @Jess_Read_This yes. I was even trying to cast it in my mind. 2y
Kimzey Thanks for the review! 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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In a sense, this is rather typical Stevenson fare, with nice, upper class English people living privileged lives in the countryside and taking in love and brief Scottish interludes. But the setting - of both the book and its writing/publication - and the inclusion of Franz/Frank - the half-German cousin raised under Naziism and a true believer as the book begins - lends it more gravitas and, eventually, an air if adventure. (continued below)

quietjenn It veers inevitably into a bit of propaganda and the benefit of history makes some things rather questionable, but generally I quite enjoyed reading it. I don‘t think it will rank with my favorite of her works, but it was interesting and I‘m glad it was our #furrowedmiddlebrowclub choice for the month. 2y
Ruthiella Great review and well balanced! I‘d only read the first two Miss Buncle books from DES before this one, which are very fluffy. Maybe that‘s why this one landed oddly with me. 🤔 I actually have to stop expecting every DSP book to be cozy! 😂 Quite a few have been dark, like 2y
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batsy Nice review! I still haven't started but I hope to get to it soon. 2y
CarolynM Lovely review 🙂 2y
LeahBergen I feel much the same way. I enjoyed it but it‘s not going to be one of my favourites by her. 2y
Kimzey Thanks for the review! I‘ve gotten off track in my reading due to a complicated summer and have been on the fence about picking it back up again. Positive reviews might sway me to give it another go! 2y
67 likes7 comments
The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Whether it‘s wartime propaganda or just general middle class English snobbishness, I thoroughly enjoyed this glimpse of the way they looked at life, the way they thought and spoke and acted in those blessed days of peace, to paraphrase DE Stevenson‘s proposed Foreword to the first edition. On a more serious level, it was also a reminder not to blindly believe your country‘s take on the attitudes/intentions other countries.

Ruthiella Great review! I‘m glad you enjoyed it. Did you think the second chance romance between Dane and Sophie was a surprise? Or did you see it coming? I‘ll admit, it took me unawares. 😃 2y
CarolynM @Ruthiella Thank you😊 I was a bit surprised, although there was a hint when they were talking about how Sophie met her first husband. Before that I was slightly worried that he was keen on Wynne, which would have been a bit yuck🥴 2y
LeahBergen Lovely review! And yes, I was a tad worried that he might like Wynne, too. 😬 2y
Cathythoughts Nice review 👍🏻♥️. I didn‘t see the Dane / Sophie romance coming …. Nice surprise. 2y
Kimzey Great review! Thanks! 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Unfortunately I couldn‘t get a DSP edition ebook & was too cheap to spring for the paperback so I had no introduction. I thought this was mostly pro-Empire war propaganda (published in 1940) with two weakish romances. Sorry fellow #FurrowedMiddleBrowClub friends 😣. I can‘t fault the book for being of its time, but the rah rah Britain can do no wrong stuck in my craw, knowing the future. Kudos, however, for not painting all German‘s as Nazis.

Tamra I‘m getting those vibes too. It‘s difficult sometimes to read this era when we have so much hindsight! 2y
Ruthiella @Tamra Hindsight certainly gets in the way! 2y
CarolynM I know what you mean, but I find it funny rather than annoying. I‘m thoroughly enjoying it. 2y
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Ruthiella @CarolynM That‘s definitely the better attitude! I‘m glad you are liking it. 😊 2y
Cathythoughts I hear you , and if I focus on that part of the atmosphere of the book , I agree it‘s hard to swallow. I enjoyed the romances, and found it interesting when Franz went back to Germany. But I definitely take your point. 2y
Ruthiella @Cathythoughts I don‘t know why it rubbed me the wrong way, but it did. I‘m glad it didn‘t impede your enjoyment of the book. I did like daffy Sophie as a character! 2y
batsy Interesting review! I haven't started it yet but I'll know to keep an eye out for that because it sounds like it might not sit well with me either 😆 2y
Ruthiella @batsy It‘s not the whole book, for sure. It‘s just that the rest wasn‘t enough to allow me to ignore it. I hope I am the outlier here! 😀 2y
Jess_Read_This I really appreciated reading your take on this one! I finished it last night and thought it was one of Stevenson‘s more serious works but definitely had a propaganda tone which irked me a bit too. Overall, I enjoyed it but because I thought it was (for her) an attempt at trying to create depth in the novel. It read differently for me compared to the her other novels I‘ve read. 2y
Jess_Read_This In the DSP edition, one thing that struck me was in her autobio at the end- she is asked about drawing her characters from real life. She says “NO”- however she mentions neighbors in Glasgow being chilly when they saw themselves in Mrs Tim. And in her letters, Franz is drawn from a German girl staying with friends. I felt her strong protest and paragraph explanation in the autobio was a bit untruthful in where her characters come from. (edited) 2y
Jess_Read_This Sorry, me again. I was thinking on it a bit while drinking my coffee. In her autobio in the DSP, she says English Air was her first book written with a purpose. The purpose being to help other people understand how the English people felt about the war. Which made me wonder whether it was how her social circle felt or was she also drawing from the directives coming from govt? And I never really got a strong sense on what her message exactly is? 2y
Jess_Read_This Continued: which makes me wonder if I‘m just a bit dense as a reader since I felt her purpose didn‘t seem clear to me. She wrote of various people in varying stages of carefreeness whose lives were changing. Did she mean the sense of nationalism they felt? I could tell she was aiming for something but it got lost for me. When I say I saw depth in it, I meant in how Franz was portrayed. 2y
Ruthiella @Jess_Read_This The only other books I‘ve read from D.E.S. are the first two Miss Buncle books, so I wasn‘t expecting the more serious tone here. For sure she was only speaking as well she could for her social class. Like when someone explains to Franz that the upper classes in England work for free in aid of the poor unlike in Germany where such work is paid for by the government. Noblesse oblige. That also put me off. (edited) 2y
Ruthiella @Jess_Read_This Also, we know that England had a fascist party lead by Mosley which had some popular support. The books was published very early in the war. She couldn‘t know that it would drag on for 4 more years and that it would be so destructive and that the recovery would take so long. (edited) 2y
LeahBergen I can see where you‘re coming from on this review! I ended up enjoying it but reading the appendix of publishers‘ letters, etc made me appreciate it (and the time period it was written in) even more. 2y
Ruthiella @LeahBergen Next time if the DSP ebook isn‘t available, I will definitely get the paperback then. I think with better context, I‘d have appreciated it more. 2y
Kimzey I appreciate the nuanced review. I am behind in my reading, so can‘t chime in yet. 2y
Ruthiella @Kimzey No problem and no rush! I‘ll be interested to hear your thoughts when you get there! 😀 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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The Braithwaites, and their minder, Dane Worthington, are visited by ‘a sort of cousin‘ Franz Heiden. The time is 1938 as the book begins and war is threatening. I loved this family story and couldn‘t put it down. Good story and characters. I won‘t say more until we are finished this #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub read.

BarbaraBB I think you can‘t go wrong with Stevenson! 2y
Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB I think it‘s my first. What else would you recommend Barbara? 2y
batsy Nice review! I won't be able to get to this until closer to the end of the month but so glad to hear you enjoyed it. 2y
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CarolynM Great review🙂 It‘s such a lovely book I‘m trying to make it last a bit longer. 2y
MaureenMc Miss Buncle‘s Book is adorable. I chose it for my little book group, and we all loved it. 2y
Tamra 👏🏾 I‘m happy to know it‘s a win! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Glad you loved it 💗. I have not started. 2y
quietjenn I agree with @BarbaraBB - Stevenson is one of my comfort read authors, for sure! I've only read the first chapter so far, but looking forward to sinking into this one soon. 2y
LeahBergen Nice review! I‘ve been so busy on this little holiday that I haven‘t had a chance to start it yet. 2y
BarbaraBB I‘d recommend, just like @MaureenMc , 2y
Ruthiella Excellent! I‘m at 70% and hope to finish this weekend! 2y
Ruthiella I concur with @MaureenMc and @BarbaraBB Miss Buncle‘s book is great! (edited) 2y
Jess_Read_This I couldn‘t put it down either. I had to know how it ended! 2y
LeahBergen I think you‘ll really like Miss Buncle‘s Book. Or try Mrs Tim (sometimes titled Mrs Tim of the Regiment or Mrs Tim Christie). 2y
Cathythoughts @Jess_Read_This Yes ! I was invested in the ending 👍🏻😁 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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A bit of prophetic idealism? 🤔 🫣


Cathythoughts Wynne is a dreamer ♥️ 2y
Tamra @Cathythoughts she is charming for sure! 2y
51 likes2 comments
The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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I understand you, Sophie.


Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2y
Jeg Me too. Love a happy ending . 2y
Cathythoughts Very good 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Sophie knows what she wants! 2y
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Cathythoughts I‘m thinking of you as I read too because I know this is a time of great interest to you in history… makes the reading more special (edited) 2y
MaureenMc Same, Sophie, same. 😄 2y
Tamra Great passage! I haven‘t started yet, but looking forward to it. 😄 2y
quietjenn So much YES 2y
elkeOriginal Seems like DE is describing her own books! At least the ones I have read end nicely…and that is why I like her! 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Reading outside. I suppose that cover is meant to be Wynne and Franz at the start of the book when they all go swimming in the cove. I wonder how it will all pan out ?! I‘m enjoying 👍🏻♥️

erzascarletbookgasm Lovely 📸. For a moment I thought you‘re at the beach, Cathy, with white sandy beach at the background 😁 2y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm Oh dear 😂 no , just reading outside. Hope all is good with you Jessie X 2y
batsy Pretty photo 💕 2y
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Ruthiella @erzascarletbookgasm I thought the same! 😂 2y
Cathythoughts @batsy 👍🏻💕 2y
Cathythoughts @Ruthiella @erzascarletbookgasm oh yes, I see the wall looks like sand ! Needs to be painted 😂 2y
LeahBergen What a pretty photo! 2y
Centique What a photo! And it sounds really good 😍 2y
Centique I thought it was sand too! 2y
CarolynM 😍 2y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Thanks 😘😘 2y
Cathythoughts @Centique Thanks , and it IS REALLY GOOD👍🏻 2y
67 likes12 comments
The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Ruthiella No time like the present! 😃 2y
catebutler Can‘t wait to start this one too! I think it might have to be my weekend read. 2y
quietjenn Good plan! I‘ve one I want to finish up first, then I just might do the same. 2y
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Kimzey Thanks, I‘ve got some travel coming up. I‘ll bring it along. 2y
batsy I hope to start soon! Once again I realise I've over"booked" myself with my enthusiasm for Litsy group reads + family visiting from abroad this month ? 2y
Cathythoughts Just got started too 👍🏻❤️ 2y
Cathythoughts Franz is an interesting guy 🤔 he doesn‘t know what to make of anyone and I don‘t know what to make of him ( yet ) 😄 (edited) 2y
LeahBergen I‘m off on a little holiday right now (for the next 2 weeks) but I brought the book! 2y
CarolynM @LeahBergen Should be a good holiday read🙂 Have a lovely time💕 2y
CarolynM @Cathythoughts I love that he speaks English “too well” and we know exactly what that means while poor Franz can‘t make sense of it🤣 Dane is the one I‘m most interested in so far. 2y
CarolynM @batsy Sounds like you‘ll be busy in a good way🙂 I‘ll try not to post any spoilers😆 2y
CarolynM @Kimzey A good one for travelling, I think. Enjoy🙂 2y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Have a lovely time Leah ❤️ 2y
Cathythoughts Dane Worthington! That‘s quite a name 😁 2y
Amiable I like that cover. It has a nostalgic “throw-back” feel that appeals to old me. 😀 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Hello #Furrowedmiddlebrowclub friends! This is a reminder that our July 2022 pick is the tagged title. Read at your own pace and share your thoughts with us as you are inclined.

Any Littens not tagged but want to be, let me know. 😊 All are welcome!

CarolynM Thanks Ruth. I've been hanging out for this one🙂 2y
Tamra Yay! 😁 2y
Kimzey Thanks for the reminder! 2y
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Ruthiella @CarolynM @Tamra @Kimzey It looks like a perfect summer read! 🏖 2y
batsy It's such a good cover—very summer-y! 2y
Cathythoughts Great stuff 👍🏻❤️ Thankyou X 2y
Ruthiella @batsy I agree. The cover really sets the tone! 2y
Ruthiella @Cathythoughts You are welcome! ❤️ 2y
LeahBergen Thanks for the reminder! 😘 2y
Ruthiella @LeahBergen No problem 😉 2y
Sparklemn I‘d love to read it with you all. 2y
Ruthiella @Sparklemn Excellent! 😃 2y
Jess_Read_This Thanks for tagging! This is my first time participating. Do we discuss in each other‘s posts or is there a formal discussion post for us to discuss on? 2y
Ruthiella @Jess_Read_This It‘s super informal. We just discuss on each person‘s post as desired. 😀 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Yay! My summer reading for #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub arrived!

Cathythoughts Yay 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
LeahBergen Wonderful!! 👏👏 2y
Ruthiella Excellent! 😃 2y
39 likes3 comments
The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Our July read (and @catebutler ‘s pick for us) is The English Air by DE Stevenson. Our September read ( @elkeOriginal ‘s pick) will be A House in the Country by Ruth Adam. I can hardly wait!

Here is our new rotation of picking and voting. I added our two newest members on to the end (I hope that‘s okay with you all?). Please excuse the handwritten post: my PicCollage was glitching. 😆


elkeOriginal What a handsome group! 2y
Kimzey @LeahBergen I believe this is the first commitment on my calendar for 2024! 🎉🥳📕📗 2y
Cathythoughts Thanks Leah , you‘re great! All the way to 2024 … we are going places 👍🏻❤️ 2y
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Ruthiella Thanks for keeping us organized Leah! 😃 2y
batsy Thank you, Leah 💜 It's so nice to see a list planned going into 2024...the little things to look forward to! 2y
batsy I just realised that's your notepaper—how lovely 😍 2y
LeahBergen @elkeOriginal Aren‘t we though? 😆 2y
LeahBergen @Kimzey And mine, as well! 😆😆 I couldn‘t quite believe it when I was writing it out. 2y
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts Just imagine all the books we will have read by then! 😄 2y
LeahBergen @Ruthiella No problem at all! 😘 2y
LeahBergen @batsy I like to look forward to these things, too! And the notepapers does look like little middlebrow ladies, doesn‘t it? 😆 2y
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen Imagine all the books we will BUY by then! And that DSP will newly publish! 2y
CarolynM Thank you Leah😘 @elkeOriginal I am eyeing off the Susan Scarlett (AKA Noel Strreatfeild) titles they're bringing out later this year. 2y
erzascarletbookgasm ❤️ wonderful 👏 Exciting times! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm @CarolynM I saw the cover reveal of three of them so far, they look awesome! Coming out in August I think. I‘m looking forward to see them being added to our pool of choices. @LeahBergen 2y
Tamra Thanks for tagging me! Off to download! 2y
rubyslippersreads I‘m glad my turn to pick comes after all those Susan Scarletts come out! 2y
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen @batsy Adorable little middlebrow ladies. 😍 2y
batsy @rubyslippersreads I know, right? I was looking at their tweets about those books and adding it to my wishlist 😆 2y
LeahBergen @CarolynM @erzascarletbookgasm @rubyslippersreads @batsy The covers for the new Susan Scarletts are AMAZING! I own a couple of them already, republished in paperback by Greyladies, and I‘m trying to convince myself that I don‘t need these prettier editions. 😆 2y
LeahBergen @Tamra 👏👏 2y
willaful Yes! There were already a few of her adult books reprinted and the covers are just so blah, like they're saying these books can't possibly be interested to anyone nowadays. FM's covers state firmly, yes we are! 2y
LeahBergen @willaful That‘s so true! These new covers will really garner some new attention for her books. 2y
LeahBergen @quietjenn Here‘s the list to tag in your post for voting. 2y
quietjenn @LeahBergen thank you! 2y
LeahBergen @CarolynM and @Cathythoughts Here‘s the list of people to tag in your posts for voting (just in case you need it). 😊 2y
Cathythoughts Thanks Leah. I‘ll put up my suggestions later this morning 👍🏻❤️ 2y
LeahBergen @Ruthiella Here‘s our voting list of people to tag (if you need it!) 😊 2y
Ruthiella @LeahBergen Many thanks! 🙏 2y
LeahBergen @batsy @Kimzey @Jess_Read_This Here‘s our line-up … so you don‘t feel left out! Your turn is coming soon. 😆😆 2y
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen 😆 I vaguely recall this list and thinking “Oh that‘s a long time off” Now it feels like time flies and it‘s probably not as far off as I imagine! (edited) 2y
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This The joys of aging. 😆 2y
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The English Air | D.E. Stevenson
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Dear #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub readers,
Here are the choices for July 2022. I went with a summery/holiday theme. 🕶☀️The English Air is one of the latest FM recent releases, I adore Stevenson and her writing, so I‘m sure this won‘t disappoint. And, Seaview House sounds perfect with a family hotel, a peaceful setting and a dash of romance. It‘s also been on my FM TBR for ages! I‘ve linked the synopsis for SH below in the comments.

Ruthiella Both seem perfect picks for the summer. I‘ll vote for the D.E. Stevenson title. 2y
Kimzey The English Air would be my choice, but both sound good. 2y
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batsy I've had my eye on both! My vote is for 2y
LeahBergen I love DE Stevenson but I‘ve yet to read any Elizabeth Fair, so my pick goes to 2y
LeahBergen Oh, and the way we‘ve been doing our voting is to have the core group of members vote on the options that the other members offer up. We all get our chance to propose reads in sequential order. I think it makes it easier and quicker for tallying votes! I see other people voting here (which is very welcome, of course, and anyone can read along with us!). If you would like to “join” 😆 the group, just let me know and I‘ll add you to our rotation. 2y
LeahBergen @EvieBee and @Kimzey This message ☝️ is for you as I see you are both avid Middlebrowsers, too. 😆😆 Let me know if you‘d like to be added to the rotation. 2y
CarolynM Since I have a copy thanks to @LeahBergen I'll vote for 2y
quietjenn I love both authors! My vote is for 2y
Kimzey @LeahBergen I‘ve only been in on the last two selections, but plan to keep going. Feel free to assign me a month and I‘ll check what‘s been read previously and come up with two new choices. 📗📕 2y
elkeOriginal I love DES and have not yet read this one so my choice is 2y
LeahBergen @Kimzey Great! We‘ve finished our first rotation and will be starting from the first person again, so I‘ll tack you on to the end. Is that okay? 2y
Kimzey @LeahBergen Sure, that works! Thanks! (edited) 2y
rubyslippersreads I own this one, so I pick 2y
Cathythoughts … I‘m off to order both 😃 , but I‘ll vote for 2y
Jess_Read_This Count me in! I‘m happy reading either one! 2y
LeahBergen The votes are all in and it looks like The English Air has won! As I said on @elkeOriginal ‘s book choice post, I‘ll write out our new rotation for picks and make a post. @erzascarletbookgasm @rubyslippersreads @quietjenn @CarolynM @Cathythoughts @Ruthiella @batsy @Kimzey @Jess_Read_This 2y
CarolynM @LeahBergen 👍 Thanks again. 2y
LeahBergen @CarolynM 😘😘 2y
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