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Unlikely Animals | Annie Hartnett
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A delightful batch of quirky voices (some narrators reside in the town graveyard🪦) make this a fun/funny yet moving novel of a family and town going through some heavy stuff. The interspersed historical excerpts add depth, the role of the animals and town ghosts add heart and quirk. Lovable characters all. Not light subjects treated in a very fresh way. Suspend your disbelief and jump in! 🦊🐶🐻

TheKidUpstairs I loved this one. Opening night of the play had me in tears of laughter! 3w
elkeOriginal @TheKidUpstairs The Titanic plot twist😆 3w
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Unlikely Animals | Annie Hartnett
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In playing eenie-meenie-minie-mo for my next read on the TBR, a charming map will tip the scale every time!
#bookswithmaps #mapsinbooks

Among the Mad | Jacqueline Winspear
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Book 6 in the #MaisieDobbs series hits a new level of peril for both our MC as well as society at large with a madman with chemical weaponry skills on a threatening rampage at Xmas 1931 in London. Yikes. Also a higher level of govt secrecy and intro of govt agencies using yet also thwarting our Maisie. This will take her and the series in new directions, of course, but is not cozy per the usual Maisie murder vibe…

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The 5th in the #MaisieDobbs series of between wars mysteries was heartbreaking several times over. A current case uncovers a tragedy from WWI in small-town Kent. So many themes and connections, lots of growth for our favorite characters. Thoughtful consideration of what being labelled outsiders can lead to. Any book that makes me cry is doing its job drawing me in! By far the best one yet.

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Grabbed this from my library on a quick 7-day loan special so tore through it fast—which was easy! It is what it says: across genres it is spy thriller, scifi time travel, romance, workplace comedy. It is a lot, but it works. High point: the 3 primary time travelers to modern day are The BEST! I love them SO much. And their reactions to modern life! Awesome. The time travel elements can be a bit wibbly-wobbly, per usual. Well worth the read.

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Book 3 in the #MaisieDobbs series had SO much going on! There were many many storylines and maybe things line up really conveniently for Maisie‘s solves, but I am still digging the between wars vibe and mix of Maisie‘s personal history and professional adventures. The stakes are high in this one.
And you can tell by the pic I raided my library and am diving straight into the next one…

Birds of a Feather: A Novel | Jacqueline Winspear
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Moving through the #MaisieDobbs series - this is book 2. A very interesting mystery blooms from a case brought to Maisie having to do with women who were once friends in their youth prewar. This is more than 10 years postwar but WWI looms large with guilt, regrets and leftover pain of all kinds motivating our characters. Even better than book 1 since we have the set-up and can focus in on meatier mysteries. Already started book 3…📚

Maisie Dobbs (Anniversary) | Jacqueline Winspear
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Where have I been that #MaisieDobbs is new to me? Well, the timing is perfect & this book hit my current sweet-spot mood-wise mixing mystery, WWI, and a smart female MC. While plot starts with Maisie setting up her investigative office 10 years post-war, much of the book covers her backstory from maid to Uni to frontline nurse. War/postwar topics/feelings are well done. The best part of being late to discover a series? Tons of books ahead of me!

jlhammar I need to get back to this series! I made it through the first three, I think, and really enjoyed them. 2mo
elkeOriginal @jlhammar I dove into bk 2 and it is even better! 2mo
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The Hunter: A Novel | Tana French
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Such a satisfying sequel to The Searcher! Slow vibe beautifully focusses on Trey with her anger and trauma coming to a head when her father returns with a scam underway. Closes up threads from the first book - taking up 2 years after those events (that were clearly smoldering…) Visceral, hot-summer atmosphere & nefarious goings-on are gripping. Relationships of Cal, Trey, Lena are perfect. At this point, I will read anything Tana French writes.

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This was a cozy mystery with 2 timelines-modern characters solving an old mystery & old diary plays a huge part. I am not sure why there is SO much buzz though-it was good enough I have no regrets reading it, but am very glad I libraried & did not buy. The past characters were most interesting so would only continue if becomes a series if focus again on past.
If you like TONS of red herrings, this is for you! This will not strain your grey cells.

elkeOriginal And it is plugged as for fans of Knives Out. This is accurate! I just forgot I was annoyed by that one😉 3mo
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Anna and Her Daughters | D.E. Stevenson
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This month‘s #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub read was a gentle, comfy DE Stevenson read about Jane and her sisters. It very much was a 2 parter where the 1st half was a nice resettling of the fam to a cottage in Scotland & everyone finding their way. Part 2 was a rushed fairly hot mess. A year abroad covered in a few paragraphs! Anyhoo, loved our MC and just wanted the best for her. Many characters fell quickly into happy endings. Cute but not her best.

elkeOriginal And as @Aimeesue noted a reference in this to Miss Buncle, I laughed at the at least 2 references to DE‘s famous cousin Robert Louis! 4mo
Ruthiella I think it‘s a law that all Scottish writers have to reference RLS in their novels, whether they are related or not! 😂 Beautiful old edition you have there! 😍 4mo
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jlhammar You all have me very excited to read more of her work! Lovely edition. 4mo
Leftcoastzen Nice edition! 4mo
elkeOriginal @jlhammar Must reads are Miss Buncle‘s Book along with the Mrs Tim series. SO good! Thankfully she wrote tons and I have many more yet to read 📚 4mo
elkeOriginal @Leftcoastzen One of my lockdown coping methods was ordering vintage DE Stevenson books because she is so cozy in tough times. 4mo
Leftcoastzen That was a good plan! 👏😄 4mo
LeahBergen @elkeOriginal @Aimeesue I also noticed a reference to a hotel that features in Mrs Tim Gets a Job and a reference to Celia‘s House. I liked the frequent RLS references, too! 😆 4mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella He‘s quoted a lot in O. Douglas books, too. 😆 4mo
LeahBergen I like your edition, too. 😍 4mo
batsy I just started and I'm liking Jane quite a bit. Love that edition 😍 4mo
quietjenn Such fun Easter eggs. I noticed some of them, but not all of them. Love you edition. 4mo
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen I thought that might be the Mrs Tim hotel! But was too lazy to check. That was my fave Mrs Tim book. (edited) 4mo
CarolynM Great review. I thought the 2 line dismissal of year long world trip was really odd🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
elkeOriginal @CarolynM SO weird! Especially when the book started on page 1 with a detailed description of 1 dinner 🙁 4mo
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Amazing thriller in the Dublin Murder Squad series (this is no. 4)
Had me SO deeply invested that for the last 100 pages I had 3 versions going (audio, ebook, physical book) so I had access to it wherever I was.
I could not not find out wtf was happening asap.


Ruthiella My favorite of the Dublin Murder Squad series. 5mo
elkeOriginal @Ruthiella It was brutal though. So many feelings from this one! 5mo
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Exit Interview: A Memoir | Kristi Coulter
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An intense book about a smart, ambitious woman‘s experience working at Amazon corp from 2006-2018. She is drily witty & brutally honest.
The fact that a woman THIS accomplished could not get promoted made me want to tear my hair out.
The men who need a good kick in the 🍒 enraged me. The harshness of ‘femaling‘ in that environment!
But it is just as much about her—her smarts, ambition, and lovely husband. But no wonder AMZ drove her to drink…

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Thornhedge | T. Kingfisher
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Let‘s turn the tale of Sleeping Beauty on its head!
With a main character (who can turn into a toad) and her mild magic and a kind knight wondering what the thornhedge is hiding, see why the story isn‘t what you always thought—learn why Toadling the changeling is protecting the world FROM the sleeping girl in the tower…
And yes, @rubyslippersreads - you would like this!
For anyone who likes a fairy tale retelling, this novella is a treat. 🐸

LiteraryinLawrence Oooh, cool premise! 5mo
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Thornhedge | T. Kingfisher
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Cute chapter illustrations 🐸

rubyslippersreads This sounds like something I‘d enjoy. 🐸 5mo
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This left me unsettled. Not cozy, by any means!
Told through text msgs, emails, & interview transcripts (as is Hallett‘s MO) it is a riveting read about true crime authors investigating a mysterious cult-ish crime that has taken on mythic qualities in pop culture. Love the way we learn info via the messaging format & the story is enthralling. I have mixed feelings RE: the ending…maybe because I didn‘t expect to feel disquieted by the ethics posed…

Texreader Excellent review. Sounds intriguing 5mo
batsy An intriguing review! Been meaning to give this author a try. 5mo
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Book 3 in the #DublinMurderSquad series by #TanaFrench was another engaging mystery. LOVE how she takes a character from previous book to be the narrator in the next. Keeps the series fresh and interesting.
Faithful Place tackles Frank‘s backstory. I didn‘t love him in Likeness but this did an excellent job of showing us who he really is and care about him.
Also fun to be introduced here to the narrator of the next in the series😉

The Likeness: A Novel | Tana French
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This was a cracking good read!
Intense & with fascinating characters.

On to book 3 in the #DublinMurderSquad!

erzascarletbookgasm Book 3 is my favourite! ❤️ Hope you‘ll enjoy. 6mo
elkeOriginal @erzascarletbookgasm I am loving book 3 SO much more than I expected! Had a good power outage yesterday so my only option was to read ALLLLL day & night 🤩 6mo
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LeahBergen I wish! 😩 6mo
Tamra @LeahBergen me too! 6mo
CarolynM Wouldn‘t it be wonderful? Oh well…😔 6mo
Caryl Sigh. I read the descriptions of all the lovely events. What a treat it would be to attend! 5mo
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In the Woods | Tana French
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Wow. Read this on recommendation of a friend who said bk 2 after this in the series changed her life. I loved this. So atmospheric & riveting. With an unreliable narrator—that snuck up on me! She delves into detectives‘ psyches/history as much as the suspects while investigating current crime possibly connected to a historical case. The characters feel REAL. French‘s writing shows where others just tell.
I am SO part of the #TanaFrench cult now.

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Not my favorite #Gamache and plot was pandemic-related (and madness of crowds regarding support for terrible ideas/people) so not what I was in the mood for. But I am one step/book closer to being caught up now that bk 17 is in the rear view! This cover is beyond gorgeous.

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Progress in the #Gamache series - finished bk 16! Very much enjoyed this mystery set in Paris instead of Three Pines. Change of scenery (a break from the Pines residents) plus lots of Gamache backstory + of course descriptions of Parisian food! A personal crime leads to corporate espionage (which gets complicated). Was engaging and one of the fastest reads in the series for me.
Plus I love how much we see Reine-Marie and her investigative input!

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Book 8 in the #WaywardChildren series (read in order for the best experience!) delivers a twist to an already fantastic (literally) portal fantasy series. More Doors, yes, but also amazing magical-world backstory to propel the series forward. Antsy‘s adventure and the revelations regarding the Shop Where the Lost Things Go make this one of the best installments to date. I can hardly wait to see what is next.
Speaking of…book 9 pubs this week 🙌🏻

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Murder While You Work | Susan Scarlett
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A rollicking read for our first #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub book of 2024! The MCs have meet-cute in the very first pages, we get to know Judy‘s situation at her billet (where she is discouraged from staying by everyone) and meet interesting characters in the wartime factory town. The Who of the dunnit is not in doubt but the How + Why are riveting. The investigation is engaging and the real danger palpable.
Different vibe for a S.Scarlett bk but 👍🏻

Tamra I‘m loving it - so fun and yes a different vibe. 😄 7mo
batsy So glad to see that you liked it! It sounds fun and I'm hoping to start it soon. 7mo
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Ruthiella I‘m about halfway through and Clara is TERRIFYING! 😱 7mo
elkeOriginal @batsy I had seen negative reviews so was worried but I quickly became entranced and tore through it! 7mo
elkeOriginal @Ruthiella SO terrifying. And that kid was worrying too 😬 7mo
jlhammar Can't wait to dive in! Sounds great. 7mo
julieclair Looking forward to it! Sounds fun. 7mo
LeahBergen I‘m only a couple of chapters in so far but I‘m loving it! 7mo
quietjenn Yes! I've been trying to pace myself, to help with some of the tension. 7mo
LeahBergen Great review! I couldn‘t put it down either! 7mo
CarolynM Great review! 7mo
erzascarletbookgasm I look forward to read this! 7mo
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Murder While You Work | Susan Scarlett
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Just posting the summary for our next #Furrowedmiddlebrowclub read since Litsy has no info. I have read that this is Susan Scarlett‘s only foray into mystery - that plus the wartime factory setting make this different from our previous Scarlett reads set in department stores and clothing shops! Loading ebook now…

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This was a complete #blameitonLitsy! After putting a library hold that said I would def not get it before xmas, it popped up yesterday and I zipped right through it. Novella told via group chats and police reports reveals a local theatre group‘s existing dramas boiling under the small town surface long before the body shows up. I actually laughed out loud more than a few times. Quick, funny, xmasy, told in a delightful format. Thumbs up.

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Pocket Full of Rye | Agatha Christie
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An enjoyable #MissMarple though I always wish for more of her - she did not show up until after the 100 page mark! It is as expected - big house, deaths, suspects, and though I have no clue, she solves it no problem. What WAS a nice surprise was how proof came to light in the last pages. Gave me all the warm feels from justice being served to a baddie.
Thumbs up again, #AgathaChristie.

jlhammar I know, I always want more Marple! Christie gives us a bit more of her in later books (or at least that seems to be the case, still have two left). 8mo
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Peace, Perfect Peace | Josephine Kamm
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Here are my picks for the vote on our Sept 2024 #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub read. Both are WWII tales described as poignant and humorous/hilarious - I am trying to make up for my dark war choice for the last #PersephoneClub read!
Spam is an autobiography. I posted the back cover summary to help and will tag in comments.

elkeOriginal Tag for: (edited) 8mo
CarolynM Yet again I want to read both. Coin-toss and it‘s 8mo
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catebutler Coin toss for me too! 8mo
Tamra Did you choose “On the Other Side?” If so, I thank you. I wouldn‘t have discovered it otherwise. I‘m still thinking about it and I referenced it in class last week. I really believe it humanizes war and that is so important. ❤️ 8mo
Ruthiella I‘m going with this one because I love the title! 8mo
Tamra Oh jeeze, this is impossible to choose. Either sound good! I‘m going with Spam Tomorrow only because my state has the Spam museum and a Hormel plant. 😆 @jlhammar (We‘ve always passed by on the interstate, but someday we‘ll stop to visit just to say we have.) 8mo
Pogue @Tamra when my son and I drove through we HAD to stop at the spam museum. 8mo
elkeOriginal @Tamra I did choose On the Other Side and am so glad you were touched by it and could reference it in class! 8mo
jlhammar I haven‘t been to the Spam museum. Someday! 😆 Hmmm, really want to read both, but I‘ll vote for the one I already own 8mo
elkeOriginal @Tamra I am not sure I could not stop at the Spam Museum! 8mo
rubyslippersreads I own both, but I‘ll vote for Spam (not to eat, just to read. 😂) 8mo
elkeOriginal This looks like another close race! 8mo
batsy This was going to be one of my choices for January before I went with two other options , so my vote is for 8mo
LeahBergen Oh, man! Another difficult choice where I own both books. I‘ll go for 8mo
elkeOriginal Well, @LeahBergen - the problem is you own ALL THE BOOKS😉 8mo
LeahBergen @elkeOriginal I aspire to it, anyway 😆 8mo
Kimzey I‘ll vote for Spam! 8mo
quietjenn This is a tough one, but I‘ll go with Spam Tomorrow. 8mo
Tamra @Pogue 😜 Was it everything and all that?? 8mo
Tamra @elkeOriginal it hasn‘t been enough of a magnet (yet) to get us off the interstate. 😉 8mo
Pogue @Tamra from what I remember it had the history of spam, WW II, production, Monty Python, wild variety, and a gift shop. Oh and when we went it was free. 8mo
Tamra @Pogue free samples??? The last time I tried Spam it was so salty I couldn‘t eat more than one or two bites - and salt is my thing! 8mo
Pogue @Tamra I don‘t remember if there were free samples, the museum was free. That is why we stopped. Oh and I forgot about the cookbooks. Spam cookbooks. 8mo
jlhammar Oh, and I loved our last #PersephoneClub read so thank you! 8mo
elkeOriginal @jlhammar That is good to hear! 8mo
elkeOriginal @julieclair I did not tag you on this post - apologies! Will update the list I use to include you right now! 8mo
julieclair Thank you, @elkeOriginal ! Great choices, and I've added both to my TBR, but I'm giving the edge to 8mo
kwmg40 Please add me to the tag list too, thanks! I'd like to vote for 8mo
elkeOriginal @kwmg40 Gotcha! Hopefully @LeahBergen will give us the full updated tag list when the choices are all final & announced too - I fear I haven‘t noted all the newbies myself 🙁 8mo
kwmg40 @elkeOriginal Thank you! 8mo
elkeOriginal @kwmg40 and welcome! 8mo
LeahBergen @elkeOriginal I‘ll go through our recent posts and (try to) tag everyone. 😆 8mo
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Spam Tomorrow | VERILY. ANDERSON
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First step in my posting for our September #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub read vote is to post the back cover for this title since Litsy has very few words for a description!

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Babbacombe's | SUSAN. SCARLETT
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Such a fast and fun lighthearted read for this month‘s #FurrowedMiddleBrowClub! Beth‘s foray into dept store worklife is a delight - from warm fuzzy family homelife to frantic sales days and mild dramas throughout. Her junky cousin plays the villain trying to annoy everyone but especially interfere in Beth‘s love story - but happiness prevails after (more than) a few misunderstandings. As it should.

Ruthiella Great review! This one really does read fast. I‘m at 60% and will probably finish tonight, unless something else intervenes! 9mo
rubyslippersreads ❤️ your glass slipper! 9mo
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Tamra I‘m really enjoying the romp! 9mo
LeahBergen Lovely review! I‘ll be starting it in a day or two. 9mo
jlhammar It really is fun so far! Look forward to reading a bit more this evening. 9mo
elkeOriginal @rubyslippersreads I have many in different colors! So glad you like it😉 9mo
CarolynM Great review. I‘m enjoying this book so much🙂 9mo
LeahBergen The glass slipper certainly fits the Cinderella theme of this story! 👏 8mo
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen HA! Love how you found meaning where I had not 😆 8mo
LeahBergen 😆😆 8mo
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Babbacombe's | SUSAN. SCARLETT
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Such a fast and fun lighthearted read for this month‘s #FurrowedMiddleBrowClub! Beth‘s foray into dept store worklife is a delight - from warm fuzzy family homelife to frantic sales days and mild dramas throughout. Her junky cousin plays the villain but happiness prevails after (more than) a few misunderstandings. As it should.

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Most of the #Persephone books I have read are set in Britain and between #PersephoneClub and #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub I feel we have read a good number of WW2 novels set in the UK. So I was interested to see Persephone published this title of a German woman‘s letters during the war and am excited to dive in with the group read. Afterward, maybe I will finally tackle the fatty in this pic that is a British staple of the war as well: Few Eggs 🥚🍊

jlhammar Really excited for this one! It's in my stack for the week ahead. 10mo
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quietjenn I feel the same, for similar reasons! I made it about halfway through Eggs, may need to give it another go soon. It's good, but it's a *lot*! 10mo
LeahBergen I‘m really enjoying reading about the German point of view in this one. 👍 10mo
CarolynM Hoping to get started soon🙂 10mo
Cathythoughts I hope to start soon too X 10mo
rubyslippersreads I have Few Eggs, but haven‘t read it yet. 🥚🍊 10mo
elkeOriginal @quietjenn Eggs is such a chunkster! Plus all that detail. Feels like the definition of ‘a lot‘ 🫣 (edited) 10mo
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen Even the preface had me hooked - author has such an interesting background! 10mo
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Totally enjoyable book to dip in & out of with amusingly written but informative short pieces on various cursed objects worldwide. I loved the atmospheric illustrations and the way it was organized by types of objects. Whether you want to believe or not, this is a fun romp with historical info, slightly wacky characters (real people are often more outlandish than fictional!), and a light-hearted tone even when subject matter gets dark. Enjoyable.

FlowerFairy Purchased this one Friday. 😁 1y
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Home Maker the (Revised) | Dorothy Canfield, Mark J Madigan
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This #persephoneclub read was astonishing. SO ahead if its time! A brilliant portrayal of a 1920s family where ‘home-maker‘ is flipped on its head with father taking the role on. The result = previously unhappy parents finding utter fulfillment in the role reversal. Absolutely beautifully written showing so many viewpoints (even Stephen!) of their now flourishing family life. Imagine the sadness/bitterness if they continued as they were!

elkeOriginal It was SO sad how much pressure they felt from society. Heart-breaking. 1y
Tamra So glad you enjoyed it! It really was ahead of its time. 1y
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Cathythoughts Great review! X ❤️ 1y
jlhammar It really is remarkable. So glad I read this one. Wonderful review! 1y
LeahBergen Wonderful review! I was so invested in this family (and NEED them all to have that “happily ever after” 😆). 1y
LeahBergen And I love that spoon! 1y
elkeOriginal And I love how so many of their illnesses were disappeared once the stressors of their previous life were adjusted. Proving society‘s role requirements were just not right for this family. 1y
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen Agreed! Stephen‘s reactions brought tears to my eyes. I love this family! 1y
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Home Maker the (Revised) | Dorothy Canfield, Mark J Madigan
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Best. Description. Ever.

Oh, bebe Stephen you are a big little character!

#persephonebookclub #persephone #persephoneclub

LeahBergen 😆😆 So good. 1y
jlhammar 😂 Love it! 1y
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Book 12 in the #ThreePines series was fantastic! So much backstory of characters old & new + enjoyable uncovering of township lore. Don‘t want to give away any spoilers but know this gets us back into the cleanup of Surete corruption as well as some really engaging #Gamache backstory. New characters, exploration of 3 Pines history, insight into our recurring old friends, all excellent. Kept me up WAY past my bedtime on a work night!

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A village with a rash of poison pen letters that lead to death. The narrator is rehabbing in the country and quickly becomes embroiled in the community of interesting characters and tries his hand at sussing out the culprit.
Most enjoyable was the humor peppered throughout - some LOL comments, for sure!
But while this IS a Miss Marple, fair warning she plays a small part. She sweeps in to put the final pieces together. As we need her to!

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I have seen several reviews that this is a ‘least favorite‘ in the #Gamache series but I found it just as riveting as usual. My suggestion is to read the historical note at the end first though! Knowing the real origin of a major plot point helps tons IMO. Otherwise one might think Penny jumped the shark😉 Trigger warning for offscreen death of a child. Fascinating puzzle, historical, Gamache & team growing in new roles. Book 11 = well worth it.

Julsmarshall Ooh, thanks for the tip-this is my next #Gamache! 2y
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Clothes-Pegs | Noel Streatfeild, Susan Scarlett
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This self-described bit of ‘frothy fun‘ was an enjoyable light read with the #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub. A vivid view of a 1930s era clothing shop as well as the delightful home life of the Brown family. I have to admit Annabel the MC was basically the least interesting character so it was not unputdownable for me. I was also not smitten by the male lead. I AM glad to have read my first Susan Scarlett and look forward to more!

Tamra He did have some off putting ways of talking to Annabel. 😒 2y
jlhammar Great review! It seems like we all appreciated the Brown family scenes. Yeah, the whole “Uncle David“ thing, calling Annabel kid and little idiot and what not just did not strike me as the makings of a wonderful marriage. 2y
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batsy Yes, Annabel and David were the weakest characters in this, somehow. It felt like Streatfeild enjoyed writing about the others more 😁 2y
LeahBergen Lovely review! And I‘ll echo @batsy here: I, too, think Streatfeild always likes her supporting cast better than her stars. 😆 I‘ve definitely noticed this in all her children‘s books that I‘ve read, too! 2y
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar I wonder since we all loved the family scenes best if we‘d love the Shoes series the best then. I haven‘t read them yet and was going to try for a few this year to compare. 2y
Jess_Read_This Nice review! I agree on the supporting cast! 2y
Ruthiella You see that with Dickens too - it‘s the side characters who really shine. OTOH, I would have wholeheartedly lapped the romance up if I‘d read this 30 years ago! 2y
quietjenn Yes, compared to some others, Anabel is a bit milquetoast. And you DSP/FMB pile totally made my me go 😲 2y
LeahBergen @Ruthiella Oh, that‘s such a good point about Dickens! 2y
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This Exactly! The family scenes are just the coziest. I try to read one or two of her children‘s books every year. Last year‘s reads were The Growing Summer and White Boots. 😊 They‘re perfect if you‘re sick with a cold or feeling a bit fragile. 😆 2y
LeahBergen @elkeOriginal I can see you‘re a bit of a middlebrow stockpiler (like myself)! 🤣 2y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘m still reading it, so I‘m ignoring the comments above…but I just want to say, what a great pile of DSP books! 😻 2y
Cathythoughts Nice review! Nice stack too 🥰 2y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen I‘ve never read her before. I might get one for my granddaughter, she‘s 9. 👍🏻💕 2y
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts That‘s a perfect age for her children‘s books. 😊 2y
CarolynM Lovely review. The family really were the stars of the show🥰 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Nice review! My first Susan Scarlett too. 2y
shawnmooney Great review! I'm drawn to characters who struggle to break out of their meekness, so I loved Annabel. I can't wait to read more by Susan Scarlett and her alter-ego Noel Streatfeild! 1y
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Clothes-Pegs | Noel Streatfeild, Susan Scarlett
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I ‘may‘ have gone a tad overboard immediately buying a stack of new Susan Scarlet novels when Dean Street Press pubbed them a few months ago…so am VERY glad the #FurrowedMiddlebrowclub is nudging me to pick up my first one and read Clothes-Pegs this month.
Thanks, team!

(at least I only bought 6 of the 12? Such self control!🤦🏼‍♀️)

Tamra A beautiful sight! 2y
Ruthiella Your self restraint is admirable! 😆 2y
elkeOriginal @Ruthiella I thought so! 😉😆 2y
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jlhammar And they look so lovely together! 2y
LeahBergen I ordered a bunch back then, too. 😆 2y
Jess_Read_This Looks like a Susan Scarlett card game! Pick a Scarlett, any Scarlett,… ❤️ 2y
quietjenn But how striking they look! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm These covers are gorgeous. Who can resist? 😁 2y
batsy Yes, these are pretty irresistible aren't they? 😍 2y
Kimzey Wow! 📚So much to look forward to! 2y
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Book 3 in this series was even better than its predecessors! Small town witches in the British countryside routinely harassed by WWII dogfights overhead find themselves pulled directly into the war effort while searching for a traitor in their midst. Evil Nazi warlock from book 2 reappears, Faye deals with a ghostly airman, and tries to access her mum‘s destroyed notes to learn what she needs to know. Magic abounds, ending was gorgeous.

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October choices for #PersephoneClub voting!

Since Litsy has no descriptions for these, thanks to my predecessors who posted the catalog link/pages inspiring me to plop the descriptions in the image for you! Get out your 🔍

After loving Milton Place, I wanted to read de Waal‘s Exiles Return. Paired with On the Other Side you have the choice between the exile story in post WWII Vienna or the German wartime experience in Hamburg via letters. Vote!

LeahBergen Ooo! Good picks! I‘m definitely going to choose The Exiles Return as I immediately ordered it after our reading of Milton Place. 👏👏 2y
LeahBergen Okay, @Gissy , it‘s your turn. You can now post your two suggestions for us to vote on for our December 2023 Persephone book! 👏👏 2y
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willaful I'm going to sit this one out, I think. 2y
Gissy @LeahBergen I have to suggest two titles? I‘m new in this Persephone club world. I‘m lost😬🤣 2y
LeahBergen @Gissy 😆 Yes! There are a lot to choose from, too. @Aimeesue shared the link to the Persephone catalogue on her post; you can start by looking through that. Also check my previous post as to the six we read last year so you don‘t suggest one of those. I‘m looking forward to your picks! 😊 2y
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen @Gissy If you need help you could also renominate one that lost a close vote! Since the runner-up clearly had fans? Like between Miss Ranskill and Home-Maker? Leah can confirm who lost that one? 2y
LeahBergen @elkeOriginal Good idea! Yes, @Gissy , you could nominate Miss Ranskill Comes Home as it was beaten out by The Home-maker. I noticed you voted for that one, too! 2y
LeahBergen @andrew61 @Cathythoughts @rubyslippersreads @willaful What do you all choose for this one? 😊 2y
andrew61 I would pick Letters to my children, thanks. 2y
willaful I think I need to drop out of the club -- I didn't realize what a time commitment it was going to be. I would love to still sit in and read along some but I don't think I can be an official member. :-( 2y
LeahBergen @willaful That‘s absolutely fine and no worries! Feel free to read along with any (or all) selections that interest you as they come up. I‘ll tag you when I post the 2023 reading list. 😊 2y
elkeOriginal I honestly could not choose between these two so thanks to the group for making the decision for me 😉 2y
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Strange Journey | MAUD. CAIRNES
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An absolutely wonderful body swap novel from 1930s Britain! An aristocratic Lady & a middle class housewife find themselves swapping consciousness with each other at random times. Comedy ensues with interesting insights RE: thinking the grass is always greener for others. Instantly a favorite of 2022 and one that checks all the boxes for an excellent read: eye-opener that will stick with me, made me both chuckle and tear up. (+ pretty cover😉)

elkeOriginal I also think @LeahBergen would enjoy it! 2y
elkeOriginal And while not technically #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub - I think you would all love this one too! 2y
LeahBergen Yes! I have this one waiting on my shelves! 👏👏 2y
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elkeOriginal @LeahBergen HA! I knew you would. It is the best! 2y
quietjenn I really enjoyed this one too! 2y
batsy Sounds good! 2y
jlhammar Sounds fantastic! Adore that cover. 2y
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I love McGuire‘s Wayward Children series and have had my eye on this Hugo-nominated urban fantasy series for a bit. Even though most reviews say it doesn‘t get great until a few books in, I enjoyed this as is! Might be the fae fiefdoms being set in my native SF Bay Area, but I thought the world set-up totally fantastic & intriguing. Toby is complicated and situations can get dark. I look forward to tearing through the series now that I am hooked!

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I usually like my fiction pure fantasy or pure realism, but this novel convinced me a mix could win me over. I loved the alternating narrators + timeline jumps to flush out the story—the writing held together perfectly. A few times I was worried if/how it could be brought together but the ending was beautifully done. The characters reveal themselves subtly so we feel like we know them—and most importantly, like them. The nature-based magic was A+

Milton Place | Elisabeth de Waal
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Apologies for being slow to finish this #PersephoneClub pick! A lovely if melancholy portrait of an English country house past its prime and the people connected to it who are jolted to life by a foreign visitor. The writing was beautiful, the descriptions of the house and grounds eloquent, and Waal brilliantly portrays complex characters subtly and perfectly. I hoped for a happy ending though I knew that was unrealistic…


Tamra Great review! It‘s going to be quite awhile before I finish, so you aren‘t alone by any means. 😅 2y
rubyslippersreads @Tamra I haven‘t even started. 😔 2y
Tamra @rubyslippersreads so glad not to be the only one! 2y
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LeahBergen Great review! I enjoyed this one so much that I ordered her other Persephone novel. Oops. 😆 2y
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen I have that one too and now am looking forward to reading it even more! 2y
sisilia Same here @LeahBergen 🤭 2y
Jess_Read_This Nice review! Do you think I ought to get a copy and read it? 2y
elkeOriginal @Jess_Read_This I am afraid that yes, you need to seriously add this to your TBR. 😁 2y
CarolynM Great review. I am so looking forward to everyone finishing so we can discuss some plot points @LeahBergen 2y
LeahBergen @CarolynM Me, too! I‘ve been dying to hear what everyone thought of THAT sexual relationship. It took me completely by surprise. 😮 2y
CarolynM @LeahBergen I know!!! I‘m having to restrain myself from vomiting out all my thoughts right now! So much to say!! 2y
elkeOriginal @CarolynM @LeahBergen I felt shock like I have never had before when that happened! And the ENDING. A kick in the gut. 2y
elkeOriginal @CarolynM @LeahBergen Make a new post all locked up as a spoiler so we can talk about all the things! 2y
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Perfect read for the season! Grisly dark fairy tales from all over the world. Beautifully illustrated (just look at the shiny gold accents on the cover!) - and at just over 100 pages it is a delightful dip-in-dip-out of 14 quick tales.
SO dark and every one of them properly grim.
Love that each has the country of origin listed for each tale and the art reflects it.

LeahBergen This sounds fab! 2y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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The 2nd in the Wayfarers series has often been recommended and I am glad I finally gave it the attention it deserved.
Two separate storylines alternate throughout: Pepper‘s origin story as well as Sidra‘s struggles with her new life.
And while I admit at first I dipped in and out, powering through the last half in one go paid off.
Holy smokes the ending is beautiful and perfect and everything reading should be - it brought tears to my eyes 💕

Ruthiella Yeah. This one made me cry too! ❤️ 2y
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Milton Place | Elisabeth de Waal
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Brilliant description of Nazi banners ‘like long gashes of blood crawling with spiders.‘

Whoa. Powerful and surprising visual kicked me in the gut - amazing to be surprised by something I assumed I was familiar with. Excellent writing.


LeahBergen This section was powerfully written. 2y
CarolynM That line caught my eye too. 2y
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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This book has tempted me over the years and turned out to be a delight. Regency romance with magic. Cool magic system and characters that will remind you of various Jane Austen characters - many of the the annoying ones 🤦🏼‍♀️
This was her debut novel so I am looking forward to it getting even better and have already ordered book 2…though it does wrap up nicely enough to standalone.