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An English Murder
An English Murder | Cyril Hare
56 posts | 35 read | 61 to read
The snow is thick, the phone line is down, and no one is getting in or out of Warbeck Hall. With friends and family gathered round the fire, all should be set for a perfect Christmas, but as the bells chime midnight, a mysterious murder takes place. Who can be responsible? The scorned young lover? The lord's passed-over cousin? The social climbing politician's wife? The Czech history professor? The obsequious butler? And perhaps the real question is: can any of them survive long enough to tell the tale?
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English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I didn‘t realize when I started this that it was a Christmas mystery, and briefly wished I put it back to save for the holidays. Once I got into it, I was heartily glad I did not! It was a dismal story, with group of unhappy people. The solution to the mystery was clever, however!

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I enjoyed the Christie and Duncan novels - but this one......not so much. Moving on -

Make a great day everyone 😊

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
bthegood @dabbe 👍I just used this hashtag in response to another Litten, and I used the term in conversation yesterday - 😀 (edited) 5mo
dabbe @bthegood Yay! I hope it catches on and gives us all the freedom to move on if the book isn't enticing us to keep reading. 💚 5mo
bthegood @dabbe 🙂 👍 4mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
Thanks for the tags @dabbe @Deblovestoread

1. Tagged book is English countryside
2. Hogwarts and Hogsmeade (I've been to Universal - it might be as close as I get 😉)

Make a great day everyone 😊

Eggs Well done 👌🏼 5mo
dabbe We are quite alike with our choices! 🤩😍😃 5mo
bthegood @Eggs 🙂 5mo
bthegood @dabbe 😍 5mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Off to a good start #BookSpinBingo - thank you for hosting @TheAromaofBooks -

Make a great day everyone 🙂

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Looks fantastic!! 5mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Read (late as per usual) for @Mitch #goldenageofcrime buddy read in December. I think i needed to be a scholar of UK politics to even guess the killer, but i enjoyed the ride 🙃 somehow, the fact that politics was so divisive in the past as well as today is oddly... Comforting?
#52bookclub24 book cover w/o people on it
#popsugar24 set in the snow

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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A bit dry, but overall a satisfying cozy English mystery.
I flip flopped between reading the paperback and #audioknitting.
This was my January #bookspin selection.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I switched to the #audiobook version for a little #audioknitting before bed.
#lovenotesweater #knittersoflitsy

Catsandbooks Cute stitch marker! 🐱 6mo
Deifio Cute Stitch Marker! Love the colour 💜 6mo
Tamra So cute! 6mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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The first #bookspin and #doublespin picks are -
An English Murder and any mystery or thriller I own. I will probably choose A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie since that is one of the books I need to read for class this month.

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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I am an avid mystery reader so it is no surprise that I fulfilled 6/8 prompts. 7 & 8 I did not get to.
Thanks @Ruthiella - This was such a fun challenge!

tpixie Great job! 7mo
Ruthiella Well done! 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄 7mo
LeahBergen Nicely done! 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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This was, indeed, a very English murder. I really enjoyed this one, with its classic English country house setup, and a varied cast of characters snowed in for Christmas—where almost everyone has a motive for the murder. And the key to the solution was unexpected to me, and very satisfying!
#CloakandDaggerChristmas: Set at the Holidays
#192025: 1951

Librarybelle I really liked this one too! 7mo
Ruthiella The solution was fantastic, totally agree! 7mo
LeahBergen I really enjoyed this, too! 7mo
kspenmoll This was so enjoyable! 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I really enjoyed this final selection of the #goldenagecrimeclub. The mystery was intriguing, the characters had depth and the commentary on English society and politics was especially interesting. I was also amused by the fact that it was a Christmas setting but everyone was absolutely miserable! @Mitch

#wintergames #snowangels #longdarknights @Emilymdxn
#DashingDecember @Andrew65

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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I had to stay up past my bedtime to finish this! A great mystery to bring in the Christmas weekend. Snow storms. Isolation. Members of the house party dying one by one. And, I loved Dr Bottwink, whose meticulous thoughts and observations were entertaining to read.

I‘ve enjoyed reading the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub books, @Mitch ! Thanks for hosting these!

#192025 #1951

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I listened to this in 2019, enjoyed it, and promptly forgot about it. I liked it even more on the reread. There‘s something about stories of people being stranded because of weather, cut off from the rest of civilization while bodies start piling up that I just find delightful. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Toss in an English country estate, and I‘m almost guaranteed to love it. #goldenagecrimeclub

emz711 I'll add it to my tbr! 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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There were some great characters in this one - any favourites? Would you read more from Hare?


Ruthiella I would definitely read more from Hare. For sure Dr. Bottwink was a favorite. I also like the butler, Briggs. And Mrs Carstairs was awful, but perfectly portrayed, IMO. 7mo
DGRachel I enjoyed Hare‘s style, so I‘d definitely read more of his work. The characters were all great in their own way (whether wonderful or wonderfully terrible), but they felt almost more like caricatures than unique individuals. 7mo
kwmg40 Only a few of the characters were likeable, but I found them all interesting. I've enjoyed a couple of Cyril Hare's Francis Pettigrew books and I would be happy to read more. 7mo
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kwmg40 Thank you so much @Mitch for hosting the #goldenagecrimeclub this past year. I enjoyed all the selections and discovered a number of new authors! 7mo
AmyG I‘d read more of his work. I enjoyed this one. @Mitch thank you for organizing this! Will you be continuing in 2024? 7mo
Mitch @AmyG im not 100% sure - I might see what the appetite for more is from everyone x 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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This book - whilst feeling like a classic golden age crime novel has really met the challenges of the 1950s head on - fascists, refugees, changes in social class and feelings around national identity all make an appearance in the drawing room! I wonder if it is some of these strands and there relevance to where we are in the world today that prompted it‘s reissue?


Ruthiella I suspect you are right. And let‘s appreciate how Hare is reflecting actual contemporary values of the 50s. Not everyone was casually racist or sexist, etc. The ideals of human rights and equality have been around probably as long as humans have existed. It‘s not a new or “woke” concept. 7mo
DGRachel It is interesting how so many of these issues, social and political, continue to circle around. It‘s like we learn nothing, or worse than that, we don‘t grow or become better human beings as societies. 😔 7mo
kwmg40 I'm not sure if these factors contributed to the book's reissue, but the book did not feel as dated to me as some other crime novels from the 1950's. 7mo
AmyG And what would a Golden Age Crime book be without a sprinkle of antisemitism??? 😬🤣 (edited) 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Dr Bottwink, the Czech history professor gave us a really great outsiders view of the madness of English society and customs ( & language!). What did you think of his character?


Ruthiella I adored Dr. Bottwink! Especially his expertise in reaching the solution. (edited) 7mo
DGRachel I thought he was a really interesting character. We got to see not only an outsider‘s perspective of the English guests and residents, but also a reflection of an English viewpoint on outsiders/foreigners. He also felt like a bit of a nod to Poirot, but that may have had more to do with the audiobook narrator. 7mo
Ruthiella @DGRachel I agree. I also had shades of Poirot, because he too is a detective from the outside looking in on English culture. 7mo
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Mitch Poirot was definitely channelled by Hare I think! I loved that Dr Bottwink was the only one to know enough about English systems to be useful in the end! 7mo
kwmg40 I liked Dr. Bottwink's character very much and enjoyed his observations on English customs and language. However, I'm sure that if I were one of the houseguests, I would have found him extremely annoying! 7mo
AmyG @DHRachel YES…Poirot was my thought too. I loved Bottwink‘s rational voice, piecing things together. 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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“ It‘s Christmas, let‘s gather together 8 people who‘ll hate each other and force them to make merry, it‘ll be fine!” How did this fair as a classic Christmas crime novel?


Ruthiella Well, as other Littens noted in their reviews , it wasn‘t particularly Christmassy-no games, crackers , carols or presents. So it actually could have taken place anytime in the winter. 7mo
DGRachel I agree with @Ruthiella It didn‘t feel particularly Christmas-y, just winter-y. 7mo
Mitch I agree - @Ruthiella and @dgrachel definitely wintery vibes - I wonder if adding Christmas into the title was done by the author or the marketing dept….🤔 7mo
kwmg40 I liked the Christmas setting paired with the utter lack of goodwill amongst the guests. I think the fact that it was set during Christmas highlighted the bitterness and hypocrisy of the characters even more. 7mo
AmyG Quite the Bah Humbug Christmas. The man who invited everyone seemed a bit curmudgeonly so I didn‘t expect a joyful holiday. Good setting for a murder, though. 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Cyril Hare is a pseudonym for Gordon Clark- an English county court judge born in 1900. His name was inspired by where he lived & worked (Hare Court & Cyril Mansions). I‘d you were in need of a pseudonym what would it be and why?


Ruthiella Episodes of Friends have taught me that having a quick alias handy can be very useful. Unfortunately Regina Falangi is taken. 😂 7mo
TrishB My favourite has always been Kate Bush used to use Catherine Earnshaw when checking to hotels etc. 7mo
DGRachel I feel like this is a question that needs serious consideration. I would want mine to be clever, but not obvious. Hmm…🤔 7mo
kwmg40 I don't think I have an answer. It would depend on what I needed the pseudonym for, such as selling books or evading justice. 😂 7mo
AmyG The closest I come is AmyG as I have used it on many a music discussion board and also on social media. 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Our final #goldenagecrimeclub #buddyread. It‘s been a fab year of discovery thanks for joining me on the ride! So, our final book - let‘s kick off as usual with your initial impressions, relationship with the book / author.
( I‘m a bit earlier than advertised! Wanted to do this before the festivities at our house get too crazy!)

DGRachel Eep! I‘m still rereading this one (halfway through). I‘ll make it a point to finish tonight and check back in! 7mo
Mitch @DGRachel no rush! I just know as soon as we hit the weekend my cooking/holiday prep schedule will take over! 🤣 7mo
Ruthiella I‘d never heard of the author nor the title before, so thank you for the introduction! I really liked this one. It both is and isn‘t a representation of Golden Age Crime Fiction. 7mo
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DGRachel I enjoyed it, especially since I didn‘t find the solution too easy or (like I often feel with Christie) impossible to figure out from the clues we‘re given. It has all my favorite things - an isolated setting, thanks to a snowstorm, upstairs/downstairs English manners, and a body count. 😂 7mo
Mitch @Ruthiella I hadn‘t heard of him before either and it felt a little grittier than the normal Christmassy / golden age themed mysteries. 7mo
Mitch @DGRachel As soon as the phones get cut off you know the body count will rise! 🤣 7mo
DGRachel @Mitch Exactly! It really was a fun read. 7mo
kwmg40 This was a reread for me, and I liked it even better the second time around, mainly because I appreciated more the commentary of Dr. Bottwink. 7mo
AmyG It just occurred to me….where is this discussion??? I am late to the party, sorry. I liked this one. Loved Bottwink. He was such a quirky character. 7mo
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English Murder | Cyril Hare
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“I see. Like Sir Julius, you consider that everything is to be made right by a fresh pot of tea. Myself, I do not think so.”

Oh Dr Bottwink 😆 I liked his character. Very enjoyable country house mystery. Looking forward to our #GoldenAgeCrimeClub discussion!

I‘m hoping to get to a few more mysteries yet for #CloakandDaggerChristmas, but this one takes care of my last prompt: The Christmas Song - read a classic mystery.

AmyG Bottwink was my favorite. 7mo
Mitch @AmyG what a name! 7mo
AmyG Right? Wenceslaus Bottwink 🙌🏻 7mo
Ruthiella I really liked this one. It shows that authors “of their time” aren‘t always reflecting racist or classist stereotypes or attitudes. 7mo
AlaMich Don‘t you mean Dr. Bottling? 😂I‘m reading it right now. (edited) 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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dabbe 💙❄️💙 7mo
AllDebooks Perfect x 7mo
Chrissyreadit 🤍❄️🤍 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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This was a good closed room mystery. It's set at Christmas but there are no festivities, Christmas is simply the excuse to gather these people together. They are snowed in, with phone lines down, when people start dying. All the characters are reasonable suspects and getting to the answers is pretty entertaining. (As with all golden age books, there are some questionable attitudes.)

Ruthiella I think this book was very purposefully calling out those questionable attitudes. 7mo
bookandbedandtea @Ruthiella I felt that too: only one character was racist- and the other characters were annoyed by his attitude- and there wasn't much misogyny. There was a fair amount of classicism but, overall, there were fewer of those issues than in most golden age books. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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With all this talk about tea #sundaybuddyread I had to make some English breakfast tea with honey and lemon for my cold & an English murder, Ginger cookies, and Lots of warm light. ☕️🍪🕯️📚
#hygge #naturalitsy #midwintersolstice

TheBookHippie Oh fun!!! I love ginger cookies! 7mo
Ruthiella Perfect combination! 🫖🍪📚🛋️ 7mo
Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍 7mo
AllDebooks Be gone cold x 🪄🍋🍯 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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#CurrentRead Happy Saturday! 😊

AmyG Same here. I am enjoying it. Have a lovely Saturday. 7mo
TheKidUpstairs LOVE your mug 😍 7mo
bookandbedandtea @AmyG It was pretty good. Hope it worked for you too. 😊 7mo
bookandbedandtea @TheKidUpstairs Thank you! It's one of my favorites. 😊 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Just began this book. I am enjoying how cleverly the author is rolling out each main character, & in both subtle & overt ways, reveals each personality.
#goldeagecrimeclub #coffeeandbooks

AmyG I am enjoying this, too. Robert is quite the antisemitic asshat. 😬🤬 7mo
tpixie Cute Christmasy spider plant!! So many great shoots on it! It looks very happy! (edited) 7mo
Eyelit Happy plant! 🌱🤩 7mo
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kspenmoll @AmyG I love right oh so accurate description of Robert now I have that description in my head as I read it‘s great! 7mo
kspenmoll @tpixie @Eyelit it is a very happy plant I used to have it on my porch and I was worried about it wintering over but so far it‘s it‘s been great. 7mo
tpixie @kspenmoll 💚💚💚 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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It‘s a Christmas miracle that I‘ve read this month‘s #GoldenAgeCrimeClub pick weeks before the discussion. 😆 Luckily it also fits my #CloakandDaggerChristmas prompt to read a book set during the holidays.

This was a really satisfying closed room mystery which also addresses “traditional” English antisemitism, classism, and xenophobia. A snowed in manor house, phone lines are down, tensions are high, someone drops dead from poisoned champagne…

batsy This stands out as one of the more interesting classic Christmas mysteries I've read. Glad you liked it too! 8mo
Tamra Hits all the marks! 8mo
AmyG I am looking forward to this for the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub 8mo
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Ruthiella @batsy It was very interesting. Dr. Bottwink was an excellent foil to bring the worst of the other characters‘ natures to the surface. 8mo
Ruthiella @Tamra It really does! It‘s both traditional and modern. 8mo
Ruthiella @AmyG It‘s a good one and the audio read by Chris MacDonnell available on Hoopla was also excellent. 8mo
bthegood stacking - sounds good and I like to have at least one or two audio options - 🙂 8mo
Ruthiella @bthegood Me too! Ideally I like to have both audio and print versions available. It doesn‘t always work out with library availability but this time it did! 8mo
jlhammar Looking forward to this! 8mo
Ruthiella @jlhammar I think you will enjoy it! 👍 8mo
merelybookish Great review! I enjoyed it earlier this month. Quick and satisfying. A good combo. 😁 7mo
Ruthiella @merelybookish Thank you. 😊 It did read fast, which I also appreciated. 7mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I found this on Goodreads for those of you reading this book for the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub and/or #CloakandDaggerChristmas in case you were curious like me. 😂

jlhammar Thanks for sharing! 8mo
Ruthiella @jlhammar You‘re welcome. Gotta love the internet! 8mo
julieclair Interesting! I did wonder what that was referring to. Thanks for sharing! 8mo
Ruthiella @julieclair Happy to oblige! 8mo
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English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I enjoyed this post WW2 country manor house mystery that manages to be a good whodunit while also exploring English politics, history & national identity. (Hence the rather dull title.) The story does unfold over Dec 24-25, but to call it a Xmas mystery is a stretch. The characters gather for the holiday but there's nary a Xmas decoration or figgy pudding in sight. My pick for #cloakanddaggerchristmas prompt All I want For Christmas is You. 🎅

Librarybelle I plan to read this one next month and use it for the #192025 challenge! 8mo
Ruthiella Nice work! I‘m using it for the same prompt. I just started it on audio and am six chapters in so I don‘t know yet who will be murdered! 🔪 😱 (edited) 8mo
batsy I enjoyed this one when I read it a few years ago! Glad it worked for you too. 8mo
Aimeesue Nice review! I‘d just borrowed this one from Hoopla, and now I‘m really looking forward to it! 8mo
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English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Thank you so much everyone for coming on this journey with me this year - reading one Golden age novel a month. Our final #goldenagecrimeclub buddy read is An English Murder By Cyril Hare - a classic golden age christmas mystery. Discussions open up on Saturday 23rd December.

AmyG I have this sitting on my counter. Thank you so much, Mitch. I have really enjoyed this reading group. It reminds me so much of my teens as I loved mysteries. 8mo
Ruthiella Totally looking forward to this. Hoopla has it on audio! I have also totally enjoyed this year of reading Golden Age Crime Classic, especially because it introduced me to a few new authors. 👍 (edited) 8mo
Librarybelle Thank you for hosting! 8mo
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jlhammar Very excited for this last one! It's been wonderful reading these Golden Age mysteries this year. Such a great mix, many books I likely wouldn't have read otherwise. Thank you for organizing/hosting. Kind of feels like we've taken a fun course on Golden Age Crime Literature together! 8mo
DGRachel Thank you for hosting this group. I haven‘t participated as much as I‘d hoped to but it has been fun to pop in when I can. 🤓 8mo
kwmg40 I'm looking forward to a reread of this one. Thank you, Mitch, for hosting the book club this past year. I've made some good discoveries through this club! 8mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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The title tells it all: An English Murder. An illustrious Christmas dinner party gets snowed in, telephone lines are dead, one gets killed and the Who‘s dunnit keeps the rest of the party going. An easy read for Murder Mystery Lovers and everyone else as well.

batsy I thought this was fun! 1y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Powerful English Ladies! 💪💪💪

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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The typical English murder! 🤣

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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@TheAromaofBooks Thank you so very much!!! Looks good!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I couldn't resist that cover!! 1y
AmyG @TheAromaofBooks Right? Beautifully designed. 1y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I'd intended to read this as my classic Christmas mystery this year, but didn't get to it. Fortunately, it works just as well on a blustery, late January afternoon.

LeahBergen I meant to read it this Christmas, too. 😆 (edited) 3y
batsy I enjoyed this one! 3y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare

I read this in a single sitting. Didn‘t guess the solution, but it was a fun trip to get there!

batsy I really liked this one! 4y
rabbitprincess @batsy It hit the spot 😊 4y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Complete #BookReport fail this week @Cinfhen. Only managed to finish the tagged book. And that only because it was an audio book.

BookishMarginalia It‘s okay. Just keep going! 5y
DGRachel We all have those weeks! Celebrate the finish! 5y
valeriegeary Finishing one book sounds like a win to me! 🙌🏻 5y
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Sace @BookishMarginalia I'm trying! 5y
Sace @DGRachel @valeriegeary You're both right and I should have a better attitude 😁 5y
DGRachel Oh no. I totally didn‘t mean it that way. I completely understand having “off” weeks, though and being disappointed. It‘s okay to feel sad that you didn‘t get everything done, but I think you should also celebrate what you did accomplish. 😘 5y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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This so so rating is really more for the listener than the book/narration. Every time I started listening I got interrupted or I had trouble paying attention. As far as mysteries go I felt like the solution was not that exciting.

Tamra I gave it a so-so too. 5y
Sace @Tamra I think I was spoiled by Evelyn Hardcastle 😂 5y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I really enjoyed this short novel. Classic, old English manor, snow storm, no one can leave, cyanide and a murder (or two). Who did it? I only figured it out towards the end. That was book #2 of my holiday reading binge. I started an Agatha Christie during the night. That should be done soon. 🌲

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Thanks to Litsy, I found the perfect book! An English manor, a murder and it all takes place during Christmas. Add a glass of wine and I am in Heaven🍷

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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A classic murder mystery about succession, inherited manor houses, parliament, the peerage, taxes, foreign-ness, and murder. As the title suggests, a very English murder, or at least what we consider English over here in the US. A great Agatha Christie readalike, although perhaps not particularly memorable. #audiobook #hoopla

LeahBergen Great review! 5y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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This was a light, fun listen and a solid mystery. I really enjoyed the setting, the characters, and the plot twists at the end. Thanks to @batsy for reviewing this yesterday, thereby putting it on my radar, and @Sace for noting that the audio was in the Hoopla database.

Sace Oh I can't wait to finish my current listen so I can start on this! 5y
batsy Oh, nice! Glad you enjoyed 💜 5y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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An unexpected English country house murder mystery set during Christmas. It combines the elements of Golden Age detective fiction & merges it wonderfully with the political reality of the 1950s. The result is that it isn't too far removed from Brexit island c.2019 ? Hare's writing is clean & vivid & I like how he deftly exposes the prejudices & hypocrisies of upper crust English society via a Jewish "foreigner" who experienced fascism first hand.

CarolynM Sounds great. Stacked🙂 5y
Sace My library's Hoopla has this. I think I will make it my next listen! 5y
Cathythoughts You‘ve convinced me 😁! Stacked 5y
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DGRachel @Sace thanks for mentioning Hoopla. I am not enjoying any of my current audiobooks and need something else to listen to. I do love a free, immediate download! 5y
Sace @DGRachel exactly! Can't beat free and immediate! 5y
mabell Great collage - the manor house in the background is perfect! 5y
batsy @CarolynM @Sace @Cathythoughts @DGRachel I hope you enjoy if you read it 🙂 5y
batsy @mabell Thanks! The collage was a good excuse to spend some time googling country manors 😁 5y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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My favourite English country house murder is an English country house murder at Christmas. 😆

Day 8

KarenUK Love that cover! 💕 5y
Aimeesue Those *are* the best murders! 5y
Tanisha_A Weeee, that cover! 😍 5y
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merelybookish Nothing like a murder at Christmas! 😀 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Ah the festive season..gathering of old feuds, strangers, irritating people at isolated/snowed in country houses. How can a murder NOT happen? 😉 5y
batsy I'm reading it now! It's really good! 5y
Cathythoughts A murder at Christmas! You can‘t beat that 😆 5y
veritysalter I read this one last Christmas, I love a country house murder 🔪 5y
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English Murder | Cyril Hare

Only a few decades late, this is one of my #crimefiction picks for 2019; https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/c/best-2019-crime-fiction

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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A very fun, cozy murder set in a snowed in English manor house, full of lords and ladies and the quintessential butler. Who killed the heir? Was he the heir? Who killed the scion of Warbeck hall- and where is the cyanide? All revolving around William Pitt the Younger! Cyril Hare has written a lovely 200 page Christmas murder!

Julsmarshall Book sounds great and I love the pillow!! 6y
Booksnchill @Julsmarshall thanks- I love a needlepoint pillow! 6y
DefLeppard I so want to get a copy of this and that cushion I also want. I have serious book / cushion envy going on here. 😂📚 6y
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Booksnchill @DefLeppard are you in the US? 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Great cushion! 👍🎄 6y
DefLeppard @Booksnchill no I am in the UK. 6y
Booksnchill @DefLeppard been watching Britbox, they have a 2 hour streaming norwegian reindeer sleightide- I love the british and your TV! 6y
DefLeppard Oh cool, we love your tv programmes too and watch a lot of them hehe. I am watching Charmed at the mo. 😊 6y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I‘ve missed cosy murder mysteries since I finished reading everything by Agatha Christie. Nothing makes me feel the holiday spirit like a Little poisoning and murder. Cyril Hare really delivers on both accounts! Loved this book 😍

LauraJ And such a cheery cover! 6y
Booksnchill Reading this one now- love a country house murder!! (edited) 6y
catiewithac @Booksnchill This one nailed it! Perfect cosy! 6y
Booksnchill @catiewithac Great to hear!!! 6y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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A diminutive foreign historian understands more about the English than they do themselves. And as he describes, this is a distinctly English murder mystery. Between a pick and so-so, because it‘s hard not to like the cozy settings in this genre. I think I would have liked it better had it been longer in order to more fully flesh out the characters and the background of the Warbeck family.

rabbitprincess I love that your mug matches the book cover 😄 6y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I had a jobs for Saturday and Monday which ended up being postponed so...a weekend for reading, munching, and napping with time to spend with my doggo! First up, so retro classic cosy English snowed in manor mystery. I love butlers! And it‘s telling that it takes a foreign visiting professor to point out the class wars and social deceptions affecting everyone and the crime itself.

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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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My planned Xmas cozy murder mystery arrived! Woot! 🎄

LeahBergen Yay! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Tamra @LeahBergen I think this is going to become a special tradition. 😁 Do you have yours picked out? 6y
LeahBergen @Tamra I‘ll be saving this one for Christmas, too. 😆 6y
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Tamra @LeahBergen it was your post that inspired me wasn‘t it?! 😆 My brain is way overloaded for good reason. 🤪 6y
LeahBergen Yes! I believe you stacked it from my Agatha Christie swap post. And I hear ya ... I always forget where I spotted a book on here. 😄 6y
batsy Oooh that looks good! 6y
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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And the award for best character name of the week goes to Cyril Hare...

Julsmarshall Fantastic! 6y
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