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Beloved | Toni Morrison
Staring unflinchingly into the abyss of slavery, this spellbinding novel transforms history into a story as powerful as Exodus and as intimate as a lullaby. Sethe, its protagonist, was born a slave and escaped to Ohio, but eighteen years later she is still not free. She has too many memories of Sweet Home, the beautiful farm where so many hideous things happened. And Sethes new home is haunted by the ghost of her baby, who died nameless and whose tombstone is engraved with a single word: Beloved. Filled with bitter poetry and suspense as taut as a rope, Beloved is a towering achievement.
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 📚❤️ 3mo
Eggs Powerful book 😞😥 3mo
dabbe @Eggs 💙🩵💙 3mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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I read this for my horror bookclub earlier tonight. This book is an ocean of sorrow. It‘s based off an actual woman who killed her child rather than let them be a slave. You know what she got charged and convicted of? Destruction of property. In the book, Sethe and her daughter, Denver live at 124 Bluestone Rd. A haunted house if there ever was one. A man from Sethe‘s past shows up and one thinks maybe the ghost is gone. That is until a young👇🏼

Reggie woman shows up a couple days later. Morrison does not baby you as a reader. She takes a knife and carves the horror of slavery into you. How the horrors of slavery can haunt someone, a people, for a long time. Morisson‘s writing is sticky to me, it doesn‘t let go. A sad, horrific pick! 4mo
Ruthiella This is such a fantastic book. 4mo
TrishB Great review Reggie. Still not read this book. 4mo
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batsy Nice review, Reggie. I'm not sure what I've been doing that I've yet to read Toni Morrison's fiction. 4mo
Amor4Libros I have not read Morrison yet and now I want to read this, but also don‘t…Great review!!! 4mo
AmyG Great review. This book was heartbreaking. 4mo
Reggie @Ruthiella I‘m glad bookclub pushed me to read her. Sometimes she‘s intimidating and then you‘re in the middle of it and wondering why did I wait so long. 4mo
Reggie @TrishB Thanks! And you should. She‘s such a genius writer. 4mo
Reggie @batsy Thanks, Suba! I‘m shocked you haven‘t. There are passages in here that I will think about years from now. One is how 3 characters went to the circus and even though they weren‘t holding hands, their shadows were. You have to read her. Promise me you will. Pinky swear! 4mo
Reggie @Amor4Libros thank you! Yeah, she‘s tough, she doesn‘t baby the reader, lets you know exactly how it was. So good. 4mo
Reggie @AmyG thanks, AmyG! I totally felt ripped open and raw by the end of the book. 4mo
batsy Yes pinky swear!! Think I will read her books in order of publication and make it a reading project to tackle for myself 🙌🏾 4mo
Amor4Libros I‘m bumping her up on my TBR, I‘ve put it off long enough! 🤗 4mo
RohitSawant This has been on my TBR for ages. Likewise bumping it up. 4mo
Centique This is definitely one of the best books ive ever read. Just broke me and is now seared into my heart and brain. Morrison was the greatest 4mo
Reggie @RohitSawant you‘ll love it. There‘s this character who talks about how as a slave he could only love small, the faintest stars, the smallest flower, because if he loved bigger they would hurt him with it. But now he‘s deciding he can love bigger and make a life for himself. That‘s one of 8 or 9 passages I can pull out my hat from here. Morrison is a boss. (edited) 4mo
Reggie @Centique the passage where Paul D and Sethe are talking about the rooster Mister. And they laugh about how annoying he was. But then Paul D remembers when he has a bit in his mouth for punishment and Mister crows. And he realizes that rooster will always have more freedom than him. Ughhh……😭this book. 4mo
Centique @Reggie 😭 4mo
RohitSawant @Reggie Wow, boss is right. That‘s so poignant and powerful. Needless to say, it‘s such a heavy topic & I didn‘t know how to engage with it previously without having a depressive episode. In comparison, I feel better mentally equipped now to deal with it and am really prompted by your post to check it out. 4mo
RohitSawant It‘s also a subject I‘m interested in exploring from a writing perspective, mainly in an Indian context, as it pertains to the oppression, slavery & displacement of the population under colonial rule. I tried doing research some years ago but found it too triggering at the time. I can never write a “literary” story on the subject as I find that too painful to process, but for some weird reason, I‘m all right with exploring it through a genre lens. 4mo
RohitSawant Maybe if I figure out a way to throw a werewolf or something in the mix, I‘ll get back to researching someday and write it! 4mo
Suet624 This book has been on my shelf for ages and anytime I get close to reading it I shy away. One of these days I will. 3mo
Rissreads I think I will pick this for my bookclub. It‘s been sitting on my shelf looking at me for years! Thanks for the push. Great review as always ♥️ 3mo
Reggie @Rissreads I read it for our horror bookclub and everyone was in awe of it. Hope your club likes it! 3mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Finally, my first Toni Morrison. I know, I‘m ashamed that it took this long, too. Formerly enslaved woman Sethe is haunted by a malevolent ghost believed to be her eldest daughter. Morrison uses elements of magical realism combined with lyrical prose to tell this story inspired by the true life of Kentucky slave Margaret Garner. So powerful.

IuliaC I love that typewriter 5mo
britt_brooke @IuliaC Thank you - it belongs to my 11 year old son. 🤍 5mo
Reggie I get to read this next month for a horror bookclub. Does your son write stories? You raising a future author? 5mo
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britt_brooke @Reggie He‘s a Lego builder! 😉 I know it‘s hard to believe that‘s a Lego set. It‘s so cool! 5mo
Reggie lol, that‘s amazing! 5mo
Suet624 That's an amazing Lego set! 5mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Eggs 💙💔💙 6mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Eggs So Lovely 🍎🥰❤️ 10mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Eggs 🍎👁️❤️ 10mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Books & Pie
📚 & 🥧

I bought the three books while looking for copy of Jazz by T.Morrison at a used bookstore. I have a library copy of Jazz and an abridged audiobook (WHY?!? Ugh, abridged?) - hope to purchase my own copy. I also have an eBook from Libby of Beloved w/ 17 days remaining on my loan. I like Katherine Center and the October bookclub book is Grendel. Books! 📚
Pie is a mini Peach with tree cutout topping. #iLovePie #CaresPieShow

Sparklemn The pie looks delicious! 11mo
bthegood love the topping - 🙂 11mo
Lindy Reading your post quickly, I thought for a second that you had fondly dubbed the library app “Beloved.” Which would have charming. I‘m actually very fond of Libby. 11mo
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BkClubCare @Lindy - unfortunately, my library isn‘t providing many titles to be available NOR magazines that I want to read so, I check often but they only have abt half the books I want (edited) 11mo
Lindy @BkClubCare That‘s too bad. It‘s expensive for libraries to provide digital copies and budgets are always tight. 11mo
BkClubCare @Lindy - I get it. I am exploring how to join more libraries! ❤️ 11mo
Bookwomble Peach pie: looks so lovely 😍 🍑🥧❤️ 10mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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I can‘t believe it has taken me this long to read this classic.

Beloved | Toni Morrison

Everybody should read this book at some point in their life. Whilst it is not the best book to read - the prose is a little all over the place and the structure isn‘t perfect - the messages it conveys and the impact of its story will move readers for generations to come.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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30 book recommendations in 30 days...

Day 10: I generally don't recommend this as the first Toni Morrison to read as I feel there is a better progression through her work, but this is a masterpiece. If you have already read The Bluest Eye, Sula, and/or Song of Solomon, then you definitely should read Beloved. #30recsin30days

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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“This is not a story to pass on.” Yet that is exactly what Morrison does… sharing a narrative about the horrors of slavery and how history has tried to move on without ever coming to terms with its grotesque awfulness. This beautifully written book is essential American Literature and the story must be passed on.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Just a highlighted few of many accolades for this momentous woman:
1988: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Beloved
1993: Nobel Prize in Literature
2000: National Humanities Medal
2011: Library of Congress Creative Achievement Award for Fiction
2012: Presidential Medal of Freedom
2016: PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction
2023: Featured on a USPS Forever stamp

IndoorDame What a kick ass mural!!!💚🖤💚 1y
dabbe @IndoorDame 🖤💚🖤 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures I read all of her novels last year. Absolutely stunning. 1y
Eggs Great author ✍🏻 ❤️ 1y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Current Read #BlackHistoryMonth

TheBookgeekFrau I Loved this book, the writing was just stunning 1y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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We‘ll see how I like this one.

#snowflake #snowflakes #papersnowflakes #1001

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Beloved | Toni Morrison

I can‘t lie this was confusing and felt like it took forever to read. I‘m not sure if I understood it but I think it was good

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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I enjoyed this one more than 'The Song of Solomon'. I couldn't put it down. History has its extremely ugly parts, the atrocities are more terrifying than the ghost story itself, but the novel is a work of art. I enjoyed all of it, the spectacular writing, the character building, the alternating timelines which gradually revealed the tragedy concealed by the past and the magic realism used to unveil the magnitude of the drama.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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✨ Mystery
✨ I do like my True Crime so I‘d have to go with serial killer for nonfiction, but haunted house for fiction.
✨ I‘ll be forever haunted by tagged. Also loved The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld and The Bass Rock by Evie Wyld.


MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🎃✨🕯📖🏚 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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1. Beloved (honourable mention to comic Bitch Planet)
2. Butler, Octavia E. (HM - Ray Bradbury)
3. Better Off Ted (true TV gem)
4. Tie b/w Blue Oyster Cult, The Beatles, & Beastie Boys (HM - Billie Eilish & Billy Idol)
5. Back to Black by Amy Winehouse (HM - Brushy Mountain Conjugal Trailer by Old Crow Medicine Show)
#manicmonday #LetterB @CBee
These may, or may not, be representative, but it's what is coming to mind atm 🤷‍♀️

sprainedbrain We had the same two authors. 😉 2y
CuriousG @sprainedbrain 👏👏👏 2y
CBee Awesome answers!! Thanks for playing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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#Alphabetgame #LetterB @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

My A list of “B” books:
Begin Again-Glaude
Being Mortal-Gawande
Being Wrong-Schultz
Beowulf in the Beach-Murnighan
Beyond Black-Mantel
Bible (I‘m not religious)
The Bible Unearthed-Finkelstein/Silberman
The Blazing World-Hustvedt
Blood Meridian-McCarthy
The Book of Illusions-Auster
The Book of Not-Dangarembga

Beloved stands above them all. 🙂

AllDebooks Some pretty impressive reads there 😍 2y
Ruthiella Beyond Black is awesome! 2y
batsy So happy to see The Blazing World in here! 2y
Graywacke Oops, missed these comments @AllDebooks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks ☺️ It‘s somehow so random to lay them out by title 1st letter, that it gives a different perspective. @Ruthiella Beyond Black is awesome. Completely agree. It‘s rough too. @batsy Siri is such a fun voice. This book is better, but her last one (I think) is more fun - Memories of the Future. (Wonder what else begins with M?) 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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#alphabetgame #letterB

Beloved is a masterpiece of storytelling, as the tale of Sethe stays with you long after you finish reading. As a former slave, she goes to extreme ends rather than return to slavery. Through an exploration of the consequences of her actions, Morrison lays bare the horrific impact slavery had.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I really need to read this! Thank you for sharing! 2y
Graywacke Mine too! 2y
AllDebooks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can't recommend it highly enough. X 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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This was a powerful, deeply intense read. I can only imagine the emotional labor that went into telling this story. Thanks to a white woman in 2021, it is in the spotlight. She complained to the school board that it gave her child nightmares. I‘m willing to bet she has never read this book and has no desire to do so. Folx, this is how it was in the days of the evil institution of slavery. It is hard, it is ugly, it is shameful. But it has

JenniferEgnor to be told. We cannot pretend it never happened. For too long, it has been white washed, out of shame. I also want to say how the story here has everything to do with Reproductive Justice and policing—especially the policing of Black bodies. I encourage you to read this book and share it with as many others as you can. The stories, the history—MUST be told, as they really happened. 2y
JenniferEgnor Here is an illustrated version of the book: https://www.foliosociety.com/usa/beloved.html 2y
JenniferEgnor Stand up and fight back against book bans and censorship. Push back against the criminalization of libraries, librarians, authors, history, books—our very words. Push back against hate groups and politicians terrorizing drag story time, threatening to tear apart families. This is fascism. FIGHT. BACK. 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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The tale of Sephe‘s family free from slavery dealing with the consequences of her actions to save her children from becoming slaves again.

This book is heartbreaking and devastating to know that the harsh, repugnant treatment of African Americans in the United States happened in real life and people should never have to deal with the trauma of not owning their own life.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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This is such a tough book. The horrors and lasting effect of slavery… it‘s hard to read. Or listen to in my case (though I have to say, Toni Morrison‘s voice is like velvet). I doubt I picked up on half the metaphors and such, and will likely read this again and again.

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Beloved | Toni Morrison

This is a moving book that is classified as a horror story of ghosts. The real horror though, is how it compels you to gain a little more understanding of the horror of the South during slavery. To me, what has happened to Black people in the United States is worse than the Holocaust in terms of the suffering that has been endured.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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This is a wonderful LitHub article on opening lines. Jonathan Lee cites Morrison's Beloved, a book that is still TBR. I still recall the opening of Song of Solomon, years later:

Cathythoughts Interesting quote! 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Eggs Beautiful 😍 2y
wisherwishinguponastar That is a great quote! 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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I read this in my American Lit class back in college and throughly enjoyed it.

#ToniMorrison #WeRemember 🌹💔

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs It is powerful… 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Beloved named by Bookriot as 1 of "20 most influential historical fiction books of all time." Pic of Toni Morrison from a visit to the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC. #WeRemember #ToniMorrison @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Well done 👍🏼 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Eggs A well-loved choice ❤️ 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison

Beautiful storytelling with genuine characterisations gradually unveiling the difficulties and torment experienced by Sethe and her family.
Highly recommended.

Beloved | Toni Morrison

Round-up of the books of March.
Fiction - 10
Non-fiction- 5
DNF - 1 - The Astronaut's guide to living on earth by Chris Hadfield (I was inspired by his attitude and commitment but found it repetitive throughout the book. So much so it made me lose interest in the space stories)

The tagged book was my favourite March read by far. Reviewed on book profile.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Beloved is slaying me in a different way as a woman than it did as a 17-year-old at Yale. Looking forward to discussing it with you on the #podcast.
This quote is from her introduction, where she discussed how the novel came to be and her intentions for it. I decorated this way because I discover plants move the story forward, generate “rememory “, hurt and heal, bring people together and tear flesh. The roses die along the route to the carnival.

Cathythoughts Lovely post 👏❤️ 2y
Carla @Cathythoughts thank you! Working on the podcast episode on Beloved now; I will post when it is live. ♥️ 2y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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One of my top 20 most beloved books.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Beloved smacks of a book that needs to be re-read over and over again to be appreciated fully. I wanted to love it outright; everyone said that I would and that I should… but I didn‘t, really. In fairness, lockdown probably wasn‘t the right time for me to read it. There‘s some future me who will re-read it and find it completely wonderful and brilliant. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/beloved-toni-morrison/

CarolynM I admired it rather than liking it. I don't think rereading would change that. 3y
keepingupwiththepenguins @CarolynM That's such an excellent way to put it! Yes! 3y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Me and Toni Morrison, we‘ve never been a good match. I know it‘s an unpopular opinion but this was the fourth of her books I tried and again it didn‘t work. Beloved asks too much from me. I can‘t seem to follow along and all time jumping and magical realism feels forced to me. Maybe some other time… #1001books

EvieBee She‘s not for me, either lol! 3y
BarbaraBB @EvieBee I am honestly glad to hear that. She is such an important writer, I feel like I should love her 🤷🏻‍♀️😉 3y
EvieBee In high school, I was in an advanced English class that didn‘t really exist. My teacher would just give me books to read and I would. Fell in love with Hardy, Austen, the Brontes and others but not Morrison. Couldn‘t do it, lol! 3y
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vivastory It's interesting what writers we connect with. Song of Solomon floored me. It's one of my favorites of all time. Yet it's the only Morrison I've read 😬 3y
vivastory In #1001 news, did you see a new edition is being released? 3y
Leftcoastzen Did you ever try 3y
AnneCecilie I‘m so happy I‘m not the only one who doesn‘t love her. I‘ve read three of her books. 3y
vlwelser I hated this particular book. You are not alone. 3y
IndoorDame I‘ve always had the same opinion. She‘s so iconic that I feel like I should try again, and it has been a while since I read one of hers, but I don‘t exactly have high hopes…🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
TheLudicReader You are not alone. 3y
BarbaraBB @vivastory I read that one a long time ago and don‘t remember much. And I did hear good things about The Bluest Eye indeed @Leftcoastzen , so maybe I should give her one more try! 3y
BarbaraBB @vivastory I didn‘t know about the new edition! Did you, @Liz_M ? I‘ll check it out immediately! 3y
BarbaraBB @TheLudicReader @IndoorDame @vlwelser @EvieBee @AnneCecilie I hardly dared admit it but now I know I am in good company! 🤍 3y
Ruthiella I love Morrison but there are plenty of other lauded authors who just aren‘t for me. Personally I find it kind of freeing, because accepting this removes a number of books from my TBR list! 😅 3y
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella Names please 😃 3y
Graywacke I think four books counts as a solid effort. I‘m a huge Morrison fan, but if she‘s not working for you, forget her. Self torture not required. This one, by the way, is really confusing. I think i knew the plot going in…and I think that helped me a lot. 3y
Ruthiella Off the top of my head: D. H. Lawrence and Isabelle Allende. I‘ve read 3 books from each. Not my cup of tea! 3y
BarbaraBB @Graywacke It is so confusing indeed and it makes me impatient and irritated. That‘s my state of mind at the moment, I realize, so I keep in mind that people like you are fan of her and might try again when I feel calmer. 3y
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella 😃 I stopped reading both of them too after reading 3 books by each but I did like the ones I read. It was enough though! 3y
CarolynM I admired this book more than liking it. It didn't make me want to read more of her work. I'm with @Ruthiella on Lawrence and Allende - both too weird (in their own ways) for me. I would add Gabriel Garcia Marquez to the list too. 3y
BarbaraBB @CarolynM @Ruthiella I was thinking of him too. I wouldn‘t read him anymore but read a lot of his books. What about Kundera, Roth or even McEwan? Sometimes it‘s just enough. 3y
Reggie I‘ve only read 2 of hers but have loved them so much. She has paragraphs that come back to me at times. Also, @Ruthiella and @CarolynM I think Lawrence is the only author I dnf‘ed after 275 pages, I think it was The Rainbow and I just felt like the main character walked from the house to the gate in that time. Lol 3y
BarbaraBB @Reggie That is one I still “need” to read because it‘s on the list of #1001books… there are 5 of him on there 😱 3y
BarbaraBB @vivastory I can‘t find the news about the new edition… do you remember where you read it? 3y
Cinfhen Same 🤫🙁 3y
Ruthiella @Reggie @CarolynM @BarbaraBB OMG, that‘s totally what drives me bananas about D. H. Lawrence, all the description. He spends so much time trying to capture the inner life of his characters... 3y
Centique @CarolynM @Ruthiella @Reggie it‘s funny because those weird ones are my favourites! Love a little unreality creeping in. But I agree there‘s always an author or two that you just don‘t gel with. For me it‘s Jodi Picoult. 🙄 I also haven‘t got to grips with Joyce or Dostoevsky yet. But I‘m hopeful 🤞Reggie your comment about Lawrence is hilarious. I want to read that now just to experience that myself! 🤣 3y
Ruthiella @Centique One of my good friend IRL who also reads loves Lawrence. There‘s no accounting for taste! 😜 I‘ve only read one Picoult book and found it so so. To many contrived metaphors and maybe a little heavy handed... 3y
Reggie @Centique Lol I was in my teens so you have to take that into account. I think about trying him again just to see if I would think differently but I can‘t bring myself to do it. Also, I‘ve only read 2 by Picoult and she always picks up the hot topics of the moment and gives you the all around view. One was about a shooting at school and the other was about abortion which I loved because of some of the characters in there. 3y
BarbaraBB @Liz_M Thanks! And good luck with those busy times at work. Happy these times are back for the arts 🤍🤍 3y
BarbaraBB @Centique I have read one Picoult and enjoyed it but I‘ve never felt tempted to pick up another. I do love Dostoevsky though. Joyce always goes way over my head 😃 3y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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#WeeklyForecast 43/21

In progress are The Promise (which I am enjoying a lot) and Beloved. Toni Morrison and I are not a good match - again. But I‘ll stick with it a bit longer.
I still have The Nothing Man lined up and am adding a translation of At Night‘s End, an Israelian book quite popular here at the moment.

Cinfhen I definitely want to read 3y
Cinfhen And it‘s funny, I haven‘t heard about this book until you mentioned it to me… super curious 3y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Yay, you‘re on Instagram 🤍 3y
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squirrelbrain I quite liked Beloved (read it very recently as we‘re studying it on my course). I have the exact same edition as you! 😁 3y
Cinfhen I‘ve been “on” IG for awhile but I NEVER post and hardly ever scroll @BarbaraBB but I‘m trying to broaden my horizons 3y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I find it a very hard read and I am confused by all changes in time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I am not that active either but it‘s fun to get glimpses on each other‘s lives! (edited) 3y
TrishB Nice pic ♥️ good plans 3y
Vansa I really did not like Beloved.It has a very profound, harrowing story but I just could not for the life of me get her style of writing.I didn't get the need for many scenes! 3y
BarbaraBB @Vansa I‘m glad it‘s not just me! 3y
Cathythoughts Im enjoying The Promice too 👍🏻❤️ 3y
Graywacke Worried how you will take to Beloved. I found it so intense from the opening. Morrison seemed to put so much into it. 3y
BarbaraBB @Graywacke I feel ashamed but I bailed. I posted my review. 😌 3y
Graywacke @BarbaraBB going to check. Better to bail than push through and not enjoy it. 3y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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#scarathlon #screamathon #teamHendrix week 2 Diversify your Horror Shelf

I was surprised when I learned that Beloved was listed many places as a horror book.

Not your traditional horror, but worth the read for the classical complexities.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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I wish I would have read this in school so I could have more analysis and discussion around it to really understand. It is a classic and Morrison is a God of writing but I don't think I really understand this. Blaming myself not the book.

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Joining in #outstandingoctober readathon with @Andrew65 getting those #scarathlon points for #teamhendrix
I only finished one gorgeous book over the week but am close to finishing 2 more so my goal is to finish those and read a novella and one other book
Once There Were Wolves
Winter Counts

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 3y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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#falltreasures #bannedbook some often challenged classics that live at my house .

Eggs Perfection 👌🏼👌🏼 3y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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This is an intricate, challenging, beautiful, and heartbreaking exploration of the legacy of slavery in the lives of one family and their community. Whether Beloved is really the ghost is left open for debate, but her presence ultimately changes Sethe and Denver as they grapple with the past. A deserved Pulitzer Prize winner, and just as worth reading now as when it was published in 1987.

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Beloved | Toni Morrison


Beloved | Toni Morrison
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“124 was spiteful. Full of a baby‘s venom.”

Beloved | Toni Morrison
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I loved this book. It was one of the most beautifully written novels that I‘ve ever read. It‘s also one of the most tragic. The story is sort of like a long meandering dream that suddenly leaps between different characters, settings, and timeframes. Due to that, the story can be quite confusing at times, but if you stick with it, you‘ll get used to it. The author‘s narration in the audio edition is so personal it adds to the experience. 5/5

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