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Joined January 2019

Lover of books, animals and magic ✨️
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In a French village ravaged by WWII, the astonishing friendship between two girls generates a temporary farse in the literary world and separates their destinies by sending one of them to Paris and then to a British boarding school.

Although the writing and existential questions are beautiful, the ressemblance with my "My Brilliant Friend" is shocking, but Elena Ferrante's novel remains more remarkable, more powerful and overall exceptional.

The Fury | Alex Michaelides
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This is a page turner, with an unreliable narrator walking the reader through his twisty storytelling. While the plot is not fully unpredictable, the novel still keeps you hooked until the end.
A famous retired cinema star invites her closest friends for a short vacation to her private Greek island where things go awry.

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This is a beautiful philosophical study around the pursuit of happiness in Western societies, which has created an entire cult dedicated to assessing everything through a filter of pleasure and of the duty to be happy.
I just picked it at a wrong time and I hope I'll revisit it more seriously at a better time in the future.

Jari-chan Your cat approves 😸 3d
IuliaC @Jari-chan He does 😂 3d
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3d
Mimi28 🩷🩷😻😻 3d
sarahbarnes 😍😍😍 3d
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Defenestrate | Renee Branum
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An exquisite story about falling and failing in so many ways. Marta is part of a family of Czech descent living in the US. Their family is haunted for generations by a superstition related to defenestration, a deadly fall at a certain point in their life, as if it was written in their genes and as if the fall were calling to be accomplished.

"the two of us poised on a sweet precipice before falling blindly forward into the rest of our lives."

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Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life | Francesc Miralles, Hector Garcia
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I thought the book would focus more on explaining how to find one's Ikigai, the Japanese concept referring to finding the reason to live, for a life of purpose and joy.
But it's rather about people observing some healthy lifestyle principles and nothing new. A good summary for those who haven't yet watched the documentary on the Blue Zones - those places around the world where the average life expectancy of inhabitants exceeds 100 years old.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Julia travels from New York to the small birth village of her father in Burma to try to find out what happened to him as he disappeared four years back. A mysterious local who seems to know her closely tells her the heart-breaking story of her father's youth, before he moved to the US. Although the story is a bit too "fairytalish", I still enjoyed the writing and the atmosphere created by the immersion in the Burmese life, culture and traditions.

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Ignorance: A Novel | Milan Kundera
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This is a very touching depiction of how it feels to be an immigrant returning to your home country 20 or 30 years later. After the fall of communism in 1989 in Europe, Irena returns from Paris to Prague. She and others like her return led by nostalgia, but the ignorance, under all its forms, displayed by their relatives and former friends shows how absence can create a huge chasm between people, with no hope to reconnect with the past.

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The Perfume Collector | Kathleen Tessaro
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This is a nice vacation read. Grace Monroe seems to lead a good life in 1950s' London aristocracy. She receives an unexpected inheritance from a mysterious lady in Paris, whose identity Grace will be struggling to discover. The storylines of the two ladies unfold beautifully but are too convenient and predictable.

vlwelser I felt the same way about this one. Based on the premise, I expected to like it a whole lot more than I actually did. 3w
IuliaC @vlwelser Exactly! 3w
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La vengeance du pardon | Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
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A wonderful collection of four short stories by one of my favorite authors; a bit dark but deeply heart-warming.

"There is a warm sadness and a cold sadness. The warm one is when you love. The cold one is when you don't love. In the warm one, there is someone. In the cold one, no one. When I suffer because Eva no longer lives, this makes her stand by my side. If I stopped suffering it means she would die again and vanish forever."

LisaBam Sounds amazing, will add the author to my to read list 🔥 1mo
IuliaC @LisaBam There is a great story collection by him "The Most Beautiful Book in the World" ? 1mo
Cathythoughts Red roses ♥️ 1mo
IuliaC @Cathythoughts 🌹🤗 1mo
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The House of Doors | Tan Twan Eng
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I enjoyed this historical fiction based on real events. In 1921 Lesley and Robert Hamlyn are a British couple living in the colony of the Federated Malay States. They are visited by famous writer Sommerset Maugham, who discovers a past connection between Lesley and Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen, which proves more surprising and entertaining than he could have imagined. Love, friendship and sexuality at that time and place were complicated.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
Jari-chan 🐱& 📚=❤️ 1mo
IuliaC @dabbe @Jari-chan 🤗🤗💕, 😺 + 📚 = great combination 1mo
AnnCrystal 💕😻🐾💝. 1mo
IuliaC @AnnCrystal 😻😺💖👍 1mo
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This book is rather a memoir with heart-wrenching personal stories and some pieces of advice here and there, but Cheryl Strayed definitely writes her answers beautifully, compasionately and with so much common sense and deep empathy.
I've noticed people complained that most of her recommendations were not easily applicable, but hey, these are not psychotherapy sessions, but simply an advice column and for that matter an exceptionally done one!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 2mo
IuliaC @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you 🤗 2mo
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Povesti de dragoste la prima vedere | Adriana Bittel Gabriel Liiceanu, Radu Paraschivescu, Ana Blandiana, Ioana Parvulescu
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"Love at First Sight Stories", a lovely collection of short stories by five Romanian authors. The first four stories revolve more around the innocence with which the characters experience their first love and its tornado of thoughts and emotions, while in the last story a love at first sight strikes at an old age and just proves that it has the power to rejuvenate but also reignite passion for love in a life long stable relationship.

charl08 What does the label say? You get a stamp when you return it? 2mo
IuliaC @charl08 It's a local library's book cover; instead of just showing the usual book code label on the back, they printed this big red marketing label on all their book covers to make the library more visible and more popular 🙈 2mo
charl08 @IuliaC I admire their enthusiasm! 2mo
IuliaC @charl08 😊👍 2mo
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Nora finds her sister brutally murdered and sets on a personal quest to find the killer, while the police keeps investigating. This a good twisty crime thriller, but the novel is even better at showing the relationship between the two sisters and Nora's grieving after losing her sibling. Nora is apparently not a very reliable narrator which helps the tension building.

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A very useful book; it explains in detail the functioning of our happy chemicals and how we can make the most out of them.

“When your happy chemicals droop, it feels like something is wrong with the world. It helps to know that your happy chemicals are meant to go up and down so you can focus on your next step toward happy chemicals instead of on the flaws of the world.“

IuliaC "Some people have no experience making themselves happy because they grew up in a world in which others took responsibility for their happiness. Some parents live to please their children and never please themselves. Their children learn to expect others to please them, and another generation learns to take unhappiness as a sign that others messed up instead of learning to please themselves." 2mo
sarahbarnes Wow. Sounds like a thought-provoking book, especially based on that quote. 2mo
IuliaC @sarahbarnes It explains the biology behind the happy/unhappy cycles our brain goes through, and it seems to make more sense than all the talk on achieving happiness in general 2mo
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A woman meets a man at the airport and discovers they travel to the same destination. They are irresistibly drawn to each other and start a passionate relationship. She feels something is not right and tries to escape several times, but he brings her back each time and gradually makes her entirely dependent on him. Her parents' breakup and the failure of her previous relations weigh on her but give her the strength to end this toxic relationship.

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Brilliant and very original collection of short stories. There is such a smooth and flawless transition from reality to fantasy and back to reality and a formidable imagination for building exquisite and unexpected fictional worlds in a relatively short number of pages.

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“The boy is loved. The loved one suffers. All loved ones suffer. Love is not enough. Love is enough. The thing that you wished for. Was this it?”

“Her chest feels very tight, as if she‘s suddenly full of poison. You have to keep it all inside. Like throwing yourself on a bomb to save everyone else. Except you‘re the bomb.”

“Everyone who is alive has a ghost inside them, don‘t they?”

Billypar This is one of my all-time favorite story collections. I can't wait to read her novel, but I've got another collection of hers on my shelf to read first (Stranger Things Happen) 3mo
IuliaC @Billypar It's a great story collection, I haven't finished it yet but I find it very original 3mo
sarahbarnes Reading this collection right now and it‘s fantastic. 3mo
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IuliaC @sarahbarnes It is! I'll add her other books to my list too 3mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Sace 😂 😂 😂 3mo
Jari-chan 🤣🤣 3mo
Meshell1313 🤣🤣🤣 3mo
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MaGoose 😁😆 3mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 3mo
UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 3mo
Santie @Chelsea.Poole 3mo
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"Happiness! Misery! If you were one, bet on it the other was on the way. That was what everyone liked to see. It was what the whole thing was about. The demon lover has a pair of gold cuff links, those faces. Meggie gave them to him. You know the ones I mean."

sarahbarnes This is on my list! 3mo
IuliaC @sarahbarnes I've had it on my list for a very long time and finally its turn has arrived 😊 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo 🌸 3mo
IuliaC @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you! 🤗 3mo
61 likes4 comments
Fabule moderne | Tatiana Tibuleac
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"Modern Fables" is a sublime collection of short stories, that bring a tear to the eye and warmth to the heart.
The author's writing is heartfelt, tender and compassionate. She can see the exceptional in ordinary people she interacts with, and she has an incredible talent to highlight the fragility and the mightiness of the human being.

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A Thousand Ships | Natalie Haynes
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Happy World Book Day!

"He loses his wife so he stirs up an army to bring her back to him, costing countless lives and creating countless widows, orphans and slaves. Oenone loses her husband and she raises their son. Which of those is the more heroic act?"

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️📚🎈 3mo
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A very powerful novel about mental illness, childhood trauma and women's condition.
Further to repetitive nightmares, Yeong-hye turns vegetarian. This triggers immense pressure from her family, which determines her to stop eating completely. This original, unsettling and expressive story is organized in three chapters, each showing the drama of her deteriorating condition.

batsy Such a good book! 3mo
IuliaC @batsy it really is good; I liked your review about it! 3mo
The_Book_Ninja @IuliaC @batsy doesn‘t do naff reviews 3mo
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IuliaC @The_Book_Ninja @batsy does some of the greatest reviews on Litsy 😊 Other people's reviews (me included) might look or sound really naff mainly because English is not our native tongue and this complicates things :))) 3mo
batsy @IuliaC @The_Book_Ninja Thank you both so much 💜 You guys always write thoughtful, un-naff reviews ☺️ 3mo
The_Book_Ninja @IuliaC well you‘re doing ok if I may say so…I love reading reviews…it‘s why I‘m here. 3mo
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A very entertaining and believable story. Another book which would make a nice movie.

Evelyn Hugo's character is such a glamorous, spectacular and unforgettable presence and her love stories are unique and unexpected.

UwannaPublishme Loved this one! 🙌🏻 3mo
IuliaC @UwannaPublishme me too 🤗 3mo
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Sea of Tranquility: A Novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I spent three hours reading this nice mystery novel with a great premise: what if the world and our life are just a simulation?

A time travel agent from 2400 is sent to several periods in the past (1912, 2020, 2200 etc.) in an attempt to investigate an anomaly in the time continuum.

Violeta | Isabel Allende
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On her deathbed, at 100 years old, Violeta keeps journaling her life for her grandson. She is born in 1920 during the Spanish flu and dies during the coronavirus pandemic. Violeta's autobiography explores a century of an unnamed South American country's turbulent history, her long and intense life, loves, achievements and losses.
Overall enjoyable but easily forgettable read.

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Three | Valrie Perrin
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A bit too long but nicely written story of three inseparable childhood friends. The novel has it all: mystery, plot twists, dual timelines, beautifully built characters and the complexity of a lifelong friendship.

I enjoyed "Fresh Water for Flowers" more for its emotional impact, but this one is a page turner as well and has its heartwrenching moments.

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Ghosts | Dolly Alderton
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I loved it. This is definitely not just a light funny book. It portrays wonderfully how difficult it is today to find a partner with whom to build a serious relationship and a family. The story bits about dating apps raise some interesting questions on how viable this option really is, and more importantly about who raised all these boys (maybe entire generations?) who become immature men uncapable to comit to anything and behave manly.

Kristy_K Great review! I just bought this one and am hoping to get to it soon. 4mo
IuliaC @Kristy_K thank you 😊 Hope you enjoy it! 4mo
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"Pen, Sword, Camisole" was written in 1978. Using satire and comic farce, the plot is set at the beginning of the 1940s in Brazil, at a time when the country had close connections to Germany and places the relationship between politics and art at the center of the story. The Chief of National Security of the regime has the ambition to be elected as a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters to replace a great national poet who died.

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I've read this one with a pen in my hand. Extremely useful and insightful for women of all ages, but equally for men! Raising awareness about menopause symptoms and treatments helps women feel less lonely and misunderstood during this new stage, and regain their normal life.

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Heart wrenching but necessary account of the civil war in Syria through the eyes of a future refugee. After having lost her family, still a teenager, she continues to experience the horrors first hand while working in a hospital and coping with her traumas.

"When I leave, it won‘t be easy. It‘s going to shred my heart to ribbons and all the pieces will be scattered along Syria‘s shore, with the cries of my people haunting me till the day I die."

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Born a Crime | Trevor Noah
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Very insightful. Comedian and TV host Trevor Noah tells the story of his childhood and youth in South Africa at the end of the apartheid and the tumultuous years that followed. As a person of color with an African mother and a Swiss father, he tries to make sense of where he belongs, in a society torn by the absurdities of racism and the political system. His brilliant mother sets the education premises which help him navigate towards success.

BkClubCare This on audio is one of my top 3 - so many accents and perfect delivery. 4mo
IuliaC @BkClubCare I can only imagine how delicious it must be on audio with all the accents! 4mo
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Three Women | Lisa Taddeo
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Loved this one far more than I initially thought I would.
Although it is non-fiction, this book is incredibly well written and engrossing. It is striking how thoroughly and honestly women's complex emotions are illustrated through the stories of just three women. In a way, this novel can be enlightening both for men and women regarding the state of womanhood and sex in the American society and not only.

Lesliereadsalot I loved this book and recommended it to all the women I know. So truthful! 4mo
IuliaC @Lesliereadsalot I did the same 👍 😊 4mo
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A lovely short story collection written by an architect who's lived in all the cities where her characters love, live, die, mourn and suffer: Stockholm, Bucharest, New York, Oradea, Barcelona, from the '50s to the present day. With a touch of magic realism, the stories are imbued with signs, mysterious messages and premonitions born in dreams and alternate realities, while the last story ends with a shocking twist like a wake up call to reality.

I Miss You When I Blink: Essays | Mary Laura Philpott
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Many of these essays resonated with me and the funny potrayal of the type-A personality was so honest and relatable. She reminds us how beautiful, scary and brave it is to be a child, a young adult, a parent...

I found ingenious her longing for a time machine allowing us to go back and forth in time and relive our life at different ages and maybe avoid or overcome our mid-life crisis by staying connected with older versions of ourselves.

Simon | Narine Abgarian
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While I enjoyed "Three Apples Fell From the Sky", I simply loved this one! Her prose is mesmerizing.

In a small town in Armenia, Simon's funeral is attended by all the women who loved him and whom he saved with his love from their disturbingly traumatic destinies:

IuliaC Susanna his first love haunted by her dark past, tender Eliza betrayed by her husband, Silvia abused by her in-laws and locked in a mental hospital unable to raise her child, Sofia who couldn't have children, and his wife Melania who knew everything but couldn't live without him.
These are stories of women who have survived in a conservative society during a terrible century shaken by war, genocide, famine, epidemics and political turmoil.
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Verity | Colleen Hoover
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A fast read but I was not impressed by the plot. It is common, predictable and very unrealistic.

RaeLovesToRead I see a nose!!!! 😻 5mo
IuliaC @RaeLovesToRead and an eye 😂🤗 5mo
The_Penniless_Author Hey, your cat looks like my cat (my other cat, not the one in my profile pic 😸)! 5mo
IuliaC @The_Penniless_Author The cat in your profile pic looks a bit like my second cat 😻 The pic is super cute! 5mo
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Flights | Olga Tokarczuk
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Dense, reflective, philosophical. Longer and shorter personal and fictional stories and a brief history on plastination; an unnerving and haunting dissection of the human body and of human paroxysmal emotions.

"This always happens when she flies: she gets a bird‘s eye view of her whole life, of particular moments that you‘d think on the ground had been completely forgotten. The banal mechanism of the flashback, mechanical reminiscence."

Jari-chan Can't wait for my next Tokarczuk ❤️ 5mo
IuliaC @Jari-chan This one was my second and I enjoyed them both 😊 5mo
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“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

I enjoyed this discussion between famous naturalist Jane Goodall and author Douglas Abrams on the power of hope, how we reconquer it along with trust in our intellect and our capacity for action to create a sustainable world for all species.

Remarkably Bright Creatures | Shelby Van Pelt
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This was such a wonderful read!
I particularly loved how the character of the octopus Marcellus was developed; he is a great and exquisite narrator, giving more depth and meaning to the story. His lines are funny, yet he appears for the heart-wrenching reality. Overall, really heart-warming!

KLyn1 The more I hear about this book, the more compelled I am to read. 5mo
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Iubire fara lacrimi | Alexandru David
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I almost can't believe I've read this one; it's called 'Love Without Tears". It looks exactly like a book produced with generative AI or some similar software. But, it's a very useful and well-done summary of famous self-help books on love and relationships published by well-known authors such as Gary Chapman, John and Julie Gottman, Esther Perel etc.

Mastile fricii | Camelia Cavadia
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I raced through this book, just couldn't put it down!

Ema, Sofia and David grow with an extremely abusive father. Their mother is helpless and a victim herself. He dies when they are almost teenagers, they are relieved and they try to build lives and families of their own. But they remain haunted by their past and every bit of happiness they seem to achieve collapses under the immense weight of their childhood trauma.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
IuliaC @dabbe 😻 6mo
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Ophanim | Ana Barton
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I loved, loved this book! Written using stream of consciousness, this novel depicts Ophanim's life journey marked by his relationship with his mother. With an unusual name of biblical sonority, his story is common yet human and heart-warming, he sees life through a magical lens.

"Earlier a bird has flown through my heart. A small bird, but it's that kind of bird, when it passes, it takes your wonders and even your fears under its wings."

The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida | Shehan Karunatilaka
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I enjoyed this novel; very informative on the recent painful history of civil war-torn Sri Lanka. Maali Almeida, a photographer who has just died, is trying to solve the mystery of his own death by communicating with his loved ones and helping them publish his photos to expose the atrocities of the war. In the afterlife his mission is guided by two opposed forces, Dr. Ranee and Mahakali, each symbolizing a dimension of his country and of its past.

BkClubCare I enjoyed this, too. So different and it had funny as well as loving moments. 6mo
Jari-chan Just started this one this morning! 6mo
IuliaC @BkClubCare Exactly, it's such a rich prose 6mo
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IuliaC @Jari-chan I hope you enjoy it! 😃 6mo
Leniverse One of my favourites from last year. 6mo
IuliaC @Leniverse A great read 🤩 6mo
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This book is basically based on the presentation of 8 actual case studies of families with a large diversity of multi-generational common issues and traumas.
While each and every one of these family stories is interesting and insightful in its own way, I couldn't seize any real and useful conclusion which could be applicable beyond these particular cases, except for some well-known and common sense advice on how to improve family dynamics.

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I read two collections of short stories, all revolving around love. I enjoyed some of them more than others and I found particularly poignant those on love outside of marriage and on failure in love. It is interesting to see how the course of love and relationships were dictated by women's condition and status at the end of the 19th century, a different world indeed.

Happy Litsyversary! | Special Events
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It's my Litsyversary 🎉🥂📖📚 Wow, 5 years already!
Such a great place to be!

Dilara Happy Litsyversary! 6mo
julesG Happy Litsyversary 🎈🎉🥳 6mo
Librarybelle Happy Litsyversary! 6mo
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Bookwomble Happy Litsyversary 🎇 6mo
AmyG 🎉🎉🎉 6mo
Jas16 Happy Litsyversary 🎉📚🙌🏽 6mo
Ladygodiva7 🥳 Happy Litsyversary!! 🎉🎈🎊 6mo
Gissy Happy Litsyversary 📚📚📚🥳🎉🎉🎉🥰 6mo
TheBookgeekFrau Happy Litsyversary!!! 🎊 6mo
Ruthiella Happy Litsyversary! 🥳🥳🥳 6mo
IuliaC Thank you @Ruthiella ! 🎉🥂 6mo
dabbe HL! 🖤💜🖤 6mo
Megabooks 🎉🎉🎉 6mo
BarbaraBB Glad you‘re here 💕 6mo
IuliaC Thank you @dabbe and @Megabooks !! 🤗🎈 6mo
IuliaC @BarbaraBB Glad I've found this place and you lovely people 🤗 6mo
PaperbackPirate Happy Litsyversary! 📚📘📘 6mo
IuliaC Thank you @PaperbackPirate !! 🤗🎉 6mo
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A Woman's Life | Guy de Maupassant
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I found this one as an ebook and as I haven't seen the movie, I thought I should give it a try. It turned out to be just as captivating as a film. The prose is soft and beautiful and produces so many different emotions. In 19th century traditional French countryside, we see how women's lack of choice led to the decline of an aristocratic lady who can't but remain passive while her life progressively worsens.

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I enjoyed this collection of soul-stirring short stories. They focus more on characters and emotions than on the plot itself, but they are beautifully written and carry the unspoken burden of a poignant reality.

TheLudicReader The Doll's House is one of my all-time favourite stories. I al ays get teary at the end. Love The Garden Party, too. 7mo
IuliaC @TheLudicReader I got a bit teary at the end of several of them 😊 7mo
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The Age of Innocence | Edith Wharton
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Such remarkable depiction of the atmosphere governing New York‘s high society at the end of the 19th century, of its etiquette and social conventions at a time when appearances mattered enormously and the wealthy were expected to conduct themselves by these norms, even if it implied acting against their true feelings. The love triangle does not impress much throughout the story but the ending, which is truly brilliant, makes it sparkle.

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"It isn‘t about changing the mechanics of economics. It is about changing the ideas, the dogmas that have driven economics for centuries: debt and fear, insufficiency, divide and conquer. It is about revolution. The transition from a death economy to a life economy is truly about a change in consciousness — a consciousness revolution."

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