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Joined May 2016

I never know what to say in these things... 😁💙👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👶🏻🖖🏼📚🍫☕️⛪️🎭🎨🎤🎸🎮⚡️💛😴🤕🤒
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Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon
Ready Player One | Ernest Cline
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Overall pick- some things I loved and some things I didn‘t. I‘m glad I was finally able to finish it!

Life update since it‘s been a while: I went back to school last year to finish my Bachelor‘s, after a ten year break, and graduated in May! (Finally finishing this book was my celebration.) I might go back for a Master‘s in linguistics eventually, but not anytime soon. It was really hard to balance my illnesses, homeschooling, and (cont‘d 👇🏼)

obviateit 👉🏼 and college courses. For now, I‘m proud of my brain for pushing through brain fog, and I‘m excited to be able to read for fun again! 🥰🎉 2y
rabbitprincess Congratulations! Enjoy your fun reading 😊 2y
BkClubCare 👏👏👏 2y
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Larkken Congratulations! That‘s a fantastic milestone and it‘s not easy even when you are able to devote 100%!! 2y
BookNAround Congratulations! That‘s a major milestone accomplishment. 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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And this. 😠 It just seems wholly unnecessary to include these kinds of statements in their conversations. Maybe I‘m more sensitive to it than other readers. This was written as lighthearted teasing, not threatening.

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Lines like this one are killing me. If I ignore them, I can enjoy the story. I‘m definitely liking this character more in the show than the book though, and that‘s unusual for me.

CuriousG I think part of being able to tolerate it for me was remembering time period and context. To have someone acting like we would expect in 2021 in a historical novel would be completely unrealistic and make the novel seem disingenuous. In this case I sat with the squeamishness for that reason. 3y
CuriousG But I agree, not my favourite parts for sure 3y
obviateit @CuriousG , yes! That‘s exactly how I‘ve been getting past it as well. It does make sense in the context of a man from the 1700s saying these things, and a woman from the 1940s tolerating it, but I don‘t love it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! ❤️ 3y
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Outlander | Diana Gabaldon
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I was able to finish a book! 🎉 I started 2021 with a case of strep, and spent a lot of time reading for the first time in a while. 🥰 I‘ve had horrible fatigue since then, and I‘m not sure if it‘s normal post-infection fatigue or post-exertional malaise from reading so much, but I‘m continuing slowly with the 2nd book.
I really enjoyed this story, aside from some consent issues that bothered me a lot. Continued👇🏼

obviateit I also feel like it‘s necessary to include a sexual assault/rape trigger warning. Thankfully it didn‘t take me by surprise since I‘d already seen the show, but I wish someone would‘ve told me before I‘d watched the show, so I could mentally prepare myself. 3y
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I‘m a little late, but Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!!👶🏽🎄🕎❤️🖤💚🎁❄️⛄️🌞 Tagging a book that we gifted to the 10 year old for Christmas. He loves it!

I disappeared for a while because my health issues started flaring pretty badly, then I dislocated my kneecap. You would think that I‘d have a ton more time to read or interact on here, being stuck in bed, but that hasn‘t really been the case. But, I wanted to wish you all a happy December—👇🏼

obviateit Whatever that looks like for you. I pray that you all get through the end of 2020 okay, and that you have a blessed and joyful 2021. ❤️😊 4y
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#day19 #simple #poetrymatters

I sang this in choir when I was in middle school. I still remember the melody, and it popped into my head as soon as I read today‘s prompt. 😊

CBee This is one of my favorite songs ♥️ 4y
TheSpineView Great choice! ❤🎵 4y
Nute Always seeking simplicity and the place just right!💕 3y
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#two4tuesday Thank you for the tag, @QuietlyLaura 😊
1. Definitely Reepicheep from The Chronicles of Narnia. He has many admirable traits. 🐭
2. Yep! Not nearly as much here in Philadelphia as back in Michigan (born and raised there). My latest snow day of the year when I was a kid was May 1. 🤣❄️🧤

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 4y
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TK-421 💜 4y
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TheSpineView Love the imagery! 💙 4y
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#day14 #fallcolors #forevernovember
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."

OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻🍁🍂 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That‘s beautiful 🧡🍂🤎 4y
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#day14 #peacefulpets #thankfulthoughts #catsoflitsy
#HappyCaturday from my favorite ball of fluff, Bagheera!
For those of you who are new friends: he‘s actually my neighbor‘s cat. We‘ve both accepted that he‘s chosen to lead a double life, spending his days here and his nights there. 😂 He can tell when I‘m having a high pain day (#chronicillness) and likes to sit on me and purr when that happens. 🥰

Eggs So sweet 💕🐱 4y
Lreads Kitties are wonderful. 😻❤️ 4y
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OriginalCyn620 Love it! 4y
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#day13 #freak #quotsynov20
“We‘re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that‘s all.”

rockpools This is my post of the morning! Thanks for introducing me to the sea slug 🐌😃 4y
obviateit @rockpools you‘re very welcome! “Blue dragon”, “bunny”, and “leaf sheep” are my favorite varieties. 😁🐌🐲🐇🐑😍 4y
rockpools @obviateit Google here I come! 😂😂 What wonderful names 😆 4y
rockpools OMG - it looks like a leafy sheep! There goes my afternoon. 4y
obviateit @rockpools 😂🤣❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Selected Poems | Robinson Jeffers
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TheSpineView Yes!😍👍😊 4y
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#familymatters #caregiverappreciationday #thankfulthoughts art by Anna Daviscourt

I got to talk with my own personal Mrs. Weasley this morning 🥰. She only has 4 kids of her own, but she used to always take in stray teenagers (like me) as well, stretching dinners and offering a couch or bed to whomever needed one. She‘s been my “sort-of-mom” over the years when my mom hasn‘t been able. I‘m so thankful for her. 😊

TrishB That‘s a lovely post 😁 4y
obviateit @TrishB thank you! 🥰 4y
Eggs What a nice tribute❤️❤️ 4y
obviateit @Eggs thank you! 🥰 4y
cozypunk How sweet! 😊 4y
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OriginalCyn620 Yes! This book made me so mad! 😤 4y
obviateit @OriginalCyn620 I just learned about this a few weeks ago! 😢 4y
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American sublime | Elizabeth Alexander
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TheSpineView Great poem! 🤩👍😍 4y
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This looks like it‘s going to be great!
Release date: May 21, 2021
#TBR #peacemaker #antiracism #grace
Also, the cover art is by a #philly artist. 😁

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“John the Baptist, imprisoned by Herod and awaiting death, struggles to understand a Lord who did not live up to his expectations.” Bagheera really wanted to be in this review photo 😉😸. This book is a pretty quick read, even for me. It felt more like a sermon series than a story, but I‘m totally okay with that. It was some preaching that I needed to hear. ❤️ I‘m grateful that my book club friend sent it to me. 🥰

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1. My real last name was flagged as inappropriate 😅, so I felt frustrated and wanted to obviate the problem. Then I realized that obviateit also looks like “obvi ate it”, which made me laugh because that‘s my favorite approach to delicious food. 😂
2. I‘m thankful for family and friends, IRL and online. I‘ve been struggling with my brain fog, and people keep encouraging me, which is lovely. 🥰
Thanks for the tag, @Eggs ❤️

aa_guer2021 I came across this, and I ❤️ the story of your name. I think I am going to do this, too. :) 4y
obviateit @ruskigurl16 thank you! 😁 And yes, please! Feel free! ❤️ 4y
CBee Brain fog here too 😳 You aren‘t alone ♥️ 4y
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obviateit @CBee thank you!! It‘s been messing with my life more than usual this week. 😭❤️ 4y
CBee @obviateit oy 🤦‍♀️ I‘m sorry. I totally get it!! 4y
Cosmos_Moon It has been tough, with everything going on in the world. I hope we can bust through this collective fog. I‘m feeling it, too 🥰 4y
ju.ca.no Love the story of your name😁 4y
obviateit @ju.ca.no thank you! 😁 4y
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#day11 #intersect #poetrymatters
“You were headed straight for me, there would be an intersection, a sharing of a single point and we, no longer parallel, would have something in common.”

TheSpineView Love the math analogy! ❤ 4y
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#day11 #veteransday #thankfulthoughts
I saw this on Instagram and thought some of you might appreciate the books that they recommended to learn more. I‘ll try to tag the rest of them in a comment. ❤️

obviateit “The Tragic and Ignored History of Black Veterans” by James Clark 4y
Eggs Thanks for sharing this 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
obviateit @Eggs ❤️ 4y
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#two4tuesday Thanks again, @Eggs 😊
1. The Prisoner in the Third Cell (which I still need to review 🤔— it was a quick read, and I finished it last week)
2. Not this past week, but I want to say it was 9 or 10 days ago, if I‘m not mistaken. @CaitlinCasillas surprised me with it because she wanted to encourage me. 🥰

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😊 4y
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#day10 #youngreadersday #thankfulthoughts
Throwback to last year, when this cutie put this book on his Christmas list. Unfortunately, we‘d already finished buying his gifts for that Christmas. But, I‘m #thankful this prompt reminded me that he wanted it, because now I can buy it for him for this Christmas! 😊🎄

Eggs That‘s Excitement ❣️❣️ 4y
obviateit @Eggs he loves mythology! 🥰 4y
kspenmoll Love this! 😂 2y
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Once a Runner | John L Jr. Parker
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Eggs I ran for many years 4y
obviateit @Eggs my husband is a runner. He just completed his first half marathon this past summer! I‘ve never been a fan of running, myself, even when I was healthy enough. 😅 4y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good! 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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Free Will | Sam Harris
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TheNeverendingTBR Absolutely 4y
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The Choice | Nicholas Sparks
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#day9 #relationship #quotsynov20

“If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.”

The Poetry of Rilke | Rainer Maria Rilke, Edward Snow
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TheSpineView Great choice! 🤩 4y
obviateit @TheSpineView thank you! 😁 4y
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#day9 #present #poetrymatters

If fear was plucky, and globes were square,
And dirt was cleanly and tears were glee
    Things would seem fair,-
    Yet they'd all despair,
    For if here was there
We wouldn't be we.

TheSpineView Love!❤❤❤ 4y
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#day8 #thestarsabove #thankfulthoughts
This whole series is so good. 🌙👑

Eggs Cover Love 💕 4y
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OriginalCyn620 Stacked! 4y
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Health Forensics | Steven Magee
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Poems and Letters | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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#day8 #past #poetrymatters
“This hand shall shake no more, nor that wine spill.”

TheSpineView Lovely! 👍🤩😊 4y
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I posted about storiarts.com yesterday, and then I saw this email from them today! This would be a great month to order some bookish gifts for yourself and/or your loved ones. I have a pair of writing gloves already, and I‘m thinking about getting more 😅. They also have free shipping on orders over $70 (or $100 intl). #stillnotsponsored #ijustlovethem 😂💖

Alice in Wonderland | Lewis Carroll
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#day7 #forevernovember
My favorite bookish product shop— that can be found on Etsy as well— is storiarts. These writing gloves are lovely and comfortable, and they have lots of different book prints. #notsponsored lol

OriginalCyn620 Cool! I‘m gonna check out that shop! 4y
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#day7 #bookloversday #thankfulthoughts

Hopefully I haven‘t been posting about #chronicillness too much. I‘ve been pretty open about my journey, because finding other #spoonies (people with chronic conditions) who were open about their struggles helped me to feel so much less alone. 🥰

Texreader This quote is so incredibly accurate. I‘m not the person I ever expected to be before my chronic situation. I am pieces put back together and still struggling with its impact ten years into it. Sob. Thank you for sharing. 4y
obviateit @Texreader I‘m glad it spoke to you!! I wasn‘t quoting the book. These are my thoughts that I wrote down when I saw today‘s prompt. 😊❤️ I‘m so sorry that you‘ve had to endure so much. It sure does steal who we‘d thought we‘d be. 😔 4y
Texreader @obviateit I figured out it was you because you mentioned Litsy which came much later than this book. 😉 Someone told me early on that it was a new normal and it‘s true. Sometimes I can accept it but sometimes it hurts mentally. I am fortunate to be in a place now in which the pain is mostly under control and this year I learned a method to deal with the side effect of insomnia from the meds, and I‘ve been sleeping again for the 1st time in years! 4y
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Texreader All that to say: you are not alone here. Share as much as you need to, it helps all of us. 4y
obviateit @Texreader thank you!! I‘m so glad you‘ve been able to find some relief. That makes such a big difference. It really is a new normal. I‘m fortunate that I have a great support system, but it‘s still hard sometimes to feel like I‘m trapped inside a broken body with a brain that just wants to go back to bed constantly. 4y
AkashaVampie @Texreader is right sweetie. Post as much as u need to. I'm also in the #chronicillness family, but I dont feel like I should sometimes becuz it's not something that is really really bad. Mine is Dysthymia, which is chronic depression. Mine comes and goes, mostly becuz I'm usually off and on meds. I'm on them now and doing good. I was diagnosed when I was 16 yrs old (had it since 14). I will be 35 next month. Enough about me. U are not alone. 😘🤗 4y
obviateit @AkashaVampie chronic depression is hard too! I‘m glad you‘re doing well right now! ❤️ Thank you for your kind words. 🤗 4y
Eggs @obviateit @Texreader @AkashaVampie I cope with chronic pain, ptsd, depression and anxiety-caused by cancer, chemo, radiation, cumulative grief, neuralgia, and spine degeneration. To all of you: I understand❤️💜❤️. Others tend to not believe you have challenges because they can‘t “see” anything wrong. Broken is a good way to describe it. I hope for the best and pray for us all 🙏🏻 4y
AkashaVampie @obviateit thanks sweetie. And ur welcome. 4y
AkashaVampie @Eggs thanks sweetie. Same to u... hope u find some relief from all ur pain. 😘🤗 4y
Texreader @Eggs It helps to share with others and know we aren‘t alone. I love that you are such a positive force here on Litsy! You are a true inspiration 4y
obviateit @Eggs ❤️❤️❤️ yes, exactly!! Hoping and praying for you, as well. 🤗🙏🏼 4y
Eggs @Texreader @AkashaVampie @obviateit thanks for your kind words and love 😌😌 4y
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I love my city. 🎉❤️🎉🤍🎉💙🎉

Chrissyreadit I love your city too!!! 4y
The_Penniless_Author Lol, I hadn't heard "jawn" since the 90s, and now this is the second time in two days! #phillyslang 4y
Megabooks Philly!! 💙💙 4y
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sprainedbrain I‘m so thankful to your city! 💙💙💙💙💙 4y
obviateit @The_Penniless_Author haha it‘s a great word! 4y
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#day6 #siblings #thankfulthoughts
I need to get this for my boys! They love the first Maple and Willow book. This one seems to be all about learning to get along. We may or may not need some encouragement in that area. 😅

Eggs Perfect 👌🏼📚🤗👏🏻 4y
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The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating | Elisabeth Tova Bailey
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#day6 #rest #forevernovember
What is the meaning of life when the Doing is stripped away, and all you have left to do is whatever you can do from a place of rest? Is there still value? Yes, those of us who have been bedridden with #chronicillness would say. ❤️ I‘m adding this to my #TBR.

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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#day6 #false #quotsynov20
“I am fond of history and am very well contented to take the false with the true. In the principal facts they have sources of intelligence in former histories and records, which may be as much depended on, I conclude, as anything that does not actually pass under ones own observation; and as for the little embellishments you speak of, they are embellishments, and I like them as such.”

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TheSpineView Great choice! 😍 4y
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julesG Perfect! 😂 4y
obviateit @julesG 😬😅 4y
Eggs Absolutely 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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The Mysterious Benedict Society | Trenton Lee Stewart
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#day5 #forevernovember
“You must remember, #family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.”

Soozee Lovely photo. Is this your family? 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper Beautiful picture 😍 loads of love to little ones💐🥰 4y
OriginalCyn620 Absolutely true! 4y
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obviateit @Soozee yes, this is us last year. Thank you! 😊 4y
obviateit @Blackink_WhitePaper thank you! 😊❤️ 4y
obviateit @OriginalCyn620 ❤️🙌🏼 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful family ❤️ 4y
obviateit @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you! 😊❤️ 4y
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