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Totally Weird and Wonderful Words
Totally Weird and Wonderful Words | Erin McKean
174 posts | 5 to read
Do you know what a snollygoster is? Would you eat something called a muktuk? Do you know anyone who engages in onolatry? Impress your friends and pepper your dinner party conversations with such nuggets as gobemouche, mumpsimus, and cachinnate. You can learn about all of these bizarre and beautiful words and many more in Totally Weird and Wonderful Words. Both witty and entertaining, this new paperback brings together two best-selling compendiums to all words unique and strange, Weird and Wonderful Words and More Weird and Wonderful Words. Offering a potpourri of colorful and fascinating words compiled by noted lexicographer Erin McKean, it contains hundreds of definitions, and has been updated to include two new essays, with over 150 words new to this edition. Written in a clear and conversational style, the book contains full-page cartoon illustrations by Roz Chast and Danny Shanahan. Featuring hundreds of words guaranteed to amuse and astonish, this is a book that will appeal to logophiles everywhere. It also features a bibliography of Oxford dictionaries and a guide to creating your own unusual words correctly from Greek and Latin roots. Smart and funny and with just a touch of whimsy, Totally Weird and Wonderful Words is the perfect book for reading in your sitooterie with a bumbo in your hand while mavises sing in your ear.
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So, is anyone beeking today? Not me. I'm AC'ing it as it's currently 108ºF with 33% humidity. 🔥

Texreader Oh yikes!! 2d
Texreader I‘m in quite cool London for another day. I am very sympathetic though. I feel it all the way here. 2d
AmyG No 2d
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dabbe @Texreader 🩵💙🩵 2d
dabbe @AmyG No to beeking or no to my weather? 😂😂😂 2d
lil1inblue I'll do some beeking for you. It's only 65 F here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula! If I don't beek, it's actually a little chilly! 😂 😉 2d
AmyG Ha! No to both! 2d
TheSpineView I am beeking today! It is only 90 here today. However, the humidity is around 70%. You leave the AC and the humidity just clings to you like a second skin. 🥵 2d
Cuilin With those conditions you‘re beeking without your consent. 🥵 2d
kspenmoll No beeking here! Just clouds! 2d
TEArificbooks My beeking only happens after the sun goes down. As long as the sun isn‘t bearing down the heat feels good for about 5 minutes, warms the bones. Temps dropped about 10-15 degrees this week because it has been cloudy. We aren‘t getting wet, the rain is staying on the mountains but I like the temp drop. 108 feels good after 115+ for weeks. Still getting heat sick every time we leave the house. 2d
dabbe @lil1inblue Thanks! I'll be beeking more in the late fall/winter. 🤩😂😀 2d
dabbe @AmyG Gotcha! 🤩😂😘 2d
dabbe @TheSpineView What a perfect description--I can feel the sweat sliding down my back! 🥵 2d
dabbe @Cuilin Well said! #bwmc (beeking without my consent) 😂😂😂 2d
dabbe @kspenmoll 🤩😂😀 2d
dabbe @TEArificbooks Same here. Are you in Phoenix, too? And why don't I know that? 🤔 2d
TEArificbooks No, An hour outside of Death Valley as a crow flies. 2d
dabbe @TEArificbooks Did I know that? If so, my brain has officially melted by #bwmc (beeking without my consent). You win the prize for hottest place on the planet. #thepainisreal🔥 2d
CBee If I beeked here I‘d possibly melt. The temps have been cooler as it‘s been raining every day, but the humidity ain‘t playin 😳😳😳 2d
dabbe @CBee Looks like we'll both be beeking in autumn! 🤩😂🤗 2d
Bookwormjillk Too humid here to beek much, but I‘m dreaming of September. 2d
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One of my most favorite new to me words, from my most recent read (You Be Mother). Mostly used in the book to mean a nap (which sounds SO NICE right now). Enjoy! #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

IndoorDame So fun!!! 3d
TheSpineView That's a cool word!😎 3d
psalva Love this! 3d
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CatLass007 Interesting. I wonder how the word originated? 3d
TheBookHippie Oh fun. 💤 3d
dabbe You put the zIzz in 💤. 🩵💙🩵 3d
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s British or Australian or both. Was trying to get more info from the Oxford Dictionary but I have to subscribe 🤦‍♀️ 2d
CatLass007 Well that stinks. Oh well. 2d
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I'm feeling pretty otiose after the dog walk today. 104ºF, 37% humidity. 😳

AlaMich Ha! I have that word of the day thing as well. Never heard otiose before, and I feel that I have a decent vocabulary. 1w
dabbe @AlaMich I love them and the cartoons. I had never heard of it either, and I'm a retired English teacher! 😂 1w
ShelleyBooksie New word for me - love it!! @dabbe - the fact that you walked in that weather shows that you are not otiose 1w
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CBee Okay, I could handle the heat without so much humidity - if it were 104° here it would be absolutely like walking in a stew ??? 1w
dabbe @ShelleyBooksie It certainly made me worthless after, though! 😂😂😂 1w
dabbe @CBee We keep hoping for the monsoon to actual bring us rain. 🙏 1w
CBee @dabbe 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (edited) 1w
dabbe @CBee 😘🤗😀 1w
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My oldest kiddo asked if “series” had a singular form - it doesn‘t! Neither does “species” or “feces” (since I‘m rhyming 😅😂). More examples: scissors, jeans, binoculars, glasses/spectacles 👓😁 (and many more)!
#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

CatLass007 Wow! What a great word! 1w
TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 1w
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CBee @CatLass007 it sent me down a rabbit hole for sure 😊 1w
BookmarkTavern Oh that‘s fun! 1w
Deblovestoread Love this! 💜 1w
peanutnine I really love this concept! Never would have thought about it 1w
dabbe When I first quickly read it, I thought it said “plurale tantRum“, and I was thinking it meant someone who get angry with plural words. 😂 1w
CBee @dabbe I thought the same 😂😂😂 1w
Daisey Cool word and concept! 1w
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I think I would go crazy living in the marmoral room in the pic above. 🤪

IndoorDame Oh, yikes! I‘m really hoping that‘s an AI idea of a room and not something an actual human designer decided to create 2w
TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣🤣😳 2w
CBee Nope lol 😂😂🤪🤪 2w
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Bookwomble It would be like living in a test for colour blindness! 😵‍💫 2w
dabbe @IndoorDame I hope so, too! I just pulled it off of Google images. 🤩😂😀 (edited) 2w
dabbe @TheBookHippie 🤩😂😀 2w
dabbe @CBee 🤩😂😀 2w
rwmg I've seen “rooms“ like that. They are just spaces for people to go in and take Instagram pictures. 2w
dabbe @rwmg Well, it does drive home the point about being more than “marmorial“. 😂 2w
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#WeirdWordWednesday @CBee
My partner and I were discussing the feeling of a Reese's cup when you bite into/break it after it's been in the fridge. I said it felt crisp but he said firm. But neither felt like the right descriptive. After some deep googling he found the word frangible, which we both agreed fit best. It "implies susceptibility to being broken without implying weakness or delicacy."
Language is funny #weirdwords

CBee I would describe it as crisp too! But frangible is SO much cooler 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2w
BookmarkTavern Oh I love that! 💖💖 2w
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@AllDebooks has me thinking about clouds ☁️ today! Not necessarily “weird” words, but interesting and lovely 😊 What‘s the coolest cloud you‘ve seen? #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

AllDebooks Great graphic 😊 2w
peanutnine Clouds are the best! I love when you have multiple types overlapping each other in the sky 🩵 2w
TheSpineView I like lenticular clouds and have only seen them a few times. 2w
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CBee @TheSpineView those are so cool! I‘ve seen them before too. 2w
CBee @peanutnine yes 👏🏻 2w
The_Penniless_Author Coolest cloud I ever saw (well, one of them anyway) was just last month - a hole punch cloud (the official name is a "fallstreak hole"). Google it when you get a chance, they're really amazing to see in real life. 2w
dabbe My favorite cloud is the cumulonimbus incus or anvil cloud--because to this Phoenician in summer it means that a thunderstorm is coming and that there will be rain! 💦 2w
mandarchy I'm thinking we all need to post our pics of clouds with the name of the cloud and hashtag weird word Wednesday! 🤯 2w
CBee @dabbe I love those too, especially in the summer! I always just hope it‘ll be a good soaker and not just enough to make it MORE humid 🥵😳😂 2w
CBee @mandarchy I need to find the one I got years ago that looked like a mushroom cloud ☁️ 2w
CBee @The_Penniless_Author you‘re lucky to have seen one - apparently they‘re super rare! Awesome 👏🏻 2w
mandarchy @CBee I tried to post a cloud pic, but got a message that the uploader was down 🙄😢 2w
dabbe @CBee That and also that the winds are so bad they knock out your power, and then you have no AC. 😱 2w
CBee @dabbe yessss been there 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 2w
CBee @mandarchy aw shoot! Maybe it‘ll work again soon. 2w
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#WeirdWordWednesday @CBee
I had to pause the audiobook and look up the spelling of this one 👀 It's pretty fun to say though 😀


dabbe It is! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
CBee Thanks for posting! Loving these new (to me) words today! 1mo
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#WeirdWordWednesday #weirdwords

Found this one in Samuel Johnson's dictionary; his definitions and words can be quite hilarious and/or interesting.

Deblovestoread 💜💜💜 1mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread 💚💙💚 1mo
CBee Nice 😊 1mo
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Schvitz—to sweat. It's so hot, I'm schvitzing over here!


noun: schvitz
a sauna or steam bath.
"our great-grandfather and his brothers went to the shvitz together"

verb: schvitz
"it was one of those godawful days with a billion percent humidity and everybody was schvitzing"

#weirdwordwednesday ? #yiddish

julesG Love your weird word posts. 1mo
TheBookHippie @julesG ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1mo
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IndoorDame That‘s definitely the word of the day! 1mo
julesG @IndoorDame I'll take 5-10°C from you. It's rather grey and cool in my part of Germany at the moment. 1mo
IndoorDame @julesG sold! 🙏 I‘ll send along some of the sunshine too :) (edited) 1mo
vlwelser It's 88 rn in Boston. Not a fan. 1mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 84 F here with humidity 76 percent 🥵 BLECH 1mo
CBee Don‘t even get me started. Alabama - nuff said. My schvitz game is STRONG 😂😂🥵🥵 1mo
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In Blacktop Wasteland, Bug apparently has an eidetic memory. I‘d probably go crazy seeing images in this way, which is further proven by my eyes going all crossy looking at some of the eidetic memory tests. I mean, I think I need an Advil 😂😂😂 #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

dabbe I'm with ya! 🤩😂🤗 1mo
psalva Thanks for continuing to tag me! I haven‘t been participating as much for one reason or another, but I still really appreciate seeing what words come up each week. And I‘ll get back on the bandwagon of posting eventually :) 1mo
CBee @dabbe they really need a crossed eyed emoji 😂 1mo
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CBee @psalva of course! I hope all is well with you ♥️ 1mo
Amiable I learned this word from “The Big Bang Theory” —Sheldon had an eidetic memory. See? TV can be good for you! 😄 1mo
CBee @Amiable ha! I‘ve never watched that show but I‘m sure I‘d love it! (edited) 1mo
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#WeirdWordWednesday #weirdwords

A much-needed word in today's world. 💙💚💙

Megabooks, Daisey, TheBookHippie, Amiable, Deblovestoread, vivastory, slategreyskies, CatLass007, mandarchy, TheSpineView, dabbe, IndoorDame, lil1inblue, peanutnine, psalva

CBee Good one ♥️♥️ Is it related to the word “ameliorate,” I wonder? 1mo
IndoorDame Excellent word! I don‘t tend to think of words as optimistic, but this one is, as we should all use it more 😊 1mo
lil1inblue I love this word! 😍 1mo
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kspenmoll Like this one! 1mo
dabbe @CBee I think so, perhaps the main difference being that “ameliorate“ is a verb, and “meliorism“ is a noun. I looked up the root word “meli“, and it means something like “to sweeten with honey.“ Makes sense, huh? 🤩 1mo
dabbe @kspenmoll 🤩 1mo
dabbe @CBee @IndoorDame @lil1inblue @kspenmoll ... now I'm also thinking of the song “What the world needs now is love sweet love ...“ 💙💚💙 1mo
IuliaC A great and much needed word! 🤩 1mo
dabbe @IuliaC Agree 💯! 🤩🤗😀 1mo
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Anyone else think this sounds like a French dessert? Anyway, enjoy 😊 I actually posted one today! #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

TheSpineView 😎😎😎 1mo
dabbe Love the images! 💙💚💙 1mo
CatLass007 This is a great word! I had never thought it sounded like a French dessert before, but now… I never really understood the meaning of the word until now. Totally cool. 1mo
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peanutnine It really does sound like a French dessert 🥐 1mo
psalva Love this word! It also happens to be the name of one of my favorite board games. 1mo
CBee @psalva I‘ve never heard of the board game! I‘ll have to look it up. 1mo
mandarchy I thought it was candy. Specifically Good & Plenty. Someone must have called it pastiche and it stuck because it's basically capsule shaped Allsorts which I never knew had a name until I just googled it. 🤯 1mo
CBee @mandarchy ohhhhh I didn‘t know that either! Aren‘t Allsorts British, @RaeLovesToRead? (edited) 1mo
mandarchy @CBee I just googled them and they are British. 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Yeah, licorice allsorts are British 1mo
RaeLovesToRead No idea what Good & Plenty are though! 😅 1mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead licorice ewwwww 🥴 1mo
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KadaGul 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2mo
CBee Vim and vigor 😁😁 2mo
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?? "Tuchas" is the Yiddish word for butt.

#weirdwordwednesday ?

IndoorDame 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2mo
jewright My mom and grandparents always used this word. I had no idea it was Yiddish! 2mo
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Ruthiella I‘m guessing it means something else on Portuguese. 😅 Reminds me of a friend who worked in translation from German to English and had to dissuade the client from naming their company GONADS. 2mo
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella 😅😅😅 2mo
CBee @Ruthiella omg 😂😂😂😂 2mo
CBee @TheBookHippie this is GREAT 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😂😂😂 2mo
UwannaPublishme 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
dabbe 😂😂😂 2mo
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This dinosaur name has taken me YEARS to get right, and I still don‘t know sometimes if I‘m saying it right 😂 Let‘s say it together - parasaurolophus, parasaurolophus, parasaurolophus. Here‘s a wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasaurolophus
#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords 🤓 🦕

CatLass007 Love this picture! 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 who knew that dinosaurs enjoy coffee and books? 😂😂 (edited) 2mo
TheBookHippie Love this 🦕🦖 2mo
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rabbitprincess My fave dinosaur! 2mo
AnnCrystal 🦖📙☕🦕 Love, love 🤩👍💝. 2mo
CatLass007 There are only two things that make me different from this dinosaur. There are no cats snuggling nearby. I don‘t like socks 2mo
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag! 2mo
Daisey What a fun word & picture. I‘ve gotten into the busier part of my summer, so I‘m not sure how much I‘ll post, but I‘ll definitely still follow the hashtag as I can. 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 I love socks but it‘s too hot to wear them now 🤷‍♀️ And my dogs are so weird and don‘t like to snuggle 😳😞 (edited) 2mo
CBee @rabbitprincess yes but can you say the name five times really fast? I swear it still trips me up 😂😂 2mo
CBee @Daisey no need to post regularly, just happy you‘d still like to follow ♥️ 2mo
CBee @TheBookHippie never thought I‘d be jealous of a dinosaur 😂😂 2mo
CatLass007 I wear sandals year round, unless there‘s snow on the ground. But we haven‘t been getting much of that lately. I am blessed with four cuddly kitties. Rarely all four at a time, unless I don‘t feel well. They just know.🐾💗 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 I‘m very jealous! 🐈‍⬛ ♥️ 2mo
CatLass007 People have so many preconceived ideas about dogs and cats. I‘m sorry your dogs don‘t like to snuggle. 🐶♥️ 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s okay 😊 I love them anyway 😁 2mo
CatLass007 Yeah, they‘re pretty hard not to love. Over the years, erm, decades, I‘ve been owned by cats with varying degrees of cuddliness. But they‘ve all been affectionate in their own ways. 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 I miss having cats 🐱 2mo
rabbitprincess @CBee Only because I‘ve had lots of practice 😂 My brother went through a dinosaur phase when he was small and my mum had such a hard time pronouncing the names, so she would just say “the dinosaur” and he‘d patiently teach her how to pronounce them 😂😂😂 (edited) 2mo
CBee @rabbitprincess oh my goodness, that‘s very sweet ♥️♥️ 2mo
CatLass007 @rabbitprincess That is a precious story. 2mo
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I have a feeling more than a few of us have felt finifugal when reading books. 😉
#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

BookmarkTavern Love this! 💕 2mo
dabbe YES! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
IndoorDame Awesome word!!!!!! 2mo
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lil1inblue @BookmarkTavern It's so me! 🤣💙 2mo
lil1inblue @dabbe 💙🤩💙 2mo
lil1inblue @IndoorDame Right! 💙 2mo
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Zeeskeit n. Sweetness, sweetheart (as a term of endearment).

Zeeskeit, Literally "sweetness," zeeskeit is a term of endearment you can use exactly as you'd use "sweetie" or "honey" in English.



ziskite, ziskeyt, zeeskeyt, zeeskeit, zeeskite

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Nope, it doesn‘t have to do with food 😂 I‘m posting this definition as it means to “thwart” in the book I‘m currently reading (The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle). But the main definition is “a hole in a ship's side to carry water overboard from the deck.” 😁 #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

peanutnine I love the multiple definitions and how the meaning has evolved over time! 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Do you not use scupper in the US? 2mo
CBee @peanutnine same! 😃 2mo
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CBee @RaeLovesToRead we don‘t. At least I‘ve never heard it before! 2mo
RaeLovesToRead It always blows my mind which words we don't share lol. I will have to get one of you lot to read through my dialogue if I write an American character 🤣🤣 Like, Rae, why do all your characters sound like they're from the East Midlands?? Haha 2mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead I would totally help with that! 2mo
AmyG I thought it was a kind of fish. Similar to a kipper. In the herring family 😳 2mo
rubyslippersreads There used to be a restaurant called The Rusty Scupper, so I always thought it was some kind of metal pail used on a ship. 😏 2mo
RaeLovesToRead I should totally make up some fake British-isms to perplex you and @The_Penniless_Author 🤔🤔🤔 2mo
CBee @AmyG it does sound fish like! 2mo
CBee @rubyslippersreads aw cool! Seafood place, I‘m guessing? 🍤 🐟 🦀 2mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead oh please, I‘d love it. My ancestry is British and Scotch-Irish, but mostly British. I so want to live there 😁 2mo
CatLass007 There was a movie with John Wayne and Ray Milland called Reap the Wild Wind. John Wayne played a sea captain who is accused of deliberately scuppering his own ship. This is not to be confused with Wake of the Red Witch, in which John Wayne also played a sea captain. I know the character Wayne played in Reap the Wild Wind was killed by a giant octopus. His character may have been killed in Wake of the Red Witch also. 2mo
dabbe I especially love it as a verb: How dare you? You scuppered my sailboat, y'olde arse! 🏴‍☠️ 2mo
Amiable @rubyslippersreads I also thought immediately about The Rusty Scupper! 😀 2mo
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Take your best shot. I know all your Britishisms. All of them! (Including scupper. I think I even used it in one of my books. 😁) 2mo
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Incidentally, one of my favorite books to read to Laura when she was tiny was Scupper the Sailor Dog. 🐶⛵️ 2mo
CBee @The_Penniless_Author that‘s so cute 🥰 2mo
CBee @dabbe 😂😂😂😂 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 a giant octopus! Wow 😮 2mo
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IndoorDame YES 🙋🏻‍♀️ 2mo
vlwelser Me 💯 2mo
CBee Yep yep yep 🤪🤪 2mo
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I just like this word. Hubby asked what it meant and I told him then said “like me!” 😂😂😂 At least well read 😂😉 (also the faction I think I‘d be part of in the Divergent series 🤓) *edited to add that I‘d totally be in the Amity faction, I was way off base lol*

CatLass007 I still haven‘t read the Divergent series. I‘ve got it, I just haven‘t gotten to it yet. Erudite is a great word! 2mo
dabbe I just “borrowed“ DIVERGENT from one of our Little Free Libraries in the 'hood because it was listed as a favorite bildungsroman on a #TLT! Love this word, too! 🤩 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s good! And I decided I wouldn‘t be Erudite, I‘d be Amity. No idea what I was thinking 😂 2mo
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CBee @dabbe see previous comment for my faction change 😂😀 2mo
CatLass007 😁 2mo
dabbe @CBee I'll keep it in mind when I read it! 🤩😂😀 2mo
TheSpineView Great word. Thanks for the tag!💜🏷 2mo
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Hey, parent(s) of #CatsOfLitsy, did you know that this is who you are? I sure didn't! 💙🐱💙

rubyslippersreads I knew. I come from a family of ailurophilea. 😸 3mo
IndoorDame I did not! That‘s awesome! Thanks! ❤️😽 3mo
dabbe @rubyslippersreads 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
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dabbe @IndoorDame 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Jari-chan Good to know! Thanks for sharing 😸 3mo
dabbe @Jari-chan 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
kspenmoll New word for this cat lover! 2mo
dabbe @kspenmoll Cool! 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Immediately thought of “squint,” and apparently it‘s a similar meaning 😀 Plus a cool architectural thingy. Enjoy ☺️☺️ #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

CatLass007 Thanks! I want you to know that I always share these with my youngest nephew (18!!?) who enjoys learning new words. 3mo
CBee @CatLass007 that makes me very happy 😊♥️ 3mo
CatLass007 Me too! Except for the fact that he‘s not a baby anymore.👶 3mo
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TieDyeDude Not quite the same thing, but my first thought seeing this was the Grand Central Terminal “Whispering Gallery“ https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/grand-central-terminal-whispering-gallery 3mo
dabbe Who knew there was a word for that? And such a fun one to say out loud! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
Amiable Ooh, that's a good one! 3mo
CBee @CatLass007 they really do grow up way too fast 😳 3mo
CBee @TieDyeDude that is the coolest - thanks for sharing 🤗 3mo
CatLass007 😱 3mo
CBee @dabbe I think I‘ll use squinch rather than squint from now on, just for fun. And to confuse people 😀😂 3mo
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#WeirdWordWednesday #weirdwords @CBee

To be fair, I think we also need to add polyHERSter and polyTHEIRSter to the dictionary. 😀

CBee I agree 💯 3mo
dabbe @CBee 💙🩵💙 3mo
Jari-chan Yes! 👏 3mo
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CBee Oh wow! News to me 😊😊 3mo
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Oh, I took a deep-ish dive with this one and learned so much already! These are only the most common examples - enjoy! If anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know 🤓♥️ #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

mandarchy Having grown up in a logging community, I was expecting something completely different 😂🌲🦉 3mo
CBee @mandarchy omg 😂😂😂😂 3mo
AmyG @mandarchy Ha! It‘s someone‘s birthday…send a logogram!!! 🪵 3mo
CBee @AmyG 😂😂😂😂 3mo
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"Bei Mir Bistu Shein" (Yiddish: בײַ מיר ביסטו שעהן, or Yiddish: בײַ מיר ביסטו שיין)

“To Me You're Beautiful"


? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvxkomTYkfM

kspenmoll Thanks for the link! 3mo
AmyG My Grandma loved this song. 3mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG Mine too. She danced to it 🙃 3mo
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AmyG Yes! Mine, too. 3mo
julieclair Does anyone even know how to sing like that anymore? 3mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair Actually yes, Jazz Clubs I‘ve heard some good stuff. Post Modern Jukebox comes close. It‘s lovely isn‘t it? 3mo
julieclair So, you just sent me scurrying to Spotify. I‘d never heard of Postmodern Jukebox. Oh my! Their cover of Jolene is unbelievable! Gut wrenching. I‘m an instant fan! 3mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair 😊🎶😊 3mo
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#WeirdWordWednesday @CBee
This is one I figured out from context clues but I enjoy the definition - "a violent expression"

CBee Great word!! 3mo
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I did not know until I discovered this word, but I am a morgenmuffel. 🤣

#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

psalva Same 😩 3mo
KadaGul @lil1inblue I think 🤔 majority of us are. #Donttalktomeinthemorning (edited) 3mo
BookmarkTavern LOLOLOL Yup. 3mo
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Bookwomble 😄 3mo
julesG My daughter asked me yesterday what a Morgenmuffel is and if anyone ever uses it in German these days. She insisted no one was using it anymore. 😈 When she was her non-cheerfullest this morning (teenagers, I get it, but still), I couldn't hold back and called her a Morgenmuffel. 😁😁 3mo
CBee Me too 100% 😂😂 3mo
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Thank you, Percival Everett, for introducing me to this word (and plenty of others, it was actually hard to choose 🤩). Here‘s a Wiki about fescennine verse - so interesting: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fescennine_Verses 🤓 #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

CatLass007 😮 3mo
lil1inblue Wow! That is fascinating. 3mo
dabbe Beautiful word! 🤗😀🤩 3mo
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Amiable This made me LOL. When my kids were younger, my oldest son asked me what a word meant because he was too lazy to look it up. This is how that conversation went: Son: “What does ‘salacious‘ mean?” Me: “Licentious.” Son: “What? What the heck does ‘licentious‘ mean?” Me: “Prurient.” Son: (throwing his arms into the air and stomping away) “Why can‘t I have normal parents instead of being forced to live with a human thesaurus?” 🙄😄 (edited) 3mo
CBee @Amiable 😂😂😂😂 that is the BEST 3mo
Amiable @CBee I was like, “don‘t ask the question if you don‘t want to hear the answer!” 😀 3mo
CBee @Amiable it‘s reminding me of my son - I have a habit of making everything into a song and he‘s like “mom, why do you have to do that” 😂😂😂 (cause it‘s fun lol) 3mo
Amiable @CBee Because embarrassing our kids is our right and our privilege! 😁 3mo
CBee @Amiable but of course! 😊😊😂😂 3mo
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After dealing with banking and financial issues today, I need this word. It's quite soothing to hear and see. 💚

CBee Great word! 4mo
dabbe @CBee 🤩 4mo
AnnCrystal 👏💝🌬️🍃☺️💝💝💝. 4mo
dabbe @AnnCrystal 💚💙💚 4mo
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The irony of this made me laugh. 😄


CBee This is a great one 😂😁 4mo
Tamra 😳say that ten times fast! 4mo
Amiable @Tamra I‘m not even sure I can say it once! 😀 4mo
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Found in my current read (Demon Copperhead), where it‘s written as “sigoggling.” Used to describe a bunch of cars at a party, parked a bit haphazardly 😁
#weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

peanutnine Well this one is fun to say! 4mo
IndoorDame Neat!!! 4mo
Megabooks I used this word all the time but I‘ve never written it! 4mo
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psalva This is such a good one! 4mo
CatLass007 I think this is a great word! Thank you. 4mo
dabbe This would be a fun one to make a song out of! “Last night I went sigogglin' ... down to the river so fair...“ 🎵🤩🎵 4mo
Amiable Fun word! I guess it‘s the Appalachian equivalent of “cattywampus,” maybe? 4mo
CBee @dabbe actually, when I searched for the word, there‘s a band called “Radioactive Sandwich” that did a song called “Sigogglin” 😁😂 4mo
CBee @Amiable it totally is! 4mo
vivastory This is very much a Lovecraftian word lol (edited) 4mo
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So I‘m not fond of the smell of manure 😑, BUT I do love the smell of dirt, earth, and grass… *sigh* #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

ImperfectCJ When I lived in North Carolina, the tap water in Chapel Hill had a very earthy flavor that people described as "fecund," which is how I learned this word. It always makes me think of frogs (and tadpoles) for some reason. 4mo
CBee @ImperfectCJ I believe I‘ve tasted water like that, it‘s interesting 😂 Believe it or not, I actually like the algae smell too and associate it with frogs and tadpoles 😊 4mo
dabbe It's definitely a one-of-a-kind aroma! 🤩😍😃 4mo
LiseWorks I live in farm country, and yes, the spread of manure is often here.And depending on the wind, folks around here decide when to put the laundry out. Lol and the corn fields are beautiful! 4mo
CBee @LiseWorks 😊😊 4mo
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A late night #weirdwordwednesday. A malaphor, or a mixed idiom is when two idioms are mixed with a comic result. They remind me of malapropisms. I meant to come up with a few of my own but didn‘t have much creative energy. Has anyone got any other funny ones? #weirdwords @CBee

CBee I‘ll have to think on this - never even knew it existed! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
BookmarkTavern Marvelous! 5mo
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Still riding on my mythology high after reading A Thousand Ships, apparently 😂😂 So here is my #weirdwordwednesday choice and even better, an article with examples of katabases (I believe that‘s the plural). Does anybody else want to slap Orpheus? Dude had one job and he screwed it up 🤦‍♀️😂🤔🤭🫣 https://www.thecollector.com/mortals-underworld-katabasis-greek-roman-mythology/

psalva Very cool word! I didn‘t know the Ancient Greek roots. In modern Greek there‘s still κατεβαίνω, which is the verb to go down or get off (of a bus for instance), and also καταλαβαίνω which is the verb “to understand.” One of those common roots I guess :) Also, I always got frustrated with Orpheus as well! 5mo
mrsmarch I just read A Thousand Ships too! Have you read Haynes‘ Pandora‘s Jar? 5mo
vivastory As someone who loves Dante's Divine Comedy (esp. Books 1 & 2) I love this one! 5mo
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
CBee @psalva I mean, he just needed to do one thing! Don‘t look back! But did he listen? Nope 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂😂😂 5mo
CBee @mrsmarch I haven‘t! Is it good? 5mo
CBee @vivastory I haven‘t attempted Dante and applaud you 👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
mrsmarch @CBee it‘s great! Definitely recommend! 5mo
CBee @mrsmarch I see I have it stacked already - will definitely move it up the list! Thanks 😊 5mo
Amiable Fabulous word! 5mo
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There‘s a word for everything! Even a word for things that aren‘t words.


Deblovestoread Something I didn‘t know I needed to know! Love it 💜 5mo
monalyisha Thanks for this super fun fact! 5mo
Amiable @monalyisha This would be an awesome Scrabble word, too. If I played Scrabble. 😃 5mo
monalyisha @Amiable Omg, 7 letters too (which would get you a 50 point bonus)! Salivating at the prospect… (edited) 5mo
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A favorite poem and word 😊 @vivastory I know you love this one too 😁 #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

TheBookHippie I love this! 5mo
IndoorDame A favorite!!! 5mo
Amiable I love this word! Along with jibber-jabber. There‘s just something about the j words. 5mo
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lil1inblue 😍 😍 😍 5mo
dabbe One of my better teacher assignments (other than the “mean“ April Fool's joke): after teaching the parts of speech, kids had to replace all of the nonsense words with bona fide real words. They loved it and couldn't believe that it was quite easy. That led into teaching all about sentence structure. Sigh. I miss teaching, but not all the *&(% that goes along with it. 💚 5mo
Deblovestoread Such a great word! 5mo
CBee @dabbe I had an ancient Latin teacher in high school - they actually dragged her out of retirement to teach Latin. She was just the best and I adored her, but she was made fun of by some of the other students - she had her glasses held together with safety pins, her slip was always showing, but I never cared. Anyway! She‘d recite Jabberwocky often in a wonderfully dramatic voice and I always think of her when I read it ♥️ 5mo
dabbe @CBee She sounds truly like one-of-a-kind. 💚💙💚 5mo
CBee @dabbe I‘m going to email you an article my hometown paper did about her! 5mo
Aimeesue We had to memorize this one in high school. I can still recite it. And often do. Poems are great to run through while you‘re having an MRI. 😂 5mo
CBee @Aimeesue I wish I‘d had that assignment! 5mo
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This week‘s word isn‘t from a current book, but instead a talk I watched about Tolkien‘s art. The speaker examined several illustrations pointing out possible faces. He also showed examples from the natural world. This is my own favorite from the creek near my sister‘s house. We called it the dog rock from the first day we saw it.

pareidolia: (noun) the perception of patterns or recognizable images, especially faces in accidental arrangement

CBee That‘s such a cool looking rock 😊 5mo
Daisey @CBee I‘ve always thought so! 5mo
TheBookHippie How cool! 5mo
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Saw some delightful news today that the 20th album of one of my favorite songsters, Chris Smither, is set to be released in May. I saw him live in November and he played one of his new songs called Down in Thibodaux. It‘s full of words that rhyme with the title: bateau, chapeau, crapaud, and fais-dodo, a typically Louisianan evening country dance. I had to share my enthusiasm for these delightful words on #weirdwordWednesday. #weirdwords @CBee ⬇️

psalva For anyone interested, a music video for the song dropped today as well. Here‘s a link: https://smither.com/news/ 5mo
CBee Oooo, very cool 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
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Let me once again take the opportunity to RAVE about this book (O Caledonia) - I‘ve been thinking about it ever since I finished. Sigh… also, the other weird word in the paragraph is “demesne” which is another word for “domain” 😊 And Hector was tipsy 😂😂 #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

CatLass007 All of those in one single paragraph! Thanks. 5mo
TheBookHippie 🙃 5mo
IndoorDame 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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CBee @CatLass007 I know, such good luck 👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
CatLass007 I think I may need this book. 5mo
dabbe I also had to look up “preprandial“! And I don't know what book this is, but I am intrigued! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
CBee @CatLass007 @dabbe it‘s O Caledonia, by Elspeth Barker. I can‘t recommend it enough ♥️ 5mo
BarbaraBB I purchased it because of your review! 5mo
CBee @BarbaraBB how cool! I hope you love it ♥️ 5mo
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I love everything about this: the word “vellichor” itself, the definition of it, the concept of a dictionary of obscure sorrows and the reason for its existence— EVERYTHING. 😍



Crazeedi I love books like this, I have 2 or 3 that are so intriguing! 5mo
IndoorDame 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
CBee I‘m going to have to look this book up! Sounds fabulous 😍 5mo
BookmarkTavern The book is amazing! 💖 (edited) 5mo
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Megabooks Love these! 5mo
IndoorDame These are fabulous! 5mo
TheBookHippie Ooooo love!!! 5mo
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dabbe Crayola needs to come out with colors and words just like these! ❤️💜🩷 5mo
CBee @dabbe I agree!! 5mo
dabbe @CBee Then the kiddies could learn some beautifully colorful words, right? 🤩😍😘 5mo
CBee @dabbe absolutely ♥️😊 5mo
peanutnine @dabbe yes! That's how I learned the word cerulean when I was little. It has always been my favorite blue 💙 5mo
CBee @peanutnine that‘s how I learned periwinkle 😊 5mo
dabbe @peanutnine 🤩😍😃 5mo
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Don't know why, but I've been feeling this word lately. Actually, I can think of quite a few reasons why ...

TheBookHippie 😅😵‍💫👀 6mo
AnnCrystal There's a word for that? 👏🥲💝🥺🙃. 6mo
AmyG I‘m with you. 😢 6mo
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IndoorDame Love that there‘s a word for that!!!! And right there with you feeling it 😢 (edited) 6mo
lil1inblue I've needed this word my entire life. 6mo
Amiable I have loved this word ever since high school German class! Germans are so very incredibly descriptive with their vocabulary. 6mo
CBee I‘m with you too 😅😳🙁 6mo
Mimi28 Awesome word 😉 6mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie ❤️💜🩷 6mo
dabbe @AnnCrystal ❤️💜🩷 6mo
dabbe @AmyG ❤️💜🩷 6mo
dabbe @IndoorDame ❤️💜🩷 6mo
dabbe @lil1inblue ❤️💜🩷 6mo
dabbe @Amiable ❤️💜🩷 6mo
dabbe @CBee ❤️💜🩷 6mo
dabbe @Mimi28 ❤️💜🩷 6mo
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Saw this word and couldn‘t resist for #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords ! 😀


IndoorDame 😆😆😆😆 6mo
CBee 😂😂😂😂 nice 6mo
dabbe Now that's a word I can stand behind! 😃 6mo
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Amiable @dabbe LMAO! 😆 6mo
dabbe @Amiable 🤩😂😍 6mo
Soubhiville Love it! 6mo
Tamra 😂who knew? 6mo
Daisey 😂🤣 6mo
LoverOfLearning Lmao! 6mo
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I love this word and never knew this was what it meant! I also love looking at old advertisements - makes me nostalgic for when things were (maybe) simpler? Not that I‘m old enough to have played with a zoetrope…..but I digress. Enjoy 😂🤪 #weirdwords #weirdwordswednesday

TheBookHippie Oh wow! How fun! 6mo
IndoorDame I had no idea those had such a cool name! I‘m old enough to have played with flip books, which aren‘t as aesthetically appealing lying around a playroom, but were a really neat evolution of that since they could tell a whole mini wordless story… 6mo
Megabooks Very cool! 6mo
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CatLass007 I‘ve seen pictures of zoetropes, and I‘ve heard the word zoetrope. But I never put the word with the toy. Cool. 6mo
CBee @IndoorDame my oldest son loves to make his own flip books 😊 6mo
IndoorDame @CBee awesome! 6mo
Amiable Cool Scrabble word for Z! 🙂 6mo
CBee @Amiable oh yes!!! 6mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
willaful When I was a kid, we had a book of paper cut out old-fashioned toys and it included a Zoetrope, so I guess I'm old enough to have played with one. 😂 We used to put it on the record player so it would spin. (There, now you know how old I really am!) 6mo
CBee @willaful that sounds cool! I had a record player - one for me and my parents had one too 😊 I guess I just meant I wasn‘t old enough to have played with it when it was new? 🤷‍♀️😂 6mo
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Who knew? Not me. A really fun one to say out loud, and it's a game, too! 😃

ravenlee A friend of mine discovered these when planning her wedding, and we had many conversations about tussie mussies over that year! 😆 6mo
dabbe @ravenlee @ravenlee I just LOVE saying it out loud! I even want to misuse it as in: “Don't tussie with me, mussie!“ 😂 6mo
ravenlee “Don‘t get your tussie mussie in a twist!” Or maybe just as a curse itself, “oh tussie mussie!” 6mo
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CBee @dabbe I approve this usage 😂😂 6mo
dabbe @ravenlee 😂😂😂 6mo
dabbe @CBee 😂😂😂 6mo
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Food plays such a big role in the last book I read (A Woman is No Man) and it all sounded so yummy 🤤 Therefore, here is my #weirdwordwednesday offering 😊 #weirdwords

dabbe 💜🩶💜 I want to eat all of that food as well! 🤩 6mo
vivastory I 💙 Mediterranean food 6mo
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For this week‘s entry, I present a word that was apparently invented for an episode of “The Simpsons” and is now an actual entry in Merriam-Webster. I‘d say that‘s a perfectly cromulent way of adding to the English language.


IndoorDame Love it! 6mo
CBee Hilarious! Love it 👏🏻👏🏻 6mo
dabbe 🤩😍😀 6mo
Daisey Such a fun fact! 6mo
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Thought this would be an appropriate one right about now. It is in my neck of the woods, at least. 😬


dabbe Stay safe and warm! 💜🩶💜 6mo
Daisey I love these Merriam Webster word of the day images, and I had to share this one with friends the other day as well! 6mo
Amiable @Daisey I‘ve lived in snowy climates my whole life and never heard of this word! I love it. 6mo
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