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Joined May 2016

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I absolutely loved this book! Set in San Francisco, the story focuses around Morayo, an independent and spunky 75 year old retired English professor and an accident which threatens her independence. Set around Morayo and those who interact with her I can only hope I have her zest for life when I reach that age. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Moray_Reads Loved this one too 7y
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Had to take a break from Litsy and reading😱 for personal reasons but very happy to be back to both! A few weeks ago I threw out my TBR, cleaned out a closet and created a TBR shelf with everything I have and have never read and have just been selecting what I want to read when I want to read it, best decision I have ever made! Happy fall everyone and have a fabulous week!😄🎃

Theresa That's going to be my reading challenge for 2018 - read whatever the heck I want to. 😝 Welcome back!! (edited) 7y
ReadingsByTheC You got some great choices in there. 😊 7y
PenguinInFlight Welcome back!! 💜 7y
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silentrequiem Welcome back! 7y
UwannaPublishme Cool! Glad you're back! 💜 7y
Lizpixie Welcome back! That's a beautiful tbr you have there😍 7y
chlobee Lots of good picks in there! 7y
Dragon Looks like you have some great reading ahead of you! I really liked IQ84 , but it's super weird. 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled When I first glanced at your photo I thought it was MY TBR stack! Ha! 7y
peacegypsy Love this pic and stack! 6y
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I wasn't expecting to like this one as much as I did. It ended up on my goodreads TBR by accident (I swear!) and I didn't really look at the description until I won a copy in a giveaway. However this book had much more depth than I expected. Rooney created such multifaceted characters and a story that felt very real. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #anditssugust #girlfriends!

mrozzz Ha! I'm about halfway through and having the same reaction!! 7y
KateFulfordAuthor @CAGirlReading perhaps you could consider my debut? Reviews are saying: “I loved this book more than I initially thought I would. Fulford infuses her characters with intense personalities that are prone to clashing with those of others. I loved Eve from the very beginning..." It‘s been nominated for The People's Book Prize 2018 too!

Learn more via the link in the BIO
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A Little Life: A Novel | Hanya Yanagihara
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I had to take a brief hiatus from Litsy in July but I'm determined to be back full time in August! On that note, my #augustmostanticipated is sadly a book I intended to read in June 😁 but I am determined to get to it this month! Also highly anticipated is Practical Magic which I've had for a while now but have never read😔

Librariana Oh!! I really, really enjoyed Practical Magic when I read it! So many more wonderful details than the movie adaptation! 7y
Blaire A little life is so good, but so painful. Almost had to stop several times. 7y
booksandsympathy I really enjoyed Practical Magic. I watched the movie again just before I finished the book and I did wonder at some of the things they changed that seemed pointless, like the birth order of Sally's daughters. 7y
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Scithighs I am slogging through A little life. It is so well written, but tough. 7y
Megabooks Welcome back!! 7y
BarbaraJean I listed the same book as "most anticipated" for at least two months in a row, then lost it behind the couch, then found it again... and still haven't read it... ?? (edited) 7y
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So I've been a little MIA on Litsy lately, between life and reading I haven't had much time to post so I thought I would start catching up with posting some of my June reads! This was my book clubs June picks and for a crime novel I was pleasantly surprised. This took some twists and turns I did not see coming and ended up being a very thoughtful read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Velvetfur Hiya! You've been given to me as a Litsy penpal! I'm Vikki, pleased to meet you 😊 7y
CAGirlReading Hi @Velvetfur nice to meet you! My e-mail address is diseriosm@gmail.com so we can chat further! I'm out of town with limited service but I'll be back this evening 😄 7y
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Ursa Major | Yves Bonnefoy
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I love it when I hear about a small publishing house doing great things!


Happy Friday everyone!!!🎉

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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Thank you @Oryx for the amazing gifts!!!! I can't wait to start reading (and do so in my new super cool banned book socks!) Thank you so much and happy summer solstice!📚💖📚💖📚 #summmersantagoespostal

Oryx You're welcome! I hope you like them. Some of my favorites. I had to myself a pair of the socks too 😄 couldn't resist. 7y
Tadkins I love, love, loved Station Eleven. 7y
CAGirlReading @Oryx I love them! Station Eleven has been on my radar for some time now but I haven't gotten around to it and the others look fascinating!📚💖 7y
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Smangela The book of lost things is an amazing read! 😍 7y
Kimmie Station Eleven was just pure pleasure!! Couldn't believe it when I couldn't get my book club to pick it. They don't know what they missed. A great reading experience 7y
Gissy Good books that are in my wish list! 📚📚😍👌🏼 7y
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Hellfire | John Saul
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@Books_Wine_Repeat not quite as hot as for you but feeling a little of your pain! #wtforecast

Dragon That's still very hot ! 🔥 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat After a certain temp, it's all the same. 7y
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I met him at a book signing and he is definitely an #attractiveauthor . I'm glad I really liked the book! 😄😍😂#junebookbugs

CouronneDhiver Good choice! 7y
RealLifeReading I've not seen his photo before Thur but definitely 👍👍 7y
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#canteven describe how fascinating it was to read about the late 18th and early 19th century America from a woman's perspective. It took me about 50 pages to get into it, it was a little dry at first but ended up being a very interesting read! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #junebookbugs

pocketmermaid I read portions of this for a women's history class and loved it! 7y
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It's been a while since I read this but an 800 page book about magic had to have some #floating #junebookbugs

Happy Friday everyone!!!

JazzFeathers Lol! It's been on my TBR for ages. I shoukd realky read it. I keep hearing wonderful things about it 😊 7y
Aims42 Happy Friday! It's a great read, definitely worth a re-read 😍 7y
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Twilight | Stephenie Meyer
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Only one I could think of for #dusk so I thought I would repost a photo from last years Bay Area Book Festival. They had section with free books and this is what was left at the end of the weekend! #junebookbugs

shanebeth haha, wow! 7y
Cinfhen 😂😂😂 7y
saresmoore Hahahaha! 7y
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quirkyreader Gee more Twilight than one knows what to do with. 7y
eanderson Hahahaha! 😂👏 7y
JazzFeathers 😂😂😂😂 7y
RealLifeReading 👍👍😂😂 7y
8little_paws This is HILARIOUS 7y
Mc_cart_ny Hahaha! I would have been kinda excited because I really liked reading these and would be happy to own them! But it's still a pretty funny picture! 😅 7y
rabbitprincess 😂😂😂 7y
Reggie Lolololol 7y
Suet624 😂😂😂 7y
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Bright Lines: A Novel | Tanwi Nandini Islam
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I couldn't find a book with a shape in the title but lines are close enough, right?😄 #Junebookbugs #ashapeinthetitle

RealLifeReading Loved this one 7y
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Total book haul for the weekend! Had a great time at this years #baybookfest and can't wait to start reading!

Hope everyone had a great weekend here's to a great week!📚💖😀

LeahBergen Great haul! 7y
vivastory Great haul. Just added "Spare Life" to my tbr 7y
StacksNShelves Glad to know you had fun too! 7y
Suet624 I so wanted to go 😩😩 7y
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Slipping | John Toomey
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An early morning panel on new Irish fiction. The authors gave a great discussion on the state of writing in and about Ireland today! If you've noticed I tend to end up attending the panels on international writing. One of the things I love about #baybookfest is the ability to engage with authors from outside the US😀

DeborahSmall The Belfast book festival starts this week and I'm disappointed that there's not many good Irish authors participating 7y
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Devil in a Blue Dress | Walter Mosley
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Today's book haul📚📚📚 Admittedly, I went a little over the top but it's so hard to say no! Had a great day and looking forward to day two😄📚💖 #baybookfest

ClairesReads Amazing haul 👌🏻 7y
HardcoverHearts I got many of these, too! I just want to dive into them all! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Nice! I want to read more Walter Mosley! Ive only read 7y
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Geoff Dyer was hilarious! What a wonderful discussion with Oddny Eir! #baybookfest

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Krys Lee gave an absolutely fabulous talk. I wish I had more time to speak with her afterwards! Definitely can't wait to read this one! #baybookfest

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Really great panel on nature writing and the environment, really bad photo! #baybookfest

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Just heard these three wonderful women discuss their books #baybookfest is off to a great start!📚💖

HardcoverHearts I was there, too! I loved the panel and bought all the books. But I rushed out to get to the From Every Angle panel with Roxanne Gay! 7y
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Blueberry I'll be there tomorrow with @NataliePatalie . 7y
CAGirlReading @HardcoverHearts Loved it! I would have liked to go to the one with Roxanne Gay but there was another one on nature writing I really wanted to see. I hate having to pick and choose, I wish I could go to everything! 7y
HardcoverHearts I'm with you! I had to miss one right now because I was going to pass out from hunger. Enjoy your day! 7y
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Coming up soon on my TBR! #lgbtq+authors #junebookbugs

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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Didn't even have time to snap a pick but my #summmersantagoespostal box is on its way!

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One I have read and one on my TBR! #yellowcovers #riotgrams

Happy Friday everyone!🎉

vivastory BHOSK is on my tbr too. Waiting for the right time to make a commitment 7y
Moray_Reads They'd a gorgeous copy of A Brief History of Seven Killings! 7y
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Gilead | Marilynne Robinson
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Sadly, my cleanest and most organized bookshelf and the only thing organized about it is that the books are aligned somewhat neatly😬📚📚📚#shelfie #riotgrams

Mamashep I see some good ones on that shelf! 7y
Lcsmcat Lots of great titles there! 7y
DivineDiana I get you! See one of my favorites- 7y
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A Little Life: A Novel | Hanya Yanagihara
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If everything goes as planned I should be able to finally get to this one this month! #junemostanticipated #junebookbugs

goodbyefrancie I have this one in my TNT mountain, but I want to make sure I have lots of time before I take it on. I've read that it takes over your brain. 7y
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Wow, this book packed more of an emotional punch than I expected. The book is told from the perspectives of multiple people in the course of a day of demonstrations and at only slightly more than 300 pages I wouldn't have expected this to work as well as it did. Definitely worth the read!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Yeah_I_Read I really liked this book 😊 7y
haileybean LOVED this book 7y
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The Sparrow: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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#bestofmay I enjoyed every book I read this month which is pretty great on itself but hands down the best was The Sparrow (honorable mention goes to The Love of a Good Woman by Alice Munro)💖💖💖

Hope everyone had a fantastic May and here is to an even better June😄🏖

BookInMyHands This is one of my all-time favorite books. 7y
Sydsavvy Great book👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Lacythebookworm Loved this one! 😍 7y
Scithighs I loved it too! Definitely need to re-read 7y
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The Sellout: A Novel | Paul Beatty
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I realized that I don't really read satirical books. Fortunately I recently added this one to my physical TBR 📚! #satire #maybookflowers

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Finished one of my #doorstoppers ! While it clocks in at close to 900 pages, it was a pretty readable book and I was able to read it in a little more than a week. While I've read books about WW2 which go into significantly more detail, I thought Kennedy did an excellent job given the length of time covered! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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In honor of Memorial Day, remembering those who gave their lives #inmemorium #maybookflowers

Texreader Thank you. 7y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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My first and still my favorite by Terry Pratchett, a crime novel Discworld style 😄#farflung #maybookflowers

MariaW 😍😍😍 #speakhisname 7y
JazzFeathers That is the weirdest cover l've seen for this series 7y
vivastory Okay, crime novel in disc world. I believe i found my first Pratchett @saresmoore 7y
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saresmoore @vivastory No joke, I almost tagged you for this post! Hahaha! Perfect. 7y
vivastory @saresmoore Do you own a lot of Pratchett books? 7y
saresmoore @vivastory I have four on Kindle and two of the collectible hardcovers. They're surprisingly hard to find at my library. 7y
vivastory @saresmoore He's so beloved, i think his books will always be difficult to find at the library. The collectible hardcovers are delightful. I believe @Laalaleighh has all of them. Feel up to pulling off a book heist? 😂 7y
saresmoore @vivastory Muahahaha! @Laalaleighh Don't worry, I'm even less resourceful than the Ankh-Morpork Night Watch. I'm sure your books are safe. 😂 7y
vivastory @saresmoore I just need to do a little research first @Laalaleighh 7y
saresmoore @CAGirlReading We've totally hijacked your post! @vivastory The "Burglar's Guide" book actually sounds really good...and like it would give me nightmares. 7y
vivastory @saresmoore it does sound very interesting. It was buried in my tbr & i forgot about it until we began talking about heists. It also made me think of the new Andy Weir book 7y
saresmoore @vivastory I hadn't heard about it, but it sounds awesome! Heist on the moon?! It reminds me of a Dr. Who episode that I love. Stacked. 7y
CAGirlReading @saresmoore @vivastory I love bookish hijackings!📚💕 7y
Laalaleighh @saresmoore @vivastory you can try but they are securely tucked away in L-space and my two book guardian kitties are vicious and unforgiving. (edited) 7y
vivastory @Laalaleighh @saresmoore book kitties! Foiled again! 📚 🐱 💀 7y
vivastory @CAGirlReading right? It sounds like a blast 7y
saresmoore @Laalaleighh L-space! So clever. It is governed by very strict rules, so even if @vivastory and I could get into it, we couldn't steal the books. I bow to your bookish brilliance. 7y
Laalaleighh @vivastory they are fierce and ferocious guardians. Just don't show up when the sun is in their favorite spot. They become utterly useless... shouldn't a said that... 7y
Laalaleighh @saresmoore You also might get lost and stumble out somewhere else entirely... Happens to me sometimes. 😊 7y
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Spent an #introverting and introspective day hiking in the Marin headlands. A little fog to begin with but the sun popped out a little later🌤 #maybookflowers

tpixie Lovely 😊 7y
JSW A hidden treasure of CA. Love the headlands. 7y
minkyb Lovely! 7y
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Daisey Beautiful place to spend the day! 7y
Dogearedcopy If you're still in the area, check out the pub at The Pelican Inn! Nice old English pub feel, excellent bartender who knows how to pull a proper draught, and their house brew (actually brewed for them by Laguinitas Brewing Co.) is amazing! You can also sit on the lawn outside, eat & drink there. ❤️ (edited) 7y
RohitSawant Beautiful view! 7y
Suet624 This made my heart ache a little. I miss California. 7y
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Snow | Orhan Pamuk
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This is my favorite of Pamuk's books, it revolves around a writers return to his hometown in Turkey⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #setinthemiddleeast #maybookflowers

vivastory I read "My Name is Red" last year & loved it, definitely need to read more by him. 7y
minkyb Oh. I didn't know about this. Thanks! 7y
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One of my favorites by Tana French, the book starts with an old #missing persons case. #maybookflowers

RealLifeReading I really should read more of her books! I've only read 7y
Reviewsbylola Definitely one of my favorites too. Love Frank! 7y
RebeccasReading This is definitely one of the best she's written! Love Tana French! 7y
TNbookworm I really liked this book! 7y
MyNamesParadise This is my favorite by her as well!! 7y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Coming home to book mail is fabulous but coming home to see this on my doorstep is even more exciting!!!!! Thank you to my secret Santa, I'm going to have to find a good place to hide it so I'm not tempted to open it before June 21st! 😍📚#summmersantagoespostal

In the Woods | Tana French
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I loved the millennium trilogy but I was very disappointed with The Girl In the Spider's Web. Fortunately I stumbled across Tana French and have a new author to get my crime fiction fix! #readthisnotthat #maybookflowers

bobregina Felt the same about The Girl in the Spider's Web. Only read the first 50 pages. It's sad because I absolutely loved the trilogy! 7y
Tamra I have a reluctance to read a series picked up by or a book finished by another writer. 7y
Reviewsbylola I have decided not to even try Spider's Web. I just can't do it. I can't fathom anyone being able to create the world Larsson did. 7y
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Reviewsbylola Love Tana French too! 7y
Anton I liked Spider's Web for what it was, but I'm still hopeful Larsson's fourth Millennium manuscript will get published someday. 7y
RealLifeReading Loved In the Woods! 7y
seebiscan Yes, Tana French is so so good! 7y
Sydsavvy Love Tana French. I quit reading the Girl because it seemed like all the action was based on violence against women. I do think that belongs but, surely here is not just that? 7y
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The Giver | Lois Lowry
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The book which made me appreciate an unclear or #cliffhanger endings. I loved not knowing what really happened to Jonas and was a little sad when she came out with additional books. #maybookflowers

Sarahr875 Soooo you liked the cliffhanger. But did you know there are three more books to this series? They're amazing. 7y
CAGirlReading @Sarahr875 yes, they weren't out when I read this years ago and I've heard good things but do think The Giver could stand on it's own without sequels😀 7y
Sarahr875 @CAGirlReading agreed!! I also read it as a stand alone and then years later learned about the sequels. The book is fantastic alone, but I felt like you had to know about the sequels if you didn't already! 7y
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The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho
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While the writing didn't blow me away by any means, the #childlike optimism of the story kept me hooked. ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 #maybookflowers

Teresa3 So true. I read it in one sitting. 7y
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The Count of Monte Cristo | Alexander Dumas
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My favorite book of all time is The Count of Monte Cristo, this was established when I was 14 and I haven't reread it so it stays there😄 As I am very very critical of movie adaptations you would think I wouldn't like the movie but it was #sobaditsgood #maybookflowers

CrowCAH Love this book and the movie wasn't too bad! 😍 7y
Gissy I want to reread it too!!! 7y
Gissy I'm just looking for a pretty edition! 7y
Mc_cart_ny I remember loving the movie! But the book is too intimidating to me 😶 7y
JackOBotts I love The Count! The way his plan unfolds...incredible! 7y
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Probably my favorite Alice Munro collection to date, I liked this selection of stories even better than Runaway. It's still remarkable to me how well she develops her characters and crafts such compelling stories in only 50 or so pages. Definitely worth a read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Lcsmcat Munro is amazing! 7y
ephemeralwaltz I loved this! I have the same edition and I'm so in love with the cover❤ 7y
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#maybookflowers #war A fascinating look at the choices which lead to 9/11 and decades of war in Afghanistan.

MyNamesParadise I have this book so that's good to know!! 7y
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Light On Yoga | B. K. S. Iyengar
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A yoga class after work on a Friday is a great way to start the weekend in #peace 😊 Happy Friday everyone!!!

Jess_Read_This 🌺#Namaste🌺 Sounds like a great weekend start! 7y
JazzFeathers I've just started practucing yoga and l already live it 😊 7y
readinginthedark Genius idea! I did some yoga this morning; it was a nice way to center myself after the insanity of this week. 7y
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I don't read many books about #hollywood but I was given this a few years ago and it was a pretty interesting look at the changes to the film industry in the late 1960's. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #maybookflowers

JanuarieTimewalker13 That does sound good! I've read a number about older celebrities and filmmaking, but not this! 7y
Ange44 I loved this book! 7y
Curley_Bender Mark Harris is one of the best. "Five Came Back" might be even better. And the Netflix doc is top notch. 7y
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Atonement | Ian McEwan
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I had a hard time coming up with an #obsession but this book as well as everything I've read of Ian McEwan's was absolutely wonderful #maybookflowers

HeatherBookNerd He's one of my favorite authors. I think this is his best. 7y
Carissa-Green-Reads This is one of the best books I've ever read 7y
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After The Sparrow, I needed something different to help deal with the book hangover and this ended up being a great pick. This is a great collection of essays which explores our fascination with ruins with highlights on Roman ruins (Pompeii, etc.) as well as our perspectives on death and loss. A really thoughtful and insightful collection⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

JazzFeathers Sound really interesting 😁 7y
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This is probably still one of my favorites by Jim Crace, although I loved Being Dead as well. The book is essentially a reselling of Jesus' 40 days in the desert but is told partially from the perspectives of others searching for their own personal redemptions at the same time and place. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #maybookflowers #startswithq

Redwritinghood This is a great book. I read it a few years ago and loved it. 7y
ApoptyGina69 Just reading Quarantine now and enjoying it. Reminds me a bit of The Red Tent crosses with 7y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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#maybookflowers #fruit No oranges on this cover but there are cherries!

Donna_sBookMinute . . . and banana curls 🍌 7y
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This is my pick for #booksaboutmothers I was introduced to Amy Tan my freshman year of high school and it didn't take long to read everything she had written. I also credit Amy Tan with helping the teenage me see my mom as a person rather than rather than just a disciplinarian (oh...the teenage years😔) #maybookflowers

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

johnnie_cakes One of my all-time favorite books. 7y
EricQiao Amy Tan is my idol. 7y
Reggie A friend of mine and I used to quote this movie constantly..... "why u buy ingredients for chunky peanut butter pie, u think u make peanut butter pie, he love u, u the foolish one." My best birthday present was a feather the same friend had given me and said it carried all his hopes and dreams for me that year. I still have it. 7y
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Mother's Day | Dennis McDougal
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Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! My sister and I celebrated with my mom by heading out for a fabulous hike. Hope everyone is having a great day!😄⛰🎉🍾

JanuarieTimewalker13 Wow!! Is that San Francisco in the background? 7y
StacksNShelves Beautiful! 😍 7y
minkyb Gorgeous! 7y
CAGirlReading @JanuarieTimewalker13 Yes! We were hiking in the Marin Headlands. 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Oh, how I love the Golden State!! Enjoy your beautiful region! I haven't been to Cali since 2004, and I'm way overdue!!! 7y
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I'm glad this one is finally getting to the top of my TBR! 📚📚📚#maybookflowers #eyesoncovers

Tcip Great book!!! 7y
Spiderfelt I can't wait to hear what you think of it. I loved the excerpt I heard performed live. The words are lyrical. 7y
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