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Night Watch
Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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A new stage adaptation of one of Pratchett's best-selling novelsSet in Ankh-Morpork one of the most thoroughly imagined cities in fantasy, Night Watch is the story of Sam Vimes, running hero of the Guards sequence, who finds himself cast back in time to the Ankh-Morpork of his youth. With a psychopath from his own time rising in the vile ranks of the Cable Street Unmentionables complicating things, Vimes has to ensure that history takes its course so that he will have the right future to go back to, and to keep his younger self alive."One of the funniest English authors alive" (Independent)
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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My reread suggests you need at least a second read to get everything out of this jam-packed book. This feels like a turning point in Vimes' characterization - not simply the building blocks falling into place, but the cohesive nature of how he sees and acts in the world. He has doubts, that's key to his character, but the way he thinks... I now get to solidify whether this, Thud or Snuff is truly my fave of the City Watch books. Onwards!

Robotswithpersonality Themes that stood out this time around:
-Exactly how angry Vimes is about the corruption that he slowly recognized in his younger years, when he didn't have the resources to fight against
-How clear the line is, his own personal moral compass, even if in practice that means he deals with a lot of gray in the every day, he knows when things are particularly bad, when you don't cross it, and would never do so, and gets to work that out verbally in instructing his younger self
Robotswithpersonality -the idea of people who cannot be reasoned with, who manipulate the system, who take pleasure in inflicting destruction and pain, who have no greater goal, chaos in human form, a little more complicated than standard 'evil', but certainly make for a classic nemesis 8mo
Robotswithpersonality -the beast, an idea of mindless savagery perhaps necessary to a warrior in a battle situation against an enemy that cannot be reasoned with, but inconvenient to a member of law enforcement, introduced in the Fifth Elephant, gets a name in this book, which then sets up the further development of a darker voice Vimes has to struggle against in later books 8mo
Robotswithpersonality -infinitesimal as it might seem, change is possible, to make a bad situation, bad city, a little less bad, chances are there will be loss, that any change will be hard won, that there may be back sliding before the next struggle for change reasserts itself, that the sacrifice may get lost in the shuffle, but it was still worth it
-individuals can make a difference
Soubhiville This is one of my favorites 8mo
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Happy #ManicMonday !

📗 Nigh Watch
🖋️ Garth Nix
🎥 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
📺 9-1-1
🎤 Natalie Cole
🎶 No Rain by Blind Melon

#LetterN @CBee

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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What‘s up lovely #Littens ? I saw an #EnamelPin, I bought it. And now I‘m going to have a cry. Ta! 😂

Lucy_Anywhere This is one of my favorites of the Discworld books 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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A lot of options for a book that #BeginsWithN I decided to look at my GR tracking from a few years ago & was reminded of this gem. I have read only 2 Pratchett books, 3 if you count Good Omens, & I always meant to read more. I enjoyed his satire mixed with his humor.
#GratefulHarvest @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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According to GR I read this 4 years ago. I like to think that I was not naive, at least politically, when I read it. Looking through the quotes I posted on Litsy at the time, the above really jumps out, especially "You then was what you had to be to start out on the rocky road etc" Although many aspects of my life have remained the same, my life as it was then is almost impossible to imagine.

Scochrane26 😂 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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📚 Well I accidentally skipped some books in the city watch series ...

More of Sam Vimes here and well he‘s changed from GG 🖤🖤🖤

I enjoyed some characters I recognized and some new ones including younger selves ... Nobby, Dibbler, Vetinari, Rosie Palm & Mossy Lane.

I think I love Death but this might be my favorite Discworld book that I‘ve read so far.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👇🏻

Twainy No real magic other than the convergence that sends Vimes back 30 years to err teach his younger greener self.

A police-y politic-y novel with the usual humor and thought provoking writing style I‘m getting to know. Definitely rereadable!
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Can Captain Sam Vimes protect his own timeline when he‘s thrown back 30 years into the past as a serial killer wreaks havoc?

This is an intense and timely (😅) read. Time travel shenanigans. Revolution. Corruption. And police brutality.

The whole story of Vimes‘s attempts to change the future is a story of enduring hope, even in the face of overwhelming hardship and pushback. And is one of the reasons Vimes is one of my favorites. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

Lucy_Anywhere This is possibly my favourite of all the Discworld novels! 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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‘That's a nice song,' said young Sam, and Vimes remembered that he was hearing it for the first time.

‘It's an old soldiers' song,' he said.

‘Really, sarge? But it's about angels.'

Yes, thought Vimes, and it's amazing what bits those angels cause to rise up as the song progresses. It's a real soldiers' song: sentimental, with #dirty bits.


Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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I really liked this one! I always like the City Watch books, but with the added time travel angle and it‘s focus on Sam Vimes and Havelock Vetinari, in both the past and the present, it was better than usual. And Young Nobby was a great bonus!


TheSpineView Awesome! 👍📖 3y
GingerAntics Oh I totally forgot to review. Thanks for the reminder 3y
Lucy_Anywhere This is one of my favourite Discworld books 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Well. That hits close to home 😳

#ookbookclub #pratchettposse #discworld

julesG Very close. 3y
Soubhiville Yep. We‘ve definitely had some of this recently. 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Hello friends! Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a spoiler. Find #NightWatch post & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag each other & we'll jump in to discuss with you. Feel free to chat about anything!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #NightWatch! Feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

khooliha I know this is a very popular Discworld book, but I found on this reread that it doesn't work for me that much. I can't help but pair this book mentally with Interesting Times and its view on revolution. It casts a pall over the book for me. Still, I like Vimes dad'ing all over time and I love young Vetinari and his aunt. 3y
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khooliha I miss everyone else, though, and didn't feel that engaged with most of the old watchmen. On the flipside, baby Nobby is -heartbreaking-. 3y
GingerAntics @khooliha I really struggled with that. It just didn‘t feel like the rest of the series that I‘ve read. The regular, witty banter wasn‘t there. Young Vetinari was fun, though. I did like getting to see more of his back story. 3y
DrexEdit I did enjoy this entry in Discworld. I liked learning a bit more back story on the Watch and Vetinari. Did we know that he was in the assassin's guild? I don't recall that that was stated with any certainty before, although I think it's been hinted at. This is only my first time through so I don't have all the details fixed yet! I agree the tone was more serious here but I didn't mind it and I have a soft spot for Sam Vimes, I guess. :-) 3y
julesG @khooliha @GingerAntics @DrexEdit I agree, this was good, but not as good as some of the others. I think Vetinari having been in assassin's guild was hinted on. 3y
GingerAntics @julesG yeah, I don‘t think it was a surprise to anyone who has read any of the previous Discworld books with Vetinari in them that he ended up with a shady past. I think that has been made abundantly clear. I have always wondered about his shady past, so in that sense this book was really good. I just feel like at the end, it was almost like “and now back to our regularly scheduled programming.” 3y
julesG @GingerAntics You've got a point there. It felt like a special/holiday episode. 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

I know this is a well loved book, but this Pick likely falls on the wobblier end for me (and may change after I sleep on it). I just... I don't like the hopelessness around the possibility of revolution. I like the stuff with Vimes being everyone's Dad in the past, but the impossibility of change when he comes from a future where THINGS HAVE CHANGED... I dunno. It's frustrating, I think.

khooliha I feel so MUCH for Reg in this, and am retroactively sad he's now a cop and more fiercely glad he's still fighting for people's rights. 3y
khooliha I'm mad? I'm mad! 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Real talk, though: what did those men die for? I'm currently feeling unsatisfied.

khooliha What did they die for in the first timeline? 3y
khooliha And what of the non-cop casualties? How do -they- rise up? 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Fellas, is it gay to have the last emotional interactions in a book be with the leader of your city who showers you in gifts constantly and just figured out you were the answer to a life long time travel mystery, and also that he thought he saw you dead in the past and fought with those trying to avenge you??
#OokBOokClub #IAmShippingTrash #VimesSybilVetinariOT3

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

I will say, this book is a bit of a hard read now versus when I was 13 with regards to the dialog around "rioting" and how cops are/should be involved.

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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Oh, I love Vetinari's aunt! I love that he picked up the looking at people over your hands tic from her. I love her so much that I'll forgive the somewhat cliche bit of a male foil's female family being attracted/attractive to a male lead. (Honestly, in this case if just reinforces my assurance that Vetinari is attracted to Vimes. Teen Havelock thinks Vimes is a genius!)

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Also mildly bummed that the dis-organizer event from Jingo didn't get brought up when Lu Tze was explaining timelines and choices and such to Vimes.

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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Gotta say, I don't like "Don't let me detain you" in the mouth of anyone other than Vetinari or Carrot, who learned it from his political bff Vetinari.

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Oh right, this takes place during the climax of Thief of Time! When I first read this I thought there have been another time fracture nearly immediately. To be fair to me, I was 13 or whatever.

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Aww boo, I guess this book doesn't take The Last Hero into account? Surely Ponder and Carrot met? I don't think Carrot would forget Ponder because he's Carrot, and I don't think Ponder would forget Carrot because... he's Carrot.

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #NightWatch!

Looking forward to our discussion next month!

Happy reading!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Just a friendly reminder that next month we'll be reading #NightWatch! Dig out your books, put in your library holds, or place your orders! The next Discworld adventure continues on April 8th! Woohoo!

If anyone wants to be tagged/untagged for future posts please let me know! Happy to oblige!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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“They‘d gone through life being amiably uncertain, until the ultimate certainty had claimed them at the last.” #claim #QuotsyFeb21

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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Oh Death, how I love you and your quirky bedside manor. Also, now I would like some cake. 🍰

ScientistSam Night Watch is so good! 3y
Leftcoastzen I was told there would be cake!🍰 3y
Hooked_on_books The end of cake?!? 😱 That‘s so evil! 3y
AmyG Now THAT is sad. 😢 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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We made it past halfway for #24in48! And third book finished!

I love Discworld, and I love the watch. I thought this was a reread for me, but it turned out not to be, so even better. I love the time travel aspect and the Time Monks. Clever little twists and turns, with a couple of hilarious Death cameos. I‘m about to post my favorite quote, then sleep to rest up for another 12 hours of reading tomorrow 📚❤️!

Ellies_Books06 Love Terry Pratchett💙📖💙 3y
Linsy Love that cover! 💜 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Has anyone gotten over the recent trailer for Sir Pterrys Night Watch yet? #discworld #pratchettposse

TK-421 I haven‘t watched the trailer yet—is it awful? 😱 4y
Heideschrampf @TK-421 worse. His daughter tweeted “the watch obviously shares no DNA with what my father created” 4y
Soubhiville I‘m going to avoid it. 3y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Book 82 - audio

This is the start Week 5 of (at least) 12 for 100% virtual learning for my 3 kids. It's a struggle for all 4 of us.

Im in need of some good reading "comfort food." This book falls into that category for me. It's cozy, I know what's going to happen, and I enjoy letting the words wash over me.

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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“He never #forgot. He just put the memories away, like old silverware that you didn‘t want to tarnish. And every year they came back, sharp and sparkling, and stabbed him in the heart.” #QuotsyJuly20

kspenmoll Like this!!💜 4y
Blueberry Wow! 4y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Look, it took me a while to think of this one, okay?

Discworld May. It counts. I don‘t usually pay attention to when a book is set, seasonally speaking. 🤣

Time Travel. Puns. Revolution. This book has it all. ❤️

@ShyBookOwl #BookHunt #ScavengerSaturday

ShyBookOwl Haha awesome! I tend to be a seasonal reader, so maybe I pay more attention than most ppl 🤔 thx for playing! 4y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Sam Vimes is transported back several decades and meets up with his earlier self. Many fans put this one high up in their personal ratings, though it's considerably darker than most and certainly won't mean much if you read it out of sequence. Plenty of lines that made me laugh out loud but I found it overall one where Pratchett was perhaps striving a bit too hard for profundity at the expense of the jokes.

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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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“Who knew what evil lurked in the hearts of men? A copper, that‘s who.”

#QuotsyFeb20 | 12: #Copper

📷: Made with Typorama

LiterRohde @TK-421 I made this before checking. Oh well. 4y
TK-421 It‘s all good! And great minds think alike, right? 😄 4y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Coppers were always outnumbered, so being a #copper only worked when people let it work. If they refocused and realized you were just another standard idiot with a pennyworth of metal for a badge, you could end up as a smear on the pavement.” #QuotsyFeb20

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Almost forgot #adventrecommends day 5

Sir PTerry will probably crop up a few times for me, but I‘m kicking off with Night Watch. Time travel! Serial killers! Revolution! Truth! Justice! Freedom! Reasonably Priced Love! And a Hard-Boiled Egg!

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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#gratefulreads #characteryouhatetolove
Havelock Vetinari, the Lord Patrician of Ankk-Morpork should be everything I despise, unelected ruler, arch manipulator, calculating politician, trained assassin. He is one of Pratchett's best characters. Some of his exchanges with Vimes are among the best in the Discworld. Night Watch is one of my favourite of his appearances.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Mandoul Totally agree @Balibee enjoyed his relationship with Vimes. This is one of my favourite Discworld's too 👍 5y
OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚🖤 5y
Balibee146 @mandoul agreed... It is one of my absolute favourite Discworlds.... I'm planning to start rereading the whole series shortly. 😁 5y
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Lucy_Anywhere Such a great choice! 5y
Mandoul I'm thinking i should do the same thing @Balibee146 ! 5y
Balibee146 @mandoul in the late nineties I did a sequence reread of all the ones published so far and it was good fun. I remember often a single sentence in one book contained the germ of the idea for the next book in the sequence, which I hadn't spotted before. Think I will read around two a month starting on January 1st 😁 5y
Mandoul It must have been great spotting that. Another reason for me to re-read too! I might join you in making 2020 the year of Discworld 😁 5y
Balibee146 @mandoul bringing in the new decade with a Discworld buddy read would be fab👍👍 5y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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Day 5 of #7covers7days #covercrush

Tagging anybody who wants to play! Post a cover you love every day for a week, no explanation needed, and tag a Litten you think might like to join in!

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Book 76 of the year finished Sep 18, audio

Read this one earlier this year but it was up next in my Discworld Bing. Plus this is one of my favorites.

Thumbs up all around.

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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This could be interesting. "Dormer stars as Sam Vimes, Captain of The Watch, disempowered by a broken society that‘s reduced his department‘s jurisdiction to almost nothing, in the eight-part series, which is co-produced by BBC Studios and Narrativia, the production company founded by Pratchett in 2012 and now run with Pratchett‘s daughter Rhianna and his former business manager Rob Wilkins."

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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“But here's some advice, boy. Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions.” #Cycle #QuotsyAug19

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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“... tomorrow the sun will come up again, and I'm pretty sure that whatever happens we won't have found Freedom, and there won't be a whole lot of Justice, and I'm damn sure we won't have found Truth. But it's just possible that I might get a hard-boiled egg.” #Slogan #QuotsyAug19

Severnmeadows 😄 genius!! 5y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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As my moving date draws nearer (and commencement of semester 2 at uni) I've ploughed through another book: Night Watch by Terry Pratchett. Wasn't bad. I've been donating some of my 'read' books to the local 2nd-hand bookshop, but there are so many other 'read' books I've read that I can't let go of! They're filling up my packing boxes! My new place may need to fit a second bookshelf...

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Book 42 of the year, finished May 29, audio

Commander Vimes is transported back in time and becomes his own mentor during the battle that takes place on the Glorious 25th of May.

Vimes is probably my favorite character in the Discworld so I always enjoy his stories.

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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I adore the History Monks. And Sam Vimes, of course.
Remembering the Glorious 25th of May a few days late, and without lilacs. But I do have a hard boiled egg!

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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The Glorious 25th of May.

Truth, justice, freedom, reasonably priced love, and a hard boiled egg!

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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“The scent rolled over him. He looked up. Overhead, a lilac tree was in bloom. He stared. Damn! Damn! Damn! Every year he forgot. Well, no. He never forgot. He just put the memories away, like old silverware that you didn‘t want to tarnish. And every year they came back, sharp and sparkling, and stabbed him in the heart. And today, of all days . . .“

Happy #glorious25thofMay, everyone!

saresmoore Yes! 5y
Aimeesue Truth! Justice! And a hard boiled egg! 5y
Moray_Reads @Aimeesue and reasonably-priced love! 😉 5y
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Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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I‘ve been wondering which #Discworld book to re-read but I‘ve just realised the date and suddenly the answer is obvious #theglorious25thofmay #howdotheyriseup #gnuterrypratchett

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett

Not my fave of this arc, but still of course wonderful & funny & a good time. Honestly the main drawback for me was b/c the majority of the book is set 30 years in the Discworld past (where Vimes has been transported to), we get very little of many characters from previous books, including my fave little cinnamon roll troll, Detritus. But I liked the unexpected depth to the story, & the Les Miz feel to the “barricades in the street” stuff. 4/5 ⭐️

Night Watch | Terry Pratchett
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[Always here for some snark against Mel Gibson, that drunken bigot pig.]