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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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Nothing like a classic and way too much sugar after dinner. 🤤😅🥰💛

dabbe Oh, how I love this chunkster! 🩵💙🩵 1w
Roary47 @dabbe Yes! I‘m really enjoying it. The only reason I know about it is my scratcher card of 100 books bucket list. 1w
LitStephanie I didn't like this book, but that bowl of sweets looks wonderful! 7d
Roary47 @LitStephanie It was. 🤤 7d
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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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Eggs Very pretty and bright 💛🧡💛 3w
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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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I was reviewing extracts of Middlemarch.What makes it such a great book is the layers on every character.Dodo for example,choses Casaubon because she appreciates his intelligence and wants to better herself,but also almost out of certain vanity,like she wants to show the world how different she is,how little she cares about appearances.Her character develops through suffering the consequences of her choices,but there's vanity in her martyrdom. ⬇️

nanuska_153 Fred is so selfish, the money problem with Mary's parents, it's not only what he did, but how is more concerned about being forgiven than about the damage he causes and is annoyed with Mary for not forgiving him, as if Mary owed him that. He does love her though, and is loyal and changes for her. ⬇️ 3w
nanuska_153 Mary is like a moral compass, she is right to keep Fred at distance, but she seems almost cold sometimes. Her rigidity sometimes reaches the absurd, but she does have a soft spot for Fred.
I could go on and on with every character, they are all painted with such real colours, their dialogues mirror conversations that reflect so well their personalities that if you told me they were copied verbatim from real conversations I'd believe you
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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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July #TBR

Lots of oldies, trying to clear the shelves!

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After almost six months of visiting Middlemarch, how strange that it‘s over. There were many parts of this #tome that I didn‘t love, but I did love Dorothea, and also the final sentence of the book, and I‘m still thinking about all of it. I understand why it‘s considered one of the greatest English novels, and I also feel like this didn‘t quite hit five stars for me personally, although I am so glad I read it.

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Another Middlemarch-accompanied puzzle! #audiopuzzling

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“But what the deuce was the name?”- 🤣

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Trying to figure out what I just read with course hero. 😅

dabbe I love Course Hero--I think even more than SparkNotes! 🤩 1mo
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#20in4 #Readathon @Andrew65

I finished my puzzle and reached the 75% mark in Middlemarch, so I'm happy with my weekend of reading!


Texreader Beautiful!! I have the same brand of puzzle with 🐝 2mo
Caterina @Texreader Ooo I'm going to have to try to find that one! I loved the quality of this puzzle, and I love bees 😍 1mo
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#20in4 #Readathon I've been getting some good reading in this weekend, amidst work and social commitments! A little bit of time with Cross-Stitch, and tons of lovely time listening to Middlemarch while starting a new puzzle. 🥰🧩

Middlemarch | George Elliot
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25 April-6 May 24 (audiobook)
Long and complex but a classic worth investing some time in. I feel I cheated a little by listening to the audiobook but I really love Juliet Stevenson as a narrator and I found I was able to focus quite well. Unlike many of her contemporary female authors, Eliot did not exactly write romance and her work is more akin to Dickens than Austen or Brontë. But she does give many interesting depictions of marriage. And fate

Middlemarch | George Elliot
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I absolutely loved this one. It's long and it starts a bit slow, but after about 1/3 of the book I felt resentful towards my other reads because I only wanted to read this. You see where everyone is going to end and it's a bit Dickensian in the sense that everyone is connected to someone else, but it's the countryside so very believable. Didn't know how to feel initially about Dorothea, that mix of religion, devotion and wanting ⬇️

nanuska_153 to be useful and learn got me in ups and downs, but I absolutely loved her arch. Lydgate deserves better (THERE, I SAID IT). It's a classic for a reason, marked so many extracts that if I post them all it would feel like I wrote a book. @Jas16 #24in2024 3mo
Jas16 I loved this one too and should really reread it one of these days. 3mo
batsy So good. One of my favourites (and one that deserves a lot of rereads) 3mo
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Smarkies I have a real fondness for this book. I loved it when I read it. 3mo
nanuska_153 @Jas16 @batsy yes, I know I'll be revisiting it in a couple of years, it's such a good read ♥️ 3mo
nanuska_153 @Smarkies yes, it seems to be one of those love it or hate it books, I haven't met anyone that read it (or attempted) and was left indifferent. We are lucky to be in the love side 3mo
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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Here's my list for April's #bookspin and #doublespin. I've decided to use it to work through my (very long) list of essential women writers.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I read Middlemarch last year with the Hashtag Brigade. It was... long 😂 4mo
lil1inblue @TheAromaofBooks I'm still plodding along! I do like it, but, yeah...it's long. 😂 4mo
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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Is this the perfect novel as some describe it? Not in my humble opinion, but there are some really insightful observations about human nature and relationships. Some had me guffawing out loud!

One of my favorites:

“He took a wife, as we have seen, to adorn the remaining quadrant of his course, and be a little moon that would cause hardly a calculable perturbation.” 😂

BarbaraBB Oh yes. Loved this! 4mo
Balibee146 I read this decades ago for uni and remember nothing lol. Must revisit many a classic to read for fun. What a beautiful edition. 4mo
Cathythoughts Great quote 😂 4mo
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Tamra @BarbaraBB I enjoyed being immersed in Middlemarch each night before falling asleep. I will miss it! 4mo
Tamra @Balibee146 yes! I read it decades ago and couldn‘t remember at thing. Like brand new. 🤣 4mo
Tamra @Cathythoughts there are quite of a few little zingers in it. 4mo
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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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It‘s a beautiful night for an audiowalk. I‘m listening to the very weird Strange Bedfellows Death-march Through Middlemarch podcast. Members of the #hashtagbrigade might get a kick out of it.


AmyG Lovely! 4mo
BethM So pretty! 4mo
Deblovestoread Lovely sunset! 4mo
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I truly enjoyed MIDDLEMARCH by George Eliot; it remains my favorite chunkster that I actually loved and finished! 😃

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDieDude

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤎🤍🤎 5mo
Read4life I haven‘t read it. Thanks for sharing. 💙💌💙 (edited) 5mo
dabbe @Read4life It's (obviously) long, but it's good! 💚💙💚 5mo
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“He took a wife, as we have seen, to adorn the remaining quadrant of his course, and be a little moon that could cause hardly a calculable perturbation.” Perfection!!

Oh Lordy! No wonder Casaubon feels nary a whisper of passion for Dorothy. No good can come from this union.

Perhaps the well runs deep with Casaubon, but on the surface he has the personality of a doorknob.

monkeygirlsmama "personality of a doorknob" ??? 6mo
Ruthiella Read on. You ain‘t read nothin‘ yet. 😆 6mo
Tamra @Ruthiella 👏🏾👏🏾 6mo
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My reward for peopling and course prep this week. ☺️ I am going to reread Middlemarch this year and savor it. I didn‘t want to suffer thru the tiny print of my mass market edition, so this is my treat.

I have I mentioned how much I love deckled edges?

BarkingMadRead It‘s so pretty!!! 7mo
Cuilin 😍 beautiful cover, love Middlemarch. 7mo
Ruthiella Beautiful edition! 😍 7mo
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LeahBergen I‘m a deckled edge fan, too! And definitely not a fan of mass market paperback print size. 😆 7mo
Aimeesue The calligraphy cover is pretty sweet! 7mo
rockpools 😍 7mo
merelybookish Beautiful edition! And enjoy. I reread it a few years ago. Such a good book. 7mo
batsy That is so lovely 😍 Enjoy the book, it's pretty brilliant. 7mo
kspenmoll Love that edition! I reread Middlemarch last year & so enjoyed it! 7mo
tpixie Gorgeous edition! What edition? Or where purchased? I love deckled edges! (edited) 7mo
Tamra @tpixie it‘s a Harper Legacy edition. ☺️ 7mo
tpixie @Tamra thx! So beautiful 🤩 Classics should be read that way. Maybe all books! (edited) 7mo
Tamra @tpixie I forgot to say I ordered from Amazon. My local Indie didn‘t have any copies at all! 7mo
tpixie @Tamra 😊 7mo
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Middlemarch (Revised) | George Eliot
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Pulled this off my pile of partially finished books and so happy I did. This story was an absolute delight. The many trials and small victories of the residents of Middlemarch, it is a perfect window into early 19th century England with all its contradictions.

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Middlemarch (UK) | George Eliot

I read four more chapters of Middlemarch after reading Frankenstein and I can honestly say after reading a good, enjoyable read that Middlemarch is unduly long winded and a bore with no rationale to be so except for the authors own self conceit and pride to prove herself and her mastery of the English language which is an unnecessary feat when writing a novel for personal enjoyment. She should have wrote a text book at this point.

282Mikado “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results“. -Albert Einstien.

Don't go back again, Pip. It won't get better. ☠
Pip2 @282Mikado what can I say, I‘m a glutton for punishment. Since we last spoke, I have finished another two chapters and I feel the novel has once again regressed into morass of despair and confusion where I now have questioned the publishers intent on bringing out such a calamity for the rest of the public to take in…Eliot I bet was the type that loved to hear herself talk at a party. (edited) 10mo
SamAnne I keep trying to finish Middlemarch and failing. I really just need to DNF. 10mo
Pip2 @SamAnne same. I don‘t recommend wasting your time as it is only taking away from great reads that you will better appreciate. 10mo
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Middlemarch (UK) | George Eliot
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I‘ve read up to chapter 19, page 167 of this early 19th century provincial plot and could no longer push through another page. I found the premise behind provincial life dull and could not beat any further interest. I am going to start giving a book about 50 pages before I toss it. If it hasn‘t hooked me in that time and the reality is, if the author hasn‘t hooked me at that length, he or she really hasn‘t done their job.

Middlemarch | George Elliot


Here‘s an interesting article for all the #PemberLittens who struggled through…er…read…Middlemarch earlier this year. It‘s about George Eliot‘s view of marriage and how it differs from Jane Austen‘s, and compares to her own relationship.

BarkingMadRead Fun!! 11mo
SamAnne Checking this one out! 11mo
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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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Any other Jeopardy watchers who nailed the Middlemarch category tonight?? #pemberlittens

merelybookish Dream category!! 11mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
Ruthiella I was participating in a pub quiz a few years ago when one of the categories was book plots and I nailed ‘em all! 11mo
Leftcoastzen Me ! 👍👏😁 11mo
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Middlemarch | George Eliot

My goodness, this book was a real project! I put it down for periods of time, but did manage to finish it through a combination of listening and print formats. I did like it, although truthfully I enjoyed Adam Bede much more. And now I feel like I‘ve had the George Eliot experience, and I‘m none to anxious to pick up any more books by her.

Middlemarch | George Elliot
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#14books14weeks halfway point update …
As I suspected I got distracted reading book club and Camp Litsy selections. Not only have I let Middlemarch slide, but I only finished 3 of these books in the first 7 weeks 😳

I‘m going to have to step it up if I want to get close to finishing!

Middlemarch | George Elliot
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BiblioLitten 😍 13mo
AllDebooks Oh I have to do this x 13mo
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks it‘s a lot of fun! 13mo
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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Week 1 progress report: made it to chapter 6 of Middlemarch, yay

For those of your following along at home, some (maybe) bad news for my final total … my best-paying client just offered me a news feature due the first week of August, so I‘m going to be a lot busier this summer than I expected 😬

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This topped my list of books I was intimidated to read. I‘m sure I would have really disliked reading it if by myself but I came to quite enjoy my nightly ritual of reading a chapter and checking @BarkingMadRead ‘s post, hashtag, and comments. The pretty edition helped too 😊. While I would have needed to read this in an English course to be convinced of its merits, there were some little gems sprinkled in, like this last sentence that I loved.

JamieArc Also completed for March #Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks 1y
BarkingMadRead Woohoo! You made it through, this was such a long one! 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! I also wouldn't have made it through this one without the encouragement from @BarkingMadRead and the #HashtagBrigade!! 😂 1y
ReadingRachael I love that quote! 1y
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So close to finishing Middlemarch, and this last sentence describes quite well how I‘ve read half of this book… 🫥. But #hashtagskeepmegoing

Middlemarch | George Elliot
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I feel like a lone reed, buffeted by the wind but rooted firm in my conviction that – like Anna Karenina – it‘s just okay. I‘m sure studying the novel would illuminate more of it, make it feel richer and more engaging, but as a casual reader… *shrug*. I didn‘t hate it, but I‘m glad to have put it behind me. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/middlemarch-george-eliot/

JamieArc I still have a couple hundred pages left to go, but so far, I am feeling the same way. 1y
annahenke I felt the same! 1y
Ruthiella I loved Middlemarch but felt the same about Anna Karenina! 1y
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“If youth is the season of hope, it is often so only in the sense that our elders are hopeful about us; for no age is so apt as youth to think it‘s emotions, partings, and resolves are the last of their kind. Each crisis seems final, simply because it is new. We are told that the eldest inhabitants of Peru do not cease to be agitated by the earthquakes, but they probably see beyond each shock and reflect that there are plenty more to come.”

JamieArc I am determined to finish Middlemarch. Revisiting the #pemberlitten posts and hashtags after finishing each chapter keeps me going. But paragraphs like this are why I can‘t bail on a book. I‘ve reread this paragraph 10 times. 1y
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Oops, just realized I never posted a review after the #pemberlittens read. The prose is clever and often subtly funny, but I really had to slog through the first 2/3 of this book before I cared about ANYBODY, so it doesn't get a pick. Plus the misogyny, and I don't mean the times, I mean how Eliot describes women. The character development of Dori is my favorite part even though I despised her at first.

SamAnne I‘m still slogging through this one…. 1y
LitStephanie @SamAnne good luck! It actually gets good toward the end, although probably not good enough to be worth the slog. 1y
SamAnne @litstephanie yeah… and I have so many good books lined up to read right now! 1y
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LitStephanie @SamAnne how much, percentage-wise, do you have left for Middlemarch? 1y
SamAnne @LitStephanie a little more than a third…. 1y
LitStephanie @SamAnne oh just quit! 🤣 1y
SamAnne @LitStephanie @Rubyslipperreads hah! Yes….maybe DNF. But I have enjoyed the humor. But not as much as I‘m enjoying the biting humor in Birman Wood! 1y
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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I learned a while ago that George Eliot was a pen name for Mary Ann Evans Cross. Because of that it immediately went into my tbr pile. I'm finally getting around to starting it.

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I loved this brilliant examination of small-town English life in the 1800's, and reading it was made especially enjoyable with the chapter-a-day read-along with the #pemberlittens. Thank you @BarkingMadRead for hosting!

BarkingMadRead I‘m glad you liked it! 1y
batsy One of my favourites! ❤️ 1y
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Wow what a ride this was. For such a long book, there's really not much plot 😅 I can honestly say that if I tried to read this on my own I probably wouldn't have gotten through it, but reading a chapter a day with the #pemberlittens made it enjoyable and something I looked forward to each morning! It felt like a soap opera with all the small town drama and the characters were not really loveable but I was invested in their lives

TheBookHippie I would have never finished! 1y
Lizpixie 🙌🎉 1y
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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I didn't exactly like Middlemarch but I did appreciate the author's observations about life in a small town, people's expectations and especially marriages. In many books, the plot ends with a marriage, and we consider that a happy ending, but we don't get to see what happens after the wedding. It was interesting here to look at some of the ways marriages may fall apart or at least prove to be very different from what the husband and wife expected

eeclayton Thanks for @BarkingMadRead for leading the #pemberlittens buddy read, without which I might have never finished this book 😁 1y
BarkingMadRead I feel this in my soul, y‘all kept me going as well! Our next read should be better lol 1y
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead if not better than shorter! @eeclayton good point about seeing what happens after marriage. 1y
eeclayton @BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk after Villette and this, I think we all deserve a read that is both better and shorter 😂 1y
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My word, what a book! I can see why this one has never been as popular as Austen's novels. The characters here were not particularly likable or relatable, almost nothing happens, and I didn't particularly hold out any hope for the long-term happiness of anyone haha I am glad to have read this classic, but it is way too long for the amount of story it contains. Never would have made it through without snarky hashtags from @BarkingMadRead !! ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Thank you so much for hosting this buddy read! (I think... on the other hand, that's 923 pages of my life I'll never get back 😂)

#FourFoursin23 - Three-Way Screenplay @lauredhel
#ChunksterChallenge2023 @Amiable
Amiable Yay! 💃🏻🕺🎉 1y
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BarkingMadRead I‘ve said this on a few posts by you Pemberlittens, I gave this a pick, but it‘s a soft pick. This could have been so much shorter and still conveyed everything George wanted to convey 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
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TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I agree, was it to make a point? We get it people are insufferable🤣😅😵‍💫👑😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙄😬 #WEDIDIT #WHERESOURTROPHY 1y
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead Yes!!! 🏆🏆🏆🏆for everyone! We earned them! 1y
ravenlee I think this was an ultramarathon, or one of those endurance trail run things! 1y
BarkingMadRead @ravenlee in the ultra world there is a challenge called the Barkley Marathons. This was a Barkley for sure. 1y
Bookwormjillk Congrats all, and thanks @barkingmadread . I liked the beginning of this book so much better than the end. I think soft pick is a fair rating. 1y
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I agree this was a Barkley 1y
ravenlee Wow, I‘ve never heard of the Barkley Marathons - which is funny, as I married a Barkley (no relation, I think) and my in-laws live in Tennessee. My SIL and her husband frequent Frozen Head on their hiking expeditions. Weird! 1y
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead the Barkley is wild! 1y
CoffeeNBooks Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about this book at this point. Parts of it were interesting, parts of it weren't. I have a lot of love for many of the classics, but this one not so much. @BarkingMadRead - I agree that Eliot could have made her point with a shorter book. 🤔 1y
TheAromaofBooks I would never have made it through without your hashtags @BarkingMadRead !!! I can see why this has never been as popular as Austen's novels. None of these characters were particularly likable or relatable - definitely don't see myself daydreaming about any of the men I met in these pages! 😂 1y
BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks not a Darcy to be found 🙄 I wouldn‘t want any of these dudes 🤣 1y
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - Literally none! And honestly I didn't think any of the women were particularly prizes either! 😆 1y
Clare-Dragonfly I guess nobody loves Fred and Mary like I do? 😅 I definitely wouldn‘t say I love this book—Rosamond and Lydgate give me too much anxiety—but Fred and Mary!!! 1y
kwmg40 Thanks for hosting, @BarkingMadRead! I loved the novel, as well as the commentary from everyone here. 1y
JamieArc Congrats to you all! 🎉🎉. I got quite behind when I didn‘t want to take this chunkster on vacation, but I will carry on and look forward to each chapter‘s post as a reward! 1y
BarkingMadRead @kwmg40 hooray!!!!! @JamieArc I wouldn‘t want to lug that thing anywhere either! 1y
Bklover Ahhhh, this was fun! And long. Really enjoyed reading this with all of you. And @BarkingMadRead ❤️❤️❤️❤️🏆 1y
TheBookHippie @Bklover So loooong.. 1y
TheBookHippie @JamieArc the posts are the best part 😅🤫🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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@BarkingMadRead you are the BEST 👑

You guys we DID IT!!!!

Bookwormjillk Woo hoo 🎉🎉🎉🎉 1y
wisherwishinguponastar Did you make your bookmark? 1y
eeclayton Yay 🎉🎉🎉 1y
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TheBookHippie @wisherwishinguponastar No -it was a gift from a fellow Litsy peep -seven years ago now! I love it. ♥️ 1y
BarkingMadRead Yesssssssss that book felt 5000 pages long at times lol 1y
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead seriously!!!! Could not have done it without you!!!! First time I tried I bailed at part 5! 🤣 1y
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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In case you wanted the translation 🙃 #pemberlittens

Dilara That's lovely! 1y
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Bookwormjillk Fred!!!! 1y
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Bklover Favorite Mary quote: “I should never like scolding anyone else so well; and that is a point to be thought of in a husband “. 1y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk 🎉🎉🎉🎉 1y
TheBookHippie @Bklover 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼♥️ 1y
TheBookHippie FRED!!! 1y
Bookwormjillk Confession: I finished today 1y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead I‘m drawing it out because I‘m parochial school trained 🤣🤣🤣🤣😬 1y
Bookwormjillk @TheBookHippie c‘mon everyone else is reading it 1y
BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk ah but does @BarkingMadRead have a ruler that swats hands 😵‍💫😅 I‘m too old for detention 🤣🤫 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Fred 🥰 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @Bklover Yes! I think that‘s part of why Fred and Mary are a perfect couple to me—they remind me of Eilonwy/Taran and of course of Aravis/Shasta (aka Cor). 1y
LitStephanie But Fred never paid Mary's dad back, right? 1y
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I finished the last few fairly short chapters this morning. I just couldn‘t stick to the #ChapterADay any longer. I didn‘t love this book, but I also think it might have been better if I‘d read it more straight through. It‘s still a light pick because I think it was an interesting story of several characters, and I was always curious to know what would happen to them.

#PemberLittens #audiobook #1001books

Daisey Thanks again to @BarkingMadRead for another great readalong and fantastic hashtags that kept me amused when I was frustrated with the book. 1y
IndoorDame What an awesome cover image! 1y
BarkingMadRead I definitely think this one could have been shorter and still gotten the point across. This one was very Dickensian 🤣 1y
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TheAromaofBooks Sir James is being a bit dog-in-the-manger-ish, isn't he?? 1y
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BarkingMadRead Sir James is an ass 🤣 1y
IndoorDame They‘re being awful! Especially James!!! 😡🤬 1y
Bookwormjillk She‘d be better off without James and Kitty. Ugh, so self centered. 1y
CoffeeNBooks Sir James and Celia are acting like petulant little children. 🙄 @Bookwormjillk - I agree she'd be better off without them! 1y
LitStephanie I had a hard time following the blah blah politics. I think this book was much more interesting to read by British contemporaries. Dodo's second husband is 100% superior to her first and I was happy it worked out! 1y
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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Well, I am pretty proud of myself. Read this a chapter a day with @BarkingMadRead whose hashtags could get me through any book at all. What a fun experience this was, and thank you soooo much, my friend. ❤️
#pemberlittens #whatsnext #whatsafterthat #youcanneverstop #justkiddingsortof

KristiAhlers Wasn't it a good read? 1y
Ruthiella Well done! 👍 1y
BarkingMadRead I‘m so glad you liked…. My hashtags 🤣 I feel like she could have cut that book in half and still said the same stuff 🤣🤣 1y
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Bklover @KristiAhlers Yes, it was! Don‘t know that I‘d have gotten through it without the buddy read though. 😉 1y
Bklover @Ruthiella Thanks! It inspires me to tackle more of the classic chunksters. I just have to get @BarkingMadRead to do lots more buddyreads😂🤣😂🤣 1y
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Middlemarch | George Elliot

I first started this in my Victorian Lit class, spring semester of 2000, but ran out of time and stopped around the 3/4 mark. I always intended to come back - I just didn‘t realize it would be 23 years later! Thanks to @BarkingMadRead and the amazing hashtags, I have finally defeated it! It was very good, though some parts were better than others, and all the characters were frustrating (and some were loathsome). Worth the investment.

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TheBookHippie Singing the Barney song… I love you you love me We're a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
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IndoorDame @TheBookHippie why! Why would you get that stuck in my head?! I was a babysitter and nanny during those years and I always tried to forbid my kids watching that show in a bid to save my sanity a little, but I rarely won that fight 🤣🤣🤣 1y
BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame my nephew loved that show 🙄 when I was a nanny, it was Caillou. What a whiney little brat! 1y
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead some of those shows are the worst! I miss kids tv and books that made sure there were enough levels for the adults in their life to appreciate it alongside them 1y
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead Caillou- grrrrr. That little brat taught my kids to whine. I could not stand that show. #CuriousGeorgeForever (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame OMG CAILLOU he was is and forever banned here. Barney omg my daughter LOVED him LOVED 😫😝😵‍💫 (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame my son loved Little Bear thank god. (edited) 1y
BarkingMadRead Y‘all what a rabbit hole we just went down 🤣 1y
Addison_Reads @BarkingMadRead To be fair most of these characters act like whiny little children, so it's not a completely unrelated rabbit hole. 😂 1y
dabbe @BarkingMadRead Maybe Barney loves Dodo, too. 😄 (edited) 1y
Bklover @TheBookHippie That is now stuck in my head. 💜🎶🎵🎶🎵 (but I do love Little Bear) (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie @Addison_Reads ♥️🙃👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 1y
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣🤣🐇🐰🐇🐰🐰 1y
TheBookHippie @Bklover Little Bear is soooothing 1y
BarkingMadRead @Addison_Reads I legit just cackled, and I‘m in a plane 🤣 1y
Clare-Dragonfly OK… not what I thought all those comments would be about 😂 Is this the chapter where he‘s all “but your inheritance!” And she‘s all “THAT‘s what you‘re worried about?! I have my OWN money!” 1y
CoffeeNBooks The Teletubbies were worse! 🙄 1y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly lol yes 🤣🤣 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Oh good. Maybe someone can answer my question. I‘ve read this book twice and never figured out what would happen to Casaubon‘s property if Dorothea breaks the stipulations of the will and doesn‘t inherit. It doesn‘t just vanish into the ether! Is there another heir? 1y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I have no idea! @StayCurious do you know? 1y
LitStephanie @Clare-Dragonfly I was wondering the same thing! Wouldn't Will have a claim on it as the only remaining relative? Or maybe he left it to the church, but I think it is weird that was left for us to wonder. And whatever happened to Riggs? 1y
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TheBookHippie 🤷🏻‍♀️ #howwillthisallend 😵‍💫 1y
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peanutnine The pining is getting ridiculous 1y
Addison_Reads I never would have stuck with this book without this buddy read. The characters are insufferable.😲 1y
Aimeesue @Addison_Reads Right? If, say, they‘d just TALKED to each other, these problems would‘ve been easily solved, but no. But then I guess there wouldn‘t have been much of a book. 🤐 1y
LitStephanie @Addison_Reads same here! I don't really like anyone! Will is better than most of them, though. 1y
Bklover I did a bad thing. I finished it. 🫣 1y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover ummmmm I finished it like 3 days ago 🤣🤣🤣 1y
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