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Reading along with @peanutnine and the #Pemberlittens group was a lot of fun. This was a great mystery and I liked the twist that the victim hadn‘t yet been killed. I love our two leads and can‘t wait to read more about them.

mcctrish She almost died so many tragic deaths 11h
peanutnine Yes I liked the comment that it was their most successful case because no one was killed 😅 11h
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish 😂 😂 😂 10h
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.34&35: that was a pretty good speech. Impassioned and romantic. And it didn‘t work?! I guess 12 years of trouncing on Alex‘s heart have made him super cautious. Maybe he‘ll chase after her and be like, “Same, Babe.” Maybe. At least, if nothing else, Poppy is trying to work on herself.

Graciouswarriorprincess @StayCurious Please tag me in the voting for next month. Thank you. 😊 17h
LiseWorks I think Alex was shocked. I'm hoping he will run after her. I wanted to know more about that bully. As one who was bullied a lot in middle school I can relate to Poppy. 15h
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julieclair I, too, think Alex is super cautious. And I can‘t blame him. But surely he‘ll come around… I hope… 15h
Kshakal If Alex doesn‘t come around, I am going to be ticked! 14h
vonnie862 I'm glad Poppy was brave enough to tell Alex everything. I don't blame Alex for being cautious. I would be too. 11h
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.32&33: After an entire book of avoiding what happened in Croatia - the big reveal was underwhelming to say the least. That‘s it? They kissed and almost went further but didn‘t? Sigh. The secrecy and not talking about it for years wasn‘t necessary. They didn‘t even have a big falling out. Now the scene in the airport was more likely to cause a rift. Poppy stuck her foot in it big time. Poor Alex. How will she fix this?

Kshakal What happened in Croatia was a huge let down… 2d
LiseWorks No kidding. Hiw will she fix this? 2d
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julieclair I am liking Poppy less and less. That airport scene. I felt so sorry for Alex. 😢 2d
vonnie862 I feel cheated!!! All this build up about Croatia only for THIS to be it! 🤨 And poor Alex, Poppy needs to grow up. 1d
Roary47 Ugh. Major let down. I‘m probably just going to finish it now. It‘s really is not much left. 1d
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.30-31: well David kind of lets the proposal to Sarah out of the bag and Poppy kind of starts spiralling. Luckily she and Alex TALK for once and are honest and seem to be okay for the moment. They still have a ton of issues to work out I think, and not much book to do it in. We‘ll see how it goes once they get to the end of their trip.

Kshakal I am not entirely convinced that we aren‘t going to see more of a Poppy spiral… 2d
LiseWorks Oh I'm so tired of Poppy. She complicates everything so much. 2d
vonnie862 Lol, "not much book to do it in." Inhave a feeling things are going to be wrapped up pretty quickly. 2d
julieclair It‘s good that they‘re talking honestly, but Poppy needs to get a grip. 2d
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.28&29: I think by not crawling into bed with Alex in the new hotel room, Poppy is already putting distance btw them. He‘s going to wake up and be hurt I think. As for the Tuscany trip - a lot going on there. Why can‘t Poppy and Alex come to terms with what they mean to each other? Why do they have to make everything so hard? All the important moments happen with them and not with their significant others…that means something

LiseWorks Again, she is failing at this relationship. She should have slept in the same bed. What an opportunity wasted. 3d
vonnie862 That's double date was something. I don't blame Sarah for her feelings and treatment towards Poppy. Sarah is not dumb. She knows there's something going on. But at the same time, she IS dumb for getting with Alex and knowing that there might be something between him and Poppy. 3d
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Roary47 How about Sarah and Poppy‘s boyfriend? They seemed to kick it off a little too well. I feel like Poppy is just afraid of losing her amazing friend. I get that, but Alex is perfect for you! 😭 3d
JessieKB All of that!!! And she knows she loves him🤦🏻‍♀️ self sabotage. And YES, poor Sarah!!!! It‘s on her because she knew, but I would be a crazy person if I were here😂 3d
julieclair Yes to all of the above! 2d
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.26&27: A great step in the right direction-so how‘s Poppy gonna ruin things😬? Alex seems to be all in, but I feel as though Miss Commitment-Phobe is going to rear her ugly head. And ok, since this was their first time, what the heck happened in Croatia that was so big? I was certain they had slept together and she ran away. Maybe they just came close and stopped before anything happened. I hope Alex doesn‘t get too hurt.

vonnie862 Finally!!! But I am with you, how is Poppy going to mess things up? And what happened in Croatia? I need answers!!!! 4d
JessieKB Yes!!!!!! What did happen in Croatia?! I am wondering if we aren‘t going to find out until she does mess things up!!! Now I am the exclamation mark girl out of the book 😂 4d
Roary47 Yes! I caught up just in time to (hopefully) read about Croatia. 🇭🇷 What the heck happened??? I have a feeling someone bailed on the summer trip and they had a verbal falling out. 4d
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.24&25: Ok everyone who is annoyed with Poppy raise their hand. Maybe I wouldn‘t be as irritated if the book was told in sequence instead of all this back and forth. But author‘s choice I guess. Alex is a sweetheart and deserves the best. Not sure if that‘s Poppy🤷‍♀️ - I slightly swooned when he showed up to take care of her when she was sick - and then she put distance btw them again.🙄But maybe not so much in the present

LiseWorks I think she is just terrified to lose him, and she is blind as a bat as he gives her a couple of hints that he wants her. 5d
vonnie862 @LiseWorks i agree with you but at the same time, she's not happy with what she's doing. If she only accepts Alex, I think she can start to feel happy. 5d
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vonnie862 Also, Alex is amazing! I think he deserves better than Poppy. 5d
BethM Me. Honestly this is nowhere near as good as some of her others. 5d
StayCurious @BethM I‘ve never read anything else by her and I was starting to wonder what the hype was! 4d
JessieKB @BethM I totally agree!!!! Finally caught up…mostly because I was behind but definitely hasn‘t sucked me in like her others. 4d
BethM @StayCurious I‘ve read Beach Read and Book Lovers both are way better, but they‘re also books about books. 4d
julieclair I'm absolutely fed up with Poppy. I agree, @BethM , her other books were much better. This one is kind of disappointing. 3d
BethM @julieclair going to be honest- I skimmed a lot and called it a day 😂 3d
julieclair @bethm Wise. 👍 2d
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Sorry for the late post! My whole house has caught Covid and we‘re struggling atm. #LittensLoveRomance Ch.20-23: So Poppy finally admits she‘s loved Alex for like 5 years - and not just as a friend. She is so afraid to lose him she‘s not willing to put herself out there - until Croatia, maybe. Who knows - we don‘t yet know what happened there (I am irritated about this). In the present she‘s desperate to go back to their previous friendship⬇️

StayCurious She‘s not being fair to Alex - they need to talk, acknowledge what happened, and find a way to move forward or move on if that‘s what‘s needed. 6d
Kshakal I am getting very frustrated with these characters!! Hope you all start to feel better soon!! 6d
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DaveGreen7777 Hope you all feel better soon! 🙏 6d
vonnie862 Eek! Feel better! 6d
vonnie862 I don't understand why they don't tell each other gow they feel. What is stopping them? 6d
BethM Feel better!!! 6d
willaful That sounds rough! Hope you're all doing better soon. 6d
julieclair My hold finally came in, so I‘m jumping in for the last third or so of this buddy read. 🤗 I do wonder why they have never had a frank discussion about their feelings, especially since they both love how they can be totally honest with each other about everything else. And I‘m dying to know what happened in Croatia, but I do like the way Emily Henry is building the story year by year. But the big reveal better be good, after all this waiting! 5d
julieclair @StayCurious The whole family with Covid at the same time is awful. I‘m amazed you‘re able to post at all! Hang in there. Sending healing vibes your way. 5d
StayCurious @julieclair thank you! Thankfully my toddler wasn‘t hit too hard. We‘re all on the mend now. 5d
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.18-19: it‘s hard when life gets in the way of friendship. It definitely is easier to take trips and be more spontaneous when you‘re young and unattached. I think Poppy just thought they would always be close and together and nothing would get in their way. It‘s sad that while Alex is with Sarah, he and Poppy don‘t even text and barely talk. But if I was Sarah I‘d be suspicious as all heck of Poppy.

vonnie862 Yeah, that would not work out. It's ok to have friends of the opposite sex but to always go on trips alone, nope. Their future partners would not be OK with that. 1w
LiseWorks @vonnie862 Oh, I totally agree 1w
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch. 16&17 so we‘re getting closer to what happened in Croatia and why Alex is so mad at Poppy. Because I can sense he‘s still angry and I think it‘s because he put himself out there, she felt too much and ran away from the life they could have in their hometown. And now he wants to get back with Sarah to have a chance at that life. What a tragic mess. But stop dancing around the issue! Talk about it please - for all our sakes.

KadaGul @StayCurious It annoyed me as well when they ambiguously hinted at getting together by dancing around the idea. I was fond of the male protagonist, but not so much of the female. 1w
vonnie862 @KadaGul Same! And obviously they did some THINGS because Poppy mentioned what Alex could do with his mouth...Now tell us what happened!!! 1w
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.14-15: honestly, this girl is so in denial about her real feelings for Alex, and has been for years. Julian sounds kinda ick. I wonder how long Poppy was with him. I wonder what her parents thought about her dropping out of school. I mean, school wasn‘t for her and she made something of herself without getting into more debt, so that‘s great. Although her life doesn‘t make her happy. ⬇️

StayCurious I wonder - if they do get together, how on earth will it work since Poppy hates their home town and Alex loves it. 1w
LiseWorks I find the details so not detailed. lol like I want to ask questions, and they are not getting answered 1w
vonnie862 These two chapters were meh. 1w
vonnie862 Also, I wonder when Poppy is going to accept her feelings? Maybe she put a move on Alex back in Croatia, and because he's a gentleman, he pushed her away??? 1w
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch. 12-13: I‘m starting to get slightly irritated with the secrecy over Croatia. Just tell the reader so we can start fixing whatever happened. Not sure I‘m a big fan of the back in time every other chapter either. What do you guys think? I like it in the sense that we get to know their close friendship - but I think it‘s a bit overused here. But maybe I‘m wrong.

vonnie862 I'm with you, just tell us what happened!!!! I'm OK so far with the back and forth. I am really enjoying learning more about their characters but gosh...can they just tell us what happened in Croatia?! 2w
LiseWorks I so agree with you. Get on with it! 2w
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Kshakal I agree that it is getting a bit old… 2w
willaful I'm very impatient with that format. 2w
BethM I really dislike it. I‘m jumping ahead just to keep it moving. 2w
Roary47 I‘m normally not okay with the back and forth, but I like getting to know them a little bit better. 4d
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch. 10-11: first of all, that beach hippie estate they stayed at in Canada sounds gross — but they were young and adventurous I guess. Still it sounds like it was a great trip to start off their vacation tradition. It sounds like their current trip isn‘t going so great. It‘s so awkward. They‘re going to have to talk about what happened - a) so we can all stop being curious and b)so they can move past it.

BethM I still would not have been ok with it lol. Please add me 2w
vonnie862 Yeah, that hippie camp sounded so gross! I would not have trusted the tent they slept in. And that current place they're at, yikes! As a travel journalist, I would have expected Poppy to have done more research, even if it was on a dime. 2w
Kshakal I can‘t wait to find out what happened in Croatia! 2w
Roary47 I can‘t believe she kissed that dude. Whoa! 🤯🤣 4d
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch. 8-9: Poppy and Alex definitely have these moments of intimacy that go beyond mere friendship. I‘m not of the opinion that men and women can‘t be friends. They totally can. But Poppy and Alex have always been something more I think. Even though she claims they‘re 95% platonic. sure honey. And what‘s with the freak out over the one bed? Something definitely happened between them. Yup.

LiseWorks I love the way she starts to look at the add for the two beds in the photo when she rented the place 2w
vonnie862 I really enjoyed the chapter of when they went on their first trip. It was cute and fun. Now, let's see how this trip goes for them. 2w
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.6: Is Poppy seeming a bit desperate? Desperate to reconnect with Alex and the last time she felt truly happy? Seems like it. I hope her dream job doesn‘t go up in smoke - although maybe she wants it to. Ch.7: that‘s a great reunion. I still wonder why they didn‘t speak for 2 years - I‘m starting to think they slept together or he confessed his feelings for her. Or something to that effect. ⬇️

StayCurious I hope he‘s not back with Sarah. That will certainly complicate things. 2w
vonnie862 Their reunion was cute. Poppy made it sound that her job got in the way of how they take vacations. This could be part of the reason why they stopped seeing each other, but I too suspect that something more happened between them. 2w
LiseWorks I love Alex, he is such a softy and funny. 2w
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.4.The way Poppy gets giddy, bubbly & nervous around Alex‘s texts - this screams more than friendship to me. This is like when you like like someone. At least she had the guts to ask him to go away together. That took courage.
Ch.5. This is great conversation and fun to read. I am getting When Harry Met Sally vibes for sure except Alex and Poppy like each other more during this trip. Poppy and Alex are definitely opposites!

vonnie862 I was thinking of When Harry Met Sally too! I also agree that Poppy's giddiness about Alex's text demonstrates more than friendship. The flashback of the car ride showed that Poppy felt comfortable being herself around Alex and Alex began tonipen up. To me, this shows that they are more than just friends. I wonder what stops them? 2w
maich They probably had feelings for each other but were afraid to admit it, they didn't want to break up their friendship. 2w
maich What's wrong with these khaki pants? 🤔 2w
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.2: speaking from personal experience, I think losing a best friend can be worse than losing a lover. It breaks something inside you that isn‘t easily repaired. I wonder what happened to cause their rift.
Ch.3: wow. That wasn‘t much of a meet cute, now was it? Maybe this will be the type of thing where they keep bumping into each other and they might as well be friends, right?

vonnie862 It was an interesting first meeting. I wondered how they became such best friends.? 2w
maich Interesting meeting. @vonnie862 I'm thinking that they probably didn't have any company on campus and started hanging out. A friendship developed. 2w
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#LittensLoveRomance Prologue: We meet Poppy and Alex and they are so cute together-but alas, they‘re just friends. Still, I sense that will change - I mean that‘s what we‘re here for. Also, I hate the idea of a rainy vacation on a beach. How disappointing! But I like that they made the best of it.
Ch.1: uh oh! What happened btw her and Alex 2 years ago and why was it a friendship ender? I‘m so interested already! ⬇️

StayCurious Also, I love her job as a travel journalist. It‘s literally my dream job. 2w
vonnie862 I am so jealous of her job! I want it! 2w
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vonnie862 And yes, what DID happen between Poppy and Alex? 2w
LiseWorks This is very intriguing as to why they don't talk. 2w
Read4life I, too, want her job! 2w
julieclair Hoping my library hold arrives soon! 2w
maich I hate rainy vacation on a beach too. I'm curious what happen between then. Why their friendship end? 2w
Roary47 Finally got the book. I‘d love her job too. 🤩 4d
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Our July pick for #LittensLoveRomance has been chosen - thanks for such a great voter turnout! Please let me know if you want to join me starting July 9 for my daily posts. As always let me know if you want to be added or removed from the main tag list. @LitsyEvents

vonnie862 I want to join! 4w
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Kshakal I am totally in!! I just bought this one while on vacation! 4w
peanutnine I've already read this one so I'll sit this month out. Enjoy! 4w
mcctrish @Kshakal as one should 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4w
mcctrish I have read this already ( just like @peanutnine ) and I will be on vacation so I will see y‘all next month 4w
CrowCAH Thanks for letting me know July‘s pick. I‘ll pass on this month. Let me know when we vote for the next one! 4w
OriginalCyn620 I‘ve already read this one as well so I‘ll sit this month out. But tag me for August! Thank you! 😊 4w
Graciouswarriorprincess I already read this one but please tag me for the August voting and reading. Thank you. 😊 4w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
maich I already own the book (slovenian translation). Will be reading with you, you can tag me in daily posts. 4w
willaful I've already read it so tag me for August please. 4w
Read4life I‘m in. Thank you. 4w
julesG I've read it already and don't want to reread right now. I'm looking forward to August. Thank you! 4w
CarolynM I‘m going to sit this one out. Please tag me again for the August vote😊 4w
Roary47 Yes please! I‘d love to read with everyone. 4w
TheSpineView Like @julesG I read this already. I enjoyed but not enough to reread. Looking forward to August though. 4w
PageShifter Tag me too. I have to see when I'll get the book, it's popular! 4w
JessieKB Me please!!!🎉💗🌸🕶️👙 4w
SarahBookInterrupted I‘ve also read it but tag me. I liked this one and it‘s a perfect summer read in my opinion. 4w
julieclair Yay! I‘ve been wanting to read this one for awhile. 3w
CoverToCoverGirl It was my first read by her and remains my favourite. 2w
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Vengeance in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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#IDLR #InDeathLongReadalong: wow! This was an exciting book - especially those last 5 chapters- what a thrilling conclusion to a very personal case for both Eve and Roarke. I didn‘t pick up on who the accomplice was until right before it was revealed. She was sneaky sneaky! I think despite the difficulties of this case, Eve and Roarke came out stronger than ever, and now Somerset respects Eve. Overall I really liked this addition to our series⬇️

StayCurious @Liseworks and I can‘t wait for the next book but we‘ve decided to take a break in July. We‘ll start Holiday in Death in August, and then we‘ll be reading the 1st novella in the series in September. Hope to see you all there! 4w
Librarybelle This was such a great book! Enjoy the month off, and I cannot wait for August for the next one! 4w
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LiseWorks I find this series is getting better. 4w
ShananigansReads She was super sneaky! I didn‘t get it until the last minute either. I love the way this series is building. 4w
TheAromaofBooks I really enjoyed this one - loved seeing Eve and Roarke grow closer and trust each other even more. Can't wait until August!! 4w
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Voting Day | Clare O'Dea
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#LittensLoveRomance it‘s almost July already! Hard to believe. It‘s also time to vote for our next read: vote here: https://forms.gle/Nx5BmvZnjEPq26eD9 I think this will be fun!

Kshakal Voted! It was a tough choice for me! 1mo
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CrowCAH Voted 🗳️👍🏻 1mo
BarkingMadRead Voted!! Great selections! 1mo
TheSpineView Voted. 1mo
BethM Love this theme! 1mo
julesG Voted! But it was hard to decide. 😉 4w
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I voted!! Good choices this month!! I enjoy this trope haha 4w
maich I will join and I voted 4w
julieclair Voted! Lots of great choices. 👍💗 4w
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 11: It‘s the finale! And Charlie honestly thinks he‘ll never see Dev again - maybe because he‘s been ignoring him and everyone for three months…but Dev‘s there and he apologizes and they work things out and they both get the HEA they both definitely deserve. It‘s a great way to end the story.⬇️

StayCurious I really liked this book and Charlie and Dev‘s emotional journey. I rooted for them the whole way. I wouldn‘t mind seeing Jules or Parisa get their own story. They stuck with those boys through thick and thin. Such great friends! 1mo
Kshakal I enjoyed this book very much! Can‘t wait until next month! (edited) 1mo
peanutnine I adore this book! Thanks for leading the buddy read @StayCurious I'd been looking for an excuse to reread this one. I would totally read a spin off story with one of the girls 1mo
julieclair It was the ending we were all hoping for! I loved this book. Thanks so much for hosting our fun discussions. And I love the idea of a Jules and/or Parisa book. 😀 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Sec 10: I feel bad for Dev‘s friends-especially Jules. He not only left Charlie & the Show, he left them too. Yes, he felt he needed a clean break but that was harsh. I‘m so glad they forced him to watch the show. And what a show! Good for Charlie for standing up for himself & for the rest of the crew against Maureen. Now Dev needs to make a grand gesture-Charlie deserves it. And it‘ll also make great tv ironically enough.

StayCurious Ps: we‘ll finish tomorrow! 1mo
Kerrbearlib Love this book! 1mo
LiseWorks I was surprised at Dev for abandoning his friends 1mo
julieclair @LiseWorks I was surprised he ghosted his friends, too. He must have really known he needed the total break for his own mental health. To stick by him as they all did, and want the best for him, they really are great friends. 1mo
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Vengeance in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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#IDLR #InDeathLongReadalong Ch.11-15: Things have escalated-our madman killer was goaded by Eve to come after her.She nearly dies in a car explosion! Eve shows real vulnerability by admitting that she‘s terrified for Roarke since he is the main target. They head to Ireland - to investigate but also to lay Jenny to rest. The trip down memory lane isn‘t easy for Roarke but having Eve there I think helps. They work with an Irish cop while there.

Librarybelle That explosion! I could just feel Roarke‘s emotions as he races to find out if Eve is okay. This is building to an intense conclusion - cannot wait to see how this one ends! 1mo
ShananigansReads That explosion was bananas! Thank goodness she had such a janky car. 1mo
LiseWorks Boy, this one had me in tears when Roarke held onto Eve to tell her how he felt if he lost her. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks I've liked Eve and Roarke together better with each book, but this one just has me shipping them so hard. They have really come so far and I love the honesty and vulnerability we are seeing between them now. It's a great mystery, but I feel like their love story is really the center of this story. 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 9: Man…Maureen is the worst. And I get that this type of toxicity exists in so many places right now, and it‘s so unfair. I wonder how Charlie will stand up for himself when no one is willing to stand by him. I can‘t believe Dev left him. He stood up for Charlie with Josh, but was unable to do the same when it came down to his beloved show. Sad. I‘m eager to see how things will work out.

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#LittensLoveRomance Section 8: waiting for the other shoe to drop or the end of the show and the burst of their love bubble. It has my stomach in knots! I just know something big and bad is gonna happen. Is Maureen going to exploit poor Charlie and blast his and Dev‘s relationship to the tabloids? If she finds out she‘s going to try to use it for her show. She seems cold in that way. Or will Dev run away again? My anxiety can‘t take this!

LiseWorks Yeah, I'm on edge too! But I'm hopeful that Charlie will crown Dev 👑 as a surprise. He would pick him. 1mo
julieclair @LiseWorks I was thinking the same thing! It would be a perfect ending. But I don‘t think Maureen would ever allow such a deviation from the show‘s rigid (and outdated) formula. 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 7: wow things are complicated and the feels are real! First, their relationship seems to move forward, emotionally and physically, then it takes giant leaps back. I do love how supportive Jules and Parisa are. They are good friends. I am not sure what‘s going to happen next on this emotional roller coaster!

KadaGul MEME /GIFFS 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1mo
Blerdgal_Fenix This was on my TBR - looks super cute 1mo
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julieclair That meme! 👍👍😂 And I agree about Jules and Parisa. They‘re the best kind of friends. 1mo
julieclair @Blerdgal_Fenix It‘s not too late to join us for this buddy read! 😃 1mo
Blerdgal_Fenix Libby just sent it me - I will start this evening - I think I have the actual book but it seems my books are all over the house till I get my new bookshelves coming in 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 6: this was such a well-written and important chapter - for our characters but for the reader as well. I love that the author doesn‘t back away from the taboo topics. I love that Dev and Charlie can take care of each other. Why do I think the show and its show runners are going to try to ruin that?

LiseWorks I really liked this chapter as well. 1mo
julieclair Not backing away from the taboo topics is important, and the author writes them in a realistic way, that‘s not threatening to the reader. Books like this will help those topics to become less taboo and more mainstream. 👍 1mo
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peanutnine @julieclair yes, mental health issues need to become more mainstream so people can learn empathy for those who struggle! 1mo
peanutnine Also: "Dev has spent four weeks trying to convince Charlie he deserves something Dev doesn't believe he himself deserves" ?? 1mo
julieclair @peanutnine That quote... So sad... 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 5: Week Four: Talk about complicated feelings! It‘s never good when the first kiss happens while one or both parties is drunk - because then so many questions crop up. Was it intentional? What did it mean? Does he remember? That‘s a big one. And then when they finally acknowledge the elephant in the room - what can be done about it? Because it‘s against the rules! There‘s a lot to lose and risk. But also so much to gain

LiseWorks I have a feeling these two are going to get caught. But I'm so happy for them. 1mo
julieclair I feel like it was intentional, even if he doesn‘t remember. 1mo
peanutnine Ugh this section is a rollercoaster of emotions but I love them so much 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 4: A lot happened in this section and a lot of feelings were felt by Dev and Charlie. And by me! I feel so much for these characters and the journey they are on. I wish they could both quit that toxic show, though. I wonder how each man will handle the feelings they are starting to feel for each other. It won‘t be an easy road, that‘s for sure.

peanutnine So many feelings! Poor Charlie, having these revelations at the worst possible time 😣 But I really love how reading Dev's script was so eye opening for him. Queer representation matters so much! 1mo
LiseWorks The writing by the author is fabulous. The way the awkwardness is described for these two has me gripped, and i have to stop myself from reading ahead.. lol I really feel for both these characters. 1mo
julieclair I‘m surprised how invested I am in these characters already! 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 3: Ryan is the worst. And it sounds as though most people in Charlie‘s past were the worst as well. It‘s clear that he and Dev are meant to help each other and lift each other up - even if it‘s not in a romantic way. I feel as though the discussions in this book are very important and I‘m glad that mainstream (and maybe not so mainstream) fiction is tackling these important topics now. I‘m invested in their journey.

LiteraryinLawrence This is one of my favorite romances! 💗 1mo
LiseWorks I can't imagine living with OCD as severe as Charlie has. I am so glad he confessed his condition to Dev. Now, this romance will bloom 1mo
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StayCurious @LiteraryinLawrence I‘m enjoying it for sure! 1mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @StayCurious I am not reading along this month but please include me in the July pick. Thanks. 😊 1mo
julieclair I love that Charlie felt safe enough with Dev to share about his OCD. 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 2: Week One: I feel as though this really shows television producers and show runners as mean and manipulative. I know it‘s probably true and that the behind the scenes of these shows can be nasty. I feel so bad for Charlie. He‘s been maneuvered into this show and there‘s no one really there to protect him. Dev will have to step up I think. And Charlie will have to learn to accept his help.

peanutnine Poor Charlie! I hate that Dev listening to him and accepting his boundaries is such a novel thing for him. He deserves respect! 1mo
julieclair I agree, @peanutnine … so sad that being respected is such a novelty for Charlie. I love how Dev is interacting with him. 1mo
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Vengeance in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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#InDeathLongReadalong #IDLR: Ch.6-10 Eve‘s investigation leads to Summerset and she has to do a formal interview. After hitting him pretty hard, Roarke and Summerset give her more information about what happened to Marlena and how Roarke sought justice. They do this off the record. Eve believes Summerset is innocent- mainly because she knows he would never hurt Roarke. But the real killer is trying to frame Summerset as another slap at Roarke. ⬇️

StayCurious Roarke gives Eve the info he has on the men who killed Marlena, the men he killed in vengeance. Eve gives this info to Peabody and Mira, and we really see who she can trust as they agree to keep Roarke‘s secret. Eve believes, despite her badge, that what Roarke did was justified. ⬇️ (edited) 1mo
StayCurious There is another victim - Roarke‘s former lover. It will be difficult for Eve to keep him chained. He wants vengeance for the loss of his friends. Can Eve keep him safe and continue to do her job?

I was on the edge of my seat during these chapters. They were intense. The fight Eve and Roarke had was so emotionally charged. And learning about Roarke‘s past was captivating.
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Librarybelle Yes! They were very intense chapters, and you‘re so right about the emotionally charged fight. I love that we continue to see Eve evolve as a person - she‘s flawed, recognizes it, and wants to do right for everyone. I cannot imagine the turmoil she is going through at the moment. I‘m ready to dive into this week‘s chapters! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks While these stories are similar - someone close to Eve is a suspect; she has to follow her duty; they get all hurt and offended; etc. - I appreciate that Robb also keeps it fresh. Here we're getting a lot more details about Roarke's past and watching Eve grow and change, accepting some nuance in her life. 1mo
LiseWorks I really like McNabb. And love She-Body as a nickname. These chapters were intense and I hope Roarke and Summersett listen to Eve. 1mo
ShananigansReads @LiseWorks I agree. McNabb is a great addition to the term but I missed Feeney. 1mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Section 1: I already feel a lot for Dev and Charlie - they‘re so real, even though the show they‘re making is most definitely not. I say this with a hint of sadness because I really like to think some of these shows are real haha. I‘m a believer!
So far I‘m hooked and I‘m looking forward to seeing how Dev and Charlie will grow closer. I hate Maureen and Ryan - ugh. They‘re going to cause a lot of trouble I can feel it.

LiseWorks Oops I forgot, I'm going to start reading it right now 😅 🙃 1mo
julieclair I really like Dev and Charlie, too. The women contestants ? Not so much. Except maybe Daphne. 1mo
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peanutnine Ahh I'm so glad to be back with Dev and Charlie!! Maureen is the worst 😡 1mo
LiseWorks This so reminds me of the show, the Bachelor. When the guy went through everything and chose the girl and then a year later, we found out he was gay. Why go through all of this with women if you're not into them. So I feel for Charlie 1mo
StayCurious @LiseWorks I think with Charlie it‘s very complicated and that‘s not even bringing who he might be attracted to into this. Baby steps with him. 1mo
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Vengeance in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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#InDeathLongReadalong #IDLR: A man from Roarke‘s distant Irish past is brutally murdered in what looks like a revenge killing, and Eve is tagged personally to work the case. Privately, Roarke and Somerset allude to dangerous secrets from their past that may have lead to this man‘s death and Roarke warns that he may need to tell Eve everything. I‘m guessing this has to do with the vengeance Roarke sought in return for Somerset‘s daughter‘s death.⬇️

StayCurious Soon, Eve is contacted by the killer again and given the challenge to find his next victim before it‘s too late. This time it‘s someone Roarke was indeed close to, a man who was once a friend. And Eve doesn‘t know how to handle his grief and anger. Then, Eve places Somerset of all people at the scene of the first crime. And she has to bring him in for questioning. This of course places her and the butler even more at odds⬇️ 2mo
StayCurious and Roarke torn in the middle. This killer is playing with them all, and he‘s not finished yet. 2mo
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Librarybelle I was surprised by how graphically violent this one is. I wanted to shake Summerset with his evasiveness and the impasse he and Eve seem to have had become a problem. I understand why he does not trust her, but it would have been nice for them to coexist at least cordially by now. 2mo
StayCurious @Librarybelle yes the murder was rough - but I think the book is trying to escalate the series a bit. And it‘s about time for Eve and Summerset to come to a head. 2mo
Librarybelle @StayCurious I can definitely see an escalation. It serves too as another separation between Roberts the romance and suspense romance writer and Robb the futuristic mystery writer. And yes, they were well due to come to a head. 2mo
LitStephanie I have been off Litsy for months but love this series. Can I join, pretty please? 2mo
LitStephanie @Librarybelle they are SO different. I can't stand Nora Roberts books but love the Robb series. 2mo
StayCurious @LitStephanie absolutely! We check in once a week and read 5 chapters per week. We‘re on book 6! 2mo
LiseWorks The murders were really rough. This is finally opening the reason maybe why Summersett is the way he is with Eve? And the relationship with Roarke and Summersett. 1mo
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Vengeance in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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#InDeathLongReadalong #IDLR Hey guys! We‘re on to book 6 in the series (it‘s still early days haha). Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us so far and welcome to anyone who wants to join. Please let us know if you want to be added or removed from the main tag list. This one delves a bit more into Roarke‘s past - can Eve handle who he was? We‘ll start check ins next Sunday and do 5 chapters a week as usual. Looking forward to this! @LiseWorks

Librarybelle Yay! Sounds great, and I‘m looking forward to this next installment. 2mo
willaful I'm dropping out -- it's been fun, but reading them so close together isn't really working for me. Enjoy! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I read chapter one today - what a start! 2mo
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Our June read for #LittensLoveRomance has been chosen! Though it was a close vote. This book doesn‘t have chapters really, it‘s separated into sections. Some of them are longish so try to plan ahead (I need to remind myself of that!) We‘ll be starting mid June to allow time to find the book. Let me know if you want to be tagged in my daily posts!

Kshakal Count me in! 2mo
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LiseWorks Of course lol 2mo
Catsandbooks Please tag me! 2mo
willaful Not sure I'm going to reread this (though I loved it) but would be happy to be tagged if it's not too much trouble. 2mo
peanutnine This is one of my favorites! I'm down for a reread ☺️ 2mo
PageShifter Please add me. I have this now on hold ^_^ 2mo
StayCurious @willaful of course! Would love your input 2mo
julieclair I‘m in! 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.35-37: Meh. I mean, they finally get their HEA but because I didn‘t really like them as characters I‘m finding it hard to care? Maybe that‘s a bit harsh. I just found myself constantly irritated during this book. But it certainly made for some fun discussions and I enjoyed reading it with you all! ⬇️

StayCurious Do I think I‘ll continue the series? Probably not because, as much as I‘m a bit interested in some of the other stories, there are so many other books out there there is no time for a series I might not be fully invested in. 2mo
TheSpineView I have to agree with you. I just never cared what happened. This is a reread for me. I gave it 4 stars but thought it was 3.5, now I am thinking I should have rounded down instead of up. I don't think I'll read the others in the series either. 2mo
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Kshakal 100% agree with you!! 2mo
CrowCAH Thanks for leading us @StayCurious ! I won‘t be continuing the series. But like everyone it was kinda on the okay side for me. The first half with Mason‘s death was very emotional. But when it focused on the family dynamic and Josey and Liam it lost the immediacy, felt like the reader was just a viewer and not invested. They did get their HEA, so it‘s a romance. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Agree 💯, but thanks for being our fearless leader! Even if our book isn‘t a winner, it‘s always fun to see your memes and discussing with the group! 😂 2mo
LiseWorks I agree with you Renee, there are a lot more series I m invested in. I still like Liam and felt sorry that he had parents like that. It would have been great to see his dad's reaction about Noah. 2mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
julieclair @CrowCAH “just a viewer and not invested” is the perfect way to put it. 👍 @StayCurious your daily memes and our discussions still made this “meh” book lots of fun! 😃 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.33-34: I feel like Sam would have made a bigger scene while being fired. It was over too quickly! A fit would‘ve been thrown. But I guess that‘s a good thing. No mo‘ drama. I mean, Nick‘s gone, Sam‘s gone, Josie‘s practically living with Liam…which was so quick but I guess they have waited ten years. Noah isn‘t too broken up about Nick. So alls well that ends well. Oh, there are still 3 chapters? Sigh-We‘ll finish tomorrow.

TheSpineView I agree on the drama with Sam. The lack of has my wondering if this is a different character. 2mo
LiseWorks I couldn't figure out why she showed up half naked. Way to make yourself be what did she call Josie? A Wh..e.? It was rather done quickly. 2mo
CrowCAH I agree Sam gave up rather easily. I‘m not heartbroken over Nick being gone. He removed himself from a situation in which he never should have been in. Noah is taking everything pretty chill. Almost seems like he‘s younger than 10, because I would think a ten year old would be more vocal and questioning than he is. 2mo
julieclair That whole Sam scene was just bizarre. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.31-32: well at least they listened to each other and talked things out. And now they‘re cozy cozy again lol. Well why not - I mean now that Nick is out of the way (I say with a bit of sarcasm). Now they‘ll have to deal with Sam before she does something stupid - wait, who‘s at the door?

LiseWorks Yeah, it's Sam at the door. She's going to cause trouble pretending she's the girlfriend. What is she up to? Why did Josie cover her mouth. Did she bring Nick back? Is she pretending she's pregnant with Liams baby? 2mo
CrowCAH Yeah at least the adults are talking some stuff out. Sam is up to no good showing up at the door. 2mo
TheSpineView Seems there is always a trouble maker in the crowd. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.29-30: well, Liam should‘ve for sure handled things with Sam in a better way. Not that she‘s not completely overstepping here but he could‘ve talked to her about what was going on and what his plans were. Yikes. At least Liam‘s mom seems genuinely interested in Noah. We‘ll see about his father.

CrowCAH I don‘t like Sam she‘s very pushy. I agree Liam‘s mom seems really interested in Noah and getting back into Liam‘s life. 2mo
TheSpineView Not a fan of Sam. Actually, I don't get a lot of the actions of these characters. 2mo
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LiseWorks Liam should have set boundaries with Sam. She is something else. I can see why Liam left with his parents being the way they were. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Sam is a piece of work! She‘s coming on way too strong, desperate really. But I agree, Liam should‘ve set boundaries. He apparently just doesn‘t like to communicate with anyone. 🤦🏻‍♀️ (edited) 2mo
julieclair I‘m adding Sam to the list of characters I don‘t like in this book. It‘s a long list. 2mo
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Ceremony in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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#InDeathLongReadalong #IDLR Ch.16-20: Eve gets new leads that take her to Isis‘ lover Chaz and away from Selena Cross. His father was a killer. Better be careful Eve: the sins of the father do not make the man - you should know that better than anyone. But Eve goes after him hard. Soon all evidence is leading her to him, including a deranged killer (someone from Chaz‘ own sect) who names him as her accomplice. ⬇️

StayCurious Eve struggles with going after him - even Peabody calls her out on it and the two fight. Luckily they make up quickly even though Peabody still can‘t see that Chaz could be responsible. Soon though, Eve starts to doubt the evidence. It‘s too neat and tidy and discounts the loving relationship that Isis and Chaz share.
StayCurious While Eve is staking out Isis‘ shop, she is captured by Selena and her cult. They have plans for her, but luckily are stopped just in time. Surprising no one, they were behind everything.

This book was definitely a spooky one and would have been perfect to read around Halloween. I like the relationships between Eve and her core group. In this book they were sorely tested but they survived and are stronger for it.
(edited) 2mo
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TheAromaofBooks I loved this one!! These characters are really starting to gel. 2mo
Librarybelle I really enjoyed it! That ending…phew! 2mo
LiseWorks I really liked this one for sure. Was quite surprised by Peabody with confronting Eve. 2mo
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Voting Day | Clare O'Dea
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Hi guys! It‘s time to vote for our next #LittensLoveRomance read! https://forms.gle/kHSk7bQXZ26AHJoj7 As always, let me know if you want to be added or removed from the main tag list. All are welcome!

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julesG Voted! Thanks for organising! 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Hey Renee! I‘m gonna have to sit out June because I‘m going to Ireland and won‘t be able to keep up with the reading and discussions. But I do want to be on the list for July! Thanks so much! 😊 2mo
StayCurious @OriginalCyn620 ooh have a great trip! 2mo
OriginalCyn620 @StayCurious Thanks! I‘m sure I will! 🍀 2mo
Read4life Voted! 🗳️ 2mo
julieclair Voted! 2mo
CrowCAH Thanks for tagging me on the voting post. I won‘t be able to join in June. Maybe in July. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm out for June, but please keep me on the list for July!! 2mo
CarolynM Voted. Thanks Renee. 2mo
Kshakal Voted!! Can‘t wait! 2mo
Catsandbooks Voted 2mo
Roary47 Voted. 2mo
41 likes15 comments
Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.27-28: ugh. Just when I think I‘m starting to like one of the characters in this book they do something that pisses me off. Like Nick. He was mature and apologized to Liam but then continued to act like an ass. And the whole Africa thing? Without talking to Josie? Please. And I think Liam buying a house on his parents‘ street might be a mistake. They want nothing to do with him or Noah.

Kshakal I have rolled my eyes so many times at these characters!! 2mo
LiseWorks I think Nick just wanted Liam's girl since high school. The letter from Nick when Josie was still with Liam in high school really showed his character. And the Africa thing, how controlling is that? 2mo
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CrowCAH Gosh the Africa Doctors Without Borders was just a d%*k move. Like did he seriously think Josey was going to be okay with uprooting her life and Noah‘s?! Like how much did Nick think she loved him. Not enough to follow him to another continent! 2mo
julieclair Well, the whole Africa thing will make it easy for Josie to dump Nick. 2mo
TheSpineView I think there is not much Nick will not do to keep Josie. I predict that the harder he pushes the easier it will be for Josie to walk away. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 All Nick did with that maneuver was dig his own grave! 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.25-26: well a confrontation btw Liam and Nick was bound to happen. Liam handled it well actually. And Nick was decent to go and apologize. But man, I really dislike Josie. I mean in general, but especially when she gets all cozy with Nick and then has the gall to accuse Katelyn of looking too cozy with Liam. I mean dear lord! I guess we can say these characters are “real” and “flawed”. Geez, they certainly are.

LiseWorks Oh, I wasn't happy with her either. She needs to make a decision, not string both along. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Josie was way over the line about Katelyn and Liam! I agree, Renee, I didn‘t like Josie at all. There was a point where I wanted to scream at Josie to just make a choice-either Liam, Nick, or neither of them! Her back and forth was tiring. 2mo
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CrowCAH I‘m not sure why Josey even thought Liam would go for Katelyn. Like hasn‘t he made it clear Jojo is the only one for him?! 2mo
Roary47 Agreed. @LiseWorks @OriginalCyn620 @CrowCAH Even though Nick was horrible here he‘s already feeling second best. I feel bad for how Josie is treating him. Then Katelyn shut her down real quick. I get that Josie was hurt as a teen, but dang girl if you have baggage from another relationship don‘t get into another one. 2mo
julieclair Poor Katelyn. The fact that Josie would even suspect her of this is awful. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.23-24: ugh. There‘s a feeling in the pit of my stomach. Will Liam and Josie cross the line? I don‘t like cheating and I don‘t like books with cheating. I never look too far into the books we read as a group because I don‘t want too many spoilers. I read alongside you all. And sometimes I pay for that🙄 I hope they stick to the sidelines - at least until she figures out what she‘s doing with Nick.

LiseWorks I'm pretty sure Liam told her it was up to her. Although he sure pushed the limits with her. I think she needs to tell Nick what she wants. I don't like cheaters either. 2mo
Roary47 I also don‘t like cheaters. They definitely are dancing on a line. 2mo
CrowCAH She sure needs to be honest with herself and who she wants. (As a person who has finished the book, they don‘t cross a line. Everyone breathe easy.) 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.21-22: yikes. Yikes to Liam‘s parents and yikes to Sam. Yeesh - Liam‘s got some toxic people in his life. Also, Josie going to LA on her own without Noah as a buffer is asking for trouble. At least break up with Nick first!

LiseWorks I had a feeling that it was his parents that had him leave, Grandma Betty was mentioned before. And oh boy with Josie going to LA 2mo
CrowCAH Gosh keeping secrets is never good. She wanted to go to see Liam. She should just call it off with Nick. 2mo
Roary47 This is bad ideas all around. I ended up finishing today so I could see how it panned out. 2mo
julieclair My goodness, his parents are tough duty! And Josie going to LA… here we go! 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch. 19-20: I wonder if they should‘ve told Noah with Nick there. I mean isn‘t he the third parent and shouldn‘t he get a say? I‘m not sure. It‘s an iffy situation all around. I do know that Liam kissing Josie and telling Noah he loves her is going to confuse everyone. And Josie wanting to roll her eyes when Nick says “our son” really says it all. I don‘t think she really loves Nick. I think he‘s been a placeholder.

Kshakal There is no way she truly loves Nick… I see major messiness in our future! 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Yep, a sticky situation for sure! I think Josie loved Nick (not in the same way she did Liam) but as soon as Liam came back, she knew somewhere deep down that it was over with Nick. But also, Nick was being a douchecanoe! And really, so was Liam. 2mo
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LiseWorks There is a lot of jealousy from Nick. It seems that Mason didn't like Nick in high school. It was a touching scene when they told Noah that Liam was his dad. Deep down, she loves Liam still, and she has to accept and let Nick go. There are some little hints that Nick does things that irritated Jose before Liam was on the scene. And sometimes women stay with the man because it's easier. I believe this is the case with Josie here. 2mo
CrowCAH I agree with @OriginalCyn620 she never really like liked Nick, second best. And @LiseWorks said it well! 2mo
Roary47 You don‘t love him. Let him go! 2mo
julieclair I think it was fine for Nick not to be there when they told Noah. But the kissing in front of Noah… not wise. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.17-18: k, I don‘t like Nick but I‘m also not a fan of Liam being so blatantly flirtatious with Josie. That will just confuse her more than she already is, and will certainly confuse Noah. I‘m glad they‘re going to tell Noah - I do think it‘s the right thing to do. But I think Liam needs to take a step back from Josie - she‘s not free to do what she wants. I mean she‘s engaged to someone else and that should mean something.

OriginalCyn620 I don‘t like Nick but I‘m not really liking Liam either. I feel like I‘m supposed to, but I don‘t! And it is disrespectful for him to flirt with Josie since he knows she‘s spoken for. I think he‘s doing it because he didn‘t like the way he broke things off with Josie and also just because he doesn‘t like Nick. It‘s like he‘s pissy because Josie moved on! 2mo
CrowCAH Liam is coming on strong. But Josie is kinda not sticking up for herself either. She‘s going where the wind blows and not setting up boundaries with Liam. Or being faithful to Nick. Liam has always been in the back of her mind. 2mo
LiseWorks To me, Josie is setting herself up with Liam. Yes, they should tell Noah, but why the bike ride? If she loves Nick, then don't flirt with any guy. She is asking for trouble. 2mo
julieclair She doesn‘t really love Nick. I think she just settled for him. I‘m not a Nick fan, but I do think he‘s being treated unfairly here. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.15-16: quite a bit to unpack in these chapters. First, if Josie wants to stay back from Liam, listening to his entire music catalogue probably wasn‘t the best decision. Second, I know we don‘t like Nick, but Josie is still being unfair to him. And I think she has been for a while but she didn‘t want to be alone so she keeps him around.⬇️

StayCurious At least she finally acknowledged that Liam should get the right to see Noah if that‘s what he wants. Boy, will that go down well with Nick. 2mo
LiseWorks I'm on team Liam. I don't know why he did it. But it seems like he said he tried to talk to her and she made it sound like It's OK, you can talk to coach and he'll take you back. He walked away. I really don't blame him. And he didn't know about Noah. 2mo
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CrowCAH Gosh yes a bad decision to download and listen to all the albums. She stayed so strong for 10 years and now she broke down and listened. 2mo
Roary47 I‘m just glad that Josie is letting Noah know his dad. There is still something in me that wants to hear Liam out. He made a mistake leaving Josie. He admits that. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Again, no communication! Liam started the conversation “that night” but he didn‘t get far at all. And yes, Josie cut in with the comment about the coach, but Liam immediately walking away was him being cowardly. How was Josie supposed to know what he was feeling. She may have her faults but she‘s not a mind reader! 2mo
julieclair I am warming a bit to Liam. He sincerely seems to regret the way he handled things 10 years ago. And I think Josie downloaded all his songs because she‘s deep down wanting to be with him again, but she hasn‘t admitted it to herself yet. 2mo
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