I resonated with this…Time seems to have started to move faster. I need some way to slow it down. #ReadLesMis
I resonated with this…Time seems to have started to move faster. I need some way to slow it down. #ReadLesMis
I loved this chapter: “Mix Two Unhappy People Together and You Get Happiness”
I believe this happens a lot. #ReadLesMis
It‘s interesting that the French novels, Les Miserables and The Count of Monte Cristo have several elements in common. #ReadLesMis
Well, I just completed Fantine. I have no words and found myself filled with the conflicting emotions which were expressed throughout this section. So, I‘m continuing to read, I loved its message and conveyance of thoughts, feelings and difficult life events that are commonly experienced but we seldom discuss. #ReadLesMis
Well, I seldom if ever read two books at once. But, I was doing a buddy read of “My Brilliant Friend” (Book 1) and before we even discussed the book, she could not wait and started reading this one. We will see how this goes with “Les Miserables”. (Back into my reading for sure in 2025).
She has felt everything, accepted everything, experienced everything, suffered everything, lost everything, cried over everything. (This 🥺)#ReadLesMis
It‘s getting depressing over here with Fantine. I am trying to keep going but I skimmed ahead a bit and saw where this was heading. When I start doing that, it‘s not a good sign. #ReadLesMis
A new day was dawning and it‘s soft light was settling over his life and over his soul. He felt like he was seeing Satan in the light of paradise. #ReadLesMis
“True or false, what is said about people often has as much bearing on their lives and especially on their destinies as what they do” 🤔 #ReadLesMis
I am surprised at how much was left out of this version and it was not acknowledged as being abridged. Or maybe the new translation is more explanatory. It surely is significantly more understandable and enjoyable. #readLesMis
I decided to start back from the beginning but I expect that I will do the reread quickly. #ReadLesMis
This book! My goodness! I usually don‘t reread but I am glad I did. I still can‘t figure out these two. Gladly, there‘s 3 more books in the series.
Excited about trying out this translation that I got today. #readlesmis
I‘m starting to read this again while waiting for my new edition of Les Miserables to come. I asked a friend to Buddy Read it with me because the characters and story are so different (best word ) that I have been longing to talk to someone about it. #ReadLesMis
I found this book to be highly comforting and inspirational at this time of my life even more so because I am Catholic. (I am not judging anyone else‘s religious views at all.) I was a bit bothered by him speaking for Christ (“The Voice of Christ”) sometimes without a Biblical reference. But, it did help him make his points. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It‘s keeping my interest but it surely is depressing, in my opinion.
This ended up being a letdown for me after very much enjoying most of the book. I won‘t go into why. It‘s worth reading to form your own opinion. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Absolutely love this!!!! Edited to add, I like it so far particularly because I am Catholic. I‘m not surprised by the evilness. It‘s expected. (In no way, starting a religious discussion. Just sharing my viewpoint for others who might need the info)
This was an enjoyable read. What I loved most about the novel is Ruth. I look forward to getting to know her better and better in the series which I will continue. It ended up that I was less impressed with the murder mystery aspect. As has been typical for me, I figure it out soon and then, am like, “let‘s get on with and spill the beans”. I loved the other unrelated novel surprises although some events I did not buy. In sum, Ruth is great⭐️⭐️⭐️
I can‘t find this since my recent move. I‘m gonna soon buy a new copy if I can‘t lay my hands on it. It will be after finishing “The Burgess Boys” now.
I am so glad I‘m reading this before reading her new novel. I love it and now I am going to have to read Lucy Barton again and the following Lucy books. I have read “Olive Again”. I did not know they had been mentioned in Lucy Barton. Her characters and family relationships are fascinating. This book is reminding me of “Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant” though so far.
I‘ve been searching for a while to find a mystery series I would love. Bingo! I love this book. I don‘t want to put it down. It‘s not just the mystery aspect but also my captivation with Ruth. She is such an interesting person.
Yes! This is next! I‘m excited about continuing to read all of these “Greatest Novels”. But, look at this edition! Isn‘t it beautiful?
This is a book that truly let me down. I love many aspects of it so I am rating it highly. I loved the writing. I loved Catherine. I do love all the Jane Austen “heroines” that I have met. Their strength and assertiveness is beyond their time. But, there are so many holes left in this story. Was there supposed to be a sequel? I have lots of questions. When I got to the last page, I said to myself: “Oh, no! This can‘t be the ending!”
This novel has been so hilarious to me. I love Catherine, “the heroine” so far. I have been absent from Litsy, reading all the volumes of “In Search of Lost Time” by Proust. It really was worth it.
I‘m thrilled to be back into my happy reading place. I am already liking this so much better than Volume IV
I hated this book so much that I actually quit it towards the end. I don‘t even know why I kept trying. But when he started with the “blacks” debutante ball, as if it was one of his comical elements, I was done and done. It‘s not even worthy of me going into it. Yuck!
I‘m excited about reading these. They seem really good.
This is actually Vol. IV. I had to give it thumbs up because Proust and anyone tackling “In Search of Lost Time” must read all volumes. But, for me, this has gone downhill and I don‘t have high expectations for the last volumes. His tangents this time were so illogical that they were grueling to read. I wondered about his sanity. Now reading the back story of this book, I feel fooled by him (won‘t spoil) & there‘s too much of the Verdurin socials
I am enjoying this book so much. I love his style of writing like he is having a witty conversation with me. I regret that he has only written one other book. Any other books that you have read that remind you of this one…for an enjoyable reading experience?
I shall see what Marcel is obsessing about this time. These long novels are focused on at the most 3 events in one locale.
Awe-struck for the 3rd time by this novel, in parts. The gravity of what Proust was saying didn‘t hit me until the end and the ending hit me square in the face. His tangents & extra people are a problem but this is absolved by his genius level depiction of human nature and in this one social relationships. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Awww….I‘m back to Proust, which has spoiled me, it‘s reading at its finest. On every page, I find that one profound statement (midst all the other wonderful prose) which takes my breath away. I‘m thinking: “I can‘t believe he just said that.” For me: “Jane Austen, you‘re great, but not even close to this level.
First of all, make sure not to get the “Signet Classic” edition because Margaret Drabble discloses the entire plot in the Introduction. (Sigh)
Jane Austen worked the magic of engaging me in the story to the extent that I felt I was visiting real people and the characters and relationships are intriguing. But she overdid it with unnecessary, irrelevant stuff, trying to tie up all loose ends. Ultimately, it was disappointing to me.
I wanted to come on here and let you know that to me , so far, starting Chapter 5, that I find, Emma and especially her father, Mr. Woodhouse, to be hilarious. Emma is not at all likable to me which adds to the humor. I also keep thinking about “A Room of One‘s Own” by Virginia Woolfe in which she notes that Jane had to write in the presence of her family. How did she come up with this? I love it.
I‘ve been so surprised how much I‘ve been enjoying this novel. Since I also loved “Persuasion”, I guess I am joining the ranks of being a Jane Austen fan. Her characterization of women is intriguing to me.
This book has won accolades, even being on the list of “1001 Books to Read before You Die”. But, for me, the jury is still out. On pg. 30 & the odds aren‘t good. The main character, a Nigerian, keeps doing what bothers me the most, referring pejoratively about people like me, a black American woman, while she is attending Princeton. Another thing makes me not like her, I‘ll see about THAT soon.
This second volume of “In Search of Lost Time” was amazing in too many ways for me to share briefly. In general, I have never experienced reading a book in which I had to sit and ponder about almost every page. The narrator ruminates about issues which we definitely know occur but seldom talk about out loud. He got too wordy towards the end but, for me, this book is excellent.
This is Volume II of “In Search of Lost Time” and I can‘t even deal with the fact that this story will end. In the midst of the story line, on each page, Proust shares a profound thought that blows my mind. I wait in anticipation as I am reading. This is among one of the best reading experiences that I have had.
I am determined to read/reread all of her journals. In my opinion, she excels in putting into words thoughts and feelings that are difficult to eloquently express. It is interesting, though, how like, Virginia Woolf, this process is so emotionally painful for her and she does not recognize her genius. Overall, I love having the chance to become intimate, through reading, with someone I will never meet.
Well, I ended the year with this, an appropriate title, although I changed in a totally opposite sense. I loved this book from the standpoint of how believable this monstrous change was to Gregor, his family and, to me, as the reader.
I not sure if this is a pan or a bail because I read almost to the very end and could not bring myself to finish.
I guess I was enjoying his writing style but I did not buy his characterizations and other things. It kept getting worse and worse. Ugh. Off to Goodwill
No. Birds and her religious views were not for ME. I own my bias
Finally, at the very end of the year, after bailing several books, I found an author and essayist that I loved. 2022 has to be a better year than this one was, regarding reading and most everything else for me. I love and agree with Emerson‘s perspective and look forward to studying his other works.
I can hardly believe I read 3/4 of this book and had to put it down. I could not tolerate any more of him. I kept thinking he might eventually improve as a person but he continued on and on with his terrible ways. His writing was what kept me going I guess. To me he was the epitome of self-derogatory and generally confused. I guess if one is interested in negative aspects of human nature this book would be enjoyable/
This quote is hilarious given I only believe 30-40% of what he has shared so far. As an old man, he gives detailed accounts about events which occurred in his early childhood to adulthood. I am really enjoying the book though. Written in the first person, it really seems like he is having a private conversation with me.
This dude seems so inept. But, he wrote a memoir that is deemed a classic and I am enjoying it. I think it‘s about the writing style and not the nature of his life.
Where do I find the books I “Add to Stacks” on Litsy?🤦🏽♀️
Seriously, my granddaughter who already loves books may want to know.