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Joined January 2019

I seek books that help me understand the world and books that let me escape it. Love rivers, dogs, gardens and the Big Outside.
This Or That? | Joginder Singh
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I‘ve been canning, roasting and processing tomatoes and peppers the past couple of days so am behind! Here is my list: such a close call since reading SHJ‘s Mongrels!! But still vampires, Thriller! Salted caramel. Scary costume. Pumpkin Patch. Sweaters and fuzzy socks go together! Both! Corn Maze. Hallloween Party. #deadserious @TheAromaofBooks @AmandaBlaze

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! I feel you on the garden stuff! It all seems to hit at once!!! 4w
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My October #bookspin Bingo list is focused on books I started but I‘d not finish me some mysteries. Let‘s tackle TBR! Also for #Hauntedshelf. Looking forward to joining #DeadSerious! @TheAromaofBooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 Happy reading! 🖤🖤🖤 4w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
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I enjoy castaway survival stories. And I love Grann‘s writing. This did not disappoint.

mcctrish I listened to this and it was so dramatic and insane, so many times I said out loud “are you kidding me?!” 1mo
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Lonesome Dove: A Novel | Larry McMurtry
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First time read for me. Loving it. Steinbeck vibes.

Leftcoastzen I‘m jealous! 1mo
Tamra Agreed - while I was reading East of Eden I kept getting Lonesome Dove vibes! 1mo
SamAnne @Tamra Hah! Exactly. Another classic I recently started. Have read a lot of Steinbeck but weirdly not East of Eden! 1mo
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Tamra @SamAnne you are in for a treat! Lots of Easter eggs planted in it. 😁 1mo
Texreader I love this book. Had it on my bookshelves for more than 2 decades, because…western. Finally read it and loved it (edited) 1mo
Hooked_on_books I really need to read this 1mo
Aimeesue Gus! ❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
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Looking forward to diving into some Mary Oliver and finishing up my history on Robert the Bruce! Still reading Scottish history from my last vacation. #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheBookHippie It all sounds lovely. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Really getting into this gripping account of shipwreck, mutiny, murder and castaways. The perfect book to take along on our first adventure on a lake with our new houseboat! 😂😂😬😬😬😳

Ruthiella Beautiful photo! 🤩 I think it would distract me from reading, it‘s so calming. 😂 2mo
zezeki Looks beautiful! 2mo
AnnCrystal 💕🌞😍💝. 2mo
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
mcctrish ☀️💧🐟❤️❤️ 2mo
Leftcoastzen Wow! 2mo
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The Overstory: A Novel | Richard Powers
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A reread for me and loved it has much as the first time. I grew up in a timber town really ravaged by Weyerhaeuser and other companies. Clearcut watersheds, doused with 2,4 D, unsustainable logging and then the layoffs and unemployment, and all the social ills that come with that. I knew first hand many of the incidents and people that inspired actions and characters in the book. And damn, I just love trees! Such a poetic book.

britt_brooke Such a fantastic read! 2mo
AnnCrystal 💔🌳❤️‍🩹🌲💝. 2mo
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My barely legible #bookspin list. Back on the bandwagon. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Priory Books Pitlochry | Pitlochry, (Bookstore)
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Loved exploring this used bookshop in Pitlochry. We picked up an old history book on the Inner Hebrides. We absolutely loved exploring these magical islands.

Jeg Envious. I love Scotland. I‘ve spent a lot of time there over the years. My partners mum lived in a little village Ceres. She lived to be 99. So I had many happy visits. Weather looks perfect too. 2mo
SamAnne @jeg I‘ve fallen in love with Scotland too! Perhaps I will make it back here someday. 2mo
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Headed to Edinburgh today from Pitlochry Scotland. Recommendations in Edinburgh for a bookish person? Photo is of the ruins of the nunnery on the Isle of Iona. What a beautiful and special place to visit.

Bookwomble Can't go wrong with Topping and Co 🙂 2mo
Bookwomble If you meant literary sites rather than bookshops, this is a walking guide 😊 https://edinburgh.org/inspire/edinburgh-city-guides/literature/ 2mo
SamAnne @Bookwomble Both! Thank you! 2mo
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julesG @Bookwomble that's what I wanted to say 2mo
CarolynM The Writers‘ Museum just off the Royal Mile, from memory, dedicated to Robbie Burns, Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson. 2mo
SamAnne @carolynM I did aee that! Not sure I will be able to drag my hubbie there so May go solo. 2mo
AnnCrystal 💕😍💝. 2mo
Jeg Oh Iona. Such a special place. My envy is growing. I loved my day on the island. Great memories. 2mo
SamAnne @jeg we did not have enough time there! Such a special place. The highlight of the trip so far. 2mo
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An interesting read about the development of Herceptin, one of the newer cutting edge immunotherapy cancer drugs for women like me who have HER-2 positive breast cancer. I was struck how ego, aggressive competition can spur scientific breakthroughs. Nonetheless I declined chemo and Herceptin 2 plus years ago. Did surgery and radiation which went really well. I remain in remission but know I have a high likelihood of it returning. ⬇️

SamAnne Prior to diognosis had a few really challenging years and decided to live life and travel—am lucky to be able to do that—for the time being. Currently in beautiful Baja Mexico! Life is beautiful. 5mo
Leftcoastzen Bless you ! Let‘s hope it stays away. Travel seems like great medicine. 5mo
SamAnne @Leftcoastzen thank you and yes! I needed to get fierce again on loving life. I know I need that to survive. Doc said that it could take me 5 years to get back to normal from the drug cocktail they want to give me. I‘m an active person. Chose quality over quantity of time. For the time being! 5mo
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Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
dabbe You are an incredible lady. #carpediemindeed 💙🩵💙 5mo
AnnCrystal 😢🥲💕💝🙏. (edited) 5mo
Anna40 ♥️ 5mo
CarolynM 💪❤️ 5mo
Bookwomble 💖 5mo
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How to Say Babylon | Safiya Sinclair
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One of the best memoirs I‘ve read in a long time. Sinclair tells her story of growing up in Jamaica under an increasingly abusive Rastafarian father and difficult circumstances. Her tenacity, poetry, writing and her mother forged her escape. I knew nothing of the founding and tenets of the Rasta religion before reading this memoir.

Graywacke So nice to see this. I adored it too. She‘s quite a special reader. (edited) 5mo
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East of Eden | John Steinbeck
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Exploring Loreto Baja and visited this lovely little bookstore, Caballo Blanco. Planning to sit in the nextdoor coffee shop and catch up on tagged book! And noting it‘s time to reread Steinbeck‘s Log of the Sea of Cortez, his funny, descriptive and moving journal of traveling by boat with his good friend Ed Rickets from San Fran, down Baja coast and up the Sea of Cortez in the mid-40s.

BarbaraBB That looks lovely. Enjoy 🤍 5mo
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Old God's Time: A Novel | Sebastian Barry
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One of my #weekendreads. Hmmm…not sure about this one yet. My read on the plane to Baja! @rachelsbrittain

Tamra I really enjoyed this on audio, but it does require a certain mood and it can be confusing with shifts in time & memory. 6mo
sarahbarnes This is heavy, but I really liked it. 6mo
Suet624 I liked this one a lot. 6mo
CarolynM It took me a while to get into it, but it was worth the effort. 6mo
BarbaraBB It takes some time getting into indeed 6mo
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North Woods | Daniel Mason
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Did not immediately grab me, but loved the latter part of the book and it is staying withe me. Beautiful writing. Almost like a group of short stories collected around a place and a house from Puritan times to modern day. I wrote my college senior thesis on perceptions/views of wilderness in early colonized America. Synopsis: don‘t believe everything the 2nd generation Puritans wrote, and Roderick Nash got some things wrong. 👇

SamAnne I‘ve read many of the texts the author has, including captivity narratives and early descriptions of New England landscapes, the environmental histories of William Cronin. This book isn‘t for everyone but at the end was for me. 6mo
Tamra It‘s “haunting”, pun intended. I periodically think about the end. 6mo
SamAnne @Tamra yes. I think I will revisit this one. 6mo
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JuniperWilde I appreciate this review @SamAnne - your thesis and the info you point to are of interest to me. 6mo
JuniperWilde I‘ve read bits of The Dawn Of Everything which has problematic parts. The second chapter is about the period shortly after contact and has disturbing and fascinating stories and historical references. 6mo
JuniperWilde Not tied directly to environmental histories but adjacent. 6mo
SamAnne @JuniperWilde I haven‘t read that and will check it out. (edited) 6mo
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Getting some quiet time with this collection before meeting up with people. Oh, Cherie Dimalene, I didn‘t need a horror story about ticks this week. We are having a bad tick year where I live and pulled 4 off my dog. And I‘ve had Lymes! But I am enjoying this collection! Just be lucky there is no tick Emoji! 😳😬😳😬

Lindy Yes, I‘m grateful there‘s no tick emoji! 🕷 6mo
Bookwomble ✔️ (please forgive me 🙏 😄) 6mo
sarahbarnes 👾👾👾 6mo
Chrissyreadit i‘ve been pulling ticks off of me!!! for the FIRST time! thank you climate change for the tick insanity!!!! 5mo
SamAnne @Chrissyreadit it‘s so gross. My hubby just found another one crawling around on him yesterday! And some of my favorite places to walk and hike are also favorite haunts of ticks, dammit! (edited) 5mo
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Trust | Hernan Diaz
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A soft pick for me. Brilliant in its structure with the story of a tycoon and his wife told from 4 different perspectives. Just so…much…..finance.

Ruthiella Hey, it‘s been a while since you posted. Hope everything is OK. 😊 7mo
BarbaraBB I know you‘re doing okay Sam under the circumstances. Thinking of you 🤍 7mo
SamAnne @Ruthiella @BarbaraBB thanks to both of you for sending kind thoughts. I‘m okay. Will plug back in this week! 6mo
BarbaraBB I now see I wrote “I know” instead of “I hope” 🤦🏻‍♀️. I‘m sorry for that ❤️ 6mo
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My messily written Boobspin list. #Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 9mo
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Hmmm….I need to think about this one more. Soft pick but might grow on me more. Very ambiguous ending. About grief, anger, feeling on the outside because of economic background, cultural background, temperment, and evil evil Alexa-like devices. I did take several Mexican-Indigenous/American authors with me on vacation, and enjoying the overlaps. Vampires of El Norte and tagged both feature cucuys, the Spanish/Mexican boogeyman.

Charityann Looks like you‘re in the perfect place to read!!😄🌊 9mo
SamAnne @charityann this vacation has been quite the gift! 9mo
Reggie Every time we misbehaves when we were kids my mom/grandma always said that the Cucuy would get us. lol, I have this and need to read it. 9mo
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Trust | Hernan Diaz
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Thanks for the tag @AnnR ! Gardening and watching Star Trek with my Dad. Baking with my mom. And traveling with both of the . I hope I‘m remembered for contributing to river and fisheries restoration efforts. Just started tagged yesterday….is it a take on the Sackler family? Intrigued. @Eggs #wondrouswednesday

AnnR 🙂👍🐟 9mo
Eggs Thanks for joining in 🩵 🐠 💚 9mo
BkClubCare I hadn‘t heard anything abt Trust being linked to the Sacklers. What have you heard? 8mo
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The Vaster Wilds | Lauren Groff
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I suspect this won‘t be everyone‘s cup of tea as a slow-paced novel. I have a serious book hangover though. Beautiful writing. 5 stars for me. A servant girl flees the colony Jamestown in the 1600s and makes her way through the land. A contemplation on survival and death, and strangely uplifting.

JuniperWilde I will check it out. 🌲 9mo
sarahbarnes On my TBR! 9mo
Chelsea.Poole I loved this! 9mo
charl08 I'm a fan. Still thinking about it. 9mo
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Loving this pyschological horror book. Beware of Alexa! And how lovely to read a horror book with the daily vulture who comes to the pool at our Mexican rental house. We‘ve had black vultures, turkey vultures, tropical king birds and a snake all come for a drink.

AmyG This looks just lovely!!! 9mo
SamAnne @amyg it is! Rented with a group of friends. It‘s been such a gift. I love the wildlife. 9mo
AnnCrystal 💕😍💝. 9mo
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marleed I really want to be you today!🏝️ 9mo
vivastory I really dug this one 9mo
CatLass007 Gorgeous photo. I‘ve learned that I‘m not much into horror these days. I‘m not sure why, I guess my tastes have changed as I‘ve gotten older. 9mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
SamAnne @CatLass007 I never read horror until a few years ago. I blame Stephen Graham Jones and His novel The Only Good Indian. I can‘t handle much gore. I am really appreciating the writing that Indigenous, Black and other non-white authors are doing in the genre, tackling all kinds of issues—colonialism, navigating outside the dominant culture, etc. That‘s about all the horror I read. But no slashers for me! 9mo
CatLass007 I used to be a huge Stephen King fan. He doesn‘t do slashers. He does building terror. I signed up for the Stephen King buddy read several years ago but it turned out my heart just wasn‘t in it. Mysteries and thrillers are frightening enough because they really can happen. I love science fiction, fantasy, mystery, thrillers, pretty much all genres except romance (for the most part). I‘ll look into the author you mentioned and check out (cont) ⬇️ 9mo
CatLass007 the sub-genre of horror that you like. I do try to read as many different types of authors as I can. 9mo
CatLass007 I just looked up Stephen Graham Jones and two of his are free with my Audible subscription. I‘ll give them a listen and see what I think. 9mo
SamAnne @Catlass007 oh which ones? Heads up: some of his can be too gory for me like My Heart is a Chainsaw. I loved Mongrels. Mapping the Interior is really good. And he has a short story about some day laborers who wake something they shouldnt 9mo
CatLass007 Growing Up Dead in Texas and Demon Theory. 9mo
CatLass007 I also have Victor LaValle‘s Lone Women in my Audible collection. 9mo
SamAnne @CatLass007 I haven‘t read those ones by SGJ. I enjoyed Lone Women! 9mo
CatLass007 Audible is great about putting authors who aren‘t white in the forefront. They don‘t specifically mention horror among their many genres, so I think it might take a little digging to find them. But I can do that. I probably shouldn‘t be adding to my library since I already have more books than I‘ll ever listen to in this lifetime. But buying new books is a major weakness. 9mo
SamAnne @CatLass007 😂😉. I hear you. I‘m trying to focus on bought books languishing non my shelves in 2024. But i get distracted by the shiny new thing all the time. 9mo
CatLass007 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚 9mo
CatLass007 I also have decided to use Libby to check out audiobooks. 9mo
CatLass007 I have read about Never Whistle at Night and I think I‘ll start with that. If I find that I like particular authors, I can take off from there. 9mo
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I Must Be Dreaming | Roz Chast
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I love Roz Chast and her off-the-wall humorous New Yorker cartoons. This collection was just okay for me, mostly because I‘m not particularly fond of listening to descriptions of dreams. But some funny ones for sure.

Flaneurette I thought the same about this book 9mo
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Vampires of El Norte | Isabel Caas
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I loved the setting: 1840s northern Mexico (current south Texas), Rancheros defending their land, cattle and lives from the Yanquis working to take over. And vampires! And insight into the class hierarchies and treatment of women. And deep love between a working vaquero and a daughter of a Patron. But I don‘t read romances and these veered too much that way for me. So me, not the book.

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Vampires of El Norte | Isabel Caas
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I loved the setting: 1840s northern Mexico (current south Texas), Rancheros defending their land, cattle and lives from the Yanquis working to take over. And vampires! And insight into the class hierarchies and treatment of women. And deep love between a working vaquero and a daughter of a Patron. But I don‘t read romances and this veered too much that way for me. So me, not the book.

Vampires of El Norte | Isabel Caas
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I‘m on vacation for #joyousjanuary. It‘s minus 7 degrees in my town. Happy to be reading and hanging out with the resident black vultures that visit our pool at our house in Mexico we are sharing with friends. Plan to finish the tagged book, a Joy Harjo poetry collection, Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse and The Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno. @Andrew65

MemoirsForMe What a beautiful photo. Keep enjoying your vacation! 9mo
Ruthiella Nice! ☀️🇲🇽☀️ 9mo
charl08 😍 9mo
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IndoorDame Gorgeous! Enjoy your escape to🌞🌊🇲🇽! 9mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
Megabooks Wow! 🤩🤩 9mo
BarbaraBB Wow! Enjoy 💕 9mo
marleed Oh have fun! I want to be in Mexico tonight rather than my current -4°! 9mo
CarolynM Looks beautiful 😍 Enjoy! 9mo
Suet624 I needed this picture. Thank you! 9mo
SamAnne @suet624 we are glad to not be shoveling snow. It keeps coming at home. Will need to bring gifts back to the family and friends holding down our home fort. 9mo
Andrew65 A good plan! 9mo
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Sharing a house with friends in Mexico. I‘m leaving this collection out on the communal table so all can enjoy if they so choose.

TheBookHippie Enjoy! 10mo
Leftcoastzen Oh wow , that sounds great ! Hope you‘re enjoying yourself. 10mo
AnnCrystal That sounds like the start of a Hallmark movie ☺️💝. (edited) 10mo
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BarbaraBB Enjoy!! 10mo
sarahbarnes Amazing! 10mo
Tamra Lovely! 10mo
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All the stars. I was not expecting to love this book so much. I‘m not into gaming. At all. And yet this novel spoke to me in so many ways. Really, it is about how we deal with grief and loss in life, about friendship. I got a bit teary towards the end.

SamAnne I loved that it featured a tight bond between a guy and a gal and that it didn‘t go romantic. I wish there were more of those stories. The death of Marx was done so well: an activist ally was recently shot in the chest by a MAGA Trumper and barely survived….the way that character‘s experience rang so true from what my friend described of his experience. I LOVED the ending when Sam builds a gaming world to reconnect with Sadie!! 10mo
SamAnne I loved how the novel tackled the struggles of being a woman in a nearly all male world, and how obtuse even your close male friends can be towards your lived experience. Been there! 10mo
vivastory One of my favorites of last year 💙💙 10mo
Cuilin I wept!!! (Also not a gamer) 10mo
SamAnne @Cuilin gosh yes. Me too. 10mo
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Definitely doing #readaway2024. Here are the print books I brought on vacation as a start. I also want to get through some lingering chunksters including Anna Karina, Ninth Street Women, Ducks Newburyport. Also Brothers Karamazov! So glad @BarkingMadRead is leading us on a group read! @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader Wonderful goals❤️‍🔥 Hood luck & great to have you join us🤓📚 10mo
Andrew65 Great goals, Chunksters are a high priority for me this year. Already finished 1. Best of luck 😁 10mo
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Tourist Season | Carl Hiaasen
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Seems an appropriate book for where I‘m sitting. The minuses of over-developed tourism. Loved reading Hiaasen on my trip to Florida last year! So funny although some of his writing hasn‘t aged well. But happy to have escaped the cold weather to Mexico! Also, any good recommendations for Mexican history books?

Howard_L I really enjoyed Distant Neighbors by Alan Riding but it may be a bit dated now. More an overview than history. 10mo
Ruthiella Welcome back. It‘s been a while since you posted! 😃 10mo
BarbaraBB Looking good where you are. I enjoyed Hiaasen‘s 10mo
SamAnne @ruthiella thanks! It‘s been a year of periods of withdrawing for various reasons. Glad to be back too! 10mo
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Many thanks to the organizers of Scarathlon! I was away from internet as much as possible—we had a beautiful October fall in the Inland NW USA! So I didn‘t participate much here but I did have a good reading month. Word count 1600, bucket list 30,spooky reads and regular reads 110, 2 readathons 2600 points. 3740 combined with first half month: 32,220 points. Thank you @Bookwormjillk ! #teambookloverrs

Bookwormjillk Woo hoo! I had a great time this month. Thanks for being a part of it! 12mo
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Silver Nitrate | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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Love the history & themes SMG uses. Set in 80s Mexico City in the movie industry. Sound editor getting squeezed out of jobs by sexist boss & an actor w/waning career due to old scandal, childhood friends, meet film director who years ago worked on films with Nazi occultists. Spooky evil magic story ensues when they agree to help director dub an old film. Next up: Bad Cree. #scarathlon #TeamBookLovers

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Hah! Happy Thursday.

dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 12mo
Meshell1313 Love this! 🤣 12mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 12mo
Zoes_Human 🤣 12mo
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Don't Fear the Reaper | Stephen Graham Jones
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Had it not been for the #scarathlon word count stats for this book, I would have few points to offer #teambooklovers halfway through the month. But this gory novel offered an embarrassment of riches. So despite few posts, not having my bingo points together except for the 24 hour and quick sprints, I managed 27,328 points, 27,120 from this book alone!. @Bookwormjillk

Bookwormjillk Wow, maybe I should have made that the buddy read! 12mo
SamAnne @Bookwormjillk I will double check my point count but it was really over the top! 12mo
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Don't Fear the Reaper | Stephen Graham Jones
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Love SGJ but I‘m not into slasher movies and this is an homage to slashers as was the first in this trilogy. Loved his dark humor as always and themes of gentrification, stolen land. One chapter about the ghost girl Stacey Grqves haunting the drowned town under Indian Lake was especially beautifully written. So a so-so read for me.

Reggie I love horror, and I liked the first book in this trilogy but I haven‘t felt inclined to pick this one up or worry about the 3rd one coming out. I wonder why. 12mo
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The Lacuna | Barbara Kingsolver
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Looking forward to #OutstandingOctober readathon! The weather has been fabulous the past 2 weeks in the Inland NW of USA so little time spent reading and little time w/ decent cell or internet. Need to catch up on #Scarathlon for #TeamBOOklovers! Need to read tagged—I‘m sucked in just 10 pages in! Want to finish Don‘t Fear the Reaper, Silver Nitrate and Beware the Woman. Weather is changing, time@for some cozy reading. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😁 12mo
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I‘m only now posting my #bookspinbingo card! #bookspin is Silver Nitrate—already a bit into that one. And looking forward to Beware the Woman. Filled the board with monsters, murders and mysteries! #scarathlon #TeamBOOklovers

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Late posting due to little cell/internet access (which I love). Did more than 20 chapters and read 12-plus hours! Made great progress on Silver Nitrate, Silvia Morena-Garcia's newest, Merlin Sheldrake's Entangled Life, and SGJ's Fear the Reaper, which was the perfect creepy book to be reading on an Idaho lake, since it takes place on such a lake, and I know the country and setting well. Thanks @Andrew65 for hosting another #20in4 #readathon!

Andrew65 Brilliant, well done 👏👏👏🙌🥳🎉🍾🥂❤️‍🔥 13mo
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Don't Fear the Reaper | Stephen Graham Jones
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#scarathlon Without thinking, brought SGJs sequel to My Heart is a Chainsaw up to our boat. First book featured a murderous rampage on an Idaho lake w/ themes of colonialism, gentrification, slasher films. Where am I reading it? At night in a deserted marina on an Idaho lake, a place also feeling the squeeze of wealthy people from elsewhere taking over. End of season, all lights are turned off too.. which I like. But…ooh. #BOOklovers 😳😳🔪🔪

AnnCrystal Oh, I know how that feels like. Once, my mom and I watched the movie Halloween H20 right before going to pick my dad up at the airport...dead of night, drive route was a dark, lonely road, and there was a graveyard along the way...FUN 😉. 13mo
SamAnne @AnnCrystal ack! I‘m still cracking up at my choice to dive into this SGJ book…and I rarely read horror!! 13mo
AnnCrystal @SamAnne 🥺oh no, and you set up the perfect atmosphere...😯😉❕. 13mo
Reggie Do you hear the gentle lapping of water? And that one that maybe sounds like something just came out of the lake? (Ooooo eeeee oooo) It‘s 1am with the wind howling here in NM so don‘t mind me. lol 13mo
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Only about 70 pages in so will be finishing this wonderful book in October. I‘m lovin‘ the lichens! And (mostly) black cover! Yay first day of #scarathlon! Black. #photochallenge #BOOklovers

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Ready for some spooky shows!! #Scarathlon #TeamBOOklovers @AllDebooks

AllDebooks 🖤👻🖤 13mo
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#Scarathlon bucket list ready to go! #TeamBOOklovers @AllDebooks Need to think about a Halloween costume!

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Jumping into #20in4 readathon hosted by @Andrew65 ! Hope to clear the decks for #Scarathlon by finishing Entangled Life and Villette!

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, best of luck 😁 13mo
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Vampires of El Norte | Isabel Caas
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It's not too late to sign up for #scarathlon, my favorite Litsy community event of the year. Fun challenges and a great opportunity to dive into those monster stories and spooky thrillers. My most anticipated read of the month is tagged! Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnawYo1IDsBAr2s_LlqzBQlxM8KGwIqDxE1Dm4... @staycurious @clwojick @bookwormjillk #BOOkLovers

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1. Spending a spring or fall day out in nature with my border collie Jackson, hiking, birdwatching and reading, solo. 2. My love of cheese and a cocktail at night. I eat healthy but I need to ratchet it up so that I stay in remission from cancer. 3. I haven‘t really gotten back to the gym since Covid. I need to do that. And—I want to make a habit of sending a card, making a small unexpected gesture to a friend once a week.

Mitch You‘ve inspired me ❤️ 13mo
KT1432 I love your idea for number 3! 13mo
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Terrible photo and messy handwriting, but my dark and spooky #Bookspingbingo list for October. Indigenous and Mexican authors and some well known writers I‘ve not yet read. Early bird points for #scarathlon @Bookwormjillk @TheAromaofBooks #TeamBOOklovers

AnnCrystal 💕💝👍. At least some of those should be on my tbr list...Look forward to reading your reviews ☺️. (edited) 13mo
Bookwormjillk 👻🎃👻🎃👻🎃 13mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 13mo
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1. I‘ve had a bit of a bad reading month…too many books going at once. But I think it will be the tagged! I love fungi. I‘m loving the beautiful poetic writing and the information. 2. Reading some spooky books and getting some solo fall fishing/camping in and reading in front of the camp fire! #TwoForTuesday @TheSpineView

TheBookHippie I am loving the read as well and learning so very much! 13mo
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 13mo
MidnightBookGirl Yay for solo trips! Although... maybe don't take anything too scary to read! 13mo
SamAnne @MidnightBookGirl hah! Yes, good point. 13mo
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Salmon Wars: The Dark Underbelly of Our Favorite Fish | Douglas Frantz, Catherine Collins
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1. Fish feeder at salmon farm 17 yr. Don‘t eat farmed salmon to this day. Became a life long wild salmon advocate. Salmon farms do great harm to estuaries and spread disease to imperiled wild salmon. 2. Not ones I‘ve been paid for, other than the occasional stint as an assistant in commercial river trips. 3. Burned out spectacularly in an advocacy career. Climbing out of the ashes and balance is my main priority! @Eggs #wonderouswednesday

Eggs #3 Sorry to hear about the burnout-hope you get your mojo back🤗 13mo
TheBookHippie I hear ya!! 😵‍💫 13mo
SamAnne @Eggs @TheBookHippie no phoenix has risen from any pile of ashes yet, but I'm getting back into the groove. Thank you. 13mo
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JuniperWilde It is nice to hear more about your passion for wild salmon. I feel strongly about protecting them too. I have worked in that space (ie. protecting from mining, fish farms) for years. People are starting to wake up. 🐟 13mo
SamAnne @JuniperWilde thank you for your efforts!! ❤ ❤ I worked for more than 2 decades in efforts to remove the four lower Snake River dams in eastern WA, impacting salmon and steelhead in thousands of miles of habitat in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. I think it will happen. I hope it happens in time. 13mo
JuniperWilde @SamAnne 🙏🏻 your work will carry forward. It has to. In Canada (BC) they are going to force the farms on land. Salmon are such a cool creature. 13mo
AlaMich My cousin is the conservation director for the Skagit Land Trust and I‘ve heard a lot of stories about the kind of work you‘re talking about. Not necessarily salmon, but other types of projects. (edited) 13mo
SamAnne @AlaMich Salmon are certainly a totem species here in the PNW. A life giving fish. 13mo
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A soft pick for me. Beautiful prose. Loved the structure. Love her poems. Just so much focus on bitter divorce and mothering and that‘s not my favorite cup of tea.

Sun House: A Novel | David James Duncan
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My boat book for the weekend. I‘ve been waiting for DJD‘s next novel for more than 20 years. Brothers K is one of my favorite all time novels. The River Why was the first literary fiction set in the landscape where I grew up and made a big impression on me at 22. Twenty years later is was hell of a lot of fun to end up working with David on efforts to remove 4 large dams to restore Columbia-Snake salmon & steelhead runs. Yay! He finished it!!

BarbaraBB Enjoy! Book and boat! 14mo
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