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Joined June 2019

Mom-Wife-Dog Lover-Slow Reader-Cold Tea and Coffee Drinks...little time to read but sneak it in where I can.
Canary Girls: A Novel | Jennifer Chiaverini
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A case of lice in our household slowed my reading down this past weekend but I'm still hoping to finish the tagged book this week. I'm close to half way through and enjoying it so far. The writing doesn't draw you in as much as some of the recent books I've read but it is still well written. I'm really loving the storylines.

#CanaryGirls #WWI #England #WomenBehindTheWar #Football #LibraryBook

Canary Girls: A Novel | Jennifer Chiaverini
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Going to spend some time this weekend reading the tagged book. Figured I'd start it off with my favourite summer drink, dragonfruit tea. I'm hoping to learn a bit about the impact women had on WWI with this book.

#DragonfruitTea #LibraryBook #WWI #England

Cuilin Enjoy both tea and book, looking forward to hearing about this one. 1w
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Stopped by the library while I was waiting for one of our kiddos. A nice variety of books so I'm excited to start reading. I'll be starting with Canary Girls for #bookedintime .


The Ghost Woods | C.J. Cooke
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A slow paced, atmospheric book about unwed mothers, queerness and feminism in the 1960s time frame of Scotland (although more about atmosphere). This is also mixed in with folklore which is well backed up by science (mushrooms everywhere). I enjoyed the book for a cottage read - there was nothing too surprising in this book and it was somewhat predictable but it was still a nice atmospheric read.

*There are trigger warnings in this book*

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The Ghost Woods | C.J. Cooke
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The sun came out and we spent the majority of the day in the water. We've finished dinner and the kiddos are tired out now so now I get some mom time with a cold beer and a book. The book is pretty slow paced so far, but that is kind of nice for cottage reading.

#CottageReading #ColdBeer #EnjoyingTheView #MomTime

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 2w
AllDebooks 💚 Sounds like a perfect day 💚 2w
Aims42 Gorgeous picture 😍 Sounds like a very fun day! 2w
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The Ghost Woods | C.J. Cooke
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Another rainy morning at the cottage so we are stuck inside until it (hopefully) clears this afternoon. Our time at the cottage is quickly running out and I'll miss being able to get this much reading time in!! I'm looking forward to reading a bit of forest mystery while up at the cottage.

#RainyMorning #Cottage #LakeSideReading #Forest #Scotland

Yellowface | R F Kuang
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I despise the main character in this book (and that is probably an understatement) but the fact that the author could make me despise a character so much speaks to the writing. You are pulled into the story from the first page, and although you know it's only going to get worse, you can't put the book down. While I understand where the ending comes from, I think there could have been a better ending for the character.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

Soubhiville I was a bit disappointed with the ending too. 2w
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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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Rainy day at the cottage today so there will be reading, board games and colouring with the kiddos today. Going to jump in on #AuthorAMonth with the tagged book. While I saw this book pop up everywhere for a few months, I have no idea what it is about...which is kind of fun sometimes!

#RainyDay #Cottage #LakeSideReading

Aims42 I agree, it is a fun change of pace going into books blindly 😄👍 No expectations to fight against (edited) 2w
Jess861 @Aims42 I agree! The book is good so far, but definitely wasn't what I was expecting 😅 2w
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The Black Crescent | Jane Johnson
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This book is wonderfully written. While the plot is predictable, it is the themes and history that is more important. The descriptions of the rural and city landscapes, food, culture, heritage and folklore transport you right into Morocco during the time they are fighting for their independence from the French. A great introduction (fictionally) to the fight for Moroccan independence. Jane Johnson is quickly becoming one of my top authors.

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The Black Crescent | Jane Johnson
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Kicking off the week at the cottage with the remainder of this book. I'm quite enjoying it so far and it has me craving Moroccan food! There is nothing I love better than reading with a lake view.

#Morocco #Independence #CottageReading #LakeSideReading #LibraryBook

dabbe The cottage looks lovely. 💙💚💙 3w
Aims42 Love this view! 😍😍😍 3w
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The Black Crescent | Jane Johnson
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Long weekend reading in the backyard. I don't think I've ever read a book set in Morocco so I'm excited to learn a bit about the countries landscapes and culture. I just hope I have time to finish the book as it needs to go back to the library soon.

#Morocco #Independence #LibraryBook #LongWeekend

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This book was a great read. A tremendous story about two girls who lose their family and the fight to find them again. It occurs during the Dust Bowl. I think this story would have been great even without the present time chapters but the last few present time chapters really tie well into the story and I can see why she had them. But her past time chapters were wonderful and could have carried the story.

#BookedInTime #AmericanDustBowl @Cuilin

Deblovestoread Stacking! I‘m really struggling with my choice so might need to move on from 1mo
Cuilin ✅🎉🤩 1mo
Cuilin @Deblovestoread I DNF‘d mine. I think I‘ll try an audiobook 1mo
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Deblovestoread @Cuilin That book made me ugly cry. Have tissues at the ready. 1mo
Cuilin @Deblovestoread thank you. Good to know. 1mo
Jess861 @Cuilin @Deblovestoread - this book will give you a few cries too. 1mo
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Spending my work lunch snacking on some cheese and continuing The Dust Bowl Orphans. I'm about half way theough and enjoying it so far. I'm enjoying the chapters during the dust bowl much more than the present day chapters. I don't feel like the past-present chapters are always necessary.

#BookedInTime #DustBowl #Orphans #SmokedCheddarCheese #ColdBrew #LunchReading

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Had an appointment in the city - so I had to stop at the bookstore. Grabbed The Dust Bowl Orphans for #bookedintime and I'm going to give it a start while I munch on lunch.

#AmericanDustBowl #LunchRead #Lemonade


Cuilin This has lots of great reviews. I hope you enjoy it. 1mo
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I managed to finish the book yesterday and it was a solid pick for me. A few brutal scenes at the beginning but then it became more of a story about a princess. I had no idea about Queen Victoria's Goddaughter so it was an interesting story to learn about. It follows Aina throughout her entire life and while her life wasn't overly exciting after the beginning it is still a decent read. A strong and brave woman!

#Africa #London #Royalty #Victorian

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The new way I treat myself to an evening of reading - specialty cheese, crackers and a juice or tea. Tonight it is guava juice, garlic crackers and roasted garlic and herbs cheddar cheese. I'm hoping that the kids don't wake up so that I can finish this book tonight.

#GarlicAndHerbCheese #Guavajuice #GarlicCrackers #EveningReading

Bookwomble Looks like you're settling in for a cosy evening 😊 2mo
Tamra Nice! 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Jess861 @Bookwomble It was absolutely wonderful! 2mo
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Been slowly making my way through this book while enjoying some beautiful weather. I'm enjoying the book so far. A few brutal scenes in the beginning that were hard to read but necessary to the story (in my opinion). I'm curious to see how it will end.

#HistoricalFiction #DragonfruitTea #Outside #Africa #England #Royalty

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He worked so hard to get to this point and we are beyond proud. He has read two Narwhal and Jelly as well as most of the first The Bad Guys: Episode 1 in the last few days. He even wanted to sit in my reading chair since he was reading “real“ books on his own 😆....this is a proud mama moment!!

#LearningToRead #KidsBooks #TheBadGuys #NarwhalAndJelly #GraphicNovels #Animals #Comics

Leftcoastzen That‘s wonderful! So cute! 3mo
tpixie Amazing!!! Warms our hearts!🩵📚🩵 3mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
youneverarrived 🩵🩵 3mo
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Randomly picked up this book from the library the other day and I finally have some time tonight to start it. Can't wait to spend the evening reading as it's been too long!!


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Norse Mythology | Neil Gaiman
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I tried very hard to get into this book, but I just couldn't. I realized when I picked it up it is short stories and I've never been able to get into short stories. I'm quite interested in learning about Norse Mythology, but the short story format just didn't work for me. I'm sure it is a great book, and this is a me problem! It was time for me to bail as I wasn't getting any reading done. I'll probably try to come back to it at some point.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 No problem with you at all! I prefer mythology in a novel format myself, and I'm so glad some are finally coming out (like Madeline Miller's CIRCE). The short stories can be quite dry, can't they? Life's too short, and there are too many other great books out there! 5mo
Smarkies I didn't realise this was short stories... those are not my preferred format either... 😞 5mo
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Will our 7 year old be scared if I start reading Goosebumps to him? He insists he won't be, but I also don't want him to be up with nightmares! He isn't a strong reader so we are always excited when there are books he wants to either read or have us read to him! I think he's only excited because I read these books as a kid though.

#Goosebumps #KidsReading

Dilara So, did you read them to him? How did it go? 5mo
Jess861 @Dilara He is absolutely loving this book. We are almost done and have already purchased book 2. I think we officially have a Goosebumps fan! 5mo
Dilara @Jess861 😁 👍 5mo
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Norse Mythology | Neil Gaiman
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I'm really not finding much time to read because I've been so busy with work lately. Hope I get more than a few pages in before I fall asleep tonight 😆! I'm really looking forward to this book and I'm hoping it can transport me to a different world.

Norse Mythology | Neil Gaiman
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Second #bookspin of 2024! #13 has been chosen which means I'll be reading Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. I'm really excited to read another book by Neil Gaiman as I enjoyed The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

Thank you @thearomaofbooks for another spin!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 6mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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My bookspin for February. Same as January except I replaced pick 6 since I read the spin in January.

#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Closer by Sea | Perry Chafe
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I picked up this book from the library having never heard of it, and I quite enjoyed it. Spend the summer in a small fishing village with a group of boys while they try to solve a mystery while growing up before us. A great look into the cod fishing industry on the east coast of Canada and the struggles it and the families that worked it suffered. A quick read and a good coming of age story.

#Readathon #ReadAway2024 #EastCoast #Fishing

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Closer by Sea | Perry Chafe
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While our eldest took his drama class I popped into the library and checked out this book. Our library had a flood so the entire fiction floor has been closed for a while. There are only a few shelves to browse on the upper floor (or you reserve ahead of time from their entire collection). I know nothing about it so hopefully I like it. Popcorn and a book for me tonight!

#LibraryBook #Popcorn #Canada

Mossflower | Brian Jacques
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Some Sunday afternoon reading in my pyjamas. The Redwall series was one of my favourites as a kid and I'm enjoying re-reading some of the books. Mossflower is the second book in the series if you are reading them in publication order.

#Childhoodfavourite #RedwallSeries #Rereading #MiddleGrade

Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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We are in the middle of a cold and windy snowstorm - so I'm going to get some reading in for #JoyousJanuary . I am currently re-reading Mossflower from the Redwall series and hoping I can put a good dent in it this week.

Thank you to @Andrew65 for hosting!

The War Pianist | Mandy Robotham
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This book is an excellent read. It is well written and a good pace. It keeps you turning the pages with a plot that wants you to keep reading more. To read and learn about the resistance in the Netherlands and how much the Dutch people risked their lives and sacrificed is a part of WWII that I didn't know much about. The characters are well developed and you want to know what is going to happen next to them. This is a strong pick for me.

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The War Pianist | Mandy Robotham
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I am enjoying the evening with some jazz music and a good book. This dual story book is about two women in different countries during WWII. I'm glad it isn't a past-present book. It is a good pace so far and well written. I'm enjoying discovering how some of the characters are connected, it is well done by the author. I've also learned that a war pianist is a radio operator!

#JazzMusic #WWII #London #Amsterdam #RadioOperator

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The War Pianist | Mandy Robotham
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Last day off work so I am home for the first #bookspin of 2024! #6 has been chosen which means it's The War Pianist by Mandy Robotham for me. Oddly enough, I started out 2023 reading a book by the same author. I'm hoping I enjoy this book a bit more than The Secret Messenger. I'm not doing too many challenges this year so hopefully I can participate in bookspin more often!

Thank you @thearomaofbooks for hosting once again!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy!! 7mo
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Daisy Jones & The Six | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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I tried to like this book, but it was just ok for me. The one thing I did love was the format the book was written in. The way it was written, interview style, and to have it flow so well was great. It was the content that was just ok for me. Just a lot of talk about sex, drugs and rock & roll and that just doesn't really interest me. I just couldn't feel bad for the characters, as most of them felt like awful, selfish people with lots of money.

Untitled | Untitled
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My #bookspin for January 2024.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7mo
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Daisy Jones & The Six | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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I've decided to try and kick this reading slump by reading my book clubs January pick. I've enjoyed reading two of her other books so I'm hoping this one is also good. Going to enjoy a beer, the Christmas tree and the book for a relaxing evening.

#BookAndBeer #HolidayReading #RelaxingEvening #AloneTimeForMom

Aims42 Love all the hashtags 😆 Enjoy your downtime! 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I loved Daisy!! 7mo
CatMS This is a great book as an audiobook 7mo
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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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This is the Christmas and Birthday book haul I received this month! I think it is a nice mix of books. I've been in a huge reading slump (as can be seen by the fact that my last post was 3 month ago). I'm hoping this haul will help me get back into reading - although it's more a time thing than a want thing.

#ChristmasBookHaul #BirthdayBookHaul #BookHaul #Presents #2023

peanutnine Great stack! Hope you find something good to read soon ☺️ 7mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Going to join this readathon and hopefully get some reading in this week. Hoping I can get a bit further in The Rise of Wolf 8 (I'm really enjoying it so far but can only read so much at a time). Also hoping to decide what fiction book to read next and start it.

#OutstandingOctober #Readathon


Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😁 9mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Jen watches her son commit a murder and then travels backwards in time to try and figure out why it happened and how she can prevent it. I did enjoy this book although I found that it did drag a bit at the beginning of the book. The twists were good and kept me guessing for the first part of the book - once I got to the middle-end of the book I was able to put it all together. The writing was ok - but overall I enjoyed this book.

Cortg I‘m @ 1/2 through this one on audio for bookclub. So far so good. I live a good tine travel story! 9mo
Jess861 Agree - very neat concept to travel back and live out a day and then continue to travel back in time. 9mo
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I'm escaping into this book tonight because I need to know that humans can do good things too. Reintroducing wolves into Yellowstone has been huge for the entire Yellowstone ecosystem.

#NonFiction #Yellowstone #Wolves

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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It is a cloudy, gloomy day so I'm starting this book with an iced coffee for my October book club. I find the concept of going back in time to figure out why the crime was committed quite interesting so I'm excited to dive in.

#IcedCoffee #GloomyDay #Thriller

Allylu Loved this book!! 10mo
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I would not have picked up this book if it weren't for book club but I'm glad I did. I loved the characters and it felt like the writing went right along side the main character, Elizabeth Zott. I did find that the end wrapped up a bit to neatly for my liking. I'm not sure it went with the time - I felt like the whole book she was battling issues of the 60s and at the end everyone got a great ending and we were almost in another time.

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Beautiful cool evening to read outside with a drink. Enjoying the book so far and I'm hoping to get a few hours of reading in tonight. #BookAndBeer #BookClub #Readathon #EveningReading #OutdoorReading #BackyardReading

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I don't usually (ever) read two books at once but I only have two weeks to read this book for a book club I signed up for. So here goes reading two books at the same time. It is unlikely I would have picked it up if it wasn't for book club so I can't wait to find out if I like it.

TEArificbooks Apple TV is making it into a tv show or movie 10mo
Blueberry It's coming up in my bookclub also. 10mo
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It's amazing how our kids can put us back in touch with our childhood passions. I have always loved learning about animals and I was especially enthralled with wolves as a kid. I credit our son for allowing me to rediscover the joy of animals through his love for all living things. As he gets older, I hope he never loses touch with what truly brings him joy. I cannot wait to dive into this book!

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I enjoyed this book as much as the first I read in the series (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe). I enjoyed the characters a bit more in this book but am still bothered by the blatant sexism. Favourite thing by far was the trees! Excited to read the third - I believe it is The Voyage of the Dawn Trader if I'm reading in publication order.

#ChroniclesOfNarnia #Series #BookTwo #MiddleGrade #Readathon #SummerEndReadathon @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Excellent! 11mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Just hoping to keep my momentum up when it comes to getting some reading in every week. September is crazy busy with back to school and the start of the fall activities - so I'm just hoping to find some time.

Thanks for hosting the #SummerEndReadathon #Readathon @TheSpineView

TheSpineView You're welcome and good luck! 11mo
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Reading The Chronicles of Narnia in publication order while the kids run around in the sun and play with water. Surprisingly, I never read them as a child and this is the first time I'm doing so. This is the second book and I hope I enjoy it as much as the first.

#Narnia #Fantasy #KidsBook #Series

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The White Hare | Jane Johnson
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This was an enjoyable read about three generations of women (one being a child) as they move to Cornwall, England for a new start. They move into White Cove and explore the mysteries that surround it and some Cornish folklore. The book does move at a slower pace but it suited the story. I did find that even though it is set in the 1950s, I kept thinking we were in current time (except when the war was brought up).

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The White Hare | Jane Johnson
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Beautiful morning for a little backyard read with an iced coffee from our local coffee shop. I'm enjoying the book so far and I'm curious to see where it leads as I read on.

#IcedCoffee #LocalCoffeeShop #Hare #MorningReading

The White Hare | Jane Johnson
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Going to start the tagged book tonight with some sea salt chips. It was a rainy day but looks like I'm getting a sunny evening to read. I think this book won't be as intense as River Sing Me Home and I need that for my next book.

#BookAndChips #CozyBlanket

River Sing Me Home | Eleanor Shearer
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An excellent debut! The story of a slave who treks across three countries to find all the children taken from her. The writing and settings are beautiful and you are transported to this time and place. You can't help but love the many characters you meet throughout the book. I simply cannot imagine having all your children ripped away from you and having to fight to find them again. Only knock was there are some parts that are a bit too lucky.

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