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Probably the last beach trip for my old kindle oasis, battery barely holding a charge

Ruthiella So sad! 😭 I wish we could easily get a new battery. I had having to get new tech. 3d
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Some puzzling omissions on this list but these always spur some good discussions! now to take a look at my tbr and figure out what to prioritize-out of the 34 I want to read-I always want to read the latest buzzy titles tho.

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It‘s finally here! Preorder came early yesterday!!

AmyG Ooooooo 🙌🏻 2mo
jlhammar Wow, lucky! It lists the pub date as 5/28. I‘m so excited for this, loved the first book. 2mo
BarbaraBB Cool! I just read the first one! 2mo
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Yellowface | Rebecca F. Kuang
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Reading at the track meet. This book is sooo cringy 😣

BarbaraBB It is! Great photo! 3mo
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Low pick, a little sentimental for my taste but I‘m not mad I read it. Like others have mentioned it doesn‘t seem like a #tob24 pick

Jess I‘m feeling the same way at about 2/3s in. I guess I‘m enjoying it but it is a low pick. 7mo
BarbaraBB It didn‘t do much for me, I agree! 7mo
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Monica | Daniel Clowes
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I‘m still processing this graphic novel but it is the story of an abandoned child and how she makes sense of this through the whole arc of her life. I am a gen x‘er child of a teen mother so some of this resonated with my experience of the 70s. These are some panels that grabbed me but note they are not in order

Suet624 Wow! This looks really interesting. 7mo
batsy Yes, this does look good! Especially since it's Daniel Clowes. 7mo
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Boys Weekend | Mattie Lubchansky
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Campy, over the top and not subtle. It‘s fine but unmemorable, definite borrow not buy- glad my library had it.

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Guys, I kind of hate this shortlist. Talk me out of it!


Jas16 Oh dear. I am not overly excited about it either. 8mo
MicheleinPhilly This shortlist is…strange. 8mo
squirrelbrain Nope I‘m talking you into it - I hate it too. 8mo
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BarbaraBB Me too. Hate it. 8mo
Deblovestoread No can do! Hoped for better. 8mo
Megabooks Hate hate hate. Cold people? Seriously? That is the worst book I‘ve read this year. 8mo
Suet624 It‘s so disappointing. 8mo
Chelsea.Poole 😔 I agree 8mo
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1. I LOVE the nyt games app and use it every day, my favorites are: spelling bee, Wordle ,connections and the crossword.
2. Birding and nature walks that I hopefully get decent photos to post on iNaturalist and eBird. Super chill and stress relieving hobby that also feeds into my love of making lists!
3. Wingspan digital game- actual board game is fun too.

Thanks for the tag @dabbe !

dabbe #1: you and I do the same puzzles! Have you tried their Flashback yet? It only comes out on Mondays, and I don't know if that one is part of the games app.
#2: You and my husband should go birding together! He LOVES the birds! So do I, but not like him!
#3: never heard of it and will have to check it out!
Thanks for sharing! 🤩🤗😘
Flaneurette How did I not know about flashback?? Thank you!! Obsessed already! 8mo
LauraBeth I didn‘t know Wingspan had a digital version! 8mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. Waffle stand- Brussels
2. plants/earth in Great Smoky National Park
3. roasting chestnuts- Munich street vendor

dabbe I love the specificity of your choices; I bet wonderful memories are evoked at those places, too. Thanks for sharing. 🧡🖤💜 9mo
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Tell you how old I am without telling you how old I am- new #audiopuzzle edition. Well, some of these cartoons are before my time but Saturday morning cartoons in the 70‘s were definitely a big part of my childhood. The book is apt as it addresses existential angst induced by the passing of time.

DrexEdit I recognize a lot of those! lol! 😃 2y
mrp27 Great puzzle! I watched many of those cartoons on Saturday mornings. 2y
Kimzey Love audiopuzzling! ❤️📚 🧩 My cartoon era: Jetsons, Flintstones, Looney tunes, Scooby Doo! 2y
BarbaraBB Hope you are well! Join our ToB anytime you like 🤍 2y
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Tell Me How to Be | NEEL. PATEL
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I am LOVING this audiobook! Such a great story and the narrator(Vikas Adam) is so so great- he has made these characters come alive. I am so glad I decided to do audio after I saw some posts here on Litsy extolling it‘s virtues. The puzzle I‘m not so sure about #audiopuzzling

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My youngest starting a new book tonight #immersionreading

BookBabe Nice! Love immersion reading. Raising them right! 😃🙌🏻 3y
BarbaraBB Nothing better than kids reading 😊 3y
LeahBergen Aww! 💞💞 3y
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MaureenMc My daughter loved this book. ❤️ 3y
Flaneurette @LeahBergen @BarbaraBB @BookBabe thank you, she read/listened to 6 chapters which is pretty good for her! 3y
Flaneurette @MaureenMc glad to hear it, I hadn‘t heard of it before but she seems to like it so far! 3y
mandarchy It's a really cute book. 😍 3y
Nute It‘s always a good feeling to see young folks enjoying reading!🤗 2y
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Books and Reading are two different hobbies

I am guilty of spending more time curating my tbr and searching for exciting new releases than actually, you know, reading. Once I acquire a new book, either purchased or borrowed from the library, my interest kinda wanes. Anyone else relate?? #bookriot #readerproblems

RaeLovesToRead Yes!!!! I love reading and I love the planning, curating and purchasing, but they are (in a way) separate hobbies 😄 Also, I'm sure I spend more time looking at cats on Litsy than actually getting reading done 🤣🤣🤣 3y
Tamra Hahaha totally! 3y
Simona Absolutely! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
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Jess I‘m right there with you! 3y
readordierachel Yep 🤭😂 3y
JamieArc Totally relate. Sometimes I worry I love books more than actually reading (my dream job is a book historian). I also really love book planning. 3y
EvieBee Definitely! The research and planning is wonderful! 3y
DrexEdit I find that Litsy definitely encourages my books tendencies more than my reading ones. 😂 But the social aspects are worth the trade-off! 👍 3y
SRWCF Same, but I'm getting better! 2y
Nute Yes! I enjoy the practice of list making and the art of browsing far more than I should.🥴 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I‘ll jump in for #two4tuesday
1. Usually just audiobooks on my phone
2. I‘m a huge technophile when it comes to ebooks and I use these in rough order of preference: iPad mini 6, iPad Air 4,kindle oasis 3, and Kobo forma. Also have various other ereaders ie paperwhites,voyage, and nook. I have approximately 2000 print books in my house so I try to limit the number of new ones I buy to avoid a hoarder situation

TheSpineView I love devices too! Have way too many but then I enjoy them so who cares! Thanks for playing! 3y
mandarchy Wow! I thought having three Kindles was indulgent. You inspire me. 3y
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Finally finished after starting in September! This is well written but literary romance is just not my thing I‘ve realized. Rooney herself seems to understand there is more to life than romantic angst but she can‘t seem convince herself. She‘s an interesting writer and I will be curious to see what she has to say with maturity. I do like this more than Conversations w Friends bc of Rooneys evolving self awareness #tob2022

vivastory I want to read this one but still need to read Normal People. 3y
SRWCF I have Normal People on my shelf just waiting for me to pick it up! 3y
Flaneurette @vivastory I haven‘t read it either, I did recently pick it up in a kindle deal but I‘m not in any hurry @SRWCF 3y
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Fresh Water for Flowers | Valrie Perrin
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Reading by the fire on vacation in Montana where I saw this handsome dude yesterday

LeahBergen Cool! 3y
SRWCF That's neat! 3y
BookBabe Great photos! 3y
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Fresh Water for Flowers | Valrie Perrin
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Omg this book is wrecking me! 😭😭😩

vivastory It's on my TBR. Looking forward to reading it. I'm happy to see Oh Reader keep popping up. I just recently discovered it. 3y
EvieBee In the best possible way?! 3y
Soubhiville Is it weird that this post made me stack it? 🤔 I hope it is in a good way. 3y
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TrishB Loved this ❤️ 3y
Flaneurette @vivastory I just randomly found the magazine at the grocery store checkout and thought I would give it a try 3y
Flaneurette @Soubhiville it‘s sad but not in a trauma porn manipulative way if that makes sense? It‘s very easy for me to relate to main character, I‘m not finished yet but the character arc feels authentic which is an important aspect for me 3y
merelybookish Whenever I see the term trauma porn, I think of 3y
Suet624 This was the first book I read in 2021. It's the best book I read all year. I've handed it out to so many people. 3y
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Subdivision: A Novel | J. Robert Lennon
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#tobshortlist #tob2022 I really liked this surreal dreamlike novel. I‘m not sure I “got” all the metaphors but I really don‘t think I was supposed to. I think you just need to go with the dream logic and see where you end up. If you liked Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin you may like this. I have so many questions about what happened I can‘t wait to see the discussion on the TOB.

Megabooks Great review! I‘m excited for this discussion too! 3y
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I have so many problems w this book. 1. no sense of place, where does it take place?2.lazy stereotypes abound: lots of hobos, junkies and hookers. One of said “hobo‘s”has a ridiculous Slavic accent written out phonetically. Of course there is a Manic Pixie Dreamgirl too. 3. Pseudo mystical orientalist bs 4. A book is the omniscient narrator 🙄can you get more precious? 5. A character is repeatedly described as fat and sloppy, totally unnecessary

Prairiegirl_reading I wasn‘t a big fan of a tale for the time being (which so many people raved about) so I was hesitant with this one. Your review is very helpful in that I know I wouldn‘t like it either! Thanks!! 3y
Ruthiella Great review! I liked A Tale For The Time Being, let‘s see how I get on with this one. 3y
Flaneurette @Prairiegirl_reading yeah I had similar issues with time being and actually returned my kindle copy for a refund! I'm glad this one was from the library 3y
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Flaneurette @Ruthiella most people like it and I think I am just a curmudgeon! 3y
Suet624 Oh dear. I really like this author. Let‘s see how I do with this one. 3y
Megabooks I‘m not excited about this ToB shortlist book! 3y
batsy Oh no! All of that is so unappealing 🙁 3y
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The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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#tob2022 My homegirl Louse Erdrich got put in the play-in round for tob so I think this is going to have to be my zombie pick although The Trees by Everett is amazing so far. I wasn‘t sure about the tone she struck at first with the silly crime caper and the irritating ghost but I think it was the right choice. There is some really heavy shit addressed: covid,BLM protests, and cultural appropriation. Nobody wants to relive that,we‘re still in it⬇️

Flaneurette Tookie is an engaging character and the bookishness helped keep this from being a total downer. I still don‘t think this compares to her early stuff (Tracks &Love Medicine) but it‘s a worthwhile read. As soon as our Covid numbers decrease here in Mn I‘m going to Birchbark bookstore and see the haunted confessional in person 3y
Ruthiella I really need to explore her backlist! I‘ve only read The Roundhouse and The Night Watchman because of the ToB. 3y
Suet624 @Ruthiella my favorite Erdrich book is the first one I read many years ago. Brilliant. 3y
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Does anyone else get annoyed when you can‘t figure out where a novel is set? Is this one New York, San Francisco, or Vancouver maybe?? I guess it is a lack of imagination on my part but I need a place to anchor my mind even if it‘s make believe. For the most part this is a realistic novel so where the heck does it take place? Sorry for the rant

EvieBee It bothers me A LOT! Also the time period. 3y
CarolynM Yes, I like to know too. I find it distracting if I'm wondering about where the characters are supposed to be 3y
BarbaraBB I can get completely sidetracked by trying to figure out the setting. So annoying! How‘s the book? It seems huge… 3y
BkClubCare I read somewhere it suggests Vancouver as the setting. Something about the library in Vancouver being similar. But I have never been in Vancouver. I was thrilled that she visited Wichita KS on the book tour 🤩 3y
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“Maybe memories are not to be forgotten but also not exactly to be remembered…Maybe it‘s memory, which is the exit wound of joy”. This book is a series of letters to people that cannot reply bc they are dead, incapacitated or lost to time. Interspersed are scrapbook/poems about authors immigrant parents.Beautiful, melancholy meditation on time and memory that will likely spark your own ruminations on the past

Oh William!: A Novel | Elizabeth Strout
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I‘ve stalled out at 60% on Sally Rooney‘s latest but I‘m flying through this one! Such perceptive observations on mature relationships vs young adult angst is resonating more w me right now

BkClubCare I know I will ❤️ this. 3y
Kristin_Reads I love those boxed editions in the background, too! So cool! (edited) 3y
Flaneurette @Kristin_Reads they are from Powell‘s Indiespensable subscription box which unfortunately is on hiatus, hopefully will start again at some point 🤞 3y
Kristin_Reads I love Powell‘s! I‘ll keep my eyes open for that subscription box. 3y
Suet624 @Flaneurette I sporadically sign up for the Powell's subscription box. We must have been subscribers at the same time because I have those as well. It must take so much effort to put those boxes together! 3y
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Not ghost stories per se but quirky hauntings with melancholy epiphanies. These micro fiction stories may be too precious for some (and not scary at all) but are just my kind of thing. Loved it and not so patiently waiting for Brockmeier to come out with another novel.

vivastory This is at the very top of my TBR. One of my favorite covers of the year 3y
Flaneurette @vivastory I really love this cover too, may have to buy in hardcover. I‘m not sure how long any of these tiny thought experiments on the afterlife will stick with me because they are so brief they feel ephemeral if that makes sense? 3y
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Omg! When is my library gonna buy some more copies??

TiredLibrarian Can't hurt to ask them about it. They might not be aware, or they might be having supply chain issues. https://www.bookweb.org/news/book-industry-supply-chain-delays-impact-holiday-se... 3y
Flaneurette @TiredLibrarian they added 58 copies of the ebook in overdrive/libby shortly after this-they usually are quicker to add copies than this and I was getting antsy because I was first in line! It seems like they try to keep a max of 10 people waiting per copy so they really buy a lot of digital copies for popular books. Best library ever 3y
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Townie Books | Crested Butte, Colorado (Bookstore)
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Found a good indie bookstore on my travels and bought more books including this one

BarbaraBB That view 🥰 3y
Megabooks Gorgeous!! 3y
TheNeverendingTBR Now that's a beautiful view 😍 3y
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Amazons Audible Audio Books | Albert N Thomas
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Hey all you experts! I want to cancel my audible subscription because I can find pretty much everything at my awesome library but I have 2 credits left. I have wandering mind syndrome when it comes to audio so I don‘t listen very often. Are there any books on audio that add something over and above the print version? Some audiobooks I have enjoyed are The Anthropocene Reviewed, Milkman, and The Refugees by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Thank you!

Mitch I don‘t listen to many audible books - but I find if an author reads their own work it adds another layer of subtle meaning. 3y
Flaneurette @Mitch yes! I agree the John Green and Nguyen I mentioned above were read by the authors and it did enhance the book 3y
Megabooks I prefer Ottessa Moshfeg‘s books on audio if you have not already read them. My favorite is this one, but they are all good and I do feel like the narration adds something. 3y
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Flaneurette @Megabooks the only one of hers I have not read is Eileen so I will check out the audio thank you! 3y
Hestapleton I always browse the audible originals! 3y
Megabooks This one narrated by Dion Graham (fantastic) may be up your alley as well. 3y
sarahbellum I also have a difficult time following along with audiobooks, but I discovered that I can pay better attention if they are funny and light. Memoirs narrated by their authors have worked the best for me. Bossypants was delightful, Born a Crime is supposed to be fantastic on audio (the print was awesome), Kitchen Confidential was fantastic 3y
Flaneurette @sarahbellum I forgot to mention my fave audios are by David Sedaris but I have all of them already. I do have Bossypants and Born a Crime too but havent listened to them yet but thank you I agree these kinds of books really work well on audio! 3y
DGRachel I am going to second Born a Crime. It‘s one of my all-time favorite audiobooks. 3y
Flaneurette @Megabooks oooh interesting! I did like Graham for the audio of A Heartbreaking Work.. 3y
Flaneurette @DGRachel I've honestly been sort of saving it for someday(I dont know when) because everyone says its the best and I'm afraid nothing else will live up to it! 3y
Megabooks If you‘re a Sedaris fan, I‘ll recommend these: 3y
JamieArc The Themis files trilogy, starting with Sleeping Giants. It is full cast audio and excellent. I read the first in print and it was just okay. I listened to the next two on audio and they were excellent because of the full cast narration. 3y
JamieArc I‘ve also heard the tagged book is great on audio. They have it on audio but not through my library so I‘m dying to listen to it one day. 3y
Flaneurette @Megabooks awesome! Funny in Farsi is only available on Audible so bonus! I love Mo Rocca on Wait,Wait Don't Tell Me also! 3y
DivineDiana This audio includes CIA interviews, political speeches, music and other extras to enhance the experience! Recommend highly! 3y
Flaneurette @JamieArc Thank you! I had forgotten about the Themis trilogy but I do like full cast. Fantasticland looks like its only Audible or Scribd for the audiobook but it sounds freaky, reminds me a bit of G Saunders Civilwarland In Bad Decline but more violent, interesting! 3y
Flaneurette @DivineDiana I have been meaning to get to this one, its on my wishlist and my library has 9/281 copies available! Did you find it very depressing? thank you! 3y
DivineDiana Not at all. Fascinating is the word! I saw an interview with Gladwell and he discussed that he wanted to enhance the audiobook experience, starting with this one. He was successful! 3y
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Reading about mushrooms at the beach

Peaces: A Novel | Helen Oyeyemi
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What in the actual heck is going on in this book? It‘s like someone narrating their crazy ass dream to you and it‘s hard to really concentrate on it because what is the point?

cariashley Oh no, have this one on my list for #camptob and was already feeling mixed about it… 3y
BarbaraBB You scare me too. Like @cariashley I just got it for #CampToB 3y
BkClubCare Ikr?! 3y
Cinfhen I bailed!!!! Life is too short to read a book that I can‘t connect to on ANY level!! And the whole pet mongoose, is just another level of weirdness🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Do you like libraries, librarians, books and precocious children? Who am I kidding, of course you do! You will love this book- it checks all the boxes. Intricate plotting with big themes incl the importance of literature on a personal and cultural scale,climate change, nature & coming of age. Short chapters w alternating POV move the narrative along briskly. Moves from the fall of Constantinople to the future. ⬇️

Flaneurette I will be pre ordering a signed first, just look at that cover! 3y
vivastory Well, I'm convinced! I agree, this is one of my favorite covers of the year 3y
DrexEdit Looking forward to this one! 3y
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Oh dear, I shouldn‘t be allowed in the bookstore.My 12 yr old has a reasonable stack of only 2 books

Christine I think this is a fantastic stack, and I‘m especially coveting the tagged and the NYT cookbook! ❤️ 3y
Flaneurette @Christine the cookbook has a really nice fabric cover that‘s flexible, I had to get it once I saw it in person 3y
Flaneurette The journaling stuff is for my 17 yr old that‘s heading off to college this fall so it‘s not all for me 😆 3y
ValerieAndBooks Don‘t feel bad…maybe your 12 year old will get to some of them someday 😂 3y
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In: The Graphic Novel | Will McPhail
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At first I thought “ oh no another white dude creative type in NYC” book but it actually pokes fun of millennial angst and addresses how difficult it is to connect with other humans in this ironic late capitalist world. Gorgeous artwork

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Same McGinley, same

Karisa 🤣 3y
Lindy 😂 3y
charl08 Ha! 3y
vivastory The struggle is real 3y
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Gold Diggers: A Novel | Sanjena Sathian
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#Indiespensable showed up yesterday. I‘m loving the extras this time!

EvieBee Oh nice!! 3y
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Today was the first time I visited my library since the pandemic started, it was so nice to finally be there in person! Also went to Barnes & Noble for the first time in ages and bought the tagged book. Two of my kids also got or renewed their own library cards because they are fully vaccinated as of last Saturday. Lots of good bookish stuff today. #bookhaul

Crying in H Mart: A Memoir | Michelle Zauner
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Is it possible to feel nostalgic for something you‘ve never experienced? Case in point: internet photo of pojangmacha (tent bar street food in South Korea). I loved this memoir and now I want ALLL the Korean food! Highly recommended

nanuska_153 I love kimchi so much, I could eat it every day 3y
EvieBee I‘m so excited for this! 3y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Well I finally got my #bookspinbingo card done. #bookspin is Second Place and #doublespin is the tagged book. Hopefully I will do better than last month.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks great!! 3y
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Breasts and Eggs | Mieko Kawakami
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I liked this book but it took me forever to finish, I just never felt compelled to pick it up but I did love all the food talk and seeing a different representation of Japanese society than I typically do. Also got to genius on the Nyt spelling bee without looking up hints! Maybe I‘ll go for queen bee today

Suet624 Nice work in both accomplishments. I couldn‘t get through this book and I am nowhere near a genius on those puzzles. 3y
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Memorial: A Novel | Bryan Washington
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1. I recently read the tagged book along with the audio because I was on a long car ride and it was so noisy I couldn‘t concentrate on the book otherwise. My noise canceling earbuds don‘t work very well to filter out talking or music unfortunately. First time #immersionreading for me, it did help but had to speed up audio.
2. I really don‘t do well with audio but I wish I did- any tips appreciated!

TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Tuesday! 💜📖📚 3y
Prairiegirl_reading I love a narrator with an accent. I don‘t know why but I get more involved. 3y
Flaneurette @Prairiegirl_reading yep me too, I really liked Milkman on audio 3y
Suet624 I only enjoy nonfiction on audio. 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Maybe this will give me the kick in the pants to get through some of my tbr. I don‘t really know what I‘m doing but here is my #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Glad to have you along!! 3y
BarbaraBB Great list of books🤍 3y
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Festival Days | Jo Ann Beard
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Big update to #libby today! Finally syncs with overdrive wishlist

Chelsea.Poole I love the update! 👏 3y
emtobiasz FINALLY! That‘s so exciting! 3y
Megabooks Yes! But I‘m getting really confused! I don‘t like change. 😂 3y
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The fact that Ferrante is likely a man bothers me more than I care to admit. I feel the impetus to finish the Neapolitan series just draining away...


Taylor WHAT 🤯 3y
Suet624 Really? I didn‘t know this! 3y
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Starting a new book on the porch

Trashcanman I hope it doesn't suck. 4y
Flaneurette @Trashcanman Ya me too but I‘ll let you know! 4y
charl08 Ooh, tempted by this one! 4y
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Death in Her Hands | Ottessa Moshfegh
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I really liked this one- despite my massive reading slump. Ostensibly a murder mystery but in actuality a psychological study of what happens when a woman reaches the end of her life and realizes she never lived. Her mind plays all kinds of tricks to tamp the loneliness and anger down and not face this fact but it all comes out in the end. 4.5/5 stars deducting .5 for a willfully oblique ending

Death in Her Hands | Ottessa Moshfegh
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👋hello everyone! I‘ve not been on Litsy lately as I‘ve been in a horrible reading slump. I need to stop the doom scrolling and spend more time here I think. I‘m liking this book so far but wtf is going on?? Does anybody want to be friends w me on Goodreads, if so see my link in bio. [photo:Grand Marais MN]

TheBookStacker I‘m a victim of doom scrolling as well 4y
Taylor Is this book released officially? 4y
Flaneurette @Taylor Yep, June 23 was supposed to be April I think 4y
CarolynM Nice to see you back🙂 4y
Bklover Doomscrolling is a perfect description. It‘s hard to stop! 4y
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Country Bookshelf | Bozeman, Montana (Bookstore)
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We stopped at an indie bookstore on vacation in Montana and I bought a couple Xmas presents to me. Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday.

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I read 200 pages of this and skimmed to the end, it was just waay too long and repetitive. There are some good nuggets in here but I just got way too pissed off about some things like: why does a grown ass woman w kids of her own keep mentioning Mommy and Daddy, why “crazee”, and why tf does the author think she can waste my time like this?? Gratuitous pic of my kids at the library, they found interesting books about mummies 😆

BookwormM I feel you although I have literally just finished the whole book solely because it made the Booker shortlist. You missed nothing. Also a grown woman constantly saying my sit me down upon really?? 5y
Flaneurette @BookwormM yes! that bugged me too! I thought it was mostly very condescending towards midwestern american women who don't work outside the home...which is me (oh me oh my)! grrrr... 5y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Sorta making dinner, sorta reading- and not making much headway on this *really* long book. I like it tho, it‘s a really long info dump/ list thing but has not achieved critical mass for me yet...

Leftcoastzen Perfect phrase for it! I am plodding along but enjoying it. (edited) 5y
Taylor This actually looks right up my alley. I‘ve heard people compare this to the Knausgaard series, which I am thinking about rereading.... (edited) 5y
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just putting this up in case any of you haven't heard. please sign the petition if you care about libraries and access for all..I know @LibrarianRyan has also posted about it #ebooksforall

LibrarianRyan yeahhhh 5y
Taylor These publishers already started this years ago when they heavily boosted up the prices of ebooks. It kind of got swept under the rug then but...everyone acts like the big pubs care about reading culture when really all they‘re interested in is protecting hardback sales. 5y
Flaneurette @Taylor I really started using my library much more after agency pricing came about..I do still buy quite a few books in various formats but I am not much of a rereader and I can't afford to buy them all so the library makes sense for me but if waits are super long I'm just not gonna read those books 5y
Taylor @Flaneurette Yeah, I feel like this is another bad move in an attempt to get people to purchase hardbacks, and also probably to get the libraries to purchase more hardbacks so as to have more copies available. 5y
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