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Price of Salt
Price of Salt: OR Carol | Highsmith, Patricia
A chance encounter between two lonely women leads to a passionate romance in this lesbian cult classic. Therese, a struggling young sales clerk, and Carol, a homemaker in the midst of a bitter divorce, abandon their oppressive daily routines for the freedom of the open road, where their love can blossom. But their newly discovered bliss is shattered when Carol is forced to choose between her child and her lover.Author Patricia Highsmith is best known for her psychological thrillersStrangers on a TrainandThe Talented Mr. Ripley.Originally published in 1952 under a pseudonym,The Price of Saltwas heralded as "the novel of a love society forbids." Highsmith's sensitive treatment of fully realized characters who defy stereotypes about homosexuality marks a departure from previous lesbian pulp fiction. Erotic, eloquent, and suspenseful, this story offers an honest look at the necessity of being true to one's nature.
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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A story about how two women found more than friendship in 1950s America.
Please use this link to read my review https://hubpages.com/literature/carol-a-novel

Cathythoughts Great cover 👌🏻 great book ❤️ 6mo
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The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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I watched Carol not realizing it was an adaptation. Of course, I then had to read the book. Both are excellent. While the book has more of Therese's background & a bit more detailed (and maybe stronger?) ending, I understand the changes made in the film, which was beautifully cast with Cate Blanchette & Rooney Mara perfectly capturing Carol & Therese. The film also allows a more fleshed out Carol and brings life to Rindy and the family's dynamic.

Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Highsmith on January 👌

LeahBergen Oh, I love Highsmith. 👍 2y
batsy I loved this ❤️ I want to revisit it at some point. 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Film time! #JumpStart2023

Update: Loved it! The perfect Sunday evening watch and really brought the book to life for me

Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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I quite liked this but I wasn't as invested in it as I would have expected to be! I could see that there was a real connection between Carol and Therese but somehow I just didn't feel it

I think I'll watch the film some time soon as I'd be keen to find out what I make of that!

That is another book read for this year - 3 down, 97 to go! AND my first #bookspin book of the year! @TheAromaofBooks


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
Moll @TheAromaofBooks 🙌🙌🙌 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Next up! And this is my first #BookSpin book of the year!!


Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Read for May‘s #authoramonth, this was my first Highsmith and boy, can she create an atmosphere. I can‘t say this was an enjoyable read per say, as I largely found it uncomfortable and itchy, but I have deep respect for an author who can evoke those emotions in a reader not only in the moment of reading, but in the months (years?) following when the reader recalls the story. Looking forward to more Highsmith!

Andrew65 Another excellent author. 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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This is one of those times that I watched the movie first because I didn‘t realize it was based on a book, so I have mixed feelings about it. I liked the portrayal of Carol herself better in the movie, because she seems too weak and incapable in the book. However, I love the ending of the book way more than the movie. Both are good, though, and for the most part, the movie follows the book pretty faithfully.

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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 📚❤️ 2y
Eggs Beautiful image/cover❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
Celebrating with a sweet potato latte and tagged book while cooking todays feast.

So thankful for the Litsy community!

5feet.of.fury Oooh I don‘t know what a sweet potato latte is, but I am intrigued ☕️ happy Thanksgiving! 2y
marleed I must know more about a sweet potato laté? I recently had a sweet potato burrito and it was scrumptious! 2y
Sharpeipup It‘s a latte with rosemary syrup and sweet potato purée that I discovered in California. @marleed @5feet.of.fury 2y
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Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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What an interesting read. Her self realisation, the way in which we journey with her, and the relationship with Carol were so well described yet not in a telling manner.

Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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I almost watched the film some time ago. Then my book club friend chose this...

Freespirit Her books always unsettle me..haven‘t read this one 2y
rachaich @Freespirit yes, unsettled is the exact feeling! 2y
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The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Classic & timeless
The characters are infuriating - selfish and broken but also so determined. I loved the details of the characters - women with jobs like entomologist and stage designer it wasn't really part of the story but made each character more interesting.
This is mostly a character study be prepared for the plot to be slow, but to be able to pick apart the characters and their motives.
Adding this to my #pridebookrec list

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I only listened to The Price of Salt… but wow.

Gorgeous writing, a remarkable, painfully beautiful story, and really stellar audio narration by Cassandra Campbell.


My #AuthorAMonth book for May.

DHill Cassandra Campbell also did an amazing job narrating Carol. 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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I enjoyed this #sapphicnovel #pop22 but not as much as Strangers on a Train, which I also read for #aam. It has the same unsettling vibe but this one is much slower and felt very ‘of its time‘.

I found the mismatched relationship between Therese and Carol, an older more ‘worldly‘ woman rather intriguing, and the slow story certainly picked up when they went on their road-trip.

I‘m glad I‘ve finally read some Highsmith thanks to #authoramonth!

Cinfhen I was going to pick this up but I have a feeling it‘s going to be too slow. Great review and lovely photo 2y
BarbaraBB Your surroundings look amazing! 2y
Megabooks Excellent review! I enjoyed this more than Strangers, but perhaps that‘s because of reading the audiobook?? I agree that the style is of its time, but the content was fairly groundbreaking, imo. Lovely campsite!! 2y
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squirrelbrain I think I would have preferred the audiobook - the style of book would lend itself to audio very well, I think. We can see other campers around us @BarbaraBB @cinfhen @Megabooks - I took the photo so we look more like we‘re wild camping than we are! Still, it‘s lovely. There is a cuckoo in the daytime and hooting owls at night! 2y
Cinfhen Fun 🤩 2y
TheBookHippie I loved this book when I first read it, it was oddly dark and intriguing. I reread this month and still enjoyed it! 2y
BarbaraBB That‘s what I do too. In my pictures it always seems as if I‘m the only one wherever I am 😀 (edited) 2y
Hooked_on_books Beautiful spot! 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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No particular reason why but I really didn‘t think I‘d like this book and put off starting it for this month‘s #AuthorAMonth. I am entranced. I don‘t know if it‘s the writing, the narration, both?


KathyWheeler I liked the movie as well. 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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This book took me back to being young, insecure, and not knowing what to do with all of the obsessive thoughts and feelings pinging around your head when you‘re completely under someone else‘s spell. A slippery, uncomfortable, and sometimes unhealthy state to be in, I was appreciative of the character growth and semi-happy ending Highsmith developed.

My first Highsmith, but probably not my last #authoramonth

The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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#AuthorAMonth2022 @Soubhiville

Wow! This book was brilliant. 💚

I watched the movie previously not knowing it was a book. The movie of course paled in comparison to this complex beautiful work of literature. The relationship between the two main characters is complex and immersive.

Like the other Highsmith I have read, this book has a way of burrowing its way into the readers mind and making things feel a bit uncomfortable while reading.

Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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This #SapphicNovel written in 1952 was groundbreaking. It‘s not a titillating paperback, but instead a literary romance about two women who have much to lose if their relationship is outed. Highsmith plays power imbalances well: a young woman who is just discovering her feelings versus a more mature woman who is risking custody of her child. The ending is brilliantly unsettling. #pop22 #AuthorAMonth

Cassandra Campbell narration is fantastic.

Megabooks @Cinfhen decided how I felt! 👍🏻 2y
Cinfhen Great review!! I‘ve heard the film is outstanding 2y
BarbaraBB That sounds great. I really need to read more Highsmith! 2y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen I‘m so not good about watching screen adaptations, but it is excellent source material for a movie. 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I‘m trying to decide if I‘m going to read another. My library also has her debut on audio. (edited) 2y
sarahbarnes I keep wanting to read something by Highsmith! 2y
Soubhiville Unsettling is the perfect word! This is the only Highsmith I‘ve read so far. 2y
Megabooks @sarahbarnes this is a good one to try! 2y
Megabooks @Soubhiville thanks! I‘m still unsettled by it. I don‘t think I would‘ve liked it as much without that ending, though. It‘s my only Highsmith too. This year I‘m FINISHING a book by every author a month. 👍🏻 we have a good slate so it hasn‘t been difficult so far. 2y
MicheleinPhilly I‘m obviously biased but the movie is incredible. 2y
Cortg I just put the dots together! I watched this movie a few years ago and really enjoyed it! I brought a copy of The Price of Salt home from a Little Free Library find thinking it sounded good! The Price of Salt = Carol 🤯 Now I need to move this read up on my TBR stack! Thanks 😊 2y
batsy @Soubhiville It's the only one I've read so far too, though I've been meaning to read everything else by her for the longest time because this was so good. 2y
squirrelbrain I have this out from the library to read, and also Strangers on a Train (which will also double-dip for #pop22). Glad you enjoyed it - looking forward to it even more now! 2y
Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly the book read like a screen adaptation would work well. I‘ll have to check it out! 2y
Megabooks @Cortg yes, they mentioned that when introducing the book. I‘m sure the title change had to do with the movie tie in. I hope you enjoy it! (edited) 2y
Megabooks @batsy this was good! I‘m definitely interested in reading more. 2y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain what are you using SoaT for with pop22? I hope you enjoy this! 2y
squirrelbrain There‘s one about being set on a plane, train or boat, I think. Although maybe the book is only them meeting on a train rather than being set wholly on a train. 🤔 2y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain ah yeah. I used this but it was just okay. 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB it sounds very good and very much a “Barbara book”. 👍🏻👍🏻 2y
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Complete days #bookhaul

Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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(First of all, don't read the foreward by Val McDermid if you don't want to know how it ends 😡 )

I love Patricia Highsmith's writing. Carol centres around a lesbian relationship - unusual in a 1950s novel - and has a certain atmospheric noir about it.

From about page 199 onwards, I loved it. Until then, I'd found it all a bit inscrutable - particularly Carol herself. A very relevant historic work that deserves to be widely read.

⭐⭐⭐1/2 stars

Yuki_Onna Pusheen 🤩💟 2y
BarbaraBB Sounds great! I‘ve been looking for another Highsmith, I‘ll check out this one! 2y
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squirrelbrain What @BarbaraBB said - Highsmith is the #authoramonth next month, so this one would be good to get hold of. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna The crisps crinkle if you squeeze them! ❤ 2y
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Definitely worth reading! I have the talented Mr Ripley for next month 😊 (somewhere...) 2y
Yuki_Onna What?? How cool is that? 😎❣ 2y
TheNeverendingTBR Omg!!! I love this Pusheen!!! 😍😍😍😍 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna @TheNeverendingTBR She is so cuddly 😊💕💕 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith

"What was it to love someone, what was love exactly, and why did it end or not end? Those were the real questions, and who could answer them?"

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Carol | Patricia Highsmith

"Was life, were human relationships like this always, Therese wondered. Never solid ground underfoot. Always like gravel, a little yielding, noisy so the whole world could hear, so one always listened, too, for the loud, harsh step of the intruder's foot."

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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Pickles earlier (when not pretending to be a duvet shark) ❤🐾


Reading Carol by Patricia Highsmith. Strangers on a train is one of my favourite books, but I'm finding Carol a little baffling. It isn't at all clear what Therese sees in Carol. She's infatuated, but I don't really feel like I'm experiencing the journey with her. Emotionally I'm at a distance and not quite connected to the story.

Catsandbooks Aww Pickles! 💚 2y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Bookspin & doublespin for March!

Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Here is my #bookspinbingo for Feb! @TheAromaofBooks

Thanks for not noticing that it looks suspiciously similar to my bookspin for January 😉 I thought I was reading quite speedily, but I'm still a few books behind. Hoping to treat myself to a reading day tomorrow 😊📚

JamieArc Your tagged book is one that I always really want to read, but never end up getting to. I need to finally get to it! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @JamieArc Same here! It's been on my shelf for years (as has The Talented Mr Ripley)... this time I'm going to read it....... probably!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Pretty much a perfect novel, I don‘t think I could have loved this more. I loved the neat small structure of it, which reminded me of a classical tragedy, the small number of characters, and the writing was beautifully poignant. I really want to watch the film now.

#wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs @Clwojick +31

batsy I loved it so much though I read it as The Price of Salt before the movie came out. I should watch it! 3y
JamieArc I really loved the film ans immediately bought the book after, though I still haven‘t read it yet. Definitely moving it up my TBR now though! 3y
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Speaking of my book club, I am reading this on the recommendation of someone in my book club and I'm having a bit of a hard time getting into it. I like the writing style, but something isn't quite grabbing me. I'll keep at it!

The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith

I bailed, but hope to come back to it just to finish the story. I was excited to read at first, given its significance in LGBTQ literature BUT…I started doing research on the author out of admiration and lost interest after reading her beliefs/comments towards different cultures and ethnicities. As a result…I lost interest in the book. #sad

The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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relaxation station #newread

Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Good read-I can see why it's a lesbian classic. Gotta say I was distracted by the weather, or lack of, in this book. I mean we're talking about a road trip from NYC to Salt Lake City, via Minnesota, in the early '50s IN FEBRUARY. Yet they never run into a snow storm or even seem to consider the possibility. It can be a dangerous trip today on the road in winter if you're not prepared and yet only one mention of a minor road condition.


KathyWheeler Interesting that I never noticed that. But I live in the Deep South; traveling in the winter is rarely an issue. We get a lot of rain in the spring and summer though. 3y
Blueberry Good point Tim (as a person who has lived in Minnesota). 3y
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Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Tagging my current book club read for #CuriousCovers, Day 3, “black & white”.

MarkoPDX I've had this classic on my radar for years...but still have not read it. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚🤍 3y
TiminCalifornia @MarkoPDX Same. Was glad my book club chose it. 1/3 of the way in it‘s pretty good. Interesting to see how people came to recognize and live their sexuality in the‘50s 3y
JamieArc I recently watched Carol and fell in love with the film. I‘m hoping to read the book this summer. 3y
Eggs Perfect 🖤⚪️🖤 3y
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#LGBTQ2021 #LGBTQBookBingo2021

Free Spot: ManBug - George Ilsley

Nonfiction: Lost Prophet, The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin

No Love Interest: Trans Medicine - Stef Shuster

M/M Romance: Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston

Fantasy: Future Feeling - Joss Lake

Memoir: All Boys Aren‘t Blue - George M. Johnson

YA: Pet - Akwaeke Emezi

Own Voices: Memorial - Bryan Washington

Published in 2021: 100 Boyfriends - Brontez Purnell


TiminCalifornia Non-binary author: Maia Kobabe‘s Gender Queer

Published before 2020: Larry Kramer‘s The Natural Heart

Coming out story or scene: I Have Something To Tell You by Chasten Buttigieg

Local Author: 99 Erics by Julia Serano

Coming of Age: Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown
Reggie Great job so far. 3y
Kenyazero Nice progress! Looks like a great collection of reads. 3y
TiminCalifornia @Kenyazero Yeah, I‘d recommend most of the books on here so far. 3y
Kenyazero @TiminCalifornia I'll have to check out the ones I'm not familiar with. I'm looking forward to it! 3y
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1. My wife is very supportive! I definitely got yelled at more than once for having my nose in a book while growing up.
2. They enjoy reading but not sure I‘d call them “serious” readers. 😜. 3. Definitely Carol, or the Price of Salt. Does that make me a bad lesbian? 😱 Thanks for the tag @BkClubCare

Nutmegnc @Eggs I made it before midnight! 3y
Eggs Yay you❣️❣️ Thanks for playing 👏🏻📚🌸 3y
BkClubCare Yay!! Ty for playing along 😍 3y
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TK-421 Beautiful! 💕 4y
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Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Carol walks into Therese‘s life, and everything changes.

One of the finest love stories ever. A tale of infatuation, lust, love, and the price we have to pay. Patricia Highsmith is a master of evoking emotions, we feel like Therese, we think her thoughts; see, touch and smell Carol, who is everything in the world, yet elusive, changeable. We feel the exhiliration of new love, happiness - and how it changes when the world intrudes. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

tenar You perfectly captured one of my favorite books! 👏🏻 4y
Gezemice @tenar Thank you! Glad to hear we both liked it. She is such a great writer. 4y
KathyWheeler I really liked this book and the movie as well. What I don‘t understand though is why it was on a Christmas movie list I saw the other day. 4y
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Gezemice @KathyWheeler They meet during the Christmas shopping. Therese is a shop clerk and Carol comes in to buy a doll for her daughter. (edited) 4y
batsy Great review! It's so brilliantly written. 4y
Gezemice Thank you! It is! 4y
Cathythoughts I read this recent too ... great review ❤️👏🏻 I also loved this book 4y
KathyWheeler @Gezemice Oh, I know that. I just never viewed it as a Christmas movie just because of that. Christmas isn‘t an important or meaningful part of either the book or the movie; it just happens to be set then. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Great review! I need to bump this further up my tbr! 4y
Gezemice @KathyWheeler So true. The book is not about Christmas at all... 4y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Little did I know that this book starts off right before Christmas! And our poor protagonist works retail in a department store. It hasn‘t been long since I was one of those retail workers and let‘s just say—nothing is quite like retail during Christmas. 🤪

AlaMich Yes! Retail Christmas veteran here!🙋‍♀️ 4y
HOTPock3tt I loved this book! 4y
MicheleinPhilly OMG! I still have nightmares about it. 4y
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MicheleinPhilly Also read this and then watch the movie. I‘ll wait. 😉 4y
Cathythoughts I read this recently.... sooooo good 4y
Kimberlone My mom worked at JC Penney for 10 years during the 90s, so lots of Black Fridays and Christmas eves spent working 4y
Reviewsbylola Every Christmas since I left I always am especially grateful that this year, it ain‘t me. 😂 @MicheleinPhilly @AlaMich @Kimberlone 4y
Reviewsbylola I am really enjoying the tone so far! @HOTPock3tt @Cathythoughts 4y
Tanisha_A I loved this movie 4y
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The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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I know what they‘d like , they‘d like a blank they could fill in. A person already filled in disturbs them terribly”.

I love the conversational style of writing that is so wise & never much spoken in this way ❤️ almost a throw away comment & yet so true
Such a touching book

Reggie Have you seen the movie? I liked it. I haven‘t read the book but it sounds nice. 4y
Cathythoughts @Reggie I‘d love to see the movie ... I must keep an eye out for it. Book is good 👍🏻 4y
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The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Because, you see, what I mean about affinities is true from friendships down to even the accidental glance at someone on the street - there‘s always a definite reason some-where.

Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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I‘ve just discovered this on my kindle ( not sure when I purchased) I‘ll see how it goes .... 🤞🏻

MicheleinPhilly 😍 SWOON! 4y
Cathythoughts @MicheleinPhilly Fid you read it ?! Good ? I‘m on chapter 3 ... not sure what I think yet 🤔 4y
MicheleinPhilly I have read it, twice actually. I actually was meh on the book the first time and appreciated it more the second. I love the film. It‘s one of my all time favorites. 4y
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Cathythoughts I havnt seen the film ... 2 great actors though 😍😍 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I have this on my tbr. 4y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm I loved The Strangers on a Train , Hitchcock movie ... but I don‘t think I‘ve ever read anything by Patricia Highsmith .. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I have read Strangers on a train but not watched the movie.😊 4y
batsy I loved this book! 💜 I read it under the title The Price of Salt. 4y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm I haven't read the book yet but the movie is sooo good 👌🏽 4y
Cathythoughts @batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Yes , it‘s picking up & Im really enjoying it now .. just sorry I read the “ blurb “ now 🙄 too much information for my liking ... Yes, it‘s very good 👍🏻❤️ 4y
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The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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I‘m at the beginning of rehoming all but my most beloved books, and I came across my first keeper!

This one was a revelation. I so related to protagonist Therese when I was her age. Passive and obsessive, she‘s not one you dream of seeing yourself in! I remember splurging on this Winged Victory just before reading the book and laughing at myself in her when she feverishly compares Carol to its beauty.
But then, crucially, Therese begins to grow.

LeahBergen I love Highsmith. I should really get to this one day! 4y
tenar @LeahBergen Her only other book I‘ve read is Strangers on a Train, but they felt surprisingly alike to me despite their genres. This one can be rather tense and aloof for a romance. I hope you‘ll enjoy it! What‘s your favorite book of hers? 4y
LeahBergen I‘ve loved all five of the Ripley books (with The Talented Mr Ripley as my favourite, I think). Oh, and I just recently read Deep Water and found it had a wonderfully dark and vintage feel. 4y
tenar @LeahBergen Ooh, Deep Water sounds up my alley. Thanks for sharing with me! 4y
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The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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While I appreciate the significance of this book about lesbian love being written in the ‘50s, it was so very vanilla and couldn‘t hold my attention. It got better in the later half when the consequences of queer love could completely upend the life of someone. But ultimately this book lacked much potency. #catsoflitsy

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When your niece recommends a book and you actually love it! I‘d never heard of Patricia Highsmith until two days ago and I think I‘m hooked. My tea of the day just adds a little pep in a much needed way and on what seems like this one millionth day of quarantine I‘ll enjoy this time to relax. #timetoread #peachlemontea #starbucksmugs

The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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I'll never forget this book. I enjoyed the movie too ❤️

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This is exactly the kind of love story I would expect Patricia Highsmith to write. Kind of tense. Kind of daring. Kind of detached/aloof characters. Gorgeous writing. I really liked this one. One of her best novels, imho.

Watched the film adaptation (because I‘m including this one on my #readingwomenchallenge for the book & movie prompt) and I like the book far more than the film... tho both are good.

Chrissyreadit Totally reminds me of @LeahBergen 5y
LeahBergen @Chrissyreadit 😄😘😘😘 5y
Soubhiville I liked this one too. Lots of tension, and a strong feeling for the time period. 5y
Eyelit @Soubhiville yes, exactly! 5y
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The Price of Salt, or Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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This book is so hard to review. When Carol was nice, I loved her; when Carol was cruel, she was an ass. Ultimately, I wish the book was from Carol‘s perspective. She was going through so much and I think her heartache and falling in love would have made for a better book. Also, I couldn‘t stop picturing Carol as Cate Blanchett, whom I adore. 3.5/5 ⭐️

TheBookHippie Oh I agree with alllll of this! (edited) 5y
PerksOfBeingABookworm @TheBookHippie I want to sympathize with Carol, and I do. But I would be more sympathetic toward her if I can hear her internal monologue too. Also, I like tortured, flawed characters. 5y
TheBookHippie @PerksOfBeingABookworm SAME!!!!!! I wanted to hear that dialog in her head!!! There has to be another layer to the story! 5y
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PerksOfBeingABookworm @TheBookHippie have you watched the movie? What did you think of it? 5y
TheBookHippie @PerksOfBeingABookworm I felt like there were parts missing- but it was better than I thought it was going to be. 5y
PerksOfBeingABookworm @TheBookHippie I watched the movie long before I knew it was based on a book. I hated it. But then I rewatched it for a research study I did, and loved it. I‘m curious what I‘ll think of it now that I‘ve read the book. 5y
TheBookHippie @PerksOfBeingABookworm ahhhhh I‘ve read then watched. Always suspicious because book over movie is usual for me. 5y
PerksOfBeingABookworm @TheBookHippie I‘m usually the same way. I had no idea Carol was based on a book when I watched it. I just watched Where‘d You Go, Bernadette and it followed the book to a T. It was really good. I‘ve never seen a movie that was exactly like the book. 5y
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Carol | Patricia Highsmith
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Listened to the audiobook. I liked it well enough. It was just pretty slow and underwhelming.