Domestic abuse books are hard to read; they sometimes bring back bad memories. This one was harder than normal, so I looked up the end—I had to know what happened before I could proceed. Still, the book was a very quick read and very tense.
Domestic abuse books are hard to read; they sometimes bring back bad memories. This one was harder than normal, so I looked up the end—I had to know what happened before I could proceed. Still, the book was a very quick read and very tense.
I mean, it‘s not like there was any other choice for this month…🐉 (Although House of Deceit is 2nd!)
I do love Sierra Simone, but this was my least favorite of hers I‘ve read (which isn‘t saying it‘s bad, it‘s just that the bar with her is so high). My biggest complaint is car sex; I can‘t get into her doing stuff to him while he‘s driving, because all I‘m thinking about is how dangerous it is. And honestly, people at the dinner table would know. Iykyk.
I think the reason I gave this four instead of five stars was how long it took me to get into the story. I almost dnf‘d several times, but stuck with it. My husband loved the book and asked me to read it, so I kept going. It did eventually pick up and the last 100 or so pages were really fun. Was it worth the previous 300+ pages? I‘m not sure. I liked it enough, but…(cont in comments)
Like how am I supposed to just go on with my life until the next book?? HOW?!
I loved it! I loved seeing more of Parker (physically and emotionally 😏), and Anya is so fun. Plus the characters we loved in the first book were there! The story is super cute and made me smile, kept me turning the pages for just one more chapter. The book itself is gorgeous—the cover is beautiful, and the page edges are a matching pink. Is the next one going to be Dom and Ryan?? I know it‘s basically Taylor and Travis, but I‘m here for it!
If not for my book club, I would never have picked this book up. I‘m glad I did though. I found Denver‘s story so compelling. It‘s so humbling to know that someone who was basically in slavery, who spent decades as homeless, can be so loving, so spiritual, so faithful to God. In his place, I don‘t know that I would have that grace. The world is a better place for him being in it. As well as Debbie, who was an angel. Cont…
This is definitely an interesting book. I found the writing too flowery, but it does keep the story very surface-level, much like the desired beauty in the book. I loved the gore and body horror.
It was fine. The stories were ok, though there were some grammar issues. I prefer Durgin‘s novels to his shorts.
This book is delightful! I loved all the characters, and I loved the reality show aspect. Super fun. I could have used some more 🌶️, but that‘s my only complaint. I already have House of Desire. ❤️❤️❤️ READ THIS BOOK!!!
Super quick read, very typical Freida McFadden. Not her best, but still a fun ride.
Honestly I‘m just relieved I finally finished it. The sentence fragments drove me crazy, and the language was pretentiously flower-y. I didn‘t care about the characters at all; any of them could have died and I wouldn‘t have cared. The murder mystery was interesting, and the characters could have been interesting, but the book was about 300 pages too long.
This was…weird. Not scary, not even creepy, but disturbing. There‘s a short prologue that happens 100 years ago, then the bulk of the book that‘s 15 years ago, then the last 35ish pages in present time (relative, since the book was written in the late 70s). I think I read most of the book like 🤨.
And I have to say every time the town, Port Arbello, is mentioned, all I could think of was portobello mushrooms.
It was ok. I thought I had it figured out, but I was wrong-I did not see the twist coming. Even still, the story was lacking. I didn‘t like Sydney at all. Red herrings were thrown in left and right, and some were painfully obvious. Still, it was a quick read, and I‘ll definitely read more Freida McFadden. This just isn‘t her best.
This was EVERYTHING. I love the world-building, the characters, the story, the 🌶️🌶️🌶️…oh the smut. It has AAAALLLLLL the smut. I cannot stress how much I love this book, how the characters were constantly wrecking me and rebuilding me. ❤️❤️❤️
It was a REALLY hard decision with my favorite book of the year. I loved Fourth Wing so much, but this one just makes me emailed every time I think about it.
Well, it wasn‘t great. It was not well-written, the pacing was wild, the scenes laughable. But…I enjoyed it. It‘s like a movie that‘s so bad you love it.
Besides Violet and Xaden‘s relationship annoying me, what am I supposed to do now?? How do I just go on with life all nonchalant while waiting for the next book?!
This was ok. There was a lot less revenge than I was expecting. Also, the grammar mistakes were a little distracting. The writing was well done, the characters good, it just fell a little flat.
It‘s a cute read for Christmas. Since the blurb about the book is in first person, I didn‘t know the main woman‘s name until I started reading it (I know, I‘m dumb). My daughter‘s name is Elle, so that was…weird. Couldn‘t get into the sexy times. But still a cute story.
The stories are hit-and-miss, but there are some good ones! Especially the titular story, last in the collection. Duncan Ralston rocks.
This was fun! It put us right back in the world of Frendo, about a year after the events of the first book. It‘s a quick read, with lots of action, and a couple fun twists.
I had to bail at 50%. I couldn‘t take it. The writing was so pretentious, and it felt like the author was trying so hard. Twice using the word demure to describe the same character‘s face? No thanks. Also, a viola is not a fiddle. A violin is a fiddle, but not a viola. Two different instruments. That was so frustrating, like a quick goog could have taught him they‘re not the same.
I loved being back in Christmas Notch! Winnie and Kallum are adorable, and I enjoyed it, even though I‘m not a fan of the trope in the second half of the book. I‘m ready for Isaac‘s story now!
I could not put this down. It was addicting and fast-paced and twisty. But the last like 2-3 pages…what? How? It made flip back to previous chapters, trying to figure stuff out, and I still have questions.
I loved this! It‘s a fluffy romance that made me laugh out loud but also made me swoon. I can‘t wait to read the next one (hopefully it has more spice!). Ben is 😍😍😍
It‘s odd, because this book checks so many boxes for horror I like. Body horror, creepy characters, monster/ghost, mystery. But I really struggled to keep reading this. All the way to the end, I did not care about any of the characters. Nobody‘s death made sad, I didn‘t feel anxiety over anyone‘s survival. Yet, the book is well written. I loved The Troop and Little Heaven. So I‘m not sure what happened here.
A Whisper in the Dark, by Elizabeth S. Devecchi. Ben harbored a secret with his wife, an evil creature he protected. But now that his wife has died and a new family has moved in the neighborhood, Ben realizes something wants that family‘s son. Something he thought was gone. Review in comments.
My heaving breaths that brought my tittays up to my chin caused this long woman to shudder in anticipation when I received this book in my Books of Horror box. Was my round, lush ass ready for it?? Yes it was!
I loved everything about it. Was it offensive? Sure. Were there unnecessary descriptions of female anatomy? Yes. Lots of dongs? You bet. Gratuitous violence? Of course! And I am here for ALL OF IT. Cont in comments…
Good ending to a fun trilogy! Meghan March books are always a good time (pun intended).
Broth House, by Robert Essig. People are going missing around Broth House, the new soup kitchen for the homeless. Including Jeffrey and his boyfriend. As the mayor and a news reporter both look in to the kitchen and it‘s gourmet soups, will anyone get out alive? Review in comments…
So, I‘m unsatisfied with the ending. I felt like all the action in the book was off-screen. There was build up and build up and then…time jump, stuff happened and now here are the consequences. And I would have liked more closure for, well, everything. I enjoyed it enough, I just wish there was more to it.
I mean, how could I not go right into this after the cliffhanger of the first one? I did like the first one more, but this was fun. Hopefully there‘s a HEA in the final story.
What a beautiful little book. It‘s all conversations between the author and Gilda Radner, who were best friends for years. I love the glimpse into the mind of Gilda, what it was like talking to her. She was an amazing comedienne.
Of course I loved it, it‘s a Meghan March book! Lots of 🌶️🌶️🌶️, plus I actually like the story. It does end on a cliffhanger, which isn‘t my favorite, but I‘ll get around to reading the other two books. Hopefully soon.
This was a hard read. Chris‘s life is told through quotes from people who knew him through every phase of his life. Almost all of it is heartbreaking. You see his family, particularly his father, enabling him at a young age. Chris‘s love and personality and generosity really shine though; I almost feel like I know him at this point. So then reading his descent to death kind of felt like I was losing him all over again, if that makes sense? Cont…
Great story! The supernatural creatures were creepy, and it was short enough that the action never let up. Fun horror book.
I loved my box so much! The chocolate may already be halfway gone…THANK YOU!! ❤️❤️ @JessieKB @wanderinglynn #hauntedhollowswap #HHS2024
I have always loved Molly Shannon. When I was in college, around 2001-ish, my roommate dressed up as Sally O‘Malley for Halloween and I was Mary Katherine Gallagher. We loved that generation of SNL. So when I saw this book on a list of best SNL novels, I had to read it.
I found this very readable. The chapters are dedicated to deferent periods in Molly‘s life, and the chapters are broken up into smaller anecdotes. Cont in comments…
This is for book 3, Infinite!
The mistake I made was not reading this one right after Afterlife. There were several months between readings, enough to where I started this like “wait who‘s that? What happened?” Infinite starts right where Afterlife left off, with no “last time in Ghostland” or anything. I tried searching a synopsis online and couldn‘t find anything. So, I caught up as best I could with my fuzzy memory. (Cont in comments)
Loved it! The building dread and anxiety and bleakness had me hooked. The idea of everyone around you telling you you‘re someone else, that you never existed, is horrifying. Can‘t wait for a sequel!
Super fun collection of short horror stories. They‘re taken from the nosleep reddit, but I don‘t ever read those, so they were new to me!
I have yet to read an Anne Rule book that isn‘t great. I love how keeps the focus on the victims. Some of the language and ideas around transgenderism was pretty cringe, otherwise is another fantastic Anne Rule hit.
Great collection of short stories. Some were more sad than scary, but then the saddest times in our lives are the scariest, aren‘t they?
@wanderinglynn Got my #hauntedhollowswap package mailed today! #HHS Please ignore my hand, I don‘t know why it looks so weird.