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Killers of a Certain Age
Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
Older women often feel invisible, but sometimes thats their secret weapon. Theyve spent their lives as the deadliest assassins in a clandestine international organization, but now that they're sixty years old, four women friends cant just retire its kill or be killed in this action-packed thriller by New York Times bestselling and Edgar Award-nominated author Deanna Raybourn. Billie, Mary Alice, Helen, and Natalie have worked for the Museum, an elite network of assassins, for forty years. Now their talents are considered old-school and no one appreciates what they have to offer in an age that relies more on technology than people skills. When the foursome is sent on an all-expenses paid vacation to mark their retirement, they are targeted by one of their own. Only the Board, the top-level members of the Museum, can order the termination of field agents, and the women realize theyve been marked for death. Now to get out alive they have to turn against their own organization, relying on experience and each other to get the job done, knowing that working together is the secret to their survival. Theyre about to teach the Board what it really means to be a womanand a killerof a certain age.
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I‘ve been on a real mystery kick lately as I‘ve been having trouble concentrating on other types of stories. I really enjoyed this book of a group of women who have worked as paid assassins (killing bad guys only) who suddenly find their employers attempting to take them out. I did enjoy that even though the women were all seniors their interior monologues really showed that we don‘t really age that much in our heads. Fun book!

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I loved this book! What fun! A team of four retired female assassins in their early 60s suddenly have a hit taken out on them, and now they‘re on the job again to eliminate the threat. They kick all kinds of ass, they are smart, fearless, and still in pretty good shape, they can still kill with the best of them, and they can MacGyver themselves out of any situation. And they‘re snarky and funny. Jason Bourne, eat your heart out.

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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Just started. This is the best first chapter I‘ve read in a long time!

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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I did not have any 5-star fiction reads this month, but Killers of a Certain Age was exciting, action-packed, and funny.

I liked Big Swiss a lot and I was hoping it would win, but it faltered a bit and at times I was not really sure what it was going for.

Before the Coffee Gets Cold and The Raging Storm were both just fine, nothing remarkable.


Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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February #wrapup

True Diary - in person book club - 4⭐️
The Burden - #MaryWestmacottBookClub - 3.5⭐️
The Postcard - #EuropaCollective - 4.5⭐️
Housekeepers - 3.5⭐️
Killers - #AuldLangSpine - 4⭐️

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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3.5/5⭐ It feels weird to say this about a book whose main characters are assassins and kill people throughout, but it is fun. It is refreshing to read about older kickass women. The writing is a little weak and repetitive, reminding the reader of events/details that are explained just the chapter before. #bookspin

#52bookclub24 - picked without reading the blurb

Librarybelle I have this on my to read list - so want to read it! 7mo
Kristy_K The title has always drawn me in. Glad you mostly enjoyed it! 7mo
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Hooked_on_books I loved this one! 7mo
BarkingMadRead This is in my stack for the year, a friend suggested it to me 7mo
CatLass007 I need to stop listening to books with 26-year-old main characters. This sounds like one that‘s right up my alley. 7mo
Bluebird I loved this one! Congrats on finishing your first prompt! 7mo
BarbaraBB Great start for the first prompt 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7mo
KarenUK This sounds fun! 💕 7mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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#12Booksof2023 This was my favorite book of August, as well as my favorite book for the year!
Four female assassins in their sixties, who've been working as a team for forty years, finally decide it's time to retire. What starts as a retirement celebration cruise ends much differently than they'd planned. @Andrew65

janeycanuck I still think about this one! I need to pick up more by her. 7mo
Andrew65 A popular book. 7mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I read a lot of books that I really liked this year! But I think Killers of A Certain Age just really stuck with me because the premise of the story was one I hadn't read before. The Last Devil to Die was a very, very close second- I absolutely loved that entire series!

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I really had fun with this one—it reminded me of The Thursday Murder Club combined with the movie Red with Bruce Willis. The assassin & agency stuff was interesting & the characters entertaining & I enjoyed the mature woman-power vibe. I‘d love another book with these women & it made me want to move the author‘s other books higher on my TBR.

(Just one more book in the #BOTM challenge that I should finish sometime this week! 📚🎉📚)

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Finished my first book for #CloakandDaggerChristmas ! Prompt: Last Christmas- read a book published last year.

A soft pick. I enjoyed the plotting/spy craft (this is more James Bond than Jane Marple), but the characters were a little blank. 4 female agents retire from an secret agency at 60 only to find themselves unfairly targeted for a crime. They band together to clear their names and get back at the men who have always underestimated them.

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I can relate to that.

majkia That book was so much fun. 8mo
ShananigansReads Thought this was a quote from 8mo
CaitlinR My mother (now 91) always says that she‘d make a great crook … no one would ever suspect the white haired grandma! 👵🏻 8mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This was my first Deanna Raybourn book, and it was a fun read. It's like the Thursday Murder Club mixed with James Bond, but they're all women. I would recommend this to my mom, but it's a little too crass in places.

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Old ladies can be surprising. Especially when they are assassins. Lots of fun.

BookNAround This book was just a delight. I‘m giving my mom a copy for Christmas. 8mo
majkia @BookNAround I expect she'll love it. 8mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This looks like a fun one to usher October out with.

CBee It‘s so good!! 9mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I really enjoyed this story. Heard about it on a podcast & loved the premise of older women assassins. Has a lot of killing, as you would expect from a book about assassins, but it was fun to see how they planned. Liked the characters as well. 4⭐️

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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There were things about this book that irked me (not just the high body count), but in the end I enjoyed the Deanna Raybourn of it. Humor, insight, and little bit of raunchiness. It also gets at least half a star for one character‘s monologue on women‘s guilt, which reminded me a little of America Ferrara‘s speech from the Barbie movie.

Another book completed for #summersendreadathon and extended #rushathon

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Great beginning. Unique concept. It was funny and different, but fell flat for me the further in I got. I just thought the story drug on a bit and I got bored toward the middle of the book. I never really connected with the characters fully and I felt like the story was missing something. It wasn‘t terrible, but it wasn‘t as good as I expected it to be.

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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Bit of a shout FOR feminism and AGAINST ageism, but mostly just well-paced, well-plotted violent fun.
More action adventure than spy mystery, with a 'gang's all here' feel. Sort of like an assassin's travelogue/memoir. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? Weird one for me, because of the flaws inherent in an organization with a noble mission statement having some members that are doing the work just for the money leaves obvious room for corruption, and absolute trust in a few people to ensure best intentions remain in extra governmental assassination, also seems like it's incredibly vulnerable to decay from the original purpose. 11mo
Robotswithpersonality 3/? I think a complaint could be fairly levied that each challenge is surmounted a little too smoothly, but as the tag line on the cover says...
The parallels of missions recalled and methods used to infiltrate and dispatch years later a nice touch.
Robotswithpersonality 4/4 Switch from first to third person for present vs flashbacks with same character perspective is interesting choice, worked well for me once I figured it out! Had my fair share of guffaws.
Recounting a past fling in the 80s - one chapter where I admit to swooning - Raybourn's Speedwell/Stoker romance chops coming out to play. All the pieces were there, can't figure out why it still feels like something was missing. Maybe I'm just not cut out for assassin stories. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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What are the odds Raybourn saw the same Mythbusters episode I did...😏

julesG 😂 11mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Head cannon: The old house these to-be-assassins are gathering at in the flashback is the same estate that Speedwell and Stoker live on in Raybourn's Veronica Speedwell series. 😊

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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Four retiring female assassins for a secret organization set off on a retirement cruise as a gift from their organization. Only to find out that they are being targeted themselves. It was a good listen over audio. The very end of the book was a little cryptic. I might need to find a physical copy to reread the end. Otherwise an enjoyable read. #bookspin book

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 11mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Evidently off white, red and black (plus blade!) are a winning combination for murder books, whether American or translated Japanese. Here's hoping it's a colour scheme that works out better for me than the violet/magenta one did!

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This book as a lot of momentum, I started it at bedtime and read it straight through. If you like The Kingsman movies you will like this book. Men really need to stop underestimating women. Would make a good movie.

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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Another book full of coincidences. These 4 women retired from a secret organization called The Museum. Their mission-at the beginning was to hunting down the neo by nazis and later this vision expanded. Now, they are in danger and they want to know why, they will investigate this why and who is behind that mission.
The ending was so abrupt. 3⭐️
#ISpyBingo July bold fount @Clwojick
#BookSpinBingo (#2) @TheAromaOfBooks

Clwojick Great job! 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 12mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 12mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn

Good idea. But boring

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Four women, instead of the retirement package they expected, find themselves on the wrong end of a kill order from the very organization of assassins they worked for. Good thing these ladies know what they‘re doing.

An absolutely delightful romp, with four charming assassins & their entourage. Fast paced, & intense action. I would have liked a little more character depth & the flashbacks felt unnecessary, but I had a lot of fun! 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

Andrew65 This has got a lot of positive praise - well done 👏👏👏 (edited) 12mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn

Well this book was fun! I adored the four main women in this book. They were some funny badasses. The plot moved quickly and I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. It was different to see Deanna Raybourn writing a contemporary book, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn

"My mother always says it's common as pig tracks to go around with a run in your stocking," Helen says, eyeing Billie's ripped hosiery critically.

Deanna Raybourn always has fantastic opening lines.

robinb 😂😂😂 13mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Billie, Mary Alice, Helen, and Natalie have spent their lives as deadly assassins for the Museum. When they set out on an all-expenses paid vacation to mark their retirement, they are targeted by one of their own and realize they're marked for death. To get out alive, they have to turn against their own organization and teach them what it means to be a woman - and a killer - of a certain age.

IndianBookworm Waiting for your review! 13mo
tpixie Loved these women! 13mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Four female assassins in their sixties, who've been working as a team for forty years, finally decide it's time to retire. What starts as a retirement celebration cruise ends much differently than they'd planned.

jewright I have this one on hold. 13mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This is a very fast-paced book. It is your typical assassin type plot where their organization turns on them, except the ladies are in their sixties.
It was very entertaining the whole way through, it's definitely worth a read.

#killersofacertainage #standalone

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This was a lot of fun! Four retired female assassins have become targets by the very secretive organization they used to work for. They must band together to figure out why they were targeted and who in the organization is responsible for the order, so they can then turn the tables!


Andrew65 I want to read this. Well done 👏👏👏 14mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I enjoyed this one. I would totally read a sequel. 14mo
OriginalCyn620 @TheAromaofBooks Me too. I think it‘d make a good Netflix movie! 13mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Female assassins from a mysterious organization have become the target after their retirement. This group of ladies must band together to kill before they are killed themselves. Interesting to read this alongside The Bandit Queens. So many lady killers! It was hard not to compare this to the former which I enjoyed more. Still making my way through #auldlangspine 😊

TheKidUpstairs Glad you liked it, I can see how it wouldn't quite live up to BQ, which was SO GOOD. This one and Irregular Witches were top of my "fun reads" list last year. 14mo
sarahbarnes Great pic! 14mo
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Billie, Helen, Mary Alice and Natalie are retired assassins, and the organization they used to work for has put a contract out on them. The women have to kill or be killed. They create a plan to get their assassins first. Twist ending (who exactly put this contract in motion) - A fun and quick read. Must suspend a lot of belief - but worth it!
Make a great day everyone 🙂

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This was a fun read. It was especially nice to read about characters my age instead of the usual 20-40 year-olds. Even though the book is about assassins, it wasn‘t that dark. My only quibble was with the character of Natalie; since I kept forgetting about her, I‘m not sure she was necessary. #audiowalk

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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May reading report. 14 books read. I would highly recommend all these books.

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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We went across the bay to watch the sunset this evening. It was so beautiful. I‘m about halfway through with Killers of a Certain Age, so I should be through in a couple of days. So far, I like it. #audiowalk

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Billie said that having beignets is New Orleans is a cliche, but there‘s a reason everyone has them when they go there! 😄

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This was a romp! A very…murder-y romp! Four female assassins are retiring after an illustrious career killing for a cause. But! Turns out, their old organization wants them dead. They've got to put their heads together (and kill some more people) to get out alive! I love seeing middle-aged women as protagonists. Definitely need to seek out more stories featuring older main characters, I always have fun when I read them, and this was no exception.

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This seems like it‘s going to be fun. #audiowalk

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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I went in without expectations and was pleasantly surprised! It‘s not ground breaking or anything but it was a fun romp. I‘d like it if it were a movie I think.

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I've already started my #20in4 readathon list - which is my goal for finishing out May - thanks for hosting @Andrew65 -

Make a great day everyone 🙂

WJCintron Cool! Let me know when you start reading PYMOVacation! 🙌😃 1y
bthegood @WJCintron will do 👍 1y
bthegood @WJCintron started the book - 1/3 in - cute, predictable, friends to lovers, I am enjoying it - it is fun and I like the 2 main characters - nice break from anything serious!! 1y
WJCintron @bthegood awesome! I‘m gonna start reading mine! 🙌😃 I started a while ago but stopped reading. So now it‘s gonna be fun! 💃💃 1y
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn

This was such a fun book! Loved that it wasn‘t the same old group of young or middle aged women,but an older, wiser group of women who had a ton of experience as ‘hit women‘.

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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#Two4Tuesday (a day late) - here is my bookmark shelf - some of these are from @TheSpineView from a few years back and the first Litsy drawing I won !
Oh, and I have been known to dog-ear a book I own before, not very often (please don't judge me too harshly 😂)

Make a great day everyone 🙂

TheSpineView It makes me happy that you are enjoying your prize. Thanks for playing! 1y
WJCintron Beautiful 🤩😃🙌 🥳🎉👏 1y
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bthegood @WJCintron good to “see“ you 🙂 1y
WJCintron @bthegood Same! 😃🙌 I‘ve been super busy!!! But having so much fun in the process. 🤗❤️ 1y
bthegood @WJCintron 👍 🤗 1y
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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It was dark in the garden, just before dawn, when the air is grey and the nightbirds are singing. They were tired, those nightbirds, and their song was quieter now. But they were still singing, and they went on singing until dawn broke over the trees 🐦‍⬛🔪

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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Well, I loved this and it lived up to all of my expectations! Kickass women? Check. Older women kicking ass? Check check. Just awesome. As a sticker on a letter @TheBookHippie sent me recently said - “The Future is Female.” 👊🏻

CBee @Cinfhen could I use this for #sunshinenoir? Settings vary but a few parts take place on a cruise ship, a couple of islands, New Orleans, France. Let me know 😘 Tagging @BarbaraTheBibliophage too to get her take 😊 (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 1y
CBee @TheBookHippie if you haven‘t read this one, you should. So good! 1y
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TheBookHippie I looked at it- I remember my trigger screen said no. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
CBee @TheBookHippie I gotcha ❤️ 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks good!! 1y
CBee @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it was so good!! You‘d like it I think! 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ll have to be on the lookout for it! Have you read ? It‘s a wild ride!! 1y
CBee @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love wild rides! Haven‘t read that one though 😊 1y
BarbaraTheBibliophage If you think it works for the prompt, then we are okay with it also! This is on my shelf, so I‘m glad to see your review. 1y
CBee @BarbaraTheBibliophage I found another one that I can use 😊 I hope you enjoy this one when you get to it, it‘s fantastic! 1y
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Awesome idea, underwhelming execution.

A book about assassins, with barely any action. There are a few preparation sequences where the author tries to drive it up by withholding info, then the great “plan” is revealed, turning out not to be all that clever. The tension fizzles out—rinse & repeat.

And it isn‘t even all that funny 😑

Middle age women aren‘t made of menopause. Can‘t we have a joke about something else? Once?


Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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I listened to this fantastic story yesterday and today, mostly while taking long walks and doing a little mushroom hunting. Yes, there‘s quite a bit of murder, as the main characters have made careers as assassins, but it‘s also an incredibly fun story of strong women working together. These four are great friends and teammates who will stop at nothing to protect each other as they head into retirement.

#LitsyBookClub #audiowalk #audiobook

mesquite This was a good book. I picked it cause of Goodreads last year and I‘d been looking at reading more female led stories. I HOPE there‘s a sequel cause I thought it could be a good series. 1y
Texreader Great review!! 1y
Daisey @mesquite I can see how a sequel could be fun, but I loved it as a standalone. 1y
Daisey @Texreader Thanks! 1y
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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Enjoying this read for #Litsybookclub for our meeting on April 30.
Bandette is helping me. ⚫️⚪️⚫️

dabbe Hello, Beautiful Bandette! 💙🐾💙 1y
tpixie @dabbe She says Hi! 🐶 1y
Daisey I listened to the whole thing yesterday and today and loved it! 1y
tpixie @Daisey good! I‘m not far in yet. But it seems like it will be a good read!! I haven‘t been able to get the audio, so itt will be a slower progress (edited) 1y
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