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Murder With Peacocks
Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
28 posts | 35 read | 18 to read
Three Weddings...And a Murder So far Meg Langslow's summer is not going swimmingly. Down in her small Virginia hometown, she's maid of honor at the nuptials of three loved ones--each of whom has dumped the planning in her capable hands. One bride is set on including a Native American herbal purification ceremony, while another wants live peacocks on the lawn. Only help from the town's drop-dead gorgeous hunk, disappointingly rumored to be gay, keeps Meg afloat in a sea of dotty relatives and outrageous neighbors. And, in whirl of summer parties and picnics, Southern hospitality is strained to the limit by an offensive newcomer who hints at skeletons in the guests' closets. But it seems this lady has offended one too many when she's found dead in suspicious circumstances, followed by a string of accidents--some fatal. Soon, level-headed Meg's to-do list extends from flower arrangements and bridal registries to catching a killer--before the next catered event is her own funeral...
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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It‘s been years since I read the early books in the series, so I thought I would mix in a few with the newer ones I‘m still getting caught up on. I just love Meg, Michael and Meg‘s whole goofy family! Things start off pretty differently from what they become in later books, but the wackiness is there! It was also written 25 years ago, so it reads a little differently too. This one was quite a story with A LOT going on!

mabell Example - Meg is Maid of Honor for 3 weddings in 2-3 weeks 😆

#1999 for #192025
Tamra Such cute cover! 2mo
Librarybelle Yay!! 2mo
mabell @Tamra They all (except the original version of these two) have the bright covers of cozies, but they are all fun interpretations of the plot! Complete with titular bird 😄 2mo
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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This is one of my favorite series. I reread it when I‘m stressed or sad or both. It is far from perfect; some of the language is very 90‘s as is the general viewpoint. But it‘s lighthearted and funny and was the first thing to make me laugh when my mom passed. #pop23 #bookthatiwishicouldreadforthefirsttime #iknowthatisnotapeacock

BarbaraBB Great photo! 12mo
Ruthiella I love those kinds of comfort reads. ❤️ 12mo
squirrelbrain Fab photo! 😃 12mo
bthegood I love a good comfort read - great photo - 🙂 12mo
Cortg Comfort read for the win! I have no idea what I‘ll read for this one. 12mo
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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July sucked. I didn‘t realize how much it sucked until I looked through my feed and found I really didn‘t have anything to show for the month. All I read were comfort reads. (Pictured is a character from the lobster fest I found myself at.)

Ruthiella Here‘s hoping August is better! 😀 12mo
MissHel @Ruthiella thank you! 12mo
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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I finally finished a book. It‘s been 11 days since I finished anything. I kind of wish I‘d bailed on this one. I know part of the problem is that I‘ve been sick for 4 weeks now, which is why this isn‘t a pan, but the story just seemed blah. I never cared about the characters and the ending felt rather ridiculous. I didn‘t hate it, but I‘ll probably forget it by morning. 🤷🏻‍♀️

LeahBergen Sick for four weeks! Poor you. ❤️ 3y
Bookzombie I‘m sorry you have been sick and especially sorry it‘s been for so long. 💗 3y
SRWCF I love the cover artwork. 3y
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DGRachel @LeahBergen @Bookzombie Thank you. All tests have so far come back negative, so my doctor decided to just throw meds at it and hope something works. If this one week round of meds doesn‘t work, it‘s onto a CT scan. I really hope the meds work. 3y
Bookzombie @DGRachel I hope so too! Sending healing vibes. 3y
Megabooks I hope you find some answers soon. 💜 3y
DGRachel @Megabooks thank you 🥰 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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The audio itself was fine, but there was a lot of wedding… and three bridezillas. I found some of the wedding traditions odd. I‘m not sure why Meg was in charge of planning three weddings for other people; for a while, I thought maybe she was a wedding planner, but nope. Overall, it was ok. I won‘t be continuing the series

Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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First in the series, barely a pick for me. I know it was supposed to be humorous but I struggled with a main character who was a doormat & a bigot who had no use for the “gay guy” except that she had no problem using him to solve many of the problems that she took on herself. The narrator had a voice that frayed my nerves. The father was the redeeming character although the author did him dirty when it came to solving the mystery. 2 ⭐️ ⬇️

Texreader @Clwojick #scarathlon #buddyread #teamslaughter I unexpectedly worked tonight so I‘ll add this week‘s points to next week after I‘ve calculated them. Sorry! 3y
Clwojick No problem! I know how it goes! I barley got my points in time lol. 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Audiocrafting again tonight. Y‘all the coffin lid opens! 🧛‍♂️🧙‍♀️🎃

#scarathlon #buddyread

@Clwojick I chose to do these next since you liked the coffin. It‘s pretty darned cute isn‘t it?

Crazeedi Sooooo cute!!!!! 3y
mariaku21 Ok that's adorable! 3y
Clwojick So adorable! ❤️ 3y
Texreader @Crazeedi @mariaku21 @Clwojick Thanks y‘all!! I can‘t wait to figure out how to design them on a Halloween card but I‘m trying to finish stamping everything first. Oh, and I can‘t wait to color them! 3y
Crazeedi @Texreader all that fun! Enjoy every minute💕 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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🥳#OutstandingOctober #ReadAThon #dailycheckin ❣️

🧙‍♀️Finish the #buddyread #teamread that is captioned;
🎃Start and finish The Halloween Tree;
👻Read my daily section of The Writing Life;
🐈‍⬛Start and finish The Regulators.

😻SpookoweenReadathon #scarathlon2021 #teamslaughter #AYearAThon #FrightFall #DebutAuthorChallenge #prettymessreading #LiteraryEscapesChallenge #QueerBookFun2021 #ColorReadingChallenge #CalendarofCrime #PickYourPoison 😻

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😊👍 3y
DieAReader Great job!!🎉💪🏾 3y
GHABI4ROSES Momentum has been blessed @Andrew65 and @DieAReader 🦚🌸 3y
TheSpineView Excellant work! 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Stamping now under way. #scarathlon #buddyread

ShelleyBooksie Adorable! 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Some of you have asked how I make my cards. Here, bottom, dies are loaded to cut paper in my die-cutting machine (a Sizzix), and at top are some of the cut-outs. After this they will get stamped, colored, and assembled. #scarathlon #buddyread @Clwojick

Leftcoastzen Nice setup! 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Getting ready to make Halloween cards while listening to this book. #scarathlon #buddyread

Clwojick 😱 I love the coffin! 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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I‘m struggling with this one, a #buddyread for #teamslaughter. I will finish it but I dislike most of the characters (except the dad), and especially the main character, for reasons I‘m putting in a spoiler below. I was hoping for a light read, and it is, but it‘s hitting a low point for me.

Texreader The main character calls a gay guy “whatawaste” because he‘s not dating material. 😡 Um, like, he could be a really good friend if you weren‘t just on the hunt for a man to date? There‘s more to the opposite sex than sex?

Yes I am guessing where this is going, but this part is maddening.
Clwojick I haven‘t read my book yet! I have the buddy read on hold, but hopefully the first in the series is better than this one? Sorry you‘re not enjoying it! And DNFs still count for points, so don‘t force something you‘re not into! 🧡 3y
Texreader @Clwojick I finally got to the Murder so I‘m going to keep going to see if it improves. Thanks for letting me know it‘s ok to dnf if I have to. 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Such a quaint story so far, just perfect for my mode this month.
Checking in with my 1602.50 points!

DieAReader 🔥🔥🔥Awesome job!!👰‍♀️🦚🌸 3y
GHABI4ROSES @Clwojick I super struggled with posting this weekend, maybe cus of doing from laptop. It would not let the tagged names stick, @DieAReader just confirmed it for me. It has been sitting there naked since Sunday! So sorry! 3y
DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES I‘m glad I thought to check! Happy it‘s worked now. 🤞🏻not too late😢 3y
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Clwojick Oh no! No problem at all! I‘ll add in your points! Awesome job! 👻🖤🧡 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Starting this audiobook for #scarathlon #teamslaughter #buddyread.

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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Book 113/150.

Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Spending this evening tucked in bed wearing my softest jammies and snuggling with my babies. Also drinking tea, enjoying candles, and reading the tagged book which is a delightful cozy that is entirely too long. Hope you are all as snug as I am this evening. #iloveOctober

SheReadsAndWrites That sounds absolutely perfect-enjoy!!! 🤓 4y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego What a perfect cuddle puddle! 4y
Cosmos_Moon Awww! What kind of babies? Your yellowish one looks like my Henry, a Pomeranian miniature schnauzer mix. 4y
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Leftcoastzen So cute!🐶 4y
Bklover @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I love that! A cuddle puddle!❤️ 4y
GHABI4ROSES October is my favorite month, and I am not letting it pass me by... softest jammies, babies, and books are all happening on the daily! LA weather notwithstanding. 3y
Bklover @GHABI4ROSES Enjoy every minute! October is one of my favorite months too! 3y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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My cozy aesthetic. Tagged is the first book of one of my favorite series. It's one of the few that I manage to keep up with new releases. Most I'm behind on.
#cozyswap @Chrissyreadit @ferskner @Avanders

Chrissyreadit 🧡🎉🖤🎉🧡 4y
Avanders 🎃🖤🎃 4y
tracey38 Fall is definitely my cozy anesthetic! 4y
ferskner So cozy! 4y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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My #doublebookspin I should finish this by tomorrow, which is good, because my #OUABC classic arrives tomorrow!! #bookspin #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Day 9 #Top20Series #20Series20Days @Andrew65
A humorous cozy mystery series featuring bird related titles and a fun cast of characters.

Andrew65 Like the sound of these. 4y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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#CurrentlyListening to this fun #CozyMystery while snuggled under the covers 👍🏼

Marilyncjackson This is a great series! 5y
KathyWheeler Such a fun series!❤️ 5y
mcipher I had a great time reading that one! 5y
tdrosebud I love this series! 5y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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She was very much enjoying kneading my fuzzy bathrobe and perching on my knee, but she‘s already run off. Not the best reading buddy tonight with the storm! #Chloe #catsoflitsy #tuxedokittiesoflitsy @MinDea She has such a little goblin face in this picture, it‘s cracking me up!

Lcsmcat 😻 6y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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I couldn‘t resist starting this one from my #FFFS box this morning, after such enthusiastic recommendations from @mabell and @Suzze
#Edie joined me for some equally enthusiastic purring kitty snuggles. 😻 #catsoflitsy

Sace What a beauty! 6y
mcipher @RestlessFickleBookHoarder Thank you! She‘s my princess. 6y
Zelma She is such a sweetie! 😻 6y
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mabell Hi Edie! I hope you both enjoy the book! 😊 6y
Suzze What a fabulous picture! 6y
mcipher @mabell So far, so good. You were right about kooky! 6y
mcipher @Zelma Thank you! 😊 6y
mcipher @Suzze Thanks! Pretty kitty and pretty book! 😁 6y
Lauram 😻 6y
mabell @mcipher And it only gets "worse"! ? 6y
mcipher @mabell You mean better?! 😉 6y
mabell Right! 😆😂 6y
Suzze I sent your picture to Donna. She loved it! 6y
mcipher @Suzze Oh, that‘s so cool!! 😊 6y
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews

Good cozy! Screwball without driving me insane, just perfect!

Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Just finished the first Meg Langslow book, and pretty sure I am hooked. I thought I had it figured out from the beginning, but she got me! Luckily, this volume is the first and second book in one, so I am headed right back for more.

Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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Lazy summer afternoon

Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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I'm not very far in, but all I want to do is sit and eat this book up. Why must work get in my way?

Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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I believe she is thinking, "it smells like a good book." #bookbuddy #boxerdog #cozymystery