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Miss Austen
Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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"A deeply imagined and deeply moving novel. Reading it made me happy and weepy in equally copious amounts." --Karen Joy Fowler For fans of Jo Baker's Longbourn, a witty, poignant novel about Cassandra Austen and her famous sister, Jane.Whoever looked at an elderly lady and saw the young heroine she once was?England, 1840. For the two decades following the death of her beloved sister, Jane, Cassandra Austen has lived alone, spending her days visiting friends and relations and quietly, purposefully working to preserve her sister's reputation. Now in her sixties and increasingly frail, Cassandra goes to stay with the Fowles of Kintbury, family of her long-dead fianc, in search of a trove of Jane's letters. Dodging her hostess and a meddlesome housemaid, Cassandra eventually hunts down the letters and confronts the secrets they hold, secrets not only about Jane but about Cassandra herself. Will Cassandra bare the most private details of her life to the world, or commit her sister's legacy to the flames? Moving back and forth between the vicarage and Cassandra's vibrant memories of her years with Jane, interwoven with Jane's brilliantly reimagined lost letters, Miss Austen is the untold story of the most important person in Jane's life. With extraordinary empathy, emotional complexity, and wit, Gill Hornby finally gives Cassandra her due, bringing to life a woman as captivating as any Austen heroine.
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Couldn‘t resist this beautiful cover! Diving in blind after finding this on sale. #prettycover

Decalino That really is a lovely cover! 1w
Cuilin 😍 1w
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby

Moved a little slow as I first started getting into the story. Really enjoyed the perspective from Austen‘s sister in both imagined timelines. I‘m looking forward to the new PBS adaptation.

Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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NEW Jane Austen mini series alert!!!
It‘s based off of the tagged book 📕


Cuilin Thanks 🙏 8mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig So excited! 8mo
LeahBergen I‘m looking forward to this one! 8mo
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jlhammar Exciting! I so enjoyed the book. 8mo
CrowCAH @Cuilin glad to share the news! 8mo
CrowCAH @Crinoline_Laphroaig @LeahBergen @jlhammar I haven‘t read the book, but I will watch this. Sounds entertaining and may give some insight into a possible scenario for Cassandra burning the letters. 8mo
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Thank you @Born.A.Reader for my #fffs #FallingForFallSwap package! The reading journal is lovely and will be so fun to fill out. The novel looks really good, too - a perfect cozy fall read. April also approves of the package! It‘s her job to inspect anything that comes into my house 😆 #CatsOfLitsy

Thank you @Chrissyreadit and @Avanders for organizing!

Born.A.Reader I'm so delighted you like your gifts - and that your adorable inspector approves! 😍 10mo
Chrissyreadit 🧡💛🧡💛 10mo
dabbe Hello there, Amiable April! 🖤🐾🖤 10mo
Avanders ♥️🍁🧡🍂💛🍎 10mo
AnnCrystal 😍🐾😻. 10mo
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Ended up racing through the last couple of chapters of this one ahead of the #PemberLittens Chapter a Day buddy read led by @StayCurious and forgot to review until now.

Not the best Austen-adjacent I‘ve read but far from the worst, too. I agree with what a lot of what came up during the buddy read - inconsistent characters that were really quite one-dimensional - but I liked that this was from Cassandra‘s POV and tried to take on something new.

Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Pic from 1st time I read back in 2020. I get what several of #PemberLittens say about Historical Fiction about real people. Normally I feel the same. But I liked this one.

Think it is based somewhat on how Austen relatives are historically remembered. For instance Jane's mother being hypochondriac & Mary being difficult. ↕️

Crinoline_Laphroaig I like how takes Austen lore of Cassandra burning Jane's letters and spins a story around that. To me It's the perfect way to write Austenesque in that it's fiction but I can believe it happened. And it was lovely to see Cassandra shine. 'Whoever looked at an elderly lady and saw the young heroine she once was? Thanks for hosting' @StayCurious ! 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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This was a no for me.........blech.

It has been passed on to someone who wanted to read it. Maybe they will like it!

Oy vey

peanutnine I like this embroidered cover design! 1y
TheBookHippie @peanutnine although I love a good embroidery .. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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This one wasn't really for me, which I should have realized from the very beginning: I don't really care for fiction about real people. Here especially Hornby pretty much put everyone into either a "good" or "bad" category. I cringed every time James or Mary appeared on the page, not because they were so horrid, but because Hornby decided that they should be so horrid, when they have no way of defending themselves. At the end of the day, I ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) realized that I think everyone, no matter how famous, has a right to privacy and their own secrets, so I ended up being very uncomfortable with Hornby writing the “destroyed letters“ and assigning motivations to all of these people who actually existed in real life. But part of that is on me for reading this book when I kinda-sorta knew that was how I was going to feel 😂 At interesting story, but not one that worked for me. 1y
TheBookHippie I panned it!! LOL. 1y
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TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - It was on the line between so-so and pan for me for sure! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly I suspected I would feel the same way about this book. Glad I didn‘t bother reading it! 1y
Lizpixie 🙌🎉 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.28: seemed a bit of a quick ending but overall, a satisfying one. I couldn‘t help but think how sad it must be to know you are writing your last letter to a friend, sensing the end is near. I enjoyed this book for the most part. It was good to see some of the motivations behind why Cassandra might have burned Jane‘s letters. I didn‘t love the way Jane was portrayed but I understood the author‘s choices, most of the time.

BarkingMadRead I did like the look into why the letters were destroyed, even it was a little misguided. I am not a fan of how they portrayed Jane, this is the second book I‘ve read where this happened lol I like her the way I think of her 🤣 1y
suvata All-in-all a satisfying book. I, too, am not a fan of how Jane was portrayed. (edited) 1y
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suvata Thanks for all your awesome discussion memes. Very clever! 1y
TheAromaofBooks I enjoyed reading this one with the group, but the book itself was just so-so for me - it was honestly rather boring haha and I felt like some people were written SO negatively that it seemed a bit unfair since they aren't around to defend themselves! 1y
willaful @TheAromaofBooks I'm always a little uncomfortable reading fictional accounts of real people. I really want to know the difference between truth and fiction. 1y
IndoorDame @StayCurious thank you for leading this one! It‘s always so much more fun to read with the group! Especially on the ones I end up with conflicting feelings about like this one. 1y
StayCurious @willaful @TheAromaofBooks I wonder if Mary was really that terrible? 1y
StayCurious @IndoorDame yes I like reading with the group and getting everyone‘s thoughts! 1y
StayCurious @suvata aw thanks! 1y
Librarybelle Thanks for hosting!! 1y
julieclair Thank you for hosting. Your memes were so fun! I enjoyed the book. 1y
TheBookHippie Thank you for hosting. It was the best part. The book, blech. Not for me. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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I found the writing and the characterization here uneven. I loved the premise, but didn‘t find the imagined correspondence all that compelling, and didn‘t gain any insight into the young Austens. I vastly preferred the older version of Cassandra, and liked reading about her exploits. I sort of wish that part of the story had been developed even more fully and that the author had abandoned some of the conceit of the dual timeline. #Pemberlittens

TheBookHippie I panned it....... 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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Casandra is on a mission - to find and to destroy any deeply personal letters written by her sister Jane. A dual timeline plays out the story. I liked the book, but did not love the book. Decisions made in this novel, based on the scant info we know about Jane Austen, did not really ring true to me. Maybe it‘s this that just gives me a so-so feeling about this book.

Thanks to @StayCurious for hosting this #PemberLittens #BuddyRead !

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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.27: a difficult chapter to get through for sure. We knew it was coming but it wasn‘t easy to read. Also, once more we see the callousness of Fulwar. I do wonder how Eliza put up with her husband.

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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.26: Cassandra is feeling contrite and Dinah is feeling a bit snug that her plan worked. She tells Cassandra that her meddling only caused heartbreak. Cassandra tells the sisters that maybe moving in together is a bit hasty and everyone is so happy for a reprieve - what an interesting family dynamic! But will Isabella go to the doctor or is she doomed to miss out on her HEA?

BarkingMadRead I sure hope so! 1y
willaful I'm pleased that I read Dinah correctly re being devoted to Isabella. Not such a bad sort after all. And it would certainly be nice if someone in this cursed family got a happy ending! 1y
julieclair I will be very disappointed if Isabella does not end up with the doctor. 1y
suvata And how about Mary-Jane? She moved her bedroom to the first floor because, “Stairs can be dangerous—wicked things—always said so. To be used at one‘s peril.” @julieclair I feel the same about Isabella and the doctor. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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What a wonderful story! It was so heartwarming and I love that it focused on Cassandra and her bond with Jane 💜


StayCurious Lovely picture! 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.25 - Cassandra seems to have found her “Utopia” at Chawton with Jane, Martha and her mother. She has no regrets even though Mrs.Hobday still writes to her to rub in how happy her son is (wtf?) I still feel bad for Anna. She seems desperate to escape Mary - but who can blame her?

suvata Favorite quote from this chapter: “Novels are a fad, nothing more, nothing less. Austen says so, and who can know better than him? When I think of his poetry—oh, well, there I shall stop, for I do not wish to offend.” 1y
BarkingMadRead What the actual F with these letters?!? Why would Cassy want to hear about his kids? Ugh! 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.24: a short Ch but a doozy! Just as Cassandra is about to share the ?good? news that Isabella is to gain a roomie out of her oddball sister, Dinah literally throws herself down the stairs. It‘s all a bid to get the doctor there - because she knows that Isabella & the doctor love each other but aren‘t together b/c of family disapproval. Cassandra sees everything happening and feels terrible that she may have cost Isabella her HEA

IndoorDame I don‘t know how I feel about this showing up so late in the book… I‘ve been finding the pacing of this odd even for a dual timeline novel 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame so far the book is an eh for me 😝 1y
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Librarybelle Dinah is shifty. I‘m personally struggling with how Cassandra and even Jane are represented in the novel, with choices made and their thoughts and feelings. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie same. I‘m enjoying the parts with Cassandra as an older woman way more, but the letters aren‘t really working for me so it feels unbalanced 1y
KristiAhlers @Librarybelle I really feel the same way. And I agree @TheBookHippie 1y
willaful @IndoorDame I feel the same. Older Cassandra is far more interesting. 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig How'd Dinah not break her neck? Was she a circus performer in another life? 1y
BarkingMadRead Omg these pics 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dinah took quite a risk with that tumble! 1y
suvata Throwing oneself down, a flight of steps is a little overdramatic, don‘t you think? Strangely, I am enjoying this novel. I just don‘t like the way Jane is portrayed as being so weak-spirited. 1y
julieclair I was surprised at Dinah doing something so selfless and reckless. She was obviously very devoted to Isabella. I am enjoying the book, although the depiction of Jane as so depressed makes me sad. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.23 - poor Elizabeth dies from who knows what after having 11 kids and surviving each birth (no easy feat), and at first Edward wants Cass to give up her life to take care of his. It would give her security but take her away from Jane. So she hints enough that he finally offers the cottage in Chawton - yay! But also - sad. Yes. We‘re sad. But also Yay.

IndoorDame Mostly yay for me, I‘m so ready for her to catch a break! 1y
BarkingMadRead Finally being supported by a brother! A shame it took a death to bring it about! 1y
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame That is it exactly. Also all these poor women having so many children....til they die.....ugh. 1y
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I know! But reading how universal this was in the past helps me stay aware of how much of the world hasn‘t improved these statistics nearly enough. It‘s criminal! 1y
suvata I think it was cute how they all started divvying up the duties they wanted at Chawton. And Jane has a place to write again. ✍️ 1y
KristiAhlers I had enough medical problems having the two babies I had. I can't imagine spending your life pregnant like that. Just no. 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Not Fun Fact - Queen Charlotte wife of George the 3rd was pregnant for basically 20 years. Learned that reading 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Edward really was a selfish prig. I was just watching IMDb: : Jane Austen: Behind Closed Doors
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7467912/ Edward had 15000 £ a year. Darcy only had 10000.
julieclair I was proud of the way Cassandra expertly steered Edward (again!) into giving them the cottage, waiting for his slow mind to catch up, step by step, until he finally reached the conclusion she wanted. (edited) 1y
StayCurious @Crinoline_Laphroaig what? And he only gave them 100 a year?? 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @StayCurious in comparison to what other brothers gave it was paltry. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.21-22: Cass is set to take care of everyone, especially after the death of her father - and no one seems to need it more than Jane. I don‘t like seeing Jane like this, full on depressed. Does anyone know if this is an accurate portrayal? Does she just have an artistic temperament? Sounds to me to be very serious. Poor Cassie. 👇

StayCurious And, man those rich relatives are so oblivious! Especially Edward! Calling them the “Austen Ladies” was a bit of a slap too. Grrr! 1y
BarkingMadRead Edward is horrible, all of their brothers are horrible! To leave them in such grave circumstances! 1y
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TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead Right?! Ugh. All we read about is all these horrible men 😝 1y
TheBookHippie @StayCurious that was a slap! 1y
IndoorDame I don‘t know if she suffered from depression, but there‘s definitely evidence that whatever chronic immune issues ultimately led to her death severely affected her quality of life and her ability to write at times. Not being able to work would definitely affect the mental health of any artist. 1y
IndoorDame And seriously hating Elizabeth right now! 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I don't like seeing Jane depressed either. It's horribly sad. I don't no that there is any proof but speculation. I agree with @IndoorDame of not being able to work would affect her. I also think it would be hard to write when you're life is so unsettled. 1y
julieclair I wish that Cass had had the courage to contradict Elizabeth. But I suppose that would have been an unimaginable breach of etiquette. 1y
willaful Sad to think that with more support she might have lived longer and written more books. 😞 1y
suvata I don‘t think there is any concrete proof that Jane had clinical depression. However, after her father‘s death, and with all the worry about where and how they would live, she did take a long break from writing. I think it is very clever how Cassy lead Frank into giving them the Chawton estate. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens @StayCurious this so goes along with our #JaneAdjacent read. Today is the opening of My dear Cassandra exhibition, ‘featuring a newly acquired Austen letter!

💫 Explores Jane Austen‘s special relationship with her sister and is part of our ‘Year of Cassandra‘, celebrating the life of Cassandra Austen 1773-1845. 👇

Crinoline_Laphroaig 👉 FIND OUT MORE: https://janeaustens.house/display/my-dear-cassandra/ and BOOK TICKETS: https://janeaustens.house/visit/visitor-info/

💻 An online version of this exhibition is also available!
StayCurious So cool ♥️ 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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I had to finish this early before it returned to the library but I really enjoyed this #pemberlittens read. It was interesting to imagine Cassy's motivations behind burning Jane's letters after her death. She was a frustrating character but ultimately duty to those important to her was always her priority which I can respect. This really portrayed the perception of spinsterhood and how different people embraced or pitied the role.

peanutnine #2023ReadySetRead floral cover / female perspective @Clwojick 1y
Clwojick Fantastic! ❤️ 1y
Lizpixie 🙌🎉 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.20: we see Cassandra show a bit of backbone with Dinah when she demands the letters be returned. We see a bit more of her motivations (and again it comes down to duty - and a fear of her and Jane‘s lives being dissected - especially by Mary). We see a lot of Mary in Caroline 😒 - she said some pretty tactless things in front of Cassandra. This family gives me a headache.

BarkingMadRead Omg I wanted to pop Caroline in the face. Nobody needs two Marys. 1y
suvata So, it appears that the “meddler“ was Dinah, which most of us suspected anyway. Good for Cassy for putting her foot down. It does appear that Mary and Carolyn are two sides of the same coin. Having this family, it‘s no wonder Jane seems to have bouts of melancholy. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.19: the Austen girls are bothering me. I understand why Jane didn‘t go through with it even though it would have given her the security she was desperate to have, but why now does Cassy need to stop writing to poor Hobday? Because she‘s leading him on? Why can‘t she just say yes to him? Oh yes, her duty. Feeling frustrated. And for the girls to have to slink back to their parents - how embarrassing and hopeless.

IndoorDame I‘m right there with you! I understand Jane and totally don‘t understand Cassy‘s decisions. Which is super unusual since the story is being told from her perspective 1y
Librarybelle It is frustrating…I feel so bad for Mr Hobday! He sounded like such a nice gentleman. 1y
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peanutnine Poor Mr Hobday! But it's probably better that she stopped writing to him if she was just gonna break his heart 💔 1y
julieclair I agree. Cassy is on my nerves. I feel sorry for Mr. Honday. (edited) 1y
suvata I am right with you. These girls are intolerable. Jane wants to marry off Cassy. Cassy wants to marry off Jane, and they‘re leaving a total sh*t-storm in their wake. Also, Mr. Bigg-Wither … hater of the sea! Frustrating chapter. (edited) 1y
TheAromaofBooks I think part of the issue is that Cassy and Tom were standing in the church when she made him that promise*. I think she genuinely sees it as a vow made “before God“ similar to a marriage vow. She's such a dutiful person, I think breaking her promise would make her feel guilty for the rest of her life. But it doesn't make her less frustrating!

*originally autocorrected to “problem“, which may be more accurate 😂
(edited) 1y
willaful I think there's also a hint that Cassy is afraid of marriage. The discomfort she felt seeing Tom's intimate personal items comes back to haunt her. (Unless I'm reading that wrong.) Anyway, I still think she made a huge mistake. 😖

Jane is really the more sensible of the two; she recognizes her mistake and finds the courage to correct it, which must have been tremendously difficult. I doubt being in church would have made a difference to her.
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens @StayCurious this was my favorite quote when I first read. Went back and found this picture that I made. 👩🏻‍🌾

StayCurious Love this 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.17-18: Oh Cassy…sigh. You‘re punishing yourself and destined for a lonely life. How disappointing. Now granted, it would have been nice to get to know Henry a bit more before he proposed, but things were different back then. By all accounts, he was perfect. And you blew it. And then jump to 1840 - no wonder you‘re desperate to settle Isabella and give her a future. 👇

StayCurious You need to be useful and here is someone that needs you. But what is up with Dinah?? 1y
BarkingMadRead Dinah is not happy, but what choice does Isabella have? 1y
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suvata Henry Hobday: Suitor or Stalker? Depends on what Century you are living in. Seriously though, I don‘t understand why Cassy is denying her self a happy future. I know she doesn‘t want to break her promise but, really, was it a promise? Jane is very clever about finding ways to get rid of people so she can have some peace and quiet. 1y
Librarybelle Cassandra denying herself happiness is so sad. 1y
julieclair Ooohhh, @suvata , what an interesting point! By today‘s standards, he is a stalker. And oh, Cassandra… break the promise. Tom is dead and doesn‘t care. Plus, he didn‘t want you to make the promise in the first place. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.16: I missed a day! My library ebook got returned right as I was in the middle of a chapter - very frustrating. I had to find another copy. Anywho…boy those meddling Mamas…they‘re so transparent it‘s embarrassing but also to be expected. Mrs.Austen has not given up. Her house has all the single ladies and she wants that to change. Jane intends to scare off anyone who comes close. 👇

StayCurious And Cass is so caught up in her own head she‘s missing what‘s there. Take the leap, darling! You‘ve mourned long enough. 1y
BarkingMadRead Ugh I really wish she would move on, it‘s been so long and I don‘t think Tom really expected her to never marry! 1y
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IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead I don‘t either. That would just be too awful of him! 1y
suvata Cassy: Heavens, no! I am a mourning widow, but may I introduce you to my sister Jane? (Not a direct quote, just a general feeling I got from this chapter). Cassy needs to get a grip! 1y
suvata @StayCurious Absolutely. Leap away, my dear. 1y
julieclair Cass promised Tom she would never marry… even though he never asked her to promise that. It was rather shortsighted of her, even if it was heartfelt. Why shouldn‘t she have a chance at happiness? Life is for the living. 1y
willaful This is what I saw happening and I'm heartbroken for her. As well as wanting to give her a swift kick in the backside. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.15: Cassandra ventures out into the not so idyllic town and we are reminded that the Fowles are not the perfect upstanding family they appear to be. They have family drama and Cassandra is appalled at being confronted with it. How can they not hold each other up as the Austens do? Although she needs to be reminded that she was thrown out of her house by her brother once upon a time.

BarkingMadRead The way they all treat each other blows my mind! I know that was common for the time period, but damn! Do not abandon your sisters after yo he stolen their home from your parents! 🙄🙄 1y
KristiAhlers Yeah I just don't get it either. It's sad 1y
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willaful So anyone else thinking about Isabella and the doctor, who is obviously a kindly man but Not Our Kind? I think maybe her sister knows -- and maybe approves? Or very much does not? Hard to say. 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Whenever I read Austen I always imagine being at the mercy of the worst men in my family and shudder. 1y
suvata @Crinoline_Laphroaig Yes, I imagine it would be very much like that 1y
janeycanuck @willaful I think so, too. I don‘t know if approval comes in, per se. I think it‘s knowing it should never happen and the consequences for Isabella if it did. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.14: when you finally meet a guy - He could be a 10, but he‘s into Conchology…Cass is definitely interested in Henry and even goes to lunch with his mother (😮) only to be told they‘re on their way to Europe. Well…what was the point of inviting them then, Mrs. Hobden? How disappointed Cass is. The light has once again been snuffed and she is sinking back into a shell of herself.

BarkingMadRead Dude needs to stay here. Ugh! 1y
julieclair @BarkingMadRead Perfectly said! 1y
suvata Why even put him in the book if he‘s leaving the next day? I think he will be coming back into the picture before it‘s all over. 1y
julieclair @suvata I hope you‘re right! 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.13: I don‘t know what I‘m happier about: the fact that Cass is attracted to a stranger or the fact that Mrs. Austen‘s bowels are feeling better. “This was a new hell: a fusion of spinsterhood with the troubles of digestion.” Haha. Even back then families talked about poop.

BarkingMadRead 💩💩💩I can‘t wait to hear more about this mystery man! 1y
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janeycanuck I‘d rather hear about Mrs. Austen‘s bowels than listen to Mary read any more poetry. 1y
CoverToCoverGirl 🤭 poop happens.. 🤭 1y
suvata That wasn‘t just poop, it was “a most frightful evacuation.” But, who is this mysterious and handsome gentleman? I can‘t wait to hear more about this dude. (edited) 1y
julieclair Mrs. Austen has really outdone herself with this conversation! 😂💩 1y
KristiAhlers That poop convo was so funny. And I am glad she's got one less issue. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby

“It is out dearest wish to see you girls both settled before the Lord comes to call us. And with my poor old stomach, that could happen any day.“ This was a new hell: a fusion of spinsterhood with the troubles of digestion: “The next time I suffer an evacuation of that magnitude...“

willaful Ack, poor Cassandra! 🤢

And I have a horrible feeling about where the strange gentleman plotline is going to go.... 🥺

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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.12: the fact that Jane is so openly talking about how Mary truly is to her sister shows that everyone had the same opinion of her. The poor Austens! Being kicked out of their home. And Anna - I feel terrible for her. Mary is the wicked stepmother for sure. And then there is Jane‘s revelation - Cassandra was in love - with someone other than Tom!

TheBookHippie It‘s like a soap opera!!!! Just yikes 😵‍💫🤯😳 1y
BarkingMadRead Omg Mary is the 👿 1y
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suvata I didn‘t realize that Jane was so close with Eliza. Jane really spills the beans in her letters. I love reading them and getting all the gossip. I never thought I was that kind of person but, apparently, I am. 1y
janeycanuck I just can‘t with Mary. How has someone not slapped her yet? 1y
julieclair @suvata LOL! I‘m with you. Apparently I‘m that kind of person too. 😂 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.11: James, pressured certainly by Mary, basically tells his parents to get gone and make room for the next generation- the nerve! Not once does he think of his sisters or where they should go. Poor Cassandra and Jane - an uncertain future would be so scary!

Librarybelle This just continues to show how terrible Mary is 1y
willaful I think we may be seeing the origins of the half-brother and wife in Sense and Sensibility.... 1y
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suvata James is a bit of an ass himself. And please, no more horrid poetry. 1y
suvata @willaful I think you might be dead on with that idea. 1y
janeycanuck @Librarybelle oh definitely! The bit where she forgot she had a daughter?? Killed me. 1y
willaful I wonder if there's a form of cognitive dissonance going on in the person who becomes more horrible after marrying someone horrible. Or if it's more the echo chamber effect. James was obviously very susceptible to flattery to begin with, so is inclined to listen to anyone telling him how wise and right he is. 1y
peanutnine @willaful definitely got S&S vibes from them! And I agree that Mary is for sure inflating James' self-importance 1y
julieclair I was surprised at how easily their father agreed to the plan. And @suvata … amen about the poetry! 😆 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.10: Interesting - there‘s a secret liaison in Cassandra‘s past - I don‘t think it was Jane falling for a man by the sea. At least that wasn‘t the impression I got. And then she has the bad manners to get sick - how awfully inconsiderate of her. Do you think Dinah found the letters? Is she a spy for Mary?

suvata Very interesting theory that Dinah may be a spy for Mary. It sounds completely plausible. This chapter has a great quote in honor of “National Women‘s Month: “Through her life, Cassandra‘s happiest moments had been passed in the company of excellent women. They had all, of course, sadly departed. Oh, she missed and thought of them constantly, and of one above all.” 1y
KristiAhlers Oh I never thought of her being a spy for Mary but now that you mention it I could totally see that. 1y
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BarkingMadRead Omg I gasped out loud when the letters went missing. I think it‘s Dinah 1y
julieclair I think it‘s Dinah, too. But it never occurred to me that she might be a spy for Mary. That‘s an intriguing thought. And speaking of intriguing thoughts… a seaside romance for Cassandra? I hope we get all the juicy details! 😉 1y
willaful Dinah is definitely Up to Something, but she does seem pretty devoted to Isobel. This is quite exciting for such a quiet looking novel! 😁

I wondered if the excellent women line was a nod to Barbara Pym, except Cassandra uses it with no irony.
Crinoline_Laphroaig @willaful I didn't catch Excellent Women nod before. Totally fits in! 1y
janeycanuck I think we‘re supposed to think it‘s Dinah but I bet it‘s Isabella. Can‘t tell you why I think that, it‘s just my gut feel. But it‘s getting very hard to listen to only one chapter a day! 1y
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#weekendreads #marchmadness #kindle #libraryfind #theenzofiles #sundaybuddyread #audible #pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent
Plan to read The Critic tonight; Adult Assembly Required tomorrow; Miss Austen in between (So behind!); listen to The Hold Out on & off while cooking.

TheBookHippie 🙃 good luck! 1y
StayCurious Sounds like a great weekend! 1y
Andrew65 Love the Enzo Files. Have a good weekend. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby

“Cassandra's happiest moments had been passed in the company of excellent women.“

A hat-tip to Barbara Pym? But Cassandra uses it with no sense of irony -- to her, excellent women bring “the deep, joyful, and satisfying feeling brought by good feminine companionship.“ A much pleasanter metric than their usefulness to men.


Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.9: how scary to have your future suddenly gone. To go from fiancé to probable spinster aunt in such a short time. To have all your prospects gone. How scary to be a woman. The only thing I can say is - and don‘t take this the wrong way - at least he died and didn‘t jilt her- or they didn‘t have a falling out. At least this way she garners sympathy and not blame.

BarkingMadRead This chapter was heartbreaking 💔 1y
KristiAhlers Ugh this made me cry. But I totally agree with you. By passing away she won't be a subject of censor or possible gossip. So bright side on such a heartbreaking chapter 1y
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willaful Yes, such a sad, sad chapter. Cassandra's decision to make the best of the situation is somewhat admirable, but also frustrating because life was so unfair to her and she had no other vision for herself. 1y
janeycanuck Agreed, this was a tough one. I also found it sad that Jane seemed resigned to never marrying already, as well. 1y
peanutnine I agree with all said above, but also what is with all the rude, self-absorbed female relations in this family? 😡 1y
julieclair Heartbreaking and terrifying. So sad. 1y
suvata I found it particularly sad that Cassy resigned herself to becoming “the black-clad Tragedy Queen”. Although, I do think that‘s a great name for a band. 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @suvata is a great band name. 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @peanutnine they were so horrible! 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I've always tell people that the reason Jane wrote poor relations so well was because she was one. Also while it's wonderful IRL that Edward did gift them Chawton Cottage, why did he wait so long!? He had plenty of money. He could have given them some place to live long before he did. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens: Ch.8 - wow. Just wow. Mary Austen is evil and mean spirited. First with that tactless poem, then with that letter. Poor Cassandra. And I really feel for Mary‘s daughter too.

TheBookHippie It was certainly over the top 😵‍💫😬🤯. 1y
BarkingMadRead Omg I want to drop kick her so badly! Ughhhh 1y
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janeycanuck I was also moved to tears when Mary read that poem. But mine were tears of pain. I did absolutely laugh hysterically when she was yammering on about how someday everyone would know the name Austen and it wouldn‘t because of Jane. 1y
janeycanuck @BarkingMadRead do you need an assistant for that? I am available. 1y
Librarybelle Mary is absolutely terrible! Grrr… 1y
willaful I'm dying to know whether the poem is real. It definitely seems to have borrowed a lot! 1y
Bklover I am so sorry but I have fallen behind. You can remove me from this list and I will try again next month. (I‘ve been painting my house with my neighbor). Thanks. ❤️ 1y
StayCurious @Bklover not a problem! 1y
suvata That poem was ridiculous. 1y
julieclair Honest to goodness… could Mary actually have been that bad in real life? It seems hard to believe. So self-centered and tactless. 1y
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Oops. This was supposed to be my companion while I listened to Miss Austen for #PemberLittens but I got a little carried away and finished it in just a couple of days. I think I still have one more Jane Austen themed puzzle, though.


BarkingMadRead So cool! 1y
DivineDiana Beautiful! 💖 1y
StayCurious Omg amazing! 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.7 - so Mary, now Mary Austen, is the worst! She‘s the relative everyone dreads seeing. And we now know she‘s the one who will be going through Eliza‘s papers and will be the main antagonist I think when it comes to Cassandra‘s mission. Also, bad news is coming about Tom I think-in the past. How will reliving it affect Cassandra in the present?

BarkingMadRead Ew, Mary is awful! What a horrible human being! 1y
IndoorDame So awful! I‘m feeling worried that Cassandra is such a terrible sneak. I don‘t think she‘ll be a match for Mary 😬 1y
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peanutnine @IndoorDame she is the worst at being sneaky!! 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Mary shows up in #JaneAndTheExcellentReadalong as well. She's gone down in history as a dreadful person. 1y
suvata There is one sentence that pretty much sums up the entire chapter. “Mary Austen had come with a long list of grievances and an ungovernable impulse to air them forthwith.” 1y
KristiAhlers I so feel that meme lol. Mary is just so ick! 1y
janeycanuck Agreed. Mary is awful. But I‘m dreading our next chapter, knowing what‘s coming next… 1y
julieclair @suvata 💯Perfect sentence to sum up the chapter. And about the next chapter, I fear that Cassandra will have a painful time as she relives her memories… (edited) 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby

Oooo, quite an ominous ending to yesterday's chapter. And because of the book's structure, it might be two days before we get to what happens next. 😨

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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.6 Cassandra is taken back to when she was working hard to match Mary Lloyd with her widower brother James - perhaps not the best idea but hindsight is 20/20. I guess she had to keep herself occupied during Tom‘s long absence. But Mary seems whiney and desperate and a bit mean to her sister and not worthy of becoming an Austen. IMO.

TheBookHippie I agree 💯. 1y
BarkingMadRead I am not a fan of Mary at all 1y
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Librarybelle Mary is portrayed as a very whiny, but also manipulative - the way she converses with James at the ball took a lot of calculation. 1y
willaful I suspect both James and Mary got the spouses they deserved. 😒 1y
suvata My goodness, aren‘t the Austen women quite the match-making group. I am happy to see that Jane pretty much stayed out of it. And, James is such a narcissist. 1y
janeycanuck That whole scene was something else! Mary is certainly not for me. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Look at these beautiful #Janeite books author and illustrator Julia Fry gifted me! We follow each other on Instagram but hadn't really engaged, other than a couple of times I commented on her posts. She messaged me after the fire saying she wanted to sent me her books. She autographed them and included the sweetest note. Note card is her design as well. So pretty! Lovely addition to my #AllThingsAusten shelf.

Crinoline_Laphroaig @StayCurious @CrowCAH it's been a busy weekend. Catching up on Miss Austen #JaneAdjacent and #HearthstoneBuddyRead today. 🎧👩‍🌾 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig #HeartstoneBuddyRead 2nd time I've misspelled.🤦‍♀️ 1y
CrowCAH @Crinoline_Laphroaig that is super sweet she sent you those two books and card; they‘re lovely! 😍 1y
BarkingMadRead Awwwww that‘s so nice!! 1y
kspenmoll What a gorgeous collection! So happy for you! 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.5: Cassandra is awash in memories and Dinah is suspicious of her wandering around the house. And did the maid see the letters on Cassandra‘s bed? Probably. Then Cassandra goes for a walk and sees none other than Isabella meeting someone, a “gentleman”. How strange!

BarkingMadRead So much drama in this chapter! Dinah needs to chill out, but who is this mystery gentleman? Can‘t wait to find out! 1y
willaful I think Isabella's comments about.. the doctor, I think?... were rather suggestive. 1y
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IndoorDame I was waiting for the drama! 1y
julieclair Like @willaful , I'm betting it's the doctor. And as for Dinah, she is on my last nerve, always lurking around. I don't trust her 1y
suvata What is up with Dinah, indeed? She definitely is a lurker. 👀 I, too, suspect that Isabella is meeting the good doctor. 1y
janeycanuck Such mystery and intrigue! I am a bit worried about the whole situation blowing up in Cassandra‘s face, though. It doesn‘t feel like she‘ll cope well if confronted. 1y
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Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.4: Cassie goes to visit Tom‘s family after he‘s back for Christmas break and she‘s basically miserable. They seem like such a subdued bunch and she misses her fun loving family. Tom‘s not the same after his experiences at sea and senses that he might not return when he finally leaves on his journey. 👇

StayCurious Cassie promises him she‘ll never marry another. Even though she was very recently having doubts as to whether their marriage was a good idea…this is not going to end well. Also - Fulwar is an ass. 1y
Librarybelle Fulwar is terrible! 1y
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IndoorDame He is terrible! On the whole though, I‘m finding the characters really well drawn so far!!! 1y
KristiAhlers Fulwar is the absolute worst. And kudos to the author who can write a character that makes yoh have such a violent dislike. 1y
julieclair I agree this will not end well. And Fulwar... Ugh. 1y
suvata What a boring household Tom lives in. “She looked around at his property: a Bible, old Latin primers, not even one novel.” And Christmas must be a real hoot with “No music. No games. No reading or good conversation!” 1y
willaful Definitely getting the sense that Cassandra dodged a bullet. 1y
janeycanuck And this is why you don‘t agree to marry someone if you haven‘t spent any length of time with their family……. 1y
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Weekend reading 🥰📚


BkClubCare Whoa - I might have a postcard of that lilac! (Tho, I might not be able to find it LOL) 1y
wordslinger42 @BkClubCare Oh cool! I hope you're able to find it 😊 1y
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Repost for @StayCurious:

#Pemberlittens our next #JaneAdjacent read has been selected! Please let me know if you want to be added to the daily tag list for the read-along. As always I can be reached here or at pemberlittens@gmail.com with any book suggestions or comments.

Original post:

Miss Austen | Gill Hornby
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#Pemberlittens Ch.3: poor Cassie - her fiancé (who let‘s face it, doesn‘t seem like the sharpest tool in the shed) is leaving her for at least a year to seek adventure and find his fortune. All Cassie can do is support his decision because he wouldn‘t ask her permission, of course. No, he made this decision without consulting her. Which annoys her and us but was totally par for the course back then.?

StayCurious I just have a horrible feeling that Tom won‘t be back, and if he does return, he won‘t be the same man she agreed to marry. 1y
IndoorDame @StayCurious I think you‘re right 😬(after all we know she doesn‘t end up marrying him, don‘t we…?) 1y
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Librarybelle Tom is definitely portrayed as not the sharpest! 😂 1y
BarkingMadRead Aw Tom, such a sweet, brainless guy 1y
Bklover I get the impression that they never did get married. 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Tom. Bless his heart. 🙄 1y
janeycanuck Tom is such a bumbling fool. He‘s coming from the best of places but dude, stop and think things through for a minute! 1y
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