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Joined July 2018

Firecracker💋 horrorbabe💀
The Lovers | John Connolly
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DaveGreen7777 YAY!!! You‘re back! 😀🎉 4y
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Dark Companions | Ramsey Campbell
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Mailbox horror haul😂 books ive ordered this past couple weeks 🤓 so obsessed with these beautys!


MartinaLove Omg theres so many of them. A great haul! I can't wait to order more books. I love reading horror/mystery/thriller books in October/November. I need to buy more of them. 5y
Tove_Reads I know the feeling! 5y
TheSpineView Great haul!💜📚 5y
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LeahBergen Wonderful! 5y
BookwormAHN Darkfall is really good 💙 5y
MStew @BookwormAHN cant wait 🤓📝 5y
MStew @LeahBergen 🤓💜 5y
MStew @TheSpineView thankya! 5y
MStew @MartinaLove its addicting°°°😅 5y
MartinaLove @MStew It is. I love bookoutlet and book depository. Books aren't too expensive there. 5y
quirkyreader Enjoy those. 80‘s covers rule. 5y
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Trolley | Edward Lee
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I wanna check out some of Edward lee's works i have seen him alot and his books have alot of praise for the darker horror readers. So why not. This isn't for everyone 😂


Stage Fright | Garrett Boatman
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Horror paperback time!💀 love ONYX covers they are always so detailed!!! This book looks fun so glad i could add it to my 80s paperbacks! Cover buy 😍


madamereadsalot1 Love that so much! I wish there was a company out there that did art prints of these old covers. 5y
LeahBergen That is so awesome! 😆😆 5y
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Yes gimme all the books on Chernobyl please! I want to spend a whole year just reading and watching documentaries on this i live by 2 nuclear plants and both are a 1hour and half away in both directions , freaks me out. So i love reading about this topic.


Stacy_31 I‘m the same way! This one is on my TBR. Have you read Voices from Chernobyl? I read it earlier this year and it is so well-written and just haunting. 5y
LiljaPleasant Have you watched the HBO series? 5y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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" I went to the woods because i wished to live deliberately...and not, when i came to die, discover i had not lived."

This book is going to be a eye opener and its a way of life i would love to live by. I feel like we all get lost in the everyday hustle bustle that we forget to truly open our eyes and senses and hearts and live.

There is so much beautiful life around us especially just being in ones self and nature . ??

batsy Love this picture! 5y
MStew @batsy 🌻🤗thank you🌻 5y
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Bring Me Your Love | Charles Bukowski
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So I have been diving into some Bukowski and i must say I love his writing, it's raw and real some may find his writing rude or inappropriate but I find it to be as real as it gets . This short story was funny and crazy all at once. I can't wait to dive into more of his works


Erofan Cool cover! 5y
BarbaraBB Bukowski, great! 5y
andrew61 Great picture - i have post office somewhere unread - think I'll have to dig it out. 5y
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MStew @andrew61 Thank you🤓! ooo yea i heard post office is really good! DIG IT OUT 😂😂😂 5y
MStew @Erofan 😎 its pretty cool 5y
MStew @BarbaraBB don't see much of him on here !😁 5y
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The Listener | Robert McCammon
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Got My hands on a copy of McCammon's recent works 🤓😍 I was pretty pumped to find this at the price I did! Anyone read it yet?


RadicalReader Nothing better than getting a book for a bargain 5y
MStew @RadicalReader 🙌🙌 5y
Addison_Reads I haven't yet, but I want to. 😁 5y
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valeriegeary My local indie bookseller was singing his praises to me the other day! Want to read this one soon! 5y
toofondofbooks I haven't read this but have read both Swan Song and Boy's Life this year and they were both 5 star reads for me. And I'm really stingy with my 5 stars lol 5y
Reggie I liked this but I had a big problem with it. One I think you‘ll see when you get to the end, maybe not. Other than the one big problem, I thought it was great. He‘s a great writer and this book still pulled my heart strings. Hope u like it!!! 5y
MStew @Reggie oooooooooooo sounds interesting I wanna find the problem now 😂 thanks for heads up 5y
MStew @toofondofbooks I want to read swan song bad! 5y
MStew @valeriegeary that's awesome sounds like a good bookstore😎 5y
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Another Philip k dick book that i want to dive into ! I love finding retro paperbacks of his works this one is the only one I have found so far from the 70's😎😎😎


Naj Vintage sci-fi book covers are the best! 5y
MStew @Naj they are I love them, especially the really out there ones🤓👽 5y
rretzler A good book. PKD is certainly not for everyone but I like his writing. 5y
Bookwomble One of my favourite books, ever! And, I've not seen that cover before - nice find 😊👍🏻 5y
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Butterfly Skin | Sergey Kuznetsov
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A dark brutal thriller set in the streets of Moscow ! This book looks so good I have a feeling it's gonna keep me in the edge of my seat! The cover is beautiful 😍


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The Drowned World | J. G. Ballard
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Sci-fi dystopian! I love finding these when I'm out ! I think this is going to be my next read .


Geeklet Is that a giant iguana eating London? That‘s fantastic. 5y
MStew @Geeklet 😂😂😂😂😂😂 appears to be so 5y
Exbrarian That book will make you sweat. You can just feel the humidity. 5y
MStew @Exbrarian aww man I can't wait 😃😃😃😃 5y
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Blood Rites | Barry Nazarian
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Just one of my 80's horror paperback hauls from this month ! So many good ones to add to my growing collection. I'm obsessed with retro paperbacks, I can't pass them up.

The tagged book is one I have been wanting to read for awhile it's a vampy book 💀💀👿


ShyBookOwl 80s horror paperbacks are the best for this! I completely get it 🤩 5y
Reviewsbylola Love retro books! 5y
MStew @Reviewsbylola 😎🤗 5y
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MStew @ShyBookOwl glad I'm not only one lol 5y
EyesOnly34 Ohhhh jealous 5y
MStew @EyesOnly34 lol I was so pumped! 5y
EyesOnly34 @meghan2714 I‘m totally stealing them from you muhahaha (starts quest for magical powers) 5y
MStew @EyesOnly34 👽 💥 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Lol, awesome find! I have plenty of this style on my shelves, which I collected in the 80's, although many unread. Wonder if I will ever take a ride on the horror train again and read them in my middle age life?? Enjoy your stack :) 5y
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Malsum | Gerald John O'Hara
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Here's some 70's throwback horror for ya! I can't believe i found this at my thrift store. I've wanted this forever but it is not easy to find . And BAM there it was ?

This cover is bad ass enough , but the story sounds just as good

"For fifty years an American Indian sat in a white man's prison. And everyday he escaped."


Cortg The cover is kinda gross but I‘m intrigued by the story. I‘m going to request it through inter library loan today! 5y
mreads Great cover 😄 5y
MStew @Cortg hope you like cheesy horror novels! Can't wait to hear your thoughts 5y
EyesOnly34 Wow. Right up my alley! Cool find, Meghan! Ahhhh the crazy covers. 5y
MStew @EyesOnly34 they are the best! 💀🤘 5y
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The Virgin Suicides | Jeffrey Eugenides
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I love this edition of this book, it is so little and fits perfect in my bag, and i am in love with the roses😍 I'm gonna look at more of these picador modern classics


Emilymdxn This is so beautiful! 5y
398.2 Love the cover too! So pretty 5y
allureofbeauty I adore this edition. I have it as well. I entirely lucked out and found it in a little free library. 5y
Erofan 🌹😍 5y
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To anyone who loves cooking like i do and loves books😂 obv! This book is a gem fillled with so many great books and recipes! I can't wait to make this cherry pie! This book is beautiful as well with delightful illustrations!!!


SW-T A book about books and food? Sounds delightful! Definitely have to check it out. Thanks for posting 😊 5y
Mdargusch Interesting. I need to check this out! 5y
ShyBookOwl Stacking this... I think it will be my first book about food! 5y
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So totally RANDOM AND A THROWBACK I'm sorta OBSESSED with this little find, I have not seen this movie I tryed to watch it but my firestick was lagging, so I found this and for some reason I can't wait to read it and it's a old battered copy so it gives me all the bookish feels 😂 I want to see this flick !

SleepyDragon Didn't know there were books based on the tv series. Cool. 5y
KathyWheeler I loved this series, and didn‘t know there were books based on it. 5y
flying_monkeys I use “there can be only one!” so much throughout her life, my daughter rented the movie, finally. 🤩 I hope that fire stick gets its act together so you can bask in the awesomeness of this classic. (edited) 5y
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danx Cool! I got obsessed with the films and watched them all last year, they get progressively worse but I still enjoyed them. Haven‘t seen the tv series, and never knew about the books. 5y
EclecticBookLover ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
EclecticBookLover I LOVE Highlander!!!!! My husband and I bonded over our love of Highlander when we first met. I saw the series before I saw the movie and Duncan is my favorite MacLeod. ❤️ 5y
MStew @flying_monkeys mee too!!! 5y
MStew @EclecticBookLover aww so sweet💕 5y
MStew @KathyWheeler I am excited 5y
MStew @NeesyBeth 🙌🙌🙌 5y
MStew @danx hahaha awesome ! I Never knew about the books ethier I wonder if they are good and as good good as flim 5y
esurient Ha! I think I still have this series in storage! Loved reading them in the nineties. 5y
bookishbitch Sweet! I loved the original movie. The series had some good moments but I still prefered the movie. 5y
BookNAround We watched the original movie before our big meet in college every year because we were the Fighting Scots. “There can be only one!” (edited) 5y
EyesOnly34 The series has some excellent episodes. It definitely suffers from 90s dated look, but the sword fights are unparalleled. The 1980s original movie is one you definitely need to watch! 5y
MStew @EyesOnly34 i think I want to own this flim!!!!!! Putting This on top of my watch list 🤓 5y
EyesOnly34 @meghan2714 I think so too haha 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser The movie was my absolute fave when I was a teen!!!! I think of every time I hear that Queen song. 5y
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The Second Winter | Craig Larsen
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Mini book haul from a local library this afternoon! I'm really excited for tagged book! Sounds dark !!!


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At Home with Books: How Booklovers Live with and Care for Their Libraries | Christopher Simon Sykes, Estelle Ellis, Caroline Seebohm
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In love with this book! Found this book randomly online it's now out of print so it's not easy to get, but I'm so glad I found a copy ! This is filled with homes that have large beautiful library's! THIS IS GOALS!


Suetara It‘s a gorgeous book. ❤️ 5y
RavenLovelyReads Wow! I need that book 📖 ❤️ 5y
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I need new bookshelves 😟 mine are falling apart and cheapies. Anyone have any suggestions on the best bookshelves that hold alot of books efficiently . I'm running out of space for my books 🙃 help 😂

#cantstopwontstop 📚😂

mklong I‘m a big fan of my Billy bookshelves from Ikea. They are pretty inexpensive and come in several coordinating sizes to fit your space. 5y
Lcsmcat I agree with @mklong . We have them all over our house and you can make them look like built-ins if you like. 5y
MStew I think it's time I make a trip there thanks @Lcsmcat and @mklong 5y
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squirrelbrain I also agree with @mklong and @Lcsmcat - Billy‘s the way to go! 5y
Susanita Yes to IKEA even though I always get lost there. 5y
Cailey_Mac Definitely the Billy bookcases from Ikea! They‘re a bit sturdier than ones from Walmart; plus they‘re 10 times easier to put together! 5y
Reagan I just have to say, we have many of the same books, you obviously have great taste 😂 and yes, the Billy from IKEA is the answer. 5y
tournevis Just to add to the concensus, Billy. 5y
rretzler Definitely, the Billy. We have one or two in almost every room in our house. Plus one unassembled in the garage and a couple in the basement! 5y
PickwickPlockPlock Yes to Billy, we have them too 5y
Herschelian Billy, Billy, Billy! 5y
TorieStorieS We are a Billy household too- have at least one in 50% of the rooms in our home! 5y
MStew @Cailey_Mac will they fit more books than my wally and target shelves 😂 5y
Cailey_Mac @meghan2714 mine did! I can fit about 25-30 books on each shelf, some I have more on depending on how I have them stacked 5y
RavenLovelyReads My “home library” is ALL Billy from Ikea 🤓They were inexpensive and look pretty good. Plus, they have a top shelf you can get separately for a floor to ceiling look 👀 which really just means you can add more books 📚 (edited) 5y
MStew @Cailey_Mac do you have to nail them to wall? And did u get the 6 shelf billy or 7 . I almost have to double stack my books I jw if these are strong lol 5y
Cailey_Mac @meghan2714 nope I didn‘t nail or fix mine to the wall; I would only do that if you live somewhere with frequent earthquakes or small children, but I have none of those things to worry about😅 I got the ones that look like a “double” bookcase, but they are not attached to each other and there are 5 shelves on each of them, but you can adjust where you want the shelves ☺️ 5y
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The Monk | Matthew Lewis
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Another classic gothic horror I want to read! And this cover is frightening!!!

A Monk and his temptations 😨



Lcsmcat 😮 5y
Briget66 Eek! 😬 5y
Emilymdxn I really enjoyed this book! 5y
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MrBook I came across this the other day while doing an online search. Yeah, this sounds frightening as all heck! 5y
BookwormM There is a movie as well 5y
MStew @MrBook sounds so scary! 5y
MStew @Emilymdxn im excited 😎 5y
MStew @Lcsmcat 😫 5y
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Grendel | John Gardner
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Found these at thrift store, I want to read Grendal so I need to read Beowulf first I've not read it yet. Classics intimidate me I'm always afriard of them being dry and stuffy . So guess I'll give them a go.


Emilymdxn Seamus Heaney‘s translation is amazing! 5y
intothehallofbooks This is a great translation!! I reread it a few months ago with my girls and just loved it. Now I want to read Grendel too!! Hopefully soon (: 5y
gradcat I loved Beowulf, and I read it well before this translation was out, so I‘m looking forward to your thoughts. 5y
Lcsmcat This is such a great translation! Don‘t be intimidated- it‘s a story that has been told for centuries because it‘s interesting. Otherwise it would have been forgotten. And the Heaney translation is excellent. 5y
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I adore books about books, Especially ones that display beautiful book covers! Books are my favorite art😍 I added this book to my penguin collection!


readordierachel Oooh, that's lovely! 5y
dalma_st_paul Looks really cool.😃 I adore Penguin's design. 5y
dalma_st_paul Watch this animation, they made it for the launch of the 100 classics back in the early 2010s https://youtu.be/XYMmri2gEzo 5y
MStew @dalma_st_paul that was so cute! Love those magenta colors 😍 5y
ShyBookOwl Love it! Stacked! 5y
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The North Water | Ian McGuire
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BOOK HAUL! Found these gems today at thrift store!! So excited The tag book I heard is similar to Dan Simmons The Terror , it's a dark cold story told on board a ship in middle of the arctic winter and pure evil is with them. 😨


ReadingEnvy It is dark but so good!! 5y
Crazeedi Nice purchases! 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Yes - The North Water is REALLY good! Dark and chilling! Also - Sarah Waters is amazing. Tipping the Velvet is one of her best. (edited) 5y
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readordierachel Great haul! 5y
Foragingfantasy Tipping the velvet is on my tbr. 5y
MStew @Crazeedi thanks😇 5y
MStew @ReadingEnvy it sounds creepy I love it!!😨 5y
MStew @readordierachel 🤓thankya 5y
MStew @Foragingfantasy 🤓great 5y
Melli I‘m surprised to see a copy of the silent patient it just came out not that long ago.. I read it and loved it.. let me know what you think.. 5y
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The Informers | Bret Easton Ellis
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I want to read more of Bret Easton Ellis, I have most of his works they all fall into the crazy messed up category 😂 this book takes place in the eighties and is loaded with sex drugs and something dark!😨

Should be a ride!😬

TheBookgeekFrau That about sums up the 80s - sex, drugs, and something dark 🤣 5y
MStew @C.Perone 😂😂 right!! 5y
106 likes1 stack add2 comments
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A little non fiction for ya! This book is full of blood sucking creatures and full of facts to digest! From animals to bugs 😝 I love books like this!!! It's filled with pretty illustrations So that's a plus


Naj This sounds like a fun read! Stacking. 5y
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Bone People | Keri Hulme
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A penguin ink edition !

This book sounds strange and I'm curious !!🤓


wordzie 😎 cover 5y
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The Current: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Picked this cold winter read up at my local free little library! This sounds perfecto for winter!!!❄🌬

JennyM I‘m seeing this popping up quite a bit. Looks good 😊 5y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 absolutely gorgeous book cover love the Smokey/ marble look 5y
wordzie 🙌 little free library 5y
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Love this book! I highly recommend to anyone who hasn't read this yet ! Apocalypse lovers must read!!!

I wanna re-read this soon!

This cover though!!!! Bomb💣💥


AmyG That‘s a wild cover! 5y
WhatWouldJaneDo OMG that cover! It's terrifying! 5y
juliegumdrop Wow, what a great cover! 5y
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MStew @AmyG 😍 5y
MStew @WhatWouldJaneDo it's pretty freaky 5y
MStew @juliegumdrop I know 😎😎 5y
DGRachel I bought this just for the cover. I read it in high school, never thought I‘d reread it, but I could not resist that cover, so I‘ll have to reread it eventually. 😂 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Wow - best cover!! 5y
OrangeMooseReads That cover is amazing 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Oooohhhh that cover! 5y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 read this book in the ninth grade and loved it love how I enjoyed every assigned book oddly enough. Always been a reader so I guess it comes with the territory 5y
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Children of the Night | Dan Simmons
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Dan Simmons has been talk of litsy lately I thought I'd bust out my bookies , I can't wait to get to these they all go along together and I hear they are dark ! I love my hardback copy of children of the night💀🤘


danx I often see his books but have never picked one up and know nothing of his work. I‘ll give one a go :) 5y
MStew @danx you should try one out , he has many good ones 5y
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I'm really enjoying this little collection of poems! This is a beautiful cover as Well ?

"Her lipstick stuck to the side of my best coffee cup, post - wash "


dxmy I've had this on my shelf for a while now, you got me excited to pick it up, which is what I will do the very second I get home! 5y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I loved this movie! So I know I'm gonna love book! I heard that are different in good ways and that this is a must read! Can't wait!


readordierachel Such a creepy read! 5y
juliegumdrop I love this book. Anything by Michel Faber is amazing. 5y
CorinnaBechko This book still gives me the shivers and I read it over a year ago. Absolutely amazing. 5y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 immediately stacked this book sounds like another book I‘ll be happy to have read for 2019 5y
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I love this book! It's so fun to see all the AWESOME editions penguin has came out with through the years! I think I want to start collecting the deluxe editions they are 😍😍😍!


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Carve the Mark | Veronica Roth
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Found this at a thrift store, I haven't read YA in long time , but this sounded kinda of good has anyone read this and loved it? 🤔


RadicalReader @meghan2714 gorgeous book cover love the wonderful design and finding them in a thrift store couldn‘t be a more terrific find 5y
MStew @RadicalReader I am hooked on thrift store book shopping 😄 5y
Lchnessmnstr I enjoyed her other books but I haven‘t tried this one yet... hope it‘s wonderful! 5y
Jocelyn73c I really liked it! I have the second one checked out from the library but haven't started it yet. It's a very cool world! 5y
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Gonna cozy up with this tonight ! 😌in a graphic novel mood.


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Book haul from a small library book sale I went to! I was trying to have self control😂! Found a few old 80s horror paperbacks, and some King and Barker so I'm happy ! All for $6! I love book sales! But I need to control myself hahaha running out of book space is depressing😓🤓


TrishB Bargain 👍🏻 6y
MStew @TrishB 🤓🤓🤓 6y
Crazeedi Love library sales! 6y
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EyesOnly34 So much Barker! Awesome! 6y
MStew @Crazeedi me too I'm addicted°😄 6y
MStew @EyesOnly34 🤘👽 6y
Crazeedi @meghan2714 mine is having a sale that's donation for all the books you want, 5y
danx I am well out of book space but still addicted to book sales and thrift store books. Just piling them up, but also unless it‘s amazing after reading a book I tend to pass it on to someone else. 5y
MStew @danx I pass my books on as well 🤓 5y
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Alas, Babylon | Pat Frank
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"Alas, Babylon." Those fateful words heralded the end. When a nuclear holocaust ravages the United States, a thousand years of civilization are stripped away overnight, and tens of millions of people are killed instantly. But for one small town in Florida, miraculously spared, the struggle is just beginning, as men and women of all backgrounds join together to confront the darkness.

This is a must read for me this year!!!!


Geeklet I adore this book, one of my favs. 6y
MStew @Geeklet I'm excited to read it 6y
Amiable Read this years ago when my oldest son had it assigned in an English class --it's so good! 6y
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Lcsmcat I picked this up at a Little Free Library recently. I need to read it soon. 6y
Reggie I actually read this in high school. I thought it was pretty good. 6y
dragondrool Love this one! 6y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 gorgeous book cover 6y
115 likes9 stack adds7 comments
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LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! If you love the twin peaks series you will love this book! I fell in love with this series watching it with Michael❤ it was one of out nightly shows to watch after work, so when I seen this book on sale i had to get it !!!


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#Bookhaul recent finds this week , AHHH I love going to thrift stores and finding books it makes me so happy!!! Quite a few of these I've wanted to read especialy the tagged book And Dan Simmons The song of Kali. Book hauls are my drug😂🤓


JennyM You‘ve done well lovely! Great haul!!! 6y
MStew @JennyM thanks love 🤗🤗🤗 6y
Shamzi What's a thrift store? 6y
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MStew @shammi.dc10 it's a charity shop or a store,that sells donated goods 🤓 6y
BeansPage Oooo 😗 🤩🤤😍 6y
IamIamIam I found this book to be SO weird and then I just had to bail on it. I read it at least 10 years ago, but I'm interested to see how you find it! 6y
MStew @TheReadingMermaid that's what I said 😂😂 6y
MStew @IamIamIam oh! I like weird I'm intrigued now lol thanks🤓 6y
IamIamIam @meghan2714 Haha, happy to help!! I love Matheson but this just didn't do it for me. He wrote across so many genres & I'm still curious about his westerns! 6y
Bookish.SAM Thrift store/used book shopping is my favourite! Apparently I get some sort of a thrill from digging around all over the place trying to find the books I want for cheap. 🤓 6y
cmiller0 Read 'The Magus' years ago and found it weird and surreal and compelling. Enjoy! 6y
bookaholic1 Nice Haul!! 6y
dragondrool I really liked Song of Kali. 6y
allureofbeauty I literally was just at the thrift store checking for botm books. No luck. Maybe next time. 6y
Shamzi @meghan2714 that's great, wish I had something like this near my place!! 6y
Tonton Nice! 6y
RidgewayGirl Great haul! The Lou Berney is amazing. 6y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 I get the same feeling whenever I go to the library and gawk at the recent arrivals 6y
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A Cold War | Alan Russell
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Taken by a mountain man who calls himself Baer and then transported to a remote cabin surrounded by nothing but frozen wilderness, Nina descends into a nightmare of terror, privation, and bitter cold. Nina‘s privileged life did not prepare her for imprisonment at the hands of this survivalist trapper.

This sounds really good a setting in Alaska and a crazy mountain man living off the land abducts her! Perfect for this cold weather


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Rip Tide | Donald D. Cheatham
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Yay! I finally found this book! I have been looking for it forever and it wasn't $90😂 so excited to add this to my growing shark collection of books
I love JAWS, and I loved MEG so this will be fun to read this summer!!!!


Bookwormjillk Yikes! 6y
Lcsmcat Have you read this book - it‘s nonfiction about the incident which inspired Jaws 6y
TorieStorieS Ooooooo!!!! This looks like something that I would love too!!!! 6y
valeriegeary This cover is amazing 😍🦈 6y
EyesOnly34 Very cool! 6y
147 likes2 stack adds5 comments
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I have wanted this book FOREVER! I finally got it ! It's full of cool horror movies and poster art !!!!
great coffee table book glad to add it to my spooky horror book collection!!😎


RadicalReader @meghan2714 I love anything and everything spooky especially movie art always in a league of its own 6y
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when you know, you know💕


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Babe @trioxin_sematary got me this for Christmas, I am obsessed with JAWS I have like 3 copies of JAWS 😂 . This is awesome book of the flim I love it!!


AmyG Jaws is one of my most favoeite movies. ❤️ 6y
MStew @trioxin_sematary love you too😘 6y
TorieStorieS Jaws is my favorite too!!!🦈🦈🦈🦈 6y
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I loved the Book Thief, I hope this is as good ! I've heard mixed reviews 😕 but I picked this up at my local free little library so I'm gonna take a chance!!

Anyone love it?

ju.ca.no Looking foward to your review, I‘m planning on reading it soon😊 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Wow - nice score at the free little library! I have this too but haven‘t gotten to it yet. 6y
Becker It was my favourite book of the year. I loved it. It‘s a bit of a struggle to get into. Requires patience and concentration but the payoff is big. 6y
JennyM Good find. Hope you enjoy - let us know the verdict. 😘 6y
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Rad cover! Found this at a book sale for .50cents 😍 I wish they had the rest!!!


Moony Oh long time no see! That's a cool edition! 6y
EyesOnly34 Ohhhhh now I am jealous! 6y
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This book is full of good flicks I really enjoy his reviews on his favorite movies, the pictures are trippy with the double eyes😂 sorta messes with me. But fun book !!!


RadicalReader @meghan2714 if you enjoy horror movies I highly and strongly recommend that you see The Fly with Jeff Goldbum, Pet Sematary and Splice best horror movies I‘ve ever seen!! Highly and strongly recommend all 6y
MStew @RadicalReader ohhh goodie! I'll add these to my watch list🤓 6y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 when you do watch them be sure to let me know what you think of them. My mom was the one who got me into horror movies and loved them ever since 6y
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I am loving this book! So many great poems that are deep😌 all the feels💜


Cspen113 Love some Atticus! 6y
tina_b.ooks These poems are so beautiful💕 6y
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Elevation | Stephen King
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Got 2 copies of this yesterday to add to the King collection😍 got one for the Bf @trioxin_sematary hoping we can read this in bed together if life let's us 😂 been so busy!

I'm excited for this new season winter to me means Christmas lights, warm blankets, snow and cuddles with tea and a book ! ❤


Lyn-Mara 🙂I love the idea of reading in tandem! 6y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 nothing better than a buddy read with your bed buddy 6y
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Cathythoughts I love this 👍🏻❤️ 6y
MStew @Cathythoughts it's beautiful 😃 6y
olivia.ferz Awww 6y
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Haven | Tom Deady
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Found this last month at my favorite library book sale! It won the Bram stoker Award in 2016 so this is gotta be a decent horror read, and it's compared to IT, and summer of night so sounds pretty good!!


JennyM Gorgeous cover 6y
MStew @JennyM the colors are so 😍 6y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 people seriously need to have filters as fantastic as these gorgeous book covers then filters would be forever fantastic 6y
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