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Joined April 2016

pahittadenojen.wordpress.com 🇸🇪
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An evening in bed with all my animals. It‘s starting to be winter temperatures outside, so the cats like to cosy up with me an the dog inside. I really enjoy this book! It is not at all as I thought it would be. Have anyone else read it? What did you think?

Cosyreader I really liked this too and I thought the film was great! 3y
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BOOK HAUL ☺️ #KeepLitsyPositive For me this is a positive post, even though my wallet doesn‘t necessarily agree 🤷🏻‍♀️
(Some of them are in swedish, but I think you can figure out which most of them are anyway.)

charl08 Looks good! 4y
Reviewsbylola Wow, amazing haul!! 4y
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I started reading this beauty last night. It seems really promising. I like the way she writes and it is interesting right from the beginning, so I hope this will give me my reading mojo back ☺️

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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I need some serious help! Two of my animals shows perfectly in this picture how I‘ve been feeling lately. I‘ve been in my worst reading slump that I think I‘ve ever experienced. I don‘t know if any of you can relate, but if you can, please help me. Please give me some of your best recommendations to take me out of this!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Maybe a good audiobook while you physically do something else...I like coloring, or puzzling. So you feel like you are getting something done while listening/reading. 4y
Buchbeeg Start small! Read a short book or, a book with short chapters, large print, or kids book. You'll feel good having accomplished finishing one and then you can go from there. What kind of books do you normally like? 4y
MyBookLife @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘ve never really gotten into audiobooks, I just get stuck on podcasts 🙈 4y
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MyBookLife @Buchbeeg Yes! I thought I would try small too, I normally like the thick ones 😆 I‘ve been eyeing My name is Lucy Barton, but I don‘t know.... 4y
Jas16 I usually reread a book I love 4y
Reggie For me, easy breezy romance or horror jumpstarts me back into reading. 4y
MyBookLife @Jas16 I am not a big rereader, but maybe I should give it a try. 4y
MyBookLife @Reggie Horror would probably work! Do you have any good suggestions? 4y
Catherine_Willoughby I am the same. Only read books i want to read or plan to read as curious. Try The book Thief - its sad but death is narrator or a book with short stories in it . Less pressure 4y
MyBookLife @Catherine_Willoughby I actually have The Book thief, but I haven‘t read it yet. Right now I‘m reading The book of Memory, but maybe The book thief will be next! 4y
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So, one of my cats played behind the bookcase this morning. So now I know what to do today 😆I was thinking the other day that I would like to rearrange my books but decided that it was too big of a project. Guess Selma didn‘t agree..

Texreader Whoa! Project time! 5y
MyBookLife @Texreader Haha, guess so 😂😂 5y
Soubhiville Oh my gosh! I bet that was loud coming down. I hope there aren‘t any damaged books. Have fun rearranging! 5y
MyBookLife @Soubhiville I don‘t think any books were damaged. Haha, don‘t really done yet 🙈 5y
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Jag heter inte Miriam | Majgull Axelsson
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The weather is really hot today, so I‘m sitting in the shadows on my front porch reading. Axelsson is one of my favorite authors, and this book is fantastic so far. Tragic, but fantastic. It is extra fun that it takes place where I live. Not many books do.

I don‘t know if they have translated it into English, if they haven‘t, I hope they do.

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My little kitten is having her own little kittens. Should be any day now ❤️❤️

Emiller 💜🐱 6y
AmyG Wow 6y
MyBookLife @AmyG @emiller I know! It‘s exciting!! But also, I‘m really nervous. I hope everything goes well. (edited) 6y
AmyG It should go fine. Give her comfy spaces to choose from. And post pictures! 6y
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Giveaway | Tod Goldberg
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This #chooseyourowngiveaway is a great idea, and such a generous one!! I would love to get a box of goodies from you.

Thank you @cobwebmoth for doing this!

cobwebmoth Thanks for entering! 6y
MyBookLife @cobwebmoth Thank you for hosting!! 6y
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Half of a Yellow Sun | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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These are the books I chose for #7favesin7days and I swear I didn‘t do it consciously, but the majority is female authors ☺️❤️

Salvage the Bones | Jesmyn Ward
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Day 7

This is a clear favorite. I love this book ❤️

Centique I‘m so glad I‘m not the only one! I chose this as a fave too 😍 6y
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Half of a Yellow Sun | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Day 6

I absolutely loved this book ❤️❤️❤️

charl08 But what is on the cover? 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf Me too!! 6y
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Day 5

I love true crime, and I understand why this is a classic. It has everything!!

Centique This might be the only true crime book I ever read but I agree, it was so so good! 6y
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The Time Traveler's Wife | Audrey Niffenegger
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Day 4

Read it. Loved it. Haven‘t seen the movie. Don‘t know if I want to...

MinDea Nah. movie wasn't very good. 6y
MyBookLife @MinDea That‘s what I hear, that‘s why I‘m hesitant. 6y
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White Oleander | Janet Fitch
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Day 3

I absolutely loved this book ❤️

Cinfhen Excellent writing 6y
Nute A favorite book of mine. So good! 6y
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Day 2

I see that this has a low rating here on litsy, but I can‘t understand why. I really loved this book ❤️

celtichik Oh...I'm willing to give it a go! 6y
AmyG I liked this book alot. 6y
MyBookLife @celtichik I really liked it, hope you will too!! 6y
MyBookLife @AmyG Me too!! Why do you think it has such a low ranking?? 6y
AmyG Who knows? Maybe it‘s not action-packed enough. Yayes is an excellent writerz 6y
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A Little Life: A Novel | Hanya Yanagihara
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Day 1

I absolutely LOVE this book. I‘m thinking of a re-read. Which I never do.

AmyG I love this book so much. ❤️ 6y
GypsyKat I have this on Audible, I may need to start it soon! 6y
MyBookLife @AmyG Right!!? It has everything. I still think about Jude. I really think he is the character that has impacted me the most all categories. 6y
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MyBookLife @GypsyKat Please do! It is amazing!!! 6y
AmyG @GypsyKat It‘s THAT good. But brace yourself. It‘s beautifully sad. 6y
GypsyKat @AmyG I knew it was sad when I bought it. I‘ll be ready for crying to the point of dehydration. 💪 6y
MyBookLife @GypsyKat It‘s good that you‘re prepared! As much as you can be. It IS heartbreaking 💔😭 But SOOO good!! 6y
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American Psycho | Bret Easton Ellis
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Started reading American psycho, but I took a break. I was really tired of all the clothes and brands he keeps mentioning, but thinking about picking it up again. Is it worth it?

Clwojick I‘m kind of hoping they‘ll do a graphic novel of this story. Then I‘d read it. Lol 6y
TrishB I really disliked it..... 6y
MyBookLife @Clwojick Yes! Then you hopefully don‘t have to read about all their clothes!! 6y
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MyBookLife @TrishB Oh no, I was hoping it was worth it.. Why didn‘t you like it? 6y
TrishB Just too violent for me, but in a way that was obviously supposed to shock. 6y
Reggie @TrishB is it weird that this book showed up two days in a row. I meant to post yesterday that I laughed when one of the worst sounding things your daughter might have done is read this book without you knowing. 6y
TrishB @Reggie she‘s such a good girl too 😉 I‘m not sure if it‘s the potential reading of it or not telling me so we can talk about it! I would have so read it if my Mum told me not to and it was just there on the bookcase! 6y
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I read this a few months ago but I still wanted to write something because I really loved it! Ann Rule does a great job in describing her relationship and thoughts about Ted Bundy. She also is great at focusing on the victims, and you really feel for them.
I understand why this has become a true crime classic! I still think about it. I carry the question ‘Can you really know someone?‘ with me. Do you have any other Ann Rule reading tips?

Kaye I think I‘ve read almost all her books. I can only think of 2 I haven‘t read. My favorite was Small Sacrifices, mainly because it was all one story. Most of her books had one longer story then a few short ones thrown in. I‘m not much of a short story fan, so that‘s why I liked the other one so much. 6y
MyBookLife @Kaye Small sacrifices is a book I‘ve heard of before, and it seems really good. Maybe I should go for that one next! I‘m no short story fan either!! 6y
Kaye Many of her early books are single-story books, but they are thinner and usually about serial killers not as well known as Bundy. I‘m sure you‘d like her others if you liked this.. I think she wrote around 20 that are the ones with the one long story, then several shorter stories with it. She wrote maybe 4 or 5 others that are thicker and one story. Practice to Deceive is one. ( haven‘t read it ) . (edited) 6y
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AmyG I liked her 1-story book best, too. Small Sacrifices is so good. I liked the tv movie with Farah Fawcett, too. 6y
Bostonmomx2 I played softball years and years ago with a gal who‘s sister was killed by Bundy. 😕😥 6y
MyBookLife @Bostonmomx2 Oh no 😥😥 6y
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Spending the night at the hospital and thought I would try to finish this. Started it weeks ago, but I haven‘t read much lately, but no time like the present to change that. Right?

JoScho I hope everything is ok 😌 6y
MyBookLife @JoScho Thank you!! I don‘t know what it is yet, they kept me mostly so they can keep examine me tomorrow 😊 (edited) 6y
JoScho Sending well wishes and positive vibes your way ❤️ 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf Hope everything is ok 💕 6y
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Too Cute Kittens | Animal Planet
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This has become her favorite place. I can‘t blame her.. Like mother, like kitten 😉❤️


Tanzy13 🐱 7y
WellReadCatLady So cute and great shelves! 7y
LeahBergen Aww! ❤️ 7y
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I started reading, and this book seems GREAT!!! I don‘t know if I‘ll be able to read chapter four in time, but I‘ll join you as soon as I can. This seems like a very good book to discuss.

Are you joining the discussions with
@MinDea @Jess7 ?

Ps, it would help so much if you could write the London time when you announce the discussions!!! Or is it just me?

MinDea 😂😂😂 we would if we knew what that was!!! Are you 10, 11, 1w hours difference??? 7y
Godmotherx5 @MyBookLife @MinDea London is six hours ahead of US CST. I use this link a lot for work: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ 7y
MyBookLife @Godmotherx5 Thank you!! But it said EST, or is that the same thing? 7y
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MyBookLife @MinDea Your east coast is 5 hour difference to London time I THINK, and I am one more our away (Sweden), so my guess is the discussion starts at seven pm my time, but I‘m not sure 😂 7y
Jess7 So we used EST bc several people that participate in the US seem to be either EST or CST, but I think the link @Godmotherx5 posted should work for you if you plug in EST and convert it to whichever time zone you‘re on. I replied to you on the post you commented on. :-) hope that helps. If you‘re using that world clock then use “New York” as the EST time zone for your conversion. I‘m actually in Cincinnati, but it‘s the same time as New York. (edited) 7y
Jess7 Stockholm, Sweden is a city listed on that world clock. So based on that. It‘s 8:17 am in New York (EST) and 2:17 pm Stockholm (CET). So I think you‘re six hours ahead of EST. We have to do this type of calculation between us hosts too bc @MinDea is on Seattle (PST) time and I‘m on EST time here in Cincinnati (aka: New York time). 7y
MyBookLife @Jess7 Haha, this isn‘t as easy as it looks sometimes 😂 Thank you for helping!! Have looked on the site, and I believe the difference is six hours! It would be a lot easier if you in the US used the GMT time (London) instead of EST and CST, it is confusing 🙇‍♀️😂 7y
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Is it too late to join #litsybuddyread ?
Started reading today :) @LitsyBuddyRead

TheLudicReader My favourite book from 2016. 7y
MyBookLife @TheLudicReader That sounds promising! I have high expectations going in ☺️ 7y
MinDea Absolutely not! Our discussion is tomorrow but if you don't get through chapter 4 by then just join the discussion whenever you can. Check out my page and @Jess7 for the discussion! 7y
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MyBookLife @MinDea Thank you! I‘m already following you :) I don‘t know if I‘ll be where you are tomorrow, but I‘ll join in when I‘m done, and I‘ll be ready to the next time! 7y
MinDea Yay! I am glad you are joining! 7y
Jess7 Happy to have you join! @MyBookLife - feel free to screenshot and repost our reading schedule for yourself and others! :-) 7y
LitsyBuddyRead It‘s definitely not too late to join. We will be discussing chapters 1-4 tomorrow (Sunday) at 1 pm EST. 📚 Hope you join us. Check the hosts‘ pages ( @jess7 and @MinDea ) for the discussion questions. 7y
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Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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Sunday morning. Coffee. Good book. Gingerbread cookies. And it‘s snowing outside. Perfect Sunday ❤️

Jess_Read_This Gingerbread is my absolute favorite! Looks like a great way to read! 7y
MyBookLife @Jess_Read_This And it goes really well with coffee 😋 7y
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Lethal Intent | Sue Russell
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Book haul!! I think I‘ll start with the one on the bottom, Murder under the christmas tree. Short stories written by different famous Swedish thriller and crime authors 😍

Dark Places: A Novel | Gillian Flynn
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#litsypartyofone Well, party of three 😉 Starting Dark places. I have enormous expectations after Sharp objects!

AmyG Awwwww 7y
rubyslippersreads 😻🐶😻 7y
MyBookLife They‘re so sweet together ❤️ 7y
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Mnniska utan hund | Hakan Nesser
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I have a dog, but a month ago I also got a little kitten. I love her! This was taken the first week. She threw about ten books on to the floor, and then sat on this spot a lot. The funny thing is, the book she sits in front of is called ‘man without dog‘ 😂😂❤️❤️ #catsoflitsy

LauraJ Cats are a different kind of smart than dogs. 7y
Smrloomis 😆😂😂😂 7y
Cinfhen She‘s sooooo cute😻😻😻 7y
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Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
DGRachel She is adorable! 7y
rubyslippersreads What a little cutie! 😻 7y
Kitta So cute! 7y
Libby1 😻 7y
MyBookLife Thank you all!! She is such a sweetie ❤️ 7y
RaimeyGallant Adorable! 7y
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Life After Death | Damien Echols
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He lived a nightmare, and this book feels very honest. It's a gripping story, and he gives you a glimpse of what death row is really like. Nice to hear the story from the man in the middle of the storm!

Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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I just made this. It took almost four books (Pride and prejudice, Sense and sensibility, Crime and punishment and Anne Green of the Green Gables), but it was worth it! Hanging over my bed :)

mjdowens How very cool. It is kind of mesmerizing to stare at 7y
MyBookLife @mjdowens Thank you! I love it. But it was hard to photograph :) 7y
Moonpa Wow! 7y
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My_novel_obsession Very awesome!! 👏👏👏👏 7y
BethFishReads 😍😍😍 7y
AmyG That's amazing...and lovely! 7y
Simona It's beautiful❣️👏👏👏👏👏 7y
BekahB That's gorgeous! 💕 7y
enidkeaner Its beautiful! You're super talented! 7y
LiteraryinLawrence That's so beautiful!! 7y
Caroline2 Wow! That's amazing!! 😍 love it!!! ❤️ 7y
LauraBrook Totally gorgeous! I've never seen one that large before. So worth the effort!!!!!!! 😍😍😍 7y
Vblancsbooks Badass!!! 😍 7y
MyBookLife @AmyG @Simona @BekahB Thanks!! You're sooo nice!! 7y
MyBookLife @LiteraryinLititz @enidkeaner @Caroline2 Thank you!!! You're amazing!!! 7y
MyBookLife @LauraBrook What can I say, I like big books and I like big book art ;) 7y
MyBookLife @Vblancsbooks thank you!!! 7y
SilversReviews Beautiful!! 7y
59 likes19 comments
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I love true crime. I watch it on tv, netflix, listen to several true crime podcasts, but for some reason I've only read a few books about it. What I have read is mostly biographies, but now I'm diving in for real. Starting with The stranger beside me. Please give me some of your best true crime reads! I'm gonna make a list 📚🗒

Reviewsbylola This is a fantastic book! My favorite of all time is 7y
bobregina I know it's strange but I'm obsessed about serial killers! 7y
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AmyG Fatal Vision and Small Sacrifices, too. 7y
Dogearedcopy Seconding 'In Cold Blood' ; and also recommending 'Columbine' (by Dave Cullen.) 7y
MyBookLife @Reviewsbylola In cold blood stands in my shelf, and will be read soon. But I will put Helter Skelter on my to buy list! 7y
MyBookLife @bobregina What do you mean 'strange', I am too :) Please give me suggestions on great books on the subject!! 7y
MyBookLife @AmyG Thank you! Don't know them, will definitely look them up! Any more suggestions? 7y
MyBookLife @Dogearedcopy Thank you! Will look it up!! (edited) 7y
AmyG And the Sea Will Tell - V. bugliosi, Doc - Jack Olson, Blind Faith - Joe McGinniss......to name some more. You will have quite the True Crime summer! I love true crime. My very guilty great reading pleasure. ;) (edited) 7y
MyBookLife @AmyG Then please, give me more tips!!! My list is growing :) 7y
AmyG @MyBookLife What I do is google best true crime books...to find what to read. Or look on Goodreads as they have lots of lists. I then read about the books that have caught my interest. Also used book sales are good as I love the cheesy trade paperback true crime books. (edited) 7y
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Salvage the Bones | Jesmyn Ward
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I absolutely LOVED this book!! I read it a few months ago and I can still remember several of the scenes perfectly. The dogs. The swimming. The sex. Katrina. The aftermath of Katrina. Plus, the writing is beautiful. Are all of her books this brilliant? Because I can't stop thinking of this book.

DyAnne Read Men We Reaped! 7y
vivastory This book floored me. I read it last week & I haven't read a novel with such an overwhelming sense of place in awhile. She is a master of metaphors, similes & portrayal of complicated relationships. Her new book will be published in September 7y
MyBookLife @DyAnne Is it as good? 7y
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MyBookLife @vivastory Me too! Couldn't agree more with everything you're saying ❤️ I didn't know. Love the title! Seems promising. 7y
DyAnne Men We Reaped is excellent. Nonfiction. Heart-breaking. 7y
Notafraidofwords I got an advanced readers copy of her new one coming out in September and holy cow sooooo good. She's the next Toni Morrison. 7y
MyBookLife @DyAnne I will definitely get that! Sounds gooood!! 7y
MyBookLife @Notafraidofwords Oh, yey! Looking forward to it!! 7y
Yellowpigeon Everything I've read of hers had been amazing. I got to go to a book reading for the anthology she did. Still digesting it 7y
MyBookLife @Yellowpigeon That sounds nice! Haven't heard about that book. Will look it up! 7y
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Of Mice and Men | John Steinbeck
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Wow! What a wonderful little book. It wasn't what I expected. I don't know what I expected, but this wasn't it. It was so much better. It had everything! George and Lennie ❤️❤️

zsuzsanna_reads I somehow love that translated title! 7y
Libby1 @MyBookLife - that cover is amazing. 7y
41 likes2 comments
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I've read about 200 pages and I like it, but this isn't the time. I've read other books in between (which I usually don't do, I'm more of a 'one-book-at-a-time reader') and thought that I would get back to it, but I'm not feeling it right now. Hopefully I pick it up again, 'cause I really do like it.

avalinah I've tried and tried reading this one, and I'll try again one day, but it just puts me to sleep 😑 I want to like it, but! Meh. 7y
TrishB I just didn't like it! Rare bail for me! 7y
MyBookLife @avalinah @TrishB I liked the atmosphere in the book, and I liked the world the built and the characters, but right now I'm more into crime, true crime and thrillers 😁 7y
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I read this a couple of months ago and I barely remember anything. It did not stay with me. I kind of liked it as I was reading, but nothing more. I was disappointed that I didn't love it, because I thought I would.

SaraBeagle Exactly how I felt 7y
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A Stolen Life: A Memoir | Jaycee Dugard
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What a gripping story! I first watched the documentary on netflix, then saw her interview abc did, then read the book. I got really angry at the documentary with her stepdad when I started reading the book. So, skip that and just read the book because it is great and hopeful and horrible and inspiring and important. I've talked to everyone about this story. It really affected me.

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First book buy in a while. Have had (and still have) a lot to do with my new house, but now I've slowed down a little and started reading again. Treated myself with a big order. Can't wait to sit in my garden and dig into THIS pile 😉

bedandabook Some great books there! 7y
MyBookLife @bedandabook That's my hope :) 7y
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Finders Keepers | Belinda Bauer
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I really like Bauer's books. She writes good stories and describes the environment really well. I also like her plots and her endings, but I do feel that the characters needs to be more evolved if the book is this long. (About 400 pages.) Some pieces of the book are a bit uneventful. If I cared more for the characters I don't think I would feel that way, because I usually like my books even bigger ;)

Life After Death | Damien Echols
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Currently reading this. Have you read it? Or any other book about West Memphis three?

quirkyreader I read The Devil's Knot when it first came out. 7y
AmyG Very good read. 7y
Reagan I found that book fascinating. The story is so tragic. If you've not seen it, check out the documentary. 7y
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MyBookLife @quirkyreader I want to read that too! Saw the movie recently. Couldn't resist 😱 7y
MyBookLife @AmyG I'm enjoying it so far!! 7y
MyBookLife @Reagan-reads I've seen West Memphis three and Devils knot. I loved West Memphis three, been meaning to rewatch it for some time now :) 7y
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Strst av allt | Malin Persson Giolito
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When I read Störst av allt' I just wanted to know what happened. Now after, when I think about it, I think of medias role in crime stories. I really liked this book!

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After walking with my dog this morning in way too cold weather (it's supposed to be spring, not be snowing!) I'm drinking coffee and reading Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. A little more than 120 pages in and I really enjoy it so far!

jessicarenee I've been contemplating picking this up but the size of it along with some mediocre reviews has left me unsure so I'm glad to see you're enjoying it! 7y
Foragingfantasy I've got to read this book. It's been sitting on my tbr shelf for... A long time. 7y
Bklover This is my son-in-law's favorite book, and I have yet to read it. It's Huge!!!! Still - I'm going to read it sometime. 7y
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JWashington It's good, not "the best" I've read but better then a lot and the story was very well described, loved the thought out connections and the way the character interacted...... 7y
MyBookLife @jessicarenee @Foragingfantasy It was on my shelf for years before I picked it up. It's like a grownup Harry Potter so far. Magicians, librarys, 1800s England. Try it and discuss it with me :) 7y
MyBookLife @Bklover That was my thought for years, and now I finally picked it up :) 7y
MyBookLife @JWashington Kind of exactly my point so far!! :) 7y
Aims42 I hope you continue to enjoy it, I loved it! There's a series on Netflix that BBC did a few years ago, it's worth checking out 7y
MyBookLife @Aims42 I wonder if the swedish netflix has it!? Is it the same title as the book? 7y
Aims42 Yep, same name. It differs a bit from the book, but it's still worth checking out 7y
Queenofbooks The tv series is somewhat different, but I still liked it. Of course, the book is better ;) 7y
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Finders Keepers | Belinda Bauer
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I've bought a house!!! I moved in sunday, so five days in and I love it!! Now my mornings look like this :)

LauraJ Congratulations! 🍾 8y
LeahBergen Congrats! 🎉 8y
jessberk13 Yay!!! 8y
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NatalieR Congrats! 🏘🎈🎈🎈 8y
Smrloomis 🎉🎉🎉 congratulations! 8y
MyBookLife @jessica @LauraJ @LeahBergen @NatalieR @Smrloomis Thank you!! There are so many great places to read here! 😉 8y
Bookladylinda Congrats to you!!! 7y
Bookladylinda @MyBookLife - how is this book?? I have read 2 Belinda Bauer books, I like her but I always struggle to finish them, and I'm not sure why. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 7y
MyBookLife I like it! This is my third (and hers). I like her books but there is a lot of middle ground where not much happens. Usually I'm okay with that, but then the characters have to be more complex and alive (for lack of better words). That is at least my thoughts as I'm reading her now. 7y
MyBookLife @Bookladylinda Forgot to tag! 👆That is for you :) 7y
Bookladylinda @MyBookLife Thank you for you comment, I'm sure that I will check this one out as well. 7y
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Darkside: A Novel | Belinda Bauer
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There is winter, lots of snow and people are getting killed. Footsteps in the snow but not much else to go on. A real whodunnit! And I love the settings and the feel of her books. I really enjoyed this second book by Bauer, and I will definitely keep reading her books!

TrishB I love her books 😀 just got the latest one for Christmas. 8y
MyBookLife @TrishB Nice! I have the third one waiting for me. Which book is she on now? 8y
TrishB New one is called The Beautiful Dead - not got to the top of the tbr pile yet 😀 8y
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Pulp Fiction | Quentin Tarantino
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I haven't been here on litsy as much as I've wanted lately, and these are the reasons. I crocheted one each to my two sisters for Christmas 😅

ChasingOm 😮 WOW! 8y
Megabooks Wow!! 8y
LeahBergen Those are crocheted?!? Wow! 8y
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MyBookLife @LeahBergen Yes! It took months 😅🙈 8y
Gezemice Wow! You can do this with crochet??? 👍 8y
tricours 😮 That looks embroidered! What size needle? And how many stitches across? 8y
MyBookLife @Gezemice Yes! But it takes time :) 8y
MyBookLife @tricours Thank you! 2.0 mm needle. It is 150 rows with 150 sc (american) stitches per row. 8y
LitHousewife Those are fantastic!!! 8y
MyBookLife @LitHousewife thank you!! 8y
Desha Wow! 😍😍😍 8y
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Found this on pinterest, can't stop to smile when I think about it. Anyone else who recognize themselves and see the faces of people thinking 'why did I ask??' 😂😂

Texreader 👍 8y
LeahBergen Oh, so true! 8y
ReadingEnvy Ha, so true 8y
Desha Yup!!! 📚❤️📚❤️📚 #allthebooks 8y
Bookladylinda Oh yeah! 😄😄😄😄 7y
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I enjoyed this one! I liked the characters, they were interesting and broken. It has more depth than what I usually see in this kind of a best seller. But it isn't a big mystery as to who did it. If it had been, the book would have been even better. Not a favorite, but a good read.

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Salvage the Bones | Jesmyn Ward
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I'm reading Salvage the bones by Jesmyn Ward, and I'm loving it so far!! Did you read it? Thoughts? But no spoilers please.

GuiltyFeat I read this earlier in the year and thought it outstanding. One of the reads of my year. 8y
Eyelit What's the plant in the background? 😃 8y
MyBookLife @GuiltyFeat I can see that!! Will probably be one of mine too :) 8y
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MyBookLife @Eyelit Eh, it's called 'hyacint' in swedish. In english I don't know 🙄 8y
Eyelit Well it looks awesome! 8y
MyBookLife @Eyelit Thank you! My mom did this arrangement :) 8y
Smrloomis I'm with @GuiltyFeat . I read it years ago and thought it was fantastic. Enjoy it! 8y
MyBookLife @Smrloomis Thank you! I am so far! 8y
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I started watching Stranger things last night. I'm hooked!! Netflix mentions Stephen King, but my mind goes to Justin Cronin. The girl from nowhere. What do you think? Have you seen it?

Beckys_Books I started watching it Sunday night. Love it! 8y
JoeStalksBeck My 9 yr old days El should be president lol 8y
Kitta Watching it too! It screams Stephen King to me, but I haven't read ^ so maybe I'll have to check it out! 8y
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MyBookLife @Beckys_Books I love it too! We only have the first season here, I finished it in two evenings.. 😁 8y
MyBookLife @Book_Addict Short for Eleven I presume!? 😉 8y
MyBookLife @Kitta It says Stephen King too, but there are many similarities with the passage also! I thought more of the passage, but maybe I haven't read the 'right' King book... Which does it remind you of? 8y
Kitta The premise is based loosely on "It" from what I've read online. I also just finished the book and there's so many similarities! 8y
Kitta Mainly the part when they first fight it, not when they return as adults. 8y
MyBookLife @Kitta I've read It, and they do have similarities, I thought of Stranger thing as a mix of It and The Passage! 8y
MaleficentBookDragon To me it is very 80s John Carpenter. The music and the feel. And I ❤️ John Carpenter. 8y
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Nope, no Bob Dylan. I love Bob Dylan, but I don't think he should win the #NobelPrize in literature. Music is not literature. What do you think?

BookishFeminist Disagree that music is not literature with the way that Bob Dylan uses literature in his music and the way it impacts culture. However, I completely agree that he shouldn't have won the Nobel. He's amazing, sure, but not with how many other options there are out there. This doesn't make sense to me. 8y
BookishFeminist To clarify, I believe music is literature because lyrics are a form of poetry. The music on top doesn't detract from, it only adds to, the poetic effect and spread of the art. 8y
MyBookLife @BookishFeminist In a sense it is literature, sure, but not in this context. Not for me. It is mainly music. I mean, how many have READ his songs? And if music is literature, what is music? Haha, I have a hard time explaining what I mean in english, but I hope you get what I mean (even if you don't agree). 8y
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MyBookLife @BookishFeminist I kind of agree. But I still think that a literature prize should be awarded to authors. Not someone who can perform at the MTV awards... 8y
BookishFeminist @MyBookLife You can read his songs. I've done so. His lyrics are genius. Still don't think he should have won but I disagree fully that music isn't poetry. Bob Dylan is an ICON in the US. People are very serious about studying him, not just listening to him. I think they should have a Nobel for music though bc it would recognize those that experiment with more than lyric as art form. 8y
BookishFeminist I don't think they were saying music is literature. I think they were saying that lyrics are literature because they are, just as spoken word is too. 8y
BookishFeminist And to add, I think lyricists and musicians are authors. As long as they write their own lyrics. It's no different than sitting down and writing a poem and can induce just as much turmoil. If you haven't done so I recommend reading some about Dylan's artistic process- he's a shitty musician to be honest. People listen to him for his lyrics. It's how he got his fan base. He is VERY serious about his lyric writing and he's not he first/last to be. 8y
EloisaJames Po Boy is one of the most complex meditations on white musical theft that I've ever read--interwoven with Othello and it's race murder and theft (remember those stories about his life that Othello had made up, with people carrying their heads)? He's astonishing 8y
EloisaJames Its, not it's 8y
dekabrista He is a poet. Why not appreciate poetry? 💕 8y
Christy2318 I think it is a weird choice & that there are lots of writers who would more appropriately win a prize for literature. I'm also not a Dylan fan & don't get the love. 8y
Sarahr875 I agree!! And I appreciate poetry, but I don't understand why Bob Dylan won over the others that could have won. 8y
Iamlisa22 So many are more deserving. Could be because I'm not a Dylan fan. 8y
MyBookLife @BookishFeminist I don't think I got my point across maybe, because I'm agreeing with you in what you say! I love Dylan, and have listened to his music and lyrics for 20 years. It's not that. I think he is a wonderful writer, and it is an artform, but not what I consider to fall under this category, to win the nobel prize for fiction. That's all. 8y
MyBookLife @dekabrista I do appreciate poetry. And maybe I'm living in a little box and refusing to look out, but for me this isn't poetry. He expresses himself through music. When Tomas Tranströmer won the nobel prize I was thrilled :) 8y
dekabrista I understand. On the other side: his music (melodies, singing) is nothing to get awards for 😎 For me always the lyrics, the expression of thoughts, were the main thing about him. 8y
dekabrista Ah, I see in a comment above, that you think in the terms of fiction ... 8y
MyBookLife @dekabrista No, I don't, it's just hard to express nuances in a second language :) Even if his strength is lyrics I don't feel like he should win the Nobel prize for it. At least not in this category. IMO this is not what this award is. I think they just wanted reactions, but again, I think this is the wrong place for that, in this context.. 8y
dekabrista It's great to disagree, isn't it? 🌸 8y
enidkeaner I think lyrics can be poetry and literature. 8y
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Today we'll find out the 2016 #NobelPrize winner!! Who do you hope it will be?

LeeRHarry Murakami! 8y
Simona I don't have any major expectations, but I'm, naturally, curious. 8y
MyBookLife @LeeRHarry Oo, Murakami, I second that!! Or JCO of course ;) 8y
MyBookLife @Simona Me neither, some years there are some strange winners... But I love the whole announcement and everything surrounding the Nobel prize. Maybe I'm a bit partial, but still :) 8y
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The Girls: A Novel | Emma Cline
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Bookhaul! I might be a little late to the party, but hey, I'm here 🤗

EnidBiteEm I am also yet to join the party but it is on my TBR list 😀 8y
MyBookLife @EnidBiteEm I bought it to my sister for her birthday, and I just happened to order two copies 😱🙈 8y
BookishTrish I'm only halfway done this one.... it hasn't grabbed me yet 8y
MyBookLife @BookishTrish The reviews are mixed. I hope I like it :) Don't you like it at all? 8y
BookishTrish @MyBookLife I think Cline does an excellent job delving the reader into a place of insecurity-- which makes it hard to read except in small doses. I find the short sentences / writing style a bit off putting. Maybe it'd be more satisfying as an audiobook 8y
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A Little Life: A Novel | Hanya Yanagihara
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Loved, loved, loved this book!! And also, I love litsy! I have the best time here ❤️❤️❤️#firsteverlitsypost

TrishB Loved it too 😄 8y
Book_Gnome As much as I want to read this book every time I see the cover I am put off. 😩 I can't get a constipated Jim carrey image out of my mind 😳 8y
MrBook And we thoroughly enjoy having you here with us 😁👍🏻👌🏻!!! @A1001Musings 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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MyBookLife @A1001Musings Haha! I don't know, I like it. I think it fits the book. The more you read the more you understand it. I like that! But it is.. Well, special.. 8y
MyBookLife @MrBook You are so nice :) 8y
MyBookLife @TrishB One of the best books I've read in many ways. I love these kinds of books!! 8y
TrishB @MyBookLife agreed😀 totally emotional and wonderful. 8y
erinreads This was the book in my first Litsy post, too! 8y
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