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#ReadAway2024 #FabulousFebruary #20in4 #readathon

Like several of our #Pemberlitten #JaneAdjacent group, I had to finish up so I could find out what happened. I quite enjoyed this YA Regency romance romp. The characters were likable, there was lots of drama & I loved the nods to Jane Austen. I really liked the author‘s second book too—a gender-swap retelling of My Fair Lady set in a foodie world in 1830‘s England, so I‘ll tag it below. ⬇️

KristiAhlers I loved this one too! It was so much fun to read. 5mo
DebinHawaii Almost forgot to link this: 5mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 5mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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One of my reader resolutions this year was to dump books faster if I'm not enjoying them. And for some reason these characters are making me cranky! So I'm calling it quits.
I still plan to follow along with @StayCurious #pemberlitten posts to see how things end up but this one is just not for me

willaful Right there with you. 5mo
LiseWorks Oh I love this story so far. It's interesting how we readers see books differently 5mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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The Brothers Karamazov | Dostoyevsky F.
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IndoorDame 😂😂😂😂 I‘d bet good money you won‘t be the first 6mo
Bookwormjillk I don‘t see why not! 6mo
AmyG One woman‘s whisky is another woman‘s tea. (edited) 6mo
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dabbe You can do anything you want to! 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
KadaGul Any adorable vessel is multipurpose 6mo
Aimeesue Matryoshka for the win! You know I love them 🪆 6mo
Ruthiella There‘s an episode of The Big Bang Theory where Penny can‘t find a clean glass and drinks her wine out of a glass measuring cup. 😂 You can definitely drink whiskey out of a tea glass! 6mo
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@StayCurious I see that there are nearly 7000 posts with the #PemberLitten tag, so I‘m guessing the group has been in existence for several years. But it looks like the #JaneAdjacent tag goes back only to February 2023. If I make book suggestions, I not only don‘t want to duplicate what the group already has read, I don‘t want to miss out on books of which I might be unaware. I see that you went through a #ReadingSlump this year and I‘m (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 glad you‘ve overcome it. May I be nosy and ask how you accomplished it? I‘ve had reading slumps in the past (fortunately not this year), and I don‘t remember how I got out of them. I would appreciate any suggestions you or anyone one else reading this post might have. 7mo
BookwormAHN I suggest audiobooks especially one with a full cast. Good luck 🩵 7mo
CatLass007 @BookwormAHN Thanks for the suggestion! 7mo
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Crinoline_Laphroaig Hi! Pemberlittens started during the Pandemic. We came together to read original Austen books with Chapter a Day Readalongs. Whenever we finished a book. The next month we'd do retellings of that book. It's evolved over time and #JaneAdjancent became a thing . Just thought you might be interested in history of group. 7mo
CatLass007 @Crinoline_Laphroaig Thank you! I haven‘t read much of her work so I decided I needed to remedy that. I‘m listening to Emma right now. This one is narrated by Jenny Agutter. 7mo
StayCurious Hello! When @BarkingMadRead and I took over the #Pemberlittens group last year, we went off into two branches - one to read classics and one to read retellings or books linked to Jane. Now we‘re evolving to include other classic retellings as well. I saw your comment on Sherlock retellings. I‘d be interested in co-hosting with you but would want to check with @dabbe and @Cuilin who are hosting #NoPlaceLikeHolmes. Ladies any plans to do retellings? 7mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 I was in a huge reading slump last year and honestly, Buddy reads (and committing to host them) helped me read again. Having other like minded readers around me helped so much! 7mo
Cuilin @StayCurious I think we should collaborate!!!! Yes. I love retellings. @dabbe thoughts? (edited) 7mo
dabbe @Cuilin @StayCurious Sounds intriguing! I think there are 3 types of Sherlock's out there: 1. The original canon, which is what @Cuilin and I are doing at #NoPlaceLikeHolmes. 2. Pastiches, which are completely different stories with completely new plots (Ex. The 7-Percent Solution). 3. Retellings, which reimagine an original story in the canon or refer to it (A Study in Pink, SHERLOCK, Ep. 1/Season 1). ⬇️ 7mo
dabbe We've already sort-of-unknowingly collaborated with #NoPlace reading A STUDY IN SCARLET and #JaneAdjacent reading A STUDY IN SCARLET WOMEN. #howcoolisthat I'm open to any other ways to collaborate as well! The more Sherlock, the better! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
Cuilin @dabbe @StayCurious @CatLass007 well now I need to read A Study in Scarlet Women. Since the Sherlock novels/stories are short if we read them in order and add in a relevant adjacent read per month? 7mo
CatLass007 @StayCurious @dabbe @Cuilin I had no idea that #NoPlaceLikeHolmes even existed. I usually just happen upon #BuddyReads as I scroll through my feed. I have been listening to audiobooks exclusively for a couple of years. Vision problems. So I only have looked into what Audible has available for #JaneAdjacent and #HolmesAdjacent books. There are so many of each! But there are others available only in print, both paper and ereader. I listened (cont)⬇️ 7mo
CatLass007 to A Study in Scarlet before listening to A Study in Scarlet Women and I‘ll find #NoPlaceLikeHolmes and ask to be added to the tag list. I‘m not sure what next steps to take to co-host a #HolmesAdjacent #BuddyRead. Please let me know. (edited) 7mo
Cuilin @CatLass007 I added you to the list. 7mo
CatLass007 @Cuilin Great! Thank you. 7mo
StayCurious @Cuilin @dabbe @CatLass007 perhaps we could start next month and do a relevant adjacent book for the next in the Sherlock series. It could be completely optional to read both. We could do just a discussion at the end of the month rather than daily posts so it is more in keeping with your original group. Let me know how that sounds. I‘m happy to work with you all - this sounds fun! 7mo
Cuilin @StayCurious this does sound like fun!!! We‘re reading The Sign of Four in February. Do you have a list of adjacent reads or do we need to do some research? Here‘s my email if you want to share suggestions, cuilin3 at gmail 7mo
CatLass007 @StayCurious @Cuilin @dabbe. I found it quite enlightening and entertaining to read the original Conan Doyle before I read the first book in the Lady Sherlock series. The Sign of Four in February sounds great! It‘s in the collection I have and it‘s narrated by Stephen Fry. Just Marvelous. I don‘t have a list of adjacent books but I have taken screenshots of the first book in the different series. It‘s just easier for me to remember. (cont)⬇️ 7mo
CatLass007 @StayCurious @Cuilin @dabbe I would be glad to compile a list for you. Would it be possible for one of you to look for books that are not available in audio? My email is catlass007 at yahoo. This sounds like a great time! 7mo
Cuilin @CatLass007 I‘m interested in audio too, so yes. I also listened to Stephen Fry‘s Sherlock narration. 🩷 7mo
CatLass007 @Cuilin He really is a wonderful narrator. Do you have an Audible subscription? When I looked for Sherlock adjacent books, all I needed to do was enter “Sherlock” and it brought up many standalones and series. (edited) 7mo
Cuilin @CatLass007 yes I do. I‘ll try that. 7mo
CatLass007 @Cuilin Sounds like a good idea. 7mo
dabbe @CatLass007 @Cuilin I don't do audio, so I'm not much help in that department. Anything I can do? 7mo
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Vanity Fair | William Thackeray
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#hashtagbrigade love #pemberlitten post and shout out to @BarkingMadRead for leading us!! I loved this one!!! ♥️📖☕️👀 and Becky too🤣

BarkingMadRead Ahhhhhh that bookmark 🤣🤣🎉 11mo
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead it‘s a favorite 🤣 11mo
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My youngest is moving apartments but first he has to come home and get ready for his summer job at a sleep away camp. I told him we should have moved more stuff home earlier this spring 🤦🏻‍♀️ #mothersalwaysknowbest but I got my #sundaybuddyread ing done, my #pemberlitten #hashtagbrigade chapter read and my in person bookclub book more than half read ( after I‘d jenga‘d all his crap into the van)

TheBookHippie Oy. Vey. 13mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie exactly that and now I have to find places for this stuff that doesn‘t cause me to implode over feelings of maximalism 13mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 😅😝 I get that. 13mo
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Tamra 😜 Seems like something mine will do too. 13mo
mcctrish @Tamra I‘m just thankful his one current roommate and soon to be only new Roomate is cool with moving a few furniture pieces and the remaining dishes 13mo
willaful @mctrish “feelings of maximailism“ -- I hear that! I definitely live with a maximalist. 😒 13mo
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Cranford | Elizabeth Gaskell
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My book is all set #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! 1y
KristiAhlers I love that author! 1y
dabbe Is there a #pemberlitten reading list somewhere that I'm missing? I didn't know this was the next read after AGNES. #help 🤗 1y
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KadaGul @TheBookHippie So Spring 🌸🌷Like . 1y
Ruthiella @dabbe Will tag you in Barking Mad‘s post! 1y
TheBookHippie @KadaGul I keep HOPING for it!!! 🤣😝 1y
TheBookHippie @dabbe yes ! She posted through November! 1y
dabbe @Ruthiella Thanks! 💙🤗💚 1y
dabbe @TheBookHippie Thanks! 💙🤗💚 1y
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V Is for Voting | Kate Farrell
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Ok #pemberittens it‘s time to vote, although you don‘t have to be a #pemberlitten to join us, so anyone can participate!! Here are the choices, drop a comment below with the one you‘d most like to read with the #hashtagbrigade for those that are new, the hashtags are usually ridiculous and spoilers, so don‘t read the list each day until you‘ve read the chapter! 1️⃣ Tess of the D‘ Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy2️⃣ Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell ⬇️⬇️⬇️

BarkingMadRead 3️⃣ A Glass of Blessings by Barbara Pym 4️⃣ Old Friends New Fancies by Sybil Brinton 5️⃣ A Room With a View by EM Forster 6️⃣ a Passage to India by EM Forster 7️⃣ Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray (edited) 1y
IndoorDame I‘m voting for Cranford, but I‘m pretty excited about this list so I‘ll join in for most of these titles! 1y
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jenniferw88 If #6 wins, I might be able to help, as I studied it at AS-Level (although it's 10 years ago now)! 1y
Bookwormjillk I vote 4 but am in for any 1y
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 1y
AnnR Definitely #2, Cranford. A shorter, quasi-comfort read sounds good right now. 1y
TheAromaofBooks I'm voting for 4 but am down for any of these. 1y
ravenlee I‘m going to sit this one out and try to catch up on my TBR for a bit, as I‘ve already read several of these really good choices and can‘t easily get the others. Please know I‘ll still be reading the hashtags and laughing along! 1y
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 1y
TheBookHippie 2 but I‘ll read any! 1y
Ruthiella I vote for #7! ✔️ 1y
mcctrish I have to say 1 and 7 are one my list to read at some point in my life but I am intrigued by #2 ( I will read anything with this crew though ❤️❤️❤️) 1y
DebinHawaii Voting for # 4, because 1914 JA fan fiction, 😍 but I would join for most. (edited) 1y
AllDebooks Voting for 2 or 6. Happy to read any apart from A room with a view, read that last month. 1y
kwmg40 I'd like to vote for 4 and 7, but I'll be happy to read any of the others! 1y
Vansa 2,3,5 and 6 and I would like to join too!I know it seems like I don't understand I have to vote for just 1, but I would be fine with any of these choices! 1y
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 1y
dabbe I haven't read any of these, so I'm good with what the winning choice is. 😊 1y
willaful I'm with @AnnReads on Cranford. 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Ooooo… I‘ll vote 5 but I‘d read many of the others! 1y
Librarybelle I‘ll read any of these, but my vote is for 2! 1y
BarkingMadRead 😍😍 1y
Morr_Books I'm voting for 5. I agree with everyone that this is an amazing list! ❤️ 1y
BarkingMadRead 😍😍 1y
eeclayton I'm voting for 1, but all of them sound good 😊 1y
Bklover 7, - I seem to do better with chunksters for some reason. Several others look good too though 1y
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 1y
wordslinger42 I'm honestly fine with any of these! 1y
peanutnine I like any of these but I'll put my vote for 5 1y
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 1y
julieclair I vote for 3. I adore Barbara Pym. 1y
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“If youth is the season of hope, it is often so only in the sense that our elders are hopeful about us; for no age is so apt as youth to think it‘s emotions, partings, and resolves are the last of their kind. Each crisis seems final, simply because it is new. We are told that the eldest inhabitants of Peru do not cease to be agitated by the earthquakes, but they probably see beyond each shock and reflect that there are plenty more to come.”

JamieArc I am determined to finish Middlemarch. Revisiting the #pemberlitten posts and hashtags after finishing each chapter keeps me going. But paragraphs like this are why I can‘t bail on a book. I‘ve reread this paragraph 10 times. 1y
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Heartstone | Elle Katharine White
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A #heartstonebuddyread is happening in March hosted by @crowcah This is a fun Pride and Prejudice adaptation- with dragons. This is a #pemberlitten hosted activity but anyone can join in.

CrowCAH Thanks for the share! ☺️📖🐉 1y
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