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Wolf Hall
Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
England in the 1520s is a heartbeat from disaster. If the king dies without a male heir, the country could be destroyed by civil war. Henry VIII wants to annul his marriage of twenty years, and marry Anne Boleyn. The pope and most of Europe oppose him. The quest for the king s freedom destroys his adviser, the brilliant Cardinal Wolsey, and leaves a power vacuum and a deadlock. Into this impasse steps Thomas Cromwell. The son of a brutal blacksmith, a political genius, a briber, a bully and a charmer, Cromwell has broken all the rules of a rigid society in his rise to power, and is preparing to break some more. Rising from personal disaster the loss of his young family and of Wolsey, his beloved patron he picks his way deftly through a court where -man is wolf to man. Pitting himself against parliament, the political establishment and the papacy, he is prepared to reshape England to his own and Henry s desires. In inimitable style, Hilary Mantel presents a picture of a half-made society on the cusp of change, where individuals fight or embrace their fate with passion and courage. With a vast array of characters, overflowing with incident, Wolf Hall re-creates an era when the personal and political are separated by a hairbreadth, where success brings unlimited power but a single failure means death."
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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I‘ve actually done it! I‘ve started reading Wolf Hall! I‘m finding it more accessible than I had feared (she says confidently after reading a single chapter 😂). I‘ve very proud of starting it even if it ends in a bail, as I‘ve intended to read it for so long.

vivastory I have not yet tackled this one. I don't know if you've read Mantel before, but a few yrs ago I read (& loved) Beyond Black 1w
Deblovestoread Wishing you luck! I tried an unheard of 3 times to read this book. It‘s one I should love and I still can‘t figure out why it doesn‘t work for me. 1w
Shamzi Its a trilogy, the first two books, although long, are great, really enjoyed them but the last one was a drag for me. I read all three with a gap of one year each which helped (edited) 1w
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BarbaraJean I felt the same way after having read the beginning, and then it slowed waaaaaay down 😂 It was worth reading, but I did find it to be a bit of a slog! 1w
BarbaraBB You‘ll finish it, it‘s really readable and a bit of a soap opera. I couldn‘t get into the next though , maybe because I read it much later and had forgotten most of Wolf Hall! 1w
Hooked_on_books @vivastory I remember you saying that! I definitely have it on my radar from your recommendation. I‘ve only read her short stories before. 1w
Hooked_on_books @Deblovestoread You‘ve given it a very serious go! I‘m impressed. But I‘ve run into books that I should like and don‘t, too. Always a bummer. 1w
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraJean I‘m glad you told me this! I will definitely keep it in mind while reading. 1w
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB Thanks for the vote of confidence! If I like this one, I‘ll definitely give the next book a try, but probably on audio. 1w
TrishB I loved the whole trilogy ❤️ 1w
Cuilin @TrishB same 1w
dabbe #bindiball 🖤🐾🖤 1w
CarolynM So good. I still haven‘t conjured up the fortitude to face the inevitable conclusion of the last volume yet😩 7d
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Not too shabby, with another 19 still on my TBR list. Thanks to Modern Mrs Darcy for the gift link.


Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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I love a list and the list of best 100 in 21st century is fabulous. It‘s interactive so you can “mark up” their list and it has what you might also like and you can delve into literary greats top lists. I credit my book club and my kids fabulous AP Lit teacher for a lot of the ones I read. I loved them all!

Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Here are my books for this month‘s #ReadYourEbooks numbers and the book fairies REALLY want me to read Wolf Hall! 😂 I‘m actually glad it was picked again this month, as I really do want to give it a go and hopefully will do so finally this month. I‘ve also been meaning to read The Leavers for years, so hopefully this gives me the push to do so.

Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Here are my books picked for this month‘s #ReadYourEbooks! I‘m glad to have another crack at Flight Behavior, as I almost got to it when it was picked before. But the big question is: Is this the month I will finally read Wolf Hall? We shall see!

TheBookHippie Wolf Hall is on my list. 2mo
merelybookish Wolf Hall requires some effort but is worth it. 2mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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A Mother‘s Weekend ( because we deserve more than a day - please note my husband‘s choice in my mug this morning) gift to myself, finishing this tbook. I can‘t say I loved it, but I did love a lot of the banter between TC and his family and friends. It‘s an exhausting look at Henry VIII and the Tudor reign. The author had an interesting ( awkward) writing style using ( overusing) ‘he‘ that I stumbled over and over on

BarbaraJean “Exhausting“ is a very apt descriptor! 3mo
mcctrish @BarbaraJean we are both done 🎉🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3mo
Deblovestoread Well done! I tried 3 different times to read it and it never gelled. And I love all things Tudor 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
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mcctrish @Deblovestoread it took WAY longer to read than I thought 🙄 some parts I absolutely loved but my god those stupid hes, it almost became a rage read at the end to be done ( thankful for miserable Saturdays to just stay in bed and read) 3mo
Librarybelle Yay!! Congrats on finishing! 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures This is good to know it is on my short list of book goals for the year, she won so many awards for it! 3mo
mcctrish @ChaoticMissAdventures I honestly feel like it reads like it‘s an eyewitness account but it‘s a time commitment 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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This was worthwhile, but it was also quite a slog. The first section was immediately engaging, but once the narrative shifted to grown-up Thomas, the tone shifted and the pace slowed way down. Mantel had a couple of writing quirks that didn‘t help: she almost always referred to Cromwell just as “he,” which often made it difficult to follow dialogue or internal thoughts vs. spoken words. That said, I admired Mantel‘s recreation of the Tudor era ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) …and did find this rewarding in the end. Detailed and dense, it was a slow read—but also a fascinating character study of Thomas Cromwell. This has been on my shelf for several years, so I‘m glad to have had the motivation to read it thanks to the #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead. I have the next book on deck, and I hear the pace picks up a bit there, so hopefully that will prompt me to pick it up sooner rather than later! 3mo
Librarybelle Thanks for joining us!! I‘m still making my way through! 3mo
mcctrish OMG with the hes it‘s making me mad 🤪 3mo
BarbaraJean @mcctrish It‘s so confusing, and such an odd narrative choice to make. I‘m not sure what the author intended for it to add to the book! 3mo
mcctrish @BarbaraJean I‘m in the homestretch and my brain is still comes to a dead stop with the he‘s each time even though I know it has to be TC 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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It‘s been a day - 2 pulled fire alarms at school and the littles are already losing their minds cuz of warmer weather so chaos was afoot. I‘m plodding along with this giant tomb - I find this book strange in its telling. I know the ‘he‘ usually means it‘s Thomas Cromwell but every other person is Thomas and when Thomas Avery goes to talk to TC and he walks over to him I guess it doesn‘t matter who he is cuz it‘s Thomas 🤯 somebody

Aims42 Oof, that sounds like a day and a half! Hope tomorrow is less crazy for you 😬 3mo
mcctrish @Aims42 I shouldn‘t complain about getting to go outside and just stand around in sunshine 🤣🤣 3mo
Aims42 @mcctrish Lol, yeah but littles + unexpected outdoor time isn‘t easy 😆 You go ahead and vent! Zero judgement 💟 3mo
tpixie Hope today is less eventful!!! Good luck with the Thomas‘s!!! 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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#LiteraryCrew , it‘s time for our discussion! This one is dense, complicated, and slowly meanders through the story. But, peeling back the layers shows the complexity of humanity and of history. Thanks to everyone for trying this one - it‘s not an easy read!

9 questions are posted as spoilers. You can find them on my feed, the book feed, or searching the hashtags.

I will post the #BuddyRead graphic for The School of Mirrors tomorrow!

Librarybelle @BookWrym @Singout @Sace - Just in case you would like to jump into this discussion at a later date, I wanted to tag you! I have you on the tag list starting in May! 3mo
Mollyanna I‘m a little over halfway through. Hoping to get a big chunk done this weekend. I am enjoying, but as you mention, it is dense. 3mo
Librarybelle No worries, @Mollyanna ! It is not a fast read. 3mo
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julieclair Loving this book! Will jump in when I finish. 😉 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin Still working my way through this chunkster!😅 3mo
Kristin_Reads Oof… I didn‘t make it through! I‘ll have to try again later. Thank you for hosting! 3mo
Librarybelle You‘re welcome, @Kristin_Reads ! 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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9. In conjuring Cromwell on the page, what does Mantel create, and what does she re-create from this historical record? Along those lines, how does historical fiction influence the way we look at history? ~from publisher Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

mcctrish This was an exhausting look at this period. I just wish HM hadn‘t gone off with those ‘hes‘ I learned a lot 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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8. As the novel ends and Cromwell is at the height of his power, is there anything in his actions that foreshadow his later downfall? Has he become too much like Wolsey? Would the mercurial Henry VIII have been likely sooner or later to turn on Cromwell anyway? ~from publisher Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

BarbaraJean I saw both Wolsey and More as foreshadowing Cromwell's future. Cromwell was able to pivot and reinvent in ways Wolsey and More could not (or would not), but I do think Henry VIII would have turned on him sooner or later anyway--that seems to be the pattern with Henry! 3mo
mcctrish Absolutely @BarbaraJean 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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7. Later in the novel we see Cromwell come to the realization that his home now is either where there‘s business to be done, or with the king. How is this a personal transformation for him, considering what life was like when his wife and daughters were alive?...Why did he change? Is there something sad about this change in him? ~adapted from publisher Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

BarbaraJean This was really sad to me. Thinking about question 6/his generosity: a lot of his motivation & satisfaction came from providing for his household--mentoring his son & the others he sees as and provides for as his children. Once he's trained them up, once they move on and basically become self-sufficient, his life lacks that aspect of care for others (well, other than the king!). I wonder how different that would have been if his wife had lived. 3mo
mcctrish This was sad, kind of a Tudor era empty nest. Between the lines he toyed with the idea of taking another wife a few times, but the ones he seemed taken with were not the right time or ? So he ends up alone 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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6. What is it that makes Cromwell so driven? Does his ambition stem from a desire to do good, or is it just a survival instinct based on his past? How is Cromwell both personally ambitious and yet generous and unselfish? ~from publisher Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

BarbaraJean He does have a strong survival instinct, but I don't think that's why he's driven. Rather, his survival skills enable his rise to power. In that way, I saw some of both motivations: he wants to provide generously for his household, AND he wants significance and security. His generosity doesn't exclude his personal ambition. In fact, the ambition enables a lot of his generosity. 3mo
mcctrish He seems driven for good but the asides about new wings and tennis courts at Austin Friars show he did like the finer things. He made himself indispensable, not much happened without him knowing. He tried to share this with many a person so they could save themselves but they often didn‘t have it in them to be as ‘slippery‘ 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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5. What kind of a king is Henry VIII in this novel? What motivates him? Are his
preoccupations solely self-interested, or does he have the good of the country in mind as well? What is it that makes him so susceptible to Anne Boleyn‘s seductions? ~from publisher Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

BarbaraJean It was hard to get a read on Henry VIII here. There was self-interest in wanting to cement his succession via a male heir, but I think he saw that as for the good of the country. With Anne, I think she knew how to manipulate him pretty well for her own ends. He didn't seem to have strong convictions, and I think he was surrounded by a lot of people who knew how to manipulate him, whether for power, position, and wealth or their own religious ends. 3mo
mcctrish Henry seemed kind enough but so far above the day to day common fray that I‘m not sure he did anything for England that wasn‘t for himself. Quite a different juxtaposition to today‘s monarchy. The part of dismantling the shrines so the money goes to him, England gets the money not Rome is about his pockets jingling with cash 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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4. What kind of a character is Thomas More in this novel? Does he come off as sympathetic in any way? Why does More choose to die rather than accept breaking away from the Catholic Church? Would Cromwell be willing to die for his beliefs? ~from publisher Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

BarbaraJean I didn't see him as sympathetic at ALL until the very end. I admired his consistency in holding to his convictions in spite of the outcome. But his early involvement in hunting down, imprisoning, and torturing those with different convictions meant I wasn't super sympathetic when it came back on him! He's an interesting foil for Cromwell, whose convictions are very flexible. I don't think it's likely Cromwell would willingly die for his beliefs. 3mo
mcctrish I think Cromwell is true to himself ( and his family) so he‘s going to keep himself alive and them safe by moving with the times 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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3. Why was Cromwell so attached to Cardinal Wolsey? Was Wolsey more of a mentor or a father-figure for Cromwell? What do love and loyalty mean for Cromwell? ~from publisher Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

BarbaraJean This relationship was so interesting to me. I think Wolsey was a bit of both: mentor and substitute father-figure. That scene where Cromwell discusses kind of flinching away from Wolsey was so telling. I think he found Wolsey as a place of safety (father-figure) but also was fully conscious of where Wolsey could take him (mentor). There was a LOT of opportunism there, but also a clear affection/attachment for Wolsey. ⬇ 3mo
BarbaraJean The way Mantel develops Cromwell's relationship with Wolsey says a lot about who Cromwell is. He seems to have deep love and loyalties, but is also fully conscious of how to best position himself for the next step up. His loyalty to Wolsey is genuine, but he is also very careful of how he demonstrates that loyalty once Wolsey falls from favor. 3mo
mcctrish I agree with @BarbaraJean TC was loyal but made himself useful and indispensable 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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2. What is the significance of Mantel‘s “occult” history of Britain? How might these legendary traditions have influenced Henry in choosing to marry Anne Boleyn? What role does legend play in the perpetuation of a monarchy? ~from publisher Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

mcctrish I think fear ruled! So much of this book was crazy in today‘s knowledge ( although the can see the fringe players being on board) people needed stuff explained and they looked for answers whereever ( heaven forbid a girl rule and yet she did ) 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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1. This book is the first in a trilogy that follows Thomas Cromwell's rise and fall from power in the Tudor era. It's a Booker Prize winner and later became a series on PBS.

Prior to reading this book, how much did you know about Cromwell, the Tudors, or any of the events portrayed in the book?

A couple sites of interest:

The HRP site on Thomas Cromwell: https://www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london/history-and-stories/thomas-cromwell/hickl...

Librarybelle The Booker Prize created a video about Hilary Mantel after her passing in 2022: https://thebookerprizes.com/the-booker-library/features/celebrating-hilary-mante...

#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
Cuilin History was always my favorite subject in school, and the Tudors were part of the syllabus in Ireland. So I had a little knowledge and knew the main players. Full disclosure, I read the trilogy. 3mo
Jerdencon I love this time period and have read a lot of historical fiction of that time so I was pretty familiar. It‘s always interesting to see how different authors portray it. 3mo
mcctrish I knew about Henry VIII and his wives and his quest for a male heir. I had heard of Thomas Cromwell but not his role at all 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Still reading this chunkster. I‘m not quite 1/2 way into it but I‘m trying to finish this week ( I don‘t think I will manage April 30th)

Librarybelle No worries! Feel free to jump into the discussion after the 30th! 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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My husband is half Swedish, and in Sweden they celebrate name days ( definitely not the only country to do this 😉) and I‘m celebrating by having chips and wine with my reading time on a Tuesday. I‘ve spent 3 days in the same grade 5 classroom and I have never been so ‘childsplained‘ to in my life #treatmyself

TheBookHippie Just NO to GRADE 5 😵‍💫 #OYTOTHEVEY 3mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie they are a weird cauldron of being old enough to advocate for themselves but too young to see beyond themselves 3mo
Tamra 😆 when do they grow out of it? Asking for a friend. 3mo
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TheBookHippie @mcctrish I cannot 😵‍💫 3mo
TheBookHippie @Tamra Usually end of seventh grade. … in my experience. I only do K4-2 nd and 9-12 th 🤭 This year I have 5 fourth graders but thankfully it‘s going okay. (edited) 3mo
TheKidUpstairs ? My eldest is in Grade 5. He LOVES the word "actually" ? And my new name is "Bruh" 3mo
Tamra @TheBookHippie well, I‘ve got two that defy the odds! 😜😜 The 16 year old is the worst at teensplain! 3mo
TheBookHippie @Tamra my daughter OY 2,3,8,10,12,14,17,19,22,25,27 🤭😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but she wasn‘t here in my house after college 🤣😅 3mo
TheBookHippie @TheKidUpstairs 🤭🤭🤭🤭 my grandson called me that by accident. He‘s 10. 3mo
Tamra @TheBookHippie 🤣🤣 3mo
TheBookHippie @Tamra she had a child and then called crying “Mom I AM SO SORRRRRRY “ 🤣😂 nothing like being a parent to yourself. 😳 3mo
mcctrish @Tamra eventually they grow into seeing beyond themselves ( grade 8-9) - the advocating is new, imo, and it has so many pluses but it‘s not often used for good 3mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie grade 4 is still okay here, second half of grade 6 used to be when it went to hell, now it‘s grade 5 so I guess grade 4 is next 🤦🏻‍♀️ 3mo
Tamra @TheBookHippie bahahaha if I live long enough. 3mo
Tamra @mcctrish 😅 so true! 3mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish half way through 4th it starts here 😵‍💫 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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We‘re two weeks away from this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead discussion! I know some of us have found this to be not to be an easy read, and that‘s okay! Even if you‘re not quite into the book or had to put it down, feel free to join the discussion on the 30th.

Any thoughts to share so far?

mcctrish I‘m 65 pages in and after The Brothers Karamazov this is light 😆 but I am going slowly 3mo
Librarybelle @mcctrish 😂 I love that comparison! 3mo
tpixie @mcctrish 😂 3mo
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BarbaraJean I‘ve found it slow going after the opening section—I just finished part 3 and feel like I‘m still waiting for the book to get going! I thought the back and forth of the timeline in part 2 was an interesting choice—it was a bit confusing. But I‘m finding Thomas a fascinating character! 3mo
Librarybelle @BarbaraJean Thomas is a fascinating character - agreed! 3mo
Mollyanna It took me a minute to get used to the writing style, but now that I am, I‘m enjoying it. 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin I feel like reading the audiobook is helping. I‘m enjoying the writing but find this a bit of a heavy read. It‘s holding my interest though! 3mo
Librarybelle @PurpleyPumpkin Yes - heavy reading indeed! Glad the audiobook is helping! 3mo
Cuilin I think it has one of the best opening chapters ever. Brutal, but you can‘t stop reading. 3mo
Jerdencon I‘m sort of trudging along with this one. About 1/2 way done and hoping to finish most of it before I go on vacation next week and the library takes my e book back! 3mo
Librarybelle @Jerdencon Have fun on your vacation! 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Attempted to listen while cleaning my house and after a couple of chapters…do not remember a thing about what happened. Don‘t think this one is for me. Enjoy #literarycrew

AmyG Hahahaha. Same. I spaced out through the beginning and then bailed. 3mo
Bookwormjillk I keep wanting to like this but I‘ve had the same experience. Like water through a sieve. 3mo
Librarybelle Thanks for trying! 3mo
CarolynM It‘s a great book, but it needs your full attention. 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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I had planned to reorganize all of our files and papers and crap ( I ordered new files from Amazon) but if it‘s DEAR Day then I will just do as I‘m told and consider my to do list dropped

Leftcoastzen 😄👏 3mo
dabbe Book is coming your way! 💙🩵💙 3mo
mcctrish @dabbe 🙏🏻 I saw your email at school yesterday and I put off responding due to tech crisis and inclement weather ( I was teaching in a portable during a windy rain storm) and then promptly forgot when I got home 🤦🏻‍♀️ thank you so much 😊 I will keep a look out for 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Off the TBR and beside my bed now. The first seven pages is the cast of characters and family trees aka my first night reading and I thought “good grief, am I up for this ?!” and promptly fell asleep 😆 last night I got sucked right in with the story proper 🙏🏻

Librarybelle The family tree can be intimidating! 4mo
mcctrish @Librarybelle I don‘t know why I paid so much attention to those pages, usually I skip or go back if needed 😴 4mo
julieclair Starting this today! It has been on my TBR forever. 4mo
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mcctrish @julieclair me too! My husband bought it for me Christmas 2019 to prep for our trip to London England March Break 2020, needless to say that trip did not happen. There is a tentative rebooking for March 2025 4mo
BarbaraJean Hahaha… I had the same reaction! I added tabs so I could refer back when needed. And then the first section really pulled me in! 3mo
mcctrish @BarbaraJean thank goodness for tabs!!!! 3mo
julieclair Now that you will have read the book, you are required to go in March 2025! 😘 3mo
mcctrish @julieclair my thoughts exactly 🤣 3mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Unintentionally matched my mug to my book this morning. 😁

Ruthiella Perfect! 👏👏👏 4mo
KadaGul @BarbaraJean Unintentional Perfection 💯 😍😍 4mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Via @Librarybelle
Today begins this month's #LiteraryCrew
#BuddyRead !
Read at your own pace throughout the month. I'll post checkins periodically. Discussion on April 30th!
If you would like to be added to this month's tag list, let me know! And, if you would like to be removed from the list (for this month or the main tag list) let me know too!

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 4mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Today begins this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead !

Read at your own pace throughout the month. I‘ll post checkins periodically. Discussion on April 30th!

If you would like to be added to this month‘s tag list, let me know! And, if you would like to be removed from the list (for this month or the main tag list) let me know too!

tpixie Thanks! 😊 4mo
julieclair Yay! This has been on my TBR forever. But I have to finish Hour of the Witch first….. 4mo
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BookNAround Add me please! 4mo
Librarybelle @julieclair Yay! I‘m still working on Hour of the Witch too! 4mo
Jerdencon Just downloaded it. 4mo
Mollyanna So excited for this one! Started it this morning. 4mo
PurpleyPumpkin Looking forward to finally reading this one!👍🏽 4mo
maich I found it in the library amd this year I'm reading outside my comfort zone so you can tag me. 4mo
Librarybelle Awesome, @maich ! I‘ll add you to the list! 4mo
IndoorDame I think you can take me off the list for this. It‘s still on the list of things I want to read someday, but it‘s on the (growing long) list of things I‘ve started this month and just can‘t seem to get into right now 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
Librarybelle @IndoorDame Okay!! 😁 4mo
kspenmoll I started this ages ago & never finished. If I can get it from library again I will strive to finish & join in. 4mo
Librarybelle Sounds good, @kspenmoll ! 4mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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I think maybe this has sent me down more Wikipedia rabbit holes than any other novel I've ever read. It's truly a masterpiece, but also *a lot* and it's taken me an age to read. So I'm not going to be sorry to finish it (maybe today?).

rubyslippersreads I need to read the sequels, but you‘re right—it‘s a daunting task. 4mo
Ruthiella Loved this series. The first book is a lot but the second is a breeze (you‘ll see) and then you have to see it to the end in book three. 4mo
Tamra I‘ve wanted to try this, but it does seem daunting! 4mo
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batsy I loved this one but I've left a long gap between that and the rest (I've yet to read the other two). A relief to hear the 2nd is a breeze 😅 @Ruthiella 4mo
Ruthiella @batsy It really is ! It‘s the shortest, Mantel is clearer about the use of he (Cromwell) , and the narrative of Anne Boleyn is more familiar than that of Cardinal Wolsey. 4mo
quietjenn @rubyslippersreads I think I'm going to take a month or two off, but try to get to the next one after that. I don't want to wait too long and lose the thread, so to speak ... 4mo
quietjenn @Ruthiella I've heard that about the second book! I'm going to take a little bit of a breather, but hopefully return to it soon. 4mo
quietjenn @Tamra It's worth it, but definitely not the easiest reading I've ever done 😏 4mo
rubyslippersreads @batsy Normally, I‘d reread the first book before starting the sequels, but I don‘t know about this one. 😏 4mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Repost for @Librarybelle

April‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead is the acclaimed first in a trilogy centered on Tudor England. I‘ve read it before, and it‘s good!

Read at your own pace…I will post periodic checkins throughout the month. Discussion on April 30th.

If you would like added to this month‘s tag list or the group tag list, just let me know! All are welcome!

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 4mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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April‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead is the acclaimed first in a trilogy centered on Tudor England. I‘ve read it before, and it‘s good!

Read at your own pace…I will post periodic checkins throughout the month. Discussion on April 30th.

If you would like added to this month‘s tag list or the group tag list, just let me know! All are welcome!

LapReader Me please 4mo
Librarybelle @LapReader I‘ll add you to the list! 😁 4mo
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mcctrish I‘m in 🙋🏻‍♀️ I have this and this will get me to get this off my TBR 4mo
Librarybelle @mcctrish Wonderful! ❤️ 4mo
BarbaraJean Ooooh, yes please! I own this one and have been meaning to read it for years. Please add me to the tag list for April! 4mo
Librarybelle Will do, @BarbaraJean ! 😁 4mo
CatLass007 I think I‘m going to sit this one out. But please don‘t take me off the group tag list. 4mo
Librarybelle Sounds good, @CatLass007 ! 4mo
CatLass007 ♥️ 4mo
Kristin_Reads Please add me to the list! I‘ve been doing a slow read of this and it‘s not working for me. I think I just need to focus and this buddy read is just what I need. 4mo
julieclair What @BarbaraJean said! 😀 4mo
Librarybelle @Kristin_Reads Of course! Sometimes a buddy read is all you need to power through a book! 4mo
Crazeedi I know I read, so I'll try to refresh my memory! 4mo
Librarybelle @Crazeedi 😁❤️ 4mo
mjdowens I really enjoyed it the first time. I am sure it will be just as enjoyable the second time 4mo
Librarybelle I think so too, @mjdowens ! 4mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Debating whether to do fiction or non fiction this month

Ruthiella Nonfiction November! 8mo
Tamra I‘m partial to fiction - too partial. 😏 8mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Finished 3 books this week. Slow going with Wolf Hall, just a chapter read.Up to ch8/59 in Riviera Gold, ch. 25/71 in Broken Ground.

Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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On our way to NYC to see an exhibit at the MOMA of Georgia O‘Keefe‘s NY paintings, etc. 👏🏻😀🖼️

AmyG Nice…enjoy! 13mo
IndoorDame Oooh, I love her! Have a fabulous day!!! 13mo
TiredLibrarian Loved this and the 2nd one! 13mo
kspenmoll @AmyG @IndoorDame Such a beautiful exhibit- her early works 1915-29, then a few from 30‘s- 50s.I was totally unfamiliar with her early work. 13mo
kspenmoll @TiredLibrarian Her detail & characterization is wonderful! 13mo
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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🪴My most healthy habit is having a good work-life balance and spending lots of time reading, gardening and sewing💚
🍰My most unhealthy habit is a love of cake and bread!
📚I love historical or literary fiction the best
Thanks for the tag @Eggs
Happy reading everyone

Eggs You do have a lovely balance there! 1y
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel

I just finished listening to the audiobook of this book. It was okay, I have tried to read the book before as a ebook and I couldn't get into it. It did understand it better when listening to the book. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.

Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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“So now get up.” #firstlinefridays

Decided to finally give this one a try, only to discover two different copies in my tbr pile!

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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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After I got used to the quirks of Mantel's writing along with the fact that every other person in the book is either named Thomas or Mary, I was way more into this book than I ever thought I'd be. Especially considering that it's history, and I already knew what was going to happen. "Omg, will Anne Boleyn become queen?? What is going to happen to Thomas More??" I'm excited to read the second one in the trilogy.

Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Right now, these are two series I want to read & finish for #serieslove2023
I am starting with book #1 of the Wolf Hall Trilogy, and book #10 of Maisie Dobbs Novels. I think there are 8 left for me to read.

Andrew65 This could have been my post! Need to read the third Wolf Hall book and finished up to and including the book in your picture in the wonderful Maisie Dobbs series. 2y
TheSpineView Those are great series! 2y
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A veritable bargain for those in the U.K. today. All 3 books in the Wolf Hall Trilogy available for £1.99 from Audible, that‘s a lot of listening.

I loved these as audiobooks.

Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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A really beautiful episode on BBC2 tonight from a series a few years ago to remember Hilary Mantel. Such a lovely woman with a fascinating life and mind. It was wonderful to hear her talk about her life, processes and influences as well as hear others talk about the affect of her work too. It will be on BBC iPlayer for catch up. RIP Dame Hilary Mantel ❤️

Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Leftcoastzen 😢 2y
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Hilary Mantel died - I loved this series by her, and never realized that she also lived with chronic illness and pain. I need to read more of her work. 💛
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/23/books/hilary-mantel-dead.html

Leftcoastzen 😢 2y
CarolynM 😢 2y
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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RIP Hilary Mantel 😢

vivastory Terrible. Marias, Godard and now this?! Just unreal 2y
batsy 😞 2y
Leftcoastzen 😢 2y
CarolynM 😢 2y
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Sad news 😭 Rest In Peace 📚

TheBookHippie I saw this when I woke up, so incredibly sad. 2y
CarolynM 😢 2y
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
Ruthiella An amazing author. 😢 2y
DrexEdit she was a *monster* writer. I will miss not being able to anticipate her new books anymore. 😢 2y
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Terrible news to begin the day. But the Wolf Hall trilogy is quite a legacy.

merelybookish Such a shock. 😔 2y
CarolynM So sad 😢 (edited) 2y
Sophronisba @merelybookish @CarolynM I am genuinely crushed. I would love to have read more from her, such an engaging and thoughtful voice. 2y
BarbaraBB This is a shock. Very tragic. 2y
readingjedi Oh no. 2y
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