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The Three Musketeers | Alexandre Dumas
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Finished! 🎉

Purpleness Love the water bottle! 2mo
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The Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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#ChunksterChallenge fail? 😂 😂

Seen today on Facebook, from Bert's Books in Swindon, UK. Now I can't get this out of my head!

Kimzey 😂 6mo
AnnR 😂👏 6mo
dariazeoli I totally sang along with the sign 🤣 6mo
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TheBookgeekFrau I sang it too 🤣 @dariazeoli 6mo
dabbe 🤩😂😃 6mo
Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣🤣 6mo
KAO I was just signing in to post the same image that I saw on Facebook! 😂 Couldn‘t help but sing this aloud when I saw it! 🎶 Actually I am hanging in there with #thebros so far, but the challenge is real. 6mo
BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣🤣🤣 6mo
LeahBergen 😂😂 6mo
BookwormM 🤣🤣 6mo
marleed Hahaha! Alexa play the Evita album 💿 Because now it‘s in my head, too!🤣 6mo
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Through a Glass Darkly | Karleen Koen
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My copy has a plain cover (the dust jacket was lost ages ago) so here‘s a picture of the beautiful endpapers for my first #bookspin and #chunksterchallenge of 2024. @TheAromaofBooks @Amiable

Amiable Gorgeous! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Oooo lovely!!! 7mo
Tamra Beautiful! 7mo
Deblovestoread I read this years ago and loved it! 7mo
LeahBergen Oh, I read this years ago! 😍 7mo
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Both 1,000 pages plus. #SuperChunkster alert!!! 🚨 #ChunksterChallenge

The Luminaries | Eleanor Catton
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I‘m in for the #ChunksterChallenge! The tagged book cones in at 832 pages. And there are many more in my library. Let‘s do this! @Amiable

Amiable Love it! I still have this one in my stacks —looking forward to your thoughts on it ! 7mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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I couldn‘t decide what to read for the 2024 #chunksterchallenge, so I decided to let #bookspin choose for me. Some of these are “almost a chunkster” or “chunkster minis,” but these are all on my shelves, and, after Clarissa, I think I‘m ok with that. 😀
@TheAromaofBooks @Amiable

Amiable I‘ve read 2, 7, 13 and 16 —good choices! 7mo
Lcsmcat @Amiable Good to know! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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Chunky | Yehudi Mercado
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BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! It's the return of the #Chunksterchallenge! So many Littens took down a variety of chunksters in 2023 -- let's do it again in 2024! The goal of this challenge is to tackle the giant books that intimidate us or that we put off reading because we are focused on that year-end book total instead. It's time to get them off the TBR!

Remember: “The journey through a thousand pages begins on page 1.“ 😃

Balibee146 I'm up for this in 2024....👍 7mo
Ruthiella I‘m in! Brothers Karamazov, here we come! 😃 7mo
Larkken Haha, maybe I can pick back up some slumbering chunksters and give this another go🫣 7mo
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Amiable @Larkken You can do it! 7mo
AmyG I still need to finish last years chunkster! 🤣 7mo
Amiable @AmyG One page at a time until the end! 😃 Which one were/are you reading? (edited) 7mo
dabbe I like big books and I cannot lie ... 🤩 7mo
Deblovestoread 2024 is the year of reading from my shelves including the chunksters. 7mo
TheBookHippie I‘ve got so many 😅😂 7mo
GinaKButler So excited! This is our lineup: Q1: Peter The Great; Q2: David Copperfield; Q3: The Source; Q4: Vanity Fair 🎉 7mo
quietlycuriouskate Count me in! I have many to choose from, but first I need to finish this excellent one (about 200 pages to go). 7mo
WorldsOkayestStepMom I managed to read 5 books that were 500+ pages this year! I'm proud of myself! 7mo
Amiable @WorldsOkayestStepMom Yay! Fabulous job! It feels so good when you finish a chunkster, doesn't it? 7mo
Amiable @GinaKButler Ooh, depending on how things are going by Q4, I might hop on board with “Vanity Fair.“ I've been wanting to revisit that one for decades, ever since I read and didn't enjoy/understand in high school! 7mo
Cuilin Yay!! Still deciding but to start definitely reading 7mo
GinaKButler @Amiable we would love to have you join!! ❤️ 7mo
Meshell1313 Yes! I loved it this year! Count me in again! 7mo
Mollyanna I‘m in again. I‘ll start with 7mo
Morr_Books I'm in too! I'm starting with the chunkster 7mo
fredthemoose I‘d love to join! I‘m working on getting through a biography of each US President and a lot of those are really chunky. 7mo
JenReadsAlot @fredthemoose oh I'm glad you saw this I forgot to tag you!! 7mo
mom2bugnbee Okay, I'm really going to do this this year! I never did finish The Count of Monte Cristo, so I want to go back to the beginning & read it this year! 7mo
PuddleJumper I'm up for this! I've got a few thick books I've been avoiding 7mo
Amiable @JenReadsAlot Oh, I was thinking about this one, too! 7mo
Amiable @fredthemoose I am also doing a presidential bio challenge! Well, I‘ve been slowly and casually doing it for years as the mood hits me, that is. I may do FDR or LBJ this time. (edited) 7mo
Amiable @mom2bugnbee You can do it ! 👍🏼👍🏼 7mo
Amiable @PuddleJumper @Morr_Books Excellent! Welcome aboard! (edited) 7mo
fredthemoose @Amiable oh, great! If you think about it, please let me know if any you liked! 7mo
Amiable @fredthemoose Are you reading the bios in order? I‘ve been hopping around as the mood strikes. Which is really not the best way to get the full picture of the history of the presidency, I fully admit. 😬 7mo
fredthemoose @Amiable I mostly bounce around, although I did the first 8 or so in order a couple of years ago and filled in what I was missing from Truman through the first Bush this year. Now I need to fill in between around the Civil War and WWII. 😬 7mo
Amiable @fredthemoose I just downloaded this one for FDR if you haven‘t done him yet: 7mo
Lcsmcat I haven‘t decided yet (I know - better hurry!) but I‘m in. 7mo
Amiable @Lcsmcat No rush —you have a whole year to read it! 😀 7mo
Lcsmcat @Amiable Well I know it won‘t be anything by Samuel Richardson. 😂 7mo
Amiable @Lcsmcat Is there such a thing as PCPTSD— “Post-Clarissa Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”? 😄 7mo
Lcsmcat @Amiable I don‘t know, but if there is, we have it. 😂 7mo
Bookwormjillk @fredthemoose the new James A Garfield bio was pretty good. 7mo
Bookwormjillk Count me in for 2024! Last year I made a list and read from that, but I think this year I‘ll track my chunksters and see how they fall out naturally. 7mo
Amiable @Bookwormjillk Ooh, I read a bio of Garfield a while back —but this one looks really good. I was impressed by him and thought it was a shame that he didn‘t live long enough to complete his term. I think he would have done good things. 7mo
Amiable @Bookwormjillk That‘s what I‘m going to do, too. After I finish my “official” chunkster, I‘ll be seeing what piques my fancy. 7mo
Bookwormjillk @Amiable me too. At one point I determined that if I could go back in time and change history I would have let him live. 7mo
Smarkies I am planning to do the Wolf Hall trilogy this year. Wish me luck! 7mo
Amiable @Smarkies Oh, it‘s so good! Enjoy! 7mo
rubyslippersreads @Smarkies What a great choice! I‘ve only read the first book, but would love to tackle the trilogy one day. 7mo
Andrew65 I need to target the Chunksters this year so am joining this! I‘ll be starting off with the last book in the Kingsbridge Series by Ken Follett. This is a super Chunkster at 1024 pages. 7mo
Amiable @Andrew65 Fabulous! Welcome to the chunkster crew! 7mo
Andrew65 @Amiable Thanks 😍 7mo
Bluebird I‘ll join this year! I‘ve got several chunksters on my radar for 2024. Currently reading 7mo
Amiable @Bluebird Hooray! More chunkster love! 😍 7mo
Airykah13 I don‘t know how many chunksters I will get in this year, but I‘m in for the challenge 7mo
Amiable @Airykah13 Excellent! Any amount of chunksters is a worthy goal. Just tackling a giant book is an accomplishment by itself. 🙂 7mo
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Questionnaire | Evan Kindley
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@Amiable and others

Any ideas on #chuncksterchallenge next year?

I‘m looking at some but I do better if others are reading too. Some include Le Morte D‘Arthur, Les Mis, Anna Karenina, and Ulyseees. What are ye thinking?🤔 🧐

Photo of White Mountains near Franconia Notch New Hampshire taken by my husband last week.

Cuilin @Ruthiella yes, I‘m definitely planning reading with the wonderful #hashtagbrigade I even sent the preferred translation suggestion to my husband as a gift hint lol 8mo
Amiable I‘m still contemplating a chunkster for 2024. Usually I alternate fiction and nonfiction. I did a fiction book in 2023, so NF would be up next. Not sure if I have one that meets my page count requirement for a #chunksterchallenge , though —I need to check my stacks. (edited) 8mo
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Amiable And also —I already read “Les Mis” for my annual chunkster several years ago and it was torture, so I would definitely not be volunteering for that again. 😖😀 8mo
Amiable I could be persuaded to read “Anna Karenina,” possibly. I do have that one in my stacks. But if you are doing “The Brothers Karamazov” you might not want that much Russian literature at one time. 8mo
dabbe @Amiable Brothers should count as a chunkster, right? 😃 8mo
Cuilin @Amiable I tried Les Mis by myself and bailed. Need to to it with a group. Yeah, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky at the same time is probably not a good idea lol. (edited) 8mo
Cuilin @dabbe I think so. 8mo
dabbe @Cuilin Lordy, I tried Les Mis THREE times and just couldn't do it. It probably didn't help that I saw the musical multiple times. The scene with the candlesticks in the musical lasts about 30 seconds; in the book it was over 100 pages! Yikes! 😱 8mo
Amiable @dabbe Depends on the edition! According to Goodreads, the hardcover first edition of “Brothers” is just under 800 pages. I personally don‘t consider it a chunkster to complete the challenge unless it‘s at least 1,000 pages. But I‘m a sucker for punishment. 😀 8mo
Cuilin @dabbe yeah that‘s why I need a group read. I saw the musical too. Also I thought they did great with the movie. There‘s a fabulous miniseries too. I just need to read the book. 8mo
Cuilin @Amiable @Dabbe The Penguin Classic edition has The Brothers K at 1,013 pages. So if we read that version 🤷‍♀️ 😂 8mo
dabbe @Cuilin That's the one I have! 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
TheBookHippie Also I have the chapter print out I did for 2020 LesMis a chapter a day …I would reread it for 2025 🤣😅 keep it in mind. 7mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe naughty naughty talking bad about my favorite book 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I saw the movie got so mad shut it off 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it‘s not the same! 7mo
Amiable @TheBookHippie Oh, that bio wasn‘t on my radar! It looks really good. I‘m putting it on my list for sure! 7mo
Amiable @TheBookHippie So I just went to look for that FDR book. I was going to purchase the e-book for ease of carrying. Then I noticed another book that this author has written. It's a glowing, fluffy profile of his “good friend“ Donald Trump. 🤮 Who, because of the bio, apparently pardoned Black after he served 3+ yrs in prison for fraud. (Here's an article: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/may/15/conrad-black-trump-pardons-ex-m... (edited) 7mo
Amiable Having learned all that ⬆️, I'm inclined to pass on his FDR book. Or at the very least, browse through my local used bookstore and see if they have a copy. I'm not spending my money on this author. 😖 (edited) 7mo
TheBookHippie @Amiable ughhhh well not reading that then yuk. I do like FDR I‘ll find another!!!!!! Gads. 7mo
TheBookHippie @Amiable it‘s a pass there must be another good one somewhere!!! 7mo
Amiable @TheBookHippie Have you ever read the LBJ series by Robert Caro? I‘ve wanted to start those for years but haven‘t yet. 7mo
TheBookHippie @Amiable no and same!!! 7mo
Amiable @TheBookHippie This one looks promising 7mo
Amiable @TheBookHippie What about seeing if anyone is interested in a group read of the Caro books? It would likely be a multi-year project! 7mo
TheBookHippie @Amiable yes! For sure I‘d be in!!! I‘m heading back to class but I‘ll check in later. Last day of school!!! Finally. 7mo
TheBookHippie @Amiable I added to stack that FDR. Mine is headed to the used book store. 🤮 ughh 7mo
Amiable @TheBookHippie Here's an obit for Jean Edward Smith, who wrote the FDR book I tagged above. This is the FDR book I'm putting on my list for sure! https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/13/books/jean-edward-smith-dead.html 7mo
Cuilin @Amiable @TheBookHippie I‘ll pass on these. Biographies are my least favorite genre. I‘d read a history book of an era but it would be a rare memoir/biography that would peek my interest. Christine, I‘ll definitely read Les Mis ‘25 7mo
TheBookHippie @Cuilin I put it in my book! ✔️ 7mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie So you're saying I should try again? 🤩 Which translation would you recommend? 7mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe
Christine Donougher Les Miserables: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) https://a.co/d/8TNwHs6 Plus reading it slower with ppl helps tremendously .
dabbe @TheBookHippie Thinking this could be my chunkster for 2024. 🤔 Maybe it was my translations that sucked. I haven't tried this one. Thanks for the rec! 😘 7mo
dabbe @Cuilin Well, this is certainly a treasure trove! Thanks! 😘 7mo
Amiable @Cuilin Sorry we highjacked your thread! 😬 7mo
Cuilin @Amiable no worries, I enjoyed the chat. Nice to see what others are thinking about 2024 reads. 🩷 7mo
Amiable @Cuilin I sort of forgot that we were chatting on your thread and not @TheBookHippie 's! 😃 (edited) 7mo
Bluebird @Amiable and @thebookhippie i love Robert Caro! I started with the 3rd book of the LBJ series. It‘s my favorite, but all were great! It‘s definitely a multi-year project. Lol. (edited) 7mo
Bluebird @Cuilin Ken Follett‘s Knightbridge series is wonderful—all chunksters! I‘m deciding between Pope Joan and the ‘prequel‘ of this series for my Jan booked in time read. 7mo
Amiable @Bluebird “Pope Joan” is really good! If it‘s the same one I‘m thinking of 7mo
Cuilin @Bluebird I bought the latest Follet for my husband. I need to check the page count. Hmm 🤔 7mo
Bluebird @Amiable yes that‘s the one! If I don‘t read it this month, I definitely plan to read it this year—it‘s on my 2024 shortlist. 😀 7mo
Bluebird @Cuilin Pillars of the Earth is one of my alltime favorites. It‘s the Kingsbridge series, not knightsbridge. 🤦‍♀️. 7mo
Cuilin @Bluebird I saw your comment on Pope Joan, after a little research found it was free on Audible, no credit needed. Started it and am now on chapter 11. 😳 so thanks 🙏 I‘ve also called it Knightsbridge too. 🤔 7mo
Bluebird @Cuilin yay! Congrats on getting Pope Joan free and making a great start. Enjoy! 7mo
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The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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I wanted to read this book for a long time because it is well recommended. I liked but didn‘t love it. I think is too unnecessarily long but I never felt bored because you want to know about these characters. It is about this selected group of unlikable students who attend this special program of classics with this eccentric professor. A murder occurred and you know who did and how from the beginning of the story.⬇️

Gissy (Cont.) So this is a character driven story. I don‘t know about that ending. But I like that academia aspect of books and quotes. It was well written but too long with not much happening, it goes around and around of these guilty destructive feelings experience in different ways by each character. Like a Greek tragedy, no hope just self destruction. The author is the narrator in the audiobook. 3.75⭐️ 10mo
sisilia I love the tote bag! 👀 10mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
Gissy @sisilia It was a gift from a friend🤗 10mo
Amiable Yay! Great job! 10mo
TheSpineView Fabulous! 10mo
Gissy @sisilia Thank you! It was a gift🤗 8mo
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The Covenant of Water | Abraham Verghese
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What did you love or not about this novel? Was it too long?

AmyG I viewed this as a family saga. Also, historical fiction. 10mo
Amiable Ha ha! I‘m the #ChunksterChallenge lady. No such thing as too long. 😀 I love a good literary multigenerational novel. (edited) 10mo
Cuilin @Amiable same!!! 10mo
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Bookwormjillk Not too long for me! I didn‘t want it to end, and might read it again before the year is over! 10mo
Mitch I loved the length. I love getting fully immersed in the book - the multi generations and the links between peoples lives. I think I felt really ‘satisfied‘ by the end - which tells me it was probably just the right length! 10mo
Mitch I loved the strength of the female characters. They were resourceful and inventive - resilient and optimistic. I loved the level of description- enough to put you there but not enough to put the story on hold 10mo
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