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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
The Beautiful Orderliness of the House is what gives us Life. Piranesi has always lived in the House; or, for as long as he can remember. Day after day, Piranesi records in his notebooks with precision and carefulness the House's endless halls, their great and strange statues, the ebb and flow of the tides within its walls. He speaks to the birds; and brings tributes of food and waterlilies to the House's Dead. Once in a while, he sees his friend the Other. But mostly, he is alone. Then messages begin to appear, scratched out in chalk and spelled out in pebbles. A new person has come to the House, and there is something they are trying to tell Piranesi. But another story is unfolding, within the pages of Piranesi's own journal. A story written in his own hand, that he cannot remember writing; a story of a group of strangers, in an unfamiliar world. The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its Kindness infinite.
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Liking it so far.

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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This is one of those books that has been recommended to me over and over again and I stumbled upon more than once. Now I finally read it! And yes, of course I enjoyed it. I loved the intertwined narration, but for me it could've been more. For someone's who's just starting with this kind of Inception style book it'll be the perfect book. Piranesi is lovely and I enjoyed all the ideas in this book and finding out the truth (a bit too easy for me).

Bookwomble I loved this book - why have I only read it once? I think a re-read is in order 😊 2mo
batsy What @Bookwomble said! 2mo
Jari-chan @Bookwomble @batsy This sure is a book worth reading multiple times! 2mo
julesG I loved the audiobook, which I paired with the print edition. I should reread it, too. 2mo
Jari-chan @julesG You make me interested in the audiobook, I might try this if I'm going to reread it. 2mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Up next!❤️

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I talked my way in to a “fantasy” exhibit at the British Library a few weeks ago and I was delighted to find that they had borrowed Susannah Clarke‘s original drawings of the halls in Piranesi. Absolutely fascinating how she planned it all out!

TrishB I went to this exhibition too- it was amazing! 4mo
Mrs_B I didn‘t realise it was on, I just happened to be passing and saw the sign. It was technically sold out but managed to talk them into squeezing me in. So glad I did!!! @TrishB (edited) 4mo
IuliaC Amazing! 4mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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My February #WrapUp

I think my reading slump is over 🎊🎉
Took long enough (October 23 to mid February 24) 😱
Think this was the longest time I've ever gone without reading.

UwannaPublishme Yay! Glad you‘re over your slump! 🎉📚🎉📚 5mo
Yuki_Onna So glad for you it's over! Reading slumps are tough.😵 5mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Such a strange, unique, brilliant little story.
I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I sent with Piranesi.

Will be on the lookout for Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I don't really know how to rate this. This was definitely a very unique experience and I have to give the author credit for composing such a dream-like novel, but I also feel a bit cheated because this was advertised as a fantasy novel, but it comes off more sci-fi.

It's very fascinating but also an enigma.

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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14 Dec-15 Jan 24
A soft pick - for most of the book I was wondering whether to finish. Something about Clarke‘s writing, and the book‘s brevity, kept me reading. I am pleased I did
Piranesi lives seemingly alone in a labyrinthine house full of statues near the sea, observing the rise and fall of tides and the comings and goings of the natural world. Twice a week he meets with The Other to report his findings. Until a third person enters the house.

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Up next for book club. #FirstSaturdayReaders

mindduckbooks Curious what you will think. Definitely a book that is fun to talk about.

Check out our discussion about it on our podcast afterwards if have some time :)

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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I had high expectations going into this, but it surpassed them. This book does an amazing job of revealing the story bit by bit, and you start to question and realize what‘s actually real, what‘s really going on, and who can be trusted. The story is told mostly in journal entries, so it‘s so immersive, and it‘s truly just one of the most imaginative books I‘ve read in a long time. This is sneaking in at the end as my favorite fiction of the year!

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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A highly rated book which turned out to be the opposite for me. I honestly thought it‘s Greek mythology but it turned out differently that confused me. In the end, though it was well written, the story is not my cup of tea. My rating is 2/5. This is the last book for the year for me and I hope for a better read in 2024!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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This small book has a complex story inside it. It took me awhile to understand what was going on and when I did I was totally surprised and a bit uncomfortable for some reason. I think it is quite a difficult read even though it is a short one. I might need to read it again. I also think this story has a quite interesting mental health angles to it.

batsy I loved it a lot when I read it, and I too think it requires a reread! 7mo
emz711 It's a crazy book! So strange that it's so short and feels so long. My brain really melted with this one 7mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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my first tattoo, from my favorite book of all time 💙

BarbaraBB 🤩 8mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Started reading this. I've heard good things.

Bookwomble It is very good 😊 8mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Piranesi lives in an enigmatic and intriguing house, gradually revealed to us in the form of his journal entries. I wasn‘t sure at first but I quickly fell for his naive charm and the incredible world he inhabits, and in the end I didn‘t want to leave. 8/10

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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For me, this is one of those books that the less you know going into it, the better. I enjoy reading books that feature an unreliable narrator. I'll be thinking about this one for a while. 4⭐️

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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A little gem of a book. I love Clarke‘s imagination and cozy world building. I don‘t know how much I liked the mystery, but I loved the setting and the MC.

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke

I read this book in one day, partly because it was relatively short and fast paced, but partly because I couldn‘t put it down. An absolutely spellbinding story, with beautiful writing

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Really excited to teach Piranesi this fall

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Thanks for the tag, @RaeLovesToRead 😁

1. Ok
2. The atmosphere, the setting, the MC's inner monologue and ruminations on the strange circumstances in which he finds himself, the pacing/gradual reveal of the truth behind those circumstances, etc.
3. Discworld!

Tag @julesG @TheSpineView @ozma.of.oz @ImperfectCJ @Gissy @IuliaC @Bookwomble and anyone else who's interested.

IuliaC I really enjoyed Piranesi! And thanks for the tag 12mo
julesG Thanks for the tag! Piranesi was great. Especially liked the audiobook 12mo
BookmarkTavern Oh thanks for the tag! 12mo
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TheSpineView Thanks for the tag! 12mo
Bookwomble Piranesi is such an amazing book. 5 ⭐ for sure 🤜🤛 12mo
Eggs Great responses 🧡 Thanks for joining in! 12mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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The 1st part of the book is intentionally confusing & not what I was expecting. What a strange treat to read a book where you are disoriented and unsure of what's happening at the beginning. Reminded me of “Room”. Piranesi is childlike in his observations & loyalty. As the reality became clearer it was so interesting. This author never quite clicks for me, but this one was fascinating & I particularly loved it on audio. It felt like Gaiman to me.

CatLass007 Any author who evokes the same kind of feeling that Neil Gaiman does, is a winner with me. 13mo
claudiuo @CatLass007 so true! 💕 13mo
batsy Loved this so much! It's such a treat to turn the page and not know where the narrative will take you. 13mo
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AvidReader25 @CatLass007 @claudiuo Right! I didn‘t love it quite as much as Gaiman, but it had his vibes for sure. 13mo
AvidReader25 @batsy It‘s so rare! Such an unexpected delight. 13mo
CatLass007 @AvidReader25 I had a hard time when I started listening to American Gods a couple of years ago. For some reason, it just wasn‘t holding my attention. I picked it up again in March, I think, and I was able to zip my way through it. Now I have to go check and see if there is anyone using the handle Rabid Reader, in some variation or other. If I weren‘t already using the handle I‘m using, that might be my handle. 13mo
CatLass007 @AvidReader25 Wow. Who knew there were so many people with the word “rabid” in their handle? 13mo
AvidReader25 @CatLass007 That‘s not an easy book! Stardust and The Graveyard Book are both excellent. 13mo
CatLass007 @AvidReader25 Thanks for the encouragement. I have both of them in my Audible library. Is The Graveyard Book illustrated? Would I appreciate it more if I read it as a print book? And the same questions for Coraline. 13mo
AvidReader25 @CatLass007 There is an illustrated version of The Graveyard Book! Coraline is much darker, and I don‘t believe there‘s an illustrated copy. Graveyard is incredible on audio too. 13mo
CatLass007 @AvidReader25 That‘s great! I already have both books in my Audible library. They‘re somewhere in my list. 13mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I was instantly enchanted by this book, and could have read it all in one sitting if I'd had the time. A meditation on existence, loneliness, gratitude...there's a ton to unpack. Consensus seems to be that the story starts off slow and then things pick up midway through, but for me the first half of the book was my favorite, and the answer to the mystery of who and where Piranesi is was secondary. This one will stay with me for some time.

currentlyreadinginCO Agreed completely!!! I loved Piranesi just as enthusiastically. Although this book is well-hyped I really think that it's underrated, because it is just so beautiful and is one of the best books I've read in the last few years. 13mo
The_Penniless_Author @thereadingreference Totally. There's not a wasted word. To that effect, I probably shouldn't have said that the mystery aspect was secondary, because even that - the revelation of who Piranesi was and what happened to him - lends so much added weight to what came before, and especially to his thoughts in the closing chapter. I don't often reread books, but I will definitely be reading this one again! 13mo
IuliaC Great review! I totally agree, an unforgettable book 13mo
CollapsingLibrary I felt the same way. First half was my favorite 13mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Such a unique & thought-provoking read. Fantastical elements of Other Worlds and magic, but also an exploration of philosophy, faith, and reason. I honestly wasn‘t sure what was happening during a lot of the book, but I think maybe that was the point? Regardless, I enjoyed every minute of it. #50in50

Tamra I wished I had liked this one more. I don‘t know why I didn‘t….maybe it felt so abstracted I couldn‘t relate? Not sure, but I really wanted to love it. 14mo
MaureenMc @Tamra I can definitely understand that. I think it was a case of “right book at the right time” for me. 14mo
Suet624 Loved this one. It felt like a mystical dream of some kind. 11mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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This story was fascinating. It's a plot where, as the story goes on, the reader knows more than the main character, and so much of the story is trying to figure out who will know what when. But that happens alongside this huge and mysterious world where the narrator knows much more than the reader does. It's a fascinating balance, told well. Clarke's writing style adds to the story, giving it a sense of mystery and charm.

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I enjoyed this fairly short read. I was fascinated by the world building and noted some Narnia vibes. I was curious to see if that would go further, but then it moved more towards mystery. There were times when I wanted more detail, more answers, but I also felt like it all worked out the way it should.


emz711 It's so great. Where is the listy book club posting? 1y
Daisey @emz711 This one accidentally got skipped in our public posting. 1y
emz711 @Daisey then how did you know how to do it? 😂 1y
Daisey @emz711 We have main posts on Litsy about each book‘s month, but those of us that participate regularly are also in a chat group as well, so our meeting link was posted there. 1y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Yesterday was my last day of school, so I started this book last night and am having a bit of a lazy morning reading more of it with breakfast. That single strawberry is one of the first to ripen in my little patch. I‘m thoroughly intrigued by this book so far and am curious if see where it goes.

#LitsyBookClub #TeachersOfLitsy #BookAndBreakfast #ReadAndEat

LiteraryinLawrence Congrats!! Enjoy the day! 1y
Suet624 I loved this book. 1y
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Daisey @Suet624 I finished it yesterday and am still considering how to review it. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn‘t say I loved it. 1y
Suet624 I understand. It pulled me in unexpectedly. 1y
Lesliereadsalot Loved this book! Like nothing else I‘ve ever read. My techie son loved it too. 1y
Daisey @Lesliereadsalot It‘s definitely unique! 1y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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This was unlike anything I‘ve read before, enticing and with a hint of strangeness. I wanted to keep listening. Chiwetel Ejiofor was a fabulous narrator. Piranesi wanders the halls of this labyrinth world: the house. He calls himself the beloved child of the house and remains in constant awe of it. But through his loneliness and curiosity, little by little, the mysteries of the house are revealed… ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke

“…the wisdom of the bird lies not with the individual, but with the flock.”

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I wanted to actually read this one but my TBR pile is overflowing, so I sampled it. I love Chiwetel Ejiofor‘s voice so I opted for this as my next listen 😁

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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I‘m only about 30 pages in, but so far this book is wild!! I have no idea what‘s going on and am not mad about it. #huey #catsoflitsy

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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Photo to go with the book? 🙂 what do you think?

BookmarkTavern Oooo! 😍😍😍 1y
Aims42 Perfect!! 👌 1y
julesG Fitting image 1y
BarbaraBB Yes! 1y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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While this novel has a doleful sadness to it (reminding me very much of J.S&Mr.N oddly enough) but the writing is keen and the story is satisfyingly brilliant - sucked this up like a vacuum cleaner on cocaine- loved it!

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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4.75/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖 it starts off slow but picks up about 50 pages in and it‘s brilliant.

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I don‘t know how to talk about this book…it‘s a fantasy, a mystery, a thriller, a meditation, a quest. The title character conveys an innocence and beauty of being that is singularly difficult to describe but amazing to experience. It brings a magic to the everyday, somehow, and left me astounded and wondering. I am profoundly moved by this book and cannot recommend it enough.

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Next up! I‘m on a fantasy kick lately, and it‘s actually making me very happy. My breaks wants to be elsewhere, I guess😅

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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This was yet another #auldlangspine rec from @BarbaraJean
It was a little hard to get into for the first few chapters, but I pushed through based on all the good reviews that said it would be worth it... and I agree- it's worth it! The story is so unique it's hard to describe. I can't imagine the process the author used to write it- the brilliance is how and when the truth is revealed to the reader. Very good!

KathyWheeler This was a weird little book, and I wasn‘t sure about it at first, but I ended up loving it. 1y
BarbaraJean It's definitely a little odd and disorienting in the beginning! It's such a twisty narrative that mirrors the labyrinth of the House. So cleverly written. Glad you enjoyed it! 1y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke

5 stars
This is my THIRD read through of this treasure and it really has solidified it as my favorite book. I annotated and tabbed as I read, and wow - the analogies and symbolism are so incredible that it's almost on a biblical level. What really stood out to me in this read through was the concept of identity. The book is about not only what saves and defines Piranesi, but what propels him forward: that he is the Beloved Child of the House. ♥️

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Y‘all. I just dno. This was surreal. Crazy. It‘s a quick read, starts slow and kinda abstract, and then!!!! all of a sudden!!! I felt like the actual story bit was very short, but the build up created ambiance, and the book was a whole experience. I liked it!

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke

Really really good! Very bizarre but I loved piecing everything together and it's left me with much to ponder. The prose is gorgeous too

8 books down, 92 to go! #JumpStart2023

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I love thinking about what made this novel such a runaway hit. You can enjoy the world of the novel or the philosophical questions it poses. Although I did enjoy thinking up theories, the world drew me in more than anything. It's got so little in it - two people, statues, large rooms, water, birds, fish, a couple skeletons - and that is somehow enough in combination with Clark's storytelling to make for a completely immersive reading experience.

CBee This is the PERFECT review! It sums up just about exactly how I felt about it (I loved it). 🙂 2y
BarbaraBB What @CBee says! 2y
CBee @BarbaraBB I remember being at such a loss on how to review this! All I knew was that I loved it 🙂😊 2y
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BarbaraBB Yes and that all I said couldn‘t touch upon all I left unsaid. @CBee (edited) 2y
CBee @BarbaraBB exactly! ❤️ 2y
batsy Great review! It felt so pared down and elemental, yet so rich and otherworldly. Love the photos, too! 2y
Suet624 I‘m so glad you read this. It seemed like a book you would relish. I can still tap into my feelings of wonder as I read it. 2y
Billypar @CBee @BarbaraBB Thanks! I kind of miss visiting 'the House' since finishing. I was fantasizing a little that someone would make a Piranesi video game - I'm not a gamer, but I would give that one a try! 2y
Billypar @batsy Thanks! I don't read fantasy novels very often and one reason is I often feel overwhelmed if it's a world that requires endless explanations and descriptions that grind the forward action to a halt. But the fact that this was so pared down meant I could enjoy just being in that strange realm, without having to learn new animals, local customs, the politics of warring factions, etc. 2y
Billypar @Suet624 I'm not sure if this is what Clark was intending, but it seemed like the wonder you feel and the way you slip into the House-world were reminiscent of the act of reading itself. Definitely glad to have picked it up, even if a little later than most! 2y
Billypar @batsy Almost forgot - the photos were all from this museum in Frankfurt: https://www.liebieghaus.de/en 2y
CBee @Billypar I missed it too 😊 And I would TOTALLY play the Piranesi video game!! 2y
batsy @Billypar Thank you for the link! 2y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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emz711 Aw that's a shame, it's a small book but an oddly slow burn. I felt my mind melting 2y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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A very well done take on a mystery. I went blind into this book and I was very pleasantly surprised. Check out our discussion about it on the Mind Duck Books podcast ep.32: https://bit.ly/3hjJexB

#Piranesi #Susanna #Clarke #mystery #mindduck #book #podcast

SamAnne I‘ve been trying to get to this one forever! 2y
mindduckbooks @SamAnne You should get it, it's well worth it! 2y
JLaurenceCohen Love Piranesi 1y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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This is one of my favourite books that I‘ve read recently! Brilliantly innovative and the world building is exquisite. I truly felt like I was in the grand halls and seeing the ocean and the statues, I didn‘t want the story to end. I‘ve also read some reviews of people finding the descriptions too much and Piranesi‘s constant documentation tedious but I love that kind of ordered confusion. I wish I could read it for the first time again! Recommend

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke

I‘m just not sure about this book.
The first 100 pages or so were quite difficult to get in to, description heavy with not much actual plot. Towards the end I did start to enjoy it, however it‘s not a book I will read again. I didn‘t get much from it.

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I adored this book. I devoured it when first came out a couple years ago…the images it created , the exquisite storytelling and oh! The waves, the waves! It is one of those small but mighty books-It has stayed w me as a movie would- image upon image, senses all alight.
I recently discovered the work of artist Pablo Genoves and his Dystopia series (a few pictured above) instantly called to mind the wet, decaying labyrinth of Piranesi‘s house.

TrishB Great match with the pics. 2y
batsy I love this book so much. Thanks for sharing those images—perfect match. 2y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke

I couldn‘t settle into this one. Could be that I‘m also knee deep in research for my thesis paper. Anyway, it‘s back on my TBR pile and I‘ve picked up Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus instead.

BookmarkTavern Good luck on your thesis! 🍀 2y
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