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Tunnel of Bones
Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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The thrilling sequel to Victoria Schwab's New York Times bestselling City of Ghosts!Trouble is haunting Cassidy Blake . . . even more than usual. She (plus her ghost best friend, Jacob, of course) are in Paris, where Cass's parents are filming their TV show about the world's most haunted cities. Sure, it's fun eating croissants and seeing the Eiffel Tower, but there's true ghostly danger lurking beneath Paris, in the creepy underground Catacombs. When Cass accidentally awakens a frighteningly strong spirit, she must rely on her still-growing skills as a ghosthunter -- and turn to friends both old and new to help her unravel a mystery. But time is running out, and the spirit is only growing stronger. And if Cass fails, the force she's unleashed could haunt the city forever. #1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Schwab returns to the spooky and heart-pounding world of City of Ghosts, delivering thrilling new adventures and an unforgettable spin on friendship. (Because sometimes, even psychic ghost best friends have secrets. . .)
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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When Cassidy and Jacob begin to explore the Tunnel of Bones Victoria Schwab blends fact with fiction to create a creepy and unsettling scene. Picture tunnels created from bones and rows of skulls staring out at you as you walk by. Now imagine how Cassidy feels, a girl who can see ghosts and feel the lingering presence of those unable to pass on. Great read.

Review: https://www.behindthepages.org/post/tunnel-of-bones-by-victoria-schwab-book-revi...

Twainy I love this series. I read somewhere that the author isn‘t continuing it or doesn‘t want to or something 💔 2y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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#ominousoctober #bones

I started this one today. I loved the fist book in this series and I have high hopes for this one. It‘s perfectly scary for this faint of heart.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 🎃💀😱 2y
Eggs Loved this trilogy! Also love the little pedestals and pumpkins 🎃 2y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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These books are soooo great. I‘m listening on audio and loving the narration. Brilliant sense of place, this one set in Paris. I like the escalating mystery around Jacob too. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I am in a bookish Dilemma. Do I stay the course I planned for #JoysOfJune or Do I go borrow book 3 in this series ASAP? 4⭐️

BethM I‘m a total mood reader so I say follow your heart! 2y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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This is the cutest series. This time Cassidy and her parents, the cat and her BFF Logan who just so happens to be a ghost travel to Paris for an episode of Cassidy‘s parents paranormal ghost show. The author brings the City of Light to life as well as their ghosts. Although geared to YA, adults will find this series entertaining. #bookspin #mayreadinglist #mayreads

Soubhiville Yay, I love this series too. 2y
Twainy I like this series. 😁 2y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Started this still not knowing Cass' age (did I miss it in COG? Probably, I don't know) so I looked it up. Then I saw this article about a TV show being developed by the CW network (they're making Cass a college student 🙄). But it was from 2018 so I don't know if they're still working on it. Didn't bother checking, though... never really liked their shows.

Anyway, I didn't think COG was scary at all but TOB? Oh, yeah. Still a fun and quick read!

lumbricuslibri She's 12. And if I had waited, I'd have confirmed it in this book, lol. 2y
Readergrrl I‘m consistently annoyed when tv adaptations change the age of the MC. I find it‘s usually because they‘re adding a love interest of some kind (which changes the plot, of course). 😑 2y
lumbricuslibri @Readergrrl I literally rolled my eyes when I saw the article. That's definitely why, truly annoying. 2y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Did all the things I wanted to do today: Moved things into the office, clean off the linen in my guest room, did all my laundry, put away all my clothes, dye my hair (bonus used a clay mask), got stuff ready for the start of school Monday -- ugh Yay for #AudioCleaning and #AudioOrganizing


12 Character with Superhuman Ability (counting ghost hunting as superhuman)

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I really enjoyed the first one. This audio is about 5 hours so… perfect for todays cleaning/organizing plans #AudioCleaning / #AudioOrganizing

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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This book had a bit more of the creepy than the first and a bit less of the travel love. While I didn't like it quite as much as the first, I couldn't help but appreciate Cass's determination and the warmth of her friendship with Jacob. Looking forward to the third.

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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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This time I couldn‘t get the audiobook version from the library, but I still enjoyed the second book of Cassie‘s adventures, which take her and her paranormal documentarian parents (and her ghost bestie Jacob) to Paris.🔸#octoberreads2021

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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This series is so fun. In this one, they are hunting ghosts in Paris. Specifically in the Catacombs. It may be a little creepy but I'd like to go back.

#AuthorAMonth with @Soubhiville

Soubhiville I would love to visit the catacombs someday! 3y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Another fun one! Makes me wanna go to Paris for ghost stuff.

#Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft
#Scarathlon #TeamHendrix @StayCurious
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks - free space #23

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Did I spend the afternoon reading this book? Why yes, yes I did. #authoramonth

Soubhiville This made me really want to visit the catacombs in Paris! Fun book. 3y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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TheSpineView 🤩📖📚 3y
TheAromaofBooks I'm hoping to read this one this month!!! 3y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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This was every bit as fun as City of Ghosts, and a super quick read. I'm looking forward to book 3, and hoping it deals with the progression of Jacob's story. I just had a student check out City of Ghosts and I'm excited to see what she thinks of it!
@TheAromaofBooks This was my October #bookspin title!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I'm hoping to get to this trilogy this month! 3y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I love how Schwab focuses the plot on discovering the backstory (or death story?) of a specific ghost! I enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed the first. I‘m a little sad there‘s only one more book left in the series.

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Onto my 4th book for the #hocuspocusreadathon 2021!

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Overall, I think I preferred book 1, but I have enjoyed book 2 as well. I mean, it is Paris after all and I love Paris. I am also happy that we were finally able to learn a little more about Jacob. This read, I got a Nancy Drew feel to the book. Yes, a paranormal version of Nancy Drew, but the nostalgia definitely hit.

Twainy I love this series 🖤 I also bought it for my niece. 3y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Time to start book 2!

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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To me, this part was even better than the first one! Schwab really shows her talent with Cassidy and Jacob. It's creepy, but not to much. Perfect for the targeted age group and grown-ups who want to to be spooked, but not too much. My favourite part was how the friendship between Cas and Jacob evolved. They're such a great team! ❤

@TheAromaofBooks #BookSpinBingo
@TheSpineView #SeriesRead2021
@AkashaVampie #SeriesBingo

TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
Twainy I love this series. Easy fluff enjoyable quick reads at any age. Well written! Then again I love Harry Potter too!! 😁 ❤️ 3y
Jari-chan @Twainy Yes, it really is! ❤️ 3y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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An absolute fantastic second book to the Cassidy Blake series. See my full review here:


BillBlume Love this series. 3y
ohbookishstuff @BillBlume Sorry! J just now saw your comment. I love this series too. 😊 3y
BillBlume @ohbookishstuff no worries! I‘m slow on this stuff, too. 3y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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3rd book read for #seriesread21 and #bookspinbingo This is also my #bookspindoublespin 📚. Cassidy lives between worlds after a near death experience where Jacob, her ghost best friend, saved her life. Now in Paris w/her parents Cassidy accidentally awakens a strong spirit & now must hurry to send the spirit where it belongs before the city is overrun. Still just a newbie ghost hunter; what will she do?
@TheSpineView @TheAromaofBooks

TheSpineView Awesome! 👍📖 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab

One of my favorites honestly. It was my first time listening to the audiobook and it was still just as emerging as the physical book. Victoria Schwab has a great sense of imagination and with this books manages to catch us in her storytelling web.

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Fun second book in this middle grade series. The Paris setting was great and the book upped the ante by having Cassidy face a poltergeist. I hope the author doesn't feel pressured to keep upping the ante on the big bads as I think encountering different ghosts in different cities is enough to keep things fresh. Love the way Jacob's story is developing and the ethical dilemmas that arise from Cassidy's secret calling. Excited for the next one!

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Didn‘t have a huge reading weekend for #cocoturns50 because I kept getting distracted by a Halloween puzzle, more Ghost Hunters (19 episodes this weekend!), and Goosebumps 2 but I finished 2 books!
+100 points for episodes/movies, +15 points for books read, +20 points for readathon hours read, +1 point participation =136 points for #TeamSlaughter and #scarathlon2020
I had 232 points total this week brining my cumulative score to 499!

CocoReads It wasn‘t my finest week either but I anticipate this week being much better 4y
PathfinderNicole @CocoReads I‘m hoping this week will be a little better after I take my midterm on Wednesday! I foresee studying eating into my fun reading time today and tomorrow though 😩😩 4y
Clwojick 🎉 ☠ 🙌 Awesome! Way to go #TeamSlaughter! 🎉 🎊 👏 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I laughed so hard.

Yes I'm a nerd. 🤓

wanderinglynn 😂😂😂 4y
DAB 😄 😄 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Supposedly for 9-12 year olds, but I really enjoyed it. A fun story, with a little thrill...

Cassidy and her ghost best friend Jacob run into paranormal trouble in the creepy Parisian catacombs.

Thanks for sharing it @Hazel2019 🙂

And on audio for #summerfun bingo

Hazel2019 Yay! Glad you enjoyed it 😊 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I don't think she has ever written anything I didn't enjoy.

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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First book for the #MakeYourMythTaker readathon
Witch Path
Prompt: Book Featuring an Animal

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Finished this #middlegrade #audiobook with my puzzle today. I enjoy following Cassidy, a preteen whose best friends is a ghost, travel with her parents for their paranormal TV show. It helps that the books so far have been set places I‘ve visited, and that #kidlit spooks are about as scary as I can handle 👻

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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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A fun and entertaining read with the right amount of spooky. This second instalment sees Cassidy, her parents, and her (ghost) best friend, Jacob, travel to the City of Lights, visiting some of the iconic landmarks. I liked the friendship between Cassidy and Jacob, and that Jacob‘s past is revealed. I look forward to read their next adventure!

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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 3 #bookstoread #tbrpile

Ncostell Great cover! 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab

It was ok... I am glad Jacob has a good role to play in this book as well. But the ending was too abrupt & underwhelming. The story was fine as you would expect from a middle grade novel. I liked the first one better than this. I still will read the next book in the series because I am just so invested in Jacob & what happens to him.

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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My cute niece in Pennsylvania using her gift card!!

Tera66 Adorable! Love kids that read!😍 4y
Come-read-with-me This is ADORABLE!!! 4y
Jemgirl2014 @Tera66 Me too! That's great to see. 😃 4y
See All 9 Comments
Nute Such a beautiful smile!😁 4y
rather_be_reading @Come-read-with-me ty! 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I read this Feb 29-Mar 1 and gave it 3 ⭐️. While I did like it, I think the book does suffer from 2nd book syndrome. I also have major issues with Cassidy‘s parents. While I liked this book, I‘ve recently read another book with a similar setting that kind of ruined this one for me. I did like the development of Cassidy and Jacob as characters.

ShyBookOwl What was the other book? Did u prefer it? 4y
Aaronlisa @ShyBookOwl the first book was City of Ghosts & I really liked it. 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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1. I‘ve studied German, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic and French—I still read in French, German & Hebrew, which I can also speak, but have lost my Russian & Arabic except for a few phrases
2. Tagged—second book in a great MG series
3. I ate salad so lots of colors
5. Will do!


@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads

Geenie You speak so many languages! ❤️❤️ 4y
alisiakae Fantastic language skills! 🙌🏽 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Library Haul!

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I've actually been reading lots of books this month. Which is kind of weird because I'm busier than usual. So I'm not sure how that math works out exactly, but I'll just go with it.

Tianarose I just finished midnight riot today! Great book. 4y
lesliemarie @Tianarose Yay! That's good to know. I walked by it in the bookstore and thought it is something I might like, but wasn't sure. 4y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Starting the second in the series! It is so good!🥰

Literary_Siren I can‘t wait until September when the 3rd book comes out! 🤩 5y
Daisey I really enjoyed the first and have the second, but I haven‘t made time to read it yet. 5y
ladym30 @Daisey Do try and make time. I don‘t think you will be disappointed.❤️ 5y
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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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I love this middle grade series by Victoria Schwab. The first book really blindsided me when I bought it at an event for her other novel VENGEFUL. This book is wonderfully fun with a clever dose of dark. Schwab manages to raise the stakes in this sequel and even drops a hint at where the third book will take things. Schwab is so damn good.

Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Part two of #cityofghosts.

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Tunnel of Bones | Victoria Schwab
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Wow! This one was even better than the first (City of Ghosts) in the series & you don‘t have to be a young reader to enjoy this absolutely fantastic, atmospheric & haunting MG ghost story. Schwab is a talented writer adept at worldbuilding, creating complex & compelling characters, & writing a rich, dark, & oh-so-creepy story. This one sees Cassidy Black traveling to Paris & exploring the Catacombs with her parents. Trouble soon follows. So good.

Literary_Siren 😍😍 5y
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