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Dangerous Alliance: An Austentacious Romance
Dangerous Alliance: An Austentacious Romance | Jennieke Cohen
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue meets Jane Austen in this witty, winking historical romance with a dash of mystery!Lady Victoria Aston has everything she could want: an older sister happily wed, the future of her family estate secure, and ample opportunity to while her time away in the fields around her home. But now Vicky must marry--or find herself and her family destitute. Armed only with the wisdom she has gained from her beloved novels by Jane Austen, she enters society's treacherous season.Sadly, Miss Austen has little to say about Vicky's exact circumstances: whether the roguish Mr. Carmichael is indeed a scoundrel, if her former best friend, Tom Sherborne, is out for her dowry or for her heart, or even how to fend off the attentions of the foppish Mr. Silby, he of the unfortunate fashion sensibility. Most unfortunately of all, Vicky's books are silent on the topic of the mysterious accidents cropping up around her...ones that could prevent her from surviving until her wedding day.
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#ItTakesAllKinds #BkMentionedInBk

Catching up from yesterday. I love that my favorite book, Pride and Prejudice was mentioned in this recent #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent readalong. It was a favorite of the MC, Vicky & the male lead,Tom, ends up reading it as well. 💕

Eggs I love when this happens 🤗 4mo
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Dangerous Alliance | Jennieke Cohen
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A cute regency YA, with an Austen loving heroine.
I enjoyed this read-along with #Pembertonlittens and #JaneAdjacent hosted by @StayCurious .

I often think I don't have time to read a book, but doing a chapter or 2 a day really does let you sneak in a whole book in no time.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The romance 💝 was beautiful between Vicky and Tom. The stakes were high! And there were a couple twists I didn‘t see coming!

#JaneAdjacent #PemberLittens

Thanks @StayCurious for hosting this buddy read!!!

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This was a fun romance with layers of humor & danger, not to mention some heavy topics. I liked Cohen‘s weaving of Austen novels into the story. There were times Vicky drove me a little crazy, but given the situation she faced from her family - having to #BiteTheBullet and marry - I‘ll give her a little leeway. Very charming. Thanks for hosting, @StayCurious ! #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent

#Zeke #Xander #SebastianKitty #CatsOfLitsy

StayCurious It was fun to see all the Austen parts woven in 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 5mo
LibrarianRyan Nice. 5mo
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#ReadAway2024 #FabulousFebruary #20in4 #readathon

Like several of our #Pemberlitten #JaneAdjacent group, I had to finish up so I could find out what happened. I quite enjoyed this YA Regency romance romp. The characters were likable, there was lots of drama & I loved the nods to Jane Austen. I really liked the author‘s second book too—a gender-swap retelling of My Fair Lady set in a foodie world in 1830‘s England, so I‘ll tag it below. ⬇️

KristiAhlers I loved this one too! It was so much fun to read. 5mo
DebinHawaii Almost forgot to link this: 5mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 5mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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Really enjoyed this as a BR with @StayCurious hosting for #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent
It was fun, with lots of Austen references.

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent I had to finish the last 4 chapters - honestly the last chunk of this book sped by and it was hard to resist! I thoroughly enjoyed the ending - the villain got what was coming to him, peace was made between Vicky‘s suitors, the brothers, and the sisters, and alls well that ends well. ⬇️

StayCurious I really enjoyed this book which was liberally sprinkled with references to Jane but also acknowledged that you can‘t live your life in a story - sometimes you have to lift your head and take a peek at reality. Grumble 😄 5mo
mcctrish I share your grumble 👎🏻👎🏻 reality 😣🤣 but I thoroughly enjoyed this book ❤️❤️ thank you so much for leading us 😘😘 5mo
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Librarybelle This was a great choice! I plan to read the last two chapters and the author‘s note tomorrow! Thanks for leading again! 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement Wow, what a villainous twist to the duel. I didn‘t see that coming.
No! I thought it a great mistake when Vicky said there was no time to wake anyone at the end of chapter 28, so not surprised something happened.
Oh, even after Silby shot Carmichael, I hadn‘t realized he had actually tried to kill Vicky with the runaway curricle. Poor Vicky! Talk about a bad date.
CogsOfEncouragement Thea deciding to cover up the truth surprised me a bit. We live in a time where that would be extremely difficult to do. They of course did not have the means to collect evidence as we do now, so this family could more easily hide the uncomfortable details.
Very nice HEA.
CrowCAH Same. I listened to the last four chapters today. I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Thanks for leading us in our read along! And yes we can‘t live in a book, but as the characters did in the text, we can learn through fiction situations. I like how this incorporated many Austen character tropes and quotes at the beginning of the chapters from her novels. 5mo
julieclair This book was a delight! Loved the ending. And… I refuse to acknowledge that I can‘t live in a book. 😉 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent ch. 27-28: Oh boy, things are getting good! Vicky meets Susie and Tom‘s true feelings are revealed. Now she‘s off to stop him from potentially getting killed! Not gonna lie, I‘m off to finish this book because I can‘t help myself!

BarkingMadRead I already finished it 🙈 5mo
julieclair I finished it too! 😆 5mo
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DebinHawaii I am trying to be “good” but might have to finish it tonight! 🫣 5mo
mcctrish I finished 🎉so exciting ❤️❤️ 5mo
Librarybelle It‘s hard not to read ahead! 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement Susie to the rescue! 5mo
CrowCAH It was tough, but I waited to read the last four chapters. Though they‘ll all be listened to on Monday! The suspense is killing me. He must confess his true feelings for her 🥺 5mo
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I got another bingo spot for #NoShameReadingChallenge2024 @Nessavamusic

Nessavamusic Woohoo!🥳 5mo
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It is the first time I joined the #PemberLittensJaneAdjacent and I loved this book. The characters were good, there is even a duel! What could possibly go wrong? Thanks to @StayCurious for hosting. I had to read ahead. Oops! It gave me a bingo spot for #ISpyBingoFebruary @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks and a readathon goal, #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Great! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
StayCurious Glad you liked it! 5mo
Andrew65 Well done 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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“An Austentacious Romance”
This was quite a fun Austen inspired read. It has quite the dastardly villains and heroic heroine central character
Fun and easy read ❤️ I finished a day early because it gets too exciting to leave unread 🤣 Thank you @StayCurious for picking such a great #janeadjacent read

LiseWorks I agree I also couldn't wait. It was a great pick 5mo
mcctrish @LiseWorks I wonder what they get up to next ? 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent ch. 25-26: boy Carmichael is a chameleon and has done a good job of fooling everyone, especially Vicky‘s parents. Poor Tom. Yes, he‘s made mistakes but he is clearly more concerned about Vicky‘s well-being. How will he see her before the duel? Will she hear about it and show up to try and stop them?

BarkingMadRead So much stress! He needs to see her before the duel! This is craziness! 5mo
mcctrish I‘m getting first season Bridgerton vibes with the duel! That was a harsh spot to stop reading 😬😬 5mo
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julieclair This has my stomach tied up in knots. 5mo
LiseWorks Perhaps Tom would prefer Vicky not being there. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement When Vicky told Sheldon she would not see Tom, I had hoped he was still standing there when Thea was telling Vicky she should see him and she would change her mind and go see him. No luck. Then I had hoped Vicky would come when she heard Tom yelling for her. He was being so rude, but I thought their childhood friendship might forgive it. I forgot about her bodyguards! lol Not so fast young man! 5mo
DebinHawaii This book is causing me lots of angst! It‘s hard to stop reading at the daily chapter break but I am exercising self control! 🫣 5mo
CrowCAH Gah I know! Tom called for her! Why didn‘t she heed the call?! This was a tough chapter to listen to. 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.23&24: These guys! They‘re not thinking with their brains, that‘s for sure. And while I agree that Carmichael needs to be put in his place, I don‘t know that a duel with poorly aimed pistols is the way to go. Poor Vicky. Her choices aren‘t great right now.

LiseWorks While I was reading this, I was thinking about all the rules for a duel lol. Oh dear! Pride is getting in the way for Tom here 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement Yes, poor Vicky. How are there no better choices than all these nincompoops? 5mo
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mcctrish I just finished these 2 chapters and I want to throw this book at a brick wall!! Charles is a noose around Tom‘s neck, Carmichael needs more than a shove and both need to tell Vicky the truth, the patriarchy SUCKS 5mo
BarkingMadRead Love the meme you chose 🤣 the duel does not seem like a good idea! 5mo
CrowCAH I love how honest Tom was about what he could offer. Too bad his past has closed off his feelings. Duels are never a good way to resolve a conflict. Especially not when Tom apologized to Carmichael. That should have been the end of it. 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent check.19-22: two proposals that weren‘t very romantic and each man is not above bashing the competition. Poor Vicky! How does she know if she‘s being manipulated or not - who is speaking the truth? Who should she trust? How can she avoid making the same mistakes her sister made with Dain? Of course we know Tom‘s motives are pure - but how could Vicky possibly know? Especially with her family cheering for Carmichael.⬇️

StayCurious She has a tough decision ahead of her. And the stakes have never been higher. 5mo
mcctrish I hope she listens to Althea because Carmichael has some moves very similar to Dain 👎🏻👎🏻 5mo
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LiseWorks Oh it should be Tom all the way! 5mo
CrowCAH @LiseWorks I agree! Why hadn‘t it ever occurred to Vikky that Tom could be a marriageable candidate?! 5mo
CrowCAH Carmichael is very similar to Dain. I believe they‘re in cahoots together. Bad begets bad! 5mo
Librarybelle My thoughts exactly, @CrowCAH ! 5mo
BarkingMadRead Boys are dumb 🙄 I do not like Carmichael, I wish Tom hadn‘t bungled it so badly 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement I‘m rooting for Tom, but Vicky‘s parents don‘t agree this is a suitable fix to their problems. So, basically he needs to finish P&P to know he must write a letter with a proper proposal and also win over her parents by doing something concrete to save Thea. 5mo
CrowCAH @CogsOfEncouragement perfect! Love the correlation of the two stories! 5mo
julieclair @BarkingMadRead Yes! Tom made such a mess of that proposal. Ugh. 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb20: Ch.17-18: Wow Charles is such a jerk! A spoiled brat who needs to have a reality check. Now, granted, I know his childhood was hard because of their father, but spending even more on food, and treating Tom and Susie like he did - not cool. I‘m so angry on Tom‘s behalf. We‘ll see how things go but I‘d be kicking Charles to the curb.

Librarybelle Ugh…Charles! 5mo
BarkingMadRead So frustrated! To be putting Tom deeper in the whole is so wrong! Poor Susie, stuck in the middle! 5mo
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mcctrish Who is the food for? Is he in cahoots with Dain? Nobody says anything to anyone 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5mo
DebinHawaii Charles is an asshat! 🍑🎩 5mo
LiseWorks I think he is jealous cause didn't Tom get the title and inheritance even when he was kicked out? 5mo
Cheshirecat913 Charles is so infuriating. Why Charles? Why not help each other. Don't go cozing up to Dain! I hope that isn't Dain's house he was going to. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement It seems the brothers need to have a gab sesh. There is a lot they need to share with each other. 5mo
julieclair It‘s hard to imagine how Charles can be so selfish. 5mo
CrowCAH Charles is very childish. He never grew up. I think he went to a woman‘s house. Why else get up early and look presentable than for a lady lover? And he could be lavishing her with ham gifts. 5mo
julieclair @CrowCAH And we all know how very seductive ham gifts are! 😂🤣😂🤪 5mo
CrowCAH @julieclair don‘t you know it! 😂 Isn‘t there that saying that the way to a (wo)man‘s heart is through the stomach?! LOL 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb.19. Ch.15&16: I‘m glad Vicky and Tom are speaking and trying to solve the mystery of who is after Vicky and why. And now we get a bit about why Althea has been acting cold to Vicky - she thought she had abandoned her! I guess Dain knew how close they were and wanted to keep them apart. So, what‘s Carmichael up to? I think there is something to do with the two estates and the land, like Tom mentioned.

Librarybelle Carmichael is being very suspicious 5mo
BarkingMadRead Carmichael has definitely been acting a bot off, and now it all makes sense. I‘m definitely #Teamtom on this theory! 5mo
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mcctrish Whatever Carmicheal helped Vicky‘s dad with land wise is going to = mucho dollaros so he and Dain want Oakridge ( or whatever it is called) through Althea or Vicky and they want to buy as much land of Tom‘s as they can. Not sure they care about buildings at all, might just level it all and leave the girls with nothing and control it all 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement Always glad to see at least some clear communication between fictional characters. 5mo
julieclair I think Tom has it all figured out. Now he just has to prove it. Hopefully Vicky will help him. 5mo
CrowCAH Something is afoot. But what? I‘m with the group about the land holding the key to the mystery. 5mo
DebinHawaii Yep, gotta be the land & either the water rights or there is something else there that‘s valuable. 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb 18: Ch.13-14: can I just say, Vicki is awesome and so capable! I‘d want her on my side in a fight - and what a terrifying experience. But were they after Althea or Vicky? My guess is it has something to do with Vicky‘s attack from before. Now, one other thing: what are Carmichael and Dain up to? They are obviously in cahoots with Carmichael the brains of the operation. Tom needs to tell Vicky what he heard ASAP.

BarkingMadRead I am stressed 🤣 5mo
LiseWorks Oh I so agree! Tom needs to let the sisters know something is up. 5mo
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mcctrish Holy Smokes!!! Daddy can‘t die yet! Vicky is fierce AF! @BarkingMadRead Tom needs to get over to their house posthaste and they all need a murder board to map out their intel ( best way to cement the budding romance between Tom and Vicky is bonding over the ‘murder board‘ where they solve all the mysterious events but hopefully no murders occur) 5mo
julieclair It would seem to me that Dain has a good reason for wanting Daddy to die. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement I didn‘t expect Carmichael and Dain to be in cahoots, and I doubly didn‘t expect their carriage to be attacked. What next!?! Vicky is a survivor. I like her more than I did in the first few chapters. 5mo
CrowCAH Carmichael and Dain are up to something. Seems like Carmichael has set his cap on Vikky. Poor father beat senseless. Good thing Vikky was there to take control of the situation. Hard to tell which sister was really supposed to be kidnapped. Althea for Dain. Or Vikky for Carmichael. I keep expecting Tom to come to the rescue again! 5mo
mcctrish @julieclair Dain and Carmichael both me thinks 5mo
julieclair @mcctrish Yeah, you‘re right. They both do. I agree with what youthinks. 😉 5mo
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I was reading along with the #JaneAdjacent crew and really enjoying this when I felt the pace start to lag and I got itchy too see what happens. Also I spent yesterday sick in bed not able to concentrate on any of my more taxing reads, sooo… Suffice it to say the pace definitely picks up and this quickly turned into way more of a classic melodrama than I was expecting! A super fun, light read!

IndoorDame Thanks for picking this one @StayCurious I‘ll definitely be checking in to see what the group thinks ❤️ 5mo
Bookwormjillk Hope you‘re feeling better! 5mo
BarkingMadRead Feel better soon!! 5mo
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LiseWorks 🫂 hugs sent 5mo
StayCurious Hope you are feeling better! 5mo
IndoorDame @StayCurious thanks 🤗💕 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb.17: Ch.11-12: It suck‘s being broke but imagine being an Earl and being broke. How embarrassing! Dain is such an opportunistic bastard. I hope Charles doesn‘t do something stupid. Agh! The suspense!

mcctrish I feel so bad for him and his horse 💔Charles continues to be a douche. Dain is the anti-Christ 😈 this is going to get so complicated before it gets happy #whatischarleslookingfor? 5mo
DebinHawaii I was all worried that Carmichael would buy his horse I didn‘t even think about Dain.😳Charles is definitely going to do something stupid. 😡 5mo
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BarkingMadRead I agree with everyone. Charles is up to no good, although maybe he thinks it‘s what‘s best? I‘d like to think so. Dain? 👿 5mo
julieclair There is no question that Charles will do something stupid. 😬 5mo
CrowCAH Nooo, Dain bought the horses!!! Just awful! Then he wants the estate?! How dare he! Brother Charles is up to no good, checking the ledgers. What does he hope to find, the lost money?! 5mo
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One of my reader resolutions this year was to dump books faster if I'm not enjoying them. And for some reason these characters are making me cranky! So I'm calling it quits.
I still plan to follow along with @StayCurious #pemberlitten posts to see how things end up but this one is just not for me

willaful Right there with you. 5mo
LiseWorks Oh I love this story so far. It's interesting how we readers see books differently 5mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb.16: Ch.9-10: Doesn‘t Tom realize that the way out of his financial troubles is to marry an heiress? That‘s what poor gentleman did quite often. I think he‘d be more likely to find a rich girl in search of a title than he is to find backers for this hotel scheme. And Charles is sooo irritating. I‘d wallop him for spending that money. If Tom has to sell his horse I‘m going to be sad.⬇️

StayCurious Also, Carmichael is horrible - Vicky better watch out. But she isn‘t having much luck with her other suitors - yikes! Especially the spitter😅 5mo
Librarybelle Those day outings were horrible! 5mo
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mcctrish I am so over Charles, he sucks!!!! Vicky‘s list of suitors is so discouraging 🐛👀🐛 Tom is like a breath of fresh air after the eyebrows, spitting and #deathtrapcurricle #howlongwillittakefortomandvicky #teamticky 5mo
LiseWorks Tom seemed should work, but finding backers will be very hard. Charles, OMG What a dick. I was ewe over the spitting guy. 5mo
julieclair Those “dates” were so awful… but very funny! Charles is the worst. No, Carmichael is the worst. Tom + Vicky can‘t happen fast enough! 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement I hope that somehow Vicky‘s family buys Horatio. I was a little surprised Tom told Vicky about Carmichael. Not because Tom shouldn‘t- I just anticipated the author having Vicky blind to his violence for longer. lol Glad we don‘t have to endure that. 5mo
willaful Sorry, I'm dropping out. I'm really stressed and the book just isn't holding my interest. Enjoy the rest of the read! 5mo
CrowCAH Yes, as a horse lover my heart ached at him having to sell his horse. I really hope it doesn‘t come to that! I enjoyed the “dating” scenes and how she tried to politely show them out at the end of each. 5mo
DebinHawaii Sheldon the butler escorting the bad dates out makes me laugh! 🤣🤣🤣 I am hoping Carmichael doesn‘t end up buying Horatio! 🫣 5mo
julieclair @DebinHawaii Oh my…. What a horrendous thought… 5mo
Cheshirecat913 I was enjoying the butler Sheldon, the one good part of the dates. 😆 Charles is rather a useless man, except relating some gossip. 🙄 Carmichael is scary 😨. 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb 15: Ch7-8: Why would Mr.Carmichael take Vicky on an outing (read date) and then cut it off so abruptly? Poor planning or is he upset she‘s not more open with him? And is he annoyed she‘s seeing Silby? Btw - a gentleman should not talk smack about his rivals and he did so about Tom and Silby both. Also, who is Susie? Did I miss her mentioned before? And how poor is Tom‘s family - they can‘t properly heat the house🙁

mcctrish Who is Susie is right? What was Tom‘s dad doing in the house that Tom hates it ? Is Susie an illegitimate sister? Charles is a useless twat. Mr Carmichael is playing a long con imo!!! I gasped out loud at the man at the end of chapter the eighth #themaninblackisstalkingVicky this is awesome (edited) 5mo
LiseWorks Victoria is on a real hunt for a husband as she is dating everybody. When I was reading this, I was reminded of the dating where you sit and talk to a suiter for about 5 minutes, and then a bell rings, and you move to the next. Lol I felt the same about Suezie it's like she appeared from nowhere 5mo
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willaful I think Susie must be an illegitimate sister, or somehow else involved in whatever nefarious use Tom's father was making of the house.

@mctrish A long con sounds about right.

I'm finding the story a bit scattered. It just keep hopping around.
BarkingMadRead I think Susie was conceived in that house, and #themaninblack at the end was Vicky‘s attacker. Carmichael gives me the ick, something is off with him. And did he lie about his mom? Aren‘t Tom and Charles going to watch him fight? 5mo
CrowCAH Carmichael is no better than Dain. He‘s trouble with a capital T. It had to have been tough to ascertain a person‘s true personality when chaperoned and in public. 5mo
StayCurious @BarkingMadRead oh you‘re so right! I forgot about the fight 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement I‘m guessing Vicky‘s parents would have a much different opinion of Carmichael if they knew of his boxing match over an inconsequential matter. Carmichael trying to come off as an adoring son when he is off to a bout is repulsive. Vicky‘s parents sending her out to catch a husband while keeping all these family secrets seems an utterly impossible task on top of the fact she prefers to not marry in the first place. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement And someone get poor Susie a robe and slippers. 5mo
Cheshirecat913 @CogsOfEncouragement 😆 Yes, please! I was cold for her. Carmichael is definitely sus (as much daughter always says). Always questioning..first Tom, now Vicky. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement @Cheshirecat913 So true, he asks pointed (rude) questions and provides vague info and outright lies on his end. And him throwing shade at other men is such a Wickham move. 5mo
julieclair Ohhh… Carmichael‘s fight… it hadn‘t dawned on me that it was to take place at the same time he was supposed to be shopping with his mother. So he lied to Vicky. Way too slick for my taste. (edited) 5mo
TheAromaofBooks The “she's a member of the family now“ line makes me think Susie must be illegitimate. I'm enjoying this story, but also just want to be told what the heck is going on with Tom and his family instead of all these aggravating hints lol 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb.14: Ch.5: boy, working the crowd mired in social niceties would have been a difficult task. I‘m sad that Vicky doesn‘t have any friends at the ball. I suppose because she was -and is - a tomboy. That‘s why the loss of Tom was felt so keenly. He was her main friend. Poor thing. What on earth happened with Tom? I‘m dying to know! ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.6: is Carmichael jealous of Tom‘s relationship with Vicky? It would appear so. I love the way insults were delivered so smoothly back then. Ooh - a cutting remark…shots fired! 5mo
mcctrish I think Carmichael is jealous. Does Tom think Vicky didn‘t write him? He keeps making cracks ( in his head ) about her being a child or childish but her taking on chores around the estate and reading about animal husbandry seems mature to me - she doesn‘t have a brother and her dad has stuff to do 5mo
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willaful I was glad to see confirmation that Dain is indeed an evil #%$%&%$! Though I still think Thea is hiding something. 5mo
BarkingMadRead Carmichael is definitely jealous, and he put Tom right in his place 🤣 5mo
Cheshirecat913 Yeah, Carmichael is jealous, feeling out the competition. 😄. Also, is Tom's estate is trouble, is that why he needs to get this hotel thing going or is it just something he wants to do? 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement Well, that was awkward. 5mo
CrowCAH Yup, Carmichael definitely jealous. It must be tough to make acquaintances or friends in such a setting. 5mo
julieclair Carmichael is jealous for sure. And I feel for Tom having to navigate this tough elitist crowd. Vicky too, having to find a husband… ugh. 5mo
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Dangerous Alliance | Jennieke Cohen
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This is my #doublespin #bookspin read but also a buddy read with the #pemberlittens. The end of this month is going to be busy so I wanted to be sure I got to this one. I found this to have been a fun read and I enjoyed the characters. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 @staycurious @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb 13: Ch.3: wow, women really had little power back then! Poor Vicky is being told she must marry, and in a hurry, to I protect her father‘s estate. One thing I‘ll say is I never heard of a woman inheriting the title so I wonder if that would have actually happened or if the author is taking poetic licence.⬇️

StayCurious I will also paint myself in a bad light: I hope Althea does feel at least a bit guilty for the problems that now face Vicky. But that‘s a terrible thing to say, I know. ⬇️ 5mo
StayCurious Ch.4: Vicky attends a ball with her mother and starts the business of securing a husband. Easier said than done- but she was making good progress with
Mr.Carmichael until they were interrupted by Dain, the villain himself.
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mcctrish Thank goodness the next door neighbour arrived 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 and I do agree that while Althea‘s life is awful it shouldn‘t mean Vicky‘s goes down the toilet too ( but I get the urgency at not letting Dain get his pugilist hands on it ) (edited) 5mo
IndoorDame It‘s sad that her parents are clearly about as progressive as it gets for this time and social class, and this is still the only option they come up with 5mo
DebinHawaii @StayCurious I don‘t have great vibes from Althea so far, so I share your sentiments. I feel bad for Vicky. 5mo
BarkingMadRead Ughhhhh Dain! I, too, am a horrible human that hopes Althea feels a little guilty 🤣 5mo
LiseWorks I think, though, because of her abuse, she is in a terrible position, first because she is back in her father's household, and she probably thinks she failed with her marriage. I think she had great courage to leave. A lot of women stay. She may even be terrified that Dain will come and fetch her. Women were considered property in those days, and they really had no say. It's the same for Victoria, her father says, find a husband, so she has to. 5mo
Librarybelle I am unhappy for Vicky‘s sake…different time, different place, but it still is a horrid situation. I can only begin to imagine the scandal that Althea will face. What she did is pretty uncommon at this time, and society will fault her more for not “standing by her man” than doing what she did, running for her life. It is rather unfair that Vicky has to pay a price in this. An uncomfortable truth. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement I have had questions about why uncertain female characters were able to be wealthy, independent of a man. Maybe this is accurate: https://www.quora.com/In-Pride-and-Prejudice-why-is-Lady-Catherine-de-Bourgh-abl... 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement I have to ask you though @StayCurious and @BarkingMadRead you want Thea to feel guilty? Or do you want her to be able to feel empathy for what her sister must now do, even while dealing with her own current despair? It seems to me the only person guilty is Dain - who certainly feels nothing of the sort. 5mo
willaful I think there's something Althea isn't telling us. I hope she's not lying about everything, because that would really stink, in both the Doylist and Watsonian senses.

And I'm furious at their parents. They made an enormous mistake letting Althea marry a man she barely knew, so they want to fix it by doing the same to Vicky. Worse even, since it was Althea's own choice.
CrowCAH It‘s interesting that the daughters could inherit. I really don‘t like Dain. 5mo
BarkingMadRead @CogsOfEncouragement I want her to feel something. Anything. None of this is her fault. But it‘s also not Vicky‘s fault, and what they‘re asking goes against her very nature. 5mo
julieclair I feel so sorry for Vicky, and it makes me so sad to think that this is probably a pretty accurate portrayal of the powerlessness of women at that time. 5mo
mcctrish @CrowCAH don‘t they inherit through their husbands ? Or since Thea has one now they have to 5mo
CrowCAH @mcctrish traditionally I thought it was through the male line. That‘s why it was so important to beget male heirs. Or a house/land would be entailed to another male relation. Perhaps there was a way to state that a legitimate daughter could inherit. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement @willaful @BarkingMadRead I think Vicky doesn‘t know as much as her parents, so we don‘t know either. (Her parents didn‘t pass on ALL the horrible details.) I‘m reading this as Vicky being confused by Thea being so quiet. Maybe the author is trying to show the shame that Thea is feeling? 5mo
Cheshirecat913 It's such a terrible situation all around! I did get the same vibes about Althea though, just the way she said, "You said you would help." Like, yes, Althea's situation is terrible, and I want her to escape, but it almost felt like she would drag down Vicky to do it. But Althea is in a bad place, traumatized and desperate, so it could just be coming out wrong. 5mo
StayCurious @CogsOfEncouragement I think I wanted her to feel a bit bad for the situation Vicky now finds herself in - I didn‘t like her line “you said you would help”…but I also feel really bad for her so I‘m torn! (edited) 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement @StayCurious True. That is an immense ask. 5mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Feb 12: Ch.1: what an interesting way to start our story! We meet Vicky who does not spend her days indoors in the parlour, but rather works hard to help her father run their estate. Then, just as she sees a man from her past who broke all ties with her inexplicably, she is attacked by a masked villain! And the chase is on! But it ends with Vicky‘s pride - as well as her backside - getting injured. ⬇️

StayCurious There‘s an allusion as to why Tom broke ties with Vicky 5 years ago. I‘m curious as to what happened and why his father sent him to the continent. ⬇️ 5mo
StayCurious Ch.2: Vicki‘s sister has escaped her abusive husband - in a time when you could be essentially trapped in an unhappy marriage, she was brave to leave. But will she be forced to return to him? Vicki‘s morning adventures take a backseat to her sister‘s suffering. 5mo
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Librarybelle The action starts right away…I was not expecting that! 5mo
peanutnine I like how this has jumped to the plot right away. I'm not fond of Vicky just yet, she's so childish. I wasn't expecting her character to be so young. Hopefully we see her grow 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement What a start. I‘m very interested in Tom‘s secrets. I‘m concerned for the wellbeing of Thea and Vicky‘s father as he confronts Dain. Also quite concerned for all of them since Vicky was attacked on their property. Well, I‘m invested in the story! 5mo
LiseWorks Vicki is only 17, I don't find her immature at all, Tom is 19, so young to be a Lord of an estate. I can't wait to see how this works out. 5mo
willaful Very interested to discover Tom's backstory.

I'm curious why Vicki's father needs her help -- they seem to be well off? Or maybe it's all a front.

What do you think of Vicki's conclusions about what Elizabeth Bennett would say? I'm not convinced.
CrowCAH Why would the masked man hit her over the head? He had gone undetected while she repaired the stone fence. I feel for her sister. She was very brave. Hopefully she doesn‘t have to go back to the abuse. 5mo
BarkingMadRead What a crazy start! I am dying to know Tom‘s story and I‘m worried that Thea will have to go back home! 5mo
julieclair Whew! We‘re off and running! So many different plot lines in just the first two chapters. I‘m intrigued! 5mo
Cheshirecat913 Wow, I was not expecting the 'off and running' start! I like it though, throw us right into. 5mo
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Just finished the first 2 chapters #chapterthefirst #chapterthesecond swoon ❤️❤️❤️#pemberlittens #janeadjacent #buddyread oh I am so loving this already

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Hey #Pemberlittens just a reminder that we are starting our February #JaneAdjacent #Buddyread tomorrow. All are welcome to join!

Librarybelle Looking forward to it! 5mo
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DebinHawaii I‘m excited! 💕 5mo
mcctrish I‘ve got my book and I‘m ready to go 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
BarkingMadRead Woohoo I‘m ready to go! 5mo
CrowCAH I downloaded the audiobook. I‘m all set to start tomorrow!!! 5mo
julieclair Looking forward to it! 5mo
Cheshirecat913 Yay, my book came in last week. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 5mo
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#ReadAway2024 #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent I thought this was an excellent book. Vicky is the younger Aston daughter, who dreams of having a life like the ones in Jane Austen novels. She also dreams of managing the family estate, something very unlike her heroine Elizabeth Bennett. The book was a bit darker than I‘d expected but I think it helped the story.

DieAReader 🥳Great 6mo
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#PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent

Join us next month, starting 2/12/24, reading two chapters a day!

StayCurious Thanks for sharing!! 6mo
kspenmoll Im in! 6mo
CrowCAH @StayCurious you‘re welcome! ☺️ I‘m looking forward to it! 6mo
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CrowCAH @kspenmoll @StayCurious we have another who would like to join! 6mo
CatLass007 I know we‘re supposed to start reading two chapters per day starting February 12th, but I started it today, just because, and I‘m almost to the halfway mark. 6mo
CrowCAH @CatLass007 that‘s perfectly alright! I‘ll be listening to the audiobook and since with my hybrid work schedule I don‘t listen every day, I‘ll be listening to more than two chapters a day. I‘m glad you‘re enjoying the book! 6mo
CatLass007 I am enjoying it! Thanks for hosting.💕 6mo
CrowCAH @CatLass007 I‘m not the host. Though I will be participating! @StayCurious is hosting this read along. 6mo
CatLass007 I thought since you posted this that maybe @StayCurious was handing the reigns over to you. She hosts so many. 6mo
CrowCAH @CatLass007 not this time. I may host a buddy read in the future. 6mo
CatLass007 Cool. I‘m enjoying the #JaneAdjacent buddy read and after last month‘s selection I thought it would be fun to co-host a #SherlockAdjacent buddy read. There are a lot of standalone novels and series that fall into that category. But since I‘ve never hosted a buddy read before, I don‘t feel at all comfortable with hosting one alone. But a couple of us are talking and we‘ll see if we can make it happen. 6mo
CrowCAH @CatLass007 that will be fun! 🕵️‍♂️ I‘m sure you‘ll do an amazing job co-hosting a buddy read! 6mo
CatLass007 Thank you so much for your encouragement! Littens are all such amazing people. Never a grouch in the bunch. 6mo
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Repost for @StayCurious

#Pemberlittens our February #JaneAdjacent book has been selected! Let me know if you want to read along with me and be tagged in my daily posts starting Feb 12. All are welcome to join! Also let me know if you want to be removed from my main tag list.

SarahBookInterrupted This book isn‘t available at my library, but please keep on the list for the next buddy read. 6mo
willaful Please add me to the tag list. 6mo
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#Pemberlittens our February #JaneAdjacent book has been selected! Let me know if you want to read along with me and be tagged in my daily posts starting Feb 12. All are welcome to join! Also let me know if you want to be removed from my main tag list.

willaful I'm in. 6mo
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CogsOfEncouragement Looks fun. Please count me in. 6mo
MrsV Count me in! 6mo
LiseWorks Yes please 6mo
Librarybelle Hooray! I‘m in…I‘ve been meaning to read this for years!! 6mo
BarkingMadRead Tag me please!! 6mo
peanutnine Sounds fun! Please tag me for this one ☺️ 6mo
rubyslippersreads Please tag me. And for anyone with access to Hoopla, this is available as both ebook and audiobook. 6mo
kspenmoll Count me in too please! 6mo
CrowCAH Yes, please, tag me; I‘ll plan on reading along! 6mo
IndoorDame Please tag me for this one! 6mo
quietjenn It sounds fun! If I can get a copy, I'll read along! 6mo
julieclair I‘m in! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm in for this one, too!! 6mo
Larkken I‘m in 😊 6mo
DebinHawaii Please tag me—I‘m excited! I really enjoyed her My Fair Lady retelling (tagged) so I‘ve been meaning to read this one & this will be my push to finally do it! 🤗 (edited) 6mo
Cheshirecat913 I am in! 6mo
rubyslippersreads @DebinHawaii I love My Fair Lady! I‘ll have to add that one to my TBR. 6mo
mcctrish My library has it ( although their effing catalogue is not working AGAIN) and I‘m in 6mo
DebinHawaii @rubyslippersreads It‘s been a while since I read it but I enjoyed it between the MFL & foodie moments! 6mo
maraguitarra Count me in! 6mo
PageShifter Please tag me! 6mo
KristiAhlers Can't wait 6mo
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Dangerous Alliance | Jennieke Cohen
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Chapter the thirteenth?

Megabooks 😂😂 10mo
wanderinglynn 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
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Despite not being much of a fan of romance novels in general, I love a fun Regency romance that is light on the "bodice-ripping" and heavy on the slow burn. These characters were sweet and the story was heart-warming. I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes historical romances and a friends-to-lovers trope.

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I don‘t read much YA but slap “An Austentacious Romance” on the cover and apparently I‘m a goner. 😂 Started last night.

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Happy New Year!!! Do you have any #bookish #resolutions

I have a couple (besides read more)

1) Do more bookish cooking recipes
2) Read only the books I am interested in. Don‘t waste my time reading a book I don‘t like DNFing a book isn‘t the end of the world
3) Be more active in the bookish community and make friends
3) visit more bookstores
4) Shopping small business for books and #bookish merch

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This was such a fun read. If you are a Jane Austen fan you should definitely give this one a try.

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Set in 1817 England, this follows Lady Victoria Aston, a fan of Austen novels, as she strives to quickly find an eligible bachelor (hopefully one she likes) to wed and save her family‘s estate from her dastardly brother-in-law who has abused her sister and refused to end the marriage. Enter Tom Sherborne, her former neighbor and childhood friend who deserted her at 14 for unknown reasons. While this was OK, I didn‘t get enough depth on the 🔻

robinb characters, and the plot line was all too familiar. Not bad, it‘s just that I‘ve read better. 3.25/5⭐️ 4y
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Not a Pride and Prejudice Retelling but Plucky heroine who loves Jane Austen must save the family estate. Good adventure with lots of discussion of Jane and her novels.
@sprainedbrain #pemberlittens

sprainedbrain Oh this sounds good! 4y
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Dangerous Alliance | Jennieke Cohen
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Revenge4bess Haven‘t been able to get through this yet 4y
SassenachTheBookWizard @Revenge4bess I've read it three times this year lol 4y
Revenge4bess Ok doesn‘t make me feel bad 4y
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Cute and romantic, though not much of a mystery, this proper romance is a very quick read. The heavy, surface level Austen references, I could‘ve done without. It seems strange to me that Cohen wrote an almost exact duplicate Catherine Morland character without ever mentioning Northanger Abbey. A relaxing way to spend an afternoon.

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I love the classic regency era novels, and so does Victoria, the heroine of this story. It took a while to get to the excitement and romance, much like those classic stories, but I loved it. So much deceit and mystery!


Had a lot of fun reading this! Loved the quotes at the beginnings of each chapter! Read my this on ebook and didn't get much sleep that night! Ha ha!

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Next book for #booked2020 #summerquarter ! We‘re #armchairtravel ing to Austen-era England 😍

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I have read farrrrrr too many Jane Austen retellings this month for someone who didn't like Jane Austen's books

CocoReads That‘s funny-I don‘t like her either. I don‘t mind the movies but reading her is excruciating. #unpopularopinion 4y
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Dangerous Alliance added a little twist to the genre by rooting it in an Austenian world where our MC, Victoria, is trying to make her romantic decisions based upon what she thinks Jane Austen's heroines would do. Overall, it's a good & quick read. The Austen thread is a little thinner than what was advertised but the story still works. If you're looking for something a little lighter to see you through a few days then you might consider this.

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Current mood: romance and red wine 🍷♥️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💗💗💗 4y
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