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Written In Red
Written In Red: A Novel of the Others | Anne Bishop
109 posts | 163 read | 3 reading | 76 to read
No one creates realms like New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop. Now in a thrilling new fantasy series, enter a world inhabited by the Others, unearthly entitiesvampires and shape-shifters among themwho rule the Earth and whose prey are humans. As a cassandra sangue, or blood prophet, Meg Corbyn can see the future when her skin is cuta gift that feels more like a curse. Megs Controller keeps her enslaved so he can have full access to her visions. But when she escapes, the only safe place Meg can hide is at the Lakeside Courtyarda business district operated by the Others. Shape-shifter Simon Wolfgard is reluctant to hire the stranger who inquires about the Human Liaison job. First, he senses shes keeping a secret, and second, she doesnt smell like human prey. Yet a stronger instinct propels him to give Meg the job. And when he learns the truth about Meg and that shes wanted by the government, hell have to decide if shes worth the fight between humans and the Others that will surely follow.
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Oh, this was really lovely. Now I finally know what is my favorite kind of fantasy book. I've been reading fantasy, but it has never been my go-to genre. These characters are so sweet and cuddly, even though they are meant to be scary creatures. The world building is simply awesome. I can't wait to read more. ❤️

#WrittenInRed #fantasy #urbanfantasy #TheOthers

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Thank you @Nessavamusic I love everything. The books have been on my TBR for a long time. The Gummi candy is right up my alley. The pillow case is gorgeous but I have no clue what book it is from lol. The keychain, bookmark, and sticky tabs are great. And the card is adorable. #Staycationswap @DinoMom @Chrissyreadit

Nessavamusic Yay I‘m so glad you like everything! 2y
Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍 2y
DinoMom I love laini taylor 2y
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The first book in The Others series is off to a good start! A unique take on humans and supernaturals coexisting in society. Anne Bishop is one of my favorite authors, and she writes relationships very well so I am eager to see where this goes! 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺

#Booked2021 #ColorInTitle

Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice choice! 3y
ShelleyBooksie I LOVE this series 3y
Jovy @ShelleyBooksie Good to know! I am excited to complete ♥️ 3y
TheSpineView Awesome! 👍📖📚 3y
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This is a great start to a series, and I can't wait to dig into the rest. Meg is a Blood Prophet and she has spent most of her life caged and forced to create prophecies for money. She escaped and takes refuge with the Others. Unlike other urban fantasy series, in this world, the non-humans are fully in charge, and the humans are allowed to live only because they are useful. (Cont. ⬇️)

CoffeeK8 Through Meg's time with the others she forges relationships & begins to help the Others see humans as something other than meat. 4y
SW-T OMG, yes! This series (and its spinoff) is absolutely awesome! One of my all time favs for sure! 💗 4y
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After a very long week, a nice relaxing Friday evening.

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July #BookSpin Bingo. Meg, by cutting herself (trigger for persons with self harm hx) she will have visions. She found refuge in the courtyard where wolves, vampires and other earth shape-shifters live.But there is a reward to find her and the adventure starts. Her liaison with "The Others" will change how the Others interact with humans. Slow at the beginning but a lot of action later, some parts were cheesy or meh, but it was interesting. 3.85⭐️

Chrissyreadit I love this entire series- 💚💚💚 4y
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I just finished "Written in Red" by Anne Bishop. It is the first novel in the series "The Others".
This is not a typical paranormal/shapeshifter/werewolf romance. This story is about beings, who have an animal form and a human form, who are intelligent and have feelings, but who will never be just an animal or a human. Other topics are human greed and its destructivness and finding a place to call home.
I liked it a lot.

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I have heard good things about this series so I am excited to dive in to the first book. #annebishop

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Well I was interrupted from the #readathon #deweyapril a bit with a family FaceTime which was great and unexpected and had to walk and feed the pups and now I‘m back at it. I ate lunch too and now about to dig into my scrumptious lemon poppyseed cake and my ebook Written in Red. #cake

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1. Reading from Naperville, Illinois
2. Looking forward to finishing Written in Red
3. Looking forward to eating Lemon Poppyseed Cake!
4. I‘m a school librarian who is now working from home I have two rescue dogs and a hubby who is a police officer.
5. I‘m going to be cohosting later tonight pretty late so that should help me stay up Hours 16-18 so I‘ll be napping on and off to help! Hoping to make the 24 hours this time! Maybe. 😜

LauraBrook Lemon poppyseed cake sounds amazing! 💛 4y
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Good morning! I‘m about to get started on some ebooks for the #readathon #deweyapril - Adaptation by Malinda Lo and Written in Red by Anne Bishop are up first. Got my latte and the dogs are taken care of. It‘s raining here so a perfect day to stay in and read!

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This had been on my TBR for ages. OMG! Totally in love. Now I have to hurry up and get the rest of this series asap! The Others series reminds me of why I love fantasy so much. So well done! Love, love, loved it!

#annebishop #fantasy #authorcrush

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Thanks to @wanderinglynn for the book and bookmark from the #BFCr2 #week4 check-in. My husband just returned to Canada from our NJ address and brought this with him. It's been so long I had forgotten what it was even about. What a lovely surprise! I hope you didn't think I was a dud for not posting my sincere thanks sooner.

wanderinglynn Oh my! I had no idea you hadn‘t actually received it. I‘m so glad you finally got it! 👍🏻 5y
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Book 91 of the year, finished Oct 30, audio.

I enjoyed this one. Took me a bit to get into it, my mind kept wandering and I had to replay the first chapter several times, but once the character introductions were out of the way it was a really good read.

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Does anyone know if this book/series is heavy on the romance?

Johanna414 No, it‘s pretty light in the romance. 5y
ShyBookOwl @Johanna414 excellent! Thank you 😊💜 5y
Marilyncjackson No the romance in it is sweet and innocent and barely there. It is more about relationships and people building a community. I love this series because it is about “people” that are very different trying to live together and get along while dealing with some really nasty bad guys. Hope this helps. 5y
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ShyBookOwl @Marilyncjackson it does! Thank you. It sounds really great. 5y
Marilyncjackson @ShyBookOwl I will be interested to know what you think. Even if you don‘t like it ❤️ but I hope you do 😊 5y
ShyBookOwl @Marilyncjackson I'll keep you posted when I get around to it 🙂 5y
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I resisted trying this series for a while and I don't remember why. I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next one in the series.

hermyknee They‘re fun! And cute! 5y
wanderinglynn Love Anne Bishop‘s The Others series! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
TorieStorieS I love Anne Bishop‘s books!!! 5y
Marilyncjackson I love Anne Bishop! 5y
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Oh, wow...so I wrote this huge review on Goodreads and honestly honestly can't break it down simpler for 451 characters than: exceptional world building and character development! I use Kindle Unlimited for all my books, or the library (my mom bought this copy), and I'm going to dish out for the next!
#bfcr2 #justbookit #week3book2
@wanderinglynn @jillannjohn
@Chili @Marmie7 @bewareofwords @bookandcat @Cheshirecat913 @Buchbeeg

bewareofwords Great job getting through more books! 👏🏽 5y
Dragonfairykats @bewareofwords seems to be all I'm able to do! 🙄 5y
bewareofwords @Dragonfairykats Hey, everything counts!🤗 5y
Marmie7 Awesome! I listened to this book last year and really enjoyed it! I need to continue with this series. 5y
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#bookmail from Worldbuilder‘s Geeks Doing Good 2019

A signed copy of Written in Red to replace my unsigned one because Anne Bishop rocks, book 5 of The Others, and Book 2 of the Tales of Pell!

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1. Absolutely love this book and the whole “Others” series
2. Nope 😜
3. 46 F
4. I don‘t really like any weird combos
5. 🥰✋👋🏻👋🏻
#friYAYintro @howjessreads

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Decided on a full series reread before tackling Wild Country. I love this world so much! #reread

TorieStorieS I have been debating doing the exact same thing!! I ❤️ Anne Bishop!!! 5y
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This #wildworld is an alternative earth where the supernatural rule and “the others” keep humans in check.
#CatStevens is still one of my all time favorite singers #marchintothe70s

RyeAnnUh I bought all of these awhile back because it's been on my tbr for as long as I can remember... I need to actually pick them up now. 😂 5y
Chrissyreadit @RyeAnnUh I loved them! Your lucky to have at once- I had to wait a year in between. 5y
Nessavamusic I LOVE this series!! 5y
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Lizpixie I need to get to these soon, I have the first on audio👍 5y
Owlizabeth I can‘t wait for Wild Country!! 5y
Chrissyreadit @Owlizabeth it‘s out! Two days ago!!! I need to read my scythe book then I‘m getting it!!! 5y
Owlizabeth @Chrissyreadit ahhhh my library is slow!! 5y
Gissy I want them!😱I already acquired A Curse so Dark and Lonely😍❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Chrissyreadit @Gissy they are so good!!!! 5y
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#completetheseries congratulations @Mitch on your milestone. My favorite series is actually The Black Jewels by Anne Bishop but I have read all the books at least twice. My other favorite series is The Others by Anne Bishop. Her new book comes out on March 5 it‘s called Wild Country. I love her writing style and the twist she puts on monsters.

Mitch Oh exciting! I saw a play of Dracula this week, so have an appetite for monsters! Thanks for entering 🙏💕🙏 5y
Marilyncjackson @Mitch thank you 😊 beware you might not always know who the monsters are. The series is not a horror one 😁 5y
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Today, it's Meg Corbyn and Simon Wolfgard. Tomorrow might be different😉
🌹Lilacs and Roses ( the fragrance!)
🍫🍬 Both!
#hellothursday @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💜 5y
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This book is soooooooo good!!

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I don't know how to rate this. On the one hand, I devoured it. In the beginning the world felt really dangerous.
On the other hand, it is flawed. I like the protagonist Meg, but there was no real reason why the other characters all loved her and cared for her after just meeting her. I like the idea that the others ruled, but the human world should have differed more because of this.
Prompt Including a prophecy for #SFFTBRChallenge

PickwickPlockPlock I liked the book, but I don't know if I will read the rest because there's a romance looming in the distance that could feel squicky because of the wolf/leader/dominance/pushing around thing. 6y
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Re-read still love it.

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I‘m enjoying this so far!

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Loved this book! I'll have to get the next one sooner rather than later. I haven't read urban fantasy in years but this one pulled me right in. The Others are so interesting and I really liked Meg. Loved little Sam.

IheartYA That pumpkin is awesome! 🎃 6y
Quirkybookworm There is series of her? Correct? There were like 4 or 5 books. 6y
tracey38 @IheartYA thanks! I think I got it from Home Goods. 6y
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tracey38 @Quirkybookworm yes, it seems there are a few in the series. Can't wait to get the next book. 6y
Quirkybookworm Ok I'll have to read the first book then! I wasn't sure if it was any good but now that you mentioned how good it was, I'm going to give the series a shot! 6y
tracey38 @Quirkybookworm I really enjoyed it. Hope you get it and like it, too! 6y
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Home sick from work so am sitting reading more of this (really good so far!). Also have on the latest Manifest episode.

robinb Feel better soon! 🤗 6y
Alfoster I always told my students, “Reading cures everything.” They weren‘t buying it....😍 6y
Birdsong28 Hope you feel better soon 😘❤️📚📖 6y
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Crazeedi Get well soon! Garlic chicken soup!😉 6y
AmyG Feel better. 😘 6y
tracey38 @robinb @Alfoster @Birdsong28 @Crazeedi @AmyG thank you. I wish I could say I feel better but I don't. I feel like I may have a gever but can't find a thermometer. Ugh... 6y
robinb @tracey38 oh no! So sorry 😔 6y
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Had to get up early and set up our table for the local Out of the Darkness walk my company is sponsoring for suicide prevention awareness month. Spoke to a lot of people. Met some cute dogs. Now back home to relax and start the tagged book.

tdrosebud I hope you like it! Anne Bishop is one of my favorite authors. Have you read any of her others? 6y
tracey38 @tdrosebud I don't think I have read anything else by her. I'm only 36 pages in but enjoying it already! 6y
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So, I‘m really enjoying Foundryside and The Calculating Stars. Really, I am. But I‘m super stressed and might just go for some quick comfort reading, even if I‘ve already read through this series twice this year. (I‘m definitely getting my money‘s worth out of this kindle splurge!!)

What do you when you‘re stressed? Comfort read or stick with something new and good?

CouronneDhiver Comfort, for sure. 6y
Beachesnbooks Comfort reads are perfect for when you‘re stressed! 6y
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New book! So excited that I finally got my hands on this!

Owlizabeth This is one of my favorite series, I hope you enjoy!! 6y
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"Swear words were one of the best things humans had invented. . ." ?

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I set the book down for a second so I could turn on the lamp, and that was all the time he needed. #GimmeMyBook #Ash #Ashhole #CatsOfLitsy

Dolly "Nice book, shame if something should happen to it."? 6y
StellarDoc @Dolly Exactly! He does this to my phone, too! 6y
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Started this afternoon. 150 pages in and I'm forcing myself to put it down and be productive.

WhatThePuck That's an awfully "Others" statement. Humans don't worry about productivity. ?? Loved this series. 6y
StellarDoc @WhatThePuck I'm already trying to decide if I'm going to get these from the library or buy my own copies. I'm loving it so far! 6y
WhatThePuck @StellarDoc I have a shelf labeled "to own" and this series is on it. ? I only had 20 or so books a year. Haha. 6y
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I read this for #TomeTopple. Interesting dark paranormal fantasy.

RaimeyGallant And hey, a belated welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 😊👋🏻 6y
LeticiaToraci Thanks! 6y
Chelleo Hi and welcome!🤗 6y
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I had to return some library books, so of course I'm bringing home more -- nevermind the fact that I have plenty of books at home that I haven't read yet!

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I really enjoyed this book and already started book two ignoring other library books that might expire!! A really great urban fantasy world with all sorts of creatures and elementals. I love how all different creatures and humans interact in this. Wolves, crows, bears, owls, hawks, vampires, and really so much more!

Ronda One of my favourite series, spectacular books that get better and better! 😁 6y
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Browsing litsy and then a bit of reading before I get around for the day! I'm glad to have made reading a part of my morning routine.