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Children of Blood and Bone
Children of Blood and Bone | Tomi Adeyemi
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When your opponent has no honor, you must fight in different ways, smarter ways.

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Eggs Love the photo with the blur /B&W background effect 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs thank you 🖤🫶🏻 11mo
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I absolutely loved this book. The characters were all complex, with their own tragic pasts, flaws, and development over the course of the story. The relationships between these characters were also complex and interesting. There was the classic enemies to lovers, the desire to protect family, reluctant allies, and a potential buildup for a found family. The worldbuilding was great, too, and the theme of standing up to oppressors important.

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I may have waited too long after the hype to read this book. I was underwhelmed? I'm not sure if this one got so much attention as it was an African based YA, but having read others in the genre now (Blood Scion for example), I didn't enjoy this one as much. I found it overly long and slow. Also, I didn't really enjoy the brother/sister romances with the other set of brother/sister, it felt lazy and unnecessary. Gorgeous covers, though.

Read4life I felt the same way when I read this. It was such an #unpopularopinion but it just didn‘t do it for me. 1y
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Eggs Great choice👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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This book tried to be good. However, I hate books where the main characters don't actually make any decisions. Sure, he has been actively been trying to kill you for the last 10 chapters, but... if you don't trust him. Then you're dead, so... You better fall in love instead! it's a very linear story line. Add to that it wasn't an original story plot and I don't see why it had so much hype. was.

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Just received my last book in #Round15 of #LMPBC and I can‘t believe how fast this round went!

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DNF. I could not get behind this writing style. I felt like the pacing was off and there wasn‘t enough in the plot to keep pushing me forward.

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Fast-paced, exciting YA hero's journey in a mythological West-African-based fantasy world with strong young female warriors, repressed magical powers & rideable feline beasts. Many familiar fantasy plot points, but strung together with compelling characters, good pacing, detailed world building & sharp prose. POV shift between 3 lead characters. State violence, oppression, fear of other, revenge, family, power, quest. Memorable debut. 2018

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This book was the best book I've read thus far for 2022! Reading the Authors Note was absolutely heartbreaking because even though this book was Fantasy it is truly reality for so many in this world who suffer daily from police brutality and racism.

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I spent my entire weekend reading the tagged book and I am obsessed! I haven't fully finished it just yet but I've ordered it as well as book 2 to have for my own shelves!!! @Endowarrior21 @persephone1408 @Readergrrl This has been my favorite of our book club picks so far 🤗

KristiAhlers Isn‘t it so good! I picked it up for a ballerina book club I‘ve joined and I inhaled it! 2y
Mahatma_Canejeeves I love reading like that. Surround by my family. Nothing beats it. 2y
Mahatma_Canejeeves One of my favorite ways to spend a weekend. Reading and surrounded by family. 2y
persephone1408 @KateReadsYA the second one is very good also. 2y
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Finished this gorgeous story while chilling at work today. This was one of the dumpster books I saved a few months back and I‘m so glad I did! A warrior and a princess‘ journey to save magic that was taken away from their continent. Many ups and downs but much character growth!

DivineDiana I thoroughly enjoyed this adventure! Thank you for saving from the dumpster. ❤️ 2y
451Degrees @DivineDiana I‘m so glad I did too! I‘m excited to read the next one! 2y
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I just found out yesterday that there is a movie adaptation in production for this book. @KateReadsYA @Readergrrl @Endowarrior21 I hope they do it justice!

KateReadsYA Oh yay. I love when they do movie adaptations 2y
persephone1408 @KateReadsYA did you get it yet??? Sent it a few days ago. 2y
KateReadsYA Not yet still waiting @persephone1408 2y
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MrsGagnonreads2024 I know and I am excited I follow the author on IG. 2y
KateReadsYA I just checked the mail! It's here 🤩 2y
KateReadsYA @Readergrrl I'll be sending you the raven boys this by early next week! 2y
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@Readergrrl @Endowarrior21 @KateReadsYA
I just finished it and I loved it! I'll try to send it off tomorrow. #lmpbc #groupx

KateReadsYA Oooooo I cannot wait! :) 2y
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#wondrouswednesday @eggs
Thanks for the tag @DarkMina
1 My English teacher.
2 Shea Ernshaw
3 Currently in #lmpbc. My current read is tagged.
Wanna play?? @Endowarrior21 @KateReadsYA

Eggs Thanks for joining in 🙏🏻📚🥳 2y
DarkMina You‘re welcome! 2y
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@persephone1408 the book is on its way to you it should arrive by next Tuesday. #LMPBC #Round15 #GroupX @Readergrrl @KateReadsYA

persephone1408 Awesome! Can't wait 2y
KateReadsYA Ohhhh this one is gonna be good I bet! 2y
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LibrarianRyan I am curious for your group. What do you think about the Nora Roberts incident and how it ripped Adeyemi's book deal apart. There is still no sign of book 3, after book two didn't sell as well. Maybe/probably because of the Nora Roberts thing? 2y
KateReadsYA @LibrarianRyan I'm not sure what incident played out, I'll have to look into it. 2y
KateReadsYA @LibrarianRyan ugh I just read up on it and it's all unfortunate. I'm not that big into social media as I don't like to see a lot of negativity but I do hope they work their problems out in a healthy way! 2y
LibrarianRyan @KateReadsYA Since it was years ago, it did kind of get worked out. NR wrote an open letter to readers about their power and how they weld it with social media, and also how creators weld the power of their following. I was half way through this book when this all happened. But eventhough book 1 was a huge seller (it was Jimmy Falons first ever book club pick) it lost it's momentum. And I don't think it was an accident. I think it was a 2y
LibrarianRyan publicity stunt gone wrong. If both sides had been in on it, it might have worked. They could have “rode each others coat tails“ and brought their fans together. And instead it created a backlash as it was only one sided. This book was huge before all this happened, and now not so much. Even the authors website is ho hummmmmm. (at least when I checked a few months ago.) It's like they never wrote a book, or it was a side project, instead of 2y
LibrarianRyan a majorly backed publication. 2y
KateReadsYA @LibrarianRyan wow cool to know! Lately I've just been reading the first book in series so now that you've let me know it lost its momentum I will definitely keep that in mind hahaha! 2y
persephone1408 @Endowarrior21 I got it today 2y
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It's okay for me. But im glad i finally finished reading this. Hard to finish. Took me 8 days.

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Okay Group X we are all ready for our YA Fantasy reads! I am so excited to be apart of this group and read all these awesome looking books with yall! @Readergrrl @Endowarrior21 @persephone1408

persephone1408 Yay! I'm so excited about this one 2y
KateReadsYA @persephone1408 I literally can't pick which one looks the best hahaha I cannot wait to read them ALL!!!!!! And don't even get me started on getting to mark them up. Getting to mail these out and be social with you all is gonna be amazing. 💜💙🧡 2y
Readergrrl This will be a fantastic round and I‘m really looking forward to reading ALL of these books. Happy Reading, All!! 2y
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persephone1408 @KateReadsYA what's funny is the lady at my post office also likes when I come in and mail them. I tell her about the books. 😊 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 I am looking forward to reading all these 2y
KateReadsYA @persephone1408 @Readergrrl @Endowarrior21 hey all I just wanted to make sure we all are on the same page. I'll be sending to @ readergrrl this week so I just wanted everyone to make sure to check your number on this post to show who you will be sending too :) 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 I will be sending to @readergrrl the end of the month and @KateReadsYA you should be sending to me according to the email I have with the addresses. Seeing it goes 1 sends to 2 2 sends to 3 3 sends 4 and 4 sends to 1. 2y
Readergrrl I‘m about 2/3 of the way through my book and I will be mailing it out to @Endowarrior21 by the 30th if not a little earlier. Getting excited for this round!! (edited) 2y
KateReadsYA @Endowarrior21 yeah for some reason I posted our numbers in a different order on here than from the email haha sorry bout that! So if you don't mind just going off our numbers it shows here and sending to @persephone1408 and @Readergrrl will send to you!! I noticed my mistake last night that is why I posted on here to check in with yall!! Sorry Again :) but it's no biggie since we will all be getting the books!! 2y
KateReadsYA @Readergrrl me too! I have your package all ready to send out....I am gonna go to the post office probably Friday. @Endowarrior21 @persephone1408 I cannot wait for yall to read 2y
KateReadsYA @Endowarrior21 I hope this is okay with you?? I already got @Readergrrl package ready to send out so I'd hate to waste all that postage and packaging! 2y
Readergrrl Okay, just to clarify for me: I‘m sending to @Endowarrior21 and not to @persephone1408 2y
Readergrrl I just saw the difference between the mailing and the Litsy posting. Makes no difference to me. I‘m easy going. 2y
KateReadsYA @Readergrrl haha yes!!! I am seriously sooo sorry I got it mixed up! I feel so bad. You send to @Endowarrior21 and @Endowarrior21 will send to @persephone1408 Everyone just follow your number from this post and not the order from the email list haha 2y
Readergrrl No worries @KateReadsYA !! I loved the design of this post. So pretty! Thanks for putting it all together! 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 Okay sounds good to me 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 My pick sound be in the mail by the 29th 2y
KateReadsYA @Readergrrl thank you and you're welcome :) 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 @Readergrrl By any chance did you send the book out to me yet? 2y
Readergrrl Hey Everyone! Sorry I‘ve been MIA! I‘m in Canada on a camping trip and have had no reception! Your book is on it way @Endowarrior21 !! Sorry for the delay. It was a fast read though, so hopefully I won‘t have delayed you too much! I promise I will be punctual on the next rounds. This vacation was a last minute invite and I just couldn‘t say no! 2y
KateReadsYA @Readergrrl Vacations are always a yes haha 🤩 I was just hoping you were okay more than anything because you've been so social in the group and then we hadn't heard from you. Hope you had the best time! ☀️ 2y
Readergrrl @KateReadsYA Oh it was the best time! I always spend my summers up in Canada, but this trip was with a local friend familiar with the area. She invited my family to go to her camp on this tiny little island with no electricity (has a generator) and no running water. Very off the grid. Usually I‘m more of a glamping girl, but we loved this. Kayaking with porpoise and whales!!! I just could NOT say no to that! 2y
KateReadsYA @Readergrrl omg that sounds like a dream. 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 @Readergrrl It's no problem I just wanted to make sure that it didn't get stolen if you did send it seeing it happens here unfortunately especially if I don't let my neighbor know to be on the look out. I hope you had a wonderful time. I love camping like you did that is my dream to just live off the land one day. I will let you know when it arrives. 2y
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This book is incredible, such a good story, I couldn't put it down. So vivid, so compelling and emotional. Fantastic characters, all with different wants, needs and personalities. Can't wait to pick up the next one.

Marialou So glad you loved it! 2y
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So I follow #isabellaboylston who is a principle dancer with American Ballet Theater and she has her own book club that I participate in. Super fun and interesting reads. February‘s selection was this one and I LOVED it. High fantasy. Lots of action and amazing characters I love Zelie! Highly recommend this one! #readingchallenge2022 #ballerinabookclub

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📕 Tagged book with 544pages

📕 Some times yes. I will lose my track easily If there are too many characters and names. But I really want to try few classics.


Thanks for the tag 💐🥰 @EadieB

Want to play ? @PaperbackPirate @TheKidUpstairs @wanderinglynn @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick

EadieB You‘re welcome! Thanks for playing! 3y
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 🥰 3y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🤩📖📚 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thanks for the tag! 2y
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I‘m so glad I finally read this! And now I need to read book 2! Really intense story and vividly painted world. Interesting to find a story where magic is depicted in both a good and bad light? Obvi as a reader tho you know it‘s good and it‘s just that others fear it, which is a commentary in itself. My only thing was that the writing jumped around so much, switching narrators every few pages, IMO making it hard to focus sometimes.

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Children Of Blood And Bone
Tomi Adeyemi

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This is the fastest I‘ve torn through a novel in a very long time.Even with life happening & my short attention span distracting me at every turn.Adeyemi writes the African YA epic that I wish 9 year old me had but realising today the 9 year old inside me has been delighted beyond measure drinking in this world of love & injustice over the last few days.Grateful always for books that conjure worlds that hold us & the children we still are inside🧡

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I was fully expected to be blown away by this one given the massive hype & 7 figure advance but I was thoroughly disappointed. And confused - had I read a different book?! I didn't think it was that good at all. The writing seemed immature (HOW many times was the word 'ugh' used?!), the characters shallow & tedious, the plot nothing I'd not encountered before & the romance predictable, formulaic & a tad problematic. All just a bit...boring. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

readingjedi The allegorical aspect of it is worthy (racism, inequality, genocide) but it's done with all the subtlety of a house brick to the forehead. The action is so high octane & unrelenting it becomes exhausting & all too much - like an over-done action hero movie - and thus boring. There is a lot of killing - to the point it loses its poignancy & becomes meaningless. To me this is highly over rated & done so much better elsewhere. 3y
Traci1 I thought it was a bit overrated too. It wasn't terrible, but It wasn't great either. 3y
readingjedi @Traci1 I believe that the best examples of YA should appeal to & entertain 'old adults' as well as the true target audience. I probably would've loved this at 13, but it's just so obviously aimed at that age group that it doesn't do a lot for me now I'm, er, not 13 anymore! 3y
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LibrarianRyan I never finished this. I was enjoying it but I wasn't wowed by it. Then came the Nora Roberts things and it turned my stomach and I have not picked it up since. And the NR thing really hurt. Because this lady had a 3 book deal. Was chosen as the first every Tonight Show book club, and lots of hype. Afterwards book 2 didn't sell well, and book 3 is no where to be seen. Don't even check out her website. It's self aggrandizing. 3y
Reynosa8701 I felt like I was bored with this book as well and somehow ended up with book 2 😂😂😂 3y
readingjedi @LibrarianRyan Soooo....I looked at her website! Lots of pictures of the author looking attractive and not a single image of her work on the front page! Kinda weird... 3y
BoleyBooks I wanted to love this too…the cover art gave me high expectations. 3y
Vansa Completely agree with everything you've said. Badly written,the romance is ripped off from Kylo Ren/Rey which was bad enough, the characters are complete blanks. 3y
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I fool myself into thinking I will have time to read on vacation. I did finish one. But the other two I brought—including this beauty by @tomiadeyemi — never made it open. I do have a 3yo so don‘t feel too sorry for me as I spent my vacation playing in the sand, laughing, and swimming.
#books #WritingCommunity #author #authors #amwriting #amediting #writers #BookTwitter #BookWorm #bookstagram

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 I LOVE ZELIE!!! No, but seriously, she is my favorite. ?Zelie is depicted throughout this book with resilience to continue despite the odds constantly being stack against her. She is a bit rough, yet something inside her radiates with strength and beauty. Might it be magic?!?!? She is athletic, morally intelligent, and the “Major Key” (Dj. Khaled's voice) to getting magic back. What‘s not to love? 

mavey Zélie Supremacy!!🥳💪🏻 Have you started the second book? You'll love it even more! Happy Reading! 3y
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Does anyone else listen to the audiobook of their current read while reading the physical book? I tend to listen faster than I read, so when I do both at the same time, I‘m able to read faster. I also can‘t sit still, so looking at the physical book while listening to it allows me to read for longer, maintain focus, & retain what I‘m reading better. I feel like I‘m the only one who does this but I SWEAR someone taught me 😂
#audiobook #hoopla

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The author at the Met Gala last night.

rachelk So gorgeous 😍 3y
BiblioLitten Wow! 3y
Tera66 And that fan! 3y
Gissy 👌😍❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3y
kspenmoll Beautiful dress beautiful woman! 3y
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#ProgressCheck on my current read! I‘m about 30% through Children of Blood and Bone, and it‘s such an engaging read 💕 I‘m still intimidated by how long it is, but I have a feeling that soon enough, I won‘t be able to put this one down!
#currentlyreading #currentread #read #reader #reading

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Starting this one tonight. A long time resident on my TBR list. Guess you could say I'm "late to the party".... Actually that phrase really bugs me. What does it actually mean? No-one can read every book within days/weeks of its pub date and you can read books decades/centuries after their pub date. I didn't read Wuthering Heights in 1847 - I was 150 years late for that party so I guess I should apologise! ???

Nessavamusic Enjoy! 3y
jeannasser Louder for the people in the back 😌😌 3y
ckittle019 I just started this one!!💛 3y
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This was such an amazing read! The writing was exquisite; it was detailed in a poetic way. I loved the characters because Adeyemi has her characters think before they do something. Every move is intentional. Her characters are definitely round characters, they have their good and bad qualities, which I think is essential. The plot is just incredible. You will certainly feel empowered and as if you‘re going on a journey along with the characters.

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After the Raid from the monarchy, magic disappeared. Now, with the discovery of ancient magical artifacts, magic has a chance to live again. It‘s up to young maji, Zélie. She travels across Orïsha with her brother and Orïsha princess, Amari to bring the artifacts to an ancient island before the Solstice. But her growing feelings for the enemy, Prince Inan, complicate her journey. Will she bring magic back?

This has been on my TBR for so long.

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I like all the fantasy, action set in the book.I loved Amari ‘s character, better than the MC. And Inan character is my least fav. At times it was confusing. Somehow couldn‘t appreciate the love story much, at some places story was predictable. But the writing style is like watching an action movie. It was an entertaining read, with a powerful message. 3🌟. #bookspinbingo #doublespin #1 #YA #seriesread2021 #stackingtheseries

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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#CuriousCovers Day 2 #RedandWhite I am using this photo challenge to reintroduce myself to owned books on my TBR and hope to participate all month. 🤞🏼 This one has been on my shelf since it was released and now there is a sequel which isn‘t on my shelf....yet. 🤣

Nessavamusic Great book! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It‘s on my shelf too!! ❤️📚🤍 (edited) 3y
Eggs Great idea ♥️⚪️♥️ 3y
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Mama Agba💝💪🏻

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#20in4 May Readathon hosted by @Andrew65 !
Completed one book and 100 pages into the sequel!
Kudos to everyone who participated!💕

wisherwishinguponastar They are both on my TBR. I need to get to them! 3y
mavey @booksellerofyourdiscontent They were good! Happy Reading! 3y
Andrew65 That‘s great 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂 3y
mavey @Andrew65 😊💗 3y
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The story in this is so interesting, I was originally enthralled by the world. However, it reads like an action movie! I can see how that might be why the book is so popular, and I love a good action scene, but for me it's difficult to deal with for most of a book. There are other reasons why I bailed, but, the overall writing style isn't for me. I'm super excited for the movies though, this seems like it was written with a screen in mind!

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This is a YA fantasy set in an African dystopia which kept me enthralled. Well written with a lot of action to keep teen readers engaged. It‘s a bit violent and bloody towards the end which leaves the reader on a precipice and wanting to pick up the second book. But as I‘m the type of reader who usually needs a break whilst reading a series I will pick up part 2 sometime in the future.

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I try not to think of her.


ShyBookOwl Omg I didn't realize it was Friday until I saw that you tagged me in this!! Yay!!!! 😂 Also, this has been on my tbr for so long. I should bump it up. 3y
mavey @ShyBookOwl 😂😄Time flies by, huh! Can't believe half of the year is going to be over soon! I've just started the book but it's very interesting! 3y
ShyBookOwl @Mavey Yes! It's been a bit like Groundhog Day for over a year, so all the days just blur together now 😅 3y
mavey @ShyBookOwl That is very true! Hope everything gets okay soon. 3y
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I'm so excited to finally start this! Let a new adventure begin 🤓😁!

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Our YA Librarian added a new poster to the YA section of our library. So pretty.

AmyG Love it. 3y
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We had to put this sweet old man to sleep last night and I have to stay home with my quarantined son today, so I am hanging out with my other dog and hoping to finish Children of Blood and Bone for my book club today. 💔

ravenlee I‘m so sorry. Nothing hurts quite like losing a fur baby. I hope you find rest today. 3y
kspenmoll I am so sorry. 💕💕 3y
Lesanne I‘m so sorry for your loss 🥺 3y
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Lesanne I‘m so sorry for your loss. 🥺 3y
Eggs So sorry 💔😞 3y
TheKidUpstairs I'm so sorry 3y
FashionableObserver I‘m so sorry! *hugs* 3y
Soubhiville Oh, I‘m sorry. 3y
Jas16 I am so sorry 3y
TEArificbooks I‘m so sorry. We had to put down two old dogs during the pandemic. In some ways it made it more awful. 3y
Readergrrl I‘m so sorry. This is the hard side of having furry friends. Sending hugs. 3y
Susanita I‘m sorry 😢 3y
Scochrane26 Sorry for your loss. 3y
Simona So sorry 💔 3y
TheSpineView Soooo sorry!😢💔 3y
Librarybelle So sorry for your loss 3y
CaroPi So sorry for your lost 💔 3y
SamAnne Oh, condolences! 3y
MaureenMc 😔💗💗 3y
Ruthiella So very sorry. It is so hard to say goodbye to our animal companions. 💔 3y
JennyM I‘m so sorry 😞 It‘s so hard. Sending hugs x 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I am so very sorry for your loss. A dog's love is so special. 💔 3y
jmtrivera I'm so sorry. 💜 3y
Tera66 It's the hardest thing, so sorry.💙 3y
mavey My condolences!💔Hope everything is okay on your end now💗 3y
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This was my first foray into audiobooks, and it was a great story to listen to. Within the kingdom of Orisha, I picked up some Harry Potter vibes and some GOT vibes, which I liked. There's a romance plot that felt forced and moved oddly fast; otherwise I enjoyed the progression of the book and really dived into the action sequences. I love books that give multiple perspectives, and here we get three! Looking forward to reading the sequel.

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