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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
You can never know what goes on behind closed doors.One of The Millions' Most Anticipated Books of the Year (Selected by Edan Lepucki) Kyung Cho is a young father burdened by a house he cant afford. For years, he and his wife, Gillian, have lived beyond their means. Now their debts and bad decisions are catching up with them, and Kyung is anxious for his familys future. A few miles away, his parents, Jin and Mae, live in the towns most exclusive neighborhood, surrounded by the material comforts that Kyung desires for his wife and son. Growing up, they gave him every possible advantageprivate tutors, expensive hobbiesbut they never showed him kindness. Kyung can hardly bear to see them now, much less ask for their help. Yet when an act of violence leaves Jin and Mae unable to live on their own, the dynamic suddenly changes, and hes compelled to take them in. For the first time in years, the Chos find themselves living under the same roof. Tensions quickly mount as Kyungs proximity to his parents forces old feelings of guilt and anger to the surface, along with a terrible and persistent question: how can he ever be a good husband, father, and son when he never knew affection as a child? As Shelter veers swiftly toward its startling conclusion, Jung Yun leads us through dark and violent territory, where, unexpectedly, the Chos discover hope. Shelter is a masterfully crafted debut novel that asks what it means to provide for one's family and, in answer, delivers a story as riveting as it is profound.
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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#WonderousWednesday 🌞
Thank you for the tag, @Eggs 🌝

1. Would love to meet Stephen King or Roxanne Gay.
2. The tagged book, it was really fantastic.
3. Healing, I'm coming out of a 2 year autoimmune flare. Everyday I feel my body, mind and soul recovering💕💗💕

Eggs I see the book you recommended is on my Litsy TBR!! #3-bless your heart ♥️-that was a long flare up ☹️ 2y
Chrissyreadit Hope you continue to feel healthier and stronger every day! 2y
Tera66 @Chrissyreadit @Eggs Thank you, I'm so relieved to be feeling better😊 2y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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A dark, gripping story about the intergenerational effects of family dysfunction. The Korean American central character, Kyung, is a master of self sabotage, making this audiobook almost unbearably painful at times. By the midpoint, however, I could see the possibility for redemption. I‘m so glad to have stuck with this to the satisfying end. Raymond Lee, a Korean American actor, narrates the audiobook.

Smrloomis I liked this one a lot but found it much darker than I was prepared for 😖 Happy to have forgotten some of the details at this point… 3y
Lindy @Smrloomis I unknowingly decided to listen to Shelter in order to have a break from my OTHER audiobook, which was getting me down because of all the senseless destruction humans have done to our environment (Swamplands)… oh, well. Darkness everywhere. 3y
ClairesReads Loooooooved this book so much! 3y
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Smrloomis @Lindy I know, people are the worst! 😂 3y
Lindy @ClairesReads 😊👍 3y
CarolynM How is your recovery going? Hope you're feeling a bit better. 3y
Lindy @CarolynM Much better in most regards, but I still have vision problems. Thanks so much for asking. 🤗 3y
CarolynM 🤗💕 3y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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“But busy isn‘t the same thing as happy.”
“People your age,” Jin says, not making any effort to hide his disdain. “All you do is think about happiness.”

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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“The elevator door opens onto a vestibule painted in a strange, medicinal shade of pink.”

This passage from the tagged audiobook is referring to Baker-Miller pink, a colour used in an art installation by Kapwani Kiwanga that I saw last week at the ROYGBIV exhibit at the Art Gallery of Alberta.

Smrloomis Ooh cool! 3y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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#ConflictedWorlds #AbusiveSpouse
@Eggs & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
This is one of the best books I have ever read, 5 stars. There is plenty of conflict. A father and son have a strained relationship. Then when the mother is assaulted, the son suspects his father. Such a great read.

Eggs I see that this is on my wish list-it does sound good🙌🏻🙌🏻 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This has been on my list for years!! 3y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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A random act of criminal violence to an older Korean American couple quickly reveals cracks in the larger family system - financial and emotional, violence and secrets - I remember when this first came out and everyone insisted it was unputdownable and I have to agree! It's been sitting in my Audible library for a while. ↘️

ReadingEnvy One theme that interested me is looking at how people build community, who is there for you when bad things happen? Who are you beholden to? Whose feelings come first? Do you overlook past grievances when family is in crisis? 3y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Just started Shelter by Jung Yun and am just captivated.

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Kyung and Gillian are facing financial issues when suddenly a horrific crime befalls Kyung‘s parents. What follows is a tragic, devastating crumbling of the family, seen from Kyung‘s perspective. This book is masterful—in a lesser writer‘s hands it may well have seemed silly or too much. But this is just heart-wrenching. So, so good.

BarbaraBB Fab review. Is it set in Asia? 4y
Cinfhen Happy New Year, Holly 💜☮️ 4y
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB No, Massachusetts. The parents are immigrants from Korea. That fact plays a role, but one that‘s woven in rather than the focus of the narrative. 4y
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Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen Happy New Year to you, Cindy! 😘🥳 4y
BarbaraBB Just wondering about #ReadingAsia2020 but I want to read it anyhow! 4y
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB It‘s so good! The author was born in South Korea, so it could count for that challenge. 4y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Shelter is really good! Much more than just the domestic fiction I thought I was getting. There were things revealed I never would have guessed. I finished it a lot sooner than is normal for me, being a slow reader, because I couldn't put it down.

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Always interesting to learn about cultural differences. In Korea you put your "parents first, children second, wife last."

My father grew up in the Dominican Republic, where the spouse comes before the children (I did not grow up that way, however).

annahenke Fascinating 4y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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I know this is late, hope it's okay.

I won a giveaway from Picador books a while back, and Shelter is one of the books I got. I still haven't read them all (I got 14!), but I have been making my way through them.
It says Shelter is a "domestic drama" which I happen to really enjoy. I'll be starting it tonight.


DAB What does TBR means?
Paperback.Propensity @DAB It means 'to be read.' 4y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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4⭐ Oof this book really crept up on me. It was a tangled, moving story. Recommended. #libraryloot

Geenie #libraryloot I like it ❤️ 4y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Finished up Shelter during an interval #audiorun on the treadmill right after I got back from class! I didn't really want to run after class, I wanted to sit in bed 😂, but I'm really glad I ran! I feel great! 👍🏃‍♀️💪🎉 This book really crept up on me, I actually enjoyed the ending and will be thinking about the characters for a while. It gets at least ⭐⭐⭐. If you haven't already, comment on my previous post with a vote for my next listen! ❤️😊

Emilymdxn Your motivation with the running is so impressive particularly when yo have classes! Well done! 5y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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#WeeklyForecast @Cinfhen
This week I'm going to finish Shelter and then start one of these 5 books for #NFNov. Which one should it be?? Comment with a vote and whichever one gets the most votes will be my next listen! 😊
@Clwojick @rsteve388

Emilymdxn I‘ve been really wanting to read Priestdaddy so I‘ll vote for that one tho I haven‘t read it myself yet! 5y
DimeryRene Priestdaddy!! 😍 5y
Kaila-ann Lab Girl wasn‘t bad. It‘s the only one of those I‘ve read tho 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
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Crazeedi I enjoyed lab girl 5y
rsteve388 I loved lab girl it was my first audiobook (that I finished all the way through) 1 pr 5y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Enjoyed a long #audiorun today down to Aquatic Park, around the loop there, and back! Such a gorgeous day, 59°F when I left my apartment, sunny, but also a little foggy. 💕🏃‍♀️💪 #BFC #BFCr4 #RunningonReading

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Evening #audiorun on the treadmill. Had a lot of fun doing a tempo workout! I'm not adoring this audiobook, but it's great for running. 👍🏃‍♀️ #BFC #BFCr4 #RunningonReading

cariashley 👏👏👏 5y
hermyknee Hooray!!! You know, I think I totally forgot to post my stats last week. But I‘ll do it today! You‘ve been killing this challenge! Congratulations! 5y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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So nice to squeeze a quick #audiorun on the treadmill in before a long and busy day! 😊🏃‍♀️ #BFC #BFCr4 #RunningonReading

Emilymdxn Well done! 5y
Caterina @Emilymdxn Thanks! 😊 5y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Current #audiobook. (Got some #migraineandaudiobook listening time in yesterday.) So far I'm finding the characters very unlikeable and the book feels kind of flat overall? But I really want to love it. Have you read it? What did you think?

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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This a very intense story about a family who has managed to live well beyond their means. Despite the strained relations with the husband‘s wealthy family, he may have to humble himself and ask for help. Then tragedy strikes his parents and they may actually need to move in with their estranged son. There is so much to discuss in this book: family responsibilities, cultural differences, and how one handles a devastating family event, and more.

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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I started this book and then got overwhelmed with other things and didn‘t finish it before it had to go back to the library. I may revisit it when I‘m in the mood for a tougher read. #Shelter #LetsTravelAugust

OriginalCyn620 It does sound good! Dark but good. 🏠 5y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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From my tbr shelf #Shelter
About a family trying to deal with the aftermath of a terrible tragedy.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have this one!!! 5y
tammysue Ooh endorsed by John Boyne!! 5y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Oh this is a fun one! So here‘s my first book haul photo, from 3 years ago. I‘m embarrassed but not surprised to note I‘ve only read 2 of these. 😳🤦🏼‍♀️ I‘m glad I can admit that amongst friends!


Lcsmcat You‘re in good company here. 😀 5y
vivastory Is Mongrels one of the two? 5y
Hooked_on_books @vivastory Wow, good guess! I read that one fairly soon after the purchase. The second is We Were Feminists Once, which I just read this year. 5y
vivastory I was hoping it was the Stephen GJ, because I love his work so much 5y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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#MayMovieMagic When Kyung Cho‘s mother appears at his door, bloodied and disoriented #GimmeShelter seems to be what she is seeking. This is a dark story of family memories, obligations and loyalty. Potential was there but for me, the story fell flat. I‘m still curious to read another book from this debut author.

Eggs Great photo & choice 💗🤗🌺 5y
RohitSawant Perfect pick! 👏🏼👏🏼 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh, I have this book, somewhere.. 5y
Reviewsbylola Ooooh I forgot about this one! 5y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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I wasn't wholly prepared for the darkness that laid within the pages. This is a family drama that deals with the ugly side of family and society.

While I felt for Kyung and the things he went through as a child, I despised him as an adult. He used this as an excuse to not take responsibility for any of his actions.

This book has no silver-lining. It just lays bare a fictional family and all of their dysfunction.



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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Image from google. Not read the book but have heard that it‘s an absorbing read about familial obligation and cultural identity, set during the American housing crisis and financial crises in 2008.

“..exposes the jagged edges of parent-child relationships and the sacrifices we make in the name of family."

#newhogwartsadventure #houses

vkois88 I think it's a fascinating topic to read about... all that it entails to sacrifice any and everything for those you love ❤ Though reading them can definitely tear your heart apart at times. Good pick 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have this one and I need to read it!!! 6y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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I really enjoyed this when I read it and it‘s an e-book deal in various formats 🎉. It did have violence that some might want to avoid; I‘ll add that as a comment marked as a spoiler so you can see it if you want to.

Smrloomis I remember this having domestic abuse, sexual assault, and people being held hostage in case that helps you decide whether to read it or not. 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto Such a good book! 6y
Smrloomis @Ashley_Nicoletto I definitely thought so! 👍🏽 6y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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I love coming into work each day to my Book-A-Day calendar. Several of my colleagues come over to see what the daily book suggestion is, too!

Kaylamburson Love!! 💜❤️📚📚📚 6y
Megara My coworker and I found one of these book a day calendars in our pulp bins so we made it a daily ritual! Such fun! 6y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Ashley85 I enjoyed this one too! 6y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Thanks so much @8little_paws ;) I absolutely love my Valentine's package! I'm really excited about the books, and I absolutely love the goodies.
@Avanders @MrBook @BookBabe #cupidgoespostal

8little_paws Yay! Glad everything arrived safe I was worried about the marshmallows 😁 6y
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @8little_paws Everything arrived in perfect state, your crush-proof box worked perfectly ;) Thanks again for everything! 6y
Avanders Oooh that chai looks great!! 💖💋🌸 (edited) 6y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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So much is covered in this gripping debut novel by Jung Yun: the housing crisis, cultural differences, race politics, financial issues, parenting, marriage and the unraveling of the main character, Kyung.

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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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JoScho This is so true and quite relatable ❤️ 6y
GatheringBooks what a beautiful quote. :) 6y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Spent a big chunk of my weekend cuddled up with these two. This was such a fantastic book. Its written so lovely. Its got a interesting plot, but its really just about the beautiful mess our relationships with family can be.

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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Found these on clearance today! I wanted to shop longer but my 1 year-old insisted on grabbing the books from the shelves and tossing them on the floor.😫😲 Obviously we have a long way to go 😏 #bookhaul #tbr #tryingtoraisereaders

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Omg!!! I just opened this up today, the holidays are such a whirlwind!!! Thank you sooooooo much @NCNY ! This is such a sweet gift!!! I cannot wait to read both of these! ❤️❣️📚 Also your wrapping job was amazing!!! 🤩😎

NCNY 😃 7y
L_auren I gifted Stories to someone this Christmas thanks to @NCNY suggestion 😬 7y
NCNY @L_auren I hope they enjoy it. I'm forcing this book on all the people I can. I love it! 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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This book about the sudden demise of a family is amazing. I listened on audio and I'm so glad I finally picked this up.

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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Today on audio. #currentlylistening

Lacythebookworm Such a good book! 👍 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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...pie for breakfast and a dysfunctional family this Sunday morning

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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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I think I need a break from really screwed up characters, so it might be me instead of the writing. I would have bailed on this audio, but I couldn‘t find anything else to listen to until I was all but finished. It was just too much dysfunction without any relief. 😟 One upside was the ethnic diversity, I always enjoy reading outside my cultural confines.

Cinfhen I gave this a so-so... 7y
Tamra @Cinfhen I waffled between pick & so-so. 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Finally getting back to this one after putting it down for a long time.

Tamra I just started the audio of this one! 7y
PerksOfBeingABookworm I really like the cover art! 7y
BookNAround I hope it works for me better this time than when I set it aside. @Tamra Do you like the narrator? Might be a way for me to tackle it. @PerksOfBeingABookworm I love the cover art too. 7y
Tamra @BookNAround I just started while falling asleep so I can‘t say yet. ☺️ (edited) 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Listening to a library audiobook of s title I wouldn't have otherwise chosen for myself? Must be book club night!

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Currently 100 pages into this thriller about a man who's in the middle of a realtors tour of his house,which because of debts he has to sell, when a naked & bleeding woman appears in his backyard. After running outside he realises it's his mother.
Not sure what I think so far, even though the bad thing has happened already, it seems kinda slow. I'm not sure whether to persevere or switch it up with a different book until tomorrow. Hmmm🤔

Dragon I'm very interested to read what you think of this book, it's on my tbr. 😀🐉 7y
Hazel0303 Keep going- the ending was not what I had expected. It's challenging at times because the main character is the worst. 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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I was thinking of starting this amazing book next, it's gotten such rave reviews from everyone who's read it. But I really need to start my TBR Bingo card as well, so what should I do? Read Shelter or pick a Bingo book?🤔

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I was just meh on this one, but it did get good reviews 🤷‍♀️ 7y
JoeStalksBeck I tried this one and it just didn't grab me 7y
AmyG @Lizpixie I haven't even gotten to my Bingo card as I keep picking up a new book. So read Shelter. Hell with Bingo. ;) 7y
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Darth_Kaders Read what you want to!!! Forget the TBR! 7y
MamaGina Shelter was very good & it's a quick read, I'd go for it!🤓 7y
Reviewsbylola Add this to your bingo card. 😂 7y
Reviewsbylola But I agree. Liked this one, didn't love it. 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Reviewsbylola Beautiful picture. 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠 This book was not what I was expecting but I thought it was incredible. I like stories about dysfunctional families because my family sometimes lives at dysfunction junction. Stories like this always make me feel that it could always be worse. 🤣 But, wow, this one really made me want to hug everyone in my family.

ReadingRover I've had this on my tbr forever 7y
Foxyfictionista @ReadingRover I'd be interested to know what you think of it once you've read it. 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Chose this book for the Litsy reading challenge, "Judged by the cover", because it immediately grabbed my attention when I saw it at the bookstore. Less than 20 pages in and I'm already hooked. Jung Yun's writing really sets the tone and place. Amazing.

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Thanks to one of our favorite podcasts @thereadingwomen we have some prizes for our international participants. They're giving away your choice of one of their 2016 award winners plus some podcast swag. Have you signed up yet? Go do it to it at 24in48.com and help put us over 1,000 readers.

ClairesReads Two amazing books!! 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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@Maggie thanks for everything 😊#beachinbookswap

JoeStalksBeck I love that butterfly that holds the book open! 7y
Yeah_I_Read Me too! I can finally read properly while eating 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 @Maggie 😊😊😊 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love that too @JoeStalksBeck I wonder where is was purchased?? 7y
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BethM Lol- the real life struggles of a reader! 7y
Maggie4483 I hope you like it all! 😊 7y
Maggie4483 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JoeStalksBeck - the butterfly is from Half Price Books if you have one where you live. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Maggie no... 😐😐 I wish that I did!! 7y
Yeah_I_Read @Maggie yes I love everything! Thank you so much 😊 7y
JoeStalksBeck Thanks!!! 7y
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Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Not happy that Mahm is back to work today. 😐
#ButYouJustGotHome #AttentionRequired #YesAllOfIt #CorgiLife #TheBookCorgi

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun

This was a different book than I was expecting, but the writing was amazing. A family that is dysfunctional on all levels must deal with a horrific acts for asks if we must be there & care for family that never did the same for us.