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Joined May 2016

LibraryThing member Well-ReadNeck

Funky Turkeys | Benjamin Zephaniah
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Update on my #LitsyToB24 reading. Only 3 to go!

Idlewild | James Frankie Thomas
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This #LitsyToB24 title will likely be my final read of 2023. I plowed through this angsty high school drama and especially appreciate that the epilogue gives a “where are they now” for all of the characters.

Let Us Descend | Jesmyn Ward
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Reading for #LitsyToB24 I agree 💯 with @BarbaraBB on this one. I feel like I‘ve already read this one. Beautiful writing, for sure, but nothing really new here.

DrSabrinaMoldenReads Wow! This was the first book of hers I‘ve bought 7mo
BarbaraBB I am relieved I‘m not the only one feeling this way. I had read only raving reviews when I started the book. 7mo
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Ugh. I‘m working my way through the #LitsyToB24 list and this is my second DNF. I just didn‘t like these characters and about 1/3 in, just could not care less. Moving on!

BarbaraBB I did like Em but not the others 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7mo
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2023: World War III | Carl Berryman
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BarbaraBB Great list! Many #LitsyToB24 ones! 7mo
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All About Turkeys | Jim Arnosky
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#LitsyToB24 #ShareYourStack

I‘ve read quite a few of our shortlist! Looking forward to The Birthday Party and Mobility the most.

I DNF‘d Julia and may try again, but maybe not 😆

Megabooks Love this graphic! You have gotten to quite a bit of the shortlist. 7mo
squirrelbrain You have some great books still to come! (edited) 7mo
BarbaraBB Both Mobility and Birthday Party belong to my favorites so far! I haven‘t tried Julia yet! 7mo
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Bee Sting | Paul Murray
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Wow. Nope. 650 pages of increasingly bad shit happening. I seriously do not get the hype. #ToB24

BarbaraBB I listened to this one and that worked out pretty well in combination with doing other stuff. I don‘t think I would have enjoyed it as much reading 650 pages! 8mo
fredthemoose Oh no! I keep seeing in on Best of 2023 lists and has it in my up next pool. But I don‘t love books where it‘s just a bunch of bad shit happening, so maybe I‘ll move this a little further down the list… 8mo
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This novel is completely banana pants! 🍌 👖

Wild, speculative fiction that has several threads going at the same time. I‘d recommend reading a non-spoiler review beforehand to get a map of what‘s happening.

But, you guys!!!! The ending is PHENOMENAL! Everything comes together in the most satisfying way. #ToB24

Tonton Just bought this, too of TBR stack! 8mo
Itchyfeetreader With a review like that I am stacking ! 8mo
squirrelbrain Ooh, sounds good! But it‘s one I can‘t get hold of yet….🤷‍♀️ 8mo
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Megabooks Just checked this out from the library earlier today!! 8mo
BarbaraBB Wow this sounds great! 8mo
squirrelbrain This has just appeared on my Audible, and I have a credit. I‘m wondering, though, if it will work on audio; it sounds a bit complicated and I prefer reading rather than listening to books like that. 8mo
Well-ReadNeck @squirrelbrain it is a bit complicated. I did a little backing up and read again etc, so I might avoid audible. I just had a credit an and picked up Wellness and an hour or so in I‘m so glad I did. Love Ari Fliakos as a narrator 8mo
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Blackouts: A Novel | Justin Torres
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Loved Torres‘ earlier novel, We the Animals. This one is VERY different. The plot revolves around a real historical study/publication called Sex Variants which discusses homosexuality. Did a lot of googling while reading to decipher between fact/fiction. The form was quite speculative and a bit hard to follow for me. Ok, but a lot of work. #ToB24

Megabooks Agree. Great review! 8mo
squirrelbrain I just got this on #netgalley (I only requested it due to #ToB) so I‘m glad I didn‘t ‘pay‘ for it! 😬 8mo
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I absolutely adored Angie Kim‘s earlier novel, Miracle Creek and was very excited to pick this one up. Firmly recommend this one as well, but it still plays second fiddle to her earlier novel for me.

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Fountain‘s writing is exquisite. His main character perfectly embodies the cringe worthy cis white male American, while getting to the meat of actual political issues and problems without reading like a history book or feeling like a sermon. #ToB24

Megabooks I think I‘m going to have to get to this! 8mo
squirrelbrain Gah! I can only get this from Amazon and it‘s expensive. It sounds like you think it‘s worth it? 8mo
Well-ReadNeck So, full disclosure, I did this one on audiobook and really enjoyed the narration @squirrelbrain 8mo
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Rooster | Man-Ho Kwok
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#TOB24 Longlist is here! I‘m a few days late in the news, but so excited to see all the books. These are the ones I‘ve read so far and not a dud in the bunch. Looking forward to seeing 👀 what makes the cut!!

BarbaraBB Such exciting times! You‘ve read 11 already. I am trying to catch up on a few before the announcement of the shortlist! 8mo
squirrelbrain You‘ve read quite a lot already! 8mo
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Roosters Are Assholes | David L. Sloan
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Whoo! Hoo! I‘m ready to make my picks!!! #ToB23

BarbaraBB Fantastic! Looking forward to your votes! 1y
jlhammar Wow, nice work! 1y
Vanessa Aaah! I only have a cool 14 to go. 😂 1y
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Two more to go for this year‘s #ToB23 Tournament of Books.

Liked but didn‘t love this one, like so many of you.

Ruthiella That‘s where I think I will fall also. Hoping to finish it today. Well done on your progress! Only two to go! 👍 1y
squirrelbrain How odd - those are the same two that I have left…although I bailed on The Passenger and can‘t get hold of the Espach. 1y
Addison_Reads Great job! I have An Island and 2 A.M. left. Neither are available at my local libraries and I haven't decided yet if I want to buy them. 1y
BarbaraBB Doing great! You‘re almost there! I think I feel the same about Babel with 100 more pages to go. 1y
RebelReader @Addison_Reads I bailed on 2am and I just started An Island on audio and it‘s not grabbing me so far 1y
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The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida | Shehan Karunatilaka
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I started this one on audiobook, but it just didn‘t gel for me. I preferred the print which I saw the snarky and sarcastic bits better. The second person point of view didn‘t completely work for me. Liked it but didn‘t love it.

Ruthiella Bummer! I was really curious about this Booker winner but it doesn‘t seem to be popular among the TOB Littens… 2y
BarbaraBB Bummer indeed. There seem to be some really unpopular books on the shortlist. 2y
Jolynne Was a DNF for me. 2y
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A word of advice: lots going on here, and it takes a minute to meet enough characters to get into this one, so be sure u have a few hours to read several chapters at the beginning. Once I got going, I couldn‘t put this one down. I think this has serious potential for audio. Reading for #ToB23

AmyG Thank you. 2y
RebelReader I‘ve put this one on my IRL book group‘s suggestion list even though I haven‘t read it. If we pick it I will pass on your advice. Thank you. 2y
LatrelWhite I‘m doing audio 😵‍💫 2y
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Ruthiella I like your list! It‘s got a little bit of everything! 2y
BarbaraBB Great list! Looking forward to the Wilson, Strout and Marra! 2y
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Cock-a-doodle-doo! | Cecily Matthews, Lorette Broekstra
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I‘m so excited about this year‘s Tournament of Books lineup!!! As it happens, I‘ve read 11 of the shortlisted books and several of the rest were on my radar, so I‘ll definitely be reading All. The. Books!!! #ToB23

cariashley Wow 11!! Well done! 2y
squirrelbrain Wow, that‘s a lot! 2y
rmaclean4 I am excited about the list also! I have maxed out my hold list at the library. Who did you vote for the Zombie Round? 2y
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merelybookish That sure beats my 2! Any favourites? 2y
Well-ReadNeck @rmaclean4 I haven‘t cast my zombie vote yet. I‘m leaning toward Mouth to Mouth because it has really stuck with me and didn‘t seem as well marketed as The Violin Conspiracy or Mercury Pictures Presents, which I also loved. 2y
Well-ReadNeck @merelybookish Most of the ones I‘ve read were among my favorites of the year. The exceptions were The Passenger and Dinosaurs both of which I thought were still pretty good but not favorites. It‘s such a good batch this year. 2y
BarbaraBB Great to read you loved so many of them. I loved Mouth to Mouth too and am kind of sorry I impulsively voted for The Rabbit Hutch as my zombie. I loved that one too but like you I think M2M can better use my vote 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
Well-ReadNeck @BarbaraBB I‘ve heard so many great things about The Rabbit Hutch. That will probably be the next one I pick up. 2y
megnews Welcome back! I‘ve missed your reviews. 2y
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Got some great #BookMail from Europa today!! Both of these are May releases.

sarahbarnes I didn‘t know Kawakami had another book coming out! I just got Heaven from the library and really liked Breasts and Eggs. 2y
BarbaraBB Like @sarahbarnes I had no idea she has written another book already. By the way, Heaven is really really good! 2y
Well-ReadNeck @sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB I 💕 Breast and Eggs and have Heaven on my reader!! Now I‘m even more excited about the latest! 2y
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sarahbarnes I‘m excited to read both of these! Glad to hear you liked Heaven @BarbaraBB! 2y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes Even more than B&E but it‘s a very hard subject (bullying) 2y
BarbaraBB Missing your reviews, I hope all is well 🤍 2y
vivastory I hope you are doing well & reading some good books 📚 2y
megnews Thought of you the other day and missing you here. Hoping all is well with you. 2y
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Friends Like These: A Novel | Kimberly McCreight
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Fun and fast read. But, there were some unanswered questions at the end and the direction of the final scenes was pretty clear around the halfway mark.

Don't Know Tough | Eli Cranor
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YAAAASSSSS! Absolutely loved this audiobook. Seriously, the BEST author-narrated book I‘ve ever heard. He was off the charts. Increadible All-American/Friday Night Lights Grit Lit. Will almost certainly be a top ten of the year read for me. #ARC #audiobook #Netgalley

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A sweet and charming Beauty and the Beast retelling. Thought she did a great job of making the story contemporary. #ARC #Netgalley

Liatrek Can‘t wait for this one to come out🙂 2y
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Delilah Green Doesn't Care | Ashley Herring Blake
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Some good steamy scenes, but the story was a bit lackluster for me.

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Yaaaaaaasssss! Loved this wonderful mystery novel with a comic book theme. The audiobook was great! And, the “comic book excerpts” (which in the print version are illustrated) played like an old fashioned radio drama.

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The Love Hypothesis | Ali Hazelwood
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This is just the absolute cutest! It has all the tropes: grumpy/sunny; fake dating; whoops shared room. So much fun.

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The Night Shift | Alex Finlay
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A fun, fast-paced thriller with past crime/present crime set up. The past crime takes place at a Blockbuster on New Year‘s Eve 1999, for a little nostalgia. Enjoyed the #audiobook narrated by a full cast.

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I adored Dial A for Aunties and this second in a series book delivered more of the same antics. But, that was sort of my rib with it, it felt like the same book and the repeat loses the freshness. #ARC

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When it rains, it pours!!! 🌦☔️📚

Soubhiville I‘ve been listening to The Nineties and really liking it. It‘s taking me back! Class of ‘93 🤘🤣 2y
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#BookMail from #LibraryThing #EarlyReviewers

I love how the dandelion in the crack on the front is echoed on the spine. 🪨🌼

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Unlike her earlier book, Quiet, this one be done don‘t quite gel for me. Some interesting ideas here, but the organization or something was off for me and it just didn‘t feel like a cohesive whole. #ARC #Edelweiss

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Really, no. Lauren Graham narration only seemed to make the protagonist more unlikeable?! And, the plot set up just didn‘t work for me.

KristiAhlers I felt the same way. I only read it as it was a book club choice. 2y
Laughterhp I didn‘t know Lauren Graham narrated books! 2y
marleed Haha - I gave it a pick purely for the Lauren Graham narration. In my head I saw this as Lorelei and Rory and then changed my mind to Lorelei and her mom. But there was a serious flaw in how this came together towards the end and I‘m surprised it got past editing. 2y
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The Verifiers | Jane Pek
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Such a fun and quirky mystery with a futuristic, techy plot. Great on #audiobook

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Apples Never Fall | Liane Moriarty
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Completely enjoyed Moriarty‘s latest. Both a mystery and a dysfunctional family saga. Lots of the same vibes as Nine Perfect Strangers. Listened on #audiobook which was 💯

Cathythoughts I read this recently & it was a good easy read 👍❤️ 2y
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Booth | Karen Joy Fowler
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Interesting premise. But, overly long for me and, welp, we all know how it ends. I didn‘t find this the spookily similar to current events narrative that so many proclaim. #ARC

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The Talented Ribkins | Ladee Hubbard
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Loved this book about a man looking back in his life (because he‘s being chased by enforcers for a man to whom he owes $$) of people who served as a Justice League of sorts for Civil Rights in the 1960s.

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Enjoyed this unusual serial killer thriller. The story begins with the killer on death row and unravels his story through flashbacks from the points of view of three women in his life: his mother, his sister-in-law; and the detective who caught him.

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Mickey7: A Novel | Edward Ashton
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Super fun sci-Fi. Read in combo egalley and #audiobook. Both were awesome sauce. Snarky and fun!! #ARC #NetGalley

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Recitatif | Toni Morrison
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Wow. Powerful short story by Toni Morrison. Zadie Smith‘s introduction (which I highly recommend be read only after u read the story) nails the discomfort that Morrison evokes for the reader. #ARC #Edelweiss

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A Novel Obsession: A Novel | Caitlin Barasch
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Just meh. Another someone behaving badly novel, but this one didn‘t do much with it. #ARC #Netgalley

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The Album of Dr. Moreau | Daryl Gregory
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Superbly weird. The WildBoyZ is a boy band made up of animal/human hybrids whose back story plays into a murder mystery.

RebL I have to tell my son about this book! We read The Island of Dr. Moreau aloud together. If the band doesn't have a song titled, “Are we not men?!“, then they aren't worth vivisecting. 2y
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Wow. I adored this strange novel that is part love story, part dystopian tale, part history lesson. Feels like a likely candidate for next year‘s Tournament of Books.

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Throughly entertaining Gatsby retelling featuring the ladies. Well done.

Bookwormjillk Love Gatsby. Stacking! 2y
LeslieO Love that cover! 2y
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Interlinked short story collection from the author of The Resisters. A similar sensibility to the author‘s previous novel. Loved the stories and the characters they contained. #audiobook

EvieBee Sounds great! 2y
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A glorious retelling of a 13th c. Poem about a knight who was both a man and a woman. Wonderful and thoughtful take on gender; societal expectations; nature vs nurture; and the wonderful spectrum on which we all live.

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Drowning Practice | Mike Meginnis
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Loved the premise and early chapters were solid. But, along the way, the characters became abhorrent and the ending just did not do a thing for me. #ARC #netgalley

Wahala: A Novel | Nikki May
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janeycanuck Really?! What didn‘t work for you? This was a win for me. 2y
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The Violin Conspiracy | Brendan Slocumb
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Yaaaasss! Listened on #audiobook and the narration is 💯 An up and coming Black violinist learned that his instrument, which has been in his family for generations is a Strad. The story is ostensibly about finding the thief, but really speaks to racism and family in profound ways.

EvieBee I really liked the narrator of this audiobook, too! 2y
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Still enjoying this series. This story mirrors the Cinderella tale.

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Enjoyed this self-romance book. Cute and empowering.

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Great book. Very accessible and the information looks at gender equality in new (to me) ways. #ARC

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