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Thursday Murder Club
Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
"A little beacon of pleasure in the midst of the gloom...SUCH FUN!"--Kate Atkinson, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Big Sky Four septuagenarians with a few tricks up their sleevesA female cop with her first big caseA brutal murderWelcome to...THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUB In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet weekly in the Jigsaw Room to discuss unsolved crimes; together they call themselves The Thursday Murder Club. When a local developer is found dead with a mysterious photograph left next to the body, the Thursday Murder Club suddenly find themselves in the middle of their first live case. As the bodies begin to pile up, can our unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer, before it's too late?
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I am not with the majority here, I know, but I‘m not here to say this is a bad book. It‘s just not a book for me. I did not know it was a cozy mystery until I started reading it and just couldn‘t get into it hence why I had to bail. Cozy mystery lovers will definitely enjoy this!

AnnCrystal 💕🐶💝. 6d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 6d
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Can't remember the last time I was THIS excited for an adaptation...

Ruthiella I didn‘t realize Pierce Brosnan was so tall! 1w
CBee I am STOKED!!! Ben Kingsley! Helen Mirren! It‘s perfect 🤩 1w
Tamra Wow, what a cast! 1w
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1w
Aimeesue Exciting news! 1w
marleed I. Cannot. Wait! 📽️🎬 1w
Cupcake12 So looking forward to this x 1w
TheKidUpstairs @CBee @Tamra @Ruthiella @dabbe @Aimeesue @marleed @Cupcake12 GUYS!!! I just saw that David Tennant is in the cast as well. I don't know how I missed that. They haven't announced who he is playing, but OH MY GOSH! 3d
Tamra @TheKidUpstairs what?! Holy cow! 3d
TheKidUpstairs @CBee @Tamra @Ruthiella @dabbe @Aimeesue @marleed @Cupcake12 And Jonathan Pryce is playing Stephen, which is just perfect! 3d
CBee @TheKidUpstairs I knew about David Tennant (😍) but not Jonathan Pryce!! This is all just AMAZING news 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3d
TheKidUpstairs @CBee Tennant was announced last month, but somehow I missed it! And with Stephen it's strange, I never had a super clear picture of him in my head when reading (unlike Elizabeth who was always Helen Mirren) but as soon as I saw Pryce was cast I thought "yes! That's him!" Seriously, the casting director deserves an award for how perfectly they've cast this movie! 3d
CBee @TheKidUpstairs also! Richard E. Grant is in it! He‘s fantastic too. I‘m so intrigued to find out who Tennant will play. 3d
CBee @TheKidUpstairs and yes, agreed Pryce is perfect for Stephen (sweet Stephen). 3d
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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good fun and an easy and engaging read. happy to see he has others in this series and looking forward to spending more time with the gang.

The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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How delightful! Almost more of a character study than a mystery story, and lovely at that. The group of puzzle solvers is funny and bright and very enjoyable to spend time with, and the peripheral characters are just as well drawn and entertaining. The solution to it all ended up being sort of sweetly sad (there‘s a word for this I can‘t remember), and partly predictable partly not, which was fun. I‘ll definitely read more in the series.

Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Changing up my current reads in the hopes of getting over this lil slump — a cozy mystery is almost always a good bet! 🤞🏻

Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman

This story would make the cheesiest tv show, but as a book it is the perfect little fun murder mystery. A set of pensioners with the right skills are the perfect team to solve cold cases…and even better to solve a murder that happens right in front of them. Such a fun read that I‘ve already got book #2 on hold.

The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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1) Tag a favorite mystery you read
Just one?! 🤔 Okay. The Thursday Murder Club

2) What is your favorite way to prepare eggs?
Scrambled. With lots of cheddar cheese. 😋

WildAlaskaBibliophile ❤🍳thank you for playing! 2mo
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I really enjoyed this story and loved the characters. I told my daughter, “When your Dad and I can't live independently anymore, can you find me a luxury senior's home where the residents solve mysteries and drink lots of wine?“

#AwesomeApril @Andrew65
#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 47: Polteageist, Cosy mystery)

kwmg40 I'm using this for prompt 25 (An author “everyone“ has read except you) of #52bookclub because almost everyone I know has recommended this book to me.

One recommendation was from my daughter's friend. I asked, “Why would young people be interested in a series featuring senior citizens?“ His reply; “I like to think that, when I'm that old, my life would be just as interesting as those of the characters,“ which I thought was lovely!
Librarybelle I plan to read this one soon! 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Pogue squeeeeeeee 3mo
Ericalambbrown @Pogue right?!?!? So far it‘s been pretty much my dream casting! 3mo
Pogue @Ericalambbrown they just need to add Judy Dench! 3mo
marleed I can‘t wait! 3mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Thursday Murder Club casting news!


Thoughts? IMO Mirren and Kingsley are great choices, but Brosnan is not AT ALL how I picture Ron.

TrishB lol! Had this discussion today - everyone thought that about Ron! 3mo
TheKidUpstairs @TrishB it seems like such an odd choice! When I saw him, I thought he was maybe playing Stephen, no way can I picture him as Ron. I've still got my fingers crossed for Penelope Wilton as Joyce! 3mo
Ruthiella Helen Mirren is how I pictured Elizabeth already! But yeah, I pictured Ron as more of a bruiser. Remington Steele is too pretty. 3mo
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TheKidUpstairs @Ruthiella He's way too pretty. Wasn't Ron a former boxer? Brosnan doesn't look like he's taken enough punches 😂 3mo
Ruthiella @TheKidUpstairs His son is a boxer. Ron was a labor organizer. I don‘t remember his profession, but it was something working class. (edited) 3mo
staci.reads Oh my gosh, Helen Mirren will be a fabulous Elizabeth! I'm surprised by Brosnan, but I can see it. Can't wait to see who will be Joyce. 3mo
Bookzombie I‘m not sure about Brosnan either. I think I always picture him a little bit stouter, maybe a like a Brian Cox or Brendan Gleeson. Definitely was already picturing Mirren as Elizabeth, but I can‘t wait to see who will play Joyce. 3mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Happy Sunday! Storm Kathleen is still battering at my door here in N Ireland, but I'm snuggled up with books and coffee ☕☕☕ I just finished The Thursday Murder Club and it was fantastic!!! I picked it out of the book box in the village where I live ages ago and put off reading it as I thought it would be too 'cosy' crime for- but I loved it! It was so funny and sad and bittersweet and it has me guessing until the end! Loved it!💗

bthegood Loved that series - and stay safe 🙂 4mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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The Thursday Murder Club meets once a week to go through cold cases. But now they have their first real life murder mystery!

I really enjoyed this cosy mystery and the audio was excellent.

#SeriesLove2024 #MarvellousMarch

TheSpineView Fantastic! 4mo
Andrew65 An excellent series that only gets better. 👏👏👏 4mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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What a charming, fun, endearing, comical, and smart bunch of characters.

The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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This charming murder mystery takes place in a British retirement village, where four senior citizens gather each week to study a cold case. When a murder hits close to home, they set out to find the culprit, enlisting the aid of a young police officer and employing unorthodox methods to get to the truth. Great characters and a poignant humanity make this entertaining mystery a true delight. I will be on the lookout for more books in this series!

Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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"Well, let's start with Elizabeth, shall we?"



Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Multiple Miss Marples with updated twists- nothing too heavy and having some excellent “social justice throw away lines” without being preoccupied by this- keeping pace and murder at the forefront like any good mystery should.

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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Unpopular opinion:
For me, this one is between a so-so and a pan. Giving it a so-so because there was the hint of a decent story, but Osman drags everything out far too much? Are editors scared to tell celebrity authors that their books are too long? I was close to bailing several times on this one because of its verbosity.

Susanita As Anne Bogel says, it‘s never just you. I was looking forward to reading this for book club a couple years ago, but I didn‘t even finish it. 5mo
TheEllieMo @Susanita good to know it‘s not just me 5mo
majkia Altho I liked this particular book, there are many I haven't liked that the vast majority of readers loved. Read what you like and enjoy. We're all different. 5mo
marleed I love reading reviews where opinions about the book differ from my own. I think it makes me a better reader. 5mo
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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We do not deserve this man (Richard Osman) 🥹🥰 Joyce is my favorite character in these books (so much so that I get annoyed with her daughter and would like to give her a piece of mind, but that‘s another discussion 😆). Joyce‘s growth in the series is definitely noticeable. Can‘t wait for her next adventure with the gang.

📸: https://www.instagram.com/misterosman?igsh=N3hjNHpqcDZwa3do

jlhammar That‘s a great reply. Love Joyce! 5mo
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim, and Ron - from tagged series. I know it's 4 but.....

Thanks for the tags @TheSpineView and @dabbe !
#TLT #ThreeListThursday

Make a great day everyone 🕵️

TheSpineView You're welcome! 6mo
dabbe These are on my TBR; I have to get to them! Thanks for playing! ❤️💜🩷 6mo
bthegood @dabbe omg do - they are fun!! 6mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Currently reading The Thursday Club
My current hosts gifted me a book has anyone read it?


CoffeeNBooks I loved this book, and the entire Thursday Murder Club series! 7mo
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Agatha Christie meets Carl Hiaasen in this fun little mystery which manages to be extremely British and extremely cozy while also populated by a zany cast, including crooked developers, mysterious priests, ex-prize fighters, and drug dealers gone straight (unless…?) I avoided this for a long time, but the mystery felt well plotted and the interactions among the various characters tapped into honest emotion that exceeded my expectations. Very fun.

BarbaraBB Great photo 🥰 7mo
Smarkies This also took me by surprise. I am now reading the rest of the series. 7mo
Ruthiella These books just get better and better. 7mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I wasn‘t sure about this book when I first started it, and set it aside for some time. When I resumed it I was clearly in the right space and time and ended up really loving this unlikely band of friends. I think what I most liked is that it sees seniors as having full and imperfect lives, still having the same hopes and dreams as those much younger. I will definitely be reading the follow up as I want to rejoin these characters.

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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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It‘s not my usual read but it was our book club pick and I liked it a lot! Yes, it takes some time to get into it and everything seems ridiculous but somehow it all works out well! Once I read over half the book, it was smooth sailing from there on.

It‘s about Coopers Chase residents in their 80s solving murders in their club. There are more twists than you would expect and I think the relationships are even more interesting than the murders.

Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes This series is one of my favorites. 7mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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A solid start to a mystery series about a group of crime solving retirees. The characters are so much fun, though the mystery was a bit all over the place, I have heard the series gets way better, so I look forward to continuing in 2024. 4⭐️
#WinterGames Team #SnowAngels
@emilymdxn @kwmg40 @texreader @5feet.of.fury @sblbooks @msradiosilence @cogsofencouragement

Texreader Yes!! 7mo
Emilymdxn It‘s a great time of year for cosy mysteries. (edited) 7mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I think I'm in the minority with this one as I just didn't enjoy it that much. My #bookspin for the month @TheAromaofBooks #teamcryptkeepers @LiseWorks #spookoween @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Well done! 10mo
RaeLovesToRead 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 10mo
RaeLovesToRead UNPOPULAR OPINION!!!!! 🤣🤣 10mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
JenReadsAlot @RaeLovesToRead please don't hate me! Lol 10mo
RaeLovesToRead Try the second one in the series... I am surprised by how popular these have been in the US, because they are full of British cultural references 🤣 10mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Traci1 That is such a terrific series! 10mo
LiseWorks This was good, i have to read the next one 10mo
readingjedi Great book, excellent mug! 🎃 10mo
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Hi Barbara! Congratulations on such fabulous milestones! Thanks for the giveaway, & thanks for all the effort you put in to making Litsy the fun, engaging & welcoming community it is.

I haven‘t thought about what‘s coming out next year but I guess there will be a new Thursday Murder Club adventure & since I‘m only up for light reading right now I‘m going for that.

@thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Freespirit want to enter?


squirrelbrain No more Thursday Murder Club for a while I‘m afraid ( but The Last Devil To Die is soooo good!). He‘s started on a new series about a father and daughter-in-law duo - still investigating crimes I think. (It‘s not the end of the Club though - there will be more. 😮‍💨) 10mo
CarolynM @squirrelbrain Thanks for that, Helen. The new series has just become my most anticipated read 🙂 10mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Oh gosh, I haven‘t given much thought to what‘s coming out next year either. Time to hit up goodreads for a most anticipated in 2024 list 🤣 10mo
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BarbaraBB That new series sounds good too! Are you still do busy with and worrying about your parents Carolyn? I feel you 🩵 10mo
CarolynM @BarbaraBB I‘ve got a bit more time to myself, but still a lot of worry. It‘s an emotional roller coaster ❤️💙 Hope you and your family are all well😘 (edited) 10mo
erzascarletbookgasm I look forward to the next Thursday Club instalment too 🙂 10mo
BarbaraBB I know what you mean, I‘ve got the same worries since my father died last year. Fortunately my mother lives not as far away as yours parents. 10mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Now that I'm home from vacation it's time for #bookspinbingo and #scarathlon @TheAromaofBooks @LiseWorks

LiseWorks Good choices 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Enjoy!! 10mo
KLyn1 You'll have to let me know about the "Goid Girl's Guide"... I bought the series for Rylee... 10mo
JenReadsAlot @KLyn1 Will do! 10mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Great choices for #bookspin! Thanks @TheAromaofBooks ❤️❤️❤️

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 10mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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This little paragraph poetically describes the different stages of life! As someone rushed off my feet with young kids, I totally relate, and sometimes look forward to the winter of my life when things get quieter 🙊

The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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This book is so cosy. I‘ve always been a fan of the old cosy mystery novels (think Miss Marple, Poirot, Inspector Montalbano, Sherlock Holmes) and it‘s high time to bring new authors into this micro-genre. Osman does a fabulous job of introducing all the characters, it‘s really easy to keep up with them all and the plot moves along a steady pace. It‘s not highly realistic or gritty, or graphic…and that‘s what I love about it.

The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I am so glad that this is the first in a series, as I really want to know what the characters in this novel are up to next. I have fallen in love with all of them, but they are not grandparently types, in the least. There is intelligence, snark, manipulation, stubbornness, blackmail, secrets, intrigue, and, of course, murder. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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This was a fun, strangely comforting crime novel. Great characters! Definitely want to read the next one. I also enjoyed the author interview at the end of the novel. The interviewer (author Marian Keyes) was a little overly effusive with her praise, but the interview reminded me how little I know about class differences in the UK, which suggests that while I enjoy British fiction, as a United Statesian I am likely missing a lot of nuance.

Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I‘d avoided this because big hype always makes me nervous. But prompted by a friend I finally picked this up, and I have no regrets. It‘s wholesome, charming, and cozy. If these are the vibes you‘re looking for this is sure to delight.

squirrelbrain They get better with each book too! 11mo
batsy @squirrelbrain Glad to hear that! I too enjoyed this and have been meaning to get to the others. 11mo
ClairesReads @batsy @squirrelbrain that‘s great news- I think I‘ll line the second one up soon! 11mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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This book was so much fun! It's one of the rare ones that made me chuckle out loud. I loved the characters, especially Elizabeth and Ibrahim, and will definitely continue the series so I can revisit them and their world.

LeslieO And they just keep getting better! 12mo
Aims42 I agree 100% with @LeslieO 🙌 Such a fun series! 12mo
staci.reads @LeslieO @Aims42 Ahh! That makes me so happy to hear! I'm always thrilled to stumble into a good series! 12mo
behudd Love every book in this series! All so good! 12mo
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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2023 Quidditch Cup Reading Challenge! My next 7 prompts are complete!

🧹Starfish Stick: Related to the sea- remarkably bright creatures
🧹Wronski Feint: Misdirection- TMC
🧹Bludger: Knock your socks off (or off your broom!) - TMC 2
🧹Keeper: Character you fall in love with- TMC 3
🧹Firebolt: Contains a gift - matchmaker‘s gift
🧹Chaser: A hard to catch book - Cloisters
🧹Pride of Portree: Related to the LGBTQIA+ Community - charm offensive

The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Quick read. Like the sense of humor. Over all, I like and enjoy this although not love it.

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Easy summer read

The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Finally! A title from my adult picks for #serieslove2023 Read this for book club and I was a little disappointed after hearing all the love for this book. There are a lot of characters to keep track of and I think I would have liked more senior home moments. Overall it was a decent murder mystery and I will try book 2.

TheSpineView Awesome!📖📘📚 13mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 I think the series gets better. 13mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Well, wasn‘t this delightful? The characters were all a delight (except the ones who ended up dead) and the plot was a delight and the writing was a delight. An all around delight!

Book 1 for #14books14weeks2023

TheKidUpstairs This series is one of my happy places :) 14mo
TheHeartlandBookFairy What a delightful review 😁👍 14mo
janeycanuck @TheKidUpstairs @TheHeartlandBookFairy I love a heart-warming murder mystery 😄 14mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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🎧 Felt like a cross between Murder She Wrote, NCIS (Tony senior‘s murder club), with plenty of British humor.

You‘ve got retired amateur detectives solving a couple murders close to home. A union boss, a psychiatrist, a detective, a crime solver & a nurse who narrates the story via journal entries. All bring something to the table.

Loved the actual detectives protective of the group as they bumbled into multiple red herrings.



The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Now I know why everyone loves this book. An absolute delight! Humorous, and plenty of surprises to keep me guessing. Totally lovable characters. I love how this book affirms the many ways senior citizens, with their wit, wisdom, and years of experience, can be vital members of society. Looking forward to reading more of this series!
#BigFabBeatlesChallenge (When I‘m 64)

CSeydel Good one! 1y
TheSpineView Awesome! 1y
Ruthiella I think the second book is even better! 1y
Andrew65 An excellent series that only gets better. 👏👏👏 1y
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Turns out my Director & my Corporate Trainer at my new job are fairly big readers which is always nice. One of them recommended this start of a mystery series which I had seen but didn‘t know much about & my library hold came in so I snuck it in this month. Delightful! Fun & intriguing characters at a retirement community in the U.K. have a club to solve murders & work with the (somewhat reluctant) local police. Lots of good twists & turns that ⬇️

DebinHawaii … kept me guessing. The witty banter had me giggling & the heart of these characters even made me tear up a time or two. Definitely recommend! I want more, so I put a hold on book 2 & I am adding this series to my #SeriesLove2023 list. ❤️ (edited) 1y
LiteraryinLawrence This is a fun series! Congrats on having readingful coworkers! 1y
paper.reveries Glad you were convinced to check it out, because it's a fantastic series! 1y
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squirrelbrain This series gets better with each book. 1y
LeahBergen I have the second one lined up to read soon. 👍 1y
rockpools Isn‘t it fun having reading colleagues? And I agree with @squirrelbrain - the series gets better each book! 1y
Andrew65 As others have said it is a great series, and I think the books only get better. 1y
TheSpineView Sounds gpod! I love books with humor. Well done 1y
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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SOOOO good!! Wow, this one really had my heart pumping at the end there. So many brilliant twists and turns that had me guessing all the way through. And the MOST lovable characters you‘ll ever meet!

Lucy_Anywhere I really enjoyed this as well! I was feeling smug at one point because I was confident I‘d figured it out only to be proved completely wrong 😂 1y
Karisimo The series gets even better with each book! 1y
dabbe Lovable characters and a murder? #stacked 🤣🤩🤗 1y
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BennettBookworm @Lucy_Anywhere same here! @dabbe I hope you love it! And @Karisimo I‘m so pumped to start book 2! 1y
dabbe @BennettBookworm With your excellent review, what could go wrong? 🤗 1y
paper.reveries Absolutely adored this one, too! I got the sequel but haven't touched it yet. Maybe this is my reminder to get to it!! 1y
BennettBookworm @paper.reveries I‘m halfway through the sequel and loving it! Highly recommend! 14mo
paper.reveries @BennettBookworm So happy to hear!! 14mo
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The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I‘m currently into typical British crime mysteries because they are easy too read and do not ask for too much thinking. This one was a good start for me to come back to reading. For me, it started off slowly and I was actually asking myself whether to go on or not, but it picked up pace and I really enjoy it. I liked the idea of a retirement home being placed onto the estate of a former convent - including the chapel and the graveyard. 😳

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