Ch 19: the colonel drives me nuts #butfirst #veronicasdadwontlethermarryvictor #whoapparentlyisworkinginhisdadbod #thecolonelhangswiththegirls #hispoorwife #ronniewalksoffwitheileen #bizarrechapter #vignettes #hashtagbrigade
Ch 19: the colonel drives me nuts #butfirst #veronicasdadwontlethermarryvictor #whoapparentlyisworkinginhisdadbod #thecolonelhangswiththegirls #hispoorwife #ronniewalksoffwitheileen #bizarrechapter #vignettes #hashtagbrigade
I‘ve fallen behind on my reading of this one. Cedric says after an appropriate amount of time spent kneading humans it might be permissible to return to drinking tea and reading my missed chapters.
#morningvibes #humansdonthaveenoughtinyclawsinthem #hashtagbrigade
Ch 18: apparently knitting socks makes people avoid you 🤷🏻♀️ #illhavetorememberthat #miltontriedtowritesomeletters #sydneyshowsupwithherjewels #miltonisnotinterested #sydneyseekshimoutagain #sheaskshimthistime 💍 #imhappyandsadforhimallatonce #thiscantendwell #mrsdoublenameisacreeper #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#WeirdWordWednesday @CBee
Both of these words were in the same paragraph in chapter 14 of the tagged book we‘re reading with #ThehashtagBrigade. I think they‘re both of German origin.
Ch 17: apparently it‘s Sydney‘s fault that she and Ronnie aren‘t hitting it off #kerrdrivesmenuts #ronnieisawetnoodle #ittakestwototango #justgivemethepastries #hashtagbrigade
This Monday finds me back on the 🇮🇹 Italian Riviera the 1920s at a resort hotel populated mainly by English tourists. As I roam the grounds, I can see many of my read-along companions from the #HashtagBrigade
Ch 16: visiting the villa #whererussiansobviouslythinkinenglish 🙄 #ronniegoesoffwithfitzgerald 🤔 #miltondoesnotlikehimatall #ronnieisntafanofsydney #andaroundandaroundwego #thattankscenethough #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
“Does it seem to you,“ she said weightily, “that this world is entirely divided into rather stupid men and very silly women? And that the stupid are all one will ever have to hope for and that the silly are all one can ever become?“
Sydney, thoughtful over this, was certain that there must be other variations.
Ch 15: Veronica giving off Lucy Steele vibes #veronicainvadessydney #everyonefeelssorryforsydney #kerrgaveherthegoby #VIssecretlyengaged #fornow 🤷🏻♀️ #vthinksmiltonwillproposetoS #ifsheonlyknew #somuchunrequitedlove #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: the one where Kerr compares Ronnie to white tiles 🤣 #bizarrechapter #blinddancinggirl #ronnieisuncomfy #sydneyandkerrgettingavillatogether #onlynotreally #ronnieandkerrarebizarretogether #mybeautiful #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: better late than never! #sydneyandcordeliavisitacemetary #cordeliacracksmeup #sheknowsallthethings #sydneystartsthinkingaboutmilton #hmmmm #maybemyfavoriteconversationsofar #horridlittleghoul 🤣 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Yall, I‘m so sorry, I have a friend visiting this weekend and I didn‘t get to today‘s chapter! I will try and catch up later tonight or tomorrow and will post as soon as I catch up! #hashtagbrigade
“Don't you know any people? Do you like them so much?“ Cordelia inquired. “How funny! I only like people in books who only exist when they matter.“
Ch 12: dear Mrs Kerr, this is a cute puppy #imjustsaying #miltonaskssydneytowalk#cordeliainvitesherselfalong #miltonisunthrilled #hesendscordeliafordates #andthenheproposes 💍 #thatendedwell 🙄 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 11: a gala #ronniehasarrived #mrskerrcantbefound #thecolonelisacheatingcheaterwhocheats #poormrsD #doublenamebringsronnietohismom #whydoifeellikemiltonknowshim #speakingofmilton #heblowsoffeileen #hesinlovewithsydney #stalker 👀 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
My book finally arrived!!! Now, to catch up!
Ch 10: love the Austen reference #idontthinksydneywouldliketobecomparedtocharlotte #anyway #miltonlikessydney ⁉️#heseemsintriguedwithronnie #interesting #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9: Cordelia though 🤣 #sydneybuyscarnationsforkerr #kerrisexcitedthatronnieiscoming #thisconfusessydney #ronniehasaguardian #thatsinteresting #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: pick a little talk a little #theseladiesaretheworst #talkingtrashaboutsydneyandkerr #tessdoesntdefendher #syndneycomesinforastamp #thoseladieshavenoshame #sydneyhadthelastword #staytuned #vignettes #hashtagbrigade
Ch 7: when the elevator breaks down… #andofcourseitsraining #obviouslycantusethestairs 🙄 #trappedonthefirstfloortogether #whatswithalltheseoldermenflirtingwithyoungerwomen #MrDlikesJoan #shesobsessedwithvictor #somanyawkwardpeople #thepastorlikesjoantooapparently #drama #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
My copy finally arrived! I did read the first chapter on Hoopla, but I dislike reading on my phone. Now to catch up! 😃
Ch 6: 💋#victorshowsup #veronicasaidshedoesntlikehim #nobodylikeshim #wellmaybesomeonedoes #poordoublename #triestotellastory #hardlyanyoneislistening #victorcrashestheparty #veronicagoesoffwithhim #towashherhands #isthatwewecallitthesedays 💋💋💋 #somehowmiltonisthebadguy 🤷🏻♀️ #picnicfail #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 5: picnic time #whatamotleycrew #lovetriangle #mrskerrleftsydneybehind #miltonthinksheknowsher #shesaysnope #notmuchhappened #alotofnamesthrownaround #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
A friend gifted me a ridiculous amount of hostas so my day of leisure reading blew up in my face as I wrangled 14 of the 17 into spots in my front yard. I was hot and filthy so I took my #hashtagbrigade reading to the tub and reset myself to rights
Ch 4: ok, this was fun 🛁 #thepinkertonladiesandtheirprivatebath #enteracluelessman #bathtime #canyouimaginetheringaroundthattub #ohthehorror #iwonderhowmiltonknowssydney #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday @CBee
I love incredibly specific color words, and ones that are fun to say. I was definitely able to picture viridescent silk when it came up in a scene, but I looked it up anyway and was so fascinated to learn that part of the nature of viridescence is something becoming green. I can‘t think of another color word quite like that.
Ch 3: anemones #shortchapter #tessaisadelight 🤣 #determinedtobeill #andalsotodiet #butalsonottobotheranyone #peoplewatchingatlunch #mrdoublenameisahoot #noclueatall #mrskerrmakesagrandentrance #pymisasadcreature #thatquarrelisintriguing #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Getting a slightly belated start on this #hashtagbrigade selection, but excited to read another Bowen.
Went to the Labor Day 20% off BYOBag sale at the craft store for envelopes, stickers & stuff for fall.
Now at the coffeeshop for a dirty chai latte with oatmilk & and pump of coconut syrup & lemon poppyseed cake. Finshed today‘s chapter of the tagged book for #HashTagBrigade & a goal to finish my final 5 #LitsyLove responses.
A mellow Labor Day before a busy week including Hilo tomorrow.
Ch 2: what is it about Mrs Kerr? #sydneycantplaywhileshewatches #herpoorpartner #offtothelibrary #kerrwantsydneytipickabookforher #shewontreaditthough 🤷🏻♀️ #kerrhasason #thatlibraryscenewasabitpretentious #readthatflufftessa #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers
A lovely slightly early #hyggehour saw me curled up on clean sheets cracking the cover of some of my brand new September reads starting with this month‘s #hashtagbrigade selection.
#bookspin #doublespin For anyone who hasn‘t peeked at the numbers yet we‘ll say that on my list number hot cocoa was a book from my own shelves and number chai latte was a group read. In the end I actually ended up picking two group reads, but my copy of The Flight Portfolio is a kindle edition (which has been proving super useful for all the build in French and German translation). September reading is off to a great start! @TheAromaofBooks
September hopefuls. This doesn‘t include my ebooks nor audiobooks.
I love the cover of my edition for this month‘s #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade read!
My #boringkindlecover for @BarkingMadRead
The first chapter made me want to go outside and play tennis.
Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers
#AboutABook @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Looking forward to rereading this with #theHashtagBrigade @BarkingMadRead
Next up for #hashtagbrigade hosted by @barkingmadread
original post:
Next up for the #hashtagbrigade is the Hotel! If you would like to join us, drop a comment below! Everyone is welcome, but fair warning: my hashtags are often ridiculous and always spoilers for the chapter, so be sure to read the chapter before you read my post! We will be reading a chapter a day, starting September 1st.