Ch 4.5: these short chapters 🎄 🎁 #theservantsarefreakedbytheghost #theyallwanttoquit #ludototherescue #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4.5: these short chapters 🎄 🎁 #theservantsarefreakedbytheghost #theyallwanttoquit #ludototherescue #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4.4: #themarchionessisaghost 🤷🏻♀️ #shortchapter #nocrying #somefainting #blessed #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4.3: Ok, it won‘t let me add a pic 🙄 it was a bottle of ☠️ #anyway #macaroniisintrouble #karma #thecountgoesfree 🤷🏻♀️ #emilyissad #again #dorotheefinallytalks #sortof #lotsofasubtlehints #marquislovesmarchionessloveschevier #maybepops 🤷🏻♀️ #emilylookslikeher #hmmmmm #marquispossiblypoisonedthemarchioness ☠️ #theresanotherportrait #whichofcoursewedontgettohearabout 🙄 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4.2: short chapter! #blessed #hallelujah #oh #andemilykicksVtothecurb #peaceoutjerk #byeeeeee #soproud #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4.1: everyone is crying now 🙄 #valancourtcomestoseeEmily #somuchbegging #somuchgaslighting #emilyofferstoseehimagain 🙄 #andsomehowconvincesherselfheisthesameoldV 🙄 #also #dorotheestillhasntcomeby 🙄 #myeyeshurtfromrollingsomuch #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.13: bringing this one back 🤣 #letsgetdowntoit #emilyissad #dorotheeseespopspic #itstheladyofthehouse #shocker #emilysrealmom ❓#hmmmmm #dorotheepromisestocomebackandtell #becausegodforbidanyoneevertellsastoryimmediately #timeforsomepagandancing 🤣 #valancourt ‼️ #beingadick #iwonderwhy #thecountcluesusin #finallyastorytoldimmediately #confirmsVisadick #shocker 🙄 #emilyfaints #shocker 🙄 #Vwilldefendhimself #inpart4 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.11: so much thithering going on #thatstotallyaword #thitherhere #thitherthere #boatingaround #blahblahblah #alongcomesastorm #washesemilyandcompanyashore #blanchesfaminvitesthemin #ofcoursethecreeperknowsthecount #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.10: oh good, another new character 🙄 #helloblanche #whatsthepoint #iguesswewillfindoutsoon #miserableparents #broseemsnice #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #verdant
Ch 3.9: this is who I picture when Ludo comes around 🤣 #ludofindstheprisoner #whohasemilyspic #valancourt ‼️ #ludoarrangesameeting #notvalancourt #emilyfaints #obviously #valancourtwasneverthecreeper #sorrymydude #verezzishowsup #wait #wasthathisname #whatever #verezzifightscreeper #creeperwins #ludoandcreeperescapewiththegirls #headingbacktofrance #whew #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.8: back to the castle we go #deadbodieseverywhere #macaronimakingcreepypromises #emilybeingchasedinthedark 👀 #emilysignsthepapers 🙄 #andofcoursemacaronilies #ludowilltrytoaneakherout #butfirst #themusicisback #isitvalancourt #omgialmostforgot #thecountisinjail 🤣 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
OK, I‘m satisfied with that information about Morano. Let‘s move along now. #hashtagbrigade #accumulatemoremisfortunesplease #countkidnapper #countdickwad
Ch 3.7: all caught up! #well #somuchcrying #alittleverdantverdure #ijinxedmyself 🤷🏻♀️ #emilyhasafriend #shesleftatacottagewithanassassin #whatcouldgowrong #lovelywalks #dancingfortheseanymphs #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.5: #auntiesfuneralfinallyhappens #macaroniwantsemilytosignpapers #totallyliesaboutthem #emilyrefuses #soproud #andnowwewait #emilythinksitsvalancourttoo #butwhoisitreally #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.4: more drama #macaroniwantsthosepaperssigned #auntiesayshellno #emilygoestorest #guardwithaflamingsword #wtf #auntiediesduringastorm #thiscantendwellforemily #blessedlyshortchapter #hashtagbrigade
Hope I'm not too late to join this fabulous party! I hope to finish SOVEREIGN today because the discussion is tomorrow! I also hope to attempt to catch up to the #hashtagbrigade with UDOLPHO. If only the book were actually as interesting as the cover I found above. I'm gonna try.
Welcome back, @Andrew65. You have been missed. 🧡🤎💛
Ch 3.3: some discoveries #macaronirobbingpeople #fightingamongstthieves #auntieisalive #butforhowlong #thecreeperisback #apparentlyhesthedevil 😈 #seemslegit #emilywasalittlebraveforlikefiveminutes #staytuned #happythanksgiving #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.2: The Count is back #kidnapper #well #failedkidnapper #thatsprettymuchit #shortchapter #hallelujah #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.1: I‘m in Disney this week so my posts may be sporadic 🤣 I promise that by Monday night, all the chapters will be posted! #anyway #emilygoestomeetheraunt #Bissupercreepy #heleadsherpastanopengrave #whichistotallynormalandnotatallcreepy #heleavesemilybehindtocheckwithauntie #whoisupstairsbuthegoesdown #thatsnotweird #emilychecksbehindacurtain #auntie? ☠️ #ofcourseshefaints #andwakesupmidkidnap #whichmightnotsuck #macaronitotherescue ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Ch 2.12: this is how I picture Annette IYKYK #downtonabbey #anyway #stilllookingforauntie #gateguyhasnews #hessosketchy #gateguysayshehasauntie #emilyshouldcomethenextday #whatcouldgowrong #andnowshewaitsfirmysterymusic #apparantlyplayedbyorsini #thehiddendude #staytunedforpart3 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 2.10: it all started with some #poisonedwine #whotriedtokillmacaroni #heblamesauntie #thatsconvenient #auntieislockedintheturret #fightingensues ⚔️ #emilyrunstohide #shefindsaninjuredman #leaveshimandruns #managestostartherfireandlightherlamp #offtofindauntie #whatcouldgowrong #annetteislockedinaroom #worriedaboutL #wasLtheinjureddude 🤷🏻♀️ #tothetower #bloodeverywhere #noanswerfromauntie ☠️ #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 2.9: ok, this was not too bad 🤣 #annetteseesaghost 👻 #faints #macaroniismeantoauntie #faints #emilycracksherheadopen #doesntcry #hmmmmm #auntiemayhavetoliveinthetower #macaroniwantstoleadthenoodlegang #robinhoodheisnot #macaronihassomeonehiddennexttoemily #notaverysmarthidingplace #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 2.8: a blessedly short chapter about Valancourt #sosad #sosad #sosad #partytime 🎉🎉🎉 #hashtagbrigade
#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords @CBee
To find a worthier definition of the word SUBLIME, here's a link:
Ch 2.7: more drama in a shorter chapter! #emilyseesapaintingoftheoriginalowner #shesworriedthatmacaroniisdangerous #macaronieantsauntiesmoney #becauseheisbroke #karmaforauntie #sheisnotprotectingemily #creeperseverywhere #macaronitellsthestoryoftheladyinthepainting #assumeddeadbysuicide #nobody #strangevoiceintheroom 👻👻👻 #isthischicklivinginthewalls 😳 #thatwouldbeamazing #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#Two4Tuesday is my fav question, thanks @TheSpineView
1/ I tend to plan ahead what I read, one of my favourite things is lining up future reads.
2/ I'm going to go for the #currentread for #hashtagbrigade, this one didn't go to plan, it took me 5 months to read and I was sure when I finished I'd think never again but no, it's left an impression and I would definitely read again, next time I'm hoping it doesn't take this long.
Ch 2.6: omg endless chapter! #emilysroomiscreepy #someoneboltedthebackdoor #timetocheckthatpainting :::faints::: #omgscariestthingever ::::swoons:::: #wtfisit #tellllllme #shetriestotellauntie #changeshermind #weepsalittle #takesawalk #themacaronigangarrives #stillnocount #letsfaintanyway #somuchbetterthancrying #bedtime #thecountarrives #swoon 👻👻👻 #butno #itsthefreakingcount #inemilysroom #macaronisoldemilytohim #thenchangedhidmind ⬇️⬇️⬇️
@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag! 💛🤎🧡)
1. I love to plan and make lists. Actually performing the lists, though ... well, that's another story entirely. 😂
2. If you want to read an early Gothic novel where everything (at least so far) just happens to our heroine while she weeps unendingly, then this is the book for you! 😄
If you read all of this, you're 🔖!
Ch 13: so.much.crying. #whoa #somuchhappened #auntiesaysemilycanmarryV #becauseitwouldmakeauntiepopular #obviously #butwait #youknowwhatsbetter #auntieusesthedecorforemilysweddingonherself #becausesheeloped #withmacaroni #yesiknowthatsnothisname #macaronisaysemilycantmarryV #muchcrying #manyletters #mostlyunread #vandemilymeetinthegarden #VWantstoelope #saysmacaroniisbad #emilysaysno #morecrying #morecrying #morecrying #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
I didn‘t read any nonfiction yesterday but inspired by our chapter of Udolpho I did look up the definitions of verdant and verdure.
Verdant- green with grass or other rich vegetation
Verdure- lush green vegetation
#NFN #Hashtagbrigade
@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag! 😘)
1. I am all about the melancholy, and sunsets bring that out in me. A sunset over saguaros is quite breathtaking.
2. Gothic, France, Pyrenees
Play? @mcctrish @Cuilin @AnnCrystal
Ch 4: ok that was a lot of very beautifully written #blahblahblah and then 💥 #gunshot #butfirst #valancourtsaysgoodbye #emilyandpopstravelon #untiltheyareaccosted #butarethey 💥 #popsshootsvalancourt #ooooops #Vmissedpops #orsohesays #ithinkhemissedemily #hmmmmmm #ishethecreeper #theydecidetotraveltogether #popsistired #totheconventtheygo #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 33: travel time #carriagepulledbydonkeys #whoapparentlydeservearoomattheinn #gross 💩 #valancourtisinteresting #abitofanenigma #imintrigued #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 2: interesting…… #mamasfuneral #popswantsemilytomoveon #soofcoursehebringshertovisitthefam #whoisthrowingaparty #theweekofthefuneral #thatscold #emilychatswithsomedudes #neitherseemedlikeawinnertome 🤷🏻♀️ #popsissadaboutthetrees #thefevercomesback #timetotravel #butfirst #emikycatchespopsmooningoversomeotherladiespic #dude #yeahispelledemilywrong #notfixingit 🤣 #hashtagbrigade
“On the pleasant banks of the Garonne, in the province of Gascony, stood, in the year 1584, the chateau of Monsieur St. Aubert.“
Let's go, #hashtagbrigade! 🧡🍁💛
Ch 1: who remembers this toy? 🤣 🐛 #andsowebegin #emilyisalittlespoiled #notinabadway #hermomanddadaresoinlove #thefamisabitmuchthough #backtoemily #secretadmirerorcreeper #youdecide #poormomgetssickanddies #tragedysosoon #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Repost for @BarkingMadRead
Ok #hashtagbrigade our final book of the year! If you would like to be tagged for 57 chapters of hashtag fun, drop a comment below! This is open to anyone wants to join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers, so don‘t read my post until you‘ve read the chapter!
Ok #hashtagbrigade our final book of the year! If you would like to be tagged for 57 chapters of hashtag fun, drop a comment below! This is open to anyone wants to join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers, so don‘t read my post until you‘ve read the chapter!
Classic. Highly suggest you make like Catherine Moreland and get your read on.
(Picture from an unrelated girl‘s night out event.)
📸by oreamnosoddities
Once I got over just how long this novel was, I was on a roll. The heroine certainly got her money's worth out of adventure.
#horror #gothichorror
I also got this fabulous mug decorated with books by female writers (I already have the other bookish mug they do!) from Santa 💖
I've only read 4 of the books, but I own a few more waiting to be read and I've found some new additions to the TBR too...
How many have you read? Are there any you'd particularly recommend?
Now to make myself a mug of tea 😁
Some lovely poetry and descriptions of nature (though excessive, perhaps). I did get a little weary of Emily becoming ‘insensible‘ (apparently the 18th century equivalent to swooning 😂).
I loved this so much more than I thought I would. Little drawn out at times but overall compelling writing, enchanting plot and delightful characters. 5 ⭐️
@mklong how you doing?
@zezeki @deblovestoread @librarybelle @kwmg40 @ruthiella @clare-dragonfly @cuilin 1d